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6-6-1932 The inonW an Winona State Teachers' College

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Vol.. XIII WINONA, MINNESOTA, JUNE 6, 1932 No. 11 John Dewey Club Summer School Session School Year Closed Now Organized Program Now Complete By Commencement

Concert Course Is Excep- Dr. Charles W. Gilkey Again Obtain- Creates Honorary ed for Graduation Address Education Club tionally Fine Activities for Commencement At a dinner meeting of the Elaborate plans are now under Week at the Winona State John Dewey Club, newly organ- construction and are nearly Teachers College will be held ized educational fraternity at completed for the annual sum- from June 3 to 7. the Teachers College, Miss The- mer school session which is held The Phelps School Promotion da Gildemeister and President at the Winona State Teachers exercises took place at the Guy E. Maxwell were installed College. college auditorijum on Friday, as V honorary members Thurs- An excellent variety of cours- June 3, at 8 o'clock. Twenty- day evening, June 2. es and many subjects for each seven pupils were promoted The club, an outgrowth of the course will be offered during the to the senior high school. A plans of the Representative six weeks of study this summer. program of several musical num- Council, has as its purpose the Each student may select only bers followed by a short pageant consecration to the highest edu- one or two subjects, thereby "Growth of the Nation" took cational service ; and aims to concentrating his entire effort on place. Following the exercises foster fellowship, scholarship, his' particular subjective selec- at the auditorium there was and achievement in educational Dr. Roy S. Tozier, Iowa tion. an exhibition of some phases of work. New Chemistry, Physics the school work in the corridor Membership in the club is of Appointed Director of A teaching staff of twenty-six, Instructor Appointed of the junior high school depart- two kinds, active and honorary. Secondary Training including two librarians, has ment. Active members are elected on been employed for the summer For Next College Year Before the Baccalaureate ser- the basis of scholarship, moral By readjusting expenditures, quarter, which will last from Laboratory equipment in phy- mon on Sunday evening, June 5, character, educational ideals, and the College Board has just creat- June thirteenth until July twen- sics is to be installed in the Col- the degree graduates were en- wholesome attitude. Participa- ed for Winona a new faculty ty second. lege during the coming summer tertained at a supper at Shepard tion in extra-curricular activit- position for next September. It The session will open on Mon- under the direction of Dr. Nels Hall. ies is also a requirement for is to be known as the director- day morning, June 13, at eight Minne , July appointed instruc- The Reverend Frederick Eliot, membership. Only students in ship of secondary training. For o'clock, registration at the offices tor in chemistry and physics, minister of the Unity Church, the junior and senior classes this work the Board has secured in the College Hall continuing succeeding Dr. Inez Mattison, at St. Paul delivered the Bac- who rank in the upper twenty- and appointed Dr. Roy S. Tozier throughout the forenoon. All resigned. For the reason that calaureate sermon at the college five percent of their group scho- of the University of Iowa. The students are required to enroll courses in physics will be new auditorium on Sunday evening, lastically and who have rendered rapid increase in the number of at the time unless admitted to the college, due to former in- June 5, at 8 o'clock. "The Pow- outstanding service in every re- students preparing for high- later by special prearrangement. ability to restore the equipment er of Positive Convictions" was spect are eligible for member- school teaching has led to this A charge of $4.50 is made lost in the fire, the work will Rev. Eliot's topic. ship. Honorary members, not new service. against each student of the not be established until the be- The Annual Alumni Reunion to exceed four in any one calen- It was in 1926 when the first summer session, to cover two ginning of the winter quarter. Dinner takes place at Morey Hall der year, may be elected to the degree class of four students general items. Of this amount, This delay will afford ample op- on Monday evening at 5 o'clock. club. Miss Gildemeister and was graduated. Since that time $2.50 is registration fee, and portunity for former students, All graduates of the two-year President Maxwell are the first the numbers in the annual de- meets also the expense of text as well as new students, to plan course, and the four-year course persons to be so honored. gree class have been as fol- books, supplementary texts, and for majors in the field of science are guests at this dinner. The active membership for the lows : seven, twelve, twenty-two, test paper. The other portion and to begin work in physics. A Polar theme has been cho- present year consists of the fol- twelve, twenty, with forty-eight —the activity fee of $2.00—is Additional courses in this field sen for the Class-Night program, lowing persons : Calvin Barkow, for 1932. Of the forty-eight required of each student to cover will be available for the year "Arctic Antics," to be given on Winona ; Edna Fifield, Winona ; members of the current degree the charges for all general ac- 1933-34. Monday evening at 7:30. Fol- Elfrieda Franzmann, Stillwater ; class, over half have pursued tivities of the institution, in- Dr. Minne is a graduate of Cont. on page 4 col. 5 Luella Giese, Dover ; Mrs. Lillie courses in the College which pre- cluding admission to lectures, St. Olaf College, class of 1924. Gustafson, Winona ; Eleanor pare for high school. concerts, and other entertain- Both his master's degree (1930) (Cont. P. 4, Col. 3) The new certificate law of ments. and his doctor's degree (1932) Winonan Staff 1932-33 1929 giving the teachers col- In addition to the scholastic were secured in the University Is Near Completion leges the right to prepare teach- program outlined for the sum- of Wisconsin. His teaching ex- New Band Director ers for high schools, largely ac- mer session, several entertain- perience in the fields of science counts for the demand for sec- and mathematics was secured In accordance with the proce- Secured for Next Year ondary school courses and leads ments will be featured. On June 15 Mr. Wheeler of the Depart- in the high schools at Erskine dure of the Winonan staff the to the separation of the element- and Staples, Minnesota, and Winonan has elected its staff for The band is closing a success- ary work and high-school work. ment of Conservation will speak. ful year under the instruction South Bend, Indiana. In addi- the school year 1932-1933. The Director Charles L. Simmers One of the most outstanding tion he taught these subjects managing editor will be La Rue first of Mr. Donald Karow, and will continue in charge of the programs will be that of the after his graduation in March, for four years as a member of Jensen. Mr. Jensen who is a elementary field, including the violinist, Jane Dudley. Miss Dud- the faculty of St. Olaf College. student in the college is the under instruction of Mr. Vincent junior -high school, releasing the ley is an accomplished violinist, Kling. Their recital at Assem- Dr. Minne, while at college, teacher of Journalism at the col- secondary work which he has and her technique is appreciated maintained an interest in public lege and has had much experi- bly on May 27, was very pleas- heretofore carried. throughout the music world. ing. The following selections speaking, was a member of the ence in the field. The editor-in- Dr. Tozier completed his un- The annual Teachers College college debate teams, and is a chief will be Elfrieda Franz- were capably played : King Cot- dergraduate work at Park Col- excursion will be held Thursday, ton, a march, Determination, member of Pi Kappa Delta, hon- mann, a third year student of lege in Missouri, his master's June 23 on the steamer Capitol. onary forensic society. outstanding literary ability. The Princess of India, and at the work in the University of Illin- close of the program, the march Miss Anderson, supervisor of position of assistant editor will ois, and he has just received his visual education in the Chicago Annual Spring Festival be filled by Marjorie Allen, a was repeated. doctorate at Iowa City. Be- Announcement was made last public schools, will speak at the Given by Kindergarten freshman who has acted as as- sides six years of teaching in college auditorium on Friday, sistant editor and editor of her Tuesday morning that a new college and university, Dr. To- band director had been secured June 24. Miss Anderson broad- Amid spring surroundings of high school paper. Francis zier has been department head casts once each month over the flowers and green branches in Hand, with high school exper- for next year by the election of or principal in Illinois high Mr. Adolph Gullickson, music radio station WMAQ. the library gymnasium, a pro- ience, will be feature editor. Ar- schools for six years, including cessional made up of kindergar- thur Tait, men's sport editor of supervisor at the present time four years at Champaign, and On July 5 Rabbi From of the in the public schools at Garrison, Jewish Chautauqua Society will ten freshmen and children with the Winonan for two years and will bring to the College a fine their flower wands and wreaths assistant editor of the 1932 We- North Dakota. Mr. Gullickson added service. lecture. has had twelve years' experience opened the annual Spring Festi- nonah, will again be men's sport val given by the Kindergarten editor. John Saari, with city in directing bands. A year ago newspaper experience and a his band at Garrison won the COMMENCEMENT WEEK PROGRAM department May 20 at 10:30 a. m. An audience of parents and year's sport writing for the Wi- first place among nine schools Phelps School Promotion Friday, 8:00 P. M. in the county music contest, and Teachers College students nonan, will be Mr. Tait's assist- Senior Supper, Shepard Hall Sunday, 6:00 P. M. watched and heard the airy ex- ant. Esther Steffes, this year's his band has just won a similar Sunday, 8:00 P. M. assistant women's sport editor, honor for the current year. Mr. Baccalaureate Sermon ercises celebrating spring. The Reverend Frederick Eliot The program consisted of will be women's sport editor. Gullickson visited the college on The alumni editor will be chosen Tuesday, inquired into the con- Minister, Unity Church, St. Paul rhythmic expression with the ditions and is planning to return kindergarten children interpret- by the college office. Alumni Reunion and Dinner, ing raindrops, robins, sunbeams, The following people are being in late August for the purpose Morey Hall Monday, 5:00 P. M. and different flowers ; of spring considered for the business staff : of arranging details. Monday, 8:15 P. M. It was suggested at assembly Class Night songs ; numbers by the kinder- Hiram Griffith, Cecil Gronvall, Annual Commencement Tuesday, 10 :00 A. M. ga r ten band; playground Bernard Boland, Alyce Neihart, that it would be altogether fine and Janet Bierce. if the students of the college Dr. Charles W. Gilkey games ; and two maypole dances, Dean of the Chapel, University of Chicago. the first by the children and the The positions of assistants would provide in some practical and reporters are being held way for uniforming next year's Annual Meeting, Alumni Society ....Tuesday, 2:00 P. M. second, an Old English type, by the kindergarten freshmen. open. band.


THE WINONAN Alumni Notes

PUBLISHED FORTNIGHTLY BY THE STUDENTS OF WINONA STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE Mrs. H. R. Flint, formerly AT WINONA, MINNESOTA Anna E. Confield of the class of '08, visited the college re- MONDAY, JUNE 6, 1932 cently. She now resides in Mis- soula. She would be glad to hear Managing Editor from her classmates. Helen Hammond * * Editor-in-Chief Frances Peake Associate Editor Helen Wyman Ethan R. Steffensrud '23, Feature Editor Robert Griffith now a ward principal at Chis- Men's Sport Editor Arthusr Tait holm, having completed his de- Ass't. Men's Sport Editors. Tom Mullen, John Saar gree at the University of Min- Women's Sport Editor Lucille Krage nesota, presided at the James P. Alumni Editor Joseph Voorhees Vaughn Twenty-fifth Anniver- ASSISTANTS sary held at Chisholm on May Margaret Bottomley, Constance Christopher, Doris Engle, Ruth Gibson, Caroleen fifth. There are twelve gradu- Goetting, Ray Happe, Harold Johnson, Isfold ,Josefson, Charlotte Marshall, Marjorie ates of Winona teaching in the Selle, Verona Spillman, Esther Steffes, Constance Sunde, Elfrieda Franzman, Celeste schools at Chisholm. Burke, Bernice Meshke. * * BUSINESS STAFF Mrs. John Teff, Ruby Glas- Business Manager Henry Southworth DR. JEAN BRADY JONES STANLEY J. PAWELEK sell, of the class of '22, died Ass't. Business Manager Bernard Boland Dr. Jean Brady Jones, suc- April sixteenth. Mrs. Teff was Mr. Stanley J. Pawelek, a interested in club work and Circulation Manager Luella Schildknecht ceeding Miss Ruth Beth Watts, newly appointed man for work resigned, in the field of public played an active part in dra- STAFF TYPISTS in industrial arts, holds a diplo- matics in Austin. Hazel Fort Helen Skrock Paula Mathiae Meta Carroll speaking, is a graduate of Huron ma of the Oshkosh, Wisconsin, College, South Dakota, has been State Teachers College, earned President M. H. Manuel of the a student of Chicago and North- in 1923 ; his bachelor's degree at Mail subscriptions $1.00 per school year or 50c per term. western universities, secured her Marquette Bank, Minneapolis, the University of Minnesota presided at the Alumni Dinner Alumni Society Membership includes subscription. master's degree in Boston Uni- earned in 1931 ; and is about to Entered as second class matter, Winona, Minnesota. versity in 1926, and her doctor- on Monday evening, June 6, in complete the requirements for honor of the new graduates who ate in the University of Iowa the master's degree, also at the were guests. \Vinonan Aims: in 1930. Dr. Jones has served University of Minnesota. His To develop a stronger bond between teachers and students. on the faculty of several insti- teaching experience has covered The annual meeting of the To keep the members of the Alumni Society in touch with school affairs. tutions, including Cedar Falls five years at Mantorville, two To stimulate interest in teaching as a profession. Alumni Society is set for 2 p. m., Teachers College, and is at pre- years at Farmington, and three June 7. sent a member of the faculty of years at Shakopee. Mr. Pawe- Illinois Women's College, of lek has assisted in athletics in Voting is in progress in the Mac Murray College, formerly the three high schools in which Alumni Society for president, Jacksonville, Illinois, where she he has been engaged as a teach- vice-president, and two direc- is completing her third year. Dr. er. Mrs. Pawelek is a musician. tors. Members who cannot at- Jones will be accompanied by tend the annual meeting are her mother and by a seven year UNDERBIDDING were renewed when the alumni privileged to vote by mail. The old daughter. of Winona Teachers College, president and the vice-president Probably the greatest detriment of direct concern to the who now hold teaching posi- of the Society are ex-officio teaching profession that has evolved from the depression is the tions, returned to the city for members of the Board of degrading system of Underbidding. The better teachers are be- RESUME OF THE the sessions of the Southeastern Trustees. ing forced to give up their positions because of the vast number division of the Minnesota Ed- of uneducated boards of education resorting to the employing of YEAR'S EVENTS ucation Association, October cheaper and less qualified teachers. For the benefit gained in less 15-16-17. The program includ- Exchange expenditure of public school funds, the better education of youth A new form of government, ed talks by prominent speakers is sacrificed. Instead of building and developing our social classes, the Winona State Teachers in the educational field, depart- the classes themselves are deteriorating by retreating from This question on student as- College Cooperative Association mental round table discussions, semblies seems to be coming up higher and better standards of education and society. It is a plain was organized this y ea r. annual men's banquet and an- case of "cutting off one's nose to spite one's face." In many cases in many colleges throughout the Through this government plan nual women's banquet, concerts, entire nation. There must be a little more money would keep the better teacher in the teach- the college believes that in and a Little Theatre dramatic ing profession instead of being forced into a profession or voca- a general feeling of unrest working together on common production. sweeping through student bod- tion, of which, he knows nothing, therein again lowering the stand- problems, faculty and students * * ard of society. ies, but what causes it, is diffi- may enhance the work of the A chorus of Russian singers cult. When we consider that the teaching profession was recently college and may further the and dancers entertained the placed second in social and professional rank in an American sur- purpose for which it is main- The Colorado State Teachers college and