1/5/14 Napoleonic Wargames Club

Global statistics

O O B Sides 2 Armies 7 Units 628 Active officers 205 Inactive officers 236 Ranks 87 Awards 187 A vailable Games 22 Scenarios 1394 Battles Registered 1486 Started 1479 Active 177 Completed 1150 Canceled 159 E vents All 30255 Concerning officers 8129 Concerning battles 8742

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Popular games and scenarios

Games Game Battles * Campaign Waterloo (HPS) 333 Campaign Leipzig (JTS) 259 Campaign Austerlitz (HPS) 139 Campaign Eckmühl (HPS) 139 Napoleon's Russian Campaign (HPS) 96 Campaign Jena-Auerstedt (HPS) 80 Napoleon In Russia (Talonsoft) 56 Campaign Wagram (HPS) 49 Battleground Waterloo (Talonsoft) 34 Prelude To Waterloo (Talonsoft) 34 Campaign 1814 (JTS) 33 Campaign Bautzen (JTS) 28 Les Grognards (HistWar) 12 Napoleon's Campaigns (AGEOD) 10 Crown of Glory: Emperor's Edition 6 Commander: Napoleon At War 5 Les Grognards (HistWar) - old version 3 Egypt (mod) 2 Battleground Waterloo (Talonsoft, French version) 2 The Eagle has Landed (Andy Barns) 0 Crown of Glory 0 Napoleon at Golymin (Greg Gorsuch) 0 Battlefield Eylau (Greg Gorsuch) 0 All 1320 Sc enarios * * Sc enario Battles * Hypothetical battles - v 10 36 The Battle of Quatre Bras - Historical, June 16, 1815 34 #22H. The Battle of Austerlitz (HTH) 30 The Waterloo Campaign, June 1815 28 07. Kutuzov Turns to Fight 21 SON 2012 - An Encounter at Freyburg 19 SON 2012 - The Battle of Katzbach 15 Waterloo - Historical 15 The Ridge - D'Erlon's Attack - Phase 1 15 The Battle of Saltnovka, July 23, 1812 14 03. The Battle of Quatre Bras 14 002. Action at Löwenberg 14 14. The Battle of Waterloo 13 The Fall Campaign of 1813 13 03. General d'Erlon's Assault 12 The Battle of Ligny_v1, June 1815 11 Campaign scenario 11 The Battle for Plancenoit 11 The Battle of Ligny_h, June 1815 10 SON 2012 - An Encounter at Threna 10 Skirmish at Mons, June 1815 10 Rearguard Action at Soleilmont 10 nwcreport.derwinski.pl/report_popularity.php?sid=uGNBUQrujTdSyymH 1/2 1/5/14 Napoleonic Wargames Club 075. Leipzig Operational - Unleashed 9 Campaign scenario 9 The Battle of Leipzig Campaign 8 Waterloo_Wavre Historical 8 The Battle of Borodino Coordination is Perfect, September 7, 1812 8 The Silesian Campaign 8 C06. The Battle of Sacile 8 The Waterloo Campaign, June 1815 8 C02. Approaching Abensberg 8 06. La Bataille de Borodino 7 Hypothetical battles - v 18 - Corps on Corps vol V 7 SON 2011 – A Spanish Flair 7 The Dennewitz Campaign 7 #01A. The Action at Wertingen (HTH) 7 The Campaign of 1813 - Head to Head 7 Campaign scenario 7 #02H. The Action at Gunzburg (HTH) 6 055. Rearguard Action at Zahna 6

* - only started or completed battles count here, ** - at most 20 scenarios will be reported

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Top Guns

C lub Field Marshall Andrew Moss Anglo-Allied Army 242 Field Marshall Jim Hall K.G. Anglo-Allied Army 143 Maréchal d'Empire Jeff Bardon French Army 132 C oalition Field Marshall Andrew Moss Anglo-Allied Army 242 Field Marshall Jim Hall K.G. Anglo-Allied Army 143 General Marco Bijl Anglo-Allied Army 119 Frenc h Maréchal d'Empire Jeff Bardon French Army 132 Maréchal d'Empire Paul Johnson French Army 105 Maréchal d'Empire Theron Lambert French Army 89 A nglo-A llied A rmy Field Marshall Andrew Moss 242 Field Marshall Jim Hall K.G. 143 General Marco Bijl 119 A us trian A rmy Feldmarschall Jim Pfluecke 66 Feldmarschall Gary McClellan 21 Feldzeugmeister Joseph Alberti 18 Dutc h A rmy General Marco Rietveld 65 General-Majoor Rick Martin 21 Colonel Lucas Kling 20 Frenc h A rmy Maréchal d'Empire Jeff Bardon 132 Maréchal d'Empire Paul Johnson 105 Maréchal d'Empire Theron Lambert 89 P rus s ian A rmy General der Infanterie Michael Fredel 32 General der Infanterie Ludwig Schmidt 22 General der Kavallerie Clifton Seeney 12 Rus s ian A rmy General-Feldmarshal Eugene Gulyaev 87 General-Feldmarshal Alexandr Zaytsev 67 General-leytenant Bill Cann 65 Swedis h A rmy Överstelöjtnant Set Karlsson 4 Regementsförvaltare Lars Wistedt 0

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Top Marchers

Minutes Turns

All 2010 2011 2012 2013

All Anglo-Allied Army Austrian Army Dutch Army French Army Prussian Army Russian Army Swedish Army

M arc hers Général Devon Hill French Army 1053 Field Marshall Andrew Moss Anglo-Allied Army 941 General Zafer Ejder Anglo-Allied Army 674 General der Infanterie Michael Fredel Prussian Army 658 Maréchal d'Empire Roy Purcell French Army 650 Feldmarschall Jim Pfluecke Austrian Army 628 Maréchal d'Empire Stephane Lelievre French Army 558 Colonel James Walsh Anglo-Allied Army 552 Colonel Mark Barden French Army 528 Field Marshall Ed Blackburn Anglo-Allied Army 515 Général de Brigade Thomas Moore French Army 477 Général Todd Schmidgall French Army 453 Major Richard Bradshaw Anglo-Allied Army 337 Generalfeldmarschall Scott Ludwig Prussian Army 331 Maréchal d'Empire Aloysius J Kling Sr French Army 316 Colonel Omar Quatar Anglo-Allied Army 300 Maréchal d'Empire Bruce Hall French Army 283 Thomas David Phillips Anglo-Allied Army 283 Général de Brigade Pete Russo French Army 274 Lieutenant Colonel Enzo Cavalli French Army 269 Stefano Ciampoli Austrian Army 266 General der Kavallerie Clifton Seeney Prussian Army 265 Lieutenant Colonel Michael Hoedl French Army 257 Maréchal d'Empire Jeff Bardon French Army 251 Colonel Mike Peccolo Anglo-Allied Army 238 Chef de Bataillon Fabio Fogato French Army 238 Clinton Hill Austrian Army 235 Général de Brigade Adam Nosko French Army 234 Feldzeugmeister Celamanka Noftz Austrian Army 231 Lieutenant Colonel Paul Harris Anglo-Allied Army 228 Captain Mike Friedman Anglo-Allied Army 222 Général de Brigade Christophe Sarazin French Army 220 Major General Paul Frampton Anglo-Allied Army 219 Lieutenant Colonel Andreu Olmo Porcel French Army 215 General-leytenant Bill Cann Russian Army 206 Brigadier General Dale Lastowicka Anglo-Allied Army 201 Field Marshall Jim Hall K.G. Anglo-Allied Army 199 Generalmajor Ken Miller Prussian Army 192 Field Marshall Mark Nelms Anglo-Allied Army 192 Général de Brigade Raymond Bursch French Army 188 Maréchal d'Empire Chuck Jensen French Army 184 Général Patrick Mossier French Army 181 Generallieutenant David Stotsenburgh Prussian Army 168 General der Infanterie Martin Huschka Prussian Army 167 nwcreport.derwinski.pl/report_turns.php?sid=uGNBUQrujTdSyymH 1/4 1/5/14 Napoleonic Wargames Club

Chef de Bataillon Andrea Rossi French Army 166 General-mayor Al Amos Russian Army 162 Lieutenant Colonel Tim Cavallin French Army 152 Général de Brigade Peter Dawson French Army 150 Captain Scott Clawson Anglo-Allied Army 145 Maréchal d'Empire Paul Johnson French Army 141 Lieutenant Bob McRae Anglo-Allied Army 141 Chef de Bataillon Donald Vandergriff French Army 140 Général Mark Oakford French Army 139 Generallieutenant Ian Hames Prussian Army 138 Colonel William Reaves French Army 128 Général de Brigade Paul Smith French Army 125 Lieutenant Carlos Summers French Army 123 Lieutenant Colonel Isaac Jamarillo French Army 122 Generalmajor Gary Whalen Prussian Army 121 Colonel JA (Trane) Barredo Anglo-Allied Army 119 Lieutenant Colonel Cezary Pluskwa French Army 117 Colonel Clifton Seeney French Army 112 Lieutenant Colonel David Billieres French Army 108 Lieutenant Colonel Joseph Medeiros French Army 107 General der Infanterie Ludwig Schmidt Prussian Army 102 Lieutenant Fernando LopezGallo Anglo-Allied Army 102 Lieutenant Colonel Alessandro Stoppa French Army 99 Colonel Maarten Roggeveen Dutch Army 96 Lieutenant Colonel Giovanni Boffi French Army 95 Général de Brigade Art Ozols French Army 95 Lieutenant Colonel Roberto Breton French Army 93 Lieutenant Colonel Bartosz Zdzala French Army 91 2nd Lieutenant Tony Barrett Anglo-Allied Army 90 Major Petr Michalek Russian Army 89 Général Antonio Aitala French Army 88 Generalmajor Jeff Mathes Austrian Army 86 Capitaine Karol Toth French Army 83 Capitaine Edmund Carter French Army 82 Generallieutenant Zach Bogue Prussian Army 80 Feldzeugmeister Pete Keller Austrian Army 77 Général Ernie Sands French Army 75 2nd Lieutenant James Whitehead Anglo-Allied Army 75 Général de Division Ian Travers French Army 75 Général de Brigade Einar Jon Másson French Army 74 Major General Mark Jones Anglo-Allied Army 71 Colonel John Sheffield Anglo-Allied Army 71 Överstelöjtnant Set Karlsson Swedish Army 66 Capitaine Stewart Crisp French Army 63 2nd Lieutenant Andy Taylor Anglo-Allied Army 62 Capitaine Ettore Lo Bue French Army 62 Capitaine James Temperton French Army 60 Lieutenant Colonel Y.P. Jacob French Army 53 Lieutenant Hector Lopez French Army 48 Capitaine Kevin Koch French Army 48 General-Feldmarshal Alexandr Zaytsev Russian Army 45 Colonel Vincent Maddis Anglo-Allied Army 44 2nd Lieutenant Stuart Wilson Anglo-Allied Army 41 Oberst Jeffrey McDonald Austrian Army 40 nwcreport.derwinski.pl/report_turns.php?sid=uGNBUQrujTdSyymH 2/4 1/5/14 Napoleonic Wargames Club Colonel Olivier Bianchi French Army 40 Major Clay Shurts Austrian Army 39 Lieutenant David French French Army 38 Mike Stefanowicz Austrian Army 38 General-leytenant Anton Kosyanenko Russian Army 37 Colonel Lucas Kling Dutch Army 37 Lt. General Stephen Kitchen Anglo-Allied Army 37 2nd Lieutenant Patrick McCarthy Anglo-Allied Army 36 Brigadier General Tim Goodwin Anglo-Allied Army 36 Premierlieutenant Alessandro Demichelis Prussian Army 36 David Fors Austrian Army 35 Général Yann Lamezec French Army 34 Lieutenant Jeff Ruth French Army 34 Capitaine Frederic Ribeyron French Army 33 Generallieutenant Walt Moehle Prussian Army 31 Capitaine Warren Bajan French Army 31 Shtabs-Kapitan Jeff Kulp Russian Army 28 Lieutenant George Meyer French Army 28 Lieutenant Mark Hornsby French Army 28 Major Andrey Jastrembskiy Russian Army 28 Capitaine Abhinav Chaliha French Army 26 Capitaine Clint Matthews French Army 26 General Marco Rietveld Dutch Army 25 Lieutenant Colonel Roberto Morresi French Army 25 Oberst Thomas Whitfield Prussian Army 24 Lieutenant Jaume Campderros French Army 24 Lieutenant Colonel Hakan Hen French Army 24 Poruchick Alexandr Maltsev Russian Army 23 Colonel Sean Turner French Army 22 Maréchal d'Empire Francisco Palomo French Army 22 Field Marshall Ken Jones K.G. Anglo-Allied Army 22 Chef d'Escadron Daniel Irwin French Army 21 Feldwebel Gary Whalen Austrian Army 20 Général de Brigade Robert Noftz French Army 20 Lieutenant Giorgio Beacco French Army 20 2nd Lieutenant Leo Bin Anglo-Allied Army 20 Major Ian Conway Anglo-Allied Army 20 Général David Guegan French Army 20 Lieutenant Colonel Chas Dewar Anglo-Allied Army 18 Mark Pustovrh Anglo-Allied Army 18 Premierlieutenant Ken Fortune Prussian Army 18 Général Pierre Desruisseaux French Army 17 Capitaine Gary Whalen French Army 15 Lieutenant Colonel Mike Haley French Army 15 Lieutenant Ralf Serena French Army 15 Maréchal d'Empire Drew Stone French Army 14 Maréchal d'Empire John Corbin French Army 14 Podporuchik Dmytro Lukin Russian Army 14 Ensign Michael Kinney Anglo-Allied Army 13 Lieutenant Scott Ludwig French Army 12 Capitaine Zou Yuping French Army 12 Feldzeugmeister Joseph Alberti Austrian Army 11 2nd Lieutenant Jason Allibone Anglo-Allied Army 10 Ensign Geoff Reeves Anglo-Allied Army 9 nwcreport.derwinski.pl/report_turns.php?sid=uGNBUQrujTdSyymH 3/4 1/5/14 Napoleonic Wargames Club Ensign Philippe Divine Anglo-Allied Army 8

