Directories Lists ! Necrology

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Directories Lists ! Necrology DIRECTORIES LISTS ! NECROLOGY * * < •!• »!• •!< •!• •!• •!• •!• •!• »!• * -H»M"> • » » * »>I-H' 'I- •!< -I- 'I- •!• Hfc»Ml** List of Abbreviations AAJE . American Association for educ education, educator Jewish Education educl educational acad. academy Eng English, England act. active, acting estab established ADL Anti-Defamation League exec executive admin. administrative, administration adv advisory fd fund ami. affiliated f dn foundation agr agriculture f dr founder agric agriculturist, agricultural fed federation AJ Congress .. American Jewish Congress for foreign AJYB AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK Am. America, American amb ambassador gen general apptd. appointed Ger German assoc associate, association, associated gov governor, governing asst. assistant govt government atty attorney au. author Heb Hebrew hist. historical, history hon honorary b born hosp hospital bd. board HUC-JIR Hebrew Union College- Bib Bible Jewish Institute of Religion bibliog bibliography, bibliographer Hung Hungarian Bklyn. Brooklyn BUT Bureau ILGWU International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union Can. Canada incl including CCAR Central Conference of ind independent American Rabbis inst institute chairman instn institution CJFWT Council of Jewish Federations instr instructor and Welfare Funds internat international CJMCAG . Conference on Jewish Material Ital Italian Claims Against Germany colL collector, collective, college JDA Joint Defense Appeal Colo Colorado JDC American Jewish Joint Distribu- com. committee tion Committee comdr commander JNF Jewish National Fund comm commission JPA Joint Palestine Appeal commr commissioner TT A Jewish Telegraphic Agency comp composer, composed JTS Jewish Theological Seminary of cond. conductor America conf conference TWB National Jewish Welfare Board cong congress, congregation JWV Jewish War Veterans of America constr construction, constructed contrib contributor lang language corr correspondent leg legal, legislation lit literature, literary d. died mag magazine dem democrat med medical dept. department mem member dir. director metrop metropolitan dist. district mfr manufacture, manufacturer div division mng managing mngr manager econ economic, economist ms manuscript ed. editor edit edited nat national editl editorial NCCJ National Conference of edn edition Christians and Jews 391 392 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK NCRAC National Community Relations techr teacher Advisory Council theol theological N.Y.C New York City tr translator, translated off. office, officer trav travel, traveler org organized, organizers treas treasurer orgn organization UAHC Union of American ORT Organization for Rehabilitation Hebrew Congregations Through Training UAR United Arab Republic OSE Oeuyre de Secours aux Enfants UHS United HI AS Service Israelites UIA United Israel Appeal UJ A United Jewish Appeal Pal Palestine UN United Nations phar pharmacist, pharmaceutical UNESCO United Nations Educational, Sci- phys physician entific and Cultural Organization pres president univ university prin • .principal UNRWA United Nations Relief and Works prod producer, production, producing Agency for Palestine Refugees prof professor UOJC Union of Orthodox Jewish Con- pseud pseudonym gregations of America pub publish, publication, publisher UPA United Palestine Appeal USO United Service Organizations, rabb rabbinate, rabbinical Inc. RCA Rabbinical Council of America reed received vol volume rel religion, religious reorg reorganize v.pres vice president rep representative west western ret ..retired WIZO Women's International Zionist Rum Rumania Organization Rus^ Russian WJC World Jewish Congress RZA Religious Zionists of America WZO World Zionist Organization SCA Synagogue Council of America Yid Yiddish sch school YIVO YIVO Institute for Jewish sci scientific Research sec . secretary YMHA Young Men's Hebrew sect section Association sem ..seminary yrs years soc society V \VHA Young Women's Hebrew Sp Spanish Association spec special, specialist subj subject Zion Zionist supt superintendent ZOA Zionist Organization of America * * •> •!' * •!• •:• •» •:• •:• >t> >v •:• •:• •:• National Jewish Organizations1 UNITED STATES COMMUNITY RELATIONS, St., N. Y. C, 28. Pres. Mrs. Thelma Rich- POLITICAL man; Exec. Dir. Mrs. Betty Weir Alder- son. Committed to the preservation and extension of the democratic way of life, AMERICAN COUNCIL FOR JUDAISM, INC and the unity and creative survival of the (1943). 201 E. 57 St., N. Y. C, 22. Pres. Jewish people throughout the world. Clarence L. Coleman Jr.; Exec. V. Pres. ANTI-DEFAMATION LEAGUB OF B'NAI B'RITH Elmer Berger. Seeks to advance the uni- (1913). 515 Madison Ave., N. Y. C, 22. versal _ principles of a Judaism free of na- Nat. Chmn. Henry E. Schultz; Nat. Dir. tionalism, and the national, civic, cultural, Benjamin R. Epstein. Seeks to eliminate and social integration into American insti- defamation of Jews, counteract un-Ameri- tutions of Americans of Jewish faith. Brief; can and antidemocratic propaganda, and Education in Judaism; Growing Up; Issues. promote better group relations. ADL Bul- AMERICAN JEWISH COMMITTEB (1906). In- letin; ADL Christian Friends' Bulletin; stitute of Human Relations, 165 E. 56 St., ADL Research Reports; Facts; Rights; Free- N. Y. C, 22. Pres. Herbert B. Ehrmann; dom Pamphlets; One Nation Pamphlets. Exec. V. Pres. John Slawson. Seeks to pre- vent infraction of the civil and religious ASSOCIATION OF JEWISH COMMUNITY RELA- rights of Jews in any part of the world and TIONS WORKERS (1950). 31 Union Sq. to secure equality of economic, social, and W., N. Y. C, 3. Pres. Sidney Z. Vincent; educational opportunity through education Sec. Ben Winitt. Aims to encourage co- and civic action. Seeks to broaden under- operation between Jewish community rela- standing of the basic nature of prejudice tions workers and communal workers; to and to improve techniques for combating it. encourage among Jewish community rela- Promotes a philosophy of Jewish integra- tions workers the fullest possible under- tion by projecting a balanced view with standing of Jewish life and values. Com- respect to full participation in American munity Relations Papers. life and retention of Jewish identity. AMER- CONSULTATIVE COUNCIL OF JEWISH OR- ICAN JBWISH YEAR BOOK (with Jewish GANIZATIONS—CCJO (1946). 61 Broad- Publication Society of America); Com- way, N. Y. C, 6. Hon. Chmn. Rene Cassin mentary; Committee Reporter; Proceedings (Alliance Israelite Universelle); Co-Chmn. of Annual Meeting. Jules Braunschvig (Alliance Israelite Uni- AMERICAN JEWISH CONGRESS (1917; reorg. verselle), Herbert B. Ehrmann (American 1922, 1938). Stephen Wise Congress Jewish Committee), Robert N. Carvalho House, 15 E. 84 St., N. Y. C, 28. Pres. (Anglo-Jewish Association); Sec-Gen. Joachim Prinz; Act. Exec. Dir. Will Mas- Moses Moskowitz. Cooperates and consults low. Seeks to protect the rights of Jews in with, advises and renders assistance to the all lands; to strengthen the bonds between Economic and Social Council of the United American Jewry and Israel; to promote the Nations on all problems relating to human democratic organization of Jewish com- rights and economic, social, cultural, edu- munal life in the United States, to foster cational, and related matters pertaining to the affirmation of Jewish religious, cultural, Jews. and historic identity, and to contribute to COORDINATING BOARD OF JEWISH ORGANI- the preservation and extension of the demo- ZATIONS (1947). 1640 Rhode Island Ave., cratic way of life. Congress Bi-Weekly; N. W., Washington 6, D. C. Co-Chmn. Folk un Veil; Judaism; Program Notes and Label A. Katz (B'nai B'rith), Barnett Jan- Leads. ner (Board of Deputies of British Jews), , WOMEN'S DIVISION OF (1933). Edel J. Horwitz (South African Jewish Stephen Wise Congress House, 15 E. 84 Board of Deputies); Sees. Gen. Maurice 1 Includes national Jewish organizations in existence for at least one year prior to June 30, 1960, based on replies to questionnaires circulated by the editors. Inclusion in this list does not necessarily imply approval of the organizations by the publishers, nor can they assume responsi- bility for the accuracy of the data. An asterisk (*) indicates that no reply was received and that the information, which includes title of organization, year of founding, and address, is re- printed from AJYB, 1960 (Vol. 61). 393 394 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK Bisgyer (U.S.), A. G. Brotman (U.K.), to combat bigotry and defamation of Jews; J. M. Rich (S.A.). As an organization in to encourage the doctrine of universal lib- consultative status with the Economic and erty, equal rights, and full justice to all Social Council of the United Nations, rep- men; to cooperate with and support exist- resents the three constituents (B'nai B'ritb, ing educational institutions and establish the Board of Deputies of British Jews, and new ones; to foster the education of ex- the South African Jewish Board of Depu- servicemen, ex-servicewomen, and members ties) in the appropriate United Nations in the ideals and principles of American- bodies with respect to advancing and pro- ism. Headquarters Newsletter; Jewish tecting the status, rights, and interests of Veteran, Jews as well as related matters bearing JOINT DEFENSE APPEAL OF THE AMERICAN upon the human rights of peoples. JEWISH COMMITTEB AND ANTI-DEFAMA- INTERNATIONAL JEWISH LABOR BUND (In- TION LEAGUE OF B'NAI B'RITH (1941). corporating WORLD COORDINATING COM- 300 W. 43 St., N. Y. C, 36. Nat. Exec. MITTEE OF THE BUND) (1897; re-org. Dir. Abner J. Kupperman. Fund-raising 1947). 25 E. 78 St.,
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