

Prepared in Cooperation with .

A Framework for Long-term Ecological Monitoring in Olympic National Park: Prototype for the Coniferous Forest Biome.

USGS/BRD/ITR—2003-0006. Information and Technology Report.

U.S. Department of the Interior. U.S. Geological Survey. Cover: Front cover images—Olympic National Park, Andrea Woodward and Erik Ackerson. Back cover image—Andrea Woodward. Design—Erik Ackerson. A Framework for Long-term Ecological Monitoring in Olympic National Park: Prototype for the Coniferous Forest Biome.

By Kurt Jenkins, Andrea Woodward, and Ed Schreiner. U.S. Geological Survey.

Prepared in Cooperation with Olympic National Park.


U.S. Department of the Interior. U.S. Geological Survey. U.S. Department of the Interior.. Gale A. Norton, Secretary..

U.S. Geological Survey.. Charles G. Groat, Director..

U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, Virginia: 2003..

For sale by U.S. Geological Survey, Information Services.. Box 25286, Denver Federal Center. Denver, CO 80225. For more information about the USGS and its products: Telephone: 1-888-ASK-USGS. World Wide Web: http://www.usgs.gov/.

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Suggested citation: Jenkins, Kurt, Woodward, Andrea, and Schreiner, Ed, 2003, A Framework for Long-term Ecological Monitoring in Olympic National Park: Prototype for the Coniferous Forest Biome: U.S. Geological Survey, Biological Resources Discipline, Information and Technology Report, USGS/BRD/ITR-2003-0006, 150 p.

Key words: 1. U.S. Geological Survey. 2. Status and trends program. 3. National Park Service. 4. Inventory and monitor- ing program. 5. Long-term ecological monitoring. 6. Vital signs monitoring. 7. Conceptual ecosystem models. 8. Olympic National Park. 9. Coniferous forests. 10. Ecological indicators. 11. Environmental sampling. 12. Conceptual monitoring plan. Executive Summary iii

Executive Summary.

This report is the result of a five-year collaboration between scientists of the U.S. Geological Survey Forest and Rangeland Ecosystem Science Center, Olympic Field Station, and the natural resources staff of Olympic National Park to develop a comprehensive strategy for monitoring natural resources of Olympic National Park. Olympic National Park is the National Park Serviceʼs prototype monitoring park, representing parks in the coniferous forest biome. Under the umbrella of the National Park Serviceʼs prototype parks program, U.S. Geological Survey and Olympic National Park staffs are obligated to:

• develop strategies and designs for monitoring the long-term health and integrity of national park ecosystems with a significant coniferous forest component. • design exportable monitoring protocols that can be used by other parks within the coniferous forest biome (i.e., parks having similar environ- ments), and • create a demonstration area and ʻcenter of excellenceʼ for assisting other parks in developing ecological monitoring programs.

Olympic National Park is part of the North Coast and Cascades Network, a network of seven Pacific Northwestern park units created recently by the National Park Serviceʼs Inventory and Monitoring Program to extend the monitoring of ʻvital signsʼ of park health to all National Park Service units. It is our intent and hope that the monitoring strategies and conceptual models described here will meet the overall purpose of the prototype parks monitoring program in proving useful not only to Olympic National Park, but also to parks within the North Coast and Cascades Network and elsewhere. Part I contains the conceptual design and sampling framework for the prototype long-term monitoring program in Olympic National Park. In this section, we explore key elements of monitoring design that help to ensure the spatial, ecological, and temporal integration of monitoring program elements and discuss approaches used to design an ecosystem-based monitoring program. Basic monitoring components include ecosystem drivers, (e.g., climate, atmospheric inputs, human pressures), indicators of ecosystem integrity (e.g., biogeochemical indicators), known threats (e.g., impacts of introduced mountain goats), and focal or ʻkeyʼ (e.g., rare or listed species, Roosevelt elk). Monitoring system drivers and key indicators of ecosystem integrity provide the long-term baseline needed to judge what constitutes ʻunnaturalʼ variation in park resources and provide the earliest possible warning of unacceptable change. Monitoring effects of known threats and the status of focal species will provide information useful to park managers for dealing with current park issues. iv A Framework for Long-term Ecological Monitoring in Olympic National Park

In Part I we describe the process of identifying potential indicators of ecological condition and present conceptual models of park ecosystems. In addition we report results from several workshops held in conjunction with Olympic National Park aimed at identifying potential indicators of change in the parkʼs ecosystem. First, we describe the responses of Olympic National Park staff to the generic question, “What is the most important resource to monitor in Olympic National Park and why?” followed by the responses from resource and land managers from areas adjoining the park. We also catalogue the responses of various expert groups that we asked to help identify the most appropriate system drivers and indicators of change in the Olympic National Park ecosystems. Results of the workshops provided the justification for selecting basic indicators of ecosystem integrity, effects of current threats to park resources, and focal resources of parks to detect both the currently evident and unforeseeable changes in park resources. We conclude Part I by exploring several generic statistical issues relevant to monitoring natural resources in Olympic National Park. Specifically we discuss trade-offs associated with sampling extensively versus sampling intensively in smaller geographic regions and describe a conceptual framework to guide development of a generic sampling frame for monitoring. We recommend partitioning Olympic National Park into three zones of decreasing accessibility to maximize monitoring efficiency. We present examples of how the generic sampling frame could be used to help ensure spatial integration of individual monitoring projects. Part II of the report is a record of the potential monitoring questions and indicators identified to date in our workshops. The presentation is organized according to the major system drivers, components, and processes identified in the intermediate-level working model of the Olympic National Park ecosystem. For each component of the park system, we develop the need and justification for monitoring, articulate park management issues, and describe key resources and ecosystem functions. We also present a pictorial conceptual model of each ecological subsystem, identify monitoring questions, and list potential indicators for each monitoring question. We conclude each section by identifying linkages of indicators to other ecological subsystems in our general ecosystem model, spatial and temporal contexts for monitoring (where and how often to monitor), and research and development needs. Part II represents the most current detailed listing of potential indicators—the material for subsequent discussions of monitoring priorities and selection of indicators for protocol development. Collectively, the sections of this report contain a comprehensive list of the important monitoring questions and potential indicators as well as recommendations for designing an integrated monitoring program. In Part I, Chapter 6 we provide recommendations on how to proceed with the important next steps in the design process: establishing priorities among the many possible monitoring questions and indicators, and beginning to research and design effective long-term monitoring protocols. Contents v


Executive Summary...... iii . List of Figures ...... vii . List of Tables ...... ix . Acknowledgments...... x . INTRODUCTION ...... 1 . PART I: DESIGN FOR LONG-TERM ECOLOGICAL MONITORING IN CONIFEROUS FOREST ECOSYSTEMS IN OLYMPIC NATIONAL PARK...... 5 . Chapter 1. Monitoring Goals, Strategies, and Tactics...... 5 . 1.1 The Role of Monitoring ...... 5 . 1.2 Monitoring Goals and Objectives: The Desired Endpoints ...... 6 . 1.3 Monitoring Strategies: Approaches to Monitoring...... 7 . 1.4 Monitoring Strategies: Integration of Monitoring Projects ...... 8 . 1.5 Design Tactics: How to Get There...... 9 . Chapter 2. Environmental Context: Ecological Resources, History, and Threats...... 11 . 2.1 Setting...... 11 . 2.2 Climate...... 11 . 2.3 Geology and Soils ...... 12 . 2.4 Glacial History ...... 12 . 2.5 Vegetation Pattern...... 17 . 2.6 Biogeography ...... 17 . 2.7 Human History...... 18 . 2.8 Natural Disturbance...... 18 . 2.9 Anthropogenic Threats...... 21 . 2.10 Management Objectives ...... 21 . 2.11 Implications for Monitoring...... 22 . Chapter 3. Scoping and Identifying Indicators ...... 27 . 3.1 Park-staff Workshop ...... 27 . 3.2 Meeting of Adjacent Land-owners...... 28 . 3.3 ‘Focus-group’ Workshops ...... 29 . Chapter 4. Conceptual Models: Context for Indicators ...... 39 . 4.1 What is a Conceptual Model ...... 39 . 4.2 Ecosystem Dynamics ...... 40 . 4.3 Modeling Olympic National Park ...... 42 . Chapter 5. Framework for Monitoring Coniferous Forest Ecosystems...... 47 . 5.1 The Economy of Scales ...... 47 . 5.2 Conceptual Framework for Integrated Sampling in Coniferous Forests ...... 48 . 5.3 A Sampling Primer...... 50 . 5.4 A Generalized Sampling Design...... 51 . Chapter 6. Next Steps ...... 59 . 6.1 Setting Priorities ...... 59 . 6.2 Agency Roles in Protocol Development and Implementation...... 60 . 6.3 Developing a Work Plan ...... 61 . vi A Framework for Long-term Ecological Monitoring in Olympic National Park

PART II: INDICATORS OF ECOLOGICAL CONDITION IN OLYMPIC NATIONAL PARK. Introduction ...... 63 . Chapter 1. System Drivers: Atmosphere and Climate...... 65 . Chapter 2. System Drivers: Human Activities ...... 71 . Chapter 3. Park and Surrounding Landscape ...... 75 . Chapter 4. Biogeochemical Cycles...... 79 . Chapter 5. Contaminants ...... 83 . Chapter 6. Terrestrial Vegetation Communities ...... 87 . Chapter 7. Special-status Species: Rare and Exotic ...... 91 . Chapter 8. Terrestrial Fauna...... 97 . Chapter 9. Populations and Communities of Large ...... 101 . Chapter 10. Special-status Terrestrial Wildlife Populations...... 105 . Chapter 11. Geoindicators...... 111 . Chapter 12. Aquatic/Riparian Habitat...... 113 . Chapter 13. Aquatic Biota...... 117 . Chapter 14. Special-status Fish Species: Threatened, Rare, Non-native and Endemic...... 123 . Chapter 15. Coastal Environments ...... 129 . Chapter 16. Historical and Paleoecological Context for Monitoring...... 133 . LITERATURE CITED...... 135 . APPENDIX A: List of monitoring workshops and participants for developing the prototype monitoring program in Olympic National Park ...... 145 . List of Figures vii

List of Figures.

Part I. Figure 1.1.1. Relationships between resource inventories, monitoring, research, and resource management activities in national parks...... 6 . Figure 1.3.1. A multi-faceted approach for monitoring known and unknown effects of sys- tem drivers on ecosystem integrity and health in national parks (modified from Woodley, 1993)...... 8 . Figure 1.5.1. Sequence of steps taken in designing long-term ecological monitoring in Olympic National Park and relationships among ‘design’, ‘protocol development’ and ‘implementation’ phases of program development...... 10 . Figure 2.1.1. Location of coastal and interior units of Olympic National Park on ’s ...... 13 . Figure 2.1.2. Roads (red) and trails (black) of Olympic National Park showing limited road access to the park’s interior...... 13 . Figure 2.2.1. Isoclines of mean annual precipitation (cm) on the Olympic Peninsula...... 15 . Figure 2.5.1. Forest zones of the Olympic Peninsula (Modified from Henderson et al. 1989)..... 15 . Figure 2.8.1. Areas of Olympic National Park significantly affected by wind or fire (from Henderson et al. 1989)...... 21 . Figure 2.11.1. Estimated times of foot travel from nearest road or trail in Olympic National Park...... 25 . Figure 4.2.1. Conceptual model of ecosystem dynamics (adapted from Holling 1986) ...... 41 . Figure 4.3.1. Conceptual model illustrating the ecologic subsystems of Olympic National Park and their geographic relationships...... 43 . Figure 4.3.2. Conceptual model illustrating the components of and interactions among ecologic subsystems of Olympic National Park and how they correspond to the chapters of Part II...... 45 . Figure 4.3.3. Conceptual model of the terrestrial coniferous forest ecosystems showing flows of carbon, nitrogen, and water, and illustrating the dependence of time frame of observable change on the hierarchical position (i.e., level of ecological organization)...... 46 . Figure 5.1.1. Allocation of sampling effort among axes of spatial scale, measurement effort (i.e., scope), and replication effort in ‘extensive‘ and ‘intensive‘ sampling designs...... 49 . Figure 5.2.1. Monitoring framework showing potential core elements of proposed monitoring program and spatial relationships among extensive and intensive monitoring designs...... 50 . Figure 5.3.1. Primary sample selection methods and strategies for sample distribution...... 53 . Figure 5.4.1. Stratification of human access/use zones for sampling in Olympic National Park...... 55 . Figure 5.4.2. Percentages of mapped vegetation units falling within the combined high and moderate zones of human access/use in Olympic National Park...... 54 . Figure 5.4.3. Hypothetical systematic distribution of vegetation monitoring plots in Olympic National Park with unequal probability of selection in zones of high, moderate, and low human access/use (probability of selection decreases from highest to lowest human access/use)...... 55 . viii A Framework for Long-term Ecological Monitoring in Olympic National Park

Figure 5.4.4. Hypothetical selection of sample plots for monitoring ungulate ‘sign’ on lowland winter ranges of Roosevelt elk in Olympic National Park. The hypothetical sample includes the previous selection of vegetation monitoring plots supplemented with additional randomly selected points to achieve a greater sample size...... 57 . Figure 5.4.5. Hypothetical selection of sample plots for monitoring microclimate of forest stands. The hypothetical sample is a systematic subsample of forest vegetation monitoring plots restricted to those plots within the high-access sampling zone...... 57 .

Part II Figure 1.1. Map of extant weather stations in Olympic National Park...... 66 . Figure 1.2. Conceptual model of the interactions among atmospheric and terrestrial ecosystem components...... 67 . Figure 2.1. Conceptual model of interactions among human activities, park resources and park management...... 72 . Figure 3.1. Conceptual model of the interactions among the forces determining landscape pattern in Olympic National Park...... 76 . Figure 4.1. Conceptual model describing the impact of marine-derived nutrients on terrestrial and aquatic environments in Olympic National Park...... 80 . Figure 6.1 Conceptual model describing the factors shaping plant communities in Olympic National Park...... 88 . Figure 7.1 Conceptual model of biotic and abiotic factors affecting populations of rare and exotic plant species in Olympic National Park...... 92 . Figure 8.1. Trophic relationships among key faunal assemblages within coniferous forest ecosystems of Olympic National Park...... 98 . Figure 9.1. Conceptual model of vegetation/prey/predator system behavior characterizing dynamics of vegetation and large- communities in Olympic National Park. .... 102 . Figure 10.1. Conceptual model of factors affecting populations of special-status wildlife species...... 106 . Figure 12.1. Conceptual model of physical, chemical, and biologic aspects of aquatic/riparian habitat and their interactions with system drivers in Olympic National Park...... 114 . Figure 13.1. Conceptual model of the aquatic trophic system and impacts caused by human activities in Olympic National Park...... 118 . Figure 14.1. Conceptual model of threats to special-status fish species and the consequences of extinction...... 125 . Figure 15.1. Conceptual model of the coastal ecosystem...... 130 . List of Tables ix

List of Tables

Table 2.6.1. Endemic fauna and flora of the Olympic Peninsula...... 19 . Table 2.6.2. Mammal and bird species present in the Cascade Mountains but absent historically from the Olympic Peninsula...... 20 . Table 2.9.1. Summary of anthropogenic threats identified in the Olympic National Park Resource Management Plan. Specific threats are grouped into general categories. Whether the park address the concern with management actions and whether the impacts are park wide are also indicated (Y=yes, N=no)...... 23 . Table 3.1.1. Matrix of relationships among park resources, their importance to monitoring, and potential agents of change in Olympic National Park, as identified by Olympic National Park staff...... 30 . Table 3.2.1 Resources currently monitored by other government agencies, tribes and private companies on the Olympic Peninsula...... 32 . Table 3.3.1. Template of questions used by participants of the ‘Vital Signs’ workshop to identify potential monitoring indicators in Olympic National Park...... 34 . Table 3.3.2 Indicators identified in scoping meetings and agents to which they are expected to respond...... 35 . Table 5.3.1. Characteristics of simple random, cluster, and systematic sampling methods...... 52 . Table 5.3.2. Characteristics of equal probability, stratified, and unequal probability samples.. 52 . Table 5.17. Data sets that could provide context for monitoring results on a variety of time scales...... 54 . x A Framework for Long-term Ecological Monitoring in Olympic National Park


We extend our sincere thanks and appreciation to the entire staff at Olympic National Park for their commitment and work towards developing an effective long-term monitoring program. We especially thank Hawkins Hoffman, Chief of Natural Resources, for dedicating so much of her time and self in furthering this program and assisting us in our work, Roger Hoffman and Katherine Beirne for preparing the map-based graphics in this report; Doug Houston and D. Erran Seaman at the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)-Olympic Field Station; Patti Happe, Cat Hawkins Hoffman, Roger Hoffman, and John Meyer at Olympic National Park for participating in our planning discussions from the beginning and contributing freely with their ideas. We also thank Sam Brenkman, Steve Fradkin, and John Meyer for their written contributions summarizing monitoring indicators for aquatic and marine resources (see Part II).

