12/31/2020 NEWS AM We Got This") with English subtitles" ,קטן עלינו) Katan Aleinu

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=58AjdhGSaTU "If this spirit shall ever be so far debased as to tolerate a law not obligatory on the legislature, as well as on the people, the people will be prepared to tolerate anything but liberty." -- James Madison (1751-1836), Father of the Constitution for the USA, 4th US President Source: THE FEDERALIST No. 57 Read the Prophets & PRAY WITHOUT CEASING! That is the only hope of this nation! Plead for Grace and Mercy

Please That the world would - W A K E U P. remember Time for a worldwide repentance! these folks in ALL US soldiers fighting for our freedom around the world, Pray for those in our prayer- Check government to repent of their wicked corrupt ways. often – they Pray for WS – Lady hospitalized in ICU with Covid change Pray for RP – Question of cancer undergoing workup -is doing well. Still confused as to source Pray for LAC – recurrent cancer getting treatment Pray for Ella – emotionally disturbed abused child and brother with ? heart problem Pray for JN – Neuro disease Pray for MS – Job issues and change Pray for BB – Severe West Nile Fever – being discharged from Rehab – still not mobile Pray for RBH – cancer recurrence Pray for Felicia – post op problems – continuing Pray for SH and family – lady’s husband passed away and she is in Nursing home. Not doing well. Pray for MP – Very complex problems Pray that The Holy One will lead you in Your preparations for handling the world problems. – Have YOU made any preparations?

Genesis 11:1And the whole earth is of one pronunciation, and of the same words, 2and it cometh to pass, in their journeying from the east, that they find a valley in the land of Shinar, and dwell there; 3and they say each one to his neighbour, `Give help, let us make bricks, and burn them thoroughly:' and the brick is to them for stone, and the bitumen hath been to them for mortar. 4And they say, `Give help, let us build for ourselves a city and tower, and its head in the heavens, and make for ourselves a name, lest we be scattered over the face of all the earth.'

ETBPF has a new venue called Discord. It is a private web site where we are posting news and the daily news posting and you can respond with posts if you want. This ‘app’ can be used almost like facebook and twitter but without the intervention. We are just starting it and a bit slow to learn how to use it but it helps keep us off the Big Guys. It is a freebee and private. We have set levels of access to make sure only real responsible people are able to access. You can look at and join by going to: https://discord.gg/4576x47ezN

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Second explosion heard near presidential palace in Yemen’s Aden after deadly blast at airport where unity govt arrived – reports 30 Dec, 2020 15:22 / Updated 3 hours ago

A security personnel and people react during an attack on Aden airport moments after a plane landed carrying a newly formed cabinet for government-held parts of Yemen, in Aden, Yemen December 30, 2020. © REUTERS / Fawaz Salman Local news have reported yet another explosion in Yemen, this time near the presidential palace, to which the new cabinet fled following the blast at Aden airport. Yemen’s new government was transferred to the palace right after an explosion disrupted their arrival to Aden airport earlier today. It occurred as the officials were arriving to Aden from Riyadh, where cabinet members had a swearing-in ceremony that followed prolonged coalition talks brokered by the Saudis. The destructive explosion at the airport resulted in more than 20 people being killed, and at least 60 injured, according to Salem Al-Shabhi, a senior health official who spoke to the Independent. Also on rt.com Explosion and gunfire shakes Aden Airport in Yemen as plane carrying new government lands (VIDEO) The new government was formed to cement an alliance between the Cabinet of Yemen, backed by Saudi Arabia, and the Southern Transitional Council. Amid the Yemeni civil war, both factions now stand against the Houthi rebels controlling the country’s North. Earlier today, the Houthis denied responsibility for the airport attack. https://www.rt.com/news/511132-yemen- aden-second-blast-palace/ [And there will be wars and rumors of wars in diverse places. AND HOW – rdb]

'Terrorist attack’ on bus in Syria between Deir ez-Zor and Palmyra kills at least 25 – state media 30 Dec, 2020 17:50 / Updated 2 hours ago A passenger bus on the road between Deir ez-Zor and Palmyra came under attack by terrorists, resulting in the death of at least 25 people on board, reported the Syrian state news agency SANA. Another 13 people were injured. The attack took place on Wednesday afternoon local time, near the town of Kobajjep (Kabajeb), about 50 kilometers along the M20 road from Deir ez-Zor. Though the terrorist group Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS) officially holds no more territory, there have been reports of their presence in the desert between the Euphrates river and Palmyra, an ancient city that changed hands several times during the Syrian conflict. So far, no one has claimed responsibility for the attack. Earlier in the day, one person was killed and three more injured in a rocket attack on Nabi Habil, some 30 miles (50km) outside of Damascus, which the Syrian government blamed on . https://www.rt.com/news/511157-syria-terror- attack-bus/

Gabi Ashkenazi quits Blue and White, as party further disintegrates Gantz’s deputy says he’s ‘taking time off’ from politics, hails party’s achievements in reining in ‘adventurism’; plans to stay on as foreign minister as long as needed By TOI staff Today, 4:28 pm Foreign Minister Gabi Ashkenazi announced on Wednesday that he was taking a break from politics and leaving Blue and White, in the latest high-profile defection from Defense Minister ’s ailing party. Ashkenazi, the No. 2 in Blue and White, told Gantz this week that he won’t run on the party’s slate in the March 23 elections, according to a statement. “I do not intend to run in the next election in Blue and White and I’m taking time off and considering how to proceed,” Ashkenazi said. He hailed Blue and White for “presenting a governing alternative” to Prime Minister and “changing the discourse” on annexing West Bank lands, which, he asserted, “opened up the window of opportunity for the peace deals [with Arab nations].” He also said the party had “prevented any attempt at diplomatic and judicial adventurism” since joining the government. Ashkenazi said he will remain in his post as foreign minister for as long as Gantz wants him there. “I thank my friend and partner Benny Gantz and I wished him success in leading the party in the upcoming elections,” Ashkenazi said. Ashkenazi, who preceded Gantz as IDF chief of staff, entered politics ahead of the April 2019 elections, joining the nascent Blue and White alliance of centrist parties. He stuck with Gantz after the Blue and White leader decided to form a coalition with Netanyahu following the previous elections this March, leading to the breakup of the party’s alliance with - Telem, and became foreign minister in May when the government was sworn in. His decision to leave the party came a day after Justice Minister Avi Nissenkorn bolted Blue and White for Mayor ’s new party. Nissenkorn, who was the No. 3 in Blue and White, announced his resignation as justice minister earlier Wednesday. Blue and White has seen an exodus of lawmakers since the dissolved last week over the failure to pass a new budget, as the party flails in the polls and Gantz faces questions over his leadership. Along with Ashkenazi and Nissenkorn, MK Michal Cotler-Wunsh said Tuesday she would not run as a candidate for Blue and White in the elections. On Sunday, Gantz informed MKs Asaf Zamir and Miki Haimovich that they will not be included on the party’s electoral slate due to their decision to vote against extending the state budget deadline last week, ultimately causing the fall of the government. Science and Technology Minister Izhar Shay has also decided to leave, according to Channel 12 news. In a defiant speech Tuesday, Gantz vowed to lead the ailing Blue and White in the elections in March, claiming the party had “saved the country” and set the course for the end of Netanyahu’s rule. “You’re welcome to leave, the door is open,” Gantz said to would-be future deserters. But “here a strong and cohesive group will remain and work hard, only for the country.” MORE - https://www.timesofisrael.com/gabi-ashkenazi-quits-blue-and-white-as-party-further-disintegrates/

Ram Shefa becomes sixth MK to leave sinking Blue and White Lawmaker tells his party colleagues he was unable to bridge ‘deep gaps’ in outlook, says setting out on a new path By TOI staff Today, 2:01 pm

Blue and White party member Ram Shefa at the Knesset in , on May 14, 2019 (Hadas Parush/Flash90)

MK Ram Shefa on Thursday announced he was leaving Blue and White to forge a new path, becoming the sixth lawmaker to exit the crumbling party in the runup to March elections. Blue and White has seen an exodus of lawmakers since the Knesset dissolved last week over the failure to pass a new budget, with the party flailing in the polls and leader Defense Minister Benny Gantz facing questions over his captaincy. In a message sent to the party’s lawmakers, Shefa wrote, “We did not manage to bridge the deep gaps in outlook.” “With great pain, but wholeheartedly, I am choosing to set out on a new path,” he wrote. “Benny, I especially thank you from the bottom of my heart for the great opportunity you have given me and for your faith in me.” It was not clear if Shefa will resign from the Knesset or remain as an independent. In his message Shefa wrote to Gantz that “I am sure we will continue to influence, each from his position, as much as possible.” MORE - https://www.timesofisrael.com/ram-shefa-becomes-fourth-mk-to-leave-sinking-blue-and-white/

Former Treasury official Zelekha launches party, says he aims to save economy Ex-accountant general criticizes leaders’ financial policies, says he hopes to merge with other parties ahead of election By TOI staff Today, 6:48 pm

A former accountant general in the Finance Ministry became the latest public figure to announce the establishment of a new party to run in the upcoming elections, saying Wednesday that he was entering politics in order to “save Israel from economic destruction.” In a statement declaring the move, Yaron Zelekha, a vocal longtime critic of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s policies, tore into the economic conduct of Israel’s leadership during the coronavirus pandemic, with lockdowns causing hundreds of thousands to lose their livelihoods and thousands of businesses to close.