townspeople Nov. 6 College submitted a ballot to the vey, we cannot help but realize the drastic change that is about tained, mostly the preparation with an hour and a half of sing- to occur if these unintellectual practices of underbidding are of teachers. ing, dancing, and playing. student body a short time ago carried forward. New teachers fail to realize the drastic degrada- The membership is composed offering the same three ques- tion of society from this foul practice. They are themselves prov- of all faculty members and all The 1932 Wenonah Staff was tions which we voted on last ing themselves an uneducated lot when they underbid a teacher students enrolled at the college. elected in November. Tke theme winter. The Normal College at whom they know to be better suited for the position, and cannot The faculty and students will be was chosen and the depart- Ypsilanti has a system much teach for the lesser salary. It is better for the inexperienced organized as separate divisions ments were started in organiz- different, operated along these teacher to continue school than to teach for an underbid salary, of this cooperative association, ing their work for the year. general lines : One general as- forcing the better teachers out of the profession. the student division to be known * sembly per month with attend- The teaching profession has had great social difficulties to as the Associated Students. At Don Karow, as president of ance required. The Women's surmount and the fact that it has been second in professions, the meeting of the Cooperative the Representative Council was League and The Men's Union shows that it has been on the upward trend, regardless of the Association the presiding offi- unanimously elected as a dele- shall each have a required as- many hindering forces. The best teachers for the best positions cer shall be the president of the gate to attend the Convention sembly each month. Assemblies has been the cause for this high standard. Poorer teachers for college. * • of the National Students Fed- may be called for administrative the best positions ; excellent teachers in vocations they know Eugene Laurant, the 'Man of eration of America, which is to purpose and may be required. nothing about ;—fellow teachers, consider these two facts before Many Mysteries," mystified and be held in Toledo, Ohio, Decem- Students failing to attend with- you underbid your next competitor ! Are you to vie with the better- baffled the audience at the ber 27-31. out an excuse may be fined fifty ment of society ? Are you educated in the requisites for a better Winona State Teachers College cents. Maybe our plan isn't so standard of education ? Are you really an educated person? Auditorium, Wednesday eve- The Winona State Teachers bad after all Think it over ! ning, Oct. 7, with his unique College basketball team opened A senior student of the feats of magic. He presented the current conference season Platteville State Teachers Col- COMMENCEMENT seemingly impossible tricks with a thrilling 26-22 victory lege tried to get a teaching job The close of this year marks one of the most successful years with bewildering ease and suc- over the Rochester Junior Col- by offering his services for of the Winona State Teachers College. The largest class of sen- cess. • lege at the "Queen City." $50 per month less than the iors in the history of the college is to be graduated. The events The thirteenth consecutive teacher on the job now receives. of the college year have been some of the most remarkable. The homecoming celebrated by the An interesting musical event, Then we try to elevate teaching standards of education have been raised to the extent that numer- College Oct. 31 lived up to the the presentation of the "Mika- to the level of a profession ! But ous new courses have appeared this year in the program of highest expectations. The pep do" by Gilbert and Sullivan then I suppose we have "chise- studies. All in all, Winona State Teachers College has experienc- program, the football game in took place February 4 in the lers" in every profession. Why, ed a progressive year, a term marking the steady rise of a truly the afternoon demonstrating auditorium. It was presented by that's worse than taking some- professional institution in the preparation of teachers. unforgotten sportsmanship and members of the Mendelssohn one else's girl home from a Now that the commencement time approaches once more, let clean playing ; that gala affair, and Apollo Clubs. dance ! us all resolve to really make this a commencement in the true the annual Homecoming dance It is a little late in the year to sense of the word. Let us all as graduates begin upon a true in the college gymnasium Sat- Sponsored by the Die-No-Mo suggest this, but some of the course of livelihood, remembering and practicing the ideals and urday night—all helped to make Club, the Winona Male Chorus, men at the University of Wis- teachings instilled in our hearts at our Alma Mater. Let us this Homecoming one of the an organized group of forty consin have taken up kite-fly- carry her standards high in our minds and hearts and let us al- year's events to be well-remem- singers, made up of Winona ing as a passtime. Not a bad ways transmit the same ideals to our associates, and the fellow- bered by students and visiting business and professional men, idea when you are broke. No men in our vast pedagogical field. Thus we can realize that our friends. presented a concert on Sunday, doubt we'll see lots of them next education was not in vain and we can always remember the * * February 7 in the College audi- year. A good number of us schooldays that ended with a real commencement to a broader Old friends were enthusiasti- torium. could do it this year if we had field of intellectual endeavor. cally greeted and acquaintances (Cont. on P. 4, Col. 2) time.

THE WINONAN 3 le‘ • 9...? erla Purple Cinder Men Win Purple Team Wins Banquet Climaxes Winona Loses Football Schedule 1932 Last Little Ten Meet Golf Championship W. A. A. Activities Southern Division -"Sept. 23 La Crosse T. C. Here Meet to Mankato *.Sept Bemidji T. C. Here W. A. A. activities were Mankato Nosed Out by Robert Leonard, former state *Oct. 7 Eau Claire T. C.Here brought to a close last Thursday Point and One Half high school golf champion, from Oct. 15 Moorhead T. C. Here evening at a Win-Tee-Pee ban- Without the aid of the four Winona won the state cham- Oct. 22 St. Cloud T. C. Here quet. This as an annual event ineligible men, Rogge, Nihart, pionship in the Little Ten con- Oct. 29 Mankato T. C. There for W. A. A. and serves as a Svee, and Peterson, Winona lost Seven records were shattered ference golf tournament at the Nov. 11 Rochester J. C. There climax for the year, each girl to Mankato by four points. The as the purple cinder-eaters won University of Minnesota on Night Game receiving, at this time, the let- meet early resolved itself into the last meet to be held under May 21. He shot the low medal ter or insignia which she earned. a contest between Winona and the auspices of the Little Ten score of 165 in 36 holes of play Each signifies a given number of Mankato, with St. Cloud taking Bob went 18 holes in the conference at the Memorial W. A. A. points which must be represent- very few points. The final score Stadium, Saturday, May 28. morning with a score of 85. ative of various sports including was Mankato 73, Winona 69, St. Dale Olsen of Virginia, his clos- swimming, basket-ball, skating Cloud 16. Eleven records were Mankato last year barely nosed Golf is being taught to girls out Winona by a point and a half est competitor during the tour- and others. broken and two were tied. Kien- nament, finished the 18 holes who do not know how to play The motif of this year's ban- for the state title, so it was and wish to learn. holz of Mankato was the star with an 87. In the afternoon On Mondays quet was water sports, W. A. A. and high point man of the day sweet revenge for the local boys Bob clipped 5 strokes from this and Wednesdays about twenty to put Mankato in record place representing the lake for the as he took three first places in first score when he shot the 18 girls come out and practice past year. On the program were by exactly the same number of strokes and learn how to hold the high and low hurdles and holes in 80. This gave him a the participants in the activit- discus, breaking two records and points lead. The total points 165 for the 36 holes and a mar- the clubs. The girls are coming were as follows : Winona 56, ies. Grace Enger was the Su- tying one. gin of 7 strokes over Virginia's along very well and some of pervisor who introduced the rest Mankato 54 1A, Hibbing 40, Eve- them are now playing on West- Summary of first places: Dale Olsen. of the speakers including Mil- 100 yd. dash—Zimmerhakl, leth 15, St. Cloud 15, Duluth Duluth T. C. was low in team field Golf Course. dred Kaufman, the diver, 14 1/,, Itasca 12, Virginia 10, Be- The W. A. A. Club has bought Winona ; Time, 10.3 (new record) scores with 742. St. Cloud was Gladys Quandt the life-guard. 220 yd. dash—Winter, Wino- midji 2, Rochester 0, Ely 0. second with 752, and Winona, two tickets which enable two Daphne Buck, Luella Carpenter, Summary : third, with 792. Four men corn- persons to play golf on the West- na ; Time, 23.5. and Lucille Krage, the Jack- 440 yd. dash—Winter, Wino- Pole vault—Rinkel, Winona ; prised a team. Virginia J. C. field Course at one time. Many knife Divers, did a sailor's horn- Ninenen, Duluth ; Martin, St. and Rochester J. C. entered two girls are taking advantage of na ; Time, 52.6 (new record). pipe and Miss Pendergast award- 120 high" hurdles—Kienholz, Cloud ; Manning, Mankato ; Al- and one man respectively but the tickets and have been play- ed the life-saving badges. Ella son, Mankato—Height 11ft. 8in. no four man teams. ing some good matches together. Bierman was a crawler and Vir- Mankato ; Time, 16.7. High jump—Thompson, Man- Charles Duerre with a 197, The game of golf is being ginia Clements a floater. Miss High jump — Saunders, St. kato ; Saunders, St. Cloud ; Nord- Harold Rogge with a 209 and taught in modern schools more Richards, Miss Talbot, and Mr. Cloud ; Height, 5 ft. 6 in. berg, Duluth ; Gjerston, St. John Townsend with a 221 were and more because of its many Maxwell commented from the Shot put — Rice, Mankato ; Cloud ; Johnson, Itasca—Height the other men who played for values. Golf not only develops beach. Distance 40 ft. 11 in. (new 5ft. 8in. Winona. the body muscles but is also an record). Discus—Brown, Itasca ; Kien- activity which can be carried on Discus—Kienholz, Mankato ; holz, Mankato ; Majerle, Hib- in later life. It is lots of fun Interclass Kittenball Distance ; 117 ft. 4 in. (new bing, Berg, Winona—Distance and everyone is urged to come record). Triangular Track Meet out and take advantage of the Tournament Organized Mile — Walikson, Mankato ; 118ft. 3 1-3 in. (new record) tickets. Time, 4.52 (new record). Shot put—Rinne, Duluth ; Held at Eau Claire The Intra-Mural Board chose Javelin — Deets, Mankato ; Yugowich, Hibbing ; Nordberg, Bob Leonard, Freshman ; Bill Distance ; 163 ft. 4 in. Duluth ; Schmidt. St. Cloud ; At the beginning of this Gebhard, Sophomore ; Fred The first track meet of the quarter several groups discussed Broad jump—Owens, Winona ; Hosen, Mankato—Distance 40ft. Rowell, Junior ; and Bob Grif- Distance 21 ft. 1/1 in. (new rec- 9 1/, in. (new record). season was held at Eau Claire. tennis rules and the game of fith, Senior to lead the teams It was between Winona, Eau tennis as a whole. A tourna- ord). Mile run—Willickson, Manka- of their respective classes in Half mile—Wilikson, Manka- Claire, and Stout. The meet ment was then drawn up by the the interclass kittenball tourna- to ; Skinner, Duluth ; Posten, turned out to be little but a light tennis sport's leader, Helen Eng- to ; Time, 2:07.5. Hibbing ; Bunker, Hibbing ; A. ment held this week. Games 220 low hurdles—Kienholz, workout for the purple stars as lish, and it has been played off were played on College Field. Berg, Winona—Time 4:58. they swept to an overwhelming up to the finals. Sixteen girls Mankato ; Time, 26.4. (new 440 yard dash—Winter, Wino- victory. The score was : Winona signed up to play in the tourna- The Schedule record). na ; Mattie, Eveleth ; Main, Wi- 90, Eau Claire 9 1/9, Stout 20 1/9. ment which made two brackets May 31—Freshman vs Sopho- Pole vault—Rinkle, Winona ; nona ; Joki, Hibbing ; Benschoter, Thirteen out of the fifteen firsts with eight in a bracket. mores. Height 11 ft. 4 in. (new rec- Mankato—Time 52.1 seconds. were taken by Winona, with As the tournament now June 2—Juniors vs Seniors. ord). 