Most of the ideas contained in this report were generated from a series of workshops (see Appendix A for a list of all participants) hosted by USGS-Olympic Field Station and Olympic National Park. We are particularly grateful to Gary Davis, Cat Hawkins Hoffman, Barry Noon, D. E. Seaman, Ed Starkey, and Kathy Tonnessen for their help in organizing and facilitating workshops. We thank Steve Acker, Mike Adams, Steve Fancy, Bruce Freet, Paul Geissler, Darryll Johnson, Kathy Jope, Gary Larson, Lyman McDonald, Karen Oakley, Dave Peterson, Steve Ralph, and Ed Starkey for numerous helpful discussions about long-term monitoring philosophy, objectives, and practice. We are indebted to Paul Geissler for his many contributions to Chapter 6, including allowing us to use his tabular summaries of sampling methods. Literally dozens of others have wittingly or otherwise contributed many ideas—we thank you all.

We would like to thank the many individuals who have reviewed parts of this report at various stages during its preparation including: Steve Acker, Katherine Beirne, Tamara Blett, Dave Conca, Carrie Donnellan, Paul Gleeson, Patti Happe, Shelley Hall, Cat Hawkins Hoffman, Roger Hoffman, Martin Hutten, Darryll Johnson, Rob Norheim, Rich Olson, Dave Peterson, Ruth Scott, Mark Vande Kamp, and Brian Winter. Finally, we extend our thanks to Gary Davis, John Emlen, Steven Fancy, Paul Geissler, Cat Hawkins Hoffman, David Peterson, Reg Reisenbichler, Charles Roman, Lyman Thorsteinson, and David Woodson for providing peer review comments on the final draft. Their thoughtful and constructive comments very much improved this document.

This work was funded by the USGS with thanks to Drs. Norita Chaney and Paul Geissler (USGS) for providing guidance, support and funding. We extend a special thanks to Dr. Michael Collopy, former Center Director of the USGS Forest and Rangeland Ecosystem Science Center, for his unyielding support of our research and monitoring activities and his extraordinary efforts in soliciting funding for this project. A Framework for Long-term Ecological Monitoring in Olympic National Park:

Prototype for the Coniferous Forest Biome.

1 By Kurt Jenkins, Andrea Woodward, and Ed Schreiner .


Importance of Monitoring:

Maintaining a current understanding of ecologi- monitoring program is to “…develop a better cal conditions is fundamental to the National Park understanding of national park ecosystem dynamics Service in meeting its overarching mission—to and ecological integration” (National Park Service preserve park resources “unimpaired for the enjoy- 1995). Prototypes were to be phased in over time ment of future generations” (U.S. Congress 1916). and the U.S. Geological Survey assumed primary Initially, the implementation of an ecological moni- responsibility for developing and testing monitoring toring program establishes reference conditions for protocols for prototype programs. natural resources from which future changes can be Prototype monitoring programs are established detected. Over the long term, these “benchmarks” in several national park units or in clusters of parks help define the normal limits of natural variation, throughout the nation, each representing one of the may become standards with which to compare major biogeographic associations (e.g., biomes) future changes, provide a basis for judging what within the National Park System. The prototype constitutes impairment, and help identify the need monitoring programs provide a forum to evaluate for corrective management actions. Issue-specific monitoring strategies appropriate in national parks monitoring programs (as opposed to general eco- and, importantly, serve as demonstration areas and logical monitoring) are also important because they ʻcenters of excellenceʼ for assisting other parks provide the basis for evaluating effectiveness of in monitoring. This includes the development of specific management actions and provide informa- exportable monitoring protocols for use by any park tion on how management practices may be adapted with similar resources throughout the system. to achieve desired objectives. Before all prototype monitoring programs National Park Service Monitoring ‘Strategy’: were established, Congress directed the National Park Service to “undertake a program of inventory The National Park Service began developing and monitoring of National Park System resources a comprehensive long-term ecological monitor- to establish baseline information and to provide ing program in 1993 by soliciting proposals for information on the long-term trends in the condi- ʻprototypeʼ parks. The goal of the ʻprototypeʼ parks tion of National Park System resources” (National Park Service Omnibus Management Act 1998). The 1U.S. Geological Survey, Forest and Rangeland Ecosystem Science Center, National Park Service subsequently developed a Olympic Field Station, 600 E. Park Avenue, Port Angeles, WA 98362. 2 A Framework for Long-term Ecological Monitoring in Olympic National Park

“Natural Resources Challenge,” an action plan and Juan Islands. A significant aspect of the National budgetary strategy for improved resource steward- Park Service Inventory and Monitoring Program is ship in the National Park System (National Park the integration of the prototype-park program with Service 1999). The Challenge included a specific the monitoring requirements of other parks in the call to action to expand monitoring efforts beyond network. Accordingly, parks with prototype pro- the currently funded prototype monitoring parks to grams are encouraged to develop protocols that are all National Park Service units. The National Park applicable at the network level. The prototype-park Serviceʼs Inventory and Monitoring strategy cur- program in Olympic National Park is an integral rently recognizes three major components of Inven- part of the North Coast and Cascades Network vital tory and Monitoring: signs monitoring program. The park plays a key role in the network, by providing technical assistance 1. Completion of basic resource inventories as a to the other parks in the Network, and developing basis for subsequent monitoring. protocols needed by other parks 2. Sustaining eleven experimental prototype monitoring programs to evaluate alternative Scope and Content: monitoring designs and strategies for selected A rather critical first-step in designing a moni- biomes. toring program is figuring out just what attributes 3. Monitoring indicators of ecosystem sta- should be monitored, and deciding how to integrate tus or health (ʼVital Signsʼ) at all natural the individual monitoring projects into a compre- resource parks (S. Fancy, Monitoring Natural hensive program. This is easily the most difficult Resources in our National Parks, task facing national park managers because the list http://www.nature.nps.gov/im/monitor/). of possibilities is literally endless. Scientists with ʻVital signsʼ monitoring, the last element, is the USGS Forest and Rangeland Ecosystem Science intended to extend monitoring of key ecosystem Center, Olympic Field Station, obtained funding in health indicators to all units of the National Park 1996 from the USGS Inventory and Monitoring pro- Service. The purpose is to “assess the basic health gram to initiate development of a long-term ecolog- or integrity of park ecosystems, and to be able to ical monitoring program for Olympic National Park. formulate management prescriptions wherever This involved developing the design process itself, necessary to maintain the integrity of those eco- creating conceptual models of park ecosystems, systems” (S. Fancy, Monitoring Natural Resources identifying potential monitoring indicators, and in our National Parks, www.nature.nps.gov/im/ developing the conceptual framework for monitor- monitor/). The National Park Service organized ing. This necessitated setting up several workshops 270 park units into 32 networks of parks in simi- with park staff and subject-matter experts to explore lar geographic areas of the country to achieve this the conceptual underpinnings of monitoring, as goal. ʻNetworksʼ form the framework for design- well as the important park issues, key attributes ing, implementing, and analyzing vital signs of the of park ecosystems, monitoring indicators, and National Parks. general sampling questions. From the outset, field Olympic National Park staff is intensely station scientists have worked closely with Olympic involved in both the prototype parks and vital-signs National Park resource management staff to create a monitoring programs. In 1993, Olympic National comprehensive monitoring framework for the park. Park was selected to develop a prototype monitor- This report synthesizes results of these work- ing program representing parks in the coniferous shops and many discussions into what we hope is forest biome. Recently, Olympic National Park a workable conceptual framework for developing was also included in the North Coast and Cascades long-term monitoring in Olympic National Park. Network of parks for vital signs monitoring. Other Our scope includes all the major ecosystem compo- parks in the North Coast and Cascades Network nents in Olympic National Park, although we hope include Ebeyʼs Landing, Fort Clatsop, Fort Van- that the conceptual materials may prove useful to couver, Mount Rainier, North Cascades, and San other parks within the North Coast and Cascades Introduction 3

Network and elsewhere. The focus of our work is on potential monitoring indicators for each monitoring coniferous forest ecosystems, but it is not our intent question. We conclude each section by identifying that this be a limiting factor. At the beginning of this linkages of monitoring indicators to other ecological study in 1996, we proposed to develop a conceptual subsystems in our general ecosystem model, iden- plan for monitoring coniferous forest ecosystems of tify spatial and temporal contexts for monitoring Olympic National Park, in keeping with the 1993 (where and how often to monitor), and research and Olympic National Park monitoring proposal and development needs. Part II represents the current the selection of Olympic National Park as a proto- most detailed listing of potential indicators—the type for the coniferous forest biome. The scope and material for subsequent discussions of monitoring content of our planning exercise expanded over the priorities and selection of indicators for protocol years as we began to embrace the broader scope of development ʻvital-signsʼ monitoring programs, park-wide moni- This report IS a living document. The ideas toring needs, and Network monitoring goals. Hence, described here evolved in response to a continuous many of our conceptual models and examples input of ideas and changing organization within emphasize the coniferous forest subsystems within the National Park Service monitoring community. Olympic National Park, but the concepts apply also Olympic National Park and the North Coast and to monitoring aquatic or coastal subsystems. Cascades Monitoring Network continue to prepare to implement ecological monitoring at the park This report consists of two sections: and network levels with the hiring of new moni- Part I contains the conceptual design and a toring coordinators, data management specialists, sampling framework for the prototype monitoring and biological and physical scientists. As these program in Olympic National Park. In this section, monitoring programs develop, this report will need we elaborate on monitoring goals and approaches to be updated to keep pace with the evolution of used to design an ecosystem-based monitoring new ideas, park resource-management issues, and program. We describe the environmental setting logistic constraints. We expect that additional moni- of Olympic National Park as context for select- toring components and protocols will be required ing potential indicators and developing conceptual and that current thinking on monitoring issues will models and sampling plans. We describe the process be modified. of identifying potential indicators of ecological con- dition and change. We present conceptual models of park ecosystems, and describe a conceptual frame- work for monitoring in the coniferous forest sub- system. Because we focused initially on terrestrial ecosystems, many of the examples provided contain greater emphasis on those systems. Part II contains a complete record of potential indicators identified to date for Olympic National Park. In this section we focus discussion on the system drivers, components, and processes identi- fied in the current working model of the Olympic National Park ecosystem (see Part I, Chapter 4). For each individual component of the park system, we develop the need and justification for monitor- ing in a word model of park management issues, key resources and ecosystem functions. We pres- ent a pictorial conceptual model of each ecological subsystem, identify monitoring questions, and list 4 A Framework for Long-term Ecological Monitoring in Olympic National Park Part I. Chapter 1. Monitoring Goals, Strategies, and Tactics 5



Chapter 1. Monitoring Goals, Strategies, and Tactics.

1.1 The Role of Monitoring . causes and effects of spatial or temporal patterns in resource condition. While it is often hoped that Monitoring is critically important to the sci- ecological monitoring can help to explain complex entific management of national parks and other relationships in ecological systems, such under- protected areas (Fig. 1.1.1). Monitoring identifies standing generally requires a more focused research the “normal” range of variation in park resources, investment. In general, monitoring is the tool used establishing a temporal baseline from which to identify whether or not a change occurred and changes may be detected and the need for manage- research is the tool to determine what caused the ment intervention recognized. If a management change. However, it seems likely that in many action is prescribed, monitoring again plays a cases evidence of causes may be perishable; thus, pivotal role in assessing the effectiveness of imple- establishing cause after the fact may be unlikely. mented actions, identifying necessary adaptations Hence, we should keep in mind the possibility of for management, and determining when manage- monitoring based on hypotheses, with concurrent ment objectives are achieved. Monitoring in this collection of ancillary, potentially explanatory data. context is a critical component of adaptive ecosys- This ancillary data may be exceptionally valuable tem management (Holling 1978, Walters 1986). because quick action may be needed after a decline Monitoring also may identify the need for scientific is detected and there may not be time to collect research to explain the causes of temporal change. these data in subsequent years. Because resource inventory, monitoring, and research are so integrally a part of management, 1.2 Monitoring Goals and Objectives: monitoring is easily confused with related activi- The Desired Endpoints. ties involving measurement of natural systems and Monitoring goals and objectives define the resources. Ecological monitoring is the sequen- expectations from monitoring, and are critical ele- tial measurement of ecological systems over time ments of the conceptual design. All subsequent with the primary purpose of detecting trends in the decisions stem from the initial statement of monitor- components, processes or functions. By contrast, ing goals and objectives. Here we define the broad an inventory is a point-in-time effort to quantify goals of the overall monitoring program at Olympic presence, abundance, or distribution of resources National Park. Specific objectives of individual in space. Often inventories are more extensive monitoring projects are described in Part II. than the subsequent monitoring, and are designed Ultimately the goal of ecological monitor- to document species occurring in the park and to ing in Olympic National Park, as in all parks, is to determine their distribution. Inventories may be promote knowledge about and understanding of used as the foundation for monitoring if the inven- ecological dynamics, processes, and functions of the tory is repeated over time. For example, monitoring park ecosystem. Such understanding is needed to long-term changes in species distribution patterns help park managers identify problems, make eco- may require sequential measurements of a species logically-based decisions, formulate management presence/absence using broadly accepted inventory plans, undertake appropriate management actions, methods. Ecological research entails measuring and assess effectiveness of adaptive management ecological systems for the purpose of explaining the 6 A Framework for Long-term Ecological Monitoring in Olympic National Park

Resource Inventory

(Establishes presence, abundance or distribution of resources)

Resource Monitoring (Establishes natural variation and identifies change in resource condition)

Yes (Determines No Change Objective management Detected? Achieved? effectiveness)

Yes No

Resource Research Management No

Human (Identifies causality) Yes Cause?

Figure 1.1.1. Relationships between resource inventories, monitoring, research, and resource management activities in national parks. actions, while also promoting public understand- • Provide early warning of abnormal conditions ing of these unique protected resources. All such of selected resources to help develop effec- uses of monitoring data are critical for the National tive mitigation measures and reduce costs of Park Service to fulfill its mission of preserving park management. resources unimpaired in perpetuity. Increasingly, • Provide data to better understand the dynamic monitoring in protected ecosystems of national nature and condition of park ecosystems and parks also plays an important societal role in defin- to provide reference points for comparisons ing conditions of ʻnaturalnessʼ for comparison with with other, altered environments. and management of exploited ecosystems beyond • Provide data to meet certain legal and Con- park boundaries. The National Park Service Inven- gressional mandates related to natural resource tory and Monitoring program has established spe- protection and visitor enjoyment. cific goals of monitoring to assist the park service • Provide a means of measuring progress in meeting its overarching mission. We adopt these towards performance goals (S. Fancy, Moni- service wide goals as guidance for developing the toring Natural Resources in our National prototype monitoring program in Olympic National Parks, www.nature.nps.gov/im/monitor/). Park. They are: These goals recognize that ecosystems are fun- • Determine status and trends in selected indi- damentally dynamic and that the challenge of moni- cators of the condition of park ecosystems toring is to separate ʻnaturalʼ variation from unde- to allow managers to make better-informed sirable anthropogenic sources of change to park decisions and to work more effectively with resources. Although the distinction between natural other agencies and individuals for the benefit and anthropogenic change is somewhat artificial, of park resources. and sometimes difficult to distinguish, we define “natural” change as the normal consequence of often cyclical ecosystem processes that are in a state Part I. Chapter 1. Monitoring Goals, Strategies, and Tactics 7 of dynamic equilibrium in the absence of modern Ecosystem drivers, both natural and anthro- human pressures. By comparison, “anthropogenic” pogenic, are the primary factors influencing change changes result mainly from industrial activities of in park ecosystems. These may be related to global humans. Because they are, by definition, caused or regional changes in climate, nutrient inputs, or by humans, they should be responsive to local, human pressures. At some point it is possible (even regional, or global changes in human activities. likely) that these drivers will exceed their range of Anthropogenic changes tend to be directional, rather natural variation (natural drivers, e.g., climate) or than cyclical, and may be accompanied by losses in that the ecosystem will loose the capacity to absorb biodiversity or functional integrity. Primary intents their effects (anthropogenic drivers, e.g., pollut- of monitoring in Olympic National Park, therefore, ants). Trends in ecosystem drivers will suggest what are to document natural variation in key compo- kind of changes to expect and may provide an early nents of forest ecosystems as context for recogniz- warning of presently unforeseen changes to the ing unacceptable impairment to park resources, to ecosystem. identify the goals of resource restoration projects, Monitoring the effects of known threats will and to compare to more altered landscapes outside provide information useful to management on cur- parks. rent issues. Monitoring effects of current threats will ensure short-term relevance of monitoring. 1.3 Monitoring Strategies: Indicators of ecosystem integrity will provide Approaches to Monitoring . the long-term baseline needed to judge what consti- How best to meet these goals—whether to tutes unnatural variation in park resources and pro- focus monitoring on effects of known threats to vide the earliest possible warning of unacceptable park resources or on general properties of ecosys- change. For our purposes, weʼve embraced Karr and tem status--was the topic of considerable discus- Dudleyʼs (1981) definition of biological integrity sion at a recent workshop (Woodward et al. 1999). as the capability of supporting and maintaining a We and others have described many considerations balanced, adaptive community of organisms hav- inherent in choosing among a strictly threats-based ing a species composition, diversity, and functional monitoring program, or alternate taxonomic, inte- organization comparable to that of natural habitats grative, or reductionist monitoring designs (Wood- within a region. Ecological integrity implies the ley et al. 1993, Woodward et al. 1999). We assert summation of chemical, physical, and ecological that the best way to meet the challenges of monitor- integrity, and it implies that ecosystem structures ing in national parks and other protected areas is and functions are unimpaired by human-caused to achieve a balance among different monitoring stresses. Indicators of basic ecosystem integrity approaches, while recognizing that the program will are aimed at early-warning detection of presently not succeed without also considering political issues unforeseeable detriments to the sustainability or (Woodward et al. 1999). To meet those needs, we resilience of ecosystems. recommend a multi-faceted approach for monitoring Focal resources are flagship resources of parks. park resources, building upon concepts presented By virtue of their special protection, public appeal, originally for the Canadian national parks (Woodley or other management significance, these resources 1993, Figure 1.3.1). Specifically, we recommend have paramount importance for monitoring regard- choosing indicators in each of the following broad less of current threats or whether they would be categories: monitored as an indication of ecosystem integrity. Collectively, these basic strategies for choosing (1) ecosystem drivers that fundamentally affect monitoring indicators achieve the diverse monitor- park ecosystems, ing goals of the National Park Service. They include (2) effects of currently known threats to the many of the criteria that have been suggested previ- condition of park ecosystems ously for selection of monitoring attributes (Davis (3) basic indicators of ecosystem integrity, and 1989, Silsbee and Peterson 1991). (4) focal resources of parks. 8 A Framework for Long-term Ecological Monitoring in Olympic National Park

Monitoring Need Monitoring Strategy

Threat-Specific Monitoring • Predicted responses

Known Effects

System Focal Resource Monitoring Drivers • Potential scenarios

Unknown Effects

Ecosystem Status Monitoring • Early-warning indicators (Modified from Woodley 1993)

Figure 1.3.1. A multi-faceted approach for monitoring known and unknown effects of system drivers on ecosystem integrity and health in national parks.

1.4 Monitoring Strategies: Integration of Monitoring by the Committee on Environment and Natural Projects. Resources (1997), as well as our own workshops (see Woodward et al. 1999). One of the most difficult aspects of designing a comprehensive monitoring program is integration of We consider the following as strategic goals for monitoring projects so that the interpretation of the the design of integrated monitoring: whole monitoring program yields information more Ecological Integration involves considering useful than that of individual parts. The National the ecological linkages among system drivers and Park Service strongly encourages integration within the components, processes, and functions of eco- and among monitoring programs so as to avoid a systems when selecting monitoring indicators. The “stovepipe” approach to monitoring. The analogy of most effective ecosystem monitoring strategy will the stovepipe refers to the tendency for elements of employ a suite of individual measurements that monitoring programs to be conceived, developed, collectively monitor the integrity of the entire eco- and implemented independently such that informa- system. One strategy for effective ecological inte- tion flows from individual stovepipes with minimal gration is to select indicators at various hierarchical interaction. One of the strategic goals identified in levels of ecological organization (Noss 1990). the 1993 prototype monitoring proposal submitted by Olympic National Park is to develop an inte- Spatial Integration involves establishing grated monitoring program for coniferous forest linkages of measurements made at different spatial ecosystems. scales, including nested spatial scales within a park- Although integration is admittedly a subjective specific prototype monitoring program, or between goal for which it is difficult to identify benchmarks individual park programs and broader regional pro- of progress, we recognize several characteristics of grams (i.e., National Park Service or other national integrated monitoring programs that serve as strate- and regional programs). It requires understanding gic goals for program design and implementation. of scalar ecological processes, the co-location of Our perspectives on integrative monitoring are measurements of comparably scaled monitoring influenced by proceedings of a workshop on attributes, and the design of monitoring frameworks “Integrating Environmental Monitoring and that permit the extrapolation and interpolation of Research in the Mid-Atlantic Region,” sponsored scalar data. Part I. Chapter 1. Monitoring Goals, Strategies, and Tactics 9

Temporal Integration involves establishing 1.5 Design Tactics: How to Get There? linkages between measurements made at various temporal scales. It will be necessary to determine a We identify three stages in the maturation of meaningful time line for sampling different ecologi- any monitoring program: a design phase, a pro- cal attributes while considering characteristics of tocol development phase, and an implementation temporal variation in such attributes. For example, phase (Figure 1.5.1). The design phase boils down sampling changes in forest overstory structures to deciding what, when and where to monitor, and (e.g., size class distribution) may require much articulating why. The individual design steps— less frequent sampling than that required to detect scoping (Chapter 3), conceptual modeling (Chapter changes in composition, phenology or biomass 4), sampling framework (Chapter 5)—are all impor- of herbaceous understories. Temporal integration tant elements of achieving ecological and spatial requires nesting the more frequent and, therefore, integration in monitoring. The subsequent chapters more intensive sampling within the context of less of Part I summarize steps we have taken in design- frequent sampling. ing the prototype monitoring program in Olympic National Park and our efforts to build an integrated Methodological Integration involves choos- monitoring program. ing sampling methods that promote sharing of data The protocol development phase, which follows among neighboring land management agencies the design phase, includes the critically important or other national parks in the region, while also research and development that results in specific providing context for interpreting the data. For study plans, sampling methodologies, data manage- example, the use of a common monitoring meth- ment systems, and written monitoring protocols odology across jurisdictional boundaries on the (Figure 1.5.1). Implementation of a mature moni- Olympic Peninsula (e.g. spotted owl monitoring), toring program involves routine collection, analy- would provide context for interpreting trends in sis, interpretation and reporting of data following park resources relative to other land ownerships on approved protocols over the long term. Peer review the Peninsula while also enhancing the usefulness is a critical component of each stage providing sug- of monitoring data from Olympic National Park as gestions for revisions in design, protocols, or imple- an environmental benchmark for the region. mentation (Figure 1.5.1). Although the three stages Programmatic Integration involves the coor- of program development are largely implemented dination and communication of monitoring activi- sequentially, the feedback arrows between them ties at the park and regional levels to promote broad recognize the iterative characteristics of a dynamic participation in monitoring and use of the resulting monitoring program. data. For example, involving National Park Ser- vice resource protection and education divisions in routine monitoring activities at the park level results in a well-informed park staff, improved potential for informing the public, wider support for monitoring, and greater acceptance of monitoring results in the decision-making process. Coordination and integra- tion of monitoring activities between the prototype and network monitoring programs is also essential to ensure maximum usefulness of protocols devel- oped at the prototype parks. 10 A Framework for Long-term Ecological Monitoring in Olympic National Park

Protocol Design Phase Implementation Development

Environmental Select Core Logistic Planning Context Components Data Collection Scoping Study Plans Data Management Conceptual Model Research & Development Data Analysis Monitoring Framework Data Management Interpretation and Reporting Sampling Plan Protocols

Peer Review

Figure 1.5.1. Sequence of steps taken in designing long-term ecological monitoring in Olympic National Park and relationships among ‘design’, ‘protocol development’ and ‘implementation’ phases of program development. Part I. Chapter 2. Environmental Context 11

Chapter 2. Environmental Context: Ecological Resources, History, and Threats.