Israeli economist Yaron Zelekha seen at a press conference headed by leader of the Shelly Yachimovich (not seen), prior to the national Israeli elections. January 15, 2013. (Yossi Zeliger/FLASH90) “I announce the establishment of a new party, the Economic Party,” he said in the statement, saying he would seek to become finance minister in the next government “to march Israel into a period of prosperity.” “I know what it takes to rescue Israel from the economic crisis toward which it is heading,” Zelekha added. “I have done this before and I will do it again. I know how to lower the cost of living along with housing prices.” “My goal is to save Israel from economic destruction,” said Zelekha, who serves as director of the accounting studies program at the Ono Academic College. “Our financial leadership must change.” Zelekha has been critical of the Netanyahu government’s handling of the economic crisis for months, telling The Times of Israel last April that the state would pay a heavy price for its “stingy” policies. Each business that goes under because it did not get a government-backed loan “will stop paying taxes forever and its workers will be made unemployed and they will need unemployment benefits,” he said. Attacks over the pandemic-spurred financial crisis has already become a major part of the campaign ahead of the March 23 vote, with several parties across the political spectrum vowing to make it their top priority. Zelekha will ostensibly be competing with Yisrael Beytenu chairman Avigdor Liberman who also said that he wants to serve as Israel’s next finance minister.

Tel Aviv Mayor Ron Huldai, left, and Justice Minister Avi Nissenkorn, December 29, 2020. (Screenshot: YouTube)

While Zelekha, who served as accountant general from 2003 to 2007, will be establishing his own party, Hebrew media reported that he is prepared to join forces with other parties. He is known for his close ties with outgoing Blue and White Justice Minister Avi Nissenkorn, who on Tuesday announced that he was joining the new center-left party founded by Tel Aviv Mayor Ron Huldai. As Zelekha was throwing his hat into the ring, former IDF chief of staff Gadi Eisenkot informed various party leaders pursuing him that he had decided not to run in the upcoming Knesset elections. MORE - https://www.timesofisrael.com/former-treasury-official-zelekha-launches-party-says-he-aims-to-save-economy/ [Maybe the guy will have some more common sense and in insist they start looking at the realities of HCQ and the Ivermectin which actually cures the disease. – rdb]

Police preparing to crack down on thousands of illegal New Year’s gatherings Officers to deploy drones and helicopters to locate parties that are barred under virus lockdown rules; Health Ministry frets about restrictions’ efficacy amid high infection rate By TOI staff Today, 6:10 am

Police at a temporary checkpoint during Israel's third coronavirus lockdown, Jerusalem, December 29, 2020. (Olivier Fitoussi/Flash90)

Police are preparing to break up thousands of illegal New Year’s gatherings on Thursday as health authorities fret about rising infection numbers amid Israel’s third nationwide lockdown to curb the spread of COVID-19. Some 2,000 police officers will deploy around the country on Thursday night to enforce virus lockdown restrictions against travel and gatherings, according to Hebrew media reports. Law enforcement is expecting to break up house parties, “nature” parties held in open areas outdoors, gatherings at vacation homes that were rented for the holiday and crowds near stores that sell alcohol. Police will use helicopters and drones to locate prohibited gatherings, and set up checkpoints on roads to enforce restrictions on movement and check for drunk drivers. Officers have mapped out areas to patrol based on information from intelligence sources and indications on social media. Lockdown rules that went into effect Sunday bar most movement and recreational activities. The Jewish New Year on Rosh Hashanah, in the fall, is a major holiday in Israel and January 1 celebrations are typically more muted than in Western countries. MORE -https://www.timesofisrael.com/police-preparing-to-crack-down-on- thousands-of-illegal-new-years-gatherings/

1 in 1,000 Israelis report mild side effects from vaccine Health Ministry says only 51 of some 650,000 people to have received the Pfizer shot sought medical attention for symptoms suffered By TOI staff Today, 7:11 pm Around one in a thousand people who received the coronavirus vaccine in Israel have reported suffering mild side effects, with only a few dozen seeking medical attention following the shot, figures published Wednesday showed. According to the Health Ministry, a total of 652 people out of around 650,000 to have received the first dose of the Pfizer vaccine reported some discomfort after the shot. The most common side effects reported were weakness, dizziness and fever, with 319 combined cases, the ministry said. Five also reported suffering diarrhea. Another 293 people reported localized symptoms where the injection was administered such as pain, restriction of movement, swelling and redness. Fourteen people said they had allergic reactions such as itching and swelling of the tongue and throat. Additionally, 26 people suffered what the ministry described as “neurological symptoms,” with 19 complaining of a tingly sensation in their arm. The ministry noted that only 51 people (0.008%) of those who reported suffering any side effects said they sought medical attention for their symptoms. According to the Kan public broadcaster, there have been four cases where people in Israel have died shortly after receiving the vaccination, but three of the four were deemed by the Health Ministry, as well as by both family members and doctors, to have been unrelated to the shots. The fourth case, an 88-year-old man who had serious preexisting health problems, is currently being investigated. MORE - https://www.timesofisrael.com/1-in-1000-israelis-report-mild-side-effects-from-vaccine/

Couples marry online via State of Utah to beat lack of civil marriages in Israel But after population authority recognizes the certificates, Interior Minister Deri blocks process, demands it be reviewed by senior officials By Stuart Winer Today, 5:28 pm Three Israeli couples who married online via the State of Utah in order to beat Israeli laws that don’t recognize civil marriages had their certificates accepted by the Population Immigration and Border Authority, opening the way for them to formally register as married, the Kan public broadcaster reported Wednesday. However, when Interior Minister heard of the loophole, he ordered that the registration process be stalled, even though in one case a lesbian couple had already been told that it was approved. Yael, identified only by her first name, told Kan that she heard about the Utah online marriage program from a Facebook post. She said she was motivated by “a strong desire to get married and a lack of options on the ground.” She and her partner married on November 20, opening the way for government benefits offered to recognized married couples. “It adds a lot to your self-worth,” Yael said. “For years I lived under the shadow that I cannot get married in Israel, that I need to dedicate a lot of time and resources to leave the country in order to be recognized [as married]. Marriages in Israel are only recognized if conducted as a Jewish, Christian, or Muslim religious ceremony, while civil marriages conducted abroad are recognized by Israeli authorities, enabling the couple to register at the Interior Ministry as married. Israeli couples who don’t want to have a religious wedding, or who are unable to such as same-sex couples or mixed-religion partners, have in the past resorted to traveling abroad where they perform a civil marriage then return with the documents to register in Israel. Utah State in February this year announced that it would recognize marriages conducted via the internet, even if the couples were not present in the state at the time. The three Israeli couples used the services of a US company. For an additional fee, they were able to obtain an apostille validation stamp for the marriage certificates provided by Utah state authorities. They then presented the marriage certificates at various branches of PIBA, where clerks admitted that they had never encountered the method before and would need to verify the matter. On Sunday, one of the couples was told the certificates had been approved and on Tuesday the other two were given the same news, Kan reported. This enables them to be registered as married and gives them equivalent status to that of married heterosexual couples in Israeli bureaucracy. PIBA, which is under the Interior Ministry, confirmed the developments, saying in a statement that “marriage certificates were presented from the State of Utah in the United States. The matter was examined with the relevant authorities and after confirmation was given that this was indeed a procedure recognized by the State of Utah, the marriage was approved for registration.” MORE - https://www.timesofisrael.com/couples-marry-online-via-state-of-utah-to-beat- lack-of-civil-marriages-in-israel/ [That is one way of getting around the bureaucracy – I guess necessity is the mother of invention and creativity. – rdb]

Most abortions requests in Israel approved for unmarried women A report by Israel’s Central Bureau of Statistics also shows 8.4 termination of pregnancy requests were filed per 1,000 women in 2019, a slight drop compared to the year earlier | Published: 12.30.20 , 23:12 The majority of abortions in Israel were approved because the woman was unmarried, said a report by Israel’s Central Bureau of Statistics on Wednesday. A report by Israel’s Central Bureau of Statistics shows that in 2019 some 17,688 women filed requests with the Termination of Pregnancy Committee, who approved 99.4% of all requests to undergo abortion. According to Israeli law, abortions are approved only if the woman is under the age of 18 or over 40 years old; pregnancy is the result of an illicit relationships; the child may have a physical or mental disability, the continuation of the pregnancy may endanger the woman's life or cause her physical or mental harm, or if the woman is unmarried. The latter appears to be the most common reason for requesting the termination of pregnancy, which constitutes about 51.5% of all approvals, according to the CBS report. The second most common reason is that the pregnancy poses a risk to the woman's health, as in 19.9% of all cases, while 19.6% of requests were approved because the child may have a physical or mental disability.

A fetus in woman's hands, illustration (Photo: Shutterstock)

The report showed that in 2019, 8.4 termination of pregnancy requests were filed per 1,000 women, all between the ages of 15 and 49. The figure represents a slight decrease compared to 2018, when 8.6 requests per 1,000 women had been filed. Abortion requests were at their highest in Israel back in 1988, when 18.6 requests were filed per 1,000 women. According to the most recent report, 7.9% of all requests (1,398) had been filed by women below the age of 19, 48.1% by married women, 41.8% by single women, 9.9% by divorced women and 0.3% by widows. The vast majority of abortions, 86.5%, were conducted in the first trimester of the pregnancy, 11.9% in the second trimester and 1.6% in the last trimester. The report also shows the rate of requests among Muslim women stands at 6.2 per 1,000 women, among women at 5.6 and among Arab-Christians at 8.4%. The highest rate appears to be among non-religious women or non- Arab Christian women. When compared to other developed countries, the rate of appeals for abortions puts Israel at an intermediate level. For example, higher rates exist in Sweden (19.2), England & Wales (18.0) and the United States (11.3). Lower rates were recorded in Finland (7.7), Germany (5.8), Switzerland (5.5) and Poland (0.1) where abortion laws are among the strictest in Europe. https://www.ynetnews.com/health_science/article/S1xrRHcaw

Despite restrictions, coronavirus infections remain high in West Bank, Gaza Palestinian Authority says it’ll get first vaccine batch within two weeks By Aaron Boxerman Today, 7:12 pm

Members of the Palestinian security forces enforce a lockdown following the spread of the coronavirus in Rafah, in the southern Gaza Strip, on December 18, 2020. (Abed Rahim Khatib/Flash90)

Four weeks into a coronavirus curfew in Gaza and nearly two weeks into a lockdown in the West Bank, rates of coronavirus infection remain high in both Palestinian areas. While West Bank Palestinian areas remain under lockdown, the restrictions are not as harsh currently as during previous attempts by Ramallah to curb the virus’s spread: Some shops have been allowed to remain open though universities, schools, gyms, and other potential sources of infection were shut down. Travel between the various West Bank governorates has also been banned. Despite the lockdown, the coronavirus outbreak in the West Bank has proven difficult to snuff out. According to the Palestinian Authority Health Ministry, 566 new infections were detected in the past 24 hours, and there are currently 10,062 active infections in PA areas. Around 12 percent of coronavirus tests in the past 24 hours have come back positive in the West Bank as a whole, a spokesperson for the ministry said on Wednesday, with some areas reporting positivity rates as high as 30% per day. On the ground in the West Bank, officials acknowledge, there is often little adherence to the coronavirus guidelines. “The streets are full and the shops are open. The police occasionally do operations to inspect for violations, but it’s a massive problem. It’s just too much for them — they’re not in control of the situation,” Maher al-Hushia, an administrator at a hospital in Jenin, said in a phone call. Al-Hushia said that his greatest problem was finding enough gloves for his medical staff. Protective equipment has become scarce in the West Bank, driving a dramatic rise in prices over the past few months, he said. Palestinian health officials said that compliance with the restrictions was low across the West Bank, warning that not enough were being tested for the coronavirus. https://www.timesofisrael.com/despite-restrictions-coronavirus- infections-remain-high-in-west-bank-gaza/

Palestinian Airlines to shut down after 25 years of activity The airline's fleet of two Fokker 50 aircrafts have been leased to other airlines over the last few years. By TOBIAS SIEGAL DECEMBER 31, 2020 01:57 The Palestinian Authority announced on Tuesday that it will be closing its airlines services - Palestinian Airlines - after 25 years of limited activity, the Palestinian News Network (PNN) reported. The decision to liquidate the company was finalized and announced on Tuesday by the Palestinian Transport and Communications Ministry. But it wasn't unexpected. In September, the airline offered its remaining aircrafts - two Fokker 50 aircrafts - for sale. And in any case, the company has been operating in a very limited scope for years. Its fleet of two operational aircrafts have been leased to other airlines over the last few years, with one currently located at Cairo International Airport in Egypt and the other in Amman, Jordan. According to PNN, Palestinian Transport and Communications Ministry Undersecretary Ammar Yassin said that the maintenance of the plane located in Amman is very high and that the ministry had not received offers to purchase it. The other plane had been leased to an airline in Nigeria but the contract was not renewed because of the situation created by the coronavirus pandemic, Yassin explained. MORE - https://www.jpost.com/middle-east/palestinian-airlines-to-shut- down-after-25-years-of-activity-653827 [This is almost funny. I didn’t even know they had an ‘airline’. They must take off from dirt strips somewhere. – rdb]

Mysterious hacker group says it infiltrated Hezbollah's bank The Daily Star newspaper says the group known as 'SpiderZ' leaked the lists of customers, including details of more than 100,000 depositors and 200,000 borrowers, as well as the names of other banks that cooperate with Hezbollah Tal Shahaf | Published: 12.30.20 , 18:56 A mysterious hacker group said Tuesday that it had executed a successful cyberattack against Lebanese terror group Hezbollah's financial wing, Al-Qard al-Hassan, which includes a functioning banking system. According to the Lebanese newspaper The Daily Star, the group known as “SpiderZ”, already leaked passport photos, details on customers and senior executives, as well as security camera footage from inside the bank, all allegedly gathered during the attack.

SpiderZ hacker group in a video message to Hezbollah (Photo: YouTube) The group itself said it managed to gather vast amounts of data from the bank’s servers which it plans to release to the public and the information leaked so far is only a “taste” of what's to come. The bank's management confirmed the attack, which they said targeted its branches in Lebanon as well as in the United Arab Emirates, though the hackers did not manage to access any bank accounts. The leaked data, however, includes lists of the bank's customers, account numbers, financial and private reports of more than 100,000 depositors and 200,000 borrowers, as well as the names of several other banks that cooperate with Hezbollah, including JTB Bank, the Lebanese-Canadian Bank, the Lebanese- Swiss Bank, the Societe-Generale Bank, the Bank of Kuwait and the Arab World. Shortly after the attack, SpiderZ published a video, where they claimed the bank allows senior Hezbollah members to dip their toes into the finances of its customers. "The secret has been revealed. [Al-Qard al-Hassan] does not work to protect the public. If you have a debt with them, do not pay it. Stop allowing them to steal your finances and withdraw them from the bank before they become nothing more than ink on paper,” said the group in the video. Some speculated the hack was an Israeli retaliation for the recent cyber attack on the Israel's insurance company Shirbit as well as the attempted cyber infiltration of the country's major defense industries, both believed to have been orchestrated by Iran. However, the choice to harm a bank recently sanctioned by the U.S. for allegedly transferring funds to terrorist organizations, may indicate the attack was actually carried out by American bodies. MORE - https://www.ynetnews.com/article/H19dgm9pD

US bomber flight over Persian Gulf aims to intimidate Iran in Trump’s final days Senior military officer says operation meant to warn Tehran against targeting US forces before Biden takes office, comes after Israeli sub said to have openly crossed Suez Canal By AP and TOI staff Today, 7:40 pm

A US Air Force B-52H 'Stratofortress' from Minot Air Force Base, N.D., is refueled by a KC-135 'Stratotanker' in the US Central Command area of responsibility, Dec. 30, 2020. (Senior Airman Roslyn Ward/U.S. Air Force via AP)

The United States flew strategic bombers over the Persian Gulf on Wednesday for the second time this month, a show of force meant to deter Iran from attacking American or allied targets in the Middle East. One senior US military officer said the flight by two Air Force B-52 bombers was in response to signals that Iran may be planning attacks against US-allied targets in neighboring Iraq or elsewhere in the region in the coming days, even as President-elect Joe Biden prepares to take office. The officer was not authorized to publicly discuss internal assessments based on sensitive intelligence and spoke on condition of anonymity. The B-52 bomber mission, flown round trip from an Air Force base in North Dakota, reflects growing concern in Washington, in the final weeks of President Donald Trump’s administration, that Iran will order further military retaliation for the US killing last Jan. 3 of top Iranian military commander Gen. Qassem Soleimani. Iran’s initial response, five days after the deadly US drone strike, was a ballistic missile attack on a military base in Iraq that caused brain concussion injuries to about 100 US troops. Adding to the tension was a rocket attack last week on the US Embassy compound in Baghdad by Iranian-supported Shiite militia groups. No one was killed, but Trump tweeted afterward that Iran was on notice. “Some friendly health advice to Iran: If one American is killed, I will hold Iran responsible. Think it over,” Trump wrote on Dec. 23. MORE - https://www.timesofisrael.com/us-bomber-flight-over-persian-gulf-aims-to-intimidate-iran-in-trumps-final- days/

