Lcrg4uautur Arnwmbly Would It Take to Complete the Respective Tasks Mentioned in No
[ABSEM3BLY.1 (2) If funds were available, how long LCrg4uautur Arnwmbly would it take to complete the respective tasks mentioned in No. (1) (a), (b) and Wednesday. 16th October, 1957. (c) ? CONTENTS. (3) If the respective tasks set out in No. Page (1) (a), (b) and (c) were completed, what Questions : Education, (a) overtaking class- would be the effect on- room shortage, etc. ... 28.0M (b) Moors State school, accommoda- (a) teacher requirements under each tion, etc. 2281 heading; Traffic, drunken driving charges 2281 (b) annual education costs under Road reserves, statutory authority to each heading? destroy trees _ ... .. -2281 The MINISTER replied;, Main Roads Department, work on assisted roads .... 2281 (1) if the hon. member means the pro- First aid, inclusion in teachers' course,. 2282 vision of proper classrooms to replace Area adjacent to Parliament House, temporary accommodation in use at the details, ownership and future use ...2282 present moment such as hired halls, cloak 'State rental homes, effect of pension rooms, staff rooms, etc., and for which Increases on pensioners' rents ...2282 replacement no financial allocation has Railways, (a) closure of Bridge-t. book- been made in the current financial year, ing office ........ ......... 2282 the answers would be-- (b) inspection of sleepers at mill ...2282 (a) Prlmary-ElO.250. North-West grazing, survey of potenti- (b) Secondary-Nil. alities .... .. .. .. .. 2282 Weights and measures, alternative This does not take into account the ad- arrangements re scales for countr ditional rooms necessary to accommodate traders .. .. 2283.. the increased enrolment expected in Feb- Native welfare, departmental visits to ruary, 1958-4,150 in primary schools and Warburton mission ..
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