The natural resources of Olympic National Park 2.2 Climate. are the raw materials for developing a long-term Mountainous areas are often distinguished by ecological monitoring program. Here, we briefly steep moisture and temperature gradients resulting present the background material with which we in substantially different environments over short work to formulate a monitoring program for Olym- distances. In addition to being influenced by the pic National Park. The information for this chapter mountains, the Olympic Peninsula environment also is synthesized from Henderson et al. (1989), Hous- reflects its maritime climate, which is characterized ton et al. (1994), Buckingham et al. (1995), and the by exceptionally high levels of precipitation along Resource Management Plan of Olympic National the western slope. Most storms pick up moisture Park (Olympic National Park 1999). over the Pacific Ocean and move across the Pen- 2.1 Setting. insula from the southwest depositing over 600 cm of precipitation annually on Mount Olympus. The Olympic National Park is the centerpiece of 2 northeast corner of the Peninsula is in a striking the Olympic Peninsula, a 13,800 km landmass in rain shadow with Sequim, only 55 km from Mount the extreme northwest corner of the conterminous Olympus, receiving an average of 45 cm of precipi- . The Peninsula resembles an island tation annually (Figure 2.2.1). Hence, the area expe- because it is surrounded on three sides by water: riences one of the steepest precipitation gradients the Pacific Ocean to the west, the Strait of Juan de in the world. Most precipitation (80%) falls from Fuca to the north, and to the east. The October through March while only 5% falls in July southern boundary is usually considered to be the and August, creating summer drought conditions Chehalis River Valley (Figure 2.1.1). The Olympic especially in the northeast. Winter precipitation falls Mountains rise from sea level at the coast to culmi- primarily as rain below 300 m elevation, rain and nate on Mt. Olympus at 2430 m. Geologic uplift, snow from 300 to 750 m, and snow at higher eleva- heavy precipitation and a dynamic glacial history tions. Long-term data from lowland areas around have created a radial pattern of 11 major river val- the Peninsula show the average January temperature leys centered in the mountains. o 2 to be 0 C with average August maxima averaging Olympic National Park covers 3700 km in 21oC (Phillips and Donaldson 1972, National two units: 3530 km2 in the central mountainous 2 Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 1978). core, and a narrow 170 km strip extending 84 km The steep climatic and elevation gradients along the coast. Ninety-six percent of the park is of the Peninsula create a diversity of conditions designated wilderness; roads, campgrounds, and within the park. Climate ranges from mild, maritime structures occupy less than 1% of the area and conditions on the coast to harsh, cold alpine areas are located around the periphery of the park. The at high elevations to dry, near-continental climate center of the park is accessible only by the 984 km in the northeast. Consequently, cold-stressed alpine of maintained trails (Figure 2.1.2). The park shares vegetation exists within 15 km of intertidal com- 474 km of boundary with land managed primarily munities and an urban area that would naturally be for timber by the Washington State Department of an oak savanna, and even closer to lush temperate Natural Resources (1600 km2), the USDA Forest 2 coniferous rainforest with some of the worldʼs larg- Service (2800 km ) and private timber companies. est trees. However, 350 km2 of Olympic National Forest is included in six units of Wilderness Areas, all abut- ting the park (Olympic National Park 1999). 12 A Framework for Long-term Ecological Monitoring in Olympic National Park

2.3 Geology and Soils. 2.4 Glacial History. The major formative geologic process for the Although more than 20 ice ages occurred during is plate tectonics, specifically the epoch (Mix 1987), little is known the subduction of the oceanic Juan de Fuca plate about any except the most recent one, known as the as it travels eastward and collides with the west- Wisconsin Ice Age. During the Wisconsin Ice Age, ward-moving continental North American plate. there were several glaciations of which at least four During the Miocene this oceanic plate slid under left records in the region. The most the continental plate at the subduction zone, folding recent of these was the Fraser glaciation with two and raising the edge of the continent. Basaltic sea major periods of glacial advance (stades). The first, mounts, probably originally located on the ocean known as the Evans Creek Stade, occurred 21,000- floor near the shore, became the Crescent Formation 18,000 BP (years before present), and was charac- forming the northern, eastern and southern edges terized by the expansion of alpine glaciers (Booth of the mountains. Later, sedimentary rock from the 1987). During this stade, glaciers filled valleys and ocean floor located west of the basalts but east of some adjacent lowlands, especially on the west side the subduction zone, folded to create the central of the Peninsula. Sea level was lower, exposing per- core and western side of the Peninsula. Eventually haps an additional 50 km wide strip of coast (Long the subduction zone moved further west, relieving 1975). Eventually the valley glaciers retreated, but the downward pressure on the Peninsula and allow- ice returned to the area during the Vashon Stade, ing the mountains to rise. As the mountains uplifted, this time due to the southern advance of the Cordil- erosion from precipitation and sculpting by glaciers leran ice sheet from Canada. This stade was at its produced the radial river drainage pattern and pre- maximum about 15,000 BP when the Puget trough cipitous mountain slopes (Tabor 1987). and the were filled with ice, The geologic and glacial histories of the Pen- reaching a thickness of approximately 1100 m near insula and western Washington provide a diversity Port Angeles (Armstrong et al. 1965, Tabor 1987). of parent materials for soil formation. The ocean Ice was thickest in the northeast corner of the floor contributed sedimentary and marine-deposited Peninsula but the continental sheet never contacted basaltic bedrock. The continental glaciers deposited the remaining valley glaciers (Booth 1987, Tabor a variety of soil materials including granitic rocks 1987). The Vashon Stade ended about 12,500 BP from the Cascade Range along the east and north and was followed by a minor re-advance of the ice sides of the Peninsula. Mass wasting and glaciers sheet about 11,500 BP (Sumas Stade). mixed, washed, and eroded all three material, creat- During the Holocene, the period since the last ing a complex of mountainous and riverine soil ice age, the area experienced the Hypsithermal materials (Tabor 1987). Period or “early Holocene warming” (10,000-7,000 Olympic soils are considered to be young and, BP) and then the Neoglacial Period (5,000-4,000 in general, they are relatively infertile except in the BP) characterized by renewed glacial advances lower Dungeness River Valley. Local soil charac- (Hammond 1976). The latest advance, known as the teristics, (e.g., soil moisture, subsurface flow, soil Little Ice Age, occurred 1350-1850 AD (Porter and temperature, and chemical properties) are highly Denton 1967). variable, being influenced by the parent material, climate, and biotic communities of the area. Com- mon soil orders include spodosols, inceptisols, enti- sols, histosols, and andisols (Henderson et al. 1989). Part I. Chapter 2. Environmental Context 13


Figure 2.1.1. Location of coastal and interior units of Olympic National Park on Washington’s Olympic Peninsula.

Figure 2.1.2. Roads (red) and trails (black) of Olympic National Park showing limited road access to the park’s interior. (map prepared by R. Hoffman, Olympic National Park) 14 A Framework for Long-term Ecological Monitoring in Olympic National Park Part I. Chapter 2. Environmental Context 15

Figure 2.2.1. Isoclines of mean annual precipitation (cm) on the Olympic Peninsula. (map prepared by R. Hoffman, Olympic National Park).


Strait of Juan de Fuca

Port Angeles Sequim

OLYM boundary Lakes Forks Major rivers Unclassified Sitka spruce Douglas Pacific Western hemlock Ocean Silver fir Mountain hemlock Subalpine fir Parkland Alpine

0 10 Miles 0 10 Kilometers

k030103a Figure 2.5.1. Forest zones of the Olympic Peninsula (OLYM=Olympic National Park). (map prepared by K. Beirne, Olympic National Park). 16 A Framework for Long-term Ecological Monitoring in Olympic National Park Part I. Chapter 2. Environmental Context 17