100 yard dash—Olson, Manka- Stout getting the other two. Wi- stands, Irene Jorgenson is the June 3—Winner of Game 1 vs Two mile—Schrom, St. Cloud ; to ; Zimmerhakl, Winona ; Ow- nona's firsts were won by Nihart winner of the top bracket. Eliza winner of game 2. Time, 11:10.5. (new record). ens, Winona; Hatthai, Hib- in the mile and the two mile, Mary Thompson and Bernice Half mile relay—won by Wi- bing ; Manning, Mankato—Time Rinkel in the pole vault, Peter- Heasly, who are in the lower Southeastern Track and nona—Zimmerhakl, Stuhr, Ow- 10.7 seconds. son in the high-jump, Owens in bracket, have yet to play off ens, Winter. High hurdles—Kienholz, Man- the broad jump, Stuhr in the their matches. The games have Field Meet Again Spon- kato ; Stuhr, Winona; Kohler, high hurdle, Rogge in the low been close and interesting and sored by the College Winona ; Kuchor, Virginia ; Mc- hurdles and javelin, E. Berg in those following the results of the St. Cloud Wins State Laughlin, Hibbing—Time 16.1 the 220, Weight in the half mile, tourney are eager to know the winner. College Baseball seconds. Zimmerhakl in the 100, and The 13th annual Southeast- Winona ; Winter in the 440. ern Minnesota Track and Field Tournament Broad jump—Owens, Winona Defeats La Crosse Meet sponsored by Winona State Galloway, Hibbing ; Harry, Man- !Teachers College was held on kato ; Stuhr, Winona ; Ninenen, For First Time In College Field, May 7. As a last minute entry given Duluth, and Manning, Mankato, Purple Tennis Team Major Sport Invitations were sent to no chance to win, St. Cloud tied—Distance 121 ft. 7 in. (new Defeats Rochester, 5-1 thirty high schools in Minne- State Teachers College won the record) On Friday, May 12, the purple sota, and Wisconsin. Nearly two Minnesota State College base- Javelin — Deets, Mankato ; cinder men defeated the ma- hundred athletes turned out for ball tournament conducted by Cudmor, Virginia ; Hures, Man- The Purple tennis team de- roons of La Crosse for the first the meet in 1931. However, Gustavus Adolphus College at kato ; Secoln, Virginia ; Hrd- feated Rochester on May 14 by time in any major sport. Wi- this year, many of the schools St. Peter. The Northerners de- licka, Winona—Distance 160 ft. a score of 5-1. Four singles and nona gained a total of seventy invited had lost their star per- feated Gustavus 5-2 in the tour- 113/4 in. two doubles matches were play- points to La Crosse's fifty-five formers by graduation and so nament finals to win an em- Half - mile run — Kremen, ed. Owens, Johnson, Weight, points. Most of the events were did not enter. blematic trophy. Itasca ; Ferrell, Hibbing : Mat- Landitcho, and Hyduke played run off in a downpour of rain, Winona High's hopes to re- This victory by St. Cloud thai, Eveleth ; Evo, Virginia ; for Winona. which considerably slowed up gain its honors in Class A were proves again that the State Galloway, Hibbing—Time 2:05.3 On May 21 the St. Cloud team the time in various events, but squelched when La Crosse Cen- Teachers Colleges are rapidly 220 yard dash—Olson, Manka- came downriver to take a 4-2 de- failed to stop the meet. The score tral won the championship in coming to the fore in the state to ; Winter, Winona; Zimmer- feat at the hands of Owens, throughout the meet was close, that division. A well balanced college athletics. We are glad to hakl, Winona ; Rear, 'Mankato ; Hyduke, Landitcho, and Weight. with Winona in the lead a great- team gave the down river school see the sister colleges do the Harry, Hibbing—Time 22.8. Winona plays a return game at er part of the time. Winter, the victory. big things in athletics that they (new record) St. Cloud during Commencement Rinkel, Zimmerhakl, Stuhr, Cannon Falls swept competi- are doing. Rogge, Kohler, and Nihart were tion aside to win with ease in Also here is proof that St. Two-mile run—Posten, Hib- Week. Other matches with La Crosse, responsible for most of the Class B, which is for the small Cloud would not be easily de- bing ; Schsom, St. Cloud ; Bun- points. Peterson, Svee, and two schools of the vicinity. feated in track if the men who ker, Hibbing ; Skinner, Eveleth ; Rochester, and St. Mary's will be played during the week. La Crosse men were tied at 5 ft. Coach Galligan managed the formed the winning baseball Johnson, Winona--Time 10 :43.7. 10 in. in the high jump, which meet and gave the awards. Wal- team were used on the cinder (new record) had to be called a tie because of ter Enger served as Clerk of path instead. However, until Low hurdles—Hoerr, Manka- Half - mile relay — Winona the rains. Nihart failed to take Course and W. R. Smith as track becomes as popular as to ; Kohler, Winona ; Kienholz, (Zimmerhakl, Owens, Stuhr, his usual first places, and had to Starter, while faculty members baseball at St. Cloud, the North- Mankato ; Stuhr, Winona; Saari, Winter) ; Mankato ; Hibbing ; be content with two seconds. He and Physical Education majors erners will probably go on tak- Eveleth—time 26.4. Eveleth ; Bemidji—Time 1 :34. was beaten by Espebland of La occupied the other positions as ing their beatings on the track (Continued Column 2) (new record) Crosse in the mile and two-mile. officials for the meet. and in the field.

