MiloradMilorad AndrijeskiAndrijeski P.E.”Macedonian Forests” B.O. “Shar”‐ Gostivar Public Enterprise “Macedonian Forests”

• Around 1.100.000 hectares of forests • Menaging around 90% of forests in state property • 30 Branch offices arround the country • Removes around 800.000 m3 wood mass per year The firewood market in Macedonia

¾Arround 416.000 householdes use firewood for energy ¾ There is a small production of biofuel, briquettes and pelletes, but there isn’t any official data ¾ The Goverment aproves the price of firewood. ¾ The price of the firewood is the same in the whole country. ¾ The current price is arround 56 €/m3 solid wood mass without spaces inbetween (with WAT 18 %) P.E. “Macedonian Forests” Branch Office “Shar” Gostivar

Total forest area 24,751.88 hа % Of which: High forests 7,028.06 hа 28 Copice forests 17,723.82 hа 72

Growing stock 2,447,849 m3 Annual increament 50,749 m3 Possible anual felling 27,378 m3 Anual removals on the teritory of B.O. “Shar”‐ Gostivar

¾ The average anual felling from the state owned forests on the teritory of B.O. “Shar”‐ Gostivar is 19.000 m3 ¾ The average anual removals from private forests is around 8.000 m3 ¾ Around 99 % of that wood mass is firewood Gostivar Region ¾ The Gostivar region represents a town and around 50 villages ¾ Total area 671,37 km2 (around 2,6 % of total area of Macedonia) ¾ Total population 106.441 (around 5,2 % of the total population of Macedonia) ¾ Total households 23.313 ¾ Number of households witch use firewood for heating 21.101 (91 % ) ¾ 21.101 households х 7 m3 = 147.707 m3 144.707 м3 !Where from? 116.707 м3 :

¾ National Park ”Mavrovo“ ¾ PE “Macedonian Forests” B.O. “Lopushnik” – Kichevo, ¾ PE “Macedonian Forests” B.O. “Sandanski” – , ¾ PE “Macedonian Forests” B.O. “Galichica” – , ¾ PE “Macedonian Forests” B.O. “Stogovo ” – ¾Illegal market?! Thank you!

Contact: Milorad Andrijeski Address: PE ”Macedonian Forests”‐Branch office “Shar” ‐ Gostivar, bul. Braka Ginovski 165 1230 Gostivar, R. of Macedonia mail: [email protected] Tel:+389 70 271 516 website: