The Aberree Volume 5: April 1958-March 1959

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The Aberree Volume 5: April 1958-March 1959 APRIL, 1958 taught in school and practice. Recusant Voice oi "The We quote from a recent copy Vol. V, No. 1 Infinites" for Earth, Mars, of ABILITY: Saturn, Pluto, Venus, and "The sole purpose o e k Zydokumsrushehen. SAAP i s the clean-up of psy­ chotherapy in the U.S....Those Published monthly, except for the combined January-February and July- who sign and return the oath August issues, at 207 North Washington, Ehld, Oklahoma, U. S. A. are declared 1 safe1. Those who Mail Address: Postoffice Box S28, Ehld, okla., U.B.A. ignore i t or refuse to sign it Subscription price: $2 a year; $5 for 3 years. Single copies, 254 before witnesses are listed by Second class privilege authorized at Slid, (Mila,, Postoffice the SAAP as 1 potential subver­ Editor: The Rev. Mr. Dr. AU*HIA OMEGA HART, 1-2. D.D., D.Scn., P. Sen., sives1. Those who rail against B. Sen., HDA, HCA, et al ad infinitum ad nauseum. it are listed as subversives1." publisher: ALICE AGNES HART, 1-1, BCA. SEC., WFE.■ H.Kpr. ETC.________ These names, ABILITY adds, are POLICY; Don’t take it so damn’ seriously. The infiniteness of Mm is then to be submitted to gov­ not reduced to a "split infinity’’ by ears, taxes, or "experts" who offer to sell him shat he already has. ernmental contacts for official Sub-Policy—We reserve the right to change our minds from issue to action. One most interested in issue, or even from page to page, if ee desire. th is program, ABILITY declares, Sub-Sub-Policy: Bach nan has the Inherent right to be bis o n and only is vice President Nixon. "A uthority". _____________________________________________ In other words, those re­ Advertising Rates: $1 a column inch, if you get results; double i f you fusing to join the upstart don't. Payable in advance. Copy must be in office 30 days prior "National Academy of American to date of publication. psychology” will be listed as PROM AN OLD F i r s t , there cent gathering of the sheep dangerous to American ideals; ADAGE: “IP was Dianetics— (December Congress! in ffash- drastic action is implied, if YOU CAN’T with its goal of ingtone, announcement was made not threatened outright. BEAT ’EM, a better bridge of the formation of the "Na­ Anyway, you can s e e where JINE 'EM” that would lead tional Academy of American that puts us. we’ll not ignore man into a mater­ Psychology” . This has been i t —any more than we’d ignore ial utopia, and cure the at- hinted at for years, but to any other threat to American least 70 percent of his ail­ those familiar with this ISIB- liberty. But we do refuse to ments that are considered psy­ DTA’s modus operandi, many knew sign any meaningless “ oath" , chosomatic. Thousands read the that these tongue-in-cheek or pay S80 for some super­ book, with enthusiasm and hope. threats were more than mere board of “expert^’ in Washing- Hundreds tried the techniques , window dressing to make a lec­ tone to pass on our fitness to or took the training and/or ture more spicy and interest­ consider or do anything about treatments—with varying suc­ ing. Psychology is asinine; those who might come to us for cess. psychiatrists are morons and mental help or advice. But Dianetics died an of­ mental misfits - - therefore , Which , according to NAAP , ficial death when Scientology give them a taste of their own classifies us as "subversive” was offered as a substitute a medicine. With a scalpel and —at least on the NAAP list. couple years or so later. The ice pick, deal their loose or­ And that makes us even. On pa­ “better bridge” became a “toll ganizations a prefrontal lo- per, that is. bridge” ; helping the ailing botomy — which is , actually , became an unimportant by-prod­ the specified aim of the NAAP . PREACHERS AID According to uct of "making the able more There is no quarrel with DEVIL IN PLOT St. Matthew, the able” . And the results have any attempt to sell the ideas AGAINST JESUS Devil offered been disputable. Many feel of Dianetics and Scientology Christ all the that the word "Scientology” is to psychologists and psychia­ kingdoms of the world, but was a synonym for "invalidation”— trists . Undoubtedly, these turned don. invalidation of Dianetics, in­ medical practitioners special­ But was Satan discouraged? validation of all who bought izing in mental i lls could Frustrated? Defeated? Did he the original goal of building profit from an exploration of not accomplish his foul pur­ a better bridge and helping ideas and methods n o t remem­ pose by enlisting a few mil­ those psychosomatically ill , bered from their musty text­ lion (more or less! religious and invalidation of the body books. And i t ’s, quite possible leaders to accomplish his goal? itself. The aim of Scientology that many of these P ’s and P ’s Christ wanted not the world. (in addition to its alleged are so narrow-gauged that you "It is written. Thou shalt making of the able more ablet couldn’t introduce them to a worship the Lord thy God, and has been to get its adherents new idea with a crowbar. Him only shalt thou serve,” He three feet behind th eir heads But we do seriously ques­ said. And went happily on His and from th is precarious po­ tion the methods adopted for way thinking He had disposed sition , play a roundelay of the NAAP to force enlistment. of the matter. childhood games, such as “touch For a "science/’ originally of­ Today, i t ’s "all the world a spot” for endless hours, fered to introduce freedom of for Jesus/’, i f Christ had wan­ "give me your hand” (and pock- thought and action into the ted i t that way, He could have etbook?! for other uncounted scene, the SAAP is, by its own taken it 2,000 years ago, periods, and yell "Hello, Ma­ admission , the antithesis of without having i t handed Him ma” at the top of their voices freedom, liberty, and enlight­ thru so many of Satan’s inter­ like a hog-caller practicing enment. It is an attempt to mediaries . for international competition. force its will and ways upon Of course, all we know of Now, however, there are an accepted segment of pro­ this "temptation of Jesus” is rumblings that Phase Three is fessionalism th at has not what we’ve read in the Bible, developing — that Scientology bowed down in obeisance to and what the preachers them­ its e lf is about to join the radical invalidation of almost selves insist happened just as Dianetic graveyard. At the re­ everything they have been St. Matthew said it did. The ABERREE Creed— r/ God is All, then All is God, so what is there to fear? Live each day === = — with a mind so open that after so-called death, we will be able to ad- ju st to whatever conditions we nay find, unchained by the hypotheses of physical authorities. aits a o / < 2 oor a s Christ’s Betrayer, Instead of Being the "Dirty Rat" Preachers Call Him, Was Merely Carrying Out His Destiny by Being Scapegoat of Humanity By RUTH YERKS BRIGHT SUN crossed th is Sunday morn­ and color — and in every strata of soci­ ing's horizon, and as the year ety. How many of you reading this articlf spins on its axis toward Easter, have not at some time or another felt A1 one is inclined to return to thejustified in hurting another's feelings womb of his religion — and go to church. because you believed that thru their This morning's service found one weather­ actions they merited it — and you, oh beaten heretic sitting in the pews with sweet angel, were just the one to rectify the saved, listening to the preacher give the situation? with his holy advice, which was quite I thought how wonderful i t would be if good, incidentally. It set my feeble fac­ just once, some preacher would come to ulties to thinking. his pulpit at Easter time, and instead of The sermon was a comparison of Judas condemnation, o ffe r a prayer of compas­ Iscariot with Mary of Bethany — the sel­ sion and understanding for the soul of fish son of a so-and-so versus the un­ Judas Iscariot? Not upholding his foul selfish virtuous woman — in a drama which deed, so much as to understand the un­ took place some 2,000 years ago. Then the pleasant task he had to perform in his preacher went into the usual Lenten song lifetim e? Supposing i t were you, who were and dance about what a dirty rat Judas destined to betray the Son of God? Accord­ was, etc. I got to thinking—why doesn't ing to Christian theology, you'd fry for someone, just once, come to Judas's de­ this for an eternity—but if it were pre­ fense without, of course, upholding his ordained that Judas was selected to per­ d irty deed— because we a l l do commit form this miserable deed, is it not possi­ them, you know. ble that he would have to love his master The preacher went on to say Judas did­ very much to perform such a task? To be­ n’t even ask forgiveness for his sin of come the scapegoat of humanity? Christ; that his only remorse was shown in If I ever see the gates of heaven—and committing suicide — which to my thwarted it is very doubtful—even now Judas might way of thinking appeared to be a lot of be sitting at the feet of his master, remorse .
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