A Publication of the Dutchess County Offi ce for the Aging

October Nutrition News 2020 smoke points (fl axseed or ) work well in dressing and dips. All About Can I Re-Use ?

Sometimes. Whatever you do with oil after Many online and social media sources claim that with it, wait for it to cool. Some oils used "industrial" or “refi ned" plant oils are harmful to for can be re-used once or twice, if strained health. The truth is more complicated than that. through cheesecloth into a clean container to remove particles of food. Considerable research indicates many clear benefi ts, not harms, of plant oils. Plant oils are Discard if it starts to smoke. It’s lost made by extracting the found in fruits (such some of its nutritional value and could impart a as olives and ), (like canola, bitter, unpleasant taste to food. Heat and light will saffl ower, fl axseed and ), nuts (like eventually damage most oils, causing them to lose and ), legumes (like ) and . vegetable (like ). Store oil in a cool, dark place, and replace it if How They’re Made it smells bitter or “off ”. Some oils – particularly polyunsaturated oils such as grapeseed or walnut Several processes are used to refi ne, bleach oil – may turn rancid faster than other oils. Store and deodorize oils to create the consistent, mild- these oils in the refrigerator to prolong their tasting products to which we are accustomed. usability and use within a year to avoid rancidity. Most of the major studies that demonstrate the health benefi ts of plant oils have used the refi ned When it comes time to dispose of old cooking oil, versions commonly available in supermarkets. DON’T try dumping it down the sink or toilet where The bottom line: refi ned oils are a perfectly good it can clog pipes. Small amounts of cooled oil can choice, but there’s no harm in looking for more be soaked up with paper towels and dumped into minimally processed options. In that case, look the trash. For larger amounts, keep an old glass for those labelled raw, cold pressed, virgin, extra jar handy, pour the cooled oil into it, close the lid virgin or pure. Unrefi ned oils usually have higher and dispose of it that way. levels of , which may provide additional health benefi ts. Plant oils are a rich source of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids, and can often be To Fry, Sauté...Or Something Else used in place of saturated fats like , or , and . Heart-healthy plant oils may When it comes to cooking, some oils can handle help reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke the heat better than others. An oil’s “smoke by improving related risk factors such as blood point” is the temperature at which it starts to , blood pressure and infl ammation. break down. Oils with high smoke points (such as vegetable, and sesame) are good for Turn the page for examples of common oils you frying or high heat stir-frying, while oils with low can use in food preparation.

Dutchess County O ce for the Aging • 114 Delafi eld St., Poughkeepsie NY 12601 (845) 486-2555 • toll free (866) 486-2555 • www.dutchessny.gov/aging

Todd N. Tancredi Nimesh Bhargava, MS, RD, CDN Marcus J. Molinaro Director, Offi ce for the Aging Nutrition Services Coordinator County Executive PAGE 2 Nutrition News | October 2020 | www.dutchessny.gov/aging

Peanut Oil: Is a common monounsturated All About Oils (continued) and contains E. This oil is often used in because of its high , while Oil: Is a heart-nourishing choice. With a its distinctive fl avor helps it shine in stir-fries and high smoke point, is ideal for sautéing ginger dressing. and frying fi sh or chicken, but it also is a beautiful fi nishing oil and a fl avorful base for salad dressing. : Sesame oil is rich in mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Is typically used in : is high in monounsaturated fatty acids, Asian cuisines and has a sweet, nutty fl avor. which may help reduce the risk of heart disease. Toasted sesame oil has a more intense fl avor Extra-virgin olive oil has less acid, a fruitier fl avor and aroma. Drizzle it over an Asian cabbage slaw and stronger aroma than pure or virgin olive oil. with a sprinkle of black sesame seeds. Olive oil labelled as “light” is often lighter in hue or fl avor, but not lighter in calories. Use olive oil in : Often or a blend of dressings, sautés, cakes, for dipping, and to fry soybean and other oils, vegetable oil contains vegetables and meat. primarily polyunsaturated fats and considerable monounsaturated and . With a neutral : Made from dried and cold pressed fl avor and good heat tolerance, this all-purpose oil nuts, walnut oil has a high concentration of alpha- is best used in and sautéing. linolenic acid that partially converts to omega-3s, which support heart health. Walnut oil doesn’t : Low in saturated fat, high in mono- stand up to a high heat, so its rich, nutty fl avor is and polyunsaturated fats, including omega-3s, best used as a dressing or fl avor enhancer rather canola oil has a light fl avor that makes it a versatile than for cooking. Store this oil in the refrigerator. ingredient. You can replace solid fats like butter or with canola oil when cooking or baking. Flaxseed Oil: With omega-6 and omega-9 Canola oil works well for sautéing and stir-frying, essential fatty acids, heart-healthy fl axseed oil is and for coating pots, pans and grills to prevent often cited as a vegetarian alternative to fi sh oil. sticking. Flaxseed oil has a low smoke point, so it's not ideal for cooking. Instead, enjoy a drizzle over : An all-purpose cooking oil with quinoa or combine it with and vinegar to a mild fl avor and aroma, corn oil is high in make a salad dressing. polyunsaturated fatty acids. Corn oil is ideal for baking, sautéing or stir-frying. Use it to Grapeseed Oil: Extracted from seeds, create fl avorful Southwestern soups, or a by-product of winemaking. This oil is rich in quesadillas. polyunsaturated fatty acids, which lowers total cholesterol. Grapeseed oil has a moderately high : A saturated fat extracted from the smoke point, which makes it great for sautés and fruit of mature coconuts. Virgin coconut oil is frying. It can also be used in dressings and dips high in , a medium-chain . for vegetables. Preliminary studies show that this acid may have a neutral or benefi cial eff ect on cholesterol Sunfl ower Oil: Are high in polyunsaturated fatty levels. Coconut oil has a sweet fl avor and is acids (specifi cally ), high oleic versions often substituted for or butter in vegan are signifi cantly higher in monounsaturated fats. recipes. It imparts a tropical fl avor to vegetables, Unrefi ned sunfl ower oil breaks down at high curry dishes and fi sh. temperatures; use it for dressings or as a fi nishing oil. Refi ned sunfl ower oil has a higher smoke point Happy eating! and neutral fl avor, making it ideal for high-heat cooking such as baking, frying or sautéing.