PA Environment Digest An Update On Environmental Issues In PA Edited By: David E. Hess, Crisci Associates

Winner 2009 PAEE Business Partner Of The Year Award

Harrisburg, Pa June 2, 2014

PEC Opposes Bill Mandating Different Environmental Safeguards For Conventional Wells

The Environmental Council Tuesday sent a communication to the Pennsylvania State Senate to express its opposition to the recently introduced Senate Bill 1378 (Scrantai­R­ Jefferson, Hutchinson­R­Venango) (P.N. 2053). Paul King, President and CEO of PEC, made the following statement in association with the communication: “Senate Bill 1378 is a step in the wrong direction. At a time when we are still waiting for promulgation of new natural gas regulations from a law that passed more than two years ago, this legislation seeks to further limit protection standards. “As many natural gas operators have done at their own initiative, including in cooperative fashion through the Center for Sustainable Shale Development, we should be looking for ways to improve performance and protection – not carving out new exemptions. “If Pennsylvania truly wants to be a leader in responsible resource development, the General Assembly should promptly reject Senate Bill 1378.” (Photo: conventional oil and gas wells in the Allegheny National Forest.) The text of the communication follows: “On behalf of the Pennsylvania Environmental Council, I am writing to express our strong opposition to Senate Bill 1378 (P.N. 2053) – which would establish the “Pennsylvania Conventional Oil and Gas Well Regulations Act.” “Senate Bill 1378 directs the Department of Environmental Protection and Environmental Quality Board to establish separate regulations for conventional and unconventional gas wells in Pennsylvania. This requirement would extend to all environmental protection laws in the Commonwealth. “Both conventional and unconventional wells pose potential risks to human health and the environment, including on or off site spills of wastewater or other contaminants, erosion and sedimentation issues, methane migration from subsurface disturbance, air emissions, and other impacts. Despite Senate Bill 1378’s assertion, conventional well development is not inherently “benign”. “Senate Bill 1378’s flaw is compounded by the fact that the legislation follows an artificial distinction between “conventional” and “unconventional” gas wells. The bill distinguishes “conventional” and “unconventional” operations solely by depth of the target formation – below the Elk Sandstone or its geologic equivalent. “Here’s why this is so important: this distinction does not account for the technology or technique (for example, hydraulic fracturing) used by an operator. In fact, Senate Bill 1378 goes a step further to expressly state that the technology or design of a well is inconsequential to its characterization as “conventional” or “unconventional”(see, for example, page 2, line 23 of the legislation). “Therefore, pursuant to this legislation, any operator, regardless of the size of the company, could conduct high volume fracturing at shallow depths and still be deemed “conventional” – and thus subject to reduced protection standards. It bears noting that fracturing at shallower formations can pose even greater risks to ground and drinking water resources. “This arbitrary distinction, which has it roots in Act 13 of 2012, is wholly inappropriate as a benchmark for setting environmental protection standards. “Senate Bill 1378 creates a new and potentially vast exemption for natural gas operations, undercutting necessary environmental protections for on­site containment, drinking and surface water protection, air emissions, and other siting and control standards. “This legislation goes directly against the import of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court’s decision last December with respect to Act 13 and the sufficiency of environmental protection in regulating natural gas development. “The General Assembly should not violate the public trust by taking steps to further weaken the protections afforded to its citizens and environment. “We ask that you oppose this legislation. Thank you for your consideration.” Background: Conventional Well Drilling In PA By PA Environment Digest Conventional oil and gas wells are a significant threat to Pennsylvania’s environment if not properly regulated and increasingly fracking is used to get more production out of conventional oil and gas wells, just like unconventional Marcellus Shale wells. Since 1859 some 325,000 conventional oil and gas wells have been drilled in Pennsylvania, of which an estimated 200,000 wells are abandoned and unplugged creating a pathway for air, soil and ground and surface water pollution throughout the state. It has only been since 1956 the state has required permits for new drilling operations. It was not until 1984 when well operators were required to plug non­producing wells they drilled and standards were set for well construction and operation. The environmental threat from improperly constructed and plugged conventional oil and gas wells was so great that the 1984 law Oil and Gas Act created the Abandoned and Orphaned Well Program. Some funding for abandoned well plugging was provided in the 1984 law, however it was expended in the original Growing Greener Program and supplemented in the 2012 with the Act 13 law regulating unconventional oil and gas wells. The General Assembly was clearly concerned enough by conventional oil and gas drilling in the past to establish environmental standards and find ways to deal with the environmental hazards they create. Legislation identical to Senate Bill 1378 is expected to be introduced in the House shortly. NewsClips: Rendell DCNR Officials Testify At Court Hearing On State Leasing Injunction Sought To Block Additional State Forest Drilling Court Hears Testimony In Lawsuit To Stop State Forest Drilling Plan Court Hears Request To Block State Forest Leasing Environmental Groups Files To Stop More State Gas Leasing Op­Ed: Fracking Has Gone Far Enough In Penn’s Woods Op­Ed: It’s A Good Thing PA Is Not An Anti­Fracking State Editorial: State Forests Already Host Plenty Of Gas Drilling Editorial: Corbett Takes Protection Away From Sensitive Lands Corbett: No Interest In Adding Natural Gas Severance Tax Bumsted: Handicapping A Shale Extraction Tax Cabot Drilling Company Wins Governor’s Community Impact Award

Former Rendell Officials Now Say Marcellus Natural Gas Drilling Exploited State Forests

StateImpact, the Patriot­News, Post­Gazette and the Citizens Voice Thursday reported former DCNR officals in the Rendell Administration now say the leasing of 137,000 acres of State Forest land for drilling exploited State Forests as a “cash cow.” The remarks were made during the first day of arguments before Commonwealth Court in a lawsuit the PA Environmental Defense Fund filed against the Rendell and Corbett Administrations over the transfer over $383 million in proceeds in DCNR’s Oil and Gas Fund to balance the state General Fund. provided a preview of the Court hearing Tuesday. The newspapers reported testimony and documents entered into evidence for the lawsuit said Michael DiBerardinis, Rendell's DCNR Secretary at the time, sent Rendell a memo on March 27, 2009, in which he told the governor: "Wholesale leasing will damage our State Forest landscape. It would scar the economic, scenic, ecological, and recreational values of the forest ­ especially the most wild and remote areas of our state in the Pennsylvania Wilds." Jim Grace, former State Forester with DCNR noted the Rendell leases in 2010 set "a terrible precedent" by ordering the exploitation of the state forest for quick cash regardless of the impacts. "It's dictating from outside how many acres should be developed without considering any of the other uses," said Grace, which flies in the face of the mission of DCNR and might possibly violate the state's role of trustee of the public resources under the terms of Article 1 Section 27 of the state constitution. Former DCNR Secretary John Quigley under Rendell echoed Grace: "We determined (additional leasing) was not in the best interests of the Commonwealth, and yet we were ordered to do two more rounds of leasing." Quigley added a provision inserted in the 2009 Fiscal Code requiring more leasing of State Forest land to generate $180 million in revenue to balance the state budget was "an effective repeal of the 1955 oil and gas lease fund act.” "We were being forced to raise almost another quarter billion dollars without regard to the agency's mission," said Quigley. "The governor and General Assembly were coming very close to slaughtering the cash cow." Quigley and DCNR did offer another 31,968 acres of State Forest for leasing in November of 2009. He said in a press release at the time, "Our approach to making state lands available for natural gas drilling has always been to limit the impact on the surface and on other uses of the land. We've been exceptionally mindful of our obligations as we developed this plan to balance our environmental responsibilities and the budget." He went on to explain, that "For about a year, DCNR has been working to prepare a lease sale. We chose these tracts of land after extensive environmental reviews to protect the health of the forest now and in the future, to allow for gas and timber extraction and public recreation, and to keep ecosystems intact that support a diversity of wildlife and plants. In total, these tracts represent a little more than 1.5 percent of our total state forest land.” During a hearing of the Senate Environmental Resources and Energy Committee in 2009 after the announcement of additional acreage for leasing, Quigley said DCNR does not have the resources to police State Forest Marcellus Shale natural gas drilling as it ramps up over the next few years. In March of 2010 the PA Environmental Defense Fund gave notice of its intent to file a lawsuit to prevent the leasing and transfer of funds saying, "The Foundation believes and avers that your (Rendell Administration’s) proposal to lease additional State Forest land to supplement the Budget for the Commonwealth for the year 2010 with $180,000,000 is a decision that will risk the ecological integrity of our State Forest system and is therefore an unlawful decision by you under Article I, Section 27 of Pennsylvania's Constitution,” John Childe, attorney for the PA Environmental Defense Fund, explained. He added, "This Amendment provides self­executing rights to all the people of the Commonwealth, and enumerates a duty as trustee over Pennsylvania's public lands, for the benefit of all the people of the Commonwealth. As governor of the Commonwealth you bear the specific responsibility for ensuring the rights and protection set forth in this Amendment. These rights are mandatory, not discretionary. You do not have the authority to violate them. "As you know, the purpose of the Oil and Gas Lease Fund, the legislatively created fund where money from leasing state lands for oil and gas exploration is required to be invested, is to protect and preserve the Commonwealth's State Forest System and not to supplement the State Budget. "As you are also aware, there is no need to require additional leasing of State Forest land. The imposition of a Severance Tax would more than make up for the proposed leasing.” The Defense Fund actually filed the lawsuit in March of 2012. The practice of supporting State Park and State Forest operations through transfer from the OIl and Gas Fund begun under the Rendell Administration was continued under Gov. Corbett who proposed in February to transfer up to $75 million from the Oil and Gas Fund to support park and forest operations. Gov. Corbett also issued an Executive Order last week laying out the ground rules for any new drilling on State Forest or State Park lands. Click Here for a fact sheet on the Executive Order and Non­surface Disturbance Leasing of DCNR Lands. For more information, visit DCNR’s Natural Gas Development and State Forests webpage. On June 2 the House Democratic Policy Committee holds a hearing on the proposal to expand gas drilling leasing on State Forest, State Park lands in Room 418 of the Capitol starting at 10:00. The Commonwealth Court hearing is to resume on Monday and Tuesday. NewsClips: Rendell DCNR Officials Testify At Court Hearing On State Leasing Injunction Sought To Block Additional State Forest Drilling Court Hears Testimony In Lawsuit To Stop State Forest Drilling Plan Court Hears Request To Block State Forest Leasing Environmental Groups Files To Stop More State Gas Leasing Op­Ed: Fracking Has Gone Far Enough In Penn’s Woods Op­Ed: It’s A Good Thing PA Is Not An Anti­Fracking State Editorial: State Forests Already Host Plenty Of Gas Drilling Editorial: Corbett Takes Protection Away From Sensitive Lands Corbett: No Interest In Adding Natural Gas Severance Tax Bumsted: Handicapping A Shale Extraction Tax Cabot Drilling Company Wins Governor’s Community Impact Award

Environmental, Other Groups Oppose More State Forest Drilling

Civic, religious and environmental groups Thursday called on Gov. Tom Corbett to reverse his decision to permit additional leasing of mineral rights in state parks and forests for natural gas drilling during a news conference organized by Rep. Greg Vitali (D­Delaware), Minority Chair of the House Environmental Resources and Energy Committee. "This is bad public policy," said rep. Vitali. "If Gov. Corbett wants to raise additional revenues from gas drilling he should impose a severance tax instead." The Rev. Sandra L. Strauss from the Pennsylvania Council of Churches said the governor's decision violates the Pennsylvania constitution, which calls for the land to be preserved for all ­­ now and into the future – and notes that public natural resources are common property. "Our children and grandchildren will inherit the environmental problems we leave behind," Strauss said. "Future generations already face tremendous debts. It's up to us to speak up, reminding our governor and our General Assembly of their duty to uphold Pennsylvania's Constitution, and raising our faith voices to call for a halt to the governor's disgraceful action." Pennsylvania Sierra Club Chapter Director Joanne Kilgour said the impacts of drilling are already being felt on state lands, and she noted that from 2008 to 2012, more than 300 notices of violations were issued to gas drilling­related companies for incidents such as brine spills and residual waste discharges. An expansion of drilling, she said, would make matters worse. "This summer, as you are hiking with your spouse, teaching your children to fish, and picnicking along the banks of a clean trout stream, imagine the loud, polluting noise of a compressor station or hundreds of large, industrial trucks passing by on the way to a nearby well pad," Kilgour said. Delaware Riverkeeper Maya Von Rossum said the governor's order will invite, inspire and spawn industrial development along state parks and forests, and eventually pave the way for the state to open parks entirely for drilling. Also speaking were PennFuture Policy Director Steve Stroman, PennEnvironment Advocate Kristen Cevoli, Clean Water Action Central Pennsylvania Campaign Coordinator Nathan Sooy, Pennsylvania League of Women Voters President Susan Carty and Ralph Kisberg from the Responsible Drilling Alliance. Forty­four percent of state forestland, or 673,000 acres, already is subject to Marcellus shale drilling. Meanwhile, Rep. Vitali is awaiting details from the Corbett administration about plans for expanded gas drilling. The Pennsylvania Office of Open Records last week granted Rep. Vitali's appeal seeking details about Corbett’s plan to raise the $75 million through the additional leasing of mineral rights. Rep. Vitali sought information about what parks and forests are under consideration for drilling, how many acres would be leased, which companies will be doing the drilling and how the $75 million figure was calculated. He has yet to hear from the administration, and said the information is needed to properly consider the budget that General Assembly will vote on next month. Gov. Corbett issued an Executive Order last week laying out the ground rules for any new drilling on State Forest or State Park lands. Click Here for a fact sheet on the Executive Order and Non­surface Disturbance Leasing of DCNR Lands. For more information, visit DCNR’s Natural Gas Development and State Forests webpage. On June 2 the House Democratic Policy Committee holds a hearing on the proposal to expand gas drilling leasing on State Forest, State Park lands in Room 418 of the Capitol starting at 10:00. NewsClips: Rendell DCNR Officials Testify At Court Hearing On State Leasing Injunction Sought To Block Additional State Forest Drilling Court Hears Testimony In Lawsuit To Stop State Forest Drilling Plan Court Hears Request To Block State Forest Leasing Environmental Groups Files To Stop More State Gas Leasing Op­Ed: Fracking Has Gone Far Enough In Penn’s Woods Op­Ed: It’s A Good Thing PA Is Not An Anti­Fracking State Editorial: State Forests Already Host Plenty Of Gas Drilling Editorial: Corbett Takes Protection Away From Sensitive Lands Corbett: No Interest In Adding Natural Gas Severance Tax Bumsted: Handicapping A Shale Extraction Tax Cabot Drilling Company Wins Governor’s Community Impact Award

Budget Preview: 28 Days Before State Budget Deadline, Will Zack And Miri Get A Raise?

The deadline to have a state General Fund budget in place is July 1. When the Senate and House return to session on June 2 they will have 28 days left before a budget should be done. The Independent Fiscal Office said in its most recent estimates state revenues are projected to be down $608 million for FY 2013­14 and another $990 million for FY 2014­15 totaling a nearly $1.6 billion budget hole. Actual fiscal year­to­date General Fund collections are down $424.5 million, according to April’s revenue figures. On June 2 we should get the latest figures on May revenues which will shed more light on the deficit Senate and House Republicans and Gov. Corbett will have to deal with. reported Friday Senate Majority Leader Dominic Pileggi (R­Delaware) told Capitol news reporters budget talks were at an early stage and while there has been talk about a severance tax as a source of additional revenue, their first approach is to discuss a spending plan that matches available revenues. Sen. Pileggi said there are a list of 20 or 30 potential revenue­generating ideas and a severance tax is one of them. He said as of now there is a $1.2 billion revenue hole, but the deficit appears to be a bit worse. Education funding is perhaps the most sensitive part of the discussion. On the House side, Rep. Joseph Markosek (D­Allegheny), Minority Chair of the House Appropriations Committee, put out his views of General Fund expenditures and revenue options listing everything from an increase in tobacco taxes to a natural gas severance tax. On the cutting costs side (which no one really likes to do because it offends people, especially in an election year) there is the clear need to reduce state employee and school employee pension costs which go up even more dramatically in the coming years. Competing plans have been introduced, hearings have been held, actuarial notes prepared, analyses written, but other than killing a lot of trees, not much progress has been made. Suggestions for filling the budget gap come in several flavors, each of them bitter to one group or another­­ a new severance tax on natural gas production (opposed by 95 percent of Republicans), potentially expanding gaming in the state (could be, but will be a heavy lift on where extra revenues will go), some form of liquor privatization (which Senate and House Republicans don’t agree on and never have) and expanding Medicaid to take advantage of short­term federal funding for the program (which Democrats love, and Republicans and the Governor oppose). Gov. Corbett last week also issued a new Executive Order outlining the ground rules for leasing additional State Park and State Forest lands which he estimates may bring in up to $75 million to fund park and forest projects. He quickly notes neither his current budget nor his Enhanced Penn’s Woods initiative rely on this additional funding. There’s always the chance the General Assembly will cobble together some income by raiding some special funds that are still somewhat healthy. In years past they raided the Mcare Medical Malpractice Insurance Fund, the Storage Tank Indemnification Fund, the Keystone Recreation, Park and Conservation Fund, the Oil and Gas Fund, the Recycling Fund and more. Of course they can also do things like delay payments to nursing homes, municipalities, school districts and other payees by three months or six months to push the payments into the another fiscal year and use other one­time gimmicks. Shading revenue projections is another popular, honored tactic. They also sometimes go the other way, like the serious proposal to increase the PA Film Development Tax Credit from its present $60 million a year to whatever Zack & Miri want by removing the cap on the credit. Zack & Miri? Yes, the PA Film Tax Credit has supported the making of some very memorable movies, like the 2008 classic Zack & Miri Make A Porno. During budget season, folks can be very, very creative. Last year, with a somewhat smaller budget hole, the House did not pass its first General Fund budget bill until June 12 and took final action on June 30, with the follow­on budget implementing bills coming much later. In 2012, the Senate was the first to pass a budget bill on May 9 and the House passed the final version on June 28, with the implementing bills. For three years, one of the Corbett Administration’s mantras has been passing an on­time budget before July 1 (or just slightly before). We’ll see how close they come this year. The Senate and House will be in voting session June 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 16, 17, 18, 19, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30. Lots of work to be done. NewsClips: Big Decisions Await Lawmakers Returning To Harrisburg Corbett: No Interest In Adding Natural Gas Severance Tax Bumsted: Handicapping A Shale Extraction Tax Rendell DCNR Officials Testify At Court Hearing On State Leasing Injunction Sought To Block Additional State Forest Drilling Court Hears Testimony In Lawsuit To Stop State Forest Drilling Plan Court Hears Request To Block State Forest Leasing Environmental Groups Files To Stop More State Gas Leasing Editorial: Corbett Takes Protection Away From Sensitive Lands

Delaware County High School Team Claims State Envirothon Honors

Students of Penncrest High School in Delaware County walked off with first­place honors after competing May 20 and 21 in the 31st Pennsylvania State Envirothon at Susquehanna University and PPL Montour Preserve. The 2014 state champions scored 522.33 points of a possible 600 while competing this year with student teams from 64 of Pennsylvania’s 67 counties. Other winning teams and their scores were: Second Place, YHSA Homeschoolers, York County, with a score of 520; third, Carmichaels Area High School, Greene County, 510; fourth, Palmyra Area High School, Lebanon County, 482; fifth, Downingtown East High School, Chester County, 481.33; sixth, Redbank Valley High School, Clarion County, 473; seventh, Neshaminy High School, Bucks County, 453.67; eighth, Central Valley High School, Beaver County, 447.33; ninth, Blue Mountain High School, Schuylkill; 446.67; and tenth, Lewisburg Area High School, Union County, 445.67. At the Envirothon, five­member teams participate in a series of field station tests focusing on five topic areas: soils and land use, aquatic ecology, forestry, wildlife and environmental issues. The 2014 current environmental issue focused on Sustainable Agriculture/Buying Local. The teams also prepared and delivered oral presentations to panels of judges who evaluate each team on its problem­solving capabilities, oral presentation skills and recommendations to help solve the specific environmental challenge, which relates to the current environmental issue. Participating teams represented the best and the brightest of the thousands of high school teens who have competed in county Envirothon competitions sponsored by conservation districts from across the state. At the state level, the Envirothon is sponsored by Pennsylvania’s sixty­six conservation districts, the State Conservation Commission, and the PA Association of Conservation Districts. The program is managed by a board of directors representing those sponsors. Technical expertise is provided by the following: Department of Environmental Protection, Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, Game Commission, Fish and Boat Commission, U.S.D.A. Natural Resources Conservation Service and the Pennsylvania Farmers Union. Sponsors and partners of the 2014 Envirothon are: PPL Corp., Marcellus Shale Coalition, Shell Oil Co., Air Products Foundation, Insurance Companies, Access Midstream, Canon USA, Envirothon, departments of Agriculture, Environmental Protection, and Education, Pa. Trappers Association, Pa. Association of Conservation Districts, and the State Conservation Commission. The Hershey Co., Dwight Lewis Lumber, Lewis Lumber Products, PPL, and Cargill are corporate station sponsors. Winners of the 2014 Pennsylvania Envirothon state competition will be recognized as the state champions and will receive additional scholarship funding or an educational excursion on the Chesapeake Bay. The Pennsylvania Envirothon awarded scholarships to the first, second, and third place teams. The scholarships were sponsored by Pennsylvania’s County Conservation Districts and Pennsylvania Envirothon. Each of the top ten teams received a plaque and other prizes. For more information on the Envirothon program, contact your county conservation district, visit the Pennsylvania Envirothon website, call 814­623­8099 or send email to: [email protected].

(Reprinted from the May 28 DCNR Resource newsletter. Click Here and go to the bottom of the page to sign up for your own copy. And the May 29 DEP News. Click Here to sign up for your own copy.)

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Senate/House Agenda/Session Schedule (Updated)/Bills Introduced

Here are the Senate and House Calendars and Committee meetings showing bills of interest as well as a list of new environmental bills introduced­­

Bill Calendars

House (June 2): House Bill 202 (Harper­R­Montgomery) prohibiting standby water service charges for fire companies; House Bill 1684 (Everett­R­Lycoming) which seeks to clarify a minimum royalty payment in state law; House Bill 1699 (Ross­R­Chester) providing for the regulation of air emissions from backup generators; House Bill 2104 (Godshall­R­Montgomery) further providing for consumer protections in variable rate electric supplier contracts; House Resolution 249 (Swanger­R­Lebanon) supporting increased development and delivery of oil from North American oil reserves­ sponsor summary. <> Click Here for full House Bill Calendar.

Senate (June 2): House Bill 1672 (Miller­R­York) providing for the testing of new energy efficient technologies­ summary and House Fiscal Note. <> Click Here for full Senate Bill Calendar.

Committee Meeting Agendas This Week

NOTE: It's June, so watch for lots of last minute Senate, House Committee meetings!

House: the Appropriations Committee meets to consider Senate Bill 1254 (Yudichak­D­ Luzerne) amending the Plumbing System Lead Ban and Notification Act­ sponsor summary; the Environmental Resources and Energy Committee meets to consider Senate Bill 1236 (Yaw­R­Lycoming) authorizing royalty interest owners of oil and gas wells to inspect records of gas companies to verify proper payments; Senate Bill 1237 (Yaw­R­Lycoming) prohibiting gas companies from retaliating against royalty interest owners of oil and gas wells by terminating their lease agreement­­ Senate Fiscal Note; Senate Bill 1238 (Yaw­R­Lycoming) requiring gas companies to fill a satisfaction piece in the county Recorder of Deeds office when oil and gas leases are terminated­­ Senate Fiscal Note; House Bill 2264 (Miller­R­York) increasing nuclear power plant fees­­ sponsor summary; the Game and Fisheries Committee holds an informational meeting on House Resolution 129 (Causer­R­Cameron) directing the Legislative Budget and Finance Committee to investigate the feasibility of combining the Game and Fish and Boat Commissions adopted May 13, 2013; the House Democratic Policy Committee holds a hearing on the proposal to expand gas drilling leasing on State Forest, State Park lands; the Human Services Committee meets to consider Senate Bill 177 (Greenleaf­R­Montgomery) creating the Lyme Disease Task Force­ sponsor summary. <> Click Here for full House Committee Schedule.

Senate: the Environmental Resources and Energy Committee meets to consider Senate Bill 1262 (Fontana­D­Allegheny) providing for private lateral sewage line repair funding­ sponsor summary, Senate Bill 1256 (Ward­R­Westmoreland) establishing the Heritage Areas Program in law­ sponsor summary, Senate Bill 1355 (Yaw­R­Lycoming) increasing nuclear power plant fees­ sponsor summary. <> Click Here for full Senate Committee Schedule.

Bills Pending In Key Committees

Here are links to key Standing Committees in the House and Senate and the bills pending in each­­

House Appropriations Education Environmental Resources and Energy Consumer Affairs Gaming Oversight Human Services Judiciary Liquor Control Transportation Links for all other Standing House Committees

Senate Appropriations Environmental Resources and Energy Consumer Protection and Professional Licensure Community, Economic and Recreational Development Education Judiciary Law and Justice Public Health and Welfare Transportation Links for all other Standing Senate Committees

Bills Introduced

The following bills of interest were introduced this week­­

Unconventional Well Reporting: House Bill 2278 (Pickett­R­Bradford) requiring monthly production reports from unconventional (Marcellus Shale) gas wells­ sponsor summary.

Marcellus Shale Ombudsman: Senate Bill 1371 (Stack­D­Philadelphia) creating the Marcellus Shale Ombudsman Office within DEP and establishing complaint investigation procedures­­ sponsor summary.

Session Schedule (Updated)

Here is the latest voting session schedule for the Senate and House­­

House June 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 16, 17, 18, 19, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30

Senate June 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 16, 17, 18, 19, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 Fall Schedule September 15, 16, 22, 23, 24 October 6, 7, 8, 14, 15 November 12

News From The Capitol

Senate Environmental Committee Considers Nuclear Plant Fees, Heritage Area Bills June 3

The Senate Environmental Resources and Energy Committee is scheduled to meet June 3 to consider legislation to increase nuclear power plant fees, establishing the Heritage Areas Program in law and to fund private lateral sewage line repairs. The bills include­­ ­­ Senate Bill 1262 (Fontana­D­Allegheny) providing for private lateral sewage line repair funding­ sponsor summary; ­­ Senate Bill 1256 (Ward­R­Westmoreland) establishing the Heritage Areas Program in law­ sponsor summary; and ­­ Senate Bill 1355 (Yaw­R­Lycoming) increasing nuclear power plant fees­ sponsor summary. The meeting will be in Room 8E­B of the East Wing starting at 9:30. Sen. Gene Yaw (R­Lycoming), serves as Majority Chair and Sen. John Yudichak (D­Luzerne) serves as Minority Chair.

House Environmental Committee Considers Gas Royalty, Nuclear Plant Fees Bills June 4

The House Environmental Resources and Energy Committee is scheduled to meet on June 4 to consider three Senate bills addressing oil and gas well royalty issues and legislation to increase nuclear power plant fees. The bills include­­ ­­ Senate Bill 1236 (Yaw­R­Lycoming) authorizing royalty interest owners of oil and gas wells to inspect records of gas companies to verify proper payments; ­­ Senate Bill 1237 (Yaw­R­Lycoming) prohibiting gas companies from retaliating against royalty interest owners of oil and gas wells by terminating their lease agreement­­ Senate Fiscal Note; ­­ Senate Bill 1238 (Yaw­R­Lycoming) requiring gas companies to fill a satisfaction piece in the county Recorder of Deeds office when oil and gas leases are terminated­­ Senate Fiscal Note; and ­­ House Bill 2264 (Miller­R­York) increasing nuclear power plant fees­­ sponsor summary. The meeting will be held in Room B­31 of the Main Capitol starting at 10:00. Rep. Ron Miller (R­York) serves as Majority Chair of the Committee and Rep. Greg Vitali (D­Delaware) serves as Minority Chair.

House Democrats To Hold Hearing On Additional Gas Drilling Proposal June 2

The House Democratic Policy Committee is scheduled to hold a hearing on the proposal to expand gas drilling leasing on state lands on June 2. Scheduled to testify are: John Quigley, Principal, John H. Quigley, LLC.; Former DCNR Secretary; John Childe, Attorney, Pennsylvania Environmental Defense Foundation; Mark Szybist, Attorney, PennFuture; John Norbeck, Vice President and COO, PennFuture; and Curt Ashenfelter, Executive Director, Keystone Association. The hearing will be in Room 418 of the Capitol Building starting at 10:00 a.m. Rep. Greg Vitali (D­Delaware), Minority Chair of the House Environmental Resources and Energy Committee, is organizing the hearing. Gov. Corbett issued an Executive Order last week laying out the ground rules for any new drilling on State Forest or State Park lands. Click Here for a fact sheet on the Executive Order and Non­surface Disturbance Leasing of DCNR Lands. For more information, visit DCNR’s Natural Gas Development and State Forests webpage. NewsClips: Rendell DCNR Officials Testify At Court Hearing On State Leasing Injunction Sought To Block Additional State Forest Drilling Court Hears Testimony In Lawsuit To Stop State Forest Drilling Plan Court Hears Request To Block State Forest Leasing Environmental Groups Files To Stop More State Gas Leasing Editorial: Corbett Takes Protection Away From Sensitive Lands Corbett: No Interest In Adding Natural Gas Severance Tax Bumsted: Handicapping A Shale Extraction Tax

Rep. Heffley Announces Waste Coal Energy And Reclamation Tax Credit Bill

In an effort to promote the reclamation of former coal mining sites across the Commonwealth, Reps. Doyle Heffley (R­Carbon) and Jaret Gibbons (D­Lawrence) Wednesday announced the introduction of House Bill 2265 creating a Waste Coal Energy and Reclamation Tax Credit. “Carbon County owes so much of its history and heritage to coal mining,” said Rep. Heffley. “However, there is plenty of land across the county and Commonwealth that still shows the impact of mining done before the 1970s. We need to do what we can to promote the revitalization of these sites.” “Creating alternative energy from coal refuse is helping to address the environmental damage caused by bad coal management practices,” Rep. Gibbons said. “The process creates clean energy and thousands of jobs, while also contributing to the cleanup and reclamation of abandoned mine land and waterways. This bill would help those companies in the face of a volatile and depressed energy market.” Under House Bill 2265, the tax credit would go toward companies involved in the conversion of waste coal. During this process, coal refuse stockpiles (also known as “culm banks”) and are used to create energy. This process has created thousands of jobs at waste coal power plants across the state. “This past winter was extremely difficult for power producers across the state due to the closing of several coal power plants and most importantly for families facing rising energy costs,” Rep. Heffley added. “Efforts to clean up waste coal sites assist our power grid while also boosting our environment and eliminating eyesores which have been around for decades. These dollars will go directly toward the preservation and creation of quality jobs in our region.” House Bill 2265 has already received the bipartisan support of more than 20 co­sponsors. The bill is currently with the House Finance Committee. Identical legislation­­ Senate Bill 1346­­ was introduced in the Senate by Sen. Don White (R­Indiana)­­ sponsor summary.

May Issue Of Environmental Synopsis Now Available From Joint Conservation Committee

The May edition of the Environmental Synopsis newsletter is now available from the Joint Legislative Air and Water Pollution Control and Conservation Committee. This month’s issue features articles on DEP’s study of naturally­occurring radioactivity in oil and natural gas development, leaders in clean energy, new power plant could help determine the future of coal, who’s to blame for coal’s decline? and more. Sen. Scott Hutchinson (R­Venango) serves as Chair of the Joint Conservation Committee.

News From Around The State

Schuylkill River Celebration Highlights PA Rivers Month Activities

Plans for fun on the ­­ from canoes and kayaks slicing through headwaters to leisurely tube floats in urban environs ­­ is expected to draw hundreds of paddlers, campers and other outdoors enthusiasts to a rebounding waterway named River of the Year for 2014. “When a state designates a waterway for this honor, it also is saluting the communities, conservation groups and individual citizens all working for its improvement,” said Department of Conservation and Natural Resources Secretary Ellen Ferretti. “They watched renovation replace retreat; embraced water­based hiking, biking and rail trails; and sought solutions to economies no longer supported by mills and factories.” A variety of on­water, shoreline and off­shore activities are planned June 7­13 along the Schuylkill as a paddling sojourn takes participants from river’s headwaters in Schuylkill County into the Philadelphia city limits. That celebration is among at least a dozen planned on rivers and streams across the state during Pennsylvania Rivers Month. “Promoting awareness of how these waterways have rebounded and their continuing conservation needs is the major goal of this month­long observance,” Ferretti said. “There is a vital connection among the rivers and streams and area residents and visitors, and these sojourn and other activities planned by river advocates strengthens those bonds.” In support of that goal, Gov. Tom Corbett has proclaimed June as Rivers Month in Pennsylvania, the secretary noted. Highlighting the recreational and economic value of waterways, planned sojourns include: “Stony­Kiski­Conemaugh rivers, beginning June 5; Perkiomen Creek, June 7; June 20; French Creek, June 21; Delaware River, June 22; Endless Mountains Heritage, June 26; Invisible River, July 7; Rising Nation River Journey, Aug. 1; West Branch, Susquehanna, Aug. 13; Ohiopyle Over The Falls, Aug.16; and Brodhead, Sept. 20. For complete activity listings and details on other upcoming sojourns across the state, visit the PA Organization for Watersheds and Rivers Sojourn webpage. The Schuylkill and other sojourn programs are coordinated by the Pa. Organization of Waterways and Rivers in partnership with DCNR, as well as dozens of local organizations. Statewide annual paddling events encompass more than 500 river miles, span more than 50 on­the­water days, and engage more than 4,000 participants. Since 1983, the River of the Year has been featured on posters sent to watershed organizations, local municipalities and interested individuals throughout the state to encourage a focus on Pennsylvania's waterways. Click Here for events in and around the Schuylkill River, PA’s River of the Year. To learn more about rivers conservation, visit DCNR’s Rivers Program webpage. The text of the Governor’s PA Rivers Month Proclamation follows­­ WHEREAS, each year, Pennsylvania joins states across the nation in celebrating “Rivers Month” to emphasize the importance of all the Commonwealth’s rivers. Events and activities scheduled for June reaffirm our commitment to the value and beauty of our river resources; and WHEREAS, rivers flow through Pennsylvania’s cities, towns and boroughs, providing an important natural and recreational asset to urbanized areas; and, they are a rich mosaic of water treasures providing opportunities for boating, fishing, bird watching and other recreational activities, as well as drinking water for millions of Pennsylvanians; and WHEREAS, through protective and innovative actions such as the Pennsylvania Rivers Conservation Program, the Coldwater Heritage Partnership Program, Pennsylvania Scenic Rivers Program and the River Towns Programs, Pennsylvanians join in promoting the conservation and revitalization of these precious water resources; and WHEREAS, Pennsylvania’s river initiatives are driven by voluntary partnerships with municipal officials, local groups, conservation organizations, and governmental agencies, to develop watershed conservation plans for restoring, maintaining and enhancing all rivers; and leading to the rebound of waterways such as the Schuylkill River ­­ Pennsylvania’s 2014 River of the Year; and WHEREAS, these Rivers Conservation Plans now encompass 65 percent of Pennsylvania thanks to funding and technical assistance from the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources. Because of local partnership efforts and stewardship commitments 97 watersheds or corridors have gained approved Registry Status; and WHEREAS, Conservation and appreciation of our river environments represent concepts of enduring consequence. THEREFORE, I, Tom Corbett, Governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, do hereby proclaim June 2014 RIVERS MONTH. I urge all Pennsylvanians to reaffirm their commitment to protecting and conserving the quality of our river systems.

Schuylkill River Student Expedition To Inspire Watershed Action June 7­14

From June 7­14 ten high school students from communities throughout the headwaters of the Schuylkill River to its terminus in Philadelphia will embark on a weeklong expedition throughout the 2,000­square­mile Schuylkill River watershed. This intensive, applied service­learning program, Schuylkill Acts & Impacts: An Expedition to Inspire Watershed Action, is being piloted by the Schuylkill Headwaters Association located in Pottsville, PA in collaboration with Outward Bound Philadelphia and over 25 partners and sponsoring organizations from throughout the watershed. Student participants representing the five counties (Schuylkill, Berks, Montgomery, Chester, and Philadelphia) located within the Schuylkill River watershed will travel by canoe, van, and foot along the 120­mile Schuylkill River from its source in the anthracite coal lands of Schuylkill County to its confluence with the Delaware River in Philadelphia. For eight days and seven nights, participants will sleep under the stars and learn in a classroom without walls. Each night, participants will camp or stay in basic accommodations at various parks and preserves. Team leaders from the Schuylkill Headwaters Association and Outward Bound Philadelphia will guide students downriver, illustrating an array of issues impacting water quality in the Schuylkill River through guided tours, programming, and applied service work designed to highlight issues in the watershed, encourage critical thinking and problem solving skills, and offer hands­on solutions to these problems. Target issues include: 1) the legacy of coal mining on water quality; 2) agricultural impacts including erosion and manure management; 3) the role of land preservation in watershed health; and 4) the impacts of stormwater and impervious surfaces on water resources. For example, students will paddle stretches of the river with biologists and conduct basic water quality monitoring, tour abandoned and active coal mines, visit farms to examine stream bank erosion, and walk the streets of Philadelphia to witness pioneering work at mitigating stormwater. Daily reflections will challenge participants to consider their own use of water and provide them with tools to take action in their own stretch of the watershed. A Toyota TogetherGreen Fellowship awarded by the National Audubon Society was used to leverage support —both financial and in­kind—from more than 25 organizations, agencies and businesses within the Schuylkill River Watershed to make Schuylkill Acts and Impacts’ inaugural year possible. For more information, a complete schedule, or to join the expedition please contact Sierra Gladfelter, Schuylkill Headwaters Association at 570­573­2093 or send email to: [email protected].

USDA Chooses Chesapeake Bay Region For Additional Farm Bill Conservation Funding

The U.S. Department of Agriculture Tuesday announced the Chesapeake Bay region has been selected as one of eight Critical Conservation Areas, part of the new Regional Conservation Partnership Program, in the federal Farm Bill. A total of $100 million dollars per year will be available to the RCPP and the CCA designation means the Chesapeake Bay region is eligible to compete for a large share of those conservation dollars. The RCPP replaced several programs from the previous Farm Bill, including a program targeted to farmers in the Chesapeake Bay region. Like that program, this new program is critically important to help farmers in the region implement the conservation measures needed to achieve the Chesapeake Clean Water Blueprint goals. Following the announcement, Chesapeake Bay Foundation Senior Water Quality Scientist Beth McGee issued this statement: “Reducing pollution from agricultural runoff is one of the most cost effective ways to improve water quality, and Bay jurisdictions are relying heavily on these pollution reductions to achieve their clean water goals. As a result, this conservation funding is crucial to implementing the Clean Water Blueprint and restoring our rivers, streams and the Chesapeake Bay. “The region was selected because of our critical needs, and the fact that the Chesapeake Bay is a national treasure. The Bay states committed to putting in place 60 percent of the practices necessary to restore the Bay by 2017. Competing for and receiving this additional conservation funding is critical if the states are to meet that goal. “This designation and funding would not have been possible without the leadership of Senators Cardin and Mikulski, and the support of the other legislators representing the region, including Representatives Van Hollen, Harris, Wittman and Scott.”

2014 Annual Water Resources Education Network Grantee Meeting June 10­11

Community leaders from across Pennsylvania will gather at Dickinson College in Carlisle, at the annual PA League of Women Voters Water Resources Education Network Grantee Meeting, June 10­11, to network and share lessons learned from successful 2013­2014 local projects. The 2014 meeting theme is "Making a Splash for Clean Water." The WREN annual meeting is designed to bring together community groups and water suppliers to share experiences in drinking water protection and watershed education and learn about resources available to improve local projects. Attendees will include representatives from WREN Grant community partnerships that are conducting drinking water protection and watershed education projects. In addition, select public water suppliers working with or interested in DEP's Source Water Protection Technical Assistance Program will also attend. After a welcome by League of Women Voters of PA President Susan Carty, featured speakers will include Paul Heimel, County Commissioner for Potter County, who will discuss the power of collaboration in his presentation "It Was Clean When It Left Here." The theme helps convey an ethic and a promise to ensure that headwater streams in the County will remain pristine. DEP Executive Deputy Secretary for Programs Dana Aunkst will join us to share an update on water policy in Pennsylvania and Department initiatives. Other featured speakers include: Dennis Risser with an update on USGS groundwater studies, water funding resources by Matthew Karnell of the Commonwealth Financing Agency and Tess Schlupp of PennVEST; emergency response to protect water supplies with Jason Minnich of DEP; and transportation corridor considerations with TJ Cunningham of PennDOT District 3. Don Peperak of North Fayette County Municipal Authority has graciously offered to demonstrate his custom surface water treatment model. National communications expert and perennial favorite with WREN grantees, Eric Eckl, President of Water Words that Work, LLC, will cover proven techniques to plan successful pollution prevention campaigns. Eric will highlight ways to get results with best practices and messages that help turn simple actions into big steps to make a difference in communities. Green Infrastructure offers many benefits: reducing stormwater runoff, recharging groundwater, beautifying towns, and reducing stress on aging infrastructure. Charlotte Katzenmoyer, Director of Public Works for the City of Lancaster, and Dan Zimmerman, Township Manager of Warwick Township, will share their expertise in working with partners and municipalities to implement beneficial community water projects. Extraordinary conservation leaders are needed now more than ever. Kevin Cogan, of Rotary Club District 7390, has returned from a recent trip to Haiti, and we are delighted to have him join us to share ways to build partnerships with civic organizations such as Rotary International for clean water. In addition, sessions are planned on using social media tools, community engagement strategies, and an entire showcase of water models and displays that take community water education to the next level. The WREN Meeting is always valued by participants for the opportunity to network and learn with like­minded water education volunteers and professionals and for the varied resources offered. The conference is by invitation only for recipients of WREN grants. Consider joining us for 2015 ­ it's not too early to begin planning your community water education project with local partners. Start now and get ready to apply for a WREN Grant in March 2015!

(Reprinted from the Spring issue of Water Policy News is now available from the PA League of Women Voters Water Resources Education Network.)

Water Resources Education Network Spring Water Policy News Now Available

The Spring issue of Water Policy News is now available from the PA League of Women Voters Water Resources Education Network.

PennVEST, DEP Invite Comments On Clean Water, Drinking Water Intended Use Plan

The PA Infrastructure Investment Authority and DEP published notice of an opportunity to comment and a June 10 public hearing on the 2014 Intended Use Plans for the Clean Water and Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Programs. The hearing will be held at the DEP Headquarters Building, 2nd Floor Auditorium, 400 Market St., Harrisburg. 1:00. The 2014 Intended Use Plans will be posted on the DEP Intended Use Plans webpage.

Vote For Your Favorite Great American Cleanup Of PA Video

Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful is requesting your help to choose the winner of the 2014 Great American Cleanup of PA video. Go to Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful’s Facebook page and like your favorite video! Voting begins June 2nd and ends on June 13th. Winners will be announced the week of June 16th. “It’s exciting to see Pennsylvanian’s involved in the Great American Cleanup of PA and cleaning up their local communities. What we saw was a lot of partnerships, a lot of trash being picked up and a lot of people having fun doing it,” says Shannon Reiter, president of Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful. “We are anxious to see who is chosen as this year’s winner.” Cash prizes, sponsored by the PA Waste Industries Association, are $200 for the winning entry and $100 each for two runners up. Additional sponsors for the video contest are Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful and the Department of Environmental Protection.

3 Rivers Cleanup Announced As Part Of The National River Rally June 1 In Pittsburgh

Paddle Without Pollution will lead a river cleanup on June 1, along the Allegheny, Monongahela, and Ohio Rivers as part of River Rally May 30 to June 1 in Pittsburgh. River Rally is an annual event organized nationally by River Network that brings more than 750 advocates for healthy rivers and watersheds together from across the world. These visiting advocates will partner with local groups to remove trash and debris from the areas surrounding , providing a cleaner, healthier, and more beautiful start to Pittsburgh’s spring and summer activities on the Three Rivers. Paddle Without Pollution is a non­profit organization whose mission is to restore and protect the health of rivers, streams, lakes, and wetlands through hands­on stewardship and education, thereby benefiting the region’s communities, economy, and quality of life. PWP operates with very little or no negative impact to the environment, using volunteers in kayaks and canoes to get into ecologically sensitive, shallow, and inaccessible areas that land­based cleanup crews cannot reach. In 2013, PWP volunteer crews removed 16.6 tons of illegally dumped debris and litter from waterways in Western Pennsylvania, exceeding 2012’s total of 15.3 tons. PWP was recently awarded a Western Pennsylvania Environmental Award from Pennsylvania Environmental Council. Torqeedo will be providing support vessels powered by clean, environmentally friendly electric outboards from 4HP up to their award­winning 40HP Deep Blue system. Paddle Without Pollution, Northeast Paddleboard Company, and Exkursion Outfitters will supply kayaks and canoes for volunteers. “We’re proud to be able to share our beautiful city with watershed advocates from across the world,” said David Rohm, Executive Director of Special Operations of PWP. “The stewardship event will give visitors a chance to see the city from a different perspective and to make an immediate difference in the health of our rivers.” River Network’s mission is to empower and unite people and communities to protect and restore rivers and other waters that sustain the health of our country. For more information about how to get involved, visit the Paddle Without Pollution website.

StormwaterPA Offers New Case Study In Clean Your Water Series

The StormwaterPA website now has available a new case study in the Clean Your Water series on efforts in the Tookay/Tacony­Frankford Watershed cleanup initiatives. Explore StormwaterPA for creative solutions to stormwater management solutions.

May 20 Tour Highlighted Environmental Benefits Of Manure Digesters

DEP Secretary E. Christopher Abruzzo and External Affairs Director Katherine Hetherington Cunfer participated in the Center for Dairy Excellence Bio Digester Tour on May 20 with visits to Cliff and Andrea Sensenigs’ Farm and the S&A Kreider Farm in Lancaster County. Also participating in the tour was Agriculture Secretary George Grieg, Agriculture Deputy Secretary for Consumer Protection and Regulatory Affairs Jay Howes, CDE Executive Director John Frey, State Conservation Commission Director Karl Brown, and Lancaster County District Administration Don McNutt. The tour focused on the exemplary stewardship being conducted by the Sensenig and Kreider family farms. Cliff and Andrea Sensenig operate a 100 cow dairy and Scott and Herb Kreider, along with their sons, operate a 1,300 cow dairy. Both farms use manure digesters to process the manure from their dairy operations and the Sensenigs' digester also pipes in manure from neighboring hog, poultry and dairy farms operated by extended family that combine their wastes to make the digester more economical. Anaerobic manure digesters (or methane digesters) collect manure and through a process of decomposing the organic matter in the manure with bacteria at 120­130 degrees F in the absence of oxygen produce methane gas which is used to produce renewable energy for on­farm or off­farm use. The digesters can also process food waste and other organic materials. The dry sterilized solids from the manure digester are then used for animal bedding. The use of the manure digester helps manage the manure on these farms and limits the nitrogen and phosphorus from the manure from getting into the Conowingo Creek, a tributary of the Chesapeake Bay. Pennsylvania has over two dozen manure digesters in production and the typical farm size is 500 cows or more. The Sensenigs’ operation is unique because it combines the manure from three farms, via underground pipes as well as food waste and was recognized by the Department of Agriculture with a proclamation to highlight the success of the project. This small farm co­op approach makes the digester profitable for all three farms while producing the bedding needed by the two dairy farms. The hog and poultry farm is compensated for the litter, which had been a source of income before the digester. The digester helped the Sensenigs turn around the profitability of the farm and with assistance of state and federal grant funding; they are now selling their excess energy back to PPL. DEP works closely with the local conservation districts and the agricultural community to find winning solutions like manure digesters and other conservation practices. To learn more about these programs, please visit DEP’s Bureau of Conservation and Restoration webpage. For more information on opportunities through the Center for Dairy Excellence, visit their website.

(Reprinted from the May 29 DEP News. Click Here to sign up for your own copy.)

May 29 DEP News Now Available

The May 29 edition of DEP News is now available. Click Here to sign up for your own copy.

DEP: How Pennsylvania Regulates Methane From The Oil And Gas Industry

The May 29 DEP News contained this summary of how Pennsylvania regulates methane emissions from the oil and gas industry­­ Pennsylvania set the bar for tough emission requirements and is a national leader in creating and implementing stringent enforceable regulations on the oil and gas industry. As the first state in the country to require a comprehensive leak detection and repair program at natural gas operations, Pennsylvania has led the way in protecting public health and the environment from emissions resulting from natural gas operations in the Marcellus Shale region of the state. Today, although implemented differently than other states, we continue to regulate methane as stringently and effectively as any other state in the nation. Here’s a glance into what we require: Pennsylvania’s leak detection programs require operators to conduct leak detection and repair programs monthly using audible, visual and odor detection methods. In addition, on a quarterly basis, operators must use leak detection monitoring devices, such as a forward looking infrared camera, to detect methane leaks. All methane leaks at compressor stations or processing facilities must be fully repaired, completely eliminating the leak in 15 days or less. On well pads, leak detection and repair must be conducted annually and include the entire well pad, not just the natural gas liquids tanks and piping as required by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for the oil and gas sector. Going above what is required by EPA, any detected leaks on well pads in Pennsylvania are also required to be repaired within 15 days. Failure to comply with any criteria associated with the operation of a well pad may result in the requirement for that operator to cease operations. DEP also incorporates leak detection and repair requirements as a permit condition for natural gas transmission projects. Once again going beyond what is federally required, Pennsylvania has also directed owners and operators of certain traditional oil and natural gas sources to report their emissions annually. It is also important to note that Pennsylvania’s leak detection and repair programs not only control methane, they also are established to control volatile organic compounds and the associated hazardous air pollutants. So, how do we compare to other states? Under the administration of Governor Corbett, environmental protection standards for the natural gas industry are among the most extensive and comprehensive in the nation. It has been and will continue to be our utmost priority to ensure that this valuable energy resource is produced and used with the safety, health and well­being of Pennsylvanians in the forefront. A more detailed state­by­state comparison of how methane is being regulated in Pennsylvania and in other energy­producing states, is available here. Related Story: Opinion: Mitigate Methane Emissions In Pennsylvania

(Reprinted from the May 29 DEP News. Click Here to sign up for your own copy.)

PA Energy Development Authority Invites Comments On Proposed PEDA Energy Plan

The PA Energy Development Authority is inviting comments on a proposed PA Energy Development Plan outlining the Authority’s policy goals, general operating principles and investment priorities. (formal notice) The original plan was published in 1984 and last updated in 2008 and is required to be updated every three years. The proposed plan will be posted on the PEDA webpage and will be available for public comment for 60 days.

CFA Awards $3.4 Million In Clean, Alternative Energy Grants To 4 Projects

The Commonwealth Financing Authority Tuesday announced the award of $3.4 million in clean and alternative energy project grants to four projects. "The Corbett administration recognizes the importance of expanding our investments in the energy sector as we continue to make Pennsylvania a leader in the field," said Department of Community and Economic Development Secretary C. Alan Walker. "Our investments in alternative and clean energy continue to result in cost savings for businesses and residents as well as new jobs for Pennsylvanians." The Authority approved four projects Tuesday through the state's Alternative and Clean Energy Program including a biofuels project in Potter County which will create nine full­time jobs and will invest more than $270,000 into the region. Other approved projects include two compressed natural gas fueling stations which have the benefits of reducing emissions and one high performance building project. The CFA investments in Allegheny, Carbon and Potter counties are projected to result in more than $31 million in additional economic investments. The grants approved include­­ ­­ Allegheny County: Ariel Holdings LP, a subsidiary of American Natural Retail, LLC, will receive a $720,000 grant for the construction of a CNG fueling station located in Harmar Township, Allegheny County. The fueling station will have public access and is located at the intersection of 910 and Rich Hill Road and also neighbors Pitt Ohio's new trucking and maintenance terminal. The station will also directly support the conversion of a portion of Pitt Ohio's trucking fleet from diesel to natural gas. Based on current demand, the Harmar CNG station will displace more than 3,500,000 per year of diesel at full capacity. ­­ Allegheny County: Hypatia Holdings LP, a subsidiary of American Natural Retail, LLC, will receive a $600,000 grant for the construction of a CNG fueling station located at Franklin Park Borough, Allegheny County. The fueling station will have public access and will be located at 2619 Wexford Bayne Road in Sweickley. The location currently houses an abandoned gas station that Hypatia will renovate. Based on current demand, the Sweickley CNG station will displace more than 100,000 gallons per year of gasoline and diesel. ­­ Carbon County: Leighton Area School District will receive a $2 million grant for the construction of a new USGB LEED Gold K­2 primary and 3­5 elementary center located in Leighton Borough. The new 140,000­square­foot school will replace four aging facilities. The project will include geothermal HVAC system, energy efficient lighting, natural daylighting and thermal envelope. The project is anticipated to reduce energy consumption by 4,685,179 kBTU annually. In addition, new low­flow water fixtures will save the district 30 percent of the annual water usage at the building. ­­ Potter County: Biomaxx, Inc. will receive a $90,000 grant for the purchase and installation of wood brick fuel production equipment at its facility located in Ulysses Borough, Potter County. The company will optimize their existing wood pellet manufacturing plant and add a wood brick fuel production line by acquiring equipment from U.S. Recycled Wood Products, Inc. The process optimization equipment will help maximize wood pellet production by eliminating the bottleneck that presently exists in the dry hammermill process that limits pellet production. This will increase annual capacity from 26,000 tons per year to 36,400 tons per year. In addition, the new wood brick fuel product line from U.S. Recycled Wood Products, Inc. will be added to the plant. This equipment will produce wood bricks at a capacity of 6,000 tons per year and will utilize lower grade raw material and feedstock. The company will create nine full­time jobs as a result of the $276,180 project. The ACE Program provides financial assistance in the form of grants and loan funds that will be used by eligible applicants for the utilization, development and construction of alternative and clean energy projects in the state. The next deadline for new applications for the Alternative and Clean Energy Program is July 11.

PUC Updates PaPowerSwitch, Offers New Video On Variable Electric Rates

The Public Utility Commission Tuesday announced several updates to address this winter’s variable rate issues in the retail electricity market, including additional information on types of rates. The PUC also released a new video on Shopping For An Electric Supplier as part of its educational videos series. One of the additions is a “Things to Consider when Choosing a Fixed or Variable Rate” box on the shopping page, which leads to information and a chart on the differences between fixed and variable rates. “PUC actions can have a substantial impact on customers and, in particular, on educating and empowering customers to make well­informed choices when participating in the retail electricity market,” said PUC Chairman Robert F. Powelson during his testimony April 29 before the Pennsylvania Senate Consumer Protection and Professional Licensure Committee. “With this in mind, the PUC has undertaken a number of innovative consumer­education initiatives and two rulemakings designed to ensure that customers have access to the information and educational materials they need to make wise decisions regarding their electricity supply options.” New features include changes to that “will help customers assess their risk tolerance, which in turn will help them decide whether to choose a variable rate, which can be riskier – or a fixed rate, which is often less risky,” said Chairman Powelson in his testimony. “These small changes will have a big impact on customers by ensuring they have access to the best information possible. Doing so will also protect against the possibility of a customer selecting a product without understanding the associated risks.” With this enhancement, when customers are shopping for electricity on and their cursor hovers over the words “fixed” and “variable” under the “Narrow Your Search” section, a message will appear describing what each one means. These messages also will contain links to the recently added “Understanding Fixed & Variable Rates” page on, in addition to the “Things to Consider” box on that page. The PUC also added to the “Fixed & Variable” page the side­by­side comparison so consumers can consider the differences between both rate types. The initiatives follow other recent actions, including new and updated pages on, educational videos, press releases, consumer­education events and two rulemakings, which will accelerate the time it takes to switch suppliers and require suppliers to list disclosure information more prominently on their bills. NewsClips: Reeling From Harsh Winter, Utilities Scramble For Cooling Season Penelec Electric Bills To Rise About 12 Percent In June Electricity Prices Will Rise For PPL Customers PPL, UGI Suggest Ways To Trim Electric Bills Editorial: Use Summer To Stabilize Power Rates PUC Chair Steps Down From Energy Advocacy Group Turnpike Opens Electric Car Charging Stations PA’s Power Plant Emission Limits Criticized Media: Public Has Right To PPL Storm Outage Documents Climate Activist To Boost Wolf’s Bid For Governor Climate Change To Boost Health Problems

Opinion: Public Silenced In Adoption Of New Variable Electric Rate Regulations Rep. Robert Godshall (R­Montgomery) Majority Chair House Consumer Affairs Committee

When politics gets in the way of good public policy, citizens inevitably lose. That is precisely what happened to electric ratepayers when the Independent Regulatory Review Commission (IRRC) met May 22 and, by a 3­2 vote, approved regulations put forth by the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission (PUC) that fail to adequately protect the public against electric rate price gouging. In fact, the PUC regulations even go so far as to block the citizens’ right to provide public input when the PUC determines a decision must be expedited. Following severe weather in January thousands of variable electric rate customers were hit with electric bills as much as 600 percent higher than normal. While variable rates are subject to change based on fluctuations in the wholesale electric market and at the will of the electric supplier, one cannot reasonably be expected to accept rate increases as high as 600 percent! As chairman of the House Consumer Affairs Committee, it is my job to examine and put forth legislation that will protect consumers from harm. I held hearings after my office and many of my House colleagues were slammed with phone calls and letters from constituents complaining about exorbitant electric bills. Many of these calls were emotional – even desperate. For some, the rate shock represented certain default. About 10 years ago, Pennsylvania deregulated its electric market and consumers were urged to shop for more favorable rates. I fully support the concept of electric competition, but the process must be improved to protect consumers and mitigate future occurrences of “rate shock.” The problem with deregulation is that it led to a dramatic rise in the number of new electric service providers, more than 355, and oversight became more challenging. Many providers are little more than marketing operations that offer low introductory rates to lure consumers away from their local default supplier, then collect handsomely when the low rate expires. Many electric customers never realized they were committing to a variable rate contract − many not even receiving a hard copy of the agreement. The hearings before my committee demonstrated that consumers were not being provided with information that clearly spelled out the nature of their variable rate contracts. Then, once a customer gets hit with a high bill, it can take one or more billing cycles before they are able to change electric suppliers. In March, I introduced House Bill 2104, which was passed by the House Consumer Affairs Committee and is now before the full House. This legislation would protect consumers by limiting the amount variable rates can rise in a 30­day period, shortening the time necessary for consumers to switch electric providers, and requiring electric companies to fully disclose, in plain language, the terms of their variable rate plans. My bill would also require the PUC to post current and historic electric rates on the PA Power Switch website. On May 22, I testified against the regulations proposed by the PUC as I firmly believe it is in the public’s interest for the PUC to provide proper public notice and a public comment period before rules and regulations are adopted. Pennsylvania law pertaining to “final­omitted rulemaking” permits exceptions to the public notice/public comment law only in the following circumstances: ­­ When comments from the public are not appropriate, necessary or beneficial. ­­ When all persons subject to the regulation are named and given personal notice. ­­ When notice is impractical, unnecessary or contrary to the public interest. I remain at a loss to understand how the PUC regulations met the threshold that would preclude the public from weighing in on matters that impact them directly. The public, who in some cases reportedly suffered exponential increases in electric rates, should have a voice. The recent unprecedented electric rate hikes demonstrated that the public is at substantial risk. This is no time for the public to be silenced. House Bill 2104 is the only guarantee that consumers have to be assured that never again will they be slammed with electric rate increases of up to 600 percent in a single month. NewsClips: Reeling From Harsh Winter, Utilities Scramble For Cooling Season Penelec Electric Bills To Rise About 12 Percent In June Electricity Prices Will Rise For PPL Customers PPL, UGI Suggest Ways To Trim Electric Bills PUC Releases New Video On Shopping For An Electric Supplier Editorial: Use Summer To Stabilize Power Rates PUC Chair Steps Down From Energy Advocacy Group Turnpike Opens Electric Car Charging Stations PA’s Power Plant Emission Limits Criticized Media: Public Has Right To PPL Storm Outage Documents Climate Activist To Boost Wolf’s Bid For Governor Climate Change To Boost Health Problems

Philadelphia Housing Authority Wins Award For Green Norris Apartments Housing

The Philadelphia Housing Authority’s LEED Gold Norris Apartments has been recognized for outstanding achievement by the Mid­Atlantic Regional Council of the National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials. The council includes housing and community development agencies in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware, and Washington DC. Norris Apartments, located adjacent to Temple University’s main campus, is PHA’s first­ever LEED certified ‘development, and meets nationally accepted standards for planning, design, construction, and operation of high­performance green buildings. Energy savings for the apartment units are projected at 29 to 39 percent, while the townhomes are projected to save 38 to 45 percent, compared to conventionally­built units. The density of the new development is much lower as well. PHA replaced 179 units, with 51 units in a mix of walkups and townhomes on the same block. The design includes a small pocket park in the center courtyard that provides green space for residents while limiting rainwater runoff into the city sewer system. “We are thrilled to receive this recognition from our peers,” said Kelvin Jeremiah, PHA President and CEO. “The housing authority has made a long­term commitment to sustainable development. Our design at Norris is in sync with Temple University and other private developers in the North­Central neighborhood, where, in partnership with the City and others, we hope to win a Choice Neighborhoods Implementation Grant to complete the transformation of the Norris neighborhood.” Norris Apartments is also in line to win a national Award of Merit from NAHRO. The United States Green Building Council certified the new development as LEED Gold in February 2013. PHA used locally made materials as much as possible to reduce its carbon footprint. Besides saving energy, the goals for the new development included improved aesthetics, safety, health, and reducing stormwater runoff. Norris Apartments is a transit­oriented development. It is near the Temple University Station, a hub for all of SEPTA’s regional rail lines. Residents also have easy access to the Broad Street subway and the 23 and C bus lines. Bus routes 4, 47, and 16 are just three to four blocks away. The award­winning development is ideally located near a variety of educational services and the commercial corridor of Broad Street. The development complements ongoing public and private development in the neighborhood and has attracted positive attention from students and private citizens who have inquired as to whether they could live at the new development.

EPA Grant Helps Train Philadelphia Residents For Environmental Jobs

EPA Regional Administrator Shawn M. Garvin visited the site of a North Philadelphia training center Tuesday where a nearly $200,000 EPA grant to the Energy Coordinating Agency will help train local residents for environmental cleanup jobs. ECA is one of 18 organizations nationwide selected this year by EPA for the agency’s Environmental Workforce Development and Job Training grants. “This funding will expand the local workforce needed in Philadelphia to reuse and revitalize contaminated properties,” said EPA Regional Administrator Shawn M. Garvin. “EPA is proud to support ECA and its partners in training people for environmental jobs that can help create healthier neighborhoods and contribute to Philadelphia’s vision of a green, sustainable city.” The nonprofit ECA will train 67 unemployed and underemployed residents of North Philadelphia for environmental careers and cleanup work in their communities. Participants will earn seven federal or state certifications and licenses. “We are delighted to be able to expand our training in environmental careers, to offer people the credentials they need to land firmly on a career ladder, and help build a more sustainable future,” states Liz Robinson, ECA’s Executive Director. The training, along with assistance in job placement, puts graduates on track with a set of marketable skills for potential long­term employment and will be conducted at ECA’s Knight Training Center on 106 West Clearfield Street, a nationally accredited center. The ECA also provides a number of programs that help conserve energy while promoting a sustainable energy future. They are the largest provider of energy and water conservation services for low income residents in the Philadelphia region. EPA’s job training grant to ECA is the third such grant awarded to a Philadelphia organization. Prior grantees were the Greater Philadelphia Urban Affairs Coalition and Impact Services Corp. Since the Environmental Workforce Development Job Training program’s inception in 1998, nationally EPA has funded 239 job training grants totaling more than $50 million. More than 12,800 individuals have completed training, and of those, more than 9,100 have secured employment in the environmental field. For more information, visit EPA’s ECA Grant or Environmental Workforce Development Grants webpages.

EPA Brownfields Grants Help Western PA Communities

Several Western Pennsylvania communities will share in a nationwide total of $67 million in brownfields funding announced Wednesday by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to support cleanup and redevelopment of contaminated properties. Among the grants in Pennsylvania, two that total $1 million will help Beaver and Lawrence Counties conduct environmental assessments of properties possibly contaminated by hazardous waste and petroleum. Beaver County was selected to receive brownfields assessment grant funding totaling $600,000. The County will use the funding to conduct up to 22 environmental site assessments at properties perceived to be contaminated with hazardous waste, and another 10 assessments at sites perceived to be contaminated with petroleum. The funding will also support community engagement activities and cleanup planning. Coalition partners are the City of Aliquippa, Borough of Midland, and Borough of Monaca in Beaver County, and Moon Township in Allegheny County. Lawrence County has experience and success in brownfields redevelopment. They will receive a total of $400,000 for two brownfields assessment grants to assess sites with potential petroleum and hazardous waste contamination. The funds will be used for reviewing the list of proposed sites targeted for the next level of environmental site assessment. Lawrence will also conduct between two and four environmental site assessments, develop cleanup plans and conduct community outreach activities. “EPA’s funding will help Beaver and Lawrence Counties in their efforts to clean up abandoned and underused sites for more economically beneficial uses, showing how small, rural communities can leverage brownfields grants to build a healthier future,” said EPA Regional Administrator Shawn M. Garvin. Since the inception of EPA’s brownfields program, Pennsylvania has received nearly $60 million in brownfields funding. For more information, visit EPA’s Brownfields or Brownfields Grants webpages. NewsClips: Western PA Communities Receive Federal Brownfields Grants PPG Asks Judge For Time In Lawsuit Over DEP Dump Cleanup Plan

Center For Coalfield Justice Appeals Longwall Mining Permit In Greene County

The Center for Coalfield Justice Friday filed an appeal of the issuance of a coal mining permit authorizing Consol Energy to conduct longwall mining operations on 3,175 subsidence control plan acres at the Bailey Mine in Greene County. The Department of Environmental Protection issued the permit May 1, 2014 and the appeal will be heard before the Environmental Hearing Board. Longwall mining is a method of underground extraction that removes the entire coal seam, resulting in significant surface damage. The permit issuance allows coal mining below fourteen streams, with predicted flow loss or flow reduction in at least four streams, including North Fork Dunkard Fork, Polen Run, and Kent Run, which all flow through Ryerson Station State Park. The permit application predicted several years of stream damage so severe that “flow loss would most likely reduce, if not eliminate fishing opportunities” in Ryerson Station State Park. It should also be noted that Duke Lake in Ryerson Station State Park is still dry due to damage from the Bailey Mine in 2005. "First, Consol destroyed Duke Lake in the middle of Ryerson Station State Park", said Patrick Grenter, Executive Director of the CCJ. "Now, they're looking to destroy the streams that flow through the dry lake bed. When will the DEP learn its lesson and just deny the permit? How many more public lands will the state sacrifice to this company?" In fact, the DEP has refused to issue this permit for several years because of concerns over stream destruction. Streams nearby and similarly situated to those at risk in this permit area still have not recovered from harm cause by longwall mining at the Bailey Mine, despite Consol’s attempts to restore stream flow. The DEP has written deficiency letters and held meetings outlining the dangers of this mine proposal, yet the state still suddenly decided to grant the permit. CCJ is appealing the permit based on violations of Bituminous Mine Subsidence and Land Conservation Act, Clean Streams Law and Environmental Rights Amendment of the Pennsylvania Constitution. Veronica Coptis, who grew up next to Ryerson Station State Park said, “For too long the state has allowed companies like Consol to pollute, destroy and depopulate our communities. The time has come for citizens to take their constitutional rights into their own hands. If the state won't uphold their duties, then we will." The full appeal is available online. The Center for Coalfield Justice is a Pennsylvania­incorporated, not­for­profit organization located at 184 S. Main Street, Washington, PA 15301. NewsClips: Group Appeals Consol Longwall Mining Permit In Greene Environmental Group Appeals Longwall Mining Permit

Friends Of The Wissahickon Schedules June Walks, July 12 Family Picnic

Enjoy June in the Wissahickon, when Friends of the Wissahickon Ambassadors are offering free hikes in in Montgomery County. Click Here for a schedule of walks and other events. Bring your family and friends and help celebrate the Friends of the Wissahickon’s 90th anniversary on July 12 from 3 p.m. to 8 p.m. at an old­fashioned family picnic at Pachella Field in Roxborough. The picnic will feature traditional picnic fare, live music, picnic games, a nature hike in the park and a guest appearance by the Philly Phanatic from 3 to 4 p.m. We’ll also blow out the candles on a cake celebrating our 90th anniversary. Tickets include all activities, food, beverages, beer and wine for adults and a commemorative 90th anniversary Mason jar mug. Ticket prices are $40 for adults, $15 for a child. A $100 family ticket will allow admittance for two adults and two children. Help FOW finish lighting the candles on our 90th anniversary cake by purchasing a special family package: a $190 ticket allows admission for two adults, two children and one candle on FOW’s 90th anniversary cake. To purchase tickets, call Sarah Marley at 215­ 247­0417, ext.109 or email her at: [email protected]. Join FOW as we celebrate our 90th anniversary with a year­long schedule of special events.

Lackawanna College Environmental Ed Center Offers June, July Programs

Take advantage of upcoming programs in June and July from the Lackawanna College Environmental Education Center. Click Here for a calendar of events.

Counting American Chestnuts Workshop, Hike May 31 In Carbon County

On May 31 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., The American Chestnut Foundation will be sponsoring an MEGA Transect Chestnut Project training workshop at Nature Center, Slatington, Carbon County. The training will begin with a presentation from 10 a.m. ­ noon, followed by a hike from 1 ­ 3 p.m. Mike Manes, TACF Pennsylvania Chapter volunteer, will lead the training workshop. This effort is part of the AT MEGA­Transect Project, a larger collaborative project of the Appalachian Trail Conservancy, the National Park Service, the US Forest Service, and many other partners. The AT MEGA Transect seeks to engage the public in citizen­science efforts to collect data along the AT to raise awareness of threats to the environmental health of the Appalachian Region. The AT MEGA­Transect Chestnut Project began in 2008 as a collaboration between TACF, ATC, and the Potomac Appalachian Trail Club to train volunteers to collect data on American chestnut trees growing along the AT. Information gathered from this project will help scientists better understand trends and preferred site requirements for American chestnut by evaluating where chestnuts are still present in the forest. Class size is limited. To register for the training on May 31, contact Kathy Marmet by sending email to: [email protected]. More information about the AT MEGA­Transect Chestnut Project can be found at Once the mighty giants of the eastern forest, American chestnuts stood up to 100 feet tall, and numbered in the billions. From Maine to Georgia, the chestnut was a vital part of the eastern forest, provided abundant food for wildlife, and was an essential component of the economy. In the beginning of the 20th century the fungal pathogen responsible for chestnut blight, accidentally imported from Asia, spread rapidly through the eastern forests and by 1950 the fungus had eliminated the chestnut as a mature forest tree. In 1983, a dedicated group of scientists and laypersons formed The American Chestnut Foundation and began a special breeding process, which in 2005 produced the first potentially blight­resistant trees called Restoration Chestnuts 1.0. Now assisted by more than 5,000 members and volunteers in 23 states, the organization is undertaking the planting of Restoration Chestnuts 1.0 in select locations throughout the eastern US. The American Chestnut Foundation is a non­profit conservation organization headquartered in Asheville, NC. There is also a TACF Pennsylvania Chapter. For more information on TACF and their work to restore the American chestnut tree, contact TACF Director of Communications Mila Kirkland at 828­281­0047 or send email to: [email protected].

Delaware Highlands Conservancy Family Tree Summer Workshop Series

Join the Delaware Highlands Conservancy for a series of three free educational workshops in summer 2014. The Family Tree series will provide fun, hands­on learning outdoors in three different locations, including the new woodland trails at the Conservancy’s Bethel, NY office. All ages are welcome, and participants may attend any or all of the sessions. Families will learn together about topics including Mapping Your Property, Plant ID and Tree Planting, Backyard Wildlife, and Forest Health. Participants will receive “Field Packs” to help them get to know their own forests and learn how to care for them, participate in craft projects such as birdhouse building and other fun activities, and learn about the wide variety of plants in their own backyards. Program dates are June 28 ­ Boards to Birdhouses in Pike County; July 12 ­Tree Identification and Woodland Trails in Sullivan County, NY, and August 2 ­ Goods from the Woods in Pike County, in conjunction with the annual Festival of Wood at Grey Towers National Historic Site. The programs run from 10 a.m.­1 p.m. and snacks will be provided, but attendees are asked to bring a picnic lunch. “I’m thrilled to be hosting a series of workshops where children of all ages can come and explore with their parents and grandparents and learn more about our local forest lands,” says Stewardship and Education Coordinator Amanda Subjin. Workshops are co­sponsored with the Grey Towers Heritage Association. To reserve your space and receive directions, please call the Delaware Highlands Conservancy office at 570­226­3164 or 845­583­1010 or email to: [email protected].

Game Commission Offers Summer Workshops For Educators

Schools might soon be letting out, but educators and others who work with youth have a chance to continue their learning through wildlife­focused workshops. Formal educators and nonformal educators such as Scout leaders, afterschool educators and youth­group leaders are welcome to attend these workshops. Project WILD aims to provide a wildlife­based conservation education that fosters responsible action. It’s one of the most widely used conservation and environmental­education programs among educators, and the activities easily can be incorporated into almost any classroom curriculum. Theresa Alberici, who coordinates the program in Pennsylvania through the Pennsylvania Game Commission, said Project WILD benefits educators and students alike. “Educators leave Project WILD with a renewed appreciation of wildlife and are excited about how they’re going to share what they’ve learned with their students,” Alberici said. “Project WILD isn’t about teaching kids what to think about wildlife; it’s about teaching kids how to think about wildlife and giving them the skills they need to become responsibly active citizens who recognize the importance of wildlife and the environment.” More than 1 million educators have been trained in the program since Project WILD originated in 1983. Those who are looking for more information on Project WILD workshops offered this year can visit the homepage of the Game Commission’s website. Following is a listing of scheduled workshops for educators. All workshops are approved for Act 48 hours: June ­­ WILD about Elk (2­day workshop, June 11­12): Participants will work with Game Commission wildlife biologists, wildlife conservation officers, wildlife­habitat managers and wildlife educators to explore elk history, elk biology, habitat management, telemetry and research. This training session includes a field study examining habitat management and several opportunities to view elk, and maybe even their calves. This workshop is designed for upper elementary/middle/high school classroom teachers and non‐formal educators who work with a variety of audiences including students and teachers. It is scheduled to be held Wednesday, June 11, from 11:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Thursday, June 12, from 7 a.m. to noon at the Elk Country Visitor Center, 134 Homestead Drive, Benezette, PA 15821. Lunch and dinner are provided on June 11 and a snack is provided on June 12.There is no cost for the course and educators are offered a $50 stipend to offset cost of lodging and travel. ACT 48 hours are provided. To register, please obtain a registration form and return it to Theresa Alberici at the Game Commission. Forms can be emailed to: [email protected], or sent by fax to 717‐772‐0542. Deadline to register is June 5, but it could close sooner if all seats are filled. ­­ Pennsylvania Songbirds (1­ or 2­day workshop, June 19­20): This is a hands‐on, interdisciplinary resource and activity guide for educators, offered through a joint project of the Game Commission, the state Department of Conservation and Natural Resources and Audubon Pennsylvania. This workshop is for K‐12 educators. It is scheduled to be held Thursday, June 19 from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at Kings Gap Environmental Education Center in Carlisle. Additionally, an optional session is scheduled for Friday, June 20 from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at Middle Creek Wildlife Management Area on the border of Lebanon and Lancaster counties. The cost is $20 each day, and includes the PA Songbirds Guide and transportation for the optional field trip to Middle Creek. ACT 48 hours approved. To register, contact Kings Gap at 717‐486‐5031, or send email to: [email protected]. ­­ Pennsylvania Biodiversity (1­day workshop, June 30): The importance of this seldom­talked­about issue is addressed through the use of resource materials and hands‐on activities. Session participants will investigate the concepts of biodiversity, explore Pennsylvania’s biodiversity at the genetic, species and ecosystem levels, and examine local and global issues relating to biodiversity. Participating teachers will receive the Pennsylvania Biodiversity guide. The workshop is scheduled to be held Monday, June 30 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Tuscarora Wildlife Education Project, Charles Brightbill Center, Box 97, 4881 Fort Loudon Road, Mercersburg. The activities in this training are designed for upper elementary, middle and high school, however the background information about Pennsylvania’s ecosystem and wildlife provided in this workshop is appropriate for teachers of all grade levels. The workshop will be held both indoors and outdoors, and those attending the workshop are urged to dress appropriately and to pack a lunch. The cost of the workshop is $10, payable to TWEP. ACT 48 hours provided. To register, please obtain a registration form and return it to Theresa Alberici at the Game Commission. Forms can be emailed to: [email protected], or sent by fax to 717‐772‐0542. Those with questions can call 717‐787‐1434 or 717‐328‐2126, or send questions by email to: [email protected]. Deadline for registration is June 20. July ­­ WILD about Raptors: Hawks, Harriers, Falcons, Ospreys, Eagles (1­day workshop, July 16): This workshop, for K‐12 educators, will explore the world of Pennsylvania’s diurnal raptors. Resources will include Wildlife Notes for each species and a review of additional materials used and/or available from the Game Commission. Activities for the day are designed to address topics including: adaptation, natural history and current status of species. A significant portion of the day will be a field experience designed to further develop raptor watching and identification. The workshop is scheduled to be held Wednesday, July 16 from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at the Middle Creek Wildlife Management Area, on the border of Lebanon and Lancaster counties. There is no cost to attend the workshop. Those attending are asked to dress for the indoors and outdoors, bring binoculars if possible, and pack water, snacks and a lunch. Act 48 hours provided. To register, contact Bert Myers at: [email protected], or call 717‐733‐1525. Deadline for registration is June 30. ­­ WILD about Mammals (2­day workshop, July 21­22): Designed for teachers at the elementary level, this workshop is designed to enhance the participants’ knowledge about the diverse wild mammals that live in our state. Each day will feature natural history, activities and field experience. The workshop is scheduled to be held on Monday, July 21 and Tuesday July 22, from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. both days. It will be held at the Middle Creek Wildlife Management Area, on the border of Lebanon and Lancaster counties. There is no charge to attend, and those attending are urged to dress for the indoors and outdoors, and pack water and a lunch. Act 48 hours provided. To register, contact Bert Myers at: [email protected], or call 717‐733‐1525. Deadline to register is July 7. ­­ WILD about Bears (1­day workshop, July 31): During this workshop, Game Commission personnel, along with workshop participants, will explore the world of the black bear, focusing on natural history, management practices, research and interactions between bears and people. Examine a culvert trap used to trap bears for research or to remove nuisance bears. Explore the habits and habitat of the black bear, and maybe have the chance for a close‐up view. The workshop is scheduled to be held Wednesday, July 31 from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Monroe County Environmental Education Center, 8050 Running Valley Road, Stroudsburg. There is no charge to attend, and those attending are urged to dress for the indoors and outdoors, and pack water and a lunch. Act 48 hours provided. To register, obtain and complete a registration form and return to Theresa Alberici. Forms can be sent by email to [email protected], or faxed to 717‐772‐0542. Deadline to register is July 7, or sooner if all seats for the workshop are filled. Questions can be phoned in to 717‐787‐1434. August ­­ Pennsylvania Biodiversity (1­day workshop, Aug. 12): The importance of this seldom­talked­about issue is addressed through the use of resource materials and hands‐on activities. Session participants will investigate the concepts of biodiversity, explore Pennsylvania’s biodiversity at the genetic, species and ecosystem levels, and examine local and global issues relating to biodiversity. Participating teachers will receive the Pennsylvania Biodiversity guide. The workshop is scheduled to be held Tuesday, Aug. 12 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Wildwood Park, 100 Wildwood Way, Harrisburg. Meet at the Nature Center. The activities in this training are designed for upper elementary, middle and high school, however, the background information about Pennsylvania’s ecosystems and wildlife provided in this workshop is appropriate for teachers of all grade levels. The workshop will be held both indoors and outdoors, and those attending the workshop are urged to dress appropriately and to pack a lunch. The cost of the workshop is $10. ACT 48 hours provided. To register, contact Wildwood Park at 717‐221‐0292. Registration deadline is July 25. ­­ Biodiversity on the Susquehanna River (1­day workshop, Aug. 13 ): Join the Pennsylvania Game Commission and Wildwood Park for a canoe trip on the Susquehanna River. Explore the biodiversity of this aquatic ecosystem between Fort Hunter and West Fairview. This trip will include a stop near Wade Island to view Pennsylvania’s largest nesting site for great egrets and black‐crowned night‐herons, both of which are state­endangered species in Pennsylvania. The program also includes discussions of some of the challenges facing plants and animals of the river. The workshop will be held Wednesday, Aug. 13 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. The meeting site will be near Fort Hunter Park in Harrisburg, with the exact location being sent to those who register. The cost of the workshop is $10, and those attending are encouraged to pack water, a hat, sunscreen, lunch and binoculars. Act 48 hours provided. To register, contact Wildwood Park at 717‐221‐0292. The deadline to register is July 25, and space is limited. ­­ WILD about Reading: Reading to Learn the Content – Wildlife and their Habitats (1­day workshop, Aug. 14): This hands‐on professional­development workshop for teachers of grades 1 through 3, special­education teachers and elementary­reading specialists addresses the Pennsylvania Environment and Ecology and Science Standards, as well as the Science, Technology and Environment and Ecology Assessment Anchors. Participating teachers will receive 15 nonfiction reading books, puppets, and a full­color forest habitat silk mat. They also will receive the Reading to the Content Curriculum Guide and the newly developed national early childhood activity guide from the Game Commission’s “Growing Up Wild” program. In total, each teacher will take back to his/her classroom over $350 worth of materials for students. The workshop is scheduled to be held on Thursday, Aug. 14 from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at the Wildwood Park Nature Center, 100 Wildwood Way, Harrisburg. There is no cost for the workshop. Those attending are asked to pack a lunch. Snacks are provided. Six Act 48 hours are available upon successful completion of the workshop. To register, please obtain and complete a registration form and return to Theresa Alberici. Forms can be sent by email to [email protected], or faxed to 717‐772‐0542. The deadline to register is Aug. 1. Questions can be phoned in to 717‐787‐1434. ­­ WILD About Waterfowl (1­day workshop, Aug. 19): This workshop will help educators of grades 5 through 12 learn about waterfowl species and the importance of their wetland habitats. Topics include human impacts on waterfowl and migration habits of waterfowl within the Atlantic Flyway. Field activities include observation of duck banding (conditions permitting), waterfowl identification and a guided field experience. The workshop is scheduled to be held Tuesday, Aug. 19 from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at the Middle Creek Wildlife Management Area, on the border of Lebanon and Lancaster counties. There is no cost to attend. ACT 48 hours provided. To register, contact Bert Myers at: [email protected], or 717‐733‐1512. Registration deadline is July 30.

Susquehanna Riverlands Projects Receive Funding From DCNR

With funding assistance from DCNR, the Lancaster County Conservancy is awarding $72,125 in grants to six organizations that support the initiatives of the Susquehanna Riverlands Conservation Landscape. The region encompasses the Susquehanna River and riverside lands in York and Lancaster counties. The projects support the efforts of the Susquehanna Riverlands to enhance public recreation facilities, downtown revitalization and environmental education. Grants awarded this round are: ­­ Borough of Columbia ­ $25,000 – Funding to determine the best uses and develop a maintenance/operation plan for the soon to be completed trail and park Services building at River Park. The grant also will provide funding for the purchase of furniture and interpretive displays. ­­ Donegal Intermediate School ­ $5,000 – Third to sixth grade students will work with local artists to design and install a tile mosaic on the retaining wall in the East Donegal Riverfront Park. ­­ Hellam Township ­ $4,825 ­ The Hellam Township Environmental Advisory Council is spearheading a project for the installation of a demonstration rain garden, rain barrels and native plant gardens for managing stormwater run­off in a cost­effective, beautiful and environmentally friendly way. ­­ Lancaster Creative Factory – $14,800 ­ Artful Benches and a Natural Sculpture Program will be introduced along the Northwest River Trail. Working with students, artists, fabricators and volunteers, the Lancaster Creative Factory will create a set of artistic, functional and permanent benches to provide trail visitors with an aesthetically pleasing place to rest. Students will participate in shooting a video documenting the process. ­­ The Marietta Community House ­ $2,500 – The organization will write and produce a self­guided walking tour in both printed (booklet) and digital (website) formats. The latter will be accessible anywhere by scanning a QR code. ­­ York County Parks Foundation Charitable Trust ­ $20,000 – Highpoint Scenic Vista interpretive plan including signs and QR codes focusing on the natural, cultural and historic resources of the Lower Susquehanna region. For more information, visit DCNR’s Susquehanna Riverlands Landscape Initiative webpage.

(Reprinted from the May 28 DCNR Resource newsletter. Click Here and go to the bottom of the page to sign up for your own copy.)

Susquehanna River Trail Roaring Bull Canoe, Kayak, Paddleboard Races June 7

Join the Susquehanna River Trail Association on June 7 for the Roaring Bull Canoe, Kayak, and Standup Paddleboard Races beginning at the mouth of Mahantango Creek (6 miles north of Millersburg at the Dauphin County line) and finishing at Millersburg’s MYO Park. Veteran and rookie down river racers compete in a variety of classes over a 6.5 mile (recreational division) or 9 mile (competitive division) course. Afterwards, lunch is provided at the MYO Park pavilion in Millersburg, followed by a youth race on a one mile loop course. Racers receive an event t­shirt and awards. Registration is $15 per adult and $5 per child (under age 14). “The Roaring Bull races are a good time for all ­ whether a seasoned pro or a family out to test their mettle,” said John Meister, event chairman for the Susquehanna River Trail Association. “The Susquehanna River and its islands provide the perfect scenery and just the right amount of challenge to make for a memorable event!” Media are invited to come out to videotape or photograph the event. Boats and guides can be arranged. The Susquehanna River Trail­­ a National Recreation Trail­­ was established in 1998 to promote environmentally­responsible recreation on the Susquehanna River and its islands and encourage resource awareness, stewardship, and conservation by river users. The trail is managed by the SRTA (a non­profit organization) in partnership with the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources and the National Park Service – Chesapeake Gateways and Water Trails Program. The trail and its island campsites can be visited from late spring through early fall when the river level is below five feet on the Harrisburg gauge. This is the recommended maximum water level. A waterproof guide provides detailed information about the trail, including safety tips, island inset maps, river history, points of interest, and more. Information on purchasing the guide can be found at the River Trail Guides webpage and registration forms and further details, visit the Roaring Bull Canoe, Kayak, and Standup Paddleboard Races webpage.

PA Celebrates Get Outdoors Month In June

Outdoor recreation areas across Pennsylvania will be hosting special events and activities during June as part of a statewide Get Outdoors Month observance, Department of Conservation and Natural Resources Secretary Ellen Ferretti said Thursday. "The Get Outdoors Month celebration gives our bureaus of state parks and forestry, as well as other outdoor recreation facilities, a chance to showcase what they offer to so many across Pennsylvania," Ferretti said. "Pennsylvanians are urged to get out and enjoy our 120 state parks, 2.2 million acres of state forestland, and thousands of local parks and recreation venues." Gov. Tom Corbett gave the effort strong momentum when he proclaimed June 2014 as Get Outdoors Month and June 14, as Get Outdoors Day in Pennsylvania. "Hundreds of events throughout the month are showcasing our special outdoor spaces," Ferretti said. "We are so fortunate to have plenty of opportunities to explore, and these events allow people to discover places they have never been or participate in new recreations." The month­long observance underscores the work of DCNR, other state agencies, and outdoors­oriented groups and businesses to fuel or renew participation in outdoors activities, as noted in Corbett's proclamation: "Through the Get Outdoors PA program, citizens across the state can be connected to hundreds of outdoor recreation events to suit their recreational interests. Led by experienced trip leaders, these events provide safe, fun and close­to­home opportunities for healthy outdoor recreation." Fishing, wildlife watching, kayaking, hiking, biking and special tips for first­time campers are just a few of the Get Outdoors PA activities planned throughout the state. Several locations are hosting Get Outdoors PA events on June 14 in celebration of Get Outdoors Day. For those and other events, visit Get Outdoors PA.

Game Commission Urges Residents To Get Outdoors PA!

Never kayaked before, but itching to give it a try? Been hearing a lot about geocaching, but have no idea what it means? These and many other activities are being offered across the state in public spaces, such as state and community parks, through the Get Outdoors PA program. “Get Outdoors PA events give Pennsylvanians many opportunities to venture afield and connect with wildlife, and not necessarily have to travel far from home to do it,” said R. Matthew Hough, executive director of the Pennsylvania Game Commission. “The Game Commission is proud to be part of this important partnership, and we hope hunters, trappers and wildlife­watchers are among those who take advantage of what the program has to offer.” The Game Commission recently signed on as a flagship partner for the Get Outdoors PA initiative. The Commission will provide information and guidance on outdoor recreational opportunities including hunting, shooting and wildlife watching. If the thought of venturing into the outdoors or a new activity alone gives you pause, don’t worry. Get Outdoors PA events are designed as group experiences. Recreation activities include hiking, walking, biking, wildlife­watching, target shooting, rock climbing, geocaching, orienteering, fishing, paddling, backpacking, camping, hunting, wilderness survival, cross­country skiing and snowshoeing. Experienced trip leaders teach skills and take you to the best­kept secrets of our parks, forests and open spaces. Many times the equipment is included in the learning experience, so find an event, and discover places you’ve never been to on Pennsylvania’s scenic lands and waters. Visit the Get Outdoors PA website to search among hundreds of events taking place all year. Narrow your search to local surroundings, or explore the possibilities throughout the state. The Fish and Boat Commission, Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, Department of Health, Recreation and Park Society and Land Trust Association are among the Game Commission’s partners in this initiative. Get Outdoors PA can increase Pennsylvanians’ knowledge and appreciation of the opportunities that make the Keystone State an outdoor enthusiast’s paradise. Don’t miss your opportunity to Get Outdoors PA today and get going!

June 8 Fun Day At Game Commission Headquarters In Harrisburg

The Game Commission has teamed up with Members 1st Federal Credit Union to put on "Family Fun Day with the Game Commission," an event to be held June 8 at the Game Commission's Harrisburg headquarters. Plenty of activities are planned. Tours of the headquarters building will be conducted at regular intervals. Multiple showings of the Game Commission's films on bald­eagle and elk restoration are scheduled. There are instructional sessions on outdoor photography, wildlife­habitat tours, archery demonstrations, laser­shooting games and more. There's no cost to attend the event, and free hot dogs and drinks will be provided while supplies last. Family Fun Day is scheduled to be held from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. on June 8. The Game Commission's headquarters is located at 2001 Elmerton Avenue in Harrisburg, which is just off the Progress Avenue exit of Interstate 81. Come out and talk with Game Commission staff to learn more about Pennsylvania wildlife, hunter­education courses, wildlife habitat and more. Bob Wesoloskie, who heads up the marketing and merchandising division for the Game Commission, said Family Fun Day promises to live up to its name. "Family Fun Day is sure to be fun for the whole family, and we're looking forward to seeing you there," Wesoloskie said.

June 18 Open House Invites Comments On Planned Exhibits

The Department of Conservation and Natural Resources will hold an open house meeting for stakeholders and interested members of the public on June 18 to help plan the interpretive exhibits that will be included in a new park office/visitor center at Kinzua Bridge State Park, McKean County. The meeting will be held from 3:00 to 7:00 p.m. at the Mount Jewett Fire Hall at 2 Gallup Ave., Mount Jewett, PA, 16740. Attendees may participate in part or all of the session. “The viaduct at Kinzua Bridge State Park is one of the premier tourist attractions in McKean County and the Pennsylvania Wilds, and we have many partners who over the years have contributed to its promotion and success,” DCNR Bureau of State Parks Director Dave Kemmerer said. “This planning session will be an opportunity for stakeholders and the public to help us form the exhibits and educational information in the new center that will add to a quality visitor experience at the park.” The agenda for the meeting includes a project overview, presentation of a draft concept plan and an open session where participants can provide comments. Refreshments will be provided. Anyone interested in attending the meeting is asked to register by contacting park staff at the new Kinzua Bridge State Park by sending email to: [email protected]. Construction on a park office and visitor center at Kinzua Bridge State Park is anticipated to begin sometime this summer, and be completed in the fall of 2015. The visitor center will house 2,800­square feet of exhibit space in two exhibit halls and a lobby. Themes for the exhibits include: — The dramatic landscape of the Allegheny Plateau is rich in natural resources. These natural resources have stimulated the regional economy over time and continue to do so today. — The Kinzua viaduct as a symbol of the engineering industry advances made in the late 1800s that supported the Industrial Revolution. — The viaduct as an inspiring reminder of the inventiveness, resourcefulness and “can do” spirit of the people of the late­1800s. — The unique opportunities for experiencing natural beauty, observing wildlife, understanding cultural history, and participating in recreational activities at Kinzua Bridge State Park. The 329­acre Kinzua Bridge State Park features remnants of the 2,053­foot long viaduct that was first built of iron in 1882, and then rebuilt of steel in 1900. The viaduct, commonly referred to as a railroad bridge, is series of arches that carry the railroad over the wide valley. The viaduct was toppled by a tornado in 2003. In 2011, DCNR opened a pedestrian walkway with a glass­bottom observation area down into the Kinzua Gorge on the remaining half of the bridge. The bridge and observation deck will remain open during construction of the office and visitor center. For more information, visit the DCNR Kinzua Bridge State Park or PA State Parks webpages or call call toll­free 888­PA­PARKS.

PA Parks & Forests Foundation Launches 2014 Photo Contest

Capture the beauty, wonder and fun of Pennsylvania’s state parks and forests and share those experiences in the PA Parks and Forests Foundation’s Through the Seasons 2014 Photo Contest. Submissions are due September 3. This year’s contest includes several new features, including a new category—Young Photographers—for budding shutterbugs aged 10 to 21 years old. Award winners will also be showcased in a new traveling photo show to appear in several locations across the Commonwealth. Official contest categories for 2014: Appreciation of Beauty; Kids in the Outdoors; Outdoor Recreation; Volunteers in Actions; Dogs in the Outdoors; Young Photographers (photographers aged 10­21) All photos must have been taken in a Pennsylvania state park or state forest. Prizes include a $75 state park gift card for Best in Show winners, a $50 gift card for First Place winners in each category, and a $25 gift card for Second Place winners in each category. Winners will be selected by popular vote on PPFF’s Facebook page. Voting takes place from September 10 to September 17. Award winners will be featured in the Foundation’s fall newsletter and may be included on the PPFF website, Facebook page and in other electronic communications. Entries should be sent to PPFF at [email protected]. Find complete rules at the PA Parks and Forests Foundation Through the Seasons 2014 Photo Contest webpage.

May 28 DCNR Resource Newsletter Now Available

The May 28 issue of DCNR’s Resources newsletter is now available. Click Here and go to the bottom of the page to sign up for your own copy.

2nd Annual Pennsylvania Fly Casting Championship Sept. 6

Fly casters will gather at the Carlisle Fairgrounds Sports and Outdoor Nationals show September 6 for the 2nd Annual Pennsylvania Fly Casting Championship. Co­hosted by the Cumberland Valley Chapter of Trout Unlimited, the Chesapeake Council of the International Federation of Fly Fishers, and the Antietam Fly Anglers, contestants will cast simulated flies at 30­inch targets arrayed between 20­65 feet from the “casting box.” Contestants will then move to the “distance” range where they will attempt to place their flies within a narrow 10­foot wide lane as far as they can cast. Casting a fly with accuracy and at distance will determine the “best of the best” fly casters. Adult men and women are invited to compete in “expert” and “intermediate” categories; boys and girls may compete in the “youth” category. Contestants need not be Pennsylvania residents to enter. Plaques will be awarded to the top three competitors in each category. Sponsored prizes may be presented to the winners. For information, contest rules, and registration form, check the Cumberland Valley TU website.

