Studiesin the genusAcacia ()-9 Additional noteson the SeriesPulchellae Benth. By B. R. Maslin


Preparatoryto_ a collaborative paper on Seies pulchettaeBenth.*, some additions and-fhe^following corrections are indde to my previous revision oiifrl Serlej (Mashl,,l975). transfersand chinges of stutui ir. pioposea: A..a anhto-tMa'lin fformerly,4.dh.hiana subsp. purg?rs Maslint. A- cDacantha irvfr\lrnr.Mr.tln tA. tatiomtpevar. eparunrhaMaslinl, .1. fo?oniuidetBenth. tA. prt(hcua K. tsf. \ar. laputlioidesfBenrh., MacbrideJ.A. puinerii Maslin rlormerly .1-.ldtiocorpd \ar. villo,a t|'. pri\zel) Maslinr,.1. howniunu *L- {tartict?nr Mcslrn{tofllerly a \:rfianrof ,4. btuwniand\ar. endlt.heritMet.\.) l,lllllnl. /: drummondiisub.p. dd;ril: r\4a.lin' Ma.lin tA. varia var. alinir r\4asttn). Atotla d.nuLtatavar. spinosissimaMeisn. is lransferredin synonymy A, tar. ltu"I ekti+pt!! stabcr.rimaMeisn. ro /. put,.hetlaR. er. ,ii. hih n'" o, \\nt,te4.. putche a \ar. Br.drdd(Henff.) Chop. i\ addedrn synonlmy under\ar. gtaDefltmd,unpofluntt) ts al\o takento add or supplemenlleeume and 5eed descrlpllon\ot t5:peciesand Lochoo\e a lecrotlpefoi A. inrolir, f. pdtzel.

Introduction Since^ my revision of Aceciq Seies pulchellqe Benth. (Maslin, 1975) a number of name change-shave becomenece:cary. New data necessitatingthese alteratlonsrre derired from srudieso[seeds and seedling,bv J. Vassalind of pollen morphology by Pll. Guinet (pers. comm..1 and als,-ofrom my own work on gross morphologl. The new namesgiven here are preparalorv to a collab_ pulchllae*. ora(r\e ptper on the clilrsificatior.tol the Ai rhe same rime, the opportunit) is raLen ro provide new and.supplemenlarydescriptions of legumes and seedslor many ol rhe includedspecies. The taxa are presented alphabetically by specific name. A list of the numbered speclmensseen is given aL Lheend of the paper.


1. Acacia anarthros Maslin nom. et stat. nov., based on Acqciq (hebian.l W. V. Fitzg. sub5p.?rrgeltr Ma\lin. Acd(ia drc\iatn W. \. I ir,,g.'ubsp. pr,ngen, Maslin. Nulllia Ii5r: 475." FiS.- ll-' J_K, Map 5 (1975,. Tlpe Bo\\ale. Mi;r J//,a w,ll'".,.n ,troto: Uit +ns,i-r]

_ Seed ofl. dreniana subsp. drewiana (p.357) provide data additional to the no-raland vegelalrveleatures ajready noted (Maslin. l.c.) for the segregationof /r"gi^ In^my.estimarionrhe dillerencesobserved (see'kei below; )!9:!: speclnc Jusrrry rank for lhe laller. Aracia anqflltos and A. dn.wianashate the unusual feature of decurrent -axes, a character otherwise unknowr in the Pulchellae, The new ephithet, anqrtfuos, refers to this character. A recent fruiting collection necessitatesthe followilg modificatlons ro my prcvious - descrjption of this taxon: these modifications' are based on /. i. Mctslin4347,23 Nov. 1976,2l km S of New Norcia towardsBindoon (). (o-60 Lt{ulnes rnm long. 5 8. mrn \\'ide. obscurely reticujale. Sepd, , .r, r mm long.z ),J mm utdc...Jun.icletnjnure 0ess thar) | mm long).gradually expandedrnlo a thickcnedyellowish aril which is folded near itiili?ate ana agan)close to the htlum.

J..,Marlin.q..l ...andF\,rns. C. S. ..Acacia (-^,_1-9llt,. fl:-Vq\)al. rMimosoidele): onrpo\lrlonanO amntltes Ot lhe Ser,e\P l,hplla?Benth. paperprecenred at rhe Minros_ oideaecroup meeting,Kew, July 1978and to be publistredshoitly i'n Sot. J. iinn. Soc. 354 'e€uurd o,\oq" pesrer ^lsnorlqo) lueururorcl oit""^"u"^ drl (,nooloq.uuJ z-s 0 Jo) Jo osBq lE slrlcel Jo eczjrns raddn uo pal?nlls parlg oc€JJnsslnuuld Je,,'\oluo pesrur dpq8rls quplur 'snoJq?I8,{lar€J'Burruel uo ,'fuI?tloslE seul} '(^\oleq 'a^oq" 'sulSJrlui -oruospue el"lorlrc uoer8 lq8rl ueer8 snoJolocslP 4rtp)'epltr Suol? pelrncoJ ,{puauruord serurjeiuos :o ,{pq8rts tuur (E)Z t-'3uot 'e€uuld 'el"^oqo rutu (9)g €(Z) I"lsrp uo sred (6)1 t(Z) seturlaurosro ;uolqo saryuLfid:?uolruru 8T 9 srqasreuurd l?lsrp:8uot ruul g-t slly'Jpll' snojqEli ,{ler"J '(luol"d srrcq) snopprdsrLl ol esol\d :sr3uunJ u€eu?JJolqns -elSuls'll?lus ulolJ Suuelcns'11"1 uc (09)09 0€ gr?./Vspeluluols-rtlnru .ro :uollduJsep pasr,lere serrnbe: (,|doleqa€s) suacsttnolS tert ,{1:aqlrou eJoru oq} epnlcxe 01 papueLLra'uaq)lpaa 'rE^ ouotLtrc,)qpl)o)V '(SfOt) 'ur1se1atr '82 tEt :$)1 ersl{n1 ( usr:y11llrqJllpuo re^ rraqJrJpueJe^ (rolre8 lur1o'\lot 0lllo) uro{ Jrp"rods) epr^\urur 9-t seun8rl:ruru (t)Z-I \ (9lSt(Z)'r}Elorlrl ^IlEuuos 'pe^rnrar,{llueuluiordot It}tlSrLs'^\olrq urrlS lqBLlpue r^oqeuoJr8 IrPp selnuuldq suaJsarnelSre^ ,' (Lroopurgol r.qrunSon) rprl1ulor soun?el 'snorqelS 'teu 'snoroloruor {lueJserneli6 ! :tutu t €(Z)x Ol-9 ,{lleuuou - salnuuldrl9 9 (lsJJoJqeref) slJuunr ueJu€Jr)lqns'{q Ile'\J -tBleae^3ulpeerds 'llel uI (9.0)9.0 g.g sqniqs3.tcrlp:snorqelSselJunp)d Fuue^\olc q €rnJsqo ra^ (eJrpquoN r"eu ot dnuuBN LLroJ.Jl

(3uL) oIPl ol ur.rolnt rouF|dsqns BuB!,tderp'y 'elelolll. :sllrH ue8uod ) u^\oDJun speas:srl€q re8uol lEuorlrppelnolllr^\ seq,ol x,tje5:tuo1 tuur y g.7 salnuuid : peugueg ,{lsnoncrdsuorlou sltlcEl BuurdJo xedv q dsqnsBuBl,rae.rp 'v (uoopulg 01 ol€p€Llllv reeN) pallllottl Buer^rerp'flralnEorr ',{ulqs 'etun8el pue .{lerncsqoteq.^^ouros 'qlooLus ur enbllqo .{llqBIIsor osra^suPllspeos :soclde rleqt t€ srleq Sulpeerds'snoncldsuorqll^\ pue olelorlI. seq_ol x,{F.:8uol_ruru g tr selnuuid :paua11egf,llErol?l .{lsnon.Idsuoc slqaer Euuld Jo xodv ?e z Peoqrocl 0z u€ql olot! sro.{\ou'lue8undlou selndrts:tue8und {lrrrEJs lnq prFrl urlo ElesLeLrlLrlrel i(seuo olE8nftllnuteql Soorle Jnmo ,{ELusa{erl JlB8nfton^\eJ E) llEd I ueql ero|U oeuuld q sorq Bua'y (E.rEerJroN \\rN lELueuuPdA)pelDoLu 'peuoq8nor,{lolnullrl ur spe€s:sIEq re8uol IeuolllppB lou 'einlorlrc llnp'erunSol leulpnlr8uol lnoqir,t i.{1eai peuett€grllBroteL lou srqrer euuldJo rrde : pEJtlrod 0z uEql ssolsra^\og:lua8und T solndlls:lu.3uud Blrs LEult!r)l:rled L {llullsrsuore€uuJd el :JEllJrlJlndJo ExEl PJ\eJl-luaJJnJepol fe) t

Ievel of rachis), orifice distinct. peduncles 8-15 mm long, glabrous. F/ower- petals heads \\ilh 18-21 flowers. not prominently infliitjil at apex, rather obviously l-nerved when dry: Jlower DaJ.r l_ attenuated. Lesumei to 22 mm long.4 6 mm wide,glabrous. Scedsn.v. Distibution: Sporadic from Collie to Mount Barker.

WESTERNAu_srRALrA: 1J q!(20 8 km) from Denmarkon road to Mount Barker,2l Oct. 19'7.5.,J. S. .Be_ard7'767 (PERTH);AbouJ 19.2 km E of Collieto warasOiri{n, g, i. tttasiin 4 l.l Apr. 1970,and 3202,30 Dec.1972 (PERTH); 2j km from j972, Denmaik'iriwardsMount Batker.s R.,Ma-rtin1956, 2L Sept. and32Oa:30 Dec. 1972 (pERiH): In distr.pla;- i3.',ljl!1,.",,"i,1;'3i"';,i'{l}l'irfi";'iJ''"n);Yj:ifii,:.,.3111;#'il';3?i+yfr'ft},i"

2b. var. glaucescensMaslin var. nov. (Figure 12 D in Maslin, 1975). Acaciabnwnia a H. Wendl.vat. endlicheri |.Meisn.) Masln pinnuhs (2rl amnis.sed 6 l0 nrln longrs. 4.mmlari.. pldnic. gtauce\cenribu-s. concoloribur. li".rrrr!ui{loUri.; gfuntitr. rncon.prcuis:legurninrbu, urque zl5 n1m Iongic. o.9 mrnlarir. plerurirqui .parrrm pilosir.

Allied to A. browniena var. encllicheribut differing in the following wrys: pinnules.6 10 mm long,. (2)3-4 mm wide, flat, glauciscent, ,,l conco-lorous, normally glabrous:g/azds inconspicuo v,s; Iegumes io 45 mLnlong, 6_Omm wide, nornlalty spt rselypttose.

Tlpe: About 8 km due NE ofBindoon, "Dwarf ,2 Aug. 1973, B. R. Maslin 3232. shrub to 30 cm tall; branchlets often eitangled among ilssociatedlow shrubs: pinnulesglaucous, isochromous. Dark br6wn loamo\er gravelin Jarrah." tholo: PERTH: i:o: pERTHl, Attractive, dwarf, multi-stemmed shrub to 30 cm tall, suckering from sub_ terraneanrunners; r/,ircr(,s light brown but grey at extremebasel branchlets prloseor antrorselypuberulous, sometimes glabrous. Zeayesrather yadablein size; rachis .3 6 mm long; distal pinna rachis 4 18(23)mm long; pinnules narrowly oblong or sometimesnarrou ly obovate_tonarrouly ellipticjirequently slightll oblique.o l0 (2ll-4 mm long. mrn wide.2-6 paiis on disralfinnae, flal- concotorous.gtauce\cenl._ glabrous or rarelysparsely cijioltte. midrib obscure. ^G/arJ obscLlre.obliquely rermintting rib on uppeisurlace of rachis ar Daseot frrnnae-.trp^not promlnent (not raisedabove level of rachis),orifice dJstrtct., Pcdunclts,l0 15(20).mm.longat anthesis,to 30 mm long-obviously when in lrurt. glabrous. Florer-hedLlswith (13)15-l7 flowers. pel.rfu l-neNed when-dry. Legumesto 45_mmlong. 6-9 mrn ride, sparsely'reticulate.pilose oi sometimesglabrou-s, grey-brown, glaucescent,sparsely tranlirsely abruptly^contractedat apex into a short mucro. Seeds transversj in legume, obloid, 3 54 mm long,_2.5 mrn wide, somewhrt cornpressed,dark Srowri (ch.-stnut jrlst _brown before maturityJ; ureolc 2.j mrn ioug, 0.g mm wide; /ariclc reflexed.belowand gradualjyexpanded inro I dull ye)iouisharil uhich ls Toloeotlear tne hllum.

DistribLnionond habitat: South-westWestern Australia: restrictedto a small area near Mogumber and Bindoon (about 100km north of perth). Grows in laterite or in loam over laterite in .larrah (Eucalyptus marginatai or Wandoo (E. trandoo) open-forest.

WEsrrRNAusrR{Lraj- Mogumber. Aug. 1929, W. E. Btackatls.n. (PERTH): Near 6t nri x{:i:{i|::;('tu:I},'f,uf&1FF$THI;'- Abouti?l,".5ti,:[::d.i"1!t];#i,liqliJ,i,"io8 km dueNE of Bindoon,4Nov. i976.nln. Lriri,, qlqi lii|ii\ qrul./ruiting Flou'ering peiod. Flowers in August; Iegumeswith marureseeds have beencollected in late November. i56 -l

LSt 'lllt 'lqAleJls olur pepuudxo PoploJ-acuolo po^JIlc € ,4tturrpel6pull ^\olJq p:rlgci.t7 'rrlr7:p:J\.lo l\Jl tlEqltll\olq JJI-lcpuelJo Jpattt 'tor:ctt :l;i'll;;"'d to punq'n rq paL!p-,&urtlo',un1'q rtll spre\\olSuturdo '.um"orq pas':r'lcuo: n .ir"tt lo .i,oiu'iiot ,io'"toti'1,1 >1Lnpoi tr*orq tqBrl (1tqdr1s':pr* '3tto1ru Lu auLn3e1,:qtut sntlrlqool J5lJ\(uEJl ,d Z C t E.E-7 '(enbllqo .rrrac oJJnurtrous ? otul x:dc 1v pa,no.rrtu,{l:}dnJq" 01 esle^Sutll '1uacserqe13 ro eso113t:is) Jo*'n '.l"rqr tJ.rt ,"no'p"t'ni i11q3r1s b1 (snolnreqnd g 3uo1 ii'"i' q.rtrja Lo u".irq 1.,npol u \\orq lqSrl rpr\\ urtu I BuolLu Lu *i, tOS)Ot-etotrd9'1 *in8aT snolrlrrqndol snorqElSrqnlri/'J I l 0 {ttlou. (tleuol' lo \nolrrJJqnd o1 JsoSrJlsstlrunl\a'1 t,,,oaiilbii 'olnlo^er 'dsqns) :i'.,,nii ir""ro"p {Jitild dsqtsi' seuilteuros .ro srorq"lS (sr&gf' ot uo *.',ed(s- z,'Jlnrrtrrd trurlud t;;;;:;i;;;'p;ti#r., rLs:"nuui.l1et.,p s)t'J\obllls r,t,'ailo.tlull sltcq; e'olld lo pllE 'llolnJJqnd J"//J"16r :setcedseq] jo uotldrrcsapsnor,lerd ,{ru ot suoIerutpoLuJutos Jlcll\SJJJuu!l'eN { u\lJl,\ l t)uDlloPuD dsqns ptlx 'nld ('\AolJqJJsl rrpuowutn.)pJi{ns1o lettotuurStrrlrrlrJ JJqlrnJJo uorlr

'(HIUEd) ,t€^\q8rHurrrluoN l"erC rlo lsrre loorqsllng Jo N uolldrrJsopsrll rul 9'916I ^oN tZ'OVw wFDl4l U B uo prsr?qsr lrnUJo 'runltq erll 01 asolc uI€8€ pu? p.lrql l"lsrp sll rllou PePIoJ sr rlJfU^1ltJc Llst\\ollJ{e otut p:puedrl ,{11enpel3Jl'tntf 'u]ttlttlJql spJEl\ol -,{utqs (llEInBJlJl;qloout{ 'spiu,trolp)llloul prle {lJrnJsqolEq\\3ttlos ;u,trorq 'lsutaruru u1 pssler) pfrnl qsr, erd 1-rep pa,lroll€u lnq eJlu3c 'aprA\ '8uoi '(J"ln?e.ur plolqo uu.u R Z Z Z ruu g.g-E 1"r1,{\3Luosed?qs) + 'ciJn3o1ur enbrlqo^llqBtls ol a\ra\cuPrlr/),,S spJo\ uJJr\,1JqpelJEJllloJ lou 'pJuJiJItlliuialeu :Auot uru 7 uunlnrrdrlJoq\ P olur \JdE lu pJnoJJErl g 'ir.uor{ qsr,{er8'ssolld,(llroqsol snolnreqnd iituniq"'d.roi *Lu E edqs ieseq 'Buol 'sparsie,ro p3stEl'Jlclnpun {llq8lis ,{le^ Jo l"U'3pl\\ uul ,-9 tltll! 0t 0€ '3uo1qo,{1*o-rjeu .raii,r:'7 peiq JJd Et ZZ IiJxr'l/ sJ\EJl Jlc8nfrunol "ri'".l1i".,jr"r"p-pro79 3,',o1.u, (01)Rf srqJeJuttui.l ;s.ttcd tt)t z{l) rPrrtrtd :tuarsiurcls,rr,:l-,nq, iou 1nq pr8rr uilj6 o1asloutwtal snouecs t21'd4s 'selcods :s,rolloJ se pagpou oq ploys DuaJtaJP t/ Jo uolldlJcssp snol^eld '(Lu -qns Jql JoJslInJJ uor}rslnbJ"erll q:}r,lrosl" pou ulJsur{ sottll'tpuDY fe5rd,{1 Jo 'V se r.rrjsc61sa..3rlrJ dsq|tsDttDI\atp Jo uolstllcxos^oq? eql Sul\\olloC '€ 'lft :(S)l rrs/n5i '(9161)ur1se141 i 3z1rg A l{ BUBI'$orpBlrscv 'epl,t\ ulul I €c '3uol 'pldlnl 'Jpt\\ urru g.Z Z,uo.rq I]"p ulul Z 9 T'duolruul 9 € S Z 'eruilae1ui eiruilqo spaa5 rurod-elnir-' uB olur x-Jd?1u palrt-r1uocflldnrqv 'epr^\ '3uo1 'u,torq'1:ep 'eliqnpuir ,{[qarp ,{rel LuruI 9 utu Ot 07 saLun8aT 'e8prrq '(HIUgd) dnuusN pue dnrutfuell ua3alaq rotra '{1euuoq.lo '89tpu€ Lrruls z Z-rdi:unf, 1gp'ltrptaltcqogJ g uoprseq-sl uollducsep srql :peqrlcsepeq ol speespu" saundJLelq€ur /rAou siuuJqlu; luac3l{ '(Sf6l) 'urlset\ 'rZ ott :(9)I BIsl.{nN CJC) Brnrsqor"^ 'DUDILt,t|9iq t/ ur u,\\oulun osr,rJeqlo sr e8erloJ luecso3n"lD selnuol(l eq} o1 sJoJoJlsqlIdo IEIoIIBA aI{J 'JAoqE,{e} JLI}l|| uJA16\iJ]JEJ utlt \9 ounu vuq trJolsJlJqIutoJJpJqstnSullslp ;r}erJdordde alour sI 1€ql s3l?clpll elotu sr ,{1jr.rel iq1 )uel l?1elft^ I?IIeleu 'Jn^ 'Je^e,troH 'luloJ r{-JJqrunSo4^Jtl} e'r't t.a4)llPua 3ir uoilturrul;ie uooprr Jo 'Jle'\\p tql tIIroJ e su uox"l sltll l"eJ] ()1eur PrJ flsnor\Jld lrqEll btrrrJlJlrs , . TJlekey to subspeciespreviously given should bc modificd commencingat lead2b:

lb. Cland,abscnt troft rrchr\. pre\ent on petioje; hairs on peduncles (when pfesent) norntalt) rettofse (rrrety patenr rn subsp,amnis) 3 ].{ PinnrLle._Hat.glabrous rritrel) ciliolate), :l concolorous. nerveless or obscurctv l-ner\eJ be os. nnffidllr I 6 \ I 2 nItr. r\ear Nc* \orc ir ro Collic:tnd$ i,lianrs) p,nnules b. recurvedtu revorute.,sparsely 1o densety hairy ,."..,), ,,"o.."JiTl;f!lTI"'d" dbo\c.:uUglauc. \ anci ob.cLrelJl-ner!ed belo\, norn.rlt .l I0 ,,0.j I.5-rrm. (Ne*, Norcia to MLrchea) ... subsp. affnis . . Since_myprevious treatmeul of A. drumnondii I haveexaninec t$ typesat both Carrbridge(CGE) and Kew (K), and found that my former interpreiation of thesemired gatheritlgs\\as correct. The specimeriat CGE from ,.West Australja" (\\ ith no other details;is labelledin Mueller,shandrvritins ancl is not a type.

4a. subsp.drummondii Exanlinationof recentfruiting specinenspermits rhe lbllo*ing description to bc miide. _This_description is basedon B. R. Masliu4348,2iNov. i976, abotrt i7 krn N ol New Norcia towards Moora (pERTH) atd,A. Selk.irks.n., 6 Dec. 1976,Darling Ralge, ca l0 km due ENE of Vount Dale (pERTH). I,igtrtttcs25 40,rn.rlorrg.4 8 mrnrride. srrigillo:e thair: barely visible ro llIJrdeOeyel- lrgltt ^brotvn:marglt)\ )ello$. -9sedstrlnsrerse in tlte legrrnre. l J ) lnnt Long,l.J-l mtn \\tdc; areole1.52 mm long,0.5' mm widc; aril slightlycurved or occasionallyonce-folded, pale yellorv.

4b. subsp..alfinis(Maslin) Maslil] comb. et stat. nov._based on A. rqria yar. a/lirrs Maslin. q,u,t,t.,r;a-ttr..a,ri,t,.\4a'l n.Nu\r,iJ tr)):4r.t. fig.2{.. MJpqrtq-51 /Jr?r \eil J9m H eh\d]. we\rerI|A ,rrdri.r.20 Au8.rc72. I R M../\r"2-or rhoio Bi._i,jTi.o:.%[iii . l)rcriously{Mrrslin. l.c.r I indicaredlhal rheposilio oI rl]i\(a\or) \ irhirl t|rcf ttttc ac \ras llll(erti]|ltbecause it. loliagesuggcsted inclrrsion in ,{. r.a|ia but its ilrllorescencesrelated it lo A. dtttmmondri Recentpollen studies by Ph. Guinet (pers.comm,), showingthNt tlte celltral areaof irs centralmonad ii divided into five parts, clcarly relate the taxor lo A. tlrunnondii. ln A. Naria the central portion is undivided. In addition, Vassal(pers. cornm.) has shorvn that. in subsp. afJini,sthe rnean seeclL,,B is 1.7 thLri rendering'rr croser to A. drnnrnondii(L,/B = 1.65 1.8) than to A. yeria(L//B - I .251.q. Data from a reaentcolleclion perrnit_ supplementary notes on legumesand s:e_ds1_o, be luovjded; this descriptionis basid on B. d. Maslin 434i, 23 Nov. rv/b. / l(m trom Bu 5brookI a.t towardsChirtering (pERTH). Lequtnes25 , 35 mm long. 1.5 mm wide, I sparselypuberulous, medlum oro\\n to greylsh bro$n) umbo traDsvene. Seerlstransverse in the legume, 2 2.5.mmlong_,I t.5mmrvide,light brown: areole dark brown: arl 1 clivate, straight or slightlycurved, very pale yellorv.

4c. subsp.candolleara (Meisn.) Maslin, Nuytsia 1(5): 46:'(lg.'5). . Accessto additioniLlfnriting material permits a revisedleeume and seed dcscrlp(rolr. thr\ de:criplioni, ba:cd on B. R. tluc/itt4J70.-lJ Dec. lq70. Mourt Cooke, 45 kn SE of Annadaje on Albany Highuay (pERTH), an

Lcgunles^crectwhen young bUt frequen y spreadingor pendulouswhen ntature,20 40(50)rnm long, 4-6 mrn wide,glabriscent to m'oclerite)1puberulous, 358 69e solnuuld 'q t epou red Z I soulds:snorqelSsotuDolLros solrunped puB slolqruErq:leu €drBlolsBl'v (selcedsolqeu€^ e :ell€rlsnv orrlsr^A ,^AS uLperld-sePrrl^) epou rod I seirro_sir.rreq dopunp!? pue s1a1i.icuerc1:e1n1orer ol pr^rnr ,{llLreLlrLuordsalnusld et EutueJBd (errEBurBPEg _ v q ot uE8;rEpuEO) Fuol LuLu0l-9 IIIeLulou'silBdZ'Llaor8 lrep'elnlo^er solnuurd (strlllsrP saproFoBBJ'V' 'srr€d 'luecsoJnElS'13ti iqqe5uj pue.{elpool) 8uo[ ultu 9 uELDssol t z solnuuld €z q t opourodZ-I seulds:souldstrr€lJlxe oqlJo aseqle qiuerq Luo{ Sulsue s$uocserouul €l Z seulds,{.leJllxlr ,{lelllos 6q} llo euloq sotuoJseJoulrl '(slu€u"^ eseql loJ (St6l) ulsey{ ur ua,rr8 .{e1 eas ollaqtpd'y pue otltotolsol F. q:}oq uI ]ntco :g'Nj iislid;p;I iieyeu'ds seurds'- reilxe qt!^\ ?Dtlawqd Jo sorcedsol '{a) 'PePt,lord st '"x"} sl"ep ureql ol ,{e{ " oserllJo lsoru SuIAIoAulse8uBtlc clulouox€l rofulu qI^\ raded eql sY 'seutds^l€lllle Surssessoda! )q)fJ JLll Jo sJoqueul lueserd 'safrcluodD.l erll eJe 'D aqlnd y pue Dd.tDL)tsDl zI^ ^\olJq passnoslp ^luo V 'DLlluDJDoat/ selcadsteqlo aalql puB oloqdato8atu t/ tlll$ lal{lJbol D|)D)Y ' ,tr.o1a,{elEd 'pauelcrql tp3ploJ-ecuoseulleuros Jo 'LuloJITg ale^elc € ,{\olaqpexoueJ pue (guol tutu f.0 E)) :lnurru lrranf iepr,t 'unlrq ruur pu? Suol rulu ea aP)rD :{JELq Jql spJE,\\Oluedo^Jo snonul:luoa I z 'epr'\\ '6trol uto.tSofia4 :fssola'u,{\otq {J€p ol u^\o.rq IqBII tulu Z €J lrltu S €-t 'passerduoc 'JEIncrqJo 'JuInHaJ l€q,reruos ot prolqo eql u r leutpnlrb ool s/,,si '(HJ{gd) '916I '99tV ur8urepurq sp.r",llol ?le8ur8p?B Jo S rDI Sl ^oN 17 uIlsDI4t 'y g ub piseq sr uorlducsapirair,Gisrql -{lsnor^arclr^€3 1:uo orll eczldero1 uorlducseppaos Sult\olloJ erll slluJad IeuelEurSullln{ e.Inl€ur01 sseccY 's3run8el,(lIEr[ $r spaas Pu?'JAoqn 'sopunpedeso8trls 'l33uol sll 'lunluaunpu! qcu"rq slr -{q palltoru-uousll '1JulnC pJlousrJtJEJ€qJ Jql ol uolllppeul p;qslnSttllslp:llnq { ultuoJ'JJd qd -ISoloLldroru ua11od,{q pJltoddns drqsuotlulJl E) JBclloJstt Aq olDloaDPtLl '7'o1 'urlsul^) 'nt idrbcorsol pjldler s Dq\uD)n,la/ (JI .{lsnor,rerdpelou sy 3uo1rirui 9. 1-9.g sr qirqr.r xod€ u,lrolq {rep ^ll?uuou-'elnce ue q1r,t 3uo1 ruur T y siqcereuitrA'auol ruur 61 9,{lleruroupue srredZ flluelsrsuocselnuuld :satn-qrjtteburnollollqtlouotteurqulo:EIqlullsElDtDloJ!)Dtq le\SttlpnlJxJ) Ddto)ulsDl tuo.rj Dqtuo)!1Jd uJlf,BlPtlJ J6€lloJ tll lotltDJolsDl 2' f/ 'rop"orq 'y ur ilejnpun ro jeg) serun8ale1€uurcJlJ 01 pelJnr ^llqalls s1I pue ($s€q JleqllB lou) seutds,{.re11txe frelrLos JrD uo euJoqJIE tlJttlMsJJuocseJouul Sulqsn:.?utl iesouiaieipecnpei 1ou)eldrurs ilr ere ndrDrolsDl'Y vrorJptllunoda V -srP seJnl"eJJerllo pepl^lpun s\ 1r DdJo)otsol F' uI sseJer{,^^qrtd :noJ olut peuour strJo €aJ; eqt uI e^\.s!lsrP. s! oLllunDda Y pdfr,rrp sr 1€rtu€o l;rluo. l"qt 'sornl"al jo'irenori'eq1 iroxul stii ro; cgtceds,{1psnf o1 ul€es l?cl8ol lurr "qlueg -oqdrour paulquoc uorl,{\qclq^\ ,d/,1 t/ ulo4 sstu3JeJIp 'qd lurcgru8rs I€oA3J ( ttlruoc s.I3d) leulnD dq selPnls uellod lu3teU ''lahl ') '8 '(HJuEd ',\N ',^{\sN NVJ : osr: Hrd{d roLoq)ttzt ullsDt! a . g 'Snv :eiel"r.iv uLerii,,n-urserepueqspre$ol ErrESurBpPg S LUI Sl 'dq t/6r t '9Lt 'LnFeI Jo isfeft t,inl,t Ilt 9 Fr{ IrS)[?rstf,nN I DtllllnDb re^ o!)D)Y 'wletr1 o4tuoto'Ia 'tet 'S odtocorsol ,/ uo pes?q Aou 1"1sulls€I,{ (ulls?W) uqlueceda spEJY

',no1ya,{epd 'elpptur sll .r?oupaploJ -ecuo Jo pe^Jnc ,{pq8tls o1 :pe3s lsoJ u?ql u,{\olq seurlleruos }q8l€Jls 1Ir, Jo 'buol ()1u,ldolq ulnlpJru'JpL\\ luur ruu € I'Z Jel.JEpapalo:u,\\oJq Ir?p Z I L 'eun8ol 'rnind""*t1"-os'edz,is plosdIllefllq8rIs ol prolqo FiieJrsuq ur 1nq';enoqiiir 'u,tro:q "tliqqo b1 ei:a,tsuer1spaa5 oqrun 1rr:p o1 uirro:q lq8tl 4a. Flowers 80-90 per head; peduncles15 25 mn1 long; pinnlrles 3-6 x 1 5-3 mm; branchletsdensely shortly pilose. (Geraldtondistrict) ...... A. megacephala b. Flowers 10 40(50)per head; pedunclesnormally nol exceeding10 mnl long .... 5 5a. Hairs on branchletsand pedunclesretro$e; pedunclesca 10 mm long; spines1 Der node; pinnules normally slightly rccurved, 3 4 pairs, discolor'ous,- prominently l-nerved below. ( to Murchison River) A, lasiocarpavar. lasiocarpa variant b. Charactersnot conlbiDed as above. (Widespread in S.W. Western Australia; a variable ) A. pulchella

6. Acacia fagonioidesBenth. Acaciapulchella R. B(. lar. fago ioides(Benth.) Macbride; Maslin (1975), Nuytsia 1(5): 405. In the light of other rank changesgiven in the presentpaper and having now seenmature fruits of A..lagonioidesI considerit bestto treat this taxon as a distinctspecies rather than as a varietyof A. pulchellaas I had previouslydone. Access to mature fruiting material permits the following description to replace the one given previously; this descriptionis basedon C. Chopmans.n., Nov. 1976,Eneabba district (PERTH). Legumes narrowly oblong, 30 80 mn long, 7-12 mrl wide (size very variab]e),hard and brittle to + Rrmlychartaceous, 1lat, raised over seeds,dark brown, slightly pruinose,glabrous, sparsely reticulate, abruptly contractedat both ends; ,n4rgll,r thickened, yellowish to light brown, not (or rarcly) prom- inentlycontracted between seeds. ,Seed.rvariably placed ilr legume(longitudinal to oblique or sometimestransve$e), ellipsoid to spheroid,turgid, 3 4 mrn long, 3-3 . 5 mnr wide, dark brown, shiny; p/er rogrqn ope\ towards the \ilum; areole ca 2 mm long and I mm wide' funicle exparded into a clavate or once-folded aril. Acacia fagonioidesoccurs in a small group of speciesdistinguished fron the other members of the Pulchellqe by their axillary spines and stipitate glands. A key to the recognition of these speciesis given above. Within this group, A. fagonioides is most closely related to A. pulchella fron whjch it differs in arrangement, strigose branchlets (glabrous or rvith patent hairs in A. pulchella except sometimes in var. sabsess//is)and wider legumes and seeds. An in terestingexample of parallel evolution existsbetween A. Iagonioidesand A. epacantha(see above). These speciesare closely related to A. pulchella and A. Iasioc:arparespectively from which they differ (among other characters) in the same important feature viz. their inflorescencesare simple (not racemose) and are borne on the axillary spinesinstead of at their bases. Both specieshave restricted rangesin the northern sandheathswhile ,4.2alchellq and A. lqsiot:erpe are both widespreadthroughout the southwestof WesternAustralia. lnter- estinglyPh. Guinet reports(pers. comm.) that the pollerlof ,! . epacaxthais very different from that of ,4. losiocarpa (see p. 362) but that of A. fagonioidcs is essentialfythe sameas that of A. pulchallu.

7. A. griseaS. Moorei Maslin(1975), NLrytsia l(5):432. Seedsof this specieshave not beendescribed and the following accoult is thereforepresented; this descriptionis basedon B. R. Maslin 4383, 14 Dcc. 1976,about 13 km due SE of Broomehill, on Pallinup Road (PERTH). Seclstransvers€ to slightlyoblique in legume,obloid to ellipsoid,2'5 3mm long, 2 mm wide, dark brown, shiny; ;funicle gradually expanded into and reflexedbelow a thickenedpale yellow crll which is folded near its attachrnent to the seed. '(qslu^\orq sI tI ereq,\\*n1,q i" ,o"rr4 \\ollrf tlnp puc {tnqs.(pqirls 'pa^lnt sr qcrq.r Ius el€ €lJ ,{I1ueic olur papuedx; ,{11enpcrBI pul] ^\olaq pex-agji,{iiuulou 'Suoiruurg.6 uc'ruro;r1uajrtr.'rJ iepr,t ruuI g-9 g'3uo1uur 'Suolqo S. I € . I a1oal,:ulnllq eql sple,tlolSuruado ,trorwu € qll/\\lo snonuquoc tuo,tSotnaltl:,(urqs 'u,ro.lq qsr,{e:3 'sur8rzut oql spr",\\o} pe,!\oJlPu puE eJluec 'epl\\ 'iuol eql ur p3sr€J{1rq8r1s pesserduocl?q^\3!uos ruru 6. I 9 l lnq IIeJe^o ',\\olll,{ 'spaes wa g.Z'plolqo 'erun8el uI sprrs uaa,$leq L.Z ''fjue4crql lBulpnll8uol 'u,trorq patc€Jt;o; fprleuiuiorii suiSreut :elnce xede ryep ,4rer 1i'u 'el€lnpun 'snoJqelS '(lEurpnl€uo1 oqrun) spaasre^o postel fJal€.Iapolu AllqtsIIs 'epr.r-ruur i3uo1 '3uo1qo 9.g-g ruru 0t 0Z {lnorleu salrrt)7 snolnJaqnd ,{lesreds'pe,t-reu-y '8uol rulu g.Z blPlrd :ltrJJsJJqelSro snorqelS'pe,treu-q Z 'Suolqo ,{leJncsqo'el€urqrnl ,{1,rorrzueqnt x{lEJ:sJqol ,{IPq -^[JSiPds ]: o]ul 'ssel q13ue1s1r ro1 pepr,rrp't?llorot q13ur1 x^L€r:snoreu-g s iarlolJ i-f Jo i { 'Jle^o -a,treu 'u,mo:qo1 ,no11e,{'snolnJJqnd{1ele::potu ot {lJsJeds ,{l,\\ollEu f '3uol 3?urru€l :reoull s,\\elc:pnq e.lnlEuJuI lueultuold lou wtu 9.2-Z saloalJo,lg- ',i,tlesuep qtrx'(.{rp ujq,t) srsoqluel" Lu?rpuur l'^\olle^ 'rElnqolS9g199 6 deep o1 ,rolyef tq8rl poa4-tar,tg[:snoln]rqnd {lestrrp ol .(lel?raporu 'Surpuocs" '(sa^"el Jo luel€d eql SurpJ;)ye ,{puar8f,11cru:ou) SuoT rullt 0Z-0I '(8uol sapunpad:opouJed Z-l urul I ?c) slxs eluec?tlJoqs ^Je^ oql uo_]J"Jq lsburiddn jo |xe ruorj SursueclJttnped JlSurs € qlr\\ arualer p:tnpar ,{.ra,le atuacsang[uJ selnuurdJo JIsd lsotuJJ\\oLJql /$olaqslqJel tutlld Jql uo sJncco u3uo (^SoloqdJoru aru€s aql Jo ssl,wjorllo) puulS Joll?IIIsleuontpp" u€ :aJguo u,\\oJq',\\oll€qs " pu" ruu,,\\olla,{ " qll^\ ( ruElp u-lrut 0 "c) pal"llp l?Jluot'altsses 'stuurd xade ireedJe puelF ltqt (8uol urur l €c) pacnpel os edlls :leirorlue 0 noqiunf p 3u1vn'pub19 .(ltq8lis ot tueled s.I"q) snoln:eqnd 3o 'e^oqe ,{lesuep o1 ,{laluJJporu ',\\oleq pa^leu-I pue ueet8 J3lrl?II ssels^Jau puP ueer8 'elnlo^3J ot ,{llueutulold ',{lp uaq^\ pellurl,{ ,{l3ug IJEp Pa,^rncal 'opt,t ,{Je^ uego 'peue{crql 'sp.r",(dr p3,unt ,4pq8qs lulu (Z)E. 1eq,lreruos '.\r^\oJqI-t '8uol ruru (01 'Suolqo.(I,'\\orrl.,u,{llerurou'srr?d(9)i sallluuld 8) t E 'e^oq?Z saurleuos pu" pausllug leql?J puE elnJ€ xadu peqqu flpBolq {r?p'seqcueJq 'salnuuld uo s" unluournpur 3o rtl]d lsorure,tol aql ,{\oleqSuuEeq '3uo1r"uur -pue13uelgo gy t(S.Z)sltlJ"r"uuld:rrEdTeEuurd:S3lndrlsroJs?esl,\\ -ieqlo'3ub1 ruur 'reln8u"ul ,{1,tot:euf:e,r 01 t€eull "les :8uoL E-g.I 'aIEIoIIIJl€urullJl 'snol]"cs rulu ololled :€l"uuldlq sat1.Dd1 pa^Jeu-I 'uA\olq 9. I I )J€p 'lu3sqE 'epr,r ruru .0-2.0 '8uol ruul g . 'reln8uB].rl^l,\\oJ.Itu -{r3A salfidlls e € Z 'e8e seurds ,{rzllxy foJB rlslu,rdorq'(pas8q-alcteqnl seut}o&Ios qll,{\ J3sl€ds '313lel sJr"q) asolld-snolll^ ,{lesuep'pe^reu ,{lelncsqo ,{le^ s3t[3u?Jq:tuols uIBur ',{er8 es€q spJE,rol p3Jnssu,{l3uu rlloous :u3313lq8ll slooqs ,\au Jo lnq fluq 'peruu3ls :spre,ru,rop qcJ" ol puel qclrl,t\ slelqcu€.lq uo pep,\\ojc eBeIloJ ',{F8e]ls 'lI!.1 -e[3urs.(ll€urlou pu€ ,{lputds leq,taruos La (.9.2)Z a.I qnrqs '(fffXaa 'g1qy3 : ost : HJXAd :oloq) '€ITE.Ilstly 'e8uBU gggnqqsy I,[ V'ZL6I lsn8ny 96 ulolsel[ ,{qserohl :r.It 'lrJJrp'(rteroLuJPul tuPnbunu'.lllsodslp JellJeurpnllSuol raduJesaurunSeJ ul snqluluos :slsolld LuBnbunu snqlultunSel :olnlldPJ ord g/ 99 snqlJog tlSPtL, (r!Lu lzl :srFuol tutir 67 j1 irlrrrurrprd :srrerP.llprt-qruELu errdP.llnpu€lE :\r.olld re (.1 l\(01 gj i gl inquoicur eribrun.r:1doa.i,"..,.r.o7 yur tuenb.rlnuu.d:Pr{ InluPISrdoc. ieirgur silnurila aptqt€qr:sr8uol tuLu qtlndt]s:srllnu snquellrxe slurds s '\/r#,[-z :olle u (9.2) z-2. | \.1\e lt ouedc osolrlnrJ nllqEq prs 11lt]t8 odtnrotsDlDt)D)/

H D 9'ssll'tlt :(9)l els!{nN urisEl ([621r:Ida) D.!r//.rnr!^ \r""g ,,,;:tfyt t,::H ',1ou :sed.{ls,{s1io6t)oJ€:st qf rog uotlis'tezrrdaD'-ott!t [Iy]g'ltrt];i:;,2"::X# ',rou '8 ds uqseyg lgouln8 slrzcY

'sercadsaq1 'I uorlducsrunJJrc{ru qlru 1e,trpJoJJB o} 1r punoJpull (t{S) protlols Jo'ed,Qoloq 99-L aql pJtcadsule^er[ I raslrt f'Jo luJrulBJJlsnol^Jrd Aru aculs Distribution and South-westWestern Australia: restricted to thc Nanson-Howatharraregion (about 30 km north of Geraldton) whereit grows in eithcr rocky loam or lateritic gravei. WESTERNAusrRALrA: Hiils l0 lni (16km) S of Northampton,19 Jdy 1971,K_ M. Allan659 (PERTH);Howatharra, l3 July1967, A. M. Ashbr2148 (PERTH); Moresby Range, .,1. M. Ashbl,4587,30 Aug. 1972,and 4614 (both at PERTH);Moresby Range, A. C. Bt n.t5. 19Sept. 1965 (K, PERTH)and 8. 19.lune 1966 (PERTH); Abour 8.I km W of Nanson. 27Aus. 1970, R. Covnr 3062(CANB, K, MEL,NSW, NY, PERTH);8 km W of Nanson. B. R.Maslin3164,8 Oct. 1972 (PERTH) and 3349,22 Aug. 1973 (MEL, PERTH); 28 km lrorr Geraldtontowards Northampton, 20 Aug. 1973, B. R. Masli 3321(PERTH); Howarharj.a Hill Reserve,Moresby Range, D. and N. McFurlantl1005, 20 Juty 1974and 14 Oct. 1974 (bo!h i1 PERTH); Moresby Range,Howatharra-Nanson road, .lan. 1974,C. phillips55 (NT,PERTH); Howathana Range,7 5kmNof Nanson,22Aug.19/3. M. D. Titldti(2j52 (PERTH)and 2753 (K, PERTH.).

Flovering and .fruitittg p€liorl. Flowers from Ju[e to August (September); legumeswith mature seedshave bccn collectedin mid-October. Recentpoller studiesby Ph. Guinet (pers.comm.) suggcsta changein rank for the taxon I prcviouslydescribed as A, lasiocqrpovar. r,i1losc(Maslin, i975). Its polJen differs significantly frorn A. lasiot:arpa(with var. epacanthaexcluded- seeA. epacqnthaabove) in that all the monads of the samepolyad are faintly striate (near the pseudo-furrowson thc centralmonads and on the polar areas on the peripheralnonads) and the pseudo-furrors on thc pcriphei?l monads are interrupted. ln A. lasiocarpalheperipheral monads are Irot striateon their poiar areas,and in addition,their pseudo-furrowsarc jnterrupted. When thesc differencesare combined with the gross morphoiogicalfcatures noled i[ the diagnosisabovc it seemsto justify specificrank for this taxon. The spcciesis naned in honour of Philippe Guinet for his numerous contributions 10 the study of Acacia pollen. I al]] particularly ildebtcd to Guinet for giving me accessto much of his unpublisheddata concerningthe Australian snecies.

9. Acaciainsolita E. Prjtzel,Bot. Jb. 35:310, Fig.36 (1904);Maslin(1975), Nuytsia 1(5):4'78. LectotWe: In silvissubumbrosis montium Darling Rarrge, Aug. 1901,E.Pt'it.el 1013(K-central spccin.renon sheet;iso: AD, E, G DC, K, NSW, PR, US, W), 1cclo.ror,. Syntype:Dlels 3835(n.v.). BccauseI had not examinedal] syntypcspreviously a lectotypewas l]ot selectedl-or tl. insolita. Having now searchedin many herbaria (including Berlin) I can find no trace of the syntype,Dlcls 3835. BecausePritzel l0l3 is welI distributedard accordswell witlr thc protologr]e,this collectionis selected as the type. Thc lcctotypesheet at Kew is annotatedby Prilzcl thus: "Acacia insolita Pritzel nov. spec.Engl. Jahrb. 1905". According to Vassal(pcrs. comm.) the seedand seedlingcharacters of .1. insolito clearly relatc it to the other members of the Pulchellae.even though its upper leavesare reducedto phyllodes. The speciesnone the lessdc,es pdsress some seed,/seedlingfeatures which set it sJightlyapart: the cotyledonspersisr a little longer than normal (i.e. until the lirst two have completely opened)and its seedsare relativelylarge (this species,together with A. giih,tii, A, megacephalaand A. fagoniokles,has the Iongest seedsin the Pulchellael.

10. Acacialasiocarpa Benth.; Maslirr(1975), Nuytsia l(5): 409. The exclusionof both var. epacantluMaslin and yar. yillosq(E. Pritzel) Maslin as separatespecies (A. epotantha(.Maslin) Maslin and A. guinetiiMaslin respectively-sec above) and the acquisition of more fruits ol ',rar.secli/blia (Meisn.) Maslin necessitatea reviseddescriplion for A. lasiototpa: €9€ 'palt:loru 'u,rotq '3uoT 'esJe^su".l} ,{lluenb3iJ o1u,trorq 1q611 ruut 9.7 S. I souoalpprlu Irvp 'ourn8el pue spe3s puE IBurIxold dlerurou ut poceld -{1qerrt,t l?urpnlr8uol [Blsrp '8uol ,r/ras ')tc?lq Jo u,t\orq qsl{3r8 ol u,{orq rulu (SE)O€ol.satunBa7 '(HJUad) peou loqlEl rpBou '916t'cac lsela Jo g rrl 9 9 sl€lc "uu€Itr uo Sutrepunl4 Jo is?o 9 ''u's 'llqouloorg t\lllds t' :(HIUEd) p?o[ dnurl1e4uo Jo fS enp ru{ t I lnoq€ '91.6I'ceo 'S Vt'Z8tl ullsql4t y :(HJUEd) ua8el€puEo sprs,\\oleroon Jo I[ \ul9.9'gL6l'AoNVZ'IgflLtllst:)ltl Y S :(HIUEd) pd sueqdelsuo uoopulg '9161'^oN 'rr 3urmo11o3 Jo gN enp lrl)t 9 lnoqe tZ'rftl ullsqn U :suollcalloc eql uo pasEqeJ? suollEcurpotu esaql uox?} slqlJo uollducsepsnor^eld,(l!I otr se8u"qc Sur,rolloJ erll sel"lIsseteu suorlrallor 3u rllnrJ luarel Jo uotlEultrl"xA '(9f61) 'B0I I lt :(9)I sIS nN'urls?nl (usrel )tlloJlpos'rE^

'6E€'d ul ueAISsI ssulds,{rellrxt q\tr (od.lDolsDl y Surpnlour) sercadsao11atpy4 10 uolllu8ocer aql ()1-{aI V '^qseu '1trt qst,tol1e.{'pa^Jnc , 1q3rcr1s " olul '3uol pepuedxetrlldnrq? ro ^[PnpE]8 pus ,{\oleqpexeuel ^ll€rurou Iuru 9 ' 0 €J + 'runltl pue uroJIIu + apMftJ',.enssll)rep pu€q,tr.orreut.{q pereproqusuo Jo 'u^\oJq erll spJ€,rol uedo LuDJSo.tndF:pelllout .{[luanbe{ )r"p o} u \\oJq }LL8ll 'posseJduoc 'ept,tr :o uxorq-,{er8 'e1rq,t ,(Fued lgq,^\euos.lo pr3Jnl fllcuqstp '8uol 'r?lnclqro urlu Z 9.I rllut S.Z-S.I ro prosdqlaol plolqo .{lleuJrou'lu"[d etu"s eql uo alq"lre,\ setullsurosad"qs'asJe^su?ll seuo slppllu erll puE I?uIPnll 'erun8el -8uol spaas po" ue13o ur pac?ld ,{lq€u"^ usgo sl,,as I"lsrp lurutxord 'p3ua{cql 'u,{orq ol ,rollo.{'spoesuee^\loq p3lcertuoc (.{Pq8lls .{lorEr ro) 1ou 'uloolq sur8J€ru:lurod elnc€ lJoqs € olul xed" t? pJ,\\oJJeu,{lldnJqE lusssaJn?I8 '{cEIq ',{JIer[ ? qtr,\\ seurrt3uros ro u,\do.Iqqst,(er3 o1 u,tolq 1q8rl Jo snoJqelS 'epl'!t 'spJJs JaAo pJsfirj 'JtELnpun Jo l"U ruu g-g rul-ll fll?luJou -'3uo1 0t-01'}uocselqtlS '8uo1qo f1,ro:ruu t2t r3a7 pJ^Jau-1 ,{llueuluro-td ()1 ssele,\reu '8uol ol sriorq"lS ruru 9.2-9.1 sl?1ed:pe^reu-g ,{pueutuord o1 .{10:ncsqoput ol snolq"lS Jqnl's;JIde Jleql 1€ poxeuulpu" peuo{Jlrll,{llq8lls 3Jt lueJsJJqnlS '?lloroc qlLI^\ srqol rlplorltr,(lasrnds3uo1qo + olul rllAusls:ll roJ pepl^Ip Jo 'pfuq + i 'u,\\oJq ql8ual t*rilz) x,{lBJ :snoJeu-g Dt|loll uI snontldsuoc seulleruos >irep ol ueeri e?rlruul :8uol urru (9.E)9 saPapDrq sro.ttou09-91(tl) 7 I 're1nqo13 ritr,ii 'r:p ueq,r srseqlus l€ ruelp urtu 1 7 splay-Jarou[ :sr\otJE^ '8uo[ ruirluaurnpur ruur E1 7 selculped :lceJq lsourJr,tol Jo IIxe ruo{ SUISU? JlJunpJdpuoJes E sJLu!leuosJo tooqs \\eu E'sl\E JlulJBl tloq' F.r:,rJLll llo IJEJq ruorJ SursrJ[ slcunped 'eruoot] pecnpel tr:at e atuatsan{u1 tdorujaddn Jo lr\p '(3uo1 'eso1npue135srqcer euurd 'od.tototsol re,r ut uego ldecxe peleltp 1ou xede 'e"uuld ulu-(i)S .0 pecnpar.{leu3r1xa ue1.1o edtls 1nq alelrdns Jo uotlcun!1e t) 'eloq! '.{:1eq 'luersecn?18 aunriU paiT: :.liolag pe^rou-I ssele^rau o1 sno:qe13 ^lf€uors"JJo Jo uaeJ? 'lpd.lDotsr1 J?A uI lgu .,(leJPl) elnlodel 01 pe^lnJoJ '3uo1 'Suolqo '(Dtunolsol trliuauiuro-rd'epr,lt ulu y g.6 uu (S)t-l ,{l,trorr"u. '-r"^ '.lueuluold 'u,\\oJq ur sJrPdZI ol IlJrEl) strud 9 7 salnutud seruDeuros IJEp ro uJJB \!de'3uo1 ruut (02)0I I sqceJ "uurd :ll€d I e"uuld:snonJldsuocpu€ 'es€q '3uq u,rd.oJq{Jep uouo eq} spt€,\\ol peuelalql .(pq311sue13o 1nq snorrtcs u[u g.7 g. g '.reFr8uuutr,{1,torreu o1 l€ln8u"IJl "}es :8uol tuLu S 0 > 'es8q I€ultuJel ololl€d :el?uuldlq ,ra^raI u.\\oJq eql spre,\\ol poue{JIql saulrlaluos ':elniuerrl snouecs 'du61 urur g-g.g fl,norreu,{re,t o} J?ln8u"ul salrdus' 1nq '3urp?eJds_'8uol 'u,rorq 'es?q sp:e,to1 .{:rtr1 dl3s.Ieds-{llerulou ruu ZI E 'dJ?lllYe 'or1oftias 'lJ-t'pui od,tD)o!sol JEA,u luasq?sorulletuos'epou J3d sa4ds 'esonxauI 'snour,r runlueurnpul 'ssele^J3u 01 p3IJ3u ,{1a:ncsqo selull€ulos 'luecs3ulds 'll€l ueuo slaflJup.Iq'.lxedwrcc Pu€ esuspueuo tn I . I Z 0 9rr{S 11. Acacia lateriticolaMaslin, Nuytsia l(5):433 (1975). A recentfruiting collectionnecessitates the following modificationsto my previousdescription ofthis taxon; thesemodifications are basedon B. R. Mqslin 4J66.7 Dec. 197b.south of Serfcntine,about I km eastof South West Highway on Scri\iner Roud(PERTH). Seed-r.shiny; lur.ricJedescription should read minute (0.2 rnm lorg), e_xpa-ndedinto a normally twice-foldedpalc yellow ari) (one fold r.rearthe disiai third and the other closcto the hilum).

12. Acacialuteola Maslin, Nuytsia 1(5):453 (t975). A recent fruiting collection neccssitatesthe ibllorving cltangesto my previousdescription ofthis taxon;thesemodifications are basedon B. R. Mqslit 4395, l5 Dec. 1976,23 km from Denmark towards Mount Barker (pERTH). black'.funicle iiliform, reflexed below and gradualty expandedinto a curvedor once-folded(near its middle) aril.

13. Acaciamoirii E. Pritzel;Maslin(1975), Nuytsia l(5):417. Becauseseeds are row describedfor subsp.recurvistipulo Maslin (seebelow) sonremodilications to ny previousdescription of A. moirii are necessary: ^ - ScyJs rrrns\erse to oblique in legume, obloid to ellipsoid or spheroid, 2-3 mrn long. 2 2.3 nrnr *ide, sotrelimes obscurely mottled (subsp. recuryistipu/a).

l3a. subsp.recurvistipula Maslin; Maslin (t975), Nuytsja 1(5):420 Exanrinationof il rcaent gathcring enablesseeds to be described. This descriptionis basedon B. R. Maslin 4375,14 Dec. 19j6,'7km S of Kulin towards Kukerin (PERTH). Sccdsoblique in legume,obloid to spheroid,2 2.5 rnm lone.2 2.3 mm widc, raisedin centrebut narrowedtou urdsma rgr ns : p/.,irrogramoiten bordercd. b.ya !!rnq of yellowishtissue; arcrle 0 7 rnrnlong,0.7 mm *ide: /unlc/r:very short (0 long), ratherabruptly erpandcdinto l short (O.7nrrn long), pali yellow aril.

14. Acaciapentadenia Lindl.; Maslin (1975),Nuytsia 1(5):444. Examination ol a recent collection ilrdicatesthat my previous funicle description should be altered to read,:funicle filiform or flattened, very short (ca 0 3 mm !9ng) qgd abruptly expanded into a clavate or or.rce-folded,thick- ened,pale yellow aril. The additionalinformationis derivedfiom B.R.Maslin 4392, 15 Dec. 1976,ncar Hay River, Albany-Denmark road (pERTH). Sinceny previousaccoLrnt of the speciesI havc examinedthe typc sheetat Cambridge (CCE). My fonner interpretation of the specimeni'contained thereonis corrcct exceptthat the right hand one is not the stuntedform of ,4. pentqd_eniaas previously thought. Instead it is a sltoot apcx of normal '4. pentadeniawith non-inflexedpinnules. It is thereforequite possiblethat all the specimenson this sheetare fron thc satr-tegathering.

15. Acaciaplicata Maslin, Nuytsia l(5):451 (1975). , Add the following data to my previous seeddescription - of this specics: Seedsrather compresscd,broadly ellipsoid to spheroid. Theseadditions are 934 on B R. Mqslh 4358,24 Nov. 1976,about 20 km due E of Jurien Bay (PERTH), 99t 'lu? .{\olla,{eled (paploJ 1ou) pe.nrnrro lqEterls e otur popu"dx3f,lldn.rqt'3uo1 ruur aptunl'.eprtt'urul pu? Suol t.0'turoJllg '{clql 'eprM9.0 uJar I Ea apa.tD :s8u{lloul )celq qu,{\ uMoJq {t?p lutrl t. I ulru l l '8uol uiru 'prosdrle flpeotq '(o11aqcpd p' ur esr,$]aqlo) elun8el Z leutpnlr8uol'u,\\olq 'snorgt18 'spaes ur JnbrTqool^Su?rl,rpars asoulnJd ,{ltul"J 1q311 'olelnpun 'epl.r,\ '3uo1 Je o pesrBJ,411ueuruord ruur 7 ulru gI o] saum8aT '(Hruad) '9161 'ceqOZ'1t09 dnre8ug go,{\N uII 9 traq,.'aN)r uo pes"q sI uolldlJc -sep srql :paluasaJd eq o1 uorldrrcsep 8ur,no11ogeql salq"ue uollcelloc luecaJ y '(gL6l 'urlset\) ,4lsnor^eJdpeqrjJsep eJe,t spees ou ]nq soAIsAauInSo'I '(SfOt) 'pgl gOt :(E)l €rs nN'ulTs"trl sllJssasqnsr€^

'JlpprLUslr JEJU pJploJ-eJuo xllELuJou sr qcrq/$ lU" rlsr,ro[e,{ peue)cql " ,roleq paxosJr apqnl "apt:N'uJuJ, 1 put 3uo1 lu-l||r Ba apalo : urnlq aql spre,rol Suruedo ,4^orr?u^JaA t qlIA\ Jo snonurluoc Z 'epr^\ '3uol 'plolqo tuD.tSotnald:u,rorq urur ruul t € trars ,{\o[e,( )JEp'snoluaqnd 'apr,^^Z '8uoy surBJ€Lu:u,rorq lqSrl urru y ruur Ol or sawnBa1 '(HJUEd) '916T '6€ft ,{eA\qBrHuler{uoN t?erC uo lseg {oorqslln{ Jo N ru{ I ^oN gZ ullsow 'v'Br uo pasBqsr uorldr.rcsepslql :paqursep-{lredord eq ot spaaspu€ sorun8aTselq"ue ,rou slrn{ eJnl€rrrJo Suueql€8 lueJeJ e Jo uoll€uruleYE '(SfOt) 'ullsEj,,{ 'r9I tOt :(9)t €rsl.{nN Exauar'.rB^ 'DLur.uaqoq':e,r jo tu,{uou,{s? s€ lI uolsnlcul snolleJd ,{ut sruJguoc Sll 'JE^ Jo le (i06 ss/a./d) usrelAlsrTr,rn.r8 Dppnaap t/ Jo ed,{l eqt Jo uoltBulru"xa ' '^o uouls'(1961)LI:' ld rolleuv uuv doqJ ( 4uoH)sTprrrJ re^ rg >Jollaq)pdD0DV '20,:G)l ?rEfnN'(9t61) urlsBl^tr: usreti\l€urlrraq8la'r?^ 'q9I 'uox€l snll ur punogXpuanba.rl surJ^ lEJJlrl peuolclql eql salnuurdsI ftq DllaqJlndrra. selcunpadpu€ s]olqcuerqsnolnreqnd {cEl 3o 'uu"uln"g ,{[e]nu[u eql seq pue ,(urds -,{Jo,\sr uoturcads erlJ

'6St'd ul ue,lr8sr seurdsdrul[xe qi\^\ (D atpfd v Surpnpu0 sarcadsao11a4tpr4 1o uorlruSoco: 3q] o],{aI v '(snonurluoc ,,{1erer)runlrq er11spre,rol uedo LuDJSo.lndfI: wJoJrun Jnoloa osr,rreqto slltssasqfis 'tE^ ru,roJq 'prSrnl 'epr,r '8uol ur pelllou ()1rlsr,{ar8 luru t s.I {3"1q'QrLulrtaqDq 'J€^ {Jep urur g .t-Z ur proraqds + ,(le.rE.r)prosdqle o1 prolqo ,{lFuuou '(s!l!ssasqns re,r ur anbrlqo o1 es:e,rsuer1)erun8el ur Furpnl€uol ,41FurJou,rpras 'spoes 'el"|1pu[ uee,rloq polculsuoc lou sur8JBur:pe^Jnc ,{lleuors?cco otr ll]U 'epr,r '3uo1 'saprcMo8D/ rrlru g-t tuur gg-g 1 Exsawn8a7 JE^ ol JJueJoJoJalolop -saJa sa.tol/Ltl epr^\ ruur Z g.O salnuutd SuoTruLu tI olas l?LttLutal :D awud 'F uorldlJ3sap snor^erd ,{ru ol se8uEqc eluos et?lrssoceuullsEw ,r{l,r,ras Jo'J"^ -g[s pu€ urlsztq oxalal J?A JoJ s]nl{ Jo uorllsrnbJ? oq} put (a^oq" aes) 'qpeqsaptotuoBD| y seepugcell ( qr:l?9,)saploluoBDl'r"^ Jo uorsnlcxeeqJ ',6t '9I :G)I enl,(np'(9161) urTS€I,,{: rg a ullaqcpdslrEcy 17. Acacia varia Maslin, Nuytsia 1(5):456 (1975) Follorving the transference of tar. allinis Maslin to A. drumntondii (see above)and the acquisitionof seedof var. crassher))isMaslin, the descriptionof A. varia shouldbe modified as follows: Pinnules2-6(1) mm long, I 2. 5 mm wide, thickened(except in var. t'aria), prominently l-nerved below. Peduncles7 l5 mm long, denselyhairy (rareiy glabrous in var. part(lora); flower-heads7 20 mm long and 4-7 mm wide at anthesis, with (20)25-55 flowers. Ca11'-vard. corolla sparsely to denseiy hairy, obscurely to prominently 5-nerved. Legumt's moderately to densely hairy. Scedsobloid to ellipsoidor sometimesspheroid, dark bro\vn to black.

l7a, var. crassinervisMaslin, Nuytsia l(5):459 (1975). Legumesand seedsof this varietyhave not beendescribed and the follotving account is thereforepresented;this description is basedon B, R. Moslin438l, l4 Dec. 1976,4 km E of Katanning towards Nyabing (PERTH). Lcgunes lo 35 mm long, 4 mm wide, abruptly contractedat apex into a short mucro. Seerl,rvariable in shape,obloid, ellipsoid,sornetimes spheroid, 2 2 5 mm long, 1.7 2 mm wide, raised in centre and somewhirtnarrowed towards margins; pleurogrant open towards the hiluflr, bordered by a band of yellow tissue;/arlcleand aril generallynot remainingattached to dehiscedseed, f'uricle filiform, ca 0 5 nm long, reflexed belorv an abruptly tirickened - strajght paleyellow aril.

Acknowledgments I wish to thank Dr. Ph. Guinet and Dr. J. Vassallbr allorvinsme accessro much oftheir unpublisheddata on pollenrnd seed seedlirrgsrespeitively. I am indebtedto both Ms. B. S. Field and Dr. R. M. Polhill for belpfulcon.rments on the maluscript. The AustralianBiological Rcsources Study Intcrim Council is acknowledgedfor funds provided enablingme to visit various Europeanand Americanherbaria in 1975rvhere many typesrelevant to the presentstlldy \\ere consulted.

Reference MASLIN,B. R. (1975), Studies in the genus Acacia (Mimosaceae)4. A revisior'rof the SeriesPulchellae. NLrvtsia1(5):388-494.

Index to numberedspecimens This index contains a referenceto ali numbered specimensseel for the present study. lt is arranged aphabeticallyaccording to tlte nane of the collector. Numbers in parenthesesrefer to the correspondingtaxon in the tcxt. All specimensare housedat the WesternAustralian Herbarium (pERTH) unlessothcrwise stated. Allan,K. M. 659(8). Ashby,A. M. 2148(8.),,+586(8Type: CANB, PERTH),,1587(8); 461,t(8). Beard.J. S. 7767(2a). Bnrns,A. C. 5, 19Sept. 1965 (8 K, PERTH),8,l9 June1966(8). Coveny,R. 3062(8CANB, Ki MEL.NSW, NY, PERTH). Haberley,B.C. 448(2c),451(2c),,158(2c). Maslin,_B.,,R.-!!2,aL 493\!b lype: cANB, K, PERTH),27e4(2b AD. BRr,K, MEL, P-ERTH),2?97(2b {, lERlt{), 2956(2a),3164(8), 3202(2a), 3203(2a), 3232(2b T},pe), 3247(5'Type:CANB, K, MEL, NSw, NY, PERTH),3321(8),3349(8,MEL, pERTftl, 1l:?(1q9i.111911)'4l-4-r (4b), 111(r0a)' 4316(2b\,1341(1), '1348(1a), 43sl(10a), 4355(si, 4158(1s).4366( I I ), 4370(4c).4175(l3a), 438j (17a), 4382(t0a), 4381(7). 4392( 1.1). 4395(12j. McFarland,D. andN. 1005,20 July 19?4 and 14 Oct. 1974(8). r66 L9E

'(HJlIad 'r-8)€grz '(8)z9rz '( 'J"l 'elsPulr '0^18:.d,{roloH-t)99l'C'Pte^\ols 'H 'le4Fd ({\ 'Sn 'dd'.AASN.)'C(-5 'g 'CV :ed.&o1.e1-6)€I0l '(IN 'I (HIUAd '.Iaf't :ed.{}opol-"2)906 '(Sn :edXI-$I)t06 :od{MS-"2)888 tslard (HJxad'JN-8)ss'o'sdrlq,I '(P9I)I€09 X'deq.{\eN