2.5 Vegetation Pattern. the Mountain Hemlock Zone (Tsuga mertensiana) Studies of pollen preserved in lake bottoms and include mountain hemlock, subalpine fir Abies( show that vegetation has been dynamic in response lasiocarpa), and sometimes Pacific silver fir. The to changes in climate. During full glaciation Subalpine Fir Zone occurs in areas with snow packs (20,000-17,000 BP), low-elevation areas included less than 3m deep and may also include lodgepole some of the species currently found in subalpine pine (Pinus contorta) or whitebark pine (P. albicau- parkland. Then as climate warmed during the early lis). Treeline occurs at about 1615 m in wetter areas Holocene, dry-adapted species became more abun- and 1890 m in drier zones where trees finally give dant. These included Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga way to alpine meadows (Henderson et al. 1989). menziesii), red alder (Alnus rubra) and some west- 2.6 Biogeography. ern hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla) in the west, and The glacial history, geographic isolation, and oak (probably Quercus garryana) and pines (prob- steep climatic gradients have important conse- ably Pinus contorta) in the northeast. Charcoal quences for the biogeography of the area. First, the deposits suggest fire was frequent during this time. Peninsula was never completely covered by ice dur- Current vegetation began to establish after the cli- ing at least the Fraser Glaciation when a complex of mate cooled again (5,000-7,000 BP). Moist, temper- ridges and mountains were above ice. In addition, ate species such as western hemlock and redcedar sea level was lower when the ice was deep, expos- (Thuja plicata) increased while Douglas fir and red ing considerable new lands along the coast for long alder persisted but at lower abundance (Barnosky et periods of time (Booth 1987, Tabor 1987). al. 1987, Brubaker 1991, Whitlock 1992). The role of the Olympic Peninsula as a glacial Because vegetation is highly indicative of cli- refugium is conjecture, but the theory is well sup- mate, vegetation zones can be considered to reflect ported by the present biogeography (Houston et al. zones of similar environments. In the Olympics, 1994, Buckingham et al. 1995). The Olympic Pen- vegetation zones are defined by the abundance and insula is home to a surprising number of endemic distribution of tree species, and show that the Olym- and disjunct species. Their distribution patterns are pic environment is largely determined by elevation, consistent with the theory that the Peninsula served aspect and precipitation (Figure 2.5.1). as a glacial refugium during at least the Fraser West-side lowland forests are in the Sitka Glaciation. (Table 2.6.1). Of the fourteen endemic Spruce (Picea sitchensis) Zone. This zone includes or near-endemic plant species, two are coastal or the temperate coniferous rainforest for which Olym- lowland (beyond the ice) and the others are subal- pic National Park is famous. Here, massive Sitka pine and alpine (above the ice); four out of five of spruce trees grow to 90 m and deciduous bigleaf the endemic mammals are associated with alpine maples (Acer macrophyllum) are laden with epi- and subalpine areas; and five of eight endemic phytes. Lowland and mid-elevation forests on the insects are high montane or subalpine. In addition drier east side and mid-elevation forests on the west to Peninsula endemics, several species are endemic side are in the Western Hemlock (Tsuga hetero- to the Peninsula and coastal islands to the north phylla) Zone. This is the most widespread zone and suggesting that species might have evolved and it is dominated by Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menzie- spread along the wide coastal strip to the west of the sii) and western hemlock, while western red cedar Cordilleran Ice. Finally, some species are disjunct (Thuja plicata) is a fairly common constituent. from populations now present on the other side of Montane forests are in the Pacific Silver Fir Abies( the area previously occupied by the Cordilleran ice amabilis) Zone on the cool, moist slopes of the sheet. These species may have been widely distrib- eastern, western and southern parts of the Peninsula, uted across the continent until they were extirpated while the Douglas-fir Zone inhabits south-facing in part of their range by ice. montane slopes in the northeast. Subalpine areas Typical of islands, which the Olympic Penin- are a matrix of tree islands and meadows. Wet areas sula resembles, the Olympic Peninsula has a depau- experiencing snow packs deeper than 3 m are in perate fauna compared with nearby continental 18 A Framework for Long-term Ecological Monitoring in Olympic National Park areas, in this case the Cascade Mountains (Table dependent species, the northern spotted owl (Strix 2.6.2). Missing large mammals include grizzly bears occidentalis caurina) and the marbled murrelet (Ursus arctos), mountain sheep (Ovis canadensis), (Brachyramphus marmoratus), as threatened spe- and mountain goats (Oreamnos americanus); miss- cies by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Since ing smaller mammals include the pika (Ochotona then, forest harvest on Federal lands has been princeps) and the golden-mantled ground sharply curtailed and is now subject to management ( lateralis). prescribed in the interagency Northwest Forest Plan, an agreement to which the National Park Service is 2.7 Human History . a signatory (U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Humans have occupied the Olympic Penin- Service and U.S. Department of the Interior Bureau sula since nearly the end of the final melting of the of Land Management 1994). Other recent issues Cordilleran Ice Sheet around 11,000-13,000 BP. involving dialogue with parties outside of the park Humans may have crossed the Bering land bridge include harvest of park resources, salmon genetics, to from Asia sometime during the dam removal on the Elwha River, park management height of glaciation, approximately 25-15,000 BP. of bears, nonnative mountain goats, the reintroduc- The first to arrive were hunter-gatherers, probably tion of wolves, and mining in and near the park utilizing caribou, bison, mastodons, mammoths boundary. and other cold-climate fauna present at the time Meanwhile, as unmanaged areas have been (Bergland 1983). Sedentary land use is estimated to reduced, and the human population of western have begun 3,000 BP and the livelihood was based Washington has increased, visitation to the park has on marine shellfish, fish and marine mammals (Ber- shown a steady increase. In 1939 only 40,650 visits gland 1983, Schalk 1988, Wessen 1990). Humans were recorded, increasing to 100,000 in 1945, 1 also made extensive use of plant materials, notably million in 1958, and 4.2 million in 2001. The park western red cedar for housing, boats, baskets and can expect increasing numbers of visitors into the many other objects (Norton 1979). future (Olympic National Park records). Dramatic changes to the Peninsula began with 2.8 Natural Disturbance the arrival of Europeans. European contact occurred . during the 1770s, if not earlier, and resulted in sig- The major large-scale natural disturbances on nificant losses of native people to foreign diseases the Olympic Peninsula are fire and wind (Figure (Capoeman 1990). European settlement began in 2.8.1, Henderson et al. 1989). Fire is most important earnest with the establishment of Port Townsend in in drier vegetation types with the fire return interval 1850 and Sequim in 1854. The first logging com- of 140-240 years compared with 600-900 years in pany, Pope and Talbot, was formed in 1833, and wetter areas. Storms with hurricane force winds the first railroad to Forks was completed in 1919 move in from the coast, affecting the wetter side (Campbell 1979). Logging increased through time, of the Peninsula, and occur about every 20 years peaking during the 1980s, leaving the Park sur- (Henderson et al. 1989). Smaller-scale disturbances rounded by a landscape managed for timber. Euro- are associated with heavy precipitation and include pean settlement resulted in changes in popu- avalanches, slope failures, soil creep, and scour- lations as well. Wolves were hunted to extinction, ing of riverbanks. Beach erosion and other coastal and elk and nearly so (McLeod 1984). The processes affect the coastal strip. reduction in elk populations motivated the closure Fire suppression policies during the twentieth of hunting seasons from 1905-1933, and was largely century may have altered vegetation structure and responsible for the creation of the Olympic National composition. However, the effects are not yet as Monument in 1909 and, later, the Olympic National dramatic as for geographic areas experiencing fire- Park in 1938. return intervals measured in decades rather than the One consequence of the high timber harvest centuries appropriate for the Olympics. levels in the 1980s has been the loss of old-growth Insects and diseases are a natural part of the for- forest habitat and the listing of two old-growth est ecosystem. Most pathogens occurring in the Part I. Chapter 2. Environmental Context 19

Table 2.6.1. Endemic fauna and flora of the Olympic Peninsula. See Houston et al. (1994) for primary sources, plus Pyle (2002).