Sous-Lieutenant Jim Warren French Army 8 Lieutenant Frank Morehouse French Army 7 Lieutenant Colonel Daniel Armenta Anglo-Allied Army 6 Général de Brigade Andrew Shore French Army 6

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Top Marchers

Minutes Turns

All 2010 2011 2012 2013

All Anglo-Allied Army Austrian Army Dutch Army French Army Prussian Army Russian Army Swedish Army

M arc hers Lieutenant Colonel Hakan Hen French Army 1960 Maréchal d'Empire John Mitchell French Army 1335 Oberst Rustem Riza Prussian Army 625

nwcreport.derwinski.pl/report_turns.php?sid=uGNBUQrujTdSyymH&turn=0&year=3&army=0 1/1 1/5/14 Napoleonic Wargames Club

Armies in battle

Res ults * M ajor M inor M inor M ajor A rmy Draw V ic tory V ic tory Defeat Defeat Anglo-Allied Army 176 46 109 37 177 Austrian Army 45 16 35 23 43 Dutch Army 81 15 37 18 49 French Army 326 96 215 94 377 Prussian Army 57 21 44 32 78 Russian Army 83 15 40 6 37 Swedish Army 1 2 0 2 1

* - only completed battles count here, results are counted for each participant

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Battle activity

All 2010 2011 2012 2013

All Fight Maneuver Tournament Training

Games M onth Regis tered Started C ompleted C anc eled 2013-01 40 42 36 5 2013-02 40 42 34 2 2013-03 35 36 39 0 2013-04 26 25 26 2 2013-05 21 23 23 4 2013-06 24 23 44 22 2013-07 21 17 25 4 2013-08 37 29 15 3 2013-09 30 27 30 9 2013-10 24 23 17 5 2013-11 26 23 16 0 2013-12 34 35 28 3 Total 358 345 333 59

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Battle activity

All 2010 2011 2012 2013

All Fight Maneuver Tournament Training

Games M onth Regis tered Started C ompleted C anc eled 2013-01 40 42 36 5 2013-02 40 42 34 2 2013-03 35 36 39 0 2013-04 26 25 26 2 2013-05 21 23 23 4 2013-06 24 23 44 22 2013-07 21 17 25 4 2013-08 37 29 15 3 2013-09 30 27 30 9 2013-10 24 23 17 5 2013-11 26 23 16 0 2013-12 34 35 28 3 Total 358 345 333 59

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Battle activity

All 2010 2011 2012 2013

All Fight Maneuver Tournament Training

Games M onth Regis tered Started C ompleted C anc eled 2013-01 34 33 22 5 2013-02 34 34 28 2 2013-03 25 26 28 0 2013-04 20 22 16 1 2013-05 18 18 17 3 2013-06 19 19 34 18 2013-07 18 15 19 4 2013-08 32 24 12 3 2013-09 25 23 26 7 2013-10 16 15 12 5 2013-11 21 19 10 0 2013-12 28 29 22 3 Total 290 277 246 51

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Battle activity

All 2010 2011 2012 2013

All Fight Maneuver Tournament Training

Games M onth Regis tered Started C ompleted C anc eled 2013-01 5 5 5 0 2013-02 4 5 0 0 2013-03 3 2 6 0 2013-04 4 1 3 0 2013-05 3 5 2 1 2013-06 5 4 8 3 2013-07 1 2 5 0 2013-08 4 4 2 0 2013-09 5 4 4 0 2013-10 7 7 3 0 2013-11 5 4 4 0 2013-12 6 6 6 0 Total 52 49 48 4

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Battle activity

All 2010 2011 2012 2013

All Fight Maneuver Tournament Training

Games M onth Regis tered Started C ompleted C anc eled 2013-01 0 3 8 0 2013-02 0 1 2 0 2013-03 6 7 5 0 2013-04 2 2 7 1 2013-05 0 0 4 0 2013-06 0 0 2 0 2013-07 0 0 1 0 2013-10 0 0 1 0 2013-11 0 0 1 0 Total 8 13 31 1

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Battle activity

All 2010 2011 2012 2013

All Fight Maneuver Tournament Training

Games M onth Regis tered Started C ompleted C anc eled 2013-01 1 1 1 0 2013-02 2 2 4 0 2013-03 1 1 0 0 2013-06 0 0 0 1 2013-07 2 0 0 0 2013-08 1 1 1 0 2013-09 0 0 0 2 2013-10 1 1 1 0 2013-11 0 0 1 0 Total 8 6 8 3

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Rank summary

Anglo-Allied Army Austrian Army Dutch Army French Army Prussian Army Russian Army Swedish Army

Ranks Rank O ffic ers * Cadet 0 Ensign 6 2nd Lieutenant 6 Lieutenant 2 Captain 2 Major 3 Lieutenant Colonel 3 Colonel 5 Brigadier General 4 Major General 4 Lt. General 1 Field Marshall 5 Total 41

* - only active officers count here

nwcreport.derwinski.pl/report_ranks.php?sid=uGNBUQrujTdSyymH&display=2 1/1 1/5/14 Napoleonic Wargames Club

Rank summary

Anglo-Allied Army Austrian Army Dutch Army French Army Prussian Army Russian Army Swedish Army

Ranks Rank O ffic ers * Kadett 0 Feldwebel 0 Fähnrich 0 Unterleutnant 1 Oberleutnant 1 0 Rittmeister 0 Major 1 Oberstleutnant 1 Oberst 1 Generalfeldwachtmeister 0 Generalmajor 2 Feldmarchalleutnant 0 Feldzeugmeister 3 General der Kavallerie 0 Feldmarschall 2 Total 12

* - only active officers count here

nwcreport.derwinski.pl/report_ranks.php?sid=uGNBUQrujTdSyymH&display=3 1/1 1/5/14 Napoleonic Wargames Club

Rank summary

Anglo-Allied Army Austrian Army Dutch Army French Army Prussian Army Russian Army Swedish Army

Ranks Rank O ffic ers * Cadet 0 Vaandrig 2 2e Luitenant 0 1e Luitenant 0 Kapitein 0 Majoor 0 Luitenant-Colonel 1 Colonel 2 General-Majoor 1 Lt. General 0 General 1 Total 7

* - only active officers count here

nwcreport.derwinski.pl/report_ranks.php?sid=uGNBUQrujTdSyymH&display=6 1/1 1/5/14 Napoleonic Wargames Club

Rank summary

Anglo-Allied Army Austrian Army Dutch Army French Army Prussian Army Russian Army Swedish Army

Ranks Rank O ffic ers * Sous-Lieutenant 5 Lieutenant 22 Capitaine 9 Chef de Bataillon 3 Chef d'Escadron 1 Lieutenant Colonel 16 Colonel 6 Général de Brigade 15 Général de Division 2 Général 15 Maréchal d'Empire 15 Total 109

* - only active officers count here

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Rank summary

Anglo-Allied Army Austrian Army Dutch Army French Army Prussian Army Russian Army Swedish Army

Ranks Rank O ffic ers * Kadet 0 Sekondlieutenant 0 Premierlieutenant 3 Hauptmann 0 Major 0 Oberstlieutnant 0 Oberst 4 Generalmajor 1 Generallieutenant 1 General der Infanterie 4 General der Kavallerie 2 Generalfeldmarschall 0 Total 15

* - only active officers count here

nwcreport.derwinski.pl/report_ranks.php?sid=uGNBUQrujTdSyymH&display=4 1/1 1/5/14 Napoleonic Wargames Club

Rank summary

Anglo-Allied Army Austrian Army Dutch Army French Army Prussian Army Russian Army Swedish Army

Ranks Rank O ffic ers * Praporschik 0 Podporuchik 3 Poruchick 1 Shtabs-Kapitan 1 Kapitan 1 Major 3 Podpolkovnik 2 Polkovnik 0 General-mayor 0 General-leytenant 2 General 1 General-Feldmarshal 2 Generalissimos 0 Total 16

* - only active officers count here

nwcreport.derwinski.pl/report_ranks.php?sid=uGNBUQrujTdSyymH&display=5 1/1 1/5/14 Napoleonic Wargames Club

Rank summary

Anglo-Allied Army Austrian Army Dutch Army French Army Prussian Army Russian Army Swedish Army

Ranks Rank O ffic ers * Kadet 0 Regementsförvaltare 1 Fänrik 0 Löjtnant 0 0 Major 0 Överstelöjtnant 1 Överste 0 Brigadgeneral 0 Generallöjtnant 0 Fältmarskalk 0 General Fältmarskalk 0 Total 2

* - only active officers count here

nwcreport.derwinski.pl/report_ranks.php?sid=uGNBUQrujTdSyymH&display=7 1/1