State Department greenlights sale of 3,000 precision-guided bombs to Saudis $290 million weapons deal comes during Trump’s twilight days, even as successor Biden vows to pursue reset of relations with Riyadh to address human rights concerns By Jacob Magid Today, 9:09 pm The US State Department on Tuesday advanced the sale of 3,000 precision-guided glide bombs to Saudi Arabia, as the Trump administration seeks to continue inking such massive weapons deals with Riyadh before relations between the two countries are expected to reset under President-elect Joe Biden. The $290-million deal will include 3,000 GBU-39 Small Diameter Bomb I (SDB I) munitions, containers, support equipment, spares and technical support, Reuters cited the Pentagon as having announced. “The proposed sale will improve Saudi Arabia’s capability to meet current and future threats by increasing its stocks of long-range, precision air-to-ground munitions,” the Pentagon said in a statement, adding that “the size and accuracy of the SDB I allows for an effective munition with less collateral damage.” The Trump administration appears bent on using its final days to jam weapons deals through as Biden has pledged to cease such sales in order to pressure Riyadh to end its involvement in the Yemen civil war. The Trump administration notified Congress of the intended sale on Tuesday. It is unclear whether there is still appetite for such weapons deals after Democrats last month nearly blocked a major sale to the UAE that included 50 F-35s. Relations with Saudi Arabia are even more strained than US ties to the UAE, which also played a role in the devastating Yemen bombing campaign. The congressional notification came just one day after the State Department voiced concern over Saudi Arabia’s imposition of a prison sentence on prominent activist Loujain al-Hathloul. “We’ve emphasized the importance of free expression and peaceful activism in Saudi Arabia as it advances women’s rights,” State Department deputy spokesman Cale Brown wrote on Twitter. “We look forward to her anticipated early release in 2021.” Jake Sullivan, who will take over as national security adviser when Biden is sworn in on January 20, by contrast called the sentence “unjust and troubling.” “As we have said, the Biden-Harris administration will stand up against human rights violations wherever they occur,” he tweeted. US President Donald Trump is a close ally of Saudi Arabia who has hailed the oil-rich kingdom’s purchases of US weapons, shared hostility to Iran and recent gestures toward Israel. Trump refrained from harsh action even after a US-based writer, Jamal Khashoggi, was killed and dismembered in the kingdom’s Istanbul consulate following his critiques of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. MORE - https://www.timesofisrael.com/state-department-greenlights-sale-of-3000-precision-guided-bombs-to-saudis/

Trump administration working on another normalization deal in January Sources in Jerusalem and Washington have said in recent weeks that Indonesia, Mauritania or Oman could be the next country to join the accords. By LAHAV HARKOV DECEMBER 30, 2020 21:00 The US is pushing for another Arab or Muslim state to normalize relations with Israel in the three weeks before US President Donald Trump leaves office, a Trump administration source said on Wednesday. “We’re working very hard on making it happen,” said the source, who has been involved in negotiations for the Abraham Accords, as the agreements are called. A second Trump administration source confirmed the ongoing efforts. In the past four months, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Sudan and Morocco have all joined the Abraham Accords establishing – or in the case of Morocco renewing – open and official diplomatic ties with Israel. Sources in Jerusalem and Washington have said in recent weeks that Indonesia, Mauritania, Niger or Oman could be next to join the accords. All three have had a certain level of secret or unofficial ties with Jerusalem in the past. There have also been persistent reports of progress with Pakistan. Secret ties between Israel and Saudi Arabia have been warming in recent years and months, to the extent that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman met in the Saudi city of Neom last month. The Trump administration approved the sale of $290 million in precision-guided bombs to Saudi Arabia this week, and Israeli officials have speculated that the Saudis would seek maximum benefit from the US in exchange for normalization. Vice President Mike Pence’s planned visit to Israel in a week and a half, which could have been the occasion to announce a new Abraham Accords agreement, has been called off, Yediot Aharonot reported. A Prime Minister’s Office official said Pence’s visit had not been finalized. https://www.jpost.com/israel-news/trump- administration-working-on-another-israel-normalization-in-january-653766

Great difficulties’: Pfizer vaccine delivery to Berlin CANCELLED for 1st week of January due to logistical problems 30 Dec, 2020 17:17 The German capital will not receive its batch of the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine in the first week of January, the city’s health chief has said, blaming it on federal government mishaps. “We have just received a message from the Federal Ministry of Health that the [vaccine] delivery will be cancelled in the first calendar week [of 2021],” Berlin Health Minister Dilek Kalayci told dpa news agency, adding that the news will be “causing great difficulties” for the city. The unfortunate development risks jeopardizing Berlin’s vaccination plan, since the city was scheduled to receive 29,250 additional Pfizer vaccine doses on January 4. Now, the local health authorities will need to wait another week to receive them. “We would have needed that to… start vaccinating those over 80,” Kalayci said, adding that the city “cannot do that now because these vaccine doses are missing.” So far, Berlin’s Health Ministry decided to focus its efforts on the 23,400 Berlin residents who are older than 90 and who will receive invitations for vaccination early next year. “If we do not get priority groups vaccinated quickly enough, there will be a problem,” Kalayci said. The German media also reported that the delivery delay could cause a vaccine shortage, meaning that there will not be enough doses to administer to healthcare professionals in the city either. Kalayci blamed the problem on the federal government’s poor logistics. Berlin’s health minister called on the federal authorities to “organize the delivery in a quicker and more stable manner.” The capital is far from being alone in its plight. The neighboring state of Brandenburg will not receive its vaccine batch in the first week of January either, its Health Ministry confirmed. The Federal Health Ministry has not provided an exact reason for the delays. Health Minister Jens Spahn has asked for understanding and patience, saying the government is having some “start-up difficulties.” He also said that the next deliveries are planned for “around the end of the next week.” MORE - https://www.rt.com/news/511149-berlin-pfizer-covid-vaccine-delivery/

UK is 1st to approve use of AstraZeneca’s cheap, easily stored COVID-19 vaccine Developed by British-Swedish drugmaker and University of Oxford, shots can be stored in a regular refrigerator making them an easy option for many countries By DANICA KIRKA Today, 10:37 am LONDON (AP) — Britain on Wednesday authorized use of a second COVID-19 vaccine, becoming the first country to greenlight an easy-to-handle shot that its developers hope will become the “vaccine for the world.” The Department of Health said it had accepted a recommendation from the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency to authorize the vaccine developed by the University of Oxford and Cambridge-based British-Swedish drugmaker AstraZeneca. AstraZeneca chief executive Pascal Soriot said: “Today is an important day for millions of people in the UK who will get access to this new vaccine. It has been shown to be effective, well- tolerated, simple to administer and is supplied by AstraZeneca at no profit.” Partial results from studies in almost 24,000 people in Britain, Brazil and South Africa suggest the shots are safe and about 70% effective for preventing illness from coronavirus infection. That’s not as good as some other vaccine candidates, but Soriot recently told the Sunday Times newspaper that he was confident the vaccine would prove as effective as its rivals. The vaccine is expected to be relied on in many countries because of its low cost, availability and ease of use. It can be kept in refrigerators rather than the ultra-cold storage some other vaccines require. The company has said it will sell it for $2.50 a dose and plans to make up to 3 billion doses by the end of 2021. “We have a vaccine for the world,” said one study leader, Oxford’s Dr. Andrew Pollard. MORE - https://www.timesofisrael.com/uk-is-1st-to-approve-use-of-astrazenecas-cheap-easily-stored-covid-19-vaccine/ [If it is ‘too good to be true’ it probably isn’t…… - rdb]

Pence’s final visit to Israel before leaving office is canceled US vice president was reportedly planning multi-day stop in Jewish state on trip abroad after validating Biden’s electoral victory By Judah Ari Gross Today, 1:15 pm A planned visit to Israel by US Vice President Mike Pence was called off less than two weeks before he was due to arrive, the US Embassy confirmed Wednesday. No reason was given for the cancellation, which was first reported by the Ynet news site. Pence was reportedly scheduled to make a number of stops on a final world trip before leaving office on January 20. Earlier this month, Politico reported that the vice president planned to take off on January 6 — the same day the US Congress is scheduled to confirm President-elect Joe Biden’s electoral victory — visiting a number of countries, including Israel from January 10 to 13. Though his stop in Israel was never officially confirmed by the US Embassy, the Israel Police and other Israeli authorities had begun preparations for the visit. Earlier this month, Regional Cooperation Minister , a member of Netanyahu’s party, confirmed the visit, saying, “Pence is planning on visiting Israel. I don’t want to commit to the dates. It’s likely that during the trip itself there will be a declaration of normalization” with another Muslim country. A US Embassy spokesperson confirmed to The Times of Israel on Wednesday that the vice president would not be coming to Israel. MORE - https://www.timesofisrael.com/pence-cancels-final-visit-to-israel-before-leaving-office/ [ HUMMMMM? This is all very strange. I have not understood why he would have such a scheduled trip anyway. I figured he was either getting out of DC to avoid the riots because he was going to name The Donald as the president OR was trying to run so they couldn’t catch him if he failed to do so. Maybe this is a cover for his trip to Gitmo? – rdb]

China's state media defends 'compromised' Swalwell Claims report about relationship with spy 'complete fiction to poison China-U.S. ties' By Bob Unruh Published December 30, 2020 at 11:53am The Communist Party-sponsored state media in China is defending U.S. Rep. Eric Swalwell, D- Calif., from reports that he was "compromised" by his still-undefined relationship with a woman identified as a Chinese spy. The Global Times, described as "a bona fide mouthpiece of the Chinese Communist Party," has published a defense of Swalwell, who has declined to explain his interaction with Christine Fang, who fled the U.S. several years ago when Swalwell was briefed by investigators about her activities. The report said: "A tale cooked up by US news website Axios earlier this month which alleged that a suspected Chinese spy got access to California politicians and a congressman in a political intelligence operation run by China many years ago was complete fiction, and such fabrication shows that some US personnel deliberately use the Cold War mentality to poison China-US relations, a source told the Global Times on Monday." MORE - https://www.wnd.com/2020/12/chinas-state-media-defends-compromised-swalwell/