Common Name Scientific Name VERTEBRATES Mammals Olympic Marmota olympus Olympic yellow-pine Tamias amoenus caurinus a Olympic snow mole Scapanus townsendii olympicus Olympic Mazama pocket gopher Thomonys mazama melanops Olympic ermine Mustela erminea olympica

Ampibians Olympic torrent salamander Rhyacotriton olympicus

Fish Olympic mud minnow Novumbra hubbsi b “Beardslee” rainbow trout (lacustrine form) Oncorhyncus mykiss irideus c “Crescenti” cutthroat trout (lacustrine form) Oncorhyncus clarki clarki c

INVERTEBRATES Insects Olympic arctic d (lepidopteran) Oeneis chryxus valerata Hurlbirtʼs skipper (lepidopteran) Herperia comma hurlbirti Olympic Parnassian d (lepidopteran) Parnassius smintheus olympiannus Ozette skipper (lepidopteran) Ochlodes sylvanoides undetermined Spangled Blue (lepidopteran) Icaricia acmon spangleatus Makah copper (lepidopteran) Lycaena mariposa undetermined Olympic grasshopper Nisquallia olympica Mannʼs gazelle beetle Nebria danmanni Quileute gazelle beetle Nebria acuta quileute Sylvan gazelle beetle d Nebria meanyi sylvatica Johnsonʼs snail eater d (coleopteran) Scaphinotus johnsoni Tiger beetle Cicindela bellissima frechini

Millipedes Millipede e Tubaphe levii

Mollusks Arionid slug Hemphillia dromedarius Arionid jumping slug Hemphillia burringtoni

VASCULAR HERBACEOUS Pink sandverbena d Abronia umbellate acutulata Olympic Mountain milkvetch Astragalus australis var. olympicus Piperʼs bellflower piperi Flettʼs fleabane Erigeron flettii Thompsonʼs wandering fleabane Erigeron peregrinus peregrinus var. thomsonii e Hendersonʼs rock spirea Petrophytum herdersonnii Websterʼs senecio Senecio neowebsterii Olympic Mountain synthyris Synthyris pinnatifidavar. lanuginosa Flettʼs violet flettii Olympic aster d Aster paucicapitatus 20 A Framework for Long-term Ecological Monitoring in Olympic National Park

Table 2.6.1. Endemic fauna and flora of the Olympic Peninsula. See Houston et al. (1994) for primary sources, plus Pyle (2002). (Continued)

Common Name Scientific Name VASCULAR HERBACEOUS PLANTS Magenta paintbrush d Castilleja parvifloravar. olympica Lance-leaf spring beauty d Claytonia lanceolata var. pacifica Blood-red pedicularis d Pedicularis bracteosa var. atrosanguinea Tischʼs saxifrage d Saxifraga tischii

CRYPTOGAMS Liverwortd Porella noellii forma crispate aTrinomials indicate . bOccurs south to Chehalis River. cFormerly considered as a distinct species; currently considered a lake-adapted form of the subspecies dAlso occurs on Vancouver Island eNot found in Olympic National Park

Table 2.6.2. Mammal and bird species present in the Cascade Mountains but absent historically from the Olympic Peninsula.a See Houston et al. (1994) for sources.

Common Name Scientific Name

Mammals Grizzly bear Ursus arctos Wolverine Gulo gulo Red fox b Vulpes vulpes c Canis latrans Lynx Lynx canadensis Water vole Microtus richardsonii Golden-mantled ground squirrel Spermophilus lateralis Northern bog lemming Synaptomys borealis Porcupine d Erethizon dorsatum Pika e Orchotona princeps Mountain sheep Ovis canadensis Oreamnos americanus

Birds White-tailed ptarmigan Lagopus leucurus Spruce grouse Dendragapus canadensis a Scientific names from Honacki et al. (1982). bSubsequently introduced. cColonized the Olympic Peninsula during the early twentieth century. dOccasional dispersing individuals, apparently no established population. eMerriam found no pikas but was uncertain that they were entirely absent. Part I. Chapter 2. Environmental Context 21

Olympics affect stressed trees and/or do not always as symptoms of larger issues (Table 2.9.1). Identify- result in tree death. Insects cause local effects but no ing these issues creates the context for monitoring widespread, devastating outbreaks of insects have questions in two ways. First, identifying the larger been recorded (Henderson et al. 1989). Two non- issue addressed by specific concerns across a region native insects, the balsam woolly adelgid (Adelges can provide the common ground needed to integrate piceae) and hemlock woolly adelgid (A. tsugae), those programs. For example, different land man- and one non-native pathogen, white pine blister rust agement agencies have different specific concerns (Cronarium ribicola), are of management concern. regarding how global climate change might affect their resources (e.g., reduced timber production, increased fire frequency). It is logical to integrate these concerns around the larger issue of climate change. Second, some threats can be addressed directly by park management, either with a policy change, mitigation, or increased enforcement, and others cannot. For threats it cannot act on directly, the park can serve as a natural benchmark for man- aged systems; monitoring should include the bench- mark role as a consideration. Management concerns can also be categorized by whether they are local or have park-wide scope. This perspective will pro- vide a clear context for monitoring questions and approaches. Concerns that affect local areas or a limited number of resources are most likely to be addressed by smaller-scale and maybe shorter-term Figure 2.8.1. Areas of Olympic National Park affected by wind or monitoring. In contrast, concerns with park-wide fire (taken from Henderson et al. 1989). impacts will require an extensive component. 2.10 Management Objectives. 2.9 Anthropogenic Threats. A monitoring plan must consider not only natu- If Olympic National Park is to meet its man- ral resources, but also the management goals for date to maintain natural resources unimpaired for those resources. The management goals are in turn future generations, the anthropogenic impacts to directed by various pieces of legislation that call for these resources must be mitigated or prevented. providing public enjoyment of park resources but Some threats and their effects are unforeseeable only in a way that is compatible with their conser- and cannot be specifically described. As such, these vation. Specifically, the Resource Management Plan threats will be addressed by monitoring indicators for Olympic National Park (1999) identifies eight of ecosystem integrity expected to provide early objectives to meet its overall goal of conservation: detection of changes in the structure and function of • Protect the parkʼs natural resources and values park ecosystems. in an unimpaired condition and restore altered Anthropogenic threats currently of concern areas to the condition they would possess to park management are identified in the parkʼs without European settlement. Resource Management Plan (Olympic National • Protect rare species, restore threatened and Park 1999). Some threats have local effects on endangered species, and minimize harm to specific resources (e.g., illegal harvest of animal indigenous species. and plant taxa) while others are ubiquitous and have • Use scientific research to gain information unknown consequences (e.g., ultra-violet radiation about resources, and natural and anthropo- may have a wide range of yet undetermined effects). genic effects on them. Nevertheless, all management concerns can be seen 22 A Framework for Long-term Ecological Monitoring in Olympic National Park

• Assemble baseline inventories describing the Difficult Access. The mountainous terrain of parkʼs natural resources and systematically the Olympics, the placement of roads peripheral to monitor them in order to understand the gov- the park, and the fact that 95% of the park is desig- erning natural processes and detect change. nated wilderness makes central and/or high eleva- • Archive and maintain data and information tion areas extremely difficult to reach. Results from from research and monitoring, and encourage a model of travel time to different areas of the park its dissemination. show that it is impossible to sample the entire park • Provide for appropriate wilderness uses and with limited resources (Figure 2.11.1). Fortunately experiences, especially solitude, while protect- there are statistical methods for sampling more dif- ing wilderness resources. ficult areas with less intensity while still allowing • Provide appropriate recreational opportunities inferences to them. However, there are some parts in environments least vulnerable to resource of the park that will be impractical to monitor degradation. under modest budgets except with remote sensing • Promote communication among Olympic technology. Peninsula land managing agencies to identify Endemic and Disjunct Species. The island- common natural resource issues, propose solu- like geography of the park and its glacial history tions and share resources and information. have resulted in a long period of biologic isola- tion, enough for many endemic taxa to evolve and These objectives are compatible with the several disjunct taxa to persist. Given the parkʼs approach of monitoring specific management issues, management goals, these unique organisms deserve focal species, and indicators of ecosystem integ- individual consideration for monitoring. Whether or rity. Although specific agents of change are not not they are chosen for monitoring will depend on identified, it is recognized that the agents could be their perceived risk, general ecosystem importance, internal or external to the park, and that anthropo- and legal mandates. genic change and human use are matters of resource Interpretation of Trends. By coincidence, the concern. beginning of European settlement of the Pacific 2.11 Implications for Monitoring. Northwest coincided with the end of the Little Ice Age at around 1850. Since then, a change in anthro- Diverse Resources. One of the biggest chal- pogenic regime has coincided with a natural warm- lenges to monitoring the resources of Olympic ing trend. Influences of mechanized society (e.g., National Park is their profound diversity. Steep over-harvesting, and pollution) have been increas- environmental gradients due to mountainous terrain ing while the influences of aboriginal societies have and a wet maritime climate result in biologically declined (e.g., selective harvest of cedars, harvest of significant environmental differences over short marine mammals). Meanwhile, climate change due distances. In addition, the park encompasses a broad to a natural climatic cycle has perhaps been exacer- spectrum of environments from coastal beaches bated by an anthropogenic influence on climate. and forests to subalpine meadows and glaciers. The The implications for monitoring are that anthro- challenge for developing a monitoring program is pogