INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION: A DOCUMENTARY HISTORY Series Two: Papers of John Rennie (1761-1821), Thomas Telford (1757-1834) and Related Figures from the National Library of

Part 1: Papers of , Joseph Black, Thomas Telford and John Rennie Part 2: Papers of John Rennie, Thomas Telford and Robert Stevenson

Contents listing







Publisher's Note

This second series offers material from two of the most important names of the Industrial Revolution, John Rennie (1761- 1821) and Thomas Telford (1757-1834). Both were key figures in the development of the roads, bridges and canals that helped transform the British landscape throughout the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. The strength and depth of their talent and their enthusiasm for engineering is reflected in the wealth of papers that survive them.

Parts 1 & 2 are largely dedicated to the John Rennie papers. The youngest son of a respected farming family, John Rennie was born at Phantassie, . Apprenticed to the agricultural engineer Andrew Meikle (inventor of the threshing machine) at the age of twelve, Rennie quickly mastered the methods and tools involved in designing machinery. He also benefited from attending Joseph Black's lectures on chemistry at Edinburgh University. From 1784 he pursued a career in engineering in and was recommended to James Watt, who charged him with installing new steam-powered machinery at the Albion Flour Mill in Blackfriars, . This led to further mill work and eventually larger scale engineering projects, such as the building of the London and East India Docks, the completion of the Kennet and Avon Canal, and the construction of the Southwark, Waterloo and London Bridges.

Rennie's prolific career as an engineer is evident in the numerous notebooks, plans and drawings offered in this collection. There are 192 volumes in total. These cover:

 Bridges: includes correspondence and reports on London, Waterloo, Vauxhall & Southwark  Canals: including Aberdeen, Grand Junction and Grand Western  Fens: papers on all drainage work in Lincolnshire and Cambridgeshire  Harbours: includes plans for Aberdeen, Belfast, Bristol, and London docks  Lights: consists largely of letters written by Robert Stevenson regarding the Bell Rock Lighthouse, of which he was site engineer  Mills: including street plans, notes and calculations for the construction of the Albion Mill  Overseas operations: details of sugar mills, harbours, waterworks, and other projects in locations such as the West Indies, Bombay, Cape Town and St Petersburg

This material offers a variety of information on different aspects of Rennie's projects - from technical data regarding quantities and types of materials to be used, to more general information about the practicalities of dealing with contractors and schedules.

In addition to the details on specific projects, these papers also contain key correspondence between Rennie and other leading industrialists of the time including James Watt, the Brunels, and other members of the Rennie family, notably his eldest son George, who followed his father into the engineering profession. The letters highlight how much these key figures shared information on a variety of topics, from materials and building methods to even providing references for individuals Rennie was considering taking into his employment. The following extract is one such letter to Rennie from James Watt:

“After 20 years that I have not seen Dudley Clerk, I cannot take upon myself to judge of his character or abilities, he was then young, perhaps 24 or 25, showed some ingenuity in mechanical matters and had abilities as a bookkeeper, it was in the latter capacity only he was employed by me. Though not entrusted with money himself he contrived to borrow it from the canal clerk, who was a silly rascal, and betwixt them I lost the money, as far as I remember. How far Clerk was blameable in this affair I really cannot take upon me to say, being only able to speak from a very confused remembrance. If you said from his knowledge or abilities it is expedient to employ him, you may easily prevent his having anything to do with money; but I would advise a brief enquiry in that point where he has been last. I always found him good humoured accurate and intelligent in what I had to do with him, and as I certainly wish him well, I beg this letter may be reserved for your own use only.” MS.19824, 2nd December 1794

The close working relationship between Rennie and Messrs Boulton and Watt is reflected in the large amount of correspondence between them in this collection. Covered here is correspondence between them for the years 1788, 1792, 1800, 1802, 1806 and 1808-21. As Rennie used Boulton and Watt engines in all his mill work, there are many exchanges between them both of a business and personal nature. These letters also include material from James Watt junior's trip up the Rhine in the steam ship Caledonia in 1817.

The second major figure represented is Thomas Telford, who transformed access to the Highlands of Scotland and much of Wales through a series of roads, canals and bridges. He is perhaps most famous for his work on the Caledonian Canal, 1802- 1823, and for the revolutionary Menai Suspension Bridge, 1819-1826, but he also pioneered the structural use of cast iron, built over 1,000 miles of roads, and was responsible for the construction of many new harbours. His contribution to the integration of the , the connectivity of rural and urban regions, and the free flow of raw materials and manufactured was substantial.

Part 1 includes many letters from Telford and his diary for 1833, the year before he died. Part 2 features a further 10 manuscript volumes consisting of business correspondence, draft reports, accounts and details of his professional activities for the last ten years of his life. Telford's Scottish projects are a particular focus of this collection, including information on the Broomielaw Bridge in , the Aire and Calder Canal and the Aberdeen Harbour. Also present are drafts and letters relating to the Life of Thomas Telford Civil Engineer, written by him and edited and published in 1838 by John Rickman, the statistician, whose family preserved this collection of papers.

Part 1 also features some important material pertaining to Joseph Black (1728-1799), Professor of Chemistry at Edinburgh University, who discovered Carbon Dioxide and whose work on latent heat inspired his pupil James Watt. The text of his lectures on the Elements of the Theory and Practice of Chymistry, delivered in 1767, and fifteen lectures on heat provide insights into his theories and teaching methods. Further material relating to James Watt (1736-1819) can be found in the album compiled by Allan Park Paton, librarian of , in Part 1. There are also letters from Sir Walter Scott, William Morris, George Meredith, Matthew Arnold and others. Part 2 includes two volumes concerning the activities of Robert Stevenson (1772-1850), famous for his work on lighthouses, and John McAdam (1756-1836), inventor of the macadam road surface. INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION: SERIES TWO: Parts 1 and 2

This strong body of material enables scholars to examine a significant period in British industrial history from the records created by some of its main protagonists.

Introduction to the Rennie Papers

NLS MSS. 19771-19965 comprise the Rennie Papers. These have all been filmed in Parts 1 & 2 of this collection (with the exception of MSS. 19955-61 which are miscellaneous family papers relating to other family members).

The following introduction is taken from the Catalogue to the Manuscripts at the National Library of Scotland.

John Rennie (1761-1821) was one of the distinguished group of Scottish engineers whose work contributed so much to the industrial and commercial development of the United kingdom in the early 19th century. With the exception of roads, in which he appears not to have been interested, and steam engines, which he promised Watt not to build – though he frequently constructed the accompanying machinery - there was very little in the field of engineering that lay outside the range of his activities.

This exceptional diversity is reflected in this collection of his papers, which covers his entire working life from his first visit to England in 1748 to his death. The papers are from his own office, and consist principally of incoming letters from clients, site engineers, contractors, suppliers, and tradesmen, draft reports and estimates, letter books, and notebooks. The collection is especially rich for the last fifteen years of his life, and for his major works, though the notebooks give a clear and consistent view of his activities throughout the 1790s. Apart from the projects with which Rennie alone was involved, he frequently collaborated with, or was consulted by colleagues, and his papers are thus an important source of information about Robert Stevenson, Thomas Telford, the Watts, the Boultons, the Jessops, and may other engineering contempories.

The papers complement those in the library of the Institute of Civil engineers which has many of his reports, and the majority of his letter books, and in the archives of the British Transport Commission which contains many of the papers relating to his canal projects.

This collection was used to some extent by Samuel Smiles in his article on Rennie in Lives of the Engineers, 1861, Vol. 2, pp. 94-284, and extensively by C.T.G.Boucher in John Rennie 1761-1821,Manchester, 1963, and by Wallace Reyburn in Bridge Across the Atlantic, 1972.

The papers are arranged by undertaking rather than chronologically, thus preserving to some extent Rennie’s office arrangement. They are large folio and under unless otherwise stated.

The collection was purchased in 1970.

Brief overview of the Rennie Papers


There is also a long sequence of detailed letters written by Jon Rennie in the period from 1784 to 1820 in the Boulton & Watt Archive at Central Library. This has been microfilmed by us on 6 reels and can be found in Industrial Revolution Series One, Part 13. Please see our website for further details:

Contents of Reels - Part 1


MS.2909: Letters of Telford, The Rennies, The Brunels and others MS.3217: Paton Collection material: Letters by James Watt, Sir Walter Scott and others


MS.3533: Joseph Black: Lectures on Chemistry MS.3534: Joseph Black: Lectures on Chemistry


MS.8487: Joseph Black: Fifteen lectures about heat MS.9157: Diary of Thomas Telford, 1833 MS.9352: James Rennie: Applications of Steam


MS.19771-MS.19773: Rennie Papers: Bridges


MS.19774-MS.19777: Rennie Papers: Bridges


MS.19778-MS.19780: Rennie Papers: Canals


MS.19781-MS.19785: Rennie Papers: Canals


MS.19786-MS.19787: Rennie Papers: Fens


MS.19788-MS.19789: Rennie Papers: Harbours


MS.19790-MS.19791: Rennie Papers: Harbours


MS.19792-MS.19794: Rennie Papers: Harbours


MS.19795-MS.19798: Rennie Papers: Harbours


MS.19799-MS.19803: Rennie Papers: Harbours


MS.19804-MS.19806: Rennie Papers: Harbours and Lights


MS.19807-MS.19816: Rennie Papers: Mills


MS.19817-MS.19820: Rennie Papers: Overseas operations


MS.19821-MS.19823: Rennie Papers: Overseas operations


MS.19824-MS.19826: Rennie Papers: Boulton and Watt correspondence, steam engines INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION: SERIES TWO: Parts 1 and 2


MS.19827-MS.19828: Rennie Papers: General correspondence


MS.19829-MS.19830: Rennie Papers: General Correspondence

Contents of Reels - Part 2


MS.19831-MS.19847: Rennie Papers: Notebooks, 1784, 1789-1793


MS.19848-MS.19862: Rennie Papers: Notebooks, 1793-1798


MS.19863-MS.19879: Rennie Papers: Notebooks, 1799-1802


MS.19880-MS.19899: Rennie Papers: Notebooks, 1802-04, 1808-09, 1811, 1813


MS.19900-MS.19929: Rennie Papers: Notebooks, 1815-16, 1818, 1786-88, 1790-91, 1794, 1796, 1798-1800, 1802, 1792 and nd.