Joe Biden calls Kamala Harris 'president-elect' Yet another televised gaffe By WND News Services Published December 29, 2020 at 10:08pm (THE SUN) -- PRESIDENT-elect Joe Biden slipped up yet again and accidentally referred to vice president-elect Kamala Harris as the future leader of the United States. Biden made the remarks early Tuesday morning while delivering a speech regarding the Covid- 19 crisis in Wilmington, Delaware, before asking the president to recommend Americans take the vaccine once it becomes available to them. "I hope the president will clearly and unambiguously urge all Americans to take the vaccine once it’s available," the real president-elect said. MORE - https://www.wnd.com/2020/12/joe-biden-calls-kamala-harris-president-elect/ [Slip up?? I am not sure. I think he may well have the idea that he is a very very short termer in the office. – rdb]

What is Civilization Jihad? https://player.vimeo.com/video/174076001

Pennsylvania lawmakers find there were more votes than voters 'Alarming discrepancy' of more than 170,000 ballots By Bob Unruh Published December 29, 2020 at 7:11pm State lawmakers in Pennsylvania have discovered a serious problem with the 2020 presidential election. There were more votes than voters. In a report posted online, the lawmakers explain how they did extensive analysis of election data. What they found were "troubling discrepancies between the numbers of total votes counted and the total number of voters who voted in the 2020 general election." They now are questioning "how the results of the presidential election could possibly have been certified by Secretary of the Commonwealth Kathy Boockvar and Governor Tom Wolf." The report explained, "A comparison of official county election results to the total number of voters who voted on November 3, 2020 as recorded by the Department of State shows that 6,962,607 total ballots were reported as being cast, while DoS/SURE system records indicate that only 6,760,230 total voters actually voted. Among the 6,962,607 total ballots cast, 6,931,060 total votes were counted in the presidential race, including all three candidates on the ballot and write-in candidates." That results in a "difference" of 202,377 "more votes cast than voters voting," and with the 31,547 over- and under-votes, means "an alarming discrepancy of 170,830 votes, which is more than twice the reported statewide difference between the two major candidates for president of the United States." Despite the evidence of representations of fact being in conflict, "Boockvar certified election results, and Wolf issued a certificate of ascertainment of presidential electors, stating that Vice President Joe Biden received 80,555 more votes than President Donald Trump," the report said. "We were already concerned with the actions of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, the executive branch, and election officials in certain counties contravening and undermining the Pennsylvania Election Code by eliminating signature verification, postmarks, and due dates while allowing the proliferation of drop boxes with questionable security measures and the unauthorized curing of ballots, as well as the questionable treatment of poll watchers, all of which created wholesale opportunities for irregularities in the 2020 presidential election," lawmakers said in a statement. "However, we are now seeing discrepancies on the retail level which raise even more troubling questions regarding irregularities in the election returns. These findings call into question the accuracy of the SURE system, consistency in the application of the Pennsylvania Election Code from county to county, and the competency of those charged with oversight of elections in our Commonwealth. "These numbers just don’t add up, and the alleged certification of Pennsylvania’s presidential election results was absolutely premature, unconfirmed, and in error," they said. Working on the analysis were Reps. Frank Ryan, Russ Diamond, Dave Zimmerman, Barb Gleim, Stephanie Borowicz, Dan Moul, Paul Schemel, Dawn Keefer, Eric Nelson, Mike Jones, Rob Kauffman, David Maloney, David Rowe, Kathy Rapp, Daryl Metcalfe, Jim Cox and Brett Miller. Pennsylvania is one of the swing states where, during the November election, evidence appeared of election manipulation or vote fraud. President Trump's campaign still is challenging the results in enough states that could swing the election results to his favor. A statement at the Gateway Pundit noted, "We already knew that in Pennsylvania tens of thousands of ballots were returned before they were sent out. We know hundreds of thousands of completed ballots were shipped from New York to Pennsylvania before the election. We also know that 2.5 million absentee ballots were counted in Pennsylvania but only 1.9 million in total were sent out." https://www.wnd.com/2020/12/pennsylvania-lawmakers-find-votes- voters/

GOP Sen. Josh Hawley says he will object to Electoral College certification Axios Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) said in a statement Wednesday that he will object to the certification of President-elect Joe Biden's Electoral College victory during the joint session of Congress on Jan. 6, alleging that some states failed to follow their election laws and that Big Tech interfered on behalf of Biden. Why it matters: Hawley is the first senator to say he will object to the certification, joining a group of House Republicans. Biden will still be certified the winner, but the move will force Senate Republicans to go on the record on whether they agree with Trump's baseless allegations — many of which have been thrown out in court — that there was widespread election fraud. What he's saying: Following both the 2004 and 2016 elections, Democrats in Congress objected during the certification of electoral votes in order to raise concerns about election integrity. They were praised by Democratic leadership and the media when they did. And they were entitled to do so. But now those of us concerned about the integrity of this election are entitled to do the same. I cannot vote to certify the electoral college results on January 6 without raising the fact that some states, particularly Pennsylvania, failed to follow their own state election laws. And I cannot vote to certify without pointing out the unprecedented effort of mega corporations, including Facebook and Twitter, to interfere in this election, in support of Joe Biden. At the very least, Congress should investigate allegations of voter fraud and adopt measures to secure the integrity of our elections. But Congress has so far failed to act. For these reasons, I will follow the same practice Democrat members of Congress have in years past and object during the certification process on January 6 to raise these critical issues. — Sen. Josh Hawley https://www.axios.com/josh-hawley-electoral-college-object-ed6c6bf7-a6f7-4103-a842-1be24feb9fb6.html [He also creamed Walmart when they called him a poor loser on social media and he demanded an apology to 74 million Americans who voted for The Donald and then he told them to apologize for paying slave labor wages to their employees. YES. Hopefully this guy will go far in the NEW GOP which actually stand for the government of the PEOPLE. – rdb]

The Dead Zone: Giuliani says election counted '10,315 people' in obituaries Tells Georgia lawmakers it's 'pretty tough' for dead people to vote By Bob Unruh Published December 30, 2020 at 7:16pm Rudy Giuliani, a Trump campaign lawyer who has been fighting election fraud in several swing states where Joe Biden was declared the victor in the 2020 race after the president appeared to have significant leads, has congratulated Georgia lawmakers for having some really resilient voters. So resilient they can vote after they're dead. "That's pretty tough to do, vote when you're dead," he told a legislative committee, sarcastically, as he argued that the evidence of vote fraud in the state demands lawmakers take action to prevent the wrong result – that Biden victory. In video that appeared from the hearing, he said, "You had 10,315 people, that we can determine from obituaries, were dead when they voted." Giuliani to Georgia state legislature: “You had 10,315 people, that we can determine from obituaries, were dead when they voted. That's pretty tough to do....Your Secretary of State is engaged in what I consider an unlawful cover-up. He won't let us look at records." pic.twitter.com/W7cTj7ygb1 — Breaking911 (@Breaking911) December 30, 2020 He also said there were problems with felons voting, people voting after they had moved, and more. He explained there were phony votes, dead people and felons voting, but the solution isn't complicated. "You know … it's a question of courage. It's ultimately a question of courage. Do you have the courage to stand up to the obligation the Constitution of the United States put on you to save our people from fraud." The Constitution assigns to state lawmakers the responsibility for election laws, as well as the designation of Electoral College electors to represent the state. He charged, "Do you have the courage to put up with what's going to happen if you in fact change that certification and do the right thing. You'll be attacked, you'll be pilloried, you'll be described in all sorts of horrible ways. But you'll wake up the next morning and look in the mirror and you'll be able to say 'I did the right thing.'" He explained much of the evidence of fraud in Georgia is similar to that in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Arizona and other states. Here's the extended version of his comments: MORE - https://www.wnd.com/2020/12/dead-zone-giuliani-says-election- counted-10315-people-obituaries/ [Go to the website for the Giuliani video link. – rdb]