Game Commission: Do Not Disturb Young Wildlife

The leaves are green, the flowers are in bloom and, once again, it’s that time of year when a new generation of wildlife is making its arrival. And it’s almost a certainty that Pennsylvanians will encounter young wildlife, whether it be in their backyards or high on a mountain. “Being outdoors in the spring is an enjoyable way to spend time and learn more about nature,” said Calvin W. DuBrock, who directs the Game Commission’s Bureau of Wildlife Management. “Whether enjoying your backyard or hiking in the woods, it is time for our annual message for Pennsylvanians to leave wildlife alone and in the wild, especially young of the year.” DuBrock said that in the coming days and weeks, Pennsylvanians could find young deer, rabbits, birds, raccoons or other wildlife, some of which might appear to be abandoned. “Rest assured that in most cases, the young animal is not an orphan or abandoned and the best thing you can do is to leave it alone,” DuBrock advised. DuBrock noted adult animals often leave their young while the adults forage for food. Also, wildlife often relies on a natural defensive tactic called the “hider strategy,” where young animals will remain motionless and “hide” in surrounding cover while adults draw the attention of potential predators or other intruders away from their young. “While it may appear as if the adults are abandoning their young, in reality, this is just the animal using its natural instincts to protect its young,” DuBrock said. “Also, young animals often have camouflaging color patterns to avoid being detected by predators. “Wild animals are not meant to be pets, and we must all resist our well­meaning and well­intentioned urge to want to care for wildlife. Taking wildlife from its natural settings and into your home may expose or transmit wildlife diseases to people or domestic animals,” said Dubrock. “Wildlife also may carry parasites – such as fleas, ticks or lice – that you wouldn’t want infesting you, your family, your home or your pets.” DuBrock noted that, each year, people ignore this advice by taking wildlife into their homes and then are urged to undergo treatment for possible exposure to various wildlife­borne diseases, such as rabies. In addition to protecting public health, Game Commission Bureau of Wildlife Protection Director Rich Palmer said that the agency also is concerned with wildlife implications from humans handling wildlife. “Habituating wildlife to humans is a serious concern, because if wildlife loses its natural fear of humans it can pose a public safety risk,” Palmer said. “For example, a few years ago, a yearling, six­point buck attacked and severely injured two people. Our investigation revealed that a neighboring family had illegally taken the deer into their home and fed it as a fawn. This family continued to feed the deer right up until the time of the attack. “This particular incident was the subject of numerous news stories around the state, and serves as a fitting example of the possible consequences that can stem from feeding or simply getting too close to wildlife.” In addition, Palmer noted that it is illegal to take or possess wildlife from the wild. Under state law, the penalty for such a violation is a fine of up to $1,500 per animal. “Under no circumstances will anyone who illegally takes wildlife into captivity be allowed to keep that animal,” Palmer said. “While residents love to view wildlife and are very compassionate, they must enjoy wildlife from a distance and allow nature to run its course.” Palmer also pointed out that, under a working agreement with state health officials, any “high risk” rabies vector species confiscated after human contact must be euthanized and tested; it cannot be returned to the wild. Though any mammal may carry rabies, species identified in the agreement are: skunks, raccoons, foxes, bats, coyotes and groundhogs. “Except for some species of bats, populations of all other rabies vector species are thriving,” Palmer said. “Therefore, to protect public health and safety, it only makes sense to put down an animal for testing, rather than risk relocating a potentially rabid animal, and to answer the question of whether any people were exposed to the rabies virus.” DuBrock said it is always wise to avoid wild animals and even unfamiliar domestic pets because of the potential rabies risk. “Animals infected with rabies may not show obvious symptoms, but still may be able to transmit the disease,” DuBrock said. People can get rabies from the saliva of a rabid animal if they are bitten or scratched, or if the saliva gets into the person’s eyes, mouth or a fresh wound. The last human rabies fatality in Pennsylvania was a 12‑year‑old Lycoming County boy who died in 1984. Wildlife rehabilitators, who are licensed by the Game Commission, are the only ones who are permitted to care for injured or orphaned wildlife for the purposes of eventual release back into the wild. For those who find wildlife that truly is in need of assistance, a listing of licensed wildlife rehabilitators can be found on the PA Association of Wildlife Rehabilitators website. If you are unable to identify a wildlife rehabilitator in your area, contact the Game Commission region office that serves the county in which the animal is found so that you can be referred to the appropriate licensed wildlife rehabilitator. Regional office contact information can be found on the Game Commission’s website. NewsClips: Think Twice Before Rescuing Baby Wildlife Study To Examine Predators’ Impact On Deer Greene County Farmer And Dedicated Birder Golden Eagle Recovers At Wildlife Works In Youngwood Dead Whale In Philly Part Of Growing Trend

Attorney Harry Klodowski Nominated For President Of Air & Waste Management Assn.

Pittsburgh environmental attorney Harry Klodowski with Hull & Klodowski LLC, has been nominated to run for president of the Air & Waste Management Association, a leading environmental professional organization with more than 5,000 members worldwide. Klodowski has practiced environmental law since 1979 and has advised companies on environmental compliance questions, negotiated permits and resolved enforcement cases. He began practicing as a litigator in a major Pittsburgh law firm, and developed an environmental practice into a separate department. He was a founding partner of another large Pittsburgh firm, where he managed the environmental law practice, supervising 7 professionals. Based on almost 30 years experience practicing environmental law and evaluating a variety of technical issues, Klodowski believes companies should pay more attention to their permits. Environmental permits are contracts with the government allowing the company to operate. Permits with unreasonable conditions can create disastrous results and large legal bills to defend enforcement cases. Hiring experts to review a draft permit costs very little and will reduce future costs. Klodowski is often invited to speak on air pollution regulation, emission trading, air permitting, and other regulatory matters, and to the public on topics such as ozone pollution and environmental protection. His publications include a chapter in Principles of Environmental Sampling, published by the American Chemical Society, and articles on air pollution, Brownfield development, audit privilege, and measurement error in enforcement situations. He was active in the management of the Environmental Law Section of the Allegheny County Bar Association from 1992 through 1997 when he was Chairman of the Section and is a former Chair of the Western Pennsylvania Section of the Air & Waste Management Association (A&WMA) and is past chair of A&WMA's Educational Council. He was made a Fellow Member of the AWMA in 1998 in recognition of his professional and civic accomplishments. The election for A&WMA’s president will be held in June 2014. For more information, contact Harry Klodowski, 6400 Brooktree Court, Suite 250, Wexford, PA 15090, call 724­940­4000 or send email to: [email protected].

DEP Staff Recognized For Response to I­81 Tanker Fire & Spill

DEP Secretary E. Christopher Abruzzo visited the department's Southcentral Regional Office on May 16 to present certificates of recognition to those staff who participated in the cleanup efforts following a large tanker truck fire that happened a year ago on an overpass of Interstate­81 in Susquehanna Township, Dauphin County. The fire occurred after a tanker truck carrying 7,500 gallons of fuel overturned and caught fire, leading to closing of a widely used ramp to to Route 322 from the city for months. More than two dozen DEP staff worked with PennDOT, area emergency responders and the Dauphin County Hazardous Materials unit to place containment booms and search multiple outfalls for contamination as diesel fuel made its way into a storm drain and into the nearby Paxton Creek. The area is located beside the Wildwood Wetlands and fuel eventually seeped into Wildwood Lake. Over the initial response and weeks and months following the incident, DEP staff: ­ Assisted with the cleanup/remediation of wetland vegetation; ­ Assisted with asbestos abatement and demolition notices prior to demolition of the bridge structure; ­ Ensured the surface water intakes for Steelton and Harrisburg were not affected by the contamination; ­ Ensured that potentially contaminated concrete was properly disposed; and ­ Provided Act 2 clean­up/remediation assistance.

(Reprinted from the May 29 DEP News. Click Here to sign up for your own copy.)

DEP's Logan Honored As Finalist For Financial Executive Of The Year

DEP Executive Deputy Secretary for Administration and Management Jeffrey M. Logan was honored recently by the Central Penn Business Journal as a finalist in its 2014 Financial Executives of the Year program. The program was created to honor Central Pennsylvania's financial executives who contribute to the region's economic growth and stability. Logan, who oversees DEP's business management and finance functions including the agency's $657 million budget and 2,727 employees, was nominated in the Government/School District/Municipality category. Logan told the Journal what he most enjoys about working at DEP is working with millennials. "Millennials are creative and not afraid to challenge the status quo, which keeps me on my toes." Logan is founder of DEP's future leaders program, and serves as the governor's appointee and finance chair to the $130 million Great Lakes Protection Fund. He holds a BS and MBA from Penn State University.

(Reprinted from the May 29 DEP News. Click Here to sign up for your own copy.)

Northeast U.S. Forestry Group Honors DCNR Forester Mark Lewis

Accomplishments in cooperative forest management have earned a Bureau of Forestry employee Mark Lewis prestigious honors from the Northeastern Area Association of State Foresters. Lewis, a service forester with the Cornplanter State Forest District based in Warren County, has been named the 2013 recipient of the association’s CFM Forester of the Year Award, recognizing “outstanding dedication and professional work of the state service foresters” in a 20­state region comprising the regional organization. "I am very honored to have been selected for the 2014 CFM Forester of the Year award, and I am proud to represent DCNR and the Bureau of Forestry,” said Lewis, “The work being done by CFM foresters in Pennsylvania and throughout the Northeast states is tremendous and far­reaching. To be counted among such company is humbling. I am grateful to all those who have helped and encouraged me throughout my tenure with the bureau." Lewis was picked from among six candidates from the Northeast who were selected for their stellar work in 2013 and throughout their forestry careers. The award was determined by the association’s Cooperative Forest Management Committee for notable achievement in “sustainable forest management;” contributions to the forestry profession, and community involvement. “We are most fortunate to have someone of Mark’s qualifications and dedication working in the district and representing the Bureau of Forestry as he performs his outreach duties for the general public, and specifically the private forest landowners of Crawford County,” said Cecile Stelter, Cornplanter district forester, and Lewis’ immediate supervisor. “I appreciate the national recognition this award brings to both the bureau’s service forester program and Mark’s stellar achievements.” Employed by the bureau since 1991, Lewis directs a variety of private land and community programs and initiatives within Crawford County. For the first eight years of his career, he was assigned as a service forester in Venango and Forest counties. “Mark Lewis has been an active and dedicated service forester for over 22 years and is well­known within his service area and the Cornplanter Forest District,” said DCNR’s Deputy Secretary of Parks and Forest Dan Devlin. “He always offers the highest quality guidance to landowners and has the uncanny ability to relate to landowners, regardless of their age, knowledge level, sex, race or number of acres owned." Lewis has approved over 120 private Forest Stewardship Plans; has seen his Riparian Tree Planting program enter its 14th year; and oversees the district’s gypsy moth suppression program. A resident of Meadville, he is a popular fixture at community, civic and professional events. Lewis received his award at a mid­May conference of the Northeastern Area Association of State Foresters, held in Stowe, Vt.

(Reprinted from the May 28 DCNR Resource newsletter. Click Here and go to the bottom of the page to sign up for your own copy.)

AMR Community Leader Jim Resh Retires From Indiana Conservation District

Jim Resh has been an employee of the Indiana County Conservation District for 21 years where he served as District Manager and will be retiring this week. Since 2001 he has been an active and respected member of the AMR community for nearly as long and has served as the Secretary for Western Coalition for Abandoned Mine Reclamation since February 2013. During his professional career, Jim was instrumental in a number of on­the­ground abandoned mine reclamation projects including the Waterworks Conservation Area, an Indiana County Park located along Twolick Creek that incorporates a lime dosing silo into the park. With Jim's direction, an abandoned mine drainage treatment system was constructed on Little Mahoning Creek, the only high quality coldwater fishery in Indiana County. Additionally, Jim contributed to the Watershed Renaissance, a multi­partner effort to rehabilitate a portion of the West Branch Susquehanna River Watershed headwaters that built several abandoned mine drainage treatment systems, reclaimed several acres of abandoned mine lands, and rehabilitated several miles of stream. Bear Run is once again supporting reproducing wild trout due in part to Jim's efforts. Other successes Jim helped ICCD realize include the oversight of the enormously successful Dirt and Gravel Road Program, the installation of a manure digester at one of the county's larger farms, and the establishment of a county­wide farmer's market. Lucky for WPCAMR, although Jim is retiring, he is not leaving his post on our Executive Committee. Jim intends to remain WPCAMR Secretary while he pursues personal, travel, and business interests. Jim has a trip to Turkey planned for the near future, that is if he can find the time to get away from his shop where he invented the increasingly popular Poultry Butler, an automatic chicken door for backyard flocks. Congratulations Jim on your retirement and thanks for all of your successful work!

(Written By Anne Daymut, Watershed Coordinator, Western PA Coalition for Abandoned Mine Reclamation, reprinted from WPCAMR Abandoned Mine Posts.)

DCNR Opportunity To Bid On Projects In Centre, Clinton, Tioga Counties

The Department of Conservation and Natural Resources published notice of an opportunity to bid on projects in Centre, Clinton and Tioga counties.

Your 2 Cents: Issues On Advisory Committee Agendas

This section gives you a continuously updated thumbnail sketch of issues to be considered in upcoming advisory committee meetings where the agendas have been released

June 3­­ CANCELED. DEP Storage Tank Advisory Committee meeting. 14th Floor Conference Room, Rachel Carson Building. 10:00. (formal notice)

June 4­­ Agenda Released. DEP Coastal Zone Advisory Committee meeting. 10th Floor Conference Room, Rachel Carson Building. 9:30. ­­ Lake Erie Resource Mapping­ Shipwrecks ­­ Coastal Zone Grants Update, Revision of application, grants guide ­­ Section 309 Review of PA’s Coastal Resources Management Program ­­ Lake Erie Boundary Expansion status ­­ Coastal Zone Updates <> Click Here for available handouts

June 4­­ DEP hearing on proposed revisions to the Infrastructure State Air Quality Implementation Plans for the 8­hour ozone standard. DEP Southeast Regional Office, Schuylkill River Room, 2 East Main St., Norristown. 10:00 a.m. to noon. (formal notice)

June 4­­ DEP hearing on proposed revisions to the Infrastructure State Air Quality Implementation Plans for the 8­hour ozone standard. DEP Southcentral Regional Office, 909 Elmerton Ave., Harrisburg. 10:00 a.m. to noon. (formal notice)

June 4­­ DEP hearing on proposed revisions to the Infrastructure State Air Quality Implementation Plans for the 8­hour ozone standard. DEP Southwest Regional Office, 400 Waterfront Dr., Pittsburgh. 10:00 a.m. to noon. (formal notice)

June 5­­ Agenda Released. DEP Solid Waste Advisory Committee meeting. Room 105 Rachel Carson Building. 10:00. ­­ Recycling geo­membrane pad liners from oil and gas well sites ­­ Management of fill policy ­­ Review of DEP response to comments on medical, chemotherapeutic waste rulemaking ­­ Review of EPA’s underground injection well control program <> Click Here for available handouts

June 5­­ Agenda. Susquehanna River Basin Commission is meeting to consider water allocation requests, Raystown Lake Project, proposed Water Resources Program for FY 2015­16, the American Eel Restoration Plan, amending the Comprehensive Plan for Water Resources in the Basin, amending the records processing and regulatory fee schedule. Lake Raystown Resort, Lodge and Conference Center, River Birch Ballroom, 3010 Chipmunk Crossing, Entriken, Pa. 9:00. (formal notice)

June 10­­ Agenda Released. DEP Board Of Coal Mine Safety meeting. DEP Cambria Office, 286 Industrial Park Rd., Ebensburg. 10:00. ­­ Update on Proposed Rule on high­voltage continuous mining machines ­­ Consideration of proposed standards for surface facilities ­­ Discussion of draft performance­based cable safety requirements ­­ Discussion of next regulation for development <> Click Here for available handouts

June 10­­ NEW. PA Infrastructure Investment Authority, DEP hold a hearing on the 2014 Intended Use Plans for the Clean Water and Drinking Water Revolving Fund Programs. DEP Headquarters Building, 2nd Floor Auditorium, 400 Market St., Harrisburg. 1:00. (formal notice)

June 10­11­­ Agenda. Delaware River Basin Commission hearing and meeting. Washington Crossing Historic Park Visitor Center, 1112 River Road, Washington Crossing, PA. (formal notice)

June 12­­ DEP Radiation Protection Advisory Committee meeting. 14th Floor Conference Room, Rachel Carson Building. 9:00. (formal notice)

June 12­­ CANCELED. DEP Air Quality Technical Advisory Committee meeting. Room 105 Rachel Carson Building. 9:15. (formal notice)

June 12­­ DEP public hearing on proposed changes to Air Quality Implementation Plan to meet particulate standards in the Philadelphia area. DEP Southeast Regional Office, 2 East Main St., Norristown. 1:00. (formal notice)

June 16­­ DEP Agricultural Advisory Board meeting. DEP Southcentral Regional Office, 909 Elmerton Ave., Harrisburg. 10:00.

June 17­­ CANCELED. Environmental Quality Board meeting. Room 105 Rachel Carson Building. 9:00. (formal notice)

June 17­­ DEP Citizens Advisory Council meeting. Room 105 Rachel Carson Building. 10:00.