MS.19930-MS.19932: Rennie Papers: Miscellaneous papers, letters patent etc.


MS.19933-MS.19935: Rennie Papers: Miscellaneous papers and correspondence


MS.19936: Rennie Papers: Letter book, 1794-98


MS.19937: Rennie Papers: Letter book, 1800


MS.19938: Rennie Papers: Family papers - correspondence


MS.19939-MS.19941: Rennie Papers: Family papers - journal and diaries of George Rennie


MS.19942-MS.19944: Rennie Papers: Family papers - notebook and letters of George Rennie


MS.19945-MS.19950: Rennie Papers: Family papers - papers of John Rennie (junior); correspondence, c1850-91; travel journals


MS.19951-MS.19954: Rennie Papers: Family papers - letters of George Rennie, genealogical notes


MS.19962-MS.19965: Rennie Papers: Plans and drawings


MS.19966-MS.19968: Rennie Papers: Reports, estimates and plans


MS.19969-MS.19972: Telford Papers: Bridges, canals and harbours


MS.19973-MS.19975: Telford Papers: Miscellaneous papers re bridges, canals, railways, fen drainage and other topics INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION: SERIES TWO: Parts 1 and 2


MS.19976-MS.19978: Telford Papers: Letters regarding Telford’s memorial and his book.


MS.19988-MS.19989: Miscellaneous engineering papers featuring: John Smeaton, Robert Stevenson, John Rennie, David Stevenson, John Gibb, John McAdam, Robert Davidson and others. Topics include Bell Rock lighthouse, road building, French regulations, railways, Deeside railway, Clyde navigation and dredging.


The following manuscript descriptions are based on the existing catalogue of manuscripts at the National Library of Scotland, with additional details gleaned from an inspection of the material.


MS. 2909 LETTERS OF TELFORD, THE RENNIES, THE BRUNELS AND OTHERS, 1776­ 1883 Letters of Telford, the Rennies, the Brunels, and others, chiefly engineers, British and foreign, 1776­1883, n.d., apparently from a collection or collections of autographs. They include several on antiquarian subjects, written by J A Repton to J G Nichols, Editor of the Gentleman’s Magazine. 162ff. Folio and under. Bought, Sotheby’s 10 November, 1938, lot 487. Reid Fund.

MS. 3217 PATON COLLECTION MS 3217­3219 comprise letters collected by Allan Park Paton (d1905), Librarian of Greenock Library and a keen promoter of cultural and other activities in the town. Only MS 3217 is relevant to the concerns of this project. It contains letters written to Allan Paton and other persons in Greenock, or otherwise relating to Greenock, 1816­1911, n.d., with a photograph of the register of baptism of James Watt, 1736. The letters deal, among other matters, with the Mechanics’ Institution, 1839, the harbour, 1841, the Artisans’ Club, 1847­48, and the artistic and other enterprises in which Paton interested himself. These projects included memorials to John Fleming, the painter, 1850, ?1857­8, and John Galt, 1864­71, exhibitions of paintings, 1861, 1864­68, and the Morris windows in the Old West Kirk, the designer of one of them being identified as Edward Burne Jones, 1864­71, 1882­4, 1898­9. The writers include James Watt, 1816, Sir Walter Scott, 1831, Kossuth, Ruskin, William Morris, Philip Webb, D G Rossetti, Thomas Woolner and other Pre­Raphaelites, John Davidson, George Meredith, Matthew Arnold, and various authors, painters, sculptors, and architects. i + 256 ff. Folio and under.


MSS. 3533­3534 JOSEPH BLACK Lectures on Chemistry: ‘Elements of the Theory and Practice of Chymistry, delivered by Joseph Black, Professor of Chymistry at Edinburgh, in two volumes’, 1767. The arrangement is broadly that of the lectures printed from Black’s own manuscripts in 1803; but the notes cover rather less ground. A printed pamaphlet, The Preparations of Mercury, occupies ff. iii­vi of MS. 3534. Quarto. 3533 xii + 262pp. 3534 vi + 380pp + several blank pages.


MS. 8487 JOSEPH BLACK Series of fifteen lectures on the subject of heat delivered at Edinburgh University during latter half of the 18t h Century. The subject matter is essentially similar to other manuscript versions e.g. MSS.3533 and 3534 and to the printed text, lectures on the Elements of Chemistry, Edinburgh, 1803, but the arrangement of the material is different. ii +262 ff. Octavo. Bought, 1954. Reid Fund.

MS. 9157 TELFORD Diary of Thomas Telford, the engineer, contained in Simpson’s Gentlemen’s Almanack and Pocket Journal for 1833. The entries, which cover the period 1 January,1833 to 2 January, 1834 contain a brief and continuous factual record of Telford’s professional business. There are numerous short references to engineering projects with which he was concerned, to letters written, and to persons met. Occasional personal references, to health or reading, also occur, and there are periodic notes of household and other personal expenses. Ii+54+printed ff. Bought, 1964: ex Sotheby’s 10 February, 1964, lot 242.

MS. 9352 JAMES RENNIE ‘Essay on the Application of Steam to the Purposes of Navigation’,1816, a fair copy by Rennie of his prize essay. In an introductory note (f.ii; iv), Rennie states that he could not transcribe ‘several important particulars, which he has in the Scroll Copy’. For another prize essay by Rennie, see MS.2726 ii.f.+115 pp. Quarto. Bought, 1959.


MSS. 19771­19965 RENNIE PAPERS (see page 11 of this guide for an introduction to the Rennie Papers).

MSS. 19771­7 BRIDGES

MS. 19771 (i) Archway bridge at Highgate, correspondence, 1811­12, 1817. (f.1). (ii) Boston, draft report, estimate, and letter, 1800, 1811.(f.31). (iii) Bridge of Earn, letters, 1820­1, and plan, n.d. (f.38). (iv) Carlisle, letter, 1812. (f.43). (iv) Carlisle, letter, 1812. (f.43). (v) Chepstow, letters, 1811­12. (f.45). (vi) Conway and Menai, papers, reports, and correspondence relating to these bridges in particular, and to improvements to the road to Holyhead in general, 185­6, 1801­14, 1810­11. (f.49). 265 ff.

MS. 19772 (i) Cramond, report, 1821 (f.1). (ii) Datchet, memorandum, 1801. (f.3). (iii) Glasgow, correspondence and reports, 1768, 1798­9, 1817. (f.4). (iv)Kelso, correspondence and reports, 1797­1803, n.d., and photographs, 20th cent. For a copy of the Daniell print of the bridge, see MS.19964. (F.45). (v) Kirkstall, memorandum, correspondence, and section, 1817­20. (f.94) (vi) London Bridge, correspondence, 1821, 1830­32, with 20 th cent. press cuttings relating to it. Further material relating to this bridge can be found in MS. 19943, ff. 1­23. (f.106). (vii) Londonderry, letter, 1814. (f.135). (viii) Musselburgh, memorandum and letter, 1803, 1809. (f.137). (ix) New Galloway, letters, 1817, 1820­1. (f.140). (x) Newton Stewart, post card, 20 th cent. (f.150). (xii) Tweed bridge at Upsettlington, correspondence, 1817, 1821. (f.160). (xi) Ouse bridge at York, 1817. ( f.151). (xii)Rochester, memorandum and report, 1820. (f.153). (xiii) Tweed bridge at Upsettlington, correspondence, 1817, 1821. (f.160). (xiv) Vauxhall, correspondence, 1809­11, 1817. (f.163). (xv) Wellington Bridge, Leeds, correspondence, 1817, 1820. (f.185). (xvi) Westminster, correspondence, 1810­12, 1818. (f.190). 199 ff.

MS. 19773 Notebook giving quantities and quality of stone required for Vauxhall bridge, 1810. 5 + many blank ff. Octavo.


MS. 19774 Southwark Bridge: correspondence, papers and drawings, 1811, 1814­21. 245 ff. MS. 19775 Volume containing copies of letters written by Rennie to Joshua Walker and Co., of Rotherham, who supplied the iron for Southwark Bridge, 1815­19. The correspondence relates mainly to delays in the delivery of the metal. 68pp. Octavo.

MS. 19776 Waterloo Bridge, correspondence, reports, and prints, 1810­18, n.d., with some press cuttings relating to its demolition in 1934 115 ff.

MS. 19777 Notebook containing a detailed account, including many diagrams, of the construction of Waterloo Bridge, compiled in 1817 by George Rennie. 61 ff. Quarto. REEL 6


MS. 19778 (i) Aberdeen, letters, 1796, 1801. (f.1.). (ii) Aire and Calder, correspondence and papers, 1820­1. (f.4). (iii) Bath and Bristol, estimates and reports, 1796, 1803, n.d. (f.71). (iv) Birmingham, report, 1808. (f.88). (v) Chelmer and Blackwater, reports, 1793­6. (f.118). (vi) Colne, report by Thomas Telford, 1811. (f.133). (vii) Crinan, correspondence, papers and reports, 1803­4, 1816­20. (f.135). (viii) Dart, letters, 1806. (f.233). (ix) Don, report, 1821. (f.237). (x) Gloucester and Berkeley, printed report, 1811. (f.239). (xi) Grand junction, correspondence, reports, and drawing, 1794. (f.240). (xii) Grand Trunk, letter, 1800. (f.247). (xiii) Grand western, report and letter, 1811, 1821. (f.249). (xiv) High peak Junction, reports (printed and draft), 1810. (f.252). (xv) Huddersfield, letter, 1820. (f.256). 255 ff.

MS. 19779 Chelmer and Blackwater, survey notebook, 1792. 18+ blank ff. Oblong octavo.

MS. 19780 Kennet and Avon, correspondence, 1793­8, 1801­2. Much of Rennie’s out­going correspondence relating to this canal can be found in his letter books MSS 19936­7. 255 ff.


MS. 19781 Kennet and Avon, correspondence , 1803­10, 1817, and reports, estimates, and other papers, 1794­1810. 196 ff.

MS. 19782 (i) Lancaster, reports, 1794, and correspondence, 1794, 1817. (f.1). (ii) Lea, reports, 1807. (f.34). (iii) Leeds and , correspondence, 1798. (f.42). (iv) London to Porstmouth, including the Croydon Canal, correspondence, 1795, 1802­4, 1817, 1821, and papers, 1802­3. (f.50). (v) Perthshire, instructions for a survey, 1793. (f.230). (vi) Regent’s, correspondence and printed plan, 1811­12. (f.232). (vii) Rochdale, dividend letters, 1811, 1817. (f. 243). (viii) Rother, reports, 1804­5. (f.246). (ix) Royal (Ireland), letter, 1806. (f.256). (x) Shannon, correspondence, 1821. (f.258). (xi) Tamar, correspondence and reports, 1795­6. (f.266). (xii) Thames and Medway, reports, 1800, 1803, 1820. (f.299). (xiii)Union, correspondence, 1800, 1816­17. (f.307). (xiv) Worcester and Birmingham printed minute, 1811. (f.313). 314 ff.

MS. 19783 Notebook containing draft accounts for cleaning and repair of the Leeds and Liverpool Canal, c1791. Quarto.

MSS. 19784­5 Survey notebooks for the Rochdale Canal, c1791. Quarto. 19784. Colne to Farside branch. 26 ff. 19785. Dean Royd to Touchethole Branch. 26 ff.



These papers concern all Rennie’s drainage work in Lincolnshire and Cambridgeshire. The earlier papers relate principally to East, West, and Wildmore Fens, then to Deeping Fen, and finally to the Eau brink Cut for the Swaffham and Bottisham Drainage Commission, The papers also include material relating to work to make the rivers Witham and Foss navigable.

MS. 19786 Correspondence, 1800­21. 200 ff. MS. 19787 (i) Memoranda and accounts, 1768, 1800­21. (f.1). (ii) Poems of William Hall, poet and antiquary of the Fens, printed and manuscript, 1818, 1820, n.d. (f.137). (iii) Bills and receipts connected with Rennie’s stay at Eastville near Boston while working on Fen drainage, 1817­18. (f.142). 193 ff.


MSS. 19788­805 HARBOURS

MS. 19788 (i) Aberdeen, correspondence, papers and plans, 1770, 1792, 1807­20, including a printed report by John Smeaton, 1770. (f.1). (ii) Ardglass, plan and correspondence, ca 1811, 1815 (f.58). (iii) Ardrossan, including the Paisley and Ardrossan Canal, correspondence, reports, and estimates, 1806­21. (f.67). 289 ff.

MS. 19789 (i) Ayr, copy of a report by John Smeaton, 1771, printed Acts of Parliament, 1772, 1794, and correspondence 1805. (f.1) (ii) Balbriggan, correspondence, 1818, 1820. (f.32). (iii) Barton Ferry, correspondence, 1817. (f.47). (iv) Belfast, reports and letter, 1815, 1817, 1821. (f.50). (v) Berwick, estimate and correspondence, 1807­14, 1817, 1820­1. (f.74). (vi) Boston, parliamentary bill, 1812, letter, 1821. Further papers mentioning this harbour are to be found in MSS. 19786­7. (f.151). (vii) Bridgewater, printed prospectus for improvements, 1811. (f.181). 182 ff. REEL 10

MS. 19790 (i) Bridlington, correspondence, 1810­16, and reports, plans and other papers, 1806, 1811­13, 1815. (f.1). (ii) Bridport, correspondence, 1809. )f.142). (iii) Bristol, printed memoranda, 1800, 1802, and a transcript of the evidence given by William Jessop concerning the harbour works, with Rennie’s comments, 1803. (f.160). (iv) Buckie, reports and letter, 1780, 1808, 1810. (f.210). (v) Burntisland, letter, 1821. (f.218). (vi) Chatham, reports, 1821. (f.220). (vii) Charlestown, papers, and correspondence, 1806­9. (f.226). (viii) Cromarty, estimate, n.d. (f.248). (ix) Deal, letter, 1806. (f.249). (x) Deptford, letter, 1821. (f.251). (xi) Donaghadee, correspondence and papers, 1815, 1820­1. (f.252). (xii) Dover, copy of report by John Smeaton, 1771, report and letter, 1802. (f.277). (xiii) Dunbar, copy of report by John Smeaton, 1772. (f.292). 293 ff.

MS. 19791 Dunleary, including Dublin and Howth, correspondence 1801, 1807, 1811, 1815­18. 135 ff.


MS. 19792 Dunleary, correspondence, 1818­20, reports plans etc., 1815­18, 1831. 209 ff.

MS. 19793 Dunleary, notebook, 1801. 25 ff. Octavo.

MS. 19794 (i) Dysart, estimate and letters, 1821. (f.1). (ii) Embo, reports and estimate, 1820­1. (f.6). (iii) Errol, letter, 1820. (f.14). (iv) Fishguard, letters and report, 1819. (f.16). (v) Fraserburgh, daily observations of winds, tides, and weather, Oct. 1807 – Nov. 1808. (f.28). (vi) Greenock, correspondence, 1806­9. (f.38). (vii) Grimsby, estimates, reports and correspondence, 1796­9, 1804­6, concerning lock gates between the Grimsby Navigation and the harbour, including (ff. 83­4) a detailed drawing of the gates, 1798. (f.78). (viii) Holyhead, correspondence, 1801­2, 1805, 1812, 1814­19, 1821, reports and papers, 1811, 1814­15, 1817, 1821. (f.128). 280 ff.


MS. 19795 (i) Leith, correspondence, 1803­4, 1809, 1811, 1817, most of it concerning ferries across the Forth, and objections by the Port of Leith to the construction of the Union Canal, (f.1). (ii) Liverpool, correspondence and plans, 1812, 1817, 1820­1, including letters relating to the opposition to the erection of Telford’s bridge at Runcorn, 1817. For papers relating to the Perch Rock Light see MS. 19806. ff. 239­52. (f.69). (iii) London, reports and correspondence (some copies) concerning various docks on the Thames, 1794, 1801­4, 1806, 1808, 1817­19, 1821. 9f.139). (iv) Lyme, letter, 1817. (f.190). (v) Lynn, Report, 1821. (f.192). (vi) Milford (probably Milford haven), letter, 1813. (f. 193). (vii) Newhaven, Edinburgh, letters, 1813­14, 1817, 1821. (f.195). (viii) Newhaven, Sussex, letters, 1811, 1813. (f.217). (ix) New Quay, Cardiganshire, letters, 1821. (f.221). (x) Pembroke, account for drawings for, 1821. (f. 225). (xi) Perth, reports, plans, and correspondence, 1801, 1807­9. (f.226). (xii) Peterhead, copy of letter, 1809. (f.287). (xiii) Pettycur, report, 1801. (f.289). 290 ff.

MS. 19796 London, notebook of observations made at various parts of the docks, 1796. 42 ff. Octavo.

MS. 19797 Perth, notebook concerning harbour and mills, 1807­9. 9ff. Octavo.

MS. 19798 Plymouth, correspondence. These letters deal with all aspects of the construction of the breakwater, harbour and dock buildings, including dealings with the admiralty, letters from the site engineer Joseph Whidby, and negotiations for materials and subcontracts. 19798. 1805­8, 1811. 232 ff. REEL 13

MS. 19799 Plymouth, correspondence (continued). 19799. 1812­17, 1820­1. 212 ff.

MS. 19800 Plymouth, reports, estimates and plans, 1806, 1811­12, 1820, with estimates and plans for Harris’s tide mill at Radford lake, 1815. 107 ff.

MSS. 19801­2 Notebooks of observations made by Rennie at Plymouth , both octavo. 19801. 1806. 25ff. 19802. 1806­1812. 38 ff.

MS. 19803 (i) Port Patrick and Port Logan (Portnessock), correspondence and reports concerning the development of these harbours and others for the Irish crossing, 1810, 1815­17, 1820­1. (f.1). (ii) Portsmouth, report and list of sounding s, 1814, 1819. (f.61). (iii) Queensferry, letters and printed plan, 1808, 1811­12. (f.67). (iv) Ramsgate, reports, 1782­3, 1787­8 by John Smeaton, correspondence, 1812, 1814­17, 1820­1, and printed tide tables, 1809. (f.72). (v) St Andrews, tide and wind observations, 15­31 Dec 1807, correspondence, 1808­9. (f.153). (vi) St Nicholas Bay, letter, 1811. (f.160). (vii) Selsey, estimate for sea wall, 1807. (f.162). 163ff.


MS. 19804 (i) Sheerness, correspondence, 1812­15, 1817, 1819, 1821. (f.1). (ii) Sunderland, correspondence and papers concerning the harbour and improvements to the river Wear, 1817­21. (f.153). (iii) Torquay, correspondence, 1811­12. (f.205). (iv) Valleyfield, answers to queries concerning tides and rocks, 1804. (f.223). (v) Waterford, note, 1820. (f.225). (vi) West port, Co. Sligo, report and estimate, 1805. (f.226). (vii) Whitehaven, correspondence, 1817 (f.235). (viii) Woolwich, correspondence and report, 1805, 1816, 1821. (f.244). (ix) Yarmouth, correspondence, 1820­1 (f.253). (x) Draft of letter by Rennie to James Playfair concerning the article on harbours for Playfair’s System of Geography, 1806. (f.263). 264ff. MS. 19805 Notebook containing a description by John Baine of Loch Broom and Ullapool as a harbour, with detailed notes on the economic possibilities of the area for fishing, forestry, commercial peat production etc, as well as reports on the possibilities of improvement for the water supply and harbour of Ullapool, 1793. This report appears to have been compiled for the British Society for Extending the Fisheries, but is in the form of a letter to Rennie. Another copy of this work, though with some gaps, is in Adv. Ms. 16.1.13. 181 pp. Octavo.

MS. 19806 LIGHTS (i) Bell Rock, correspondence, 1805­10, 1812, 1820­1, and reports, 1800, 1802­3, 1806. This consists principally of letters written by Robert Stevenson, as site engineer, to Rennie who was nominally in charge of the work. It also includes a copy, signed by Stevenson, of his address to the Northern Lighthouse Commissioners concerning the feasibility of constructing a light on the Bell Rock, 1800, and a further report by Thomas Telford and Murdo Downie, ca 1803. (f.1). (ii) Harwich, reports and correspondence, 1807, 1810, 1812­13. (f.191). (iii) Irish Lights, letter, 1812. (f.232). (iv) May, letters, 1811. (f.233). (v) Perch Rock, letters and report, 1821. (f.239). 252 ff.


MSS. 19807­16 MILLS Though Rennie’s reputation is based on his civil engineering works, he continued throughout his life to be interested in and to construct mill machinery, both for mills powered by water, wind and horses, and for those powered by steam. He had been briefly employed by Boulton and Watt in 1784, and it is thought that he agreed then not to construct steam engines himself. As a quid pro quo, Boulton and Watt regularly gave Rennie the task of providing the machinery to go with their engines and he served as a de facto London agent for B & W from 1784 to 1820. Thus Rennie’s papers proved information on almost all types of industrial activity undertaken at the beginning of the 19 th century. For material relating specifically to steam engines, see MS. 19825.

MS. 19807 (i) ­ (ix) Corn mills

(i) Albion Mill, street plans, c1795, c1814, showing the position of the mill, and the letter, 1786, in which Rennie described to his brother George the first starting of the mill, with miscellaneous notes and calculations relating to the mill, and to corn milling in London, 1796­ 8. (f.1). (ii) Cork, letters, 1816­20. (f.16). (iii) Barsloisnoch in Kilmartin, letter, 1797. (f.49). (iv) Lingard and Sadler’s Mill, Blink Street, Southwark, invoices and valuation, 1789­95. (f.50). (v) Millbank Penitentiary, correspondence and estimates concerning mill at, 1816, 1818­21. (f.59). (vi) Shirley Mill, Croydon, letters and account, 1810­12. (f.82). (vii) Taplow, Buckinghamshire, valuation, 1818. (f.88). (viii) Wandsworth, deposition by Rennie concerning obstructions to, 1804. (f.92) (ix) Baxters’ Mill, Dean Village, Letters, 1815 (f.94).

(x) ­ (xiii) Powder and Armoury mills

(x) Enfield lock, letter and report, 1811, 1813. (f.98). (xi) Lewisham, report and letter, 1807, 1817. (f.104). (xii) Paddington, near Abinger, notice, 1790. (f.110). (xiii) Ramhurst near Tunbridge, letter and card, 1811. (f.111). (xiv) ­ (xvi) Sawmills (xiv) Darien, Georgia, letter, 1820. (f.114). (xv) Fisherrow, letter, 1807. (f.116). (xvi) Correspondence regarding disputed accounts for the sawmill constructed for Christopher Idle, 1816­17. (f.118). 145 ff. MS. 19808 Albion Mill, invoice book, 1784­6. 115 + blank pp. Quarto.

MS. 19809 Birbeck and Ball’s Iron Foundry, notebook of patterns sent to, 1787. 41 pp. Quarto.

MS. 19810 Albion Mill, notebook containing detailed description of second engine, 1787. 41pp. Octavo.

MS. 19811 Notebook of prices of millwork, 1794. 20ff. Octavo.

MS. 19812­13 Lists of mill machinery manufactured by the Rennies. 19812. 1791­1815. 321ff. 19813. 1815­61. 23ff.

MS. 19814 Notebook concerning mills at the Dean Village, 1808. 4 + many blank ff. Octavo.

MS. 19815 Barclay and Perkins Brewery, notebook of alterations, 1796. 6 + blank ff. Octavo.

MS. 19816 Papers relating to miscellaneous mills: (i) Barclay and Perkins Brewery, estimates and valuations, 1805­7, 1809, 1813­16, with a note of all payments made by the brewery to John Rennie and Sons, fro 1794 t o 1831 (f.1). (ii) Billinge’s Silk Mill, Twyford, drawings and notes, 1799. (f.25). (iii) The Earl of Bridgewater’s threshing machine at Home Farm, Ashridge, 1811­13. (f.31). (iv) Cement mill at Loftus, Yorkshire, letters, 1811. (f.58). (v) Claverton Mill, plan of water levels, 1806. (f.61). (vi) Coulson and Co’s mill, Limehouse, drawing and letters, 1810. (f.63). (vii) Fermoy Brewery, letters and drawing, 1811, 1814­16. (f.70). (viii) Iver cotton mill, plan of lead, n.d. (f.104). (ix) Kirkstall, letters, 1811, 1817. (f.106). (x) Pymore flax mill, letters, 1805­6. (f.110). (xi) Rotherhithe, King’s Mills, report and measurement, ca 1799. (f.152). (xii) Rundell’s Mill, Brick Lane, Letters, 1812­13. (f.136). (xiii) Whatman’s paper mills, Maidstone, notes, 1787. (f146). (xiv) Miscellaneous plans and calculations relating to mills, n.d. (f148). (xv) Petitions, minutes, and other papers concerning the pay and conditions of journey men mill wrights, 1805, 1814. (f179). 194 ff.



MS. 19817 Notebook concerning machinery for sugar mills in Trinidad and Guyana, 1803. 5 + blank ff. Octavo.

MSS. 19818­9 Correspondence, papers, and diagrams concerning mills, mostly for sugar, for Jamaica, Trinidad, Barbados, and Demerara (Guyana). 19818. 1805­13. 247 ff. 19819. 1814­21. 237ff.

MS. 19820 Notebook concerning MacKonochie’s wind sawmill at Bombay, 1795. 6 + blank ff. Octavo. REEL 17

MS. 19821 (i) MacKonochie’s sawmill correspondence, 1795­6. (f1). (ii) Bombay harbour, report, 1796 (f26). (iii) Calcutta Mint, correspondence, drawing, and report concerning an engine and a cast iron bridge for, 1812­15, with a press photograph of the bridge, 1935. (f65). 186 ff.

MS. 19822 (i) Amsterdam, canal dredger, correspondence, 1819­21 (f1). (ii) Cadiz, coppermill, correspondence and drawing, 1811, 1814­16. (f35). (iii) Capetown, waterworks, letter, 1814. (f51). (iv) Copenhagen, smithy for the royal dockyard, correspondence, 1805. (f53). (v) Le Havre, dredging machine, agreement and correspondence, 1818­19. (f.62). (vi) Malta dock, letter, 1813 (f.85). (vii) Nantes, cornmill, accounts, 1791­3, and correspondence, 1816­18. (f87). (viii) Naples, letters concerning a projected cast iron bridge, 1818­19. (f 100). (ix) St Helena, letters, 1810, concerning pozzolano, and 1815, concerning erection of mill work there. (f108). (x) St Petersburg, Imperial mint, letters, 1815. (f.114). (xi) Trinidad, railway, letters, 1807. Much of this concerns the use of rope for haulage, and it includes a letters of Captain Huddart on the subject. (f122). 132ff.

MS. 19823 Notebook containing notes apparently for a corn mill at Nantes, but not for the same miller as that in MS. 19822, f87. iii + 7ff Octavo.


MS. 19824 BOULTON AND WATT Correspondence between Rennie and Messrs Boulton and Watt, 1788, 1792, 1800, 1802, 1806, 1808­21. Since Rennie always used Boulton and Watt’s engines, and Boulton and Watt Rennie’s mill work, the bulk of this correspondence is to be found with the papers relating to specific undertakings. This volume contains miscellaneous and personal material, but it does include the letters from James Watt junior on his trip up the Rhine in the steam ship ‘Caledonia’ in 1817. It also contains (f.1) a copy of the patent granted to James Watt in 1755. 180ff.

MS. 19825 STEAM ENGINES Includes ‘Rough list of contents’ (3pp) detailing correspondents, dates and projects. (i) Letters and estimate concerning the purchase by the government, for the use of the dockyard at Deptford, of the engines belonging to the Hon. George Villiers at Aldenham, 1811­13. (f1). (ii) Reports, possibly by William Murdock, on the engines at Ale and Cakes, and Dolcoath copper mines near Redruth in Cornwall, 1782. (f9). (iii) Description of a Boulton and Watt engine made for Mark Bell, Battersea, n.d. (f13). (iv) Letters concerning and plans of the engine at Leader, Atlee and Langdale’s distillery, Battersea, 1808, 1811. (f.15). (v) Notes of experiments and calculations concerning the engine at Pitfirane, 1778, 1783­4. (f42). (vi) Papers connected with the legal disputes between Boulton and Watt, and Jonathan Hornblower and Edward Bull concerning patent infringements, in which Rennie was involved as an expert witness. This material includes specifications and drawings of Hornblower’s double action engine installed at the colliery at Radstock, 1781, 1784, 1787, 1792­3, 1795, 1799. (f46). 160 ff.

MS. 19826 SMALLER WORKS (i) Printing press for the Bank of England, correspondence and plan, 1805, 1810­11. 1813­15. (f.1). (ii) Railways (f.26). Berwick and Kelso, letters, reports, and plans, 1808, 1810­11. Charlestown, letter, 1812. Mansfield and Pinxton, letters, 1817. (iii) Retaining walls. (f.49) Annan, reports, 1821. Chetney, letters, 1811, 1817. North Lynn, report, 1809. Reculver, correspondence and estimates, 1807, report, 1820. Tulliallan, correspondence and estimate, 1821. (iv) Romney Mash drainage, letter, 1804 (f.83). (v) Royal Mint, correspondence and estimates concerning coin presses, 1805­6­1816 (f.87). (vi) Steam boats, correspondence and plans, 1817­20, relating to various applications of steam to the propulsion of boats. Letters concerning the Rhine cruise of the ‘Caledonia’ are to be found in MS. 19824, ff.116­23. (f.172). (vii) Towers batteries on the Irish coast, correspondence, 1804, 1806, largely connected with the financial affairs of John Murray the contractor. (f.210). (viii) Waterworks (f..225). Doncaster, estimate by George Rennie, 1814. Drury Lane Theatre reservoir, letter, 1812. Edinburgh, correspondence and reports concerning water supply, 1815, 1817­19, 1821. Kent waterworks, letter, 1810. Westminster sewers, letters, 1817. York Buildings Company, letter, 1811. 266 ff.



MSS. 19827­28 19827. 1785, 1788, 1790, 1792­6, 1798­ Oct. 1809. 256ff. 19828. Nov. 1809­1815. 307 ff. REEL 20

MSS. 19829­30 19829. 1816­Aug. 1819. 273 ff. 19830. Sept. 1819­1821. 272 ff.

The Rennie Papers continue in Part 2. INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION: A DOCUMENTARY HISTORY Series Two: Papers of John Rennie (1761­1821), Thomas Telford (1757­1834) and related figures from the National Library of Scotland



MSS. 19771­19965 RENNIE PAPERS (continued) (see page 11 of this guide for an introduction to the Rennie Papers)

MSS. 19831­19929 NOTEBOOKS Throughout his career, particularly during the 1790s, Rennie filled many notebooks with information about the works he himself was involved with, and about others which he visited out of professional curiosity. The books are mostly narrow octavos, interleaved with blotting paper. Rennie seems to have carried them with him on his frequent travels and to have filled them in pencil, rewriting in ink, often on top of the pencil, at some more convenient moment. Rennie received much of his information orally, and in consequence the spelling of place names is not always accurate, and some places at least cannot be certainly identified. The notebooks also contain addresses, booklists (especially of the early technological books and medieval chronicles in which he was interested), and notes of expenses for his travels which often make it clear where he went and when.

This series of notebooks does not contain those which relate exclusively to subject represented elsewhere amongst the papers. These have been placed with other relevant material. MSS. 19831­19902 are arranged chronologically, and all relate to a number of different works. 19903­25, also in chronological order, relate to specific works. 19926­31 are miscellaneous notes of receipts, calculations etc. All are octavo unless otherwise stated.

REEL 21 (continued)

MS. 19831 Descriptions with many rough diagrams of mills, bridges etc, visited by Rennie in the course of a journey through the south of Scotland and England as far south as Birmingham, 1784. 186pp.

MS. 19832 Note of a conversation with John Southern of Boulton and Watt, and of miscellaneous millwork, 1789. 27ff.

MS. 19833 Millwork, Dover harbour, North Foreland light, Ramsgate harbour, Walker’s mashing machine, 1789. 28ff.

MS. 19834 Wilsontown railway, Kelvin aqueduct, Symington’s engine for dragging boats, Banks and Co.’s boring mill, Ketley ironworks, Stourbrige canal, 1789­902. 28ff.

MS. 19835 Littlebury mill, Fen drainage, Bishop’s malt distillery at Maidstone, Birmingham canal, Brierley ironworks, and other ironworks in the neighbourhood of Birmingham, 1790. 18ff.

MS. 19836 New valve made by Boulton and Watt, Marlborough town mill, various paper mills in Kent, 1791. 18ff

MS. 19837 Various works at Wilsontown, Whatman’s mills, mines and machinery at Leadhills and Wanlockhead, including a description of a Symington engine, 1791. 34ff. MS. 19838 Paper mill at Alton in Hampshire, Leeds and Liverpool canal, Royd and Sons’ fulling stocks, mill for Philadelphia, 1791. 17 + blank ff.

MS. 19839 Lancaster canal, note of a conversation with Andrew Meikle about a threshing machine constructed by John Rastrick of Morpeth, boats on the Aire and Calder canal, Crowther and Oldfield’s mill at Luddenden, Rawdon’s mill at Todmorden, Rochdale canal, Leeds and Liverpool canal, Holywell copper mills, 1791. 30ff.

MS. 19840 Burgess’s mill at Milton, Elgar paper mill at Chatford, Bury canal, Blakey’s steam­engine, Godwyn’s coal machine, 1791. 18ff.

MS. 19841 Stowmarket canal, Ipswich harbour, Rochdale canal, Shadwell new steam­engine, Lancaster canal, southernmost mill at Dartford, 1791­2. 30ff.

MS. 19842 Crinan canal, Thurso bridge, harbours at Scrabster, Kiess, Staxigoe, and Wick, mills on the Hempriggs Burn, spring at Taymouth, Glennie’s mill, 1792. 30ff.

MS. 19843 Agreement with Goodey, brick maker in Ipswich, Aylesford bridge, Calne corn mill, Caton silk combing mill, flax mill possibility at Tatham, Blackhill inclined plane for coal wagons, description of a journey form Oban to Fort William, 1792. 30ff.

MS. 19844 Sunderland’s ore mine at Ulverston, Rochdale canal, and a note on the evidence submitted by mill owners on the River Irk with regard to the Rochdale canal, 1792. 30ff.

REEL 21 (continued)

MS. 19845 Kings Lynn harbour, Old Bedford river, Denver sluice, 1732. 29 ff.

MS. 19846 Notes on various mine pumps in the Manchester area and south Lancashire with a view to using mine water as a canal reservoir, Rochdale canal, River Arun navigation, Iver cotton mill, 1793. 22 + blank ff.

MS. 19847 Kennet and Avon canal (calculations and notes connected with water supply), notes concerning the sugar trade in London, 1793. 30 ff.


MS. 19848 Lock on the Bath navigation, dimensions of Rennie’s house in Stamford St Southwark, Lancaster canal, Rochdale canal, Sabatier’s cotton press, dimensions of vessels at Greenock, soundings in Ardrishaig Bay, Wiltshire and Berkshire canal, Huddersfield canal, Crinan canal, Kennet and Avon canal, Croftonmill, 1793. 30 ff.

MS. 19849 River Ouse at York, Foss navigation, Castle Mills at York, 1793. 22 ff.

MS. 19850 Summerhouse on Duiquoich Hill at Inverary, Robert Adam’s bridge over the Esk at Dalkeith, Smeaton mill, Crinan canal, drawings of the Kelvin aqueduct, conversation with Scott, a shipbuilder in Greenock, concerning the depth of the Crinan canal, dredgers on the Clyde, Lancaster canal, 1794. 34 ff.

MS. 19851 Drawing of Staines bridge, Lancaster canal, Chelmsford navigation, Grand Junction canal, Muirkirk ironworks, Lympley Stoke bridge, various mills on our near the Thames between Staines and Isleworth, Smith’s silk mill at Mackney Wick, 1794. 48 ff.

MS. 19852 Kennet and Avon canal, canal boats, Taunton and Bridgwater canal, Taunton and Topsham canal and several of the mills on the line of the canal, 1795. 34 ff.

MS. 19853 Fielding’s mill on the Calder, Ribright’s mill at Bromley, note of a contact with Pinkerton and Murray for part of the Lancaster canal, description of an exceptional thunderstorm near Lockerbie, Crinan canal, Kelvin aqueduct, Kennet and Avon canal, mills at Merton and Isleworth, Tamar canal, notes on Morwellham harbour and barges, 1795. 48 ff.

MS. 19854 Water supply to the house of Samuel Brandram of Lee, Kennet and Avon canal, Bath navigation, Beddington snuff mill, Dartford gun powder mill, 1795­6. 34 ff.

MS. 19855 Leek canal, Calder canal, Cheddleton flint mill, Hanley and Shelton canal, Uttoxeter canal, Wolseley bridge, mechanism for the Royal Mint press, 1797. 48 ff.

MS. 19856 Paper mills (possibly in Kent), Macdougall’s threshing mill, Bishop’s mills at Maidstone, Newcastle canal, Tamar canal, Thrale’s mill, note of contracts connected with the Kennet and Avon canal, Meux’s brewery, 1797. 33 ff.

MS. 19857 Wolseley bridge, Leek canal, Wilkinson, Baker, and Fisher’s mill, bridge on the to Luss road, poem written at Tyndrum, scribbling mill at Kirkstall, Forth and Clyde canal, Leith harbour, Arbroath harbour, Cawood mill, Bramhope mill, Etherington’s arsenic mill at Gainsborough, drawing of Gainsborough bridge, inscription on Lune aqueduct, 1797. 34 ff. REEL 22 (continued)

MS. 19858 Miscellaneous mill work, Thrale and Co’s mill, experiments at Wandsworth mill, Benjamin Blodgett’s wooden bridge, tunnel on the Salisbury and Southampton canal, Kennet and Avon canal, Lockwood’s sawmill, 1797­8. 48 ff.

MS. 19859 Royal Mint, Sir Samual Bentham’s warship, Salisbury and Southampton canal, Kennet and Avon canal (waterflow of Semington Brook), Simmonds’ brewery at Reading, Goodwyn’s brewery, 1798. 47 + blank ff.

MS. 19860 Bath springs, Ketley inclined plane, Wolseley bridge, Leek canal, Gott’s mill at Leeds, Pease and Brooks’ ail mills at Hull, dovetailed stonework at Fountains Abbey, Kirkudbright harbour, Duke of Buccleuch’s steam­engine at Danderhall, Leith harbour, Hanley steam­engine, Buildwas bridge, 1798. 48 ff.

MS. 19861 Leigh harbour, Glasgow bridge, Crinan canal, Polton paper mill, Bonnington mills, Kelso bridge, 1798. 48 ff.

MS. 19862 Darenth calico ground, Stamswood mill near Andover, Staverton mill near Bradford on Avon, 1798. 18 ff.


MS. 19863 Salisbury and Southampton canal, Huddart’s rope machine, Kelso bridge, Simmonds’ pump at Reading, Billinge’s mill at Twyford, millwrights’ wages, Goodives colliery near Coleford in Somerset, Chelmer and Blackwater canal, Wraysbury coppermill, Colnbrook paper and leather mill, Avoncliff aqueduct, 1799. 47 ff. MS. 19864 Canterbury mill, Dover harbour, Logan Rock, Ramsgate harbour, Kennet and Avon canal, Huddart’s rope machine, various Hornblower engines in Cornish tin mines, 1799. 34 ff.

MS. 19865 Gardner and Aire’s steam­engine at Spalding, Billinge’s mill at Twyford, Fen drainage, Friskney wind machine, dredger at Hull, Horncastle navigation, note of conversation with Andrew Meikle at Phantassie, Leith harbour, Saltcoats harbour, 1799. 34 ff.

MS. 19866 Whiteadder bridge, Kennet and Avon canal, Lingard and Sadler’s oil mill, Simmonds’ mill at Reading, Pulteney bridge at Bath, Huddart’s rope machine, Fish and Yates’ snuff mill, Phillpots’ iron mill at Chatham, Leith harbour, Sandford and Bishop’s brick machine, Newbury canal, Leek canal, 1799­1800. 22 ff.

MS. 19867 Windmill at Bardney built on Eckhardt’s principles, Fen drainage, Datchett bridge, 1800. 22 ff.

MS. 19868 Southcott wire mill at Reading, Leek canal, Wolsley bridge, Birmingham canal, Grand Trunk canal, Kennet and Avon canal, Wraysbury copper mill, wells on Croydon common, Uxbridge copper mill, Sayce’s maltmills at Bath, Fen drainage, Huddart’s rope factory, Union mill at Birmingham, 1800. 48 ff.

MS. 19869 Hurley mill, Thames and Medway navigation, Grand Junction canal, Staverton mill, Cowley and Hathaway’s mill at Redbrook near Monmouth, Plater’s pasteboard engine, London docks, Mortar engine at Lime house, Fen drainage, Leith harbour, 1800. 22 ff.

MS. 19870 Surveys of Boston and Lynn bays, Boston bridge, River Ouse, Wisbech canal, River Ancholme and associated drainage schemes, harbours of Dundee, Arbroath, and Peltycur, embankments on the South Esk, harbours of Montrose, Fraserburgh, Peterhead, and Aberdeen, 1800. 46 ff Oblong octavo.

MS. 19871 Grand Trunk canal, Peak Forest canal, inclined plane at Chapel­en­le­Frith, lime burning at Preston and , coast of stone at Lancaster, navigation of the river Douglas at Tarleton, Standish colliery horse gin, Harecastle new furnace, limekilns at Clough, Leek canal, Wolseley bridge, Caldon canal, Uttoxeter canal, 1801. 22 ff.

MS. 19872 Croydon canal, Grand Surrey canal, weir at Blairdrummond, Menai straits, Conway river crossing, Perth harbour, 1801. 23 ff.

MS. 19873 Harbours of Greenock, Portpatrick and Chichester, Invermore mill, Larne mill, Menai straights, Swilly bridge, Llanrust bridge, 1801. 40 ff.

MS. 19874 Deptford waterworks, lock at Wapping, engine for Koops and Co’s paper mill, Chrik aqueduct, Dublin harbour, 1801. 22 ff.

MS. 19875 Skating match on London docks when frozen, limestone burnt at Limehouse, Tate’s distillery at Thames Bank, Fen drainage, Elstone and Nicholson’s mill at Wisbech, Rutt and Jameson’s engine in London, Pont Cyssyltau aqueduct, Menai straits, 1802. 22 ff.

MS. 19876 Witham navigation, Fen drainage, Division point at Drayton, Bramah’ s sugar press, Hermitage dock at London, Staines bridge, Koops and Co’s Neckinger mill, experiments on the breaking strains of iron rails, warehouse for West India dock, 1802. 22 ff. MS. 19877 Gravesend tunnel, Stacey and Wise’s steam­engine at Maidstone, Medway and Rother canal, Teise navigation, London dock, Croydon canal, Huddart’s rope works, Glenkens canal, 1802. 22ff.

MS. 19878 Goodwyn and Co’s steam­engine, Gravesend tunnel, New river, London docks, London and Portsmouth canal, reservoirs for Grand Junction canal, 1802. 22 ff.

MS. 19879 Hull dock, Ancholme navigation, Fen drainage, Witham navigation, Foss navigation, 1802. 22 ff.


MS. 19880 River Witham at Lincoln, Foss navigation, Saxilby swing bridge, 1802. 9 + blank ff.

MS. 19881 Waterworks at Kidbrook for Charles Abbot MP, Dover town mill and harbour, Kent canal, Torksey lock, Lough Owel, Royal canal, 1802. 30 ff. Oblong octavo.

MS. 19882 London docks, sugar milling, Wolseley bridge, Stretton bridge, Radford bridge, Darlaston bridge, pile­driving engine at Wisbech, Handfordbridge, Conway crossing, Boston bridge, Fen drainage, Musselburgh bridge, Teviot bridge, 1802­3. 32ff.

MS. 19883 London docks, Kennet and Avon canal, Portsmouth harbour, Chichester harbour, Dublin water supply, 1803. 20 ff.

MS. 19884 Pile­driving machine at Woolwich, London docks, Thames and Medway canal, Royal canal, Bristol harbour, 1803. 20ff.

MS. 19885 Foss navigation, railways near Leeds, Lichfield water supply, mills at Island bridge in Dublin, experiments at Limehouse rope works, London docks, 1803. 20 ff.

MS. 19886 Plymouth harbour, Kennet and Avon canal, 1803. 20 ff.

MS. 19887 Wisbech mill, Boston bridge, Dungeness light, seawall at Dymchurch, Croydon canal, London docks, Wandsworth mills, 1803­4. 20 ff.

MS. 19888 Lea Bridge mills, Romney Marsh drainage and Royal Military canal, steam­engines for the Royal Mint, both in London and Birmingham, London docks, Claverton mill, Merton mill, 1804. 20 ff.

MS. 19889 Chesterfield canal, Beverley drainage, Hull docks, Winteringham sea wall, Ancholme drainage, 1804. 22 ff.

MS. 19890 Angles of windmill sails, London docks, Royal Military canal (for further material on Rennie’s activities in this connection, see MS. 2868), River Wey at New Haw, mills at Evesham, Pymore flax mill, 1804. 21 ff.

MS. 19891 Soundings at Woolwich dock, experiments on a Woolf steam­engine at Meux’s brewery, Fen drainage, Albury Park paper mill, 1808. 22 ff. MS. 19892 Cranes for London docks, springs at Woolwich, Fen drainage, Margate harbour, London and Portsmouth canal, 1808. 22 ff.

MS. 19893 Experiments in cutting copper bolts at Sheerness, undermining of the cliff at Reculver, Sheerness harbour (including notes of surveys etc made in 1763 and 1765), Portsmouth harbour, Manchester waterworks, Glasgow waterworks at Anderston, 1808. 22 ff.

MS. 19894 Harbours at North Sunderland, Burnisland, Methil, Leven, and Anstruther, supply of stone in Fife, Sempster’s patent canvas, Burns’ flaxmill at Dundee, Bell Rock light, Perth mills, 1808. 22 ff.

MS. 19895 Larne canal, North fleet cement mill, Ardglass harbour, wells at Ramsgate, 1808­9. 22 ff.

MS. 19896 Great Ouse bridges and sluices, Bedford river, Fen drainage, River Nene, mines at Beswick, Liverpool harbour, Kelso bridge, 1809. 38 + blank ff.

MS. 19897 Deptford waterworks, bridges over Gunter’s Ditch at Reading, tunnel at eh Royal Mint (with notes concerning the position of the well and the rolling mill), Devizes railway, Newport harbour, 1809. 22 ff.

MS. 19898 Ramhurst powder mill, Grand Western canal, Gloucester and Berkeley canal, London bridge, Southwark bridge, Liverpool docks, mills at Colnbrook, 1811. 22 ff.

MS. 19899 Approaches to Waterloo bridge, Fen drainage, Enfield lock, Doncaster waterworks, Tyne estuary at South Shields, dredging machine on River Witham, pile at Chetney Hill in Margate, Endsleigh bridge, Pembroke docks, 1813. 24 ff.


MS. 19900 Dublin harbour, Waterloo bridge, conversation with Nash concerning the Highgate Archway and the possible construction of a triumphal arch on Waterloo bridge, Leeds and Liverpool canal, 1815­16 24 ff.

MS. 19901 River Cam from Cambridge to Clayhithe, especially the bridges at Cambridge, 1818. 29 + blank ff.

MS. 19902 Aberdeen harbour, Ythan estuary, Bridge of Don, Arbroath canal, Isleworth mill, Deeping fen drainage, Yarmouth harbour, Severn at Tewkesbury, Knottingley and Goole canal, Selby canal, 1818. 59 ff.

MS. 19903 Diggins’ mill at Chichester, 1786 6 + blank pp.

MS. 19904 S.D. Liptrap and Co’s distillery, London, 1786. 13 + blank ff.

MS. 19905 Bell, Gosse and Co’s distillery, London, 1786. 7 ff.

MS. 19906 Silas Deane’s snuff and tobacco mill, 1786.

MS. 19907 James Haig;s distillery, Canonmills, 1787. 5 ff. MS. 19908 Aitchison and Brown’s distillery, St Clements Wells, 1787. 7 ff.

MS. 19909 J.T. Rutt’s drug grinding mill, 1787. 6 ff. MS. 19910 Henry Goodwyn’s brewery, London, 1787. 22 ff.

MS. 19911 Hankins’ corn mill at Ware, 1788. 31 ff.

MS. 19912 Johnston and Gould’s mill, Brentford, 1790 Iii + 8 ff.

MS. 19913 Elgar’s paper mill, Chatford, 1791. 6 ff.

MS. 19914 Severn’s mill at Whitechapel, 1794. 4 ff.

MS. 19915 King’s brew house, and dock, at Gosport, 1796. 7 ff.

MS. 19916 George Bishop’s mill at Maidstone, 1796. 7 ff.

MS. 19917 Wilkes’ oil and corn mill at Dartford, 1798. 9ff.

MS. 19918 R. and W. Were’s White lead mill at Garrat, 1799, with notes concerning an oil mill, 1804. 8 ff.

MS. 19919 Flour mill at Invermore near Larne, 1799. 8 ff.

MS. 19920 Oat and barley mills at Larne, 1799. 6ff. MS. 19921 Sayce and Kelson’s brewery, Bath, 1800. 9ff.

MS. 19922 Chamber Broun and Co’s paper mill at Aberdeen, 1802. 3 + blank ff.

MS. 19923 Brandram and Templeman’s lead mill, n.d. 11 ff.

MS. 19924 Dunkin and Stibb’s mill, n.d. 10 ff.

MS. 19925 Glennie’s mill, n.d. 9 ff.

MS. 19926 Receipt book, containing receipts for money paid by Rennie for supplies, and as wages to his employees, 1802­14. 77 ff. Oblong octavo.

MS. 19927 Notebook containing a ready reckoner for the velocity of water, and notes on calculations relating to volume, flow and weight of water, n.d. 40 pp.

MS. 19928 Notebook containing a table of measures for canal cutting by Samuel Hodgkinson, with a covering letter by Hodgkinson, to Rennie, 1817. 54 ff.

MS. 19929 Surveys (not by Rennie) for Winstanley’s silk mill at Marlborough, and Walthamstow oil mill, 1793. 12 ff. Quarto. REEL 26


MS. 19930 Miscellaneous prospectuses, accounts, memoranda, booklists, and business papers, including those relating to the winding up of Rennie’s affairs at his death, 1787­1821. 142 ff.

MS. 19931 Inventory of plenishing (excluding books) of Rennie’s house in Stamford Street, 1821. 9 ff.

MS. 19932 Family correspondence. All letters are to John Rennie unless otherwise stated. (i) Letters of George Rennie, engineer, 1808­9, 1814, 1821. (f.1) (ii) Letters of Sir John Rennie, 1810­12, 1814­15, 1818­21. These include the detailed letters he sent while on his extensive tour in France, Italy, Greece, Turkey, and Egypt. They contain plans and diagrams as well as detailed descriptions of many engineering undertakings, especially bridges and harbours. (f.25). (iii) Letters of George Rennie of Phantassie, 1792, 1806, 1820­1. (f.111). (iv) Letters of George Rennie, Governor of the Falkland Islands, 1817. (f.124). (v) Letters of James Rennie, a cousin of the engineer, 1820. (f.153). (vi) Letters of General Sir John Aitchison, nephew of John Rennie, 1809­10, 1812­14. Aitchison fought through the Peninsular War, and these letters give an account of the campaign through the eyes of a perceptive and intelligent subaltern. For further letters on this subject from Aitchson see W.F.K. Thomson (ed.) An Ensign in the Peninsular War, London, 1981. (f.155). (ix) Letters of other members of the Aitchison family, 1806, 1812, 1814, 1819­21. (f.225). 247 ff.


MS. 19933 Family correspondence. All letters are to John Rennie unless otherwise stated. Letters of and concerning Lieut. William Rennie, RN, son of John Rennie, 1809­1820. These letters cover his entry into the Navy, his service in Portugal, the Mediterranean, Canada, and the West Indies where he died in 1818. They are mostly from William Rennie himself, but include letters from others who were involved in his career. 215 ff.

MS. 19934 Miscellaneous material relating to the life and career of John Rennie, including a memorandum in his own hand concerning some of his major works, biographical sketches by Sir John and George Rennie, lots of reports compiled by Rennie and at one time in Sir John’s Schlictegrol, genealogical material concerning the Rennies and related families, and papers relating to the Society of Civil Engineers, 1771­92. A further copy of this is MS. 1843. 75 ff. Quarto.

MS. 19935 Facsimile, 1893, of the minute book of the Society of Civil Engineers, 1771­92. A further copy of this is MS.1843. 75ff. Quarto.


MSS. 19936­7 LETTER BOOKS These press copy letter books cover every activity in which Rennie was engaged from the small matters concerned with his millwright business as have large civil engineering work, The larger subjects have been indexed as have all recipients of letters. Correspondents in 19936 include: the Duke of Argyll, John Bain, William Burthwaite, Richard Bowsher, Henry Brutton, Richard Coates, William Crosley, William Cartwright, Charles Clowes, Charles Dundas, Henry Eastburn, George Fletcher, Samuel Gregson, Humphrey Graham, Sir George Jackson, William Jessop, John Mackenzie, T C Medwin, the Duke of Norfolk, John Paterson, Francis Page, John Southern, George Rennie, Ralph Shuttleworth, John Seton, Robert Twisdal, John Ward, James Watt, Charles Wedge, Daniel Warner, John Ward and others. Correspondents in 19937 include: Hugh Atkins, Sir , Boulton & Watt, M R Boulton, Dudley Clark, Henry Clark, Richard Coates, Benjamin Davies, Patrick Drummond, Charles Dundas, Peter Ewart, John Gray, Benjamin Gott, Thomas Gordon, Samuel Hodgkinson, James Holmes, John Jones, George Joyce, James Murray, James Mills, John Paterson, Joseph Potter, William Robinson, George Rennie, William Scudamore, John Thomas, Mathias Wilkes, James Watt and others. MS. 19936. 1793­4. 283 ff.


MSS. 19936­7 LETTER BOOKS (continued)

MS. 19937. 1800. 277 ff.



MS. 19938 (i) Correspondence and papers of George Rennie, engineer, 1821­63. (f.1). (ii) Papers relating to the sale in 1850 of John Rennie’s library by his sons, including annotated sale catalogues etc. (f.186). (iii) Copy, 1893, of George Rennie’s marriage certificate, 1828. (f.240). (iv) Letters to James Watt junior, passed on to George Rennie, on the subject of John Rennie’s life and work, 1821. (f.241). 258 ff.


MSS. 19939­41 Journals of George Rennie. 19939. Visit to France and Germany, 1814. 69 ff. Quarto. 19940. 1819. 146 pp. Octavo. 19941. 1821.146 pp. Octavo.


MS. 19942 Journal of Sir John Rennie, 1838­9. 84 ff. Quarto. REEL 32 (continued)

MS. 19943 Business papers of Sir John Rennie. This includes memoranda concerning London Bridge, 1832, incoming correspondence, 18335­41, and other miscellaneous accounts and papers, 1835­8, mostly relating to the Commercial (London and Blackwall) Railway. 192 ff.

MS. 19944 (i) General correspondence of Sir John Rennie, 1811, 1821­4, 1827, 1829­30. 1833, 1837, 1841­2, 1845, 1861, 1864. (f.1) (ii) Letters to John Rennie’s daughters, 1821. (f.1). (iii) Letters to James Rennie, 1822­4. (f.221). 279 ff.


MS. 19945 Collection of reports and memoranda, mostly printed, with press cuttings, mostly relating to the life and work of Sir John Rennie, 1822­74. 115 ff.

MS. 19946 Scrapbook containing letters and other papers addressed to Sir John Rennie and to his son Charles Garth Colleton Rennie, 1818­91. Writers include C. F. von Wiebeking, Sir G.B. Airy, Garibaldi, George Scharf, Cardinal Manning, G.O. Trevelyan, and J.A. Froude. 76 ff. Quarto.

MSS. 19947­9 Journals of Matthew Boulton Rennie, Octavo. 19947 Business education in Rotterdam, and travel in Switzerland and France, 1824, 73 ff. 19948. Visit to Italy, Austria, and Germany, 1827­8. 81+ blank ff. 19949 Visit to Spain, 1831. 64 ff. MS. 19950 Journal of John Keith Rennie of Frensham Vale, son of George Rennie, engineer, while at Trinity College, Cambridge, 1848. 138 pp.


MS. 19951 (i) Letters of and to J.K Rennie, 1857­96. (f1). (ii) Correspondence of George Banks Rennie concerning the Smeatonian Society, 1901­2, 1908. (f.179). (iii) Correspondence of William Rennie, barrister, and other family letters,1893, 1907­28. (f. 310). (iv) Letters of Lord Allenby to John Rennie Maudsley, 1921, 1936, n.d. (f.405). 409 ff.

MS. 19952 Notebook concerning a brewery at Cremill Point, Plymouth, 1823, with notes of soundings in the Thames below London Bridge. 86 + blank pp. Octavo.

MS. 19953 Miscellaneous papers relating to the Rennie family and to the firm of John and George Rennie. These include the birth certificates of John Rennie’s children, typescript copies of some early family letters (photocopies of the originals are in MS 19966, ff. 12­52), papers concerning the possible purchase of Phantassie, 1896, 1912, and a history of the firm of J. and G. Rennie from its foundation to its dissolution in 1862. 245 ff.

MS. 19954 Miscellaneous genealogical papers relating to the family of Rennie of Frensham Vale, 18 th ­ 19 th cent. 56 ff.

MSS. 19955­61 These cover papers of the Rennie family, including the family of Dick of Braid, c1770 and the letter books of John George Mackworth Rennie of Frensham Vale. They have been omitted from this microfilm edition. REEL 35

MS. 19962 Miscellaneous plans and drawings too large to be included in the preceding volumes. These relate to work by John Rennie on harbours, mills, railways, bridges, drainage and other schemes: (I) Aberdeen, harbour mouth, n.d. (ii) Ardglass, sections of harbour, n.d. (iii) Plant for Billinge’s silk mill, n.d. (iv) Bridlington harbour, n.d. (v) Shore near Charlestown, by Robert Beaumont, 1807. (vi)Proposed railway from Dunleary to Dalkey, 1815. 2 sheets. (vii) Ordnance ground at Harwich with situation of two proposed lights, c1808. (viii) Holyhead harbour, n.d. 3 sheets. (ix) Sugar mill at Jamaica, n.d. (x) River Lea from Hertford to Bow Bridge, n.d. (xi)East Fen drainage, n.d. (xii)Cast iron bridge at Lucknow, 1812. (xiii) Sugar mill for Underwood and Co., n.d. (xiv) Plumber block for unspecified rolling mill, n.d. (xv) Cross section of a harbour (possibly Plymouth) n.d. (xvi) Designs for Musselburgh bridge, 1803. 2 sheets.

MS. 19963 Portfolio of miscellaneous drawings, watercolours, and maps, many apparently by J.K Rennie, 19 th cent, 107 ff.

MS. 19964 Framed presentation copy of the ‘View of the New Bridge over the at Kelso, Scotland’, by William Daniell, c1802. 65 x 41 cms.

MS. 19965 Framed copy of a print of ‘The opening of the Waterloo Bridge on the 18 th of June 1817’, drawn by William Findlater, etched by A Pugin, 1818. 46 x 6 cms.



MS. 19966 (i) Letter of Sir Stephen Cottrell, Secretary of the Board of Trade, concerning machinery for the Royal Mint, 1804. (f. 1). Bought, 1980. (ii) Letter of John Rennie to General Sir Hilgrove Turner, 1804. (f.3). Bought, Southeby’s 21­2 July, 1980, lot 149. (iii) Letter of John Rennie to Richard Sharpe concerning Northfleet naval dockyard, 1810, and to Thomas Mantell, Dover, 1820. (f.5). Bought, 1970. (iv) Letter of John Rennie to John Wilson Croker, 1818 (f.8). Bought, 1973. (v) Letter of Sir John Rennie to the 2 nd Viscount Melville, 1829, describing St Petersburg. Bought , 1981. (vi) Photocopies of the originals of the typescript letters in MS 19953 relating to Rennie family affairs, 1788­1821. (f. 12). Acquired under export licence arrangements. 52 ff. Folio and under.

MS. 19967 Reports, estimates and plans by John Rennie for a bridge over the river Whiteadder, 1800­1. These consist of two reports and a collection of plans bound together, for four different stone bridges proposed for different points on the river near Paxton, and for a cast iron bridge for which Rennie did not estimate. The volume was apparently prepared for a client, and was at one time in the family of Milne Home of Paxton. 38 ff. Folio and over. Bought, 1980.

MS. 19968 Ledger of Sir John Rennie for expenses incurred in his civil engineering work, 1821­8. Many entries especially those relating to the Admiralty, Navy Board, Fen Drainage, London Docks, Ramsgate Harbour, Irish crossing harbours, London Bridge, and Cramond Bridge, are for work in completion of his father’s undertakings. There are some entries relating to new work, mainly railways. 168 ff. Quarto. Bought, Sotheby’s, 13 Dec, 1977, lot 223.


MSS. 19969­78 TELFORD PAPERS These papers are part of the surviving business archive, or relate to the work, of Thomas Telford (1757­1834), the engineer. With the exception of two letters (MS.19972, ff.83, 89), the papers were preserved in the family of John Richman, the statistician, who edited and published the Life of Thomas Telford Civil Engineer, written by himself, in 1838. The papers consist of business correspondence, draft reports, accounts and other papers relating to Telford’s professional activities for the last decade of his life, as well as correspondence and some drafts relating to the Life itself. The business papers relate mainly to Scottish undertakings and to harbours, canals and fen drainage, with some personal and professional accounts. The collection is roughly half of the material which survived Rickman’s hands; the other half, consisting primarily of English material, especially relating to the Holyhead Road, and the final manuscript of the Life, is now with the Ironbridge Gorge Museum Trust. The papers are arranged by undertaking, and all volumes are large folio and under unless otherwise stated. Bought, 1976.

MS. 19969 BRIDGES (i) Broomielaw, Glasgow, correspondence and accounts, 1833­4. (f.1). (ii) Over Bridge, Gloucester, letters, 1832, 1834, and draft reports (f.73). (iii) Tongland Bridge, Kirkcudbright, letters, 1833. (f.86). (iv) Printed Act of Parliament relating to the waterworks at London Bridge, 1822, with a letter, 1831, concerning drawings of London Bridges. (f.91). 99 ff.

MS. 19970 CANALS (i) Aire and Calder, letter, 1833.(f.1). (ii) Birmingham and Liverpool Junction, letter and accounts, 1833­4. (f.2). (iii) Gloucester and Berkeley, report and accounts, 1823­6. These very detailed accounts are those of Hugh McIntosh the contractor, which were queried by the Canal Company. (f.5). (iv) Macclesfield, share receipts, and printed circulars and reports, 1826­34. (f.41). (v) Middlewich, draft letter of Telford to Thomas Stanton. The letter also deals with a proposal to establish a room in the Institution of Civil Engineers exclusively for housing canal papers. (f.59). (vi) Paisley and Ardrossan, correspondence, accounts, and share certificates 1806­17. (f.60). (vii) Edinburgh and Glasgow union, printed report and minutes, 18289. 1831­1. (f.76). (viii) Weaver navigation, letters and memorandum, 1828,1830, 1833. (f. 86). (ix) Memorandum, reports, and correspondence concerning the use of steamboats on canals, 1831­3. These relate to Telford’s attempts to show that travel by canal was cheaper and only a little slower than travel by train. (f.92) 122 ff.

MS. 19971 HARBOURS & ROADS (i) – (vi) HARBOURS (i) Aberdeen, letters, and accounts 1830,1833, and a draft of the section of the Life relating to the harbour. (f.1). (ii) Courtown, letters and reports, 1830­3. See also MS.19978. (f.15). (iii) Dundee, letters, 1830­1, 1833. (f.50). (iv) London, St Katherine’s Dock, correspondence, report, and share certificates, 1825­30. (f.58). (v) Trinity, letter, 1834. (f.89). (vi) Wapping, memorandum, 1805, concerning docks and lock gates. (f.91).

(vii) – (viii) ROADS (vii) Glasgow and Carlisle, reports, specifications and letters, 1821, 1833­4.Much of this is set out as for the relevant section of the appendix to the Life (f.93). (viii) Report Book, 1830­1. This material originally formed part of a folio sized notebook, but because of its condition it could not be preserved in that form and is now part of this volume. It includes specifications for the road from Grantown on Spey to Ballindallaoch, with details of bridges at Cromdale, Dalvey and Advie, and general specifications for the Glasgow and Carlisle road, with details of the bridge over the Duneaton water. Much of this material appears in the appendix to the Life. (f.146).164 ff.

MS. 19972 MISCELLANEOUS UNDERTAKINGS (i) Nene outfall, report and letter, 1833. (f.1). (ii) Eau brink Cut, letters, 1830, 1832­4, with a note by Thomas Casebourne on its effects, 1833. (f.16). (iii) Chesterfield Railway, report and accounts, 1826. (f.26). (iv) St Helens and Runcorn Railway, letters, 1833 (f.30). (v) London metropolitan water survey, reports and accounts, 1831­4, with reports by Telford on reservoirs in Green Park, 1828. (f.33). (vi) Edinburgh Encyclopaedia, letters and minutes, 1833. (f.59). (viii) New Brunswick, letters concerning a proposed canal from the Bay of Fundy to the Gulf of St Lawrence, 1824­5. (f. 75). (ix) General incoming correspondence, 1795, 1809, 1815, 1822­34. (f.83). 144 ff. f.83 bought, 1976; f. 89, bought 1972.


MS. 19973 Assorted documents (mainly receipts and accounts) giving brief details regarding: Arundell Canal; Kingston Bridge; Mersey Navigation; Broomielaw Bridge, Glasgow; Macclesfield Canal; London and Birmingham Canal; Glasgow and Portpatrick Road; Liverpool and Manchester Railway; Burnham marshes; and other works. (i)Draughtsmen’s and surveyor’s bills, 1819­33. These cover all the works on which Telford was engaged in the last fifteen years of his life. (f.1). (ii) Booksellers’ accounts, 1826­34. (f.73). (iii) Bankers’, lawyers’, and stablers’ accounts, and rent receipts, 1814­34. (f. 135). 180 ff.

MS. 19974 Miscellaneous bills and receipts, 1820­2, 1825­34, n.d. Includes expenses; tax statements; and costs of carriages, sofas, tables, clothes and insurance. 250 ff.

MS. 19975 (i) Miscellaneous papers relating to Telford’s life and work, including a list of his major works in his own hand, n.d. (f.1). (ii) Papers of John Rickman: notes on a tide survey, 1834­5, and material relating to his preparation of Telford’s Life for the press. (f.34). 101 ff. REEL 39 MS. 19976 Telford’s address book, n.d. (Badly damaged). 25 + blank ff. Octavo.

MS. 19977 Letters to john Rickman, 1835, 1837­8, mainly concerning the publication and distribution of Telford’s Life, but including material on fen drainage, tide measurement, steamboats, and the parallel roads of Glen Roy. Writers include Robert Southey, Robert Stevenson, Tycho Wing and John Gibb. 175 ff.

MS. 19978 Two plans of Courtown Harbour, n.d. 97 x 63 cms.


MS. 19988 ENGINEERING. Miscellaneous correspondence relating to engineering, 1769­1874, much of it addressed to Robert Stevenson or his family, and apparently at one time part of the Stevenson family papers. Bought, Sotheby’s 4 March 1980. (i) lot 350; (ii) lot 356; (iii) lots 352­5; (iv) lots 311, 326, 481. (i) Letter of John Smeaton to William Hall of Whitehall concerning Eyemouth harbour, 1769. (f.1). (ii) Letters, 1787­1874, n.d., and other papers, 1768­1853, n.d., addressed to the Stevenson family on engineering matters. (f.3). (iii) Two letters of Robert Stevenson, 1808, from the Bell Rock light; a certificate signed by Stevenson with an accompanying medallion giving George Milne, a seaman in the service of the Northern Lighthouse Commissioners, immunity from impressments, 1809; and letters of and to Stevenson concerning the impact of waves on vertical surfaces. (f.190). (iv) Letters to Robert Stevenson from Sir Walter Scott, c1820, I.K. Brunel, 1834, and Viscount Palmerston, 1835, the last of these relating to proposed improvements to the harbour at Mullaghmore, in Sligo. (f.192). 198 ff. Folio and under. REEL 40 (continued)

MS. 19989 MISCELLANEOUS ENGINEERING PAPERS. (i) Letters and accounts relating to the Gas Light Company of Edinburgh, 1817­27, 1838. Most of the letters are addressed to John Watson, the manager, or Alexander Kidd, the secretary of the Company. Many of the letters are incomplete. (f.1). Bought, 1962. (ii) Letter of Alexander Tilloch, stereotyper, to Davies Gilbert, 1815, concerning Arthur Woolf’s engine, with a draft reply. (f.36). Bought 1979. (iii) Letter of john Loudon McAdam to Andrew Knight concerning the Ludlow to Leintwardine road,1821. (f.39). Bought, Sotheby’s 21­2 July, 1980, lot. 147. (iv) Small collection of accounts, correspondence, and a work sheet, of Thomas Terras, road contractor, Balmulle, 1823­38. Presented by M.E. Taylor Esq., 1977. (v) Memorial for John Gibb and Sons, engineers, against the Edinburgh and Glasgow Railway, relating to the construction of the Almond Valley viaduct and embankments, 1842. (f.64).Bought, 1974. (vi) Letter of Sir John Robison on various scientific matters including photography, 1840. (f.123).Bought, 1977. (vii) List of claims for compensation against the Deeside Railway by tenants on the Pitfodels estate, 1852. (f.125). Bought, 1982. (viii) An incomplete and anonymous history of lighthouses entitled ‘Life among the Lighthouses’, c1880. (f.135). Bought, 1982. (ix) Miscellaneous notes relating to tides on the Clyde, and to dredging, 1886, 1888. (f.187). Bought 1966. (x) Six letters relating to the Highland Railway, 1904­5, 1907. (f.194). Bought, 1969. (xi) Papers and correspondence, 1841­3, 1850, relating to Robert Davidson of Aberdeen, pioneer of electric traction, with miscellaneous printed bills and leaflets relating to his work. (f. 200) Presented by Alexander Davidson Esq., 1976. 242 ff. large folio and under.

Papers omitted from this microfilm edition of the Rennie Papers

MS. 19955 Notebook containing an account of the family of Dick of Braid, c1770. 12 ff. Octavo.

MS. 19956 Domestic cash book, 1859. 8 ff. Octavo.

MS. 19957 Wage book at Frensham Vale, 1867­8. 8 ff. Quarto.

MSS. 19958­61 Letterbooks of John George Mackworth Rennie of Frensham Vale. Rennie was a judge in India, and retired in 1906. These press copy letter books cover the years 1924 until 1936. They relate entirely to private affairs. Recipients of letters have not been indexed. Quarto. 19958. 1920­4 488 ff. 19959.1924­6. 451 ff. 19960.1928­33.500 ff. 19961.19933­6. 350 ff.