Commentaries: Will Trump Start a Third Party to Take Back America? By Paul Walter|December 30th, 2020 Many of the books written about the Trump presidency are by former staffers or media personalities eager to cash in. The book The Memo by Rich Higgins is the only one worth reading because he names the names of the establishment Republicans around Trump who undermined his presidency. “Rich Higgins served on the National Security Council in the Trump Administration as the Director for Strategic Planning. He was removed in 2017 after warning of a deep state coup to remove the President,” his bio notes. A U.S. Army veteran, he had previously served in a variety of national security positions, some advising the Pentagon on special operations. He was perfect for the job, for he understood both the military and political threats to the United States. He predicted the nature of the Deep State coup, citing names, against the president. But he was apparently not prepared personally for the hard-ball tactics of the Deep State that were used against him. Higgins says Jim Carroll, a Bush guy who had served as GOP Boss Karl Rove’s deputy and became a Trump White House official, signed the letter terminating his White House employment. This occurred after a Higgins May 2017 memo surfaced which outlined the forcest hat would try to take out Trump. They included establishment Republicans. Higgins really blames National Security Adviser Army Lt. Gen. H.R. McMaster for his ouster. This is strange since Trump had told McMaster to “address” the concerns in Higgins’ memo. McMaster eventually resigned and was replaced by former ambassador and Fox News analyst John Bolton, who was fired. While Higgins was pushed out, Karl Rove, an adviser to President George W. Bush and Fox News paid contributor, has been gaining in strength and power. After supervising White House personnel moves, as Assistant to the President and Deputy Chief of Staff at the White House, Rove’s former deputy Jim Carroll became Director of the Trump White House Office of National Drug Control Policy. This has been a disaster as well, as marijuana is flooding the country and fentanyl is killing more Americans than ever before, Indeed, the CDC reports that over 81,000 drug overdose deaths occurred in the United States in the 12 months ending in May 2020, the highest number of overdose deaths ever recorded in a 12-month period. My June 15, 2020, column, “Trump Hires ‘Bush’s Brain’ to Lose to Biden,” examined Rove’s record of losing to left-wing Democrats and his indifference to conservative social issues, in the context of wondering why Rove had been brought into the Trump 2020 presidential campaign. Rove had predicted that Trump could not win the 2016 presidential election. The Higgins book is even more important now that Karl Rove is among those raising money to elect Republicans Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue in Georgia on January 5. With Trump out of the way, Rove is preparing to once again assume the mantel of “Boss” of the GOP. In this context, something about the Georgia race doesn’t compute, literally. Karl Rove was quick to declare the Trump a loser in the 2020 presidential election, despite suspicious results in Georgia, and yet thinks the establishment Georgia Republicans running the elections in the state can be counted on for an honest vote in the Senate run-offs. Does this make sense? It’s true that the two Democratic Party candidates, Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff, are some of the most radical ever to run for federal office. And yet they are even in the polls with Loeffler and Perdue in what is supposed to be one of the most conservative states in the country. Left unclear is why Georgia residents voting for the Republicans can count on an honest election when Trump says the presidential race was characterized by fraud and has been denouncing the Republican governor and Republican Secretary of State. Even if Republicans Loeffler and Perdue somehow manage to win, Republican control of the U.S. Senate will remain in the hands of Rockefeller Republicans like Mitt Romney, Susan Collins, and Lisa Murkowski. Either way, conservatives lose, and Rove wins. Utah Senator Romney met with Trump over a steak dinner to plead for the position of Secretary of State.He was turned down and then decided to turn on Trump. Romney, says Utah-based broadcaster Sam Bushman of Liberty Roundtable, is very tight with the CIA. Indeed, Utah is the home of “Silicon Slopes,” a Big Tech enclave, and is known as the second Silicon Valley. “This is where they put the spy technology,” he noted. Higgins was in the middle of the personnel wars during the early stages of the Trump presidency and knows what he is talking about. He should never have been fired and wrote about the whole mess in a Wall Street Journal column, “The White House Fired Me for My Loyalty.” Trump, he says, failed to understand that personnel is policy and did not purge the Bush and Obama holdovers. Even worse, at a conference of the American Freedom Alliance, Higgins narrated a slide show that depicted Republican Senate Leader Mitch McConnell and House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy as being “a lot more dangerous” than the Marxist left because they offer a “cheap version” of what the Democrats are offering. Higgins call the GOP the party of the Chamber of Commerce and the military industrial complex, while his partner at the firm Unconstrained Analytics, Stephen Coughlin, says the Republican Party establishment is the “controlled opposition.” Still, Trump has refused to be controlled, even while surrounding himself with those unable or unwilling to defend him. Hence, he rallies Republicans to participate in an election process in Georgia that he knows is flawed. He must be thinking to himself: What is to be gained by Republicans winning the Georgia Senate seats, giving RINOs a political advantage, and losing the presidency? Trump has to be seriously thinking that if Republicans fail to overturn the fraudulent presidential election on January 6, his only option is to start a third major political party. He certainly has the resources to do it. A hint of Trump’s thinking can be seen in his criticism of the “weak and tired” Republican leadership in Congress. https://newswithviews.com/will-trump-start-a-third-party-to-take-back-america/

And… Article IV, §4, US Constitution Requires Congress, Supreme Court, and the President to Stop the Steal By Publius Huldah|December 30th, 2020 Here is the interview Alex Newman of The New American Magazine and I did on December 23. The Supreme Court’s Dereliction of Duty The Pennsylvania Lawsuit As pointed out in the interview [and previously here], Art.I, §4, cl. 1, US Constitution, delegates to state and federal legislatures alone the power to make the laws addressing the “times, places and manner” of conducting federal elections. In addition, Art. II, §1, cl. 2provides that the State Legislatures are to decide how the Presidential Electors for their State are to be appointed. But in Pennsylvania (and other States), Judges and State Executive Branch officials changed the laws made by their State Legislature in order to permit fraud of such a massive scale as would enable the theft of the election for the Biden/Harris ticket. Accordingly, during late September, the Republican Party of Pennsylvania filed a lawsuit challenging the unconstitutional changes to the State election laws. They lost in the Pennsylvania Supreme Court, and asked the US Supreme Court to review it. But the Supreme Court dragged its feet. So on October 28, Justice Alito (who is the “go-to” Justice for the US Circuit in which Pennsylvania is located), issued a statement [link] where he identified violations of Art.I, §4, cl. 1 and Art. II, §1, cl. 2 as an issue of “national importance” which “calls out for review” by the Supreme Court; and that the Court should decide this issue BEFORE the election. He warned that the Supreme Court’s inaction on the “important constitutional issue” raised in the lawsuit has created conditions that could lead to “serious post-election problems.” Justices Thomas and Gorsuch joined Justice Alito in his Statement – but nobody else. The Supreme Court still hasn’t announced whether they will review the decision of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court. They set this case for conference (among themselves) on January 8 [link]– which is two days after Congress meets to count the votes. The Texas Lawsuit The Supreme Court’s handling of the Texas lawsuit was equally egregious. The Texas case alleged that using COVID-19 as an excuse, state government officials in Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan,and Wisconsin usurped their State Legislature’s authority and unconstitutionally revised their State’s election statutes. These changes made massive election fraud possible. The Complaint sets forth compelling facts alleging the massive and coordinated fraud used to steal the November 3 election. But the Supreme Court refused to hear the case, claiming that Texas “lacked standing” to bring the action. They were dead wrong. Here’s why: Article IV, §4, US Constitution, says: “The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government…” The essence of a “Republic” is that sovereign power is exercised by Representatives elected by The People.[1] Accordingly, the violations of Art.I, §4, cl. 1 and Art. II, §1, cl. 2 -which made the massive election fraud possible – strike at the heart of our Constitutional Republic. Obviously, when an election is stolen by corrupt politicians and political parties – with the connivance of Judges and State election officials – the Right of The People to choose their Representatives is taken away from them. And this is why the State of Texas has “standing” to bring the lawsuit: Art. IV, §4, is for the benefit of the States who comprise this Union. The States created the federal government when they ratified the Constitution. The Supreme Court is merely the “creature” of that Constitution; and they may not lawfully actin contravention of the Document under which they hold their existence. The US Supreme Court is required to act so as to preserve the Republican Form of Government for Texas and all other States. They shirked their Duty. Shame on the Supreme Court! Attorney General William Barr’s Dereliction of Duty Article IV, §4 also imposes on the US Attorney General– as part of the Executive Branch of the federal government – the Duty “to guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government…” Accordingly, the Attorney General has the Duty to prosecute persons engaged in federal election fraud; and he has the Duty to file civil actions addressing the election fraud – such as suggested by constitutional litigators William J. Olson & Patrick M. McSweeney in their Christmas Eve article here. But not only did Barr not lift a finger to fight the fraud – he denied there was any fraud. He too shirked his constitutional Duty. Shame on William Barr! Will Congress also shirk their Constitutional Duty? Article IV, §4 also imposes on Congress the Duty to guarantee to the States a Republican Form of Government. Section 3 of the 20th Amendment imposes on Congress the additional Duty of determining whether the President Elect and Vice President Elect have “qualified” for office [respecting that,this short post will help you]. Congress has the ability to perform its sacred Duty under Art. IV, §4, by disqualifying Biden and Harris on the bases that their election was procured by changes to State election laws made in violation of Art.I, §4, cl. 1 and Art.II, §1, cl. 2, which made possible the brazen fraud which resulted in the theft of the election for Biden and Harris. Kamala Harris should be disqualified on the additional ground that she is not a “natural born citizen” as required by Art. II, §1, cl. 5 and the 12th Amendment [link]. But shockingly, it appears that some Republicans in Congress intend to go along with the fraud, and will use as an excuse the silly claim that presidential elections are up to the States and Congress shouldn’t bully the States! But that would constitute an aiding and abetting of election fraud, and a shirking of Constitutional Duties. Congress! Do not strip The American People of their right to honest federal elections! The Fraudulent Election is an Act of War against the People of the United States This was not just another election. This was a planned and coordinated attack on the People of the United States. If we don’t defeat the fraud, the People of the United States will have been stripped of their sovereign power to choose their own Representatives.[2] This is an Insurrection against the sovereign power of WE THE PEOPLE. Traitors within our local, state, and federal governments have conspired with one another – and apparently foreign agents – to take our sovereign power away from us. And cowards are going along with it. President Trump has constitutional and statutory authority to carry out the Duty imposed on him by Art. IV, §4 If, when it meets on January 6, Congress too shirks its constitutional Duty to guarantee honest federal elections and refuses to disqualify Biden & Harris; then the President is our last hope (within the purview of the Constitution).[3] Not only does Art. IV, §4 impose this duty on the President; he is also bound by his Oath of Office to “preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States” (Art.II, §1, last clause); and, by Art.II, §3, to “take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed”. These three provisions impose upon him the Duty to act so as to preserve the Federal Constitutional Republic created by our Constitution of 1787. And he has the constitutional and statutory authority to carry out his Duty: Call up the Militia! Article I, §8, cl. 15 authorizes Congress… “to provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions;” [italics added] Congress “provided for” calling forth the Militia by delegating to the President the authority to use his own judgment respecting whether to send the Militia into any State: To enforce the Laws of the United States [10 USC §252]; To suppress uprisings which deprive the people of the rights, privileges and immunities, and protections recognized in the Constitution and secured by Law, and the State government isn’t protecting those rights [10 USC §253]; and To suppress uprisings which oppose or obstruct the execution of the laws of the United States or impede the course of justice under those laws [10 USC §253]. So the Militia may be called forth: To enforce I, §4, cl.1 (which requires that only state and federal Legislatures may make laws respecting the times, places and manner of holding federal elections); To enforce II, §1, cl.2 (which provides that the State Legislatures are to decide how the Presidential Electors for their State are to be appointed); To enforce IV, §4 (which requires the United States to guarantee to the States a Republican Form of Government); and To suppress the Insurrection which is right now going on in our Country. A Brief History of the Militia The term, “Militia”, refers to the armed and trained male Citizens. The Militia Act of 1792 provided for the arming and training of these male Citizens [link]. Our Framers did not want a standing professional Army – that’s why appropriations for the regular Army were limited to two years (Art. I, §8, cl. 12). Enforcement of federal laws, suppression of Insurrections, and much of the national defense were to be the responsibility of the Militia. When the federal gov’t needs to enforce its laws, it is to call forth the Militia – the armed and trained Citizens – to do the enforcing! During the Washington Administration, the federal gov’t called forth the Militia to enforce the federal excise tax on whiskey. Federal law enforcement is thus the province of the Citizens – the Militia![4] But with the Dick Act of 1903, the organized Militia was converted into the National Guard – which is an adjunct of the federal military. And with 10 USC §246, Congress redefined “Militia” to consist of two classes: “(b) The classes of the militia are— (1) the organized militia, which consists of the National Guard and the Naval Militia; and (2) the unorganized militia, which consists of the members of the militia who are not members of the National Guard or the Naval Militia.” Earlier this year, in response to the violent Insurrections in the cities, Edwin Vieira, JD., Ph.D. (our Country’s foremost authority on the Militia) showed here how President Trump has the authority to send the Militia into the cities to suppress the Insurrections. But as discussed here [at endnote 11], President Trump’s two previous Secretaries of Defense apparently indicated that they would not obey orders to send the National Guard into the cities. Will Chris Miller, the present acting Secretary of Defense, be any better? But if President Trump calls up “the unorganized militia” – which remains in existence as recognized by 10 USC §246 and which has his back – to enforce Art. I, §4, cl.1; Art.II, §1, cl.2 and Art. IV, §4 – he doesn’t need the cooperation of any deep state Secretaries of Defense. Calling up the Militia is not equivalent to imposing “martial law”! I implore Patriots to become precise in your use of terminology. Calling up the Militia for the purposes at Art. I, §8, cl. 15 is not “imposing martial law” [and it’s not “Marshall law”]! Martial Law is typically imposed during war time when invading military forces disband civilian governments [including the courts] in the occupied country and replace the civilian government with direct military control of civilian populations. What is “the rule of law”? The “rule of law” is a term which politicians and Attorneys General, who have no idea what it means, love to sling around: In his recent address to students at Hillsdale College, former Attorney General Barr said the “rule of law” means “treating everyone the same”. That’s not even close. Law comes from a higher source than the civil authorities. The “Rule of Law” prevails when the civil authorities obey that higher Law – be it God’s Law or our Constitution. The Bible shows that Kings governed justly only when they governed in accordance with the Law of God. In our Country, the civil authorities govern justly only when they obey our Constitution. See: Lex, Rex, by Rev. Samuel Rutherford (1644) and here under the subheading, “1. The Civil Authorities are under the Law.” 8.This isn’t about Trump – it’s about defending our Constitutional Republic from enemy attack It doesn’t matter what you or I think of President Trump: there is much to criticize about his policies. This fight is about whether our Republican Form of Government, with honest & verifiable elections, is to be restored; or whether our Right to choose our Representatives is to be stripped from us forever. © 2020 Publius Huldah – All Rights Reserved E-Mail Publius Huldah: [email protected] Endnotes: [1] Federalist No. 10 (J. Madison) [link]: “A republic, by which I mean a government in which the scheme of representation takes place, … *** … The two great points of difference between a democracy and a republic are: first, the delegation of the government, in the latter, to a small number of citizens elected by the rest; …” [2] “…The fabric of American empire ought to rest on the solid basis of THE CONSENT OF THE PEOPLE. The streams of national power ought to flow immediately from that pure, original fountain of all legitimate authority.” Federalist No. 22, last para (A. Hamilton). This is what we will lose if Congress and the President permit the cheats and subversives to get away with the election fraud. [3] If Congress and the President both shirk their Constitutional duties and “betray their constituents, there is then no resource left but in the exertion of that original right of self-defense …” Federalist No. 28 (A. Hamilton). Much blood will be on the hands of those who acquiesced in the fraud. [4] Not armed thugs from federal executive agencies such as the FBI, BATF, etc., etc., etc. ! https://newswithviews.com/article-iv-%c2%a74-us-constitution-requires-congress-supreme-court-and-the-president-to-stop-the-steal/