4 THE WINONAN THE TENNIS RACQUET (Continued from page 1, col. 1) Charm and Finish Characterize Hassinger, Gonzales, Texas ; La CLUB NEWS The enamored person can well Rue Jensen, Albert Lea ; Clara Mendelssohn Club Concert afford to take up tennis seri- Johnson, Dassel ; Harold John- ously. It is a springtime game "Be prepared" is the motto of son, Ivanhoe ; Isfold Josef son, not only the girl scout troop but The Mendelssohn Club has and offers the following love- Minneota ; Floretta Murray, added yet another laurel to its interests : He has his "partner" also of various of school organ- Winona ; Lloyd Peterson, Eve- izations as they wind up their crown by the recital on Friday by his side and a neat "racket" leth ; Grace Selleck, Winona ; evening, May 6. to depend on for life. He can year by electing officers for next It doesn't take psychology to Clarissa Sunde, Winona ; Arthur year. Some of these are: The program, including an un- realize that everyone's glad that "serve" as he desires and "place- Tait, Mankato ; and Mildred Ug- usally wide variety of selections, there are only a few days left ments" are many. If he dislikes gen, Wells. Mr. Charles Sim- W. A. A. was presented with the charm and we'll all be looking forward his "partner" he can claim mers of the education depart- President—Gladys Quandt. and finish of a truly artistic to next year's positions, especi- cruelty for a "foot-fault" and ment is the counselor. Vice Presidnet — Millicent group. ally the seniors and sophomores. take to the "court" where "love" An interesting and praise- Yates. The first group of songs, in- means "nothing." If anyone worthy achievement of the club Secretary-Treasurer — Flor- troduced by "Listen to the Among our private antipathies gets "back-handing" him he can already has been the creation of ence Kettner. Lambs," included four lullabys, we'll mention the person that tell him .to go to the "deuce" and an honorary education club to Wenonah Players all sung a capelle. The second keeps conversing in order to "set" it out. If his "base-line" further honor those students President—Corwin Jones. group was made outstanding by keep up a conversation. doesn't convince them he can who most truly represent their Vice President — S t a n l e y the beautiful interpretation of try to "net" results by fanning alma mater. This club, known Weinberger. a song without words, "Valse And it doesn't take a course in a "stroke" and then "slicing" as the Purple Key, has a mem- Secretary-Treasurer — Ruth Ariette." The program closed mathematics to ascertain that his tempters as they "volley" bership composed of sophomores Bessler. with a group of lighter numbers, two plus two invariably equals around him. He can then "ral- who have completed two-thirds Die-No-Mo Club and the traditional singing of four. ly" his forces and "salt" out in of the work of the sophomore High Voltage—Arthur Tait. "Alma Mater" by the audience search of another "love-game." year, juniors and seniors who Voltage—Kenneth Svee. and club. Frenchy hasn't bet anyone (Continued from page 2, col. 4) have a higher rating than that Brush—Janet De Groot. Soloists of the evening were required for membership in the Miss Maizie Ahrens, piano ; and five dollars yet this spring that On Washington's two hun- Newman Club he can swim across the lake. John Dewey Club. Membership President—James Kearney. Mr. Everett Nelson, violin, both dredth birthday Winona State in this group is not to exceed ten members of the college. Both Teachers College lost one of its Vice President—Ray Brown. John Kissling always seems in number in any school year. Secretary-Treasurer — Kath- presented unusual and difficult most loved instructors, John H. The ten members included in numbers with grace and ease of contented with someone else's Sandt. Mr. Sandt who was head ryn Phillips. content. this group are as follows : Calvin Physical Education Club a very superior auality. of the Industrial Education De- Barkow, Winona ; Daphne Buck, Not only was the effect on the partment for the last 26 years, President—Johanna Glasrud. ear gratifying but on the eye as P. J. (Poi) Nissen and A. Koh- died at the Abbot hospital in Winona ; Helen Hammond, Wino- Vice President — Winnifred ler are conducting a bathhouse na ; Clara Johnson, Dassel ; Har- Synder. well. The girls, in their pastel Minneapolis following a major old Johnson, Ivanhoe ; Isfold Jo- evening gowns, grouped inform- this summer. "Cleaner and bet- operation. Secretary-Treasurer — Milli- ter Americans", — that's the sefson, Minneota ; Donald Karow, cent Yates. ally about the grand piano pre- spirit ! A series of interesting and Red Wing ; Floretta Murray, Wi- sented a picture which will not varied programs were given in nona ; Clarissa Sunde, Winona ; soon be forgotten. Alumni News :—Art Schmel- twenty-four cities by the Apollo and Arthur Tait, Mankato. Intermediate Club Mr. Grimm, the director, is ing is still looking for a job. Club the college young men's From this honorary education to receive high praise for the glee club, from April 18 to 25. club, the cabinet each year will Holds Picnic excellency of the recital, while "Pop" Peterson certainly has This was the second annual tour select a man and woman to serve Miss Justman's sympathetic ac- his troubles, between consoling of the club. in the alma mater exercises. The intermediate grade club companiments also deserve much his roommate and walking the The Winona State Teachers This year's choice will not be re- held its annual spring picnic on recognition. floor with him most of the College gymnasium was an ob- vealed until the class night ex- Monday, May the twenty-second, Immediately following the re- night. ject of beauty Saturday night ercises which are to be held at at the south end of the Huff cital the club held its banquet at April 16, when the annual Prom the college auditorium Monday street bridge. The Garden Gate. The banquet The first "real" boat races Polaire was held. The decora- evening. The refreshment committee theme "music" was carried out were held last Saturday after- tions carried out a frigid theme planned a well prepared lunch in both program and decora- noon. A chap from Illinois won of igloos, aurora borealis, icicles, which was greatly enjoyed by tions. a good share of the events. ice bergs, rainbow colors, and all. The committee members Whataman ! other aspects of the frozen R. D. CONE CO. were : Mary Brown, chairman, The Wenonah Players placed north. Hardware and Sporting Goods Ann Neudecker, and Marie Mar- third in the One Act Play Con- Mr. Jederman will again teach "The Royal Family" by ing. test sponsored by the Minnesota history next year, we see by the George S. Kaufman and Edna Phone 4052 Winona, Minn. After the lunch had been fin- Dramatic Guild at the St. Paul fall program. Ferber was chosen as the 1932 ished, marshmallows were roast- Agricultural College, May 18. class play. ed in the fire place. Then the The play given by the Players Damian Matz handed in three picnickers sat about the fire in was "The Shadow of the Glen" note books in Browning class. Priewert Studio a semi-circle and Verna Enger by J. M. Synge. The cast was as 69 East Fourth lead in the singing of various What a note-able fellow ! SPECIAL PRICES TO STUDENTS follows : Nora, Frances Peake ; WINONA THEATRE songs that were suggested by Tramp, Howard Roy ; Daniel, A clock having two faces can't Call and Inspect the Work the members. • Henry Southworth ; Michael, help being two-faced. Think it SHOPPE Films Developed, Enlarging, Frames Gordon Bear. Miss Watts di- over, two-timers! rected the play and Ray Happe • Shampoo and acted as property manager. 50c Fingerwave Enjoy The Hosiery Shop FAMOUS QUOTATIONS The Dinner Party Season The St. Cloud dramatics or- FREE Fingerwave with at the INVITES ganization. the Black Friars, "I'm strong for you Baby"— Haircut YOUR PATRONAGE placed first in the contest, pre- Hotel Winona senting "Jo." By Samson. 25c extra for drying Hosiery-Lingerie-Handkerchiefs "The first hundred years are Private Service Reasonable Rates the hardest"—By Methuselah. STUDENTS SPECIAL RATES (Continued from page 1 col. 5) "You're the breath of my ON ALL BEAUTY SERVICES life"—By A. Garli Keater. "It Pays to Look Well" Henry G. Hanson lowing the program a dance will "My suspenders support me" Dial 3626 JEWELER be given for college students, —I. M. Starving. Art Rockow's Barber Shop The Parker line of Fountain Pens alumni and invited guests, in the Watch Crystals, any Shape college gymnasium. "All that comes to him who Get your next haircut Headquarters - Students 158 Main St. near 3rd St. Dr. Charles W. Gilkey, Dean waits is whiskers"—By Isadore at the Near Post Office MAIN ST. of the Chapel, University of Chi- Knobb. "Eat 'em and weep" — Red College Barber Shop cago will deliver the Commence- Open Evenings 8 o'clock with one roll ment address at the Commence- Onion. AFREEENLARGEMENT developed and ment exercises at 10 o'clock on LINDSAY STUDIO Postcard size - - - 35c six gloss prints "I can't help it if I act like 502 Huff St. 1 block So. of College Inn Tuesday morning, June 7. The a baby, I was born that way"— (Enlargement free with extra We specialize in students' prints also.) 25c topic on which Dr. Gilkey will By 0. U. Bawler. photographs. speak is "Education and World "A barber's son doesn't al- Studios of G. E. Griffin Peace." ways have `it'—ch"—By Oscar Bargains in Fountain Pens Good work is our motto. Opposite Library Out. "To eat peanuts, just — oh In order to reduce stock we Dial 5139 shucks"—By U. R. Nertz. have cut the price on You are always welcome at the Winona Taxi and "Oh, for a girl and a quad- Mari Posa Beauty Shoppe ratic"—By Al G. Bra. Waterman's Fountain Pens Baggage Co. Collegiate Lunch Mrs. Pearl Emery, Mgr. "Oh, for a dish of spaghetti, $5.00 Pens cut to $3.50 25c Cab after digging garden worms"— $3.50 Pens cut to $2.50 Opposite T. C. Phone 2618 50% E. Third St. By Lean B. If steak. "Where there's smoke, there's an endorsement" — By C. D. All Conklin Fountain Pens Spring time is party time Adds. IA Price WEAR CLEAN CLOTHES "In the game it's Grit. In spinach it's terrible" — By I. $5.00 Pens cut to $2.50 Consider Know. $3.50 Pens cut to $1.75 WINN-TEE-PEE WinaCkarift facilities Notice Williams Book & Stationery Co. lbyCleaners, Dyers and Hatters Two freshman boys skipped 52 W. 3rd St. Dial 4872 classes Friday—Bored of Ed- 119 EAST THIRD STREET PHONE 2175 ucation.