June 18­­ DEP Small Water Systems Technical Assistance Center Board meeting. Room 105 Rachel Carson Building. 10:00.

June 18­­ DEP State Board for Certification of Water and Wastewater System Operators meeting. 10th Floor Conference Room, Rachel Carson Building. 10:00.

June 24­­ DEP Climate Change Advisory Committee meeting. Room 105 Rachel Carson Building. 10:00.

June 25­­ DEP State Board for Certification Of Sewage Enforcement Operators meeting. Conference Room 11B, Rachel Carson Building. 10:00.

June 26­­ DEP Oil and Gas Technical Advisory Board meeting. Room 105 Rachel Carson Building. 10:00.

July 30­­ DCNR Natural Gas Advisory Committee meeting. LTBA.

Visit DEP’s new Public Participation Center for information on how you can Be Informed! and Get Involved! in DEP regulation and guidance development process.

Click Here for links to DEP’s Advisory Committee webpages.

DEP Calendar of Events

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Grants & Awards

This section gives you a heads up on upcoming deadlines for awards and grants and other recognition programs. NEW means new from last week.

June 10­­ DEP Pennsylvania Clean Diesel Grant Program June 27­­ SRBC Consumptive Use Mitigation Project Proposals June 30­­ DEP Alternative Fuel Vehicle Rebate Program June 30­­ PennDOT Multi­Modal Transportation Projects June 30­­ DCNR Wild Resource Conservation Grants July 3­­ PROP 2014 Recycling Film Festival July 11­­ DEP Growing Greener Watershed Restoration Grants July 11­­ CFA Alternative and Clean Energy Program July 11­­ CFA Renewable Energy Program July 11­­ CFA High Performance Building Program July 14­­ ARIPPA Abandoned Mine Reclamation Grants July 21­­ CFA Sewage Facilities Program July 21­­ CFA Abandoned Mine Drainage Abatement July 21­­ CFA Watershed Restoration Protection July 21­­ CFA Baseline Water Quality Data Program July 21­­ CFA Greenways, Trails and Recreation July 21­­ CFA Orphan or Abandoned Well Plugging July 21­­ CFA Flood Mitigation Program August 15­­ DEP Section 902 Recycling Grants September 3­­ NEW. PPFF 2014 Photo Contest September 22­­ CFA Alternative and Clean Energy Program September 22­­ CFA Renewable Energy Program September 22­­ CFA High Performance Building Program October 31­­ Digital Photo Contest October 31­­ PRC Lens On Litter Photo Contest

­­ Visit the DEP Grants and Loan Programs webpage for more ideas on how to get financial assistance for environmental projects.

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Budget/Quick NewsClips

Here's a selection of NewsClips on environmental topics from around the state­­

May 29 Edition of DEP News May 28 DCNR Resource Newsletter Budget Big Decisions Await Lawmakers Returning To Harrisburg Corbett: No Interest In Adding Natural Gas Severance Tax Bumsted: Handicapping A Shale Extraction Tax Rendell DCNR Officials Testify At Court Hearing On State Leasing Injunction Sought To Block Additional State Forest Drilling Court Hears Testimony In Lawsuit To Stop State Forest Drilling Plan Court Hears Request To Block State Forest Leasing Environmental Groups Files To Stop More State Gas Leasing Editorial: Corbett Takes Protection Away From Sensitive Lands Other Environment Erie Program Wins Award Reeling From Harsh Winter, Utilities Scramble For Cooling Season Penelec Electric Bills To Rise About 12 Percent In June Electricity Prices Will Rise For PPL Customers PUC Releases New Video On Shopping For An Electric Supplier Editorial: Use Summer To Stabilize Power Rates PUC Chair Steps Down From Energy Advocacy Group Turnpike Opens Electric Car Charging Stations Editorial: EPA Diktats, How Low Will Ozone Standard Go PA’s Power Plant Emission Limits Criticized Group Appeals Consol Longwall Mining Permit In Greene Environmental Group Appeals Longwall Mining Permit Media: Public Has Right To PPL Storm Outage Documents Climate Activist To Boost Wolf’s Bid For Governor Climate Change To Boost Health Problems Western PA Communities Receive Federal Brownfields Grants PPG Asks Judge For Time In Lawsuit Over DEP Dump Cleanup Plan Sludge Treatment Plant Project Nears Completion In NE Lower Saucon To Regulate Digital Billboards PA Tick Population Expected To Keep Growing Beautiful Day At North Park Produces Kayak Converts Presque Isle Draws Crowd On First Day Of Swimming Bike Repair Station Unveiled At Presque Isle Study To Examine Predators’ Impact On Deer Greene County Farmer And Dedicated Birder Golden Eagle Recovers At Wildlife Works In Youngwood Think Twice Before Rescuing Baby Wildlife Species Disappearing Faster Than Earlier Believed Dead Whale In Philly Part Of Growing Trend

­­ DEP’s NewsClips webpage ­ Click Here

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Marcellus Shale NewsClips

Here are NewsClips on topics related to Marcellus Shale natural gas drilling­­­

Cabot Drilling Company Wins Governor’s Community Impact Award Rendell DCNR Officials Testify At Court Hearing On State Leasing Injunction Sought To Block Additional State Forest Drilling Court Hears Testimony In Lawsuit To Stop State Forest Drilling Plan Court Hears Request To Block State Forest Leasing Environmental Groups Files To Stop More State Gas Leasing Op­Ed: Fracking Has Gone Far Enough In Penn’s Woods Op­Ed: It’s A Good Thing PA Is Not An Anti­Fracking State Editorial: State Forests Already Host Plenty Of Gas Drilling Editorial: Corbett Takes Protection Away From Sensitive Lands Corbett: No Interest In Adding Natural Gas Severance Tax Bumsted: Handicapping A Shale Extraction Tax No Matter How You Spell It, Fracking Stirs Controversy Marcellus Companies On Cutting Edge With No Registry, PA Doesn’t Know Impact Of Fracking Drilling Sludge Rejected In Washington County, Sent To WV WV Landfill Barred From Taking Drilling Sludge Drilling Wastewater Plant Withdraws DEP Permit Application In NE Residents Evacuated After Lightning Hits Washington County Gas Plant Lebanon Pipeline Awareness Group Sets Meeting For June 3 Meadville Company Benefits From Marcellus Shale Shale Oil Production Saving Philadelphia Shipbuilding

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Flooding/Watershed NewsClips

Here are NewsClips on watershed topics from around the state­­

Flooding Johnstown Flood Continues To Resonate In State Remembering The Johnstown Flood 125 Years Later Op­Ed: Let’s Have No More Johnstown Floods Other Watershed NewsClips Learn About 16 Mile, 20 Mile Creek In Erie Allegheny Watershed Improvement Needs Honored In DC PSU Video On Conewago Creek Honored With A Telly Floating Island To Be Installed At Harveys Lake Lackawanna Riverfest Set For Saturday In Scranton Group Appeals Consol Longwall Mining Permit In Greene Environmental Group Appeals Longwall Mining Permit Editorial: Federal Watersways Bill Floats Many Boats

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Regulations, Technical Guidance & Permits

The Environmental Quality Board published notice of a correction to changes in Chapter 250 regulations relating to statewide health standards under the Land Recycling Program.

Pennsylvania Bulletin ­ May 31, 2014

Proposed Regulations Open For Comment ­ DEP webpage Proposed Regulations With Closed Comment Periods ­ DEP webpage DEP Regulatory Agenda ­ DEP webpage

Technical Guidance & Permits

The Department of Environmental Protection published notice of final 2018 ozone season allowance allocations.

The PA Infrastructure Investment Authority and DEP published notice of an opportunity to comment and a June 10 public hearing on the 2014 Intended Use Plans for the Clean Water and Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Programs. The 2014 Intended Use Plans will be posted on the DEP Intended Use Plans webpage.

The PA Energy Development Authority is inviting comments on a proposed PA Energy Development Plan outlining the Authority’s policy goals, general operating principles and investment priorities. (formal notice) The original plan was published in 1984 and last updated in 2008 and is required to be updated every three years. The proposed plan will be posted on the PEDA webpage and will be available for public comment for 60 days.

The Governor’s Executive Board published notice or a reorganization of the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (PA Bulletin page 3237).

Technical Guidance Comment Deadlines ­ DEP webpage Recently Closed Comment Periods For Technical Guidance ­ DEP webpage Technical Guidance Recently Finalized ­ DEP webpage Copies of Final Technical Guidance ­ DEP webpage

Visit DEP’s new Public Participation Center for information on how you can Be Informed! and Get Involved! in DEP regulation and guidance development process.

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Calendar Of Events

Upcoming legislative meetings, conferences, workshops, plus links to other online calendars. Meetings are in Harrisburg unless otherwise noted. NEW means new from last week. Go to the online Calendar webpage.

Click on Agenda Released on calendar entries to see the NEW meeting agendas published this week.

NOTE: It's June, so watch for lots of last minute Senate, House Committee meetings!

June 2­­ NEW. House Appropriations Committee meets to consider Senate Bill 1254 (Yudichak­D­Luzerne) amending the Plumbing System Lead Ban and Notification Act­ sponsor summary. Room 140. Off the Floor.

June 2­­ House Democratic Policy Committee holds a hearing on the proposal to expand gas drilling leasing on State Forest, State Park lands. Room 418. 10:00.

June 3­­ NEW. Senate Environmental Resources and Energy Committee meets to consider Senate Bill 1262 (Fontana­D­Allegheny) providing for private lateral sewage line repair funding­ sponsor summary, Senate Bill 1256 (Ward­R­Westmoreland) establishing the Heritage Areas Program in law­ sponsor summary, Senate Bill 1355 (Yaw­R­Lycoming) increasing nuclear power plant fees­ sponsor summary. Room 8E­B East Wing. 9:30.

June 3­­ CANCELED. DEP Storage Tank Advisory Committee meeting. 14th Floor Conference Room, Rachel Carson Building. 10:00. (formal notice)

June 4­­ NEW. House Environmental Resources and Energy Committee meets to consider Senate Bill 1236 (Yaw­R­Lycoming) authorizing royalty interest owners of oil and gas wells to inspect records of gas companies to verify proper payments; Senate Bill 1237 (Yaw­R­Lycoming) prohibiting gas companies from retaliating against royalty interest owners of oil and gas wells by terminating their lease agreement­­ Senate Fiscal Note; and Senate Bill 1238 (Yaw­R­Lycoming) requiring gas companies to fill a satisfaction piece in the county Recorder of Deeds office when oil and gas leases are terminated­­ Senate Fiscal Note; House Bill 2264 (Miller­R­York) increasing nuclear power plant fees­­ sponsor summary. Room B­31 Main Capitol. 10:00.

June 4­­ Time Change. House Game and Fisheries Committee holds an informational meeting on House Resolution 129 (Causer­R­Cameron) directing the Legislative Budget and Finance Committee to investigate the feasibility of combining the Game and Fish and Boat Commissions adopted May 13, 2013. Room 60 East Wing. 9:00.

June 4­­ NEW. House Human Services Committee meets to consider Senate Bill 177 (Greenleaf­ R­Montgomery) creating the Lyme Disease Task Force­ sponsor summary. Room 60 East Wing. Off the Floor.

June 4­­ Agenda Released. DEP Coastal Zone Advisory Committee meeting. 10th Floor Conference Room, Rachel Carson Building. 9:30.

June 4­­ DEP hearing on proposed revisions to the Infrastructure State Air Quality Implementation Plans for the 8­hour ozone standard. DEP Southeast Regional Office, Schuylkill River Room, 2 East Main St., Norristown. 10:00 a.m. to noon. (formal notice)

June 4­­ DEP hearing on proposed revisions to the Infrastructure State Air Quality Implementation Plans for the 8­hour ozone standard. DEP Southcentral Regional Office, 909 Elmerton Ave., Harrisburg. 10:00 a.m. to noon. (formal notice)

June 4­­ DEP hearing on proposed revisions to the Infrastructure State Air Quality Implementation Plans for the 8­hour ozone standard. DEP Southwest Regional Office, 400 Waterfront Dr., Pittsburgh. 10:00 a.m. to noon. (formal notice)

June 5­­ Agenda Released. DEP Solid Waste Advisory Committee meeting. Room 105 Rachel Carson Building. 10:00.

June 5­­ Agenda. Susquehanna River Basin Commission is meeting to consider water allocation requests, Raystown Lake Project, proposed Water Resources Program for FY 2015­16, the American Eel Restoration Plan, amending the Comprehensive Plan for Water Resources in the Basin, amending the records processing and regulatory fee schedule. Lake Raystown Resort, Lodge and Conference Center, River Birch Ballroom, 3010 Chipmunk Crossing, Entriken, Pa. 9:00. (formal notice)

June 10­­ Agenda Released. DEP Board Of Coal Mine Safety meeting. DEP Cambria Office, 286 Industrial Park Rd., Ebensburg. 10:00.

June 10­­ NEW. PA Infrastructure Investment Authority, DEP hold a hearing on the 2014 Intended Use Plans for the Clean Water and Drinking Water Revolving Fund Programs. DEP Headquarters Building, 2nd Floor Auditorium, 400 Market St., Harrisburg. 1:00. (formal notice)

June 10­11­­ Agenda. Delaware River Basin Commission hearing and meeting. Washington Crossing Historic Park Visitor Center, 1112 River Road, Washington Crossing, PA. (formal notice)

June 12­­ DEP Radiation Protection Advisory Committee meeting. 14th Floor Conference Room, Rachel Carson Building. 9:00. (formal notice)

June 12­­ CANCELED. DEP Air Quality Technical Advisory Committee meeting. Room 105 Rachel Carson Building. 9:15. (formal notice)

June 12­­ DEP public hearing on proposed changes to Air Quality Implementation Plan to meet particulate standards in the Philadelphia area. DEP Southeast Regional Office, 2 East Main St., Norristown. 1:00. (formal notice)

June 16­­ DEP Agricultural Advisory Board meeting. DEP Southcentral Regional Office, 909 Elmerton Ave., Harrisburg. 10:00.

June 17­­ CANCELED. Environmental Quality Board meeting. Room 105 Rachel Carson Building. 9:00. (formal notice)

June 17­­ DEP Citizens Advisory Council meeting. Room 105 Rachel Carson Building. 10:00.

June 18­­ DEP Small Water Systems Technical Assistance Center Board meeting. Room 105 Rachel Carson Building. 10:00.

June 18­­ DEP State Board for Certification of Water and Wastewater System Operators meeting. 10th Floor Conference Room, Rachel Carson Building. 10:00.

June 24­­ DEP Climate Change Advisory Committee meeting. Room 105 Rachel Carson Building. 10:00.

June 25­­ DEP State Board for Certification Of Sewage Enforcement Operators meeting. Conference Room 11B, Rachel Carson Building. 10:00.

June 26­­ DEP Oil and Gas Technical Advisory Board meeting. Room 105 Rachel Carson Building. 10:00.

June 26­27­­ Pennsylvania Abandoned Mine Reclamation Conference. Ramada Inn and Conference Center, State College.

July 30­­ DCNR Natural Gas Advisory Committee meeting. LTBA.

July 23­25­­ PROP Recycling and Organics Conference. Double Tree­Pittsburgh Meadow Lands, Washington, PA.

September 25­­ Penn State Extension Youth Water Educator’s Summit. The Central Hotel and Conference Center, Harrisburg.

Visit DEP’s new Public Participation Center for information on how you can Be Informed! and Get Involved! in DEP regulation and guidance development process.

Click Here for links to DEP’s Advisory Committee webpages.

DEP Calendar of Events

Note: The Environmental Education Workshop Calendar is no longer available from the PA Center for Environmental Education because funding for the Center was eliminated in the FY 2011­12 state budget. The PCEE website was also shutdown, but some content was moved to the PA Association of Environmental Educators' website.

Senate Committee Schedule House Committee Schedule

You can watch the Senate Floor Session and House Floor Session live online.

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Stories Invited

Send your stories, photos and links to videos about your project, environmental issues or programs for publication in the PA Environment Digest to: [email protected].

PA Environment Digest is edited by David E. Hess, former Secretary Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, and is published as a service of Crisci Associates, a Harrisburg­based government and public affairs firm whose clients include Fortune 500 companies and non­profit organizations.

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PA Environment Digest weekly was the winner of the PA Association of Environmental Educators' 2009 Business Partner of the Year Award.

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