And then… China Using Covid to Overtake America's Economy by Gordon G. Chang December 30, 2020 at 5:00 am The U.K.-based Centre for Economics and Business Research believes that, due to China's superior response to COVID-19, the Chinese economy will become the world's largest by 2028, five years earlier than previously forecast. "For some time, an overarching theme of global economics has been the economic and soft power struggle between the United States and China," the Centre wrote in a December 26 report. "The COVID-19 pandemic and corresponding economic fallout have certainly tipped this rivalry in China's favor." No, it has not. In fact, the opposite looks to be true. The Centre's prediction, which mimics one of Beijing's narratives, is more than just premature. It is based on fundamentally wrong assumptions. China's economy is worse than it appears, and its vaccines, needed for a full recovery, are still in development, far behind America's. In the meantime, Beijing's response to the coronavirus, which includes the smearing of America, is resulting in China losing friends worldwide. CEBR, as the Centre is known, believes there will be "a strong post-pandemic rebound in 2021" in the United States. The recovery will tail off with annual growth of gross domestic product of around 1.9% from 2022 to 2024. Yearly U.S. growth will then fall to 1.6% in following years. China's recovery, according to CEBR, will be far more robust. The country will grow 5.7% each year through 2025. That figure will drop to a still-healthy 4.5% from 2026-2030. CEBR's figures are not out of the mainstream. For instance, the International Monetary Fund estimates an 8.2% expansion next year. The World Bank pegs 2021 growth at 7.9%. Those numbers, however, look widely optimistic. Government stimulus is powering much of the current growth as are net exports. Yet the current "flood of defaults" in China points to widespread weakness. Beijing's spending spree, therefore, is not sustainable, even with the help of foreign investment. The sustainable portion of the economy — consumption — has never been as strong as advertised, but now it is far weaker due to the disease. Even official numbers paint a dreadful picture. Retail sales, a good proxy for internal consumer demand, fell 4.8% during the first eleven months of this year over the same period in 2019. Bellwether auto sales were off 2.9% for the January-November period. The consumer price index in November dropped 0.5%. The just-released China Beige Book, a widely followed private survey, shows pronounced drops in sales growth in the luxury goods, food, and clothing sub-sectors in the fourth quarter of this year compared to the preceding one. Travel saw no growth at all, and hospitality was off as well. Moreover, the survey reveals the business community has a generally dour outlook on the Chinese economy as a whole, casting doubt on sunny predictions for 2021. Chinese officials say life has returned to normal in China, but that is unlikely. State media celebrated the crowds in once-stricken Wuhan and noted it was the most-visited city during the Golden Week holiday at the beginning of October. Yet Wuhan reported that holiday revenue fell approximately 30% over last year. Moreover, even though the holiday was one day longer this year than in 2019, tourist spending nationwide was down a stunning 30%. Ultimately, the economy will recover only when China has an effective and safe vaccine. Although the Chinese have had months of a head start, they are far behind America. The U.S. now has two vaccines that have received final FDA approval — the Pfizer-BioNTech one and Moderna's — and both have efficacy rates well over 90%. The Johnson & Johnson vaccine is on the way. China's vaccines — Sinovac's and Sinopharm's — have yet to complete Phase 3 trials, and Beijing has been slow to release data. Interestingly, China is testing the vaccines mostly in other countries, including Morocco, Nigeria, the United Arab Emirates, Brazil, Turkey, Indonesia, and Chile. Mystifyingly, the various trials are not being conducted with the same protocols. Beijing says people accept its two vaccines, which are being administered to tens of millions, but that is because people have no choice. In Hong Kong, a separately administered part of China, residents have a choice and anecdotal evidence suggests many of them are rejecting vaccination because they do not want the Chinese ones. Today, there are coronavirus outbreaks around China — the latest is in Beijing — and the central government has employed lockdowns, mass testing, and contact-tracing. Not much else is known, unfortunately. Why? The Communist Party is absolutely determined to control information. On January 26 of this year, it announced the Central Leading Small Group for Work to Counter the New Coronavirus Infection Pneumonia Epidemic, China's task force. There was only one public health official on the initial nine-person roster, which was filled with political hacks, security types, and propaganda officials. The Party's propaganda czar, Wang Huning, was named vice chair. Therefore, supporting the Party's narrative was the primary goal of the ruling organization, which means information coming from China on the disease is suspect. "Beijing's narrative is mutating faster than the virus itself," Claudia Rosett, foreign policy fellow of the Independent Women's Forum, told Gatestone. At first, Chinese officials acknowledged the disease started in China, but since then they have suggested it came from Italy, Spain, India, or frozen-food packaging. In March, a foreign ministry spokesman stated patient zero was in the United States and intimated the U.S. Army carried the coronavirus to Wuhan, the epicenter. These assertions were absurd, but almost nothing is too ludicrous for Chinese officials these days. As Rosett says, "At some stage, we'll be reading in the Communist Party press that the virus was cooked up in the kitchens and stored in the freezers of Mar-a-Lago, and it was only owing to Xi Jinping's extraordinary resolve that he did not catch it in 2017 from the chocolate cake." Rosett is expressing a sentiment resonating just about everywhere. As the Wall Street Journal reported on December 28, China is fast losing support in capitals around the world. It is not hard to figure out why. Chinese ruler Xi Jinping deliberately spread the virus beyond China's borders — by lying about the transmissibility of the disease and, while locking down Wuhan, forcing countries to take arrivals from China — and others are now starting to understand the maliciousness of the Communist Party. Moreover, they are learning about its venality. For instance, China this spring sold Italy medical protective gear that Italians had donated to Beijing a few weeks earlier. "Foreign leaders cite complaints about the way Mr. Xi's government initially handled Covid-19," the Journal reported. Beijing has not learned from mistakes this year, and these days, outlandish statements are evidently in vogue. In recent months, it has been working overtime to tar the U.S., even stating on December 28 that "disorder" in America at this moment was worse than at any time "since the founding of the U.S. in 1776." America, the Party's Global Times stated in the title of its editorial, is "Unrecognizable to the World in 2020." In short, the Centre for Economics and Business Research missed the real story of China's response to the coronavirus. Beijing may have reaped temporary gains in the immediate wake of the disease, but more significantly it has, through malign and predatory actions, lost standing just about everywhere. China, for a sustained economic recovery, needs that support. "China's GDP will overtake that of the U.S. sooner or later," the Global Times confidently stated on December 27 in another editorial, titled "China Surpassing U.S. in 2028 Is Faint Praise." Overtake America? No, it won't. Gordon G. Chang is the author of The Coming Collapse of China, a Gatestone Institute Distinguished Senior Fellow, and member of its Advisory Board. Follow him on Twitter and Parler @GordonGChang. https://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/16902/china-covid-economy

Prayer for the IDF - Mi Sheberach, Yaakov Shwekey https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LJEpLklULs0

THE SHORASHIM BIBLICAL GIFT CATALOG 005 http://mad.ly/7f9f64?pact=20013931524&fe=1 Support Shorashim! ARUTZ SHEVA Poll: Sa'ar can form coalition without Netanyahu Survey finds Likud winning plurality of seats, but anti-Netanyahu coalition winning more seats than pro- Netanyahu coaltiion. Arutz Sheva Staff , Dec 30 , 2020 9:03 PM chairman Gideon Sa'ar would be able to form a coalition without the Likud party even though the Likud would beat New Hope by 10 seats if elections were held today, according to a new poll published by Kan News Wednesday night. The poll found the Likud winning the most seats with 28, while New Hope would finish second with 18 seats and would place third with 14 seats. Yesh Atid-Telem would receive 13 seats, while the Joint Arab List would receive 11 seats and the new party founded by Tel Aviv Mayor Ron Huldai would receive eight seats. would receive eight seats, seven seats, Yisrael Beyteinu five seats, Blue and White four seats, and four seats. With these numbers, Sa'ar could potentially form a coalition with the anti-Netanyahu parties only if he receives the cooperation of Yamina. Binyamin Netanyahu would fall short of the 61 seats needed to form a coalition with the Likud and haredi parties even with Yamina's support. When asked who is most suitable to be prime minister, 41% answered that they would prefer Binyamin Netanyahu and 33% that they would prefer Gideon Sa'ar. In addition, according to the poll, if Yamina disintegrates - and the New Right and the National Union run separately with running with Itamar Ben Gvir, the New Right would win 12 seats and the National Union would not pass the electoral threshold. In another scenario in which Ron Huldai joins , the Yesh Atid-Israelis list would win 21 seats and become the second largest faction. In such a scenario, Meretz would not pass the electoral threshold and a coalition without Netanyahu, consisting of Sa;ar, Lapid, Bennett, Huldai, Liberman and Gantz, could be formed with 65 seats. https://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/294013

Can Georgians be foolish enough to vote for hate-filled lyiing phony like Warnock? For years Warnock has been another Jeremiah Wright — and two Wrights make a big Wrong. Warnock hates all the people Wright hates. Opinion. Prof. Dov Fischer , Dec 31 , 2020 3:00 AM I don’t get it. I just can’t figure it out. Of course Raphael Warnock has no business running for a serious political office. Still, he certainly is allowed to try. The man is a phoney, a liar, a Jew-hater, a White-hater, messed with his wife, a man who would chant “Amen!” to those who would curse America. Still, he is allowed to seek high office, just as prominent haters in other American states have done. The thing is, the people of other Amrican states see through the masquerades and camouflage. They reject the haters in state-wide contests. Are the people of Georgia multiple times less intelligent than the people in the rest of America? For example, a hater in Louisiana repeatedly has been rejected by that state’s voters. Are peaches and Coca- Cola more devastating to the brain that beignets and jambalaya? I am a Jew. So I readily regard Warnock as despicable. For me, that part is personal. Anyone who hates Jews — well, howdaya expect me to feel? Indeed, a statement recently was issued by more than 1,500 Orthodox , under the aegis of the Coalition for Jewish Values, recoiling from Warnock’s years of hatred. But Warnock does not only hate Jews. He hates Americans a great deal more. MORE - https://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/294019

University of London refunds tuition to Jewish student who complained of anti-Semitism University of London refunds tuition it received from a Canadian-Jewish student who dropped out due to alleged anti-Semitic harassment. Cnaan Liphshiz, JTA , Dec 30 , 2020 10:01 PM The University of London refunded tuition it received from a Canadian-Jewish student who dropped out due to alleged anti-Semitic harassment. The $20,000 refund granted to Noah Lewis this month by the School of Oriental and African Studies follows an apology, as well as $680 in compensation that he was offered last year for what he alleged in a complaint. Lewis, who began studying at the university in 2018, said that classmates called him a “Nazi” and “white supremacist” after he said he would write an academic paper about “systemic biases” against Israel at the United Nations, he wrote in the letter. At the School of Oriental and African Studies, anti-Semitic graffiti and symbols were found on lockers, desks and toilet walls targeting “Zionists,” he also alleged in his May 2019 complaint, in which he requested the tuition refund. A school panel apologized to him for the “emotional trauma … experienced due to the perceived antisemitic discrimination which he had to endure” and offered the $680 compensation, but did not recommend returning his tuition. Lewis, aided by UK Lawyers for Israel and the Lawfare Project, appealed the panel’s decision, leading to the refund. The appeal panel said that Lewis’ original complaint may require external reinvestigation, as its handling “had not been adequate.” A university spokesperson told The Guardian for an article published Tuesday that the School of Oriental and African Studies “is extremely concerned about any allegations of antisemitism at our school. Diversity is key to the Soas mission and we want all our students to feel welcome and supported in their studies.” https://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/294018

'Anglo Israelis want representation in the Knesset' Anglo Vision calls on party leaders to put issues of importance to English-speaking Israelis in manifestos and an Anglo on their lists. Arutz Sheva Staff , Dec 31 , 2020 11:18 AM Founder of The Anglo Vision David Fine has written to the leaders of all Israeli political parties explaining that the English-speaking community in Israel cares more about specific policies rather than ideology and would thus support a party which takes their issues seriously. This was a central finding of a first-ever poll of Anglo attitudes undertaken in recent months by an international polling firm on behalf of The Anglo Vision. MORE -https://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/294046 To be removed from this News list, Please click here and put "Unsubscribe" in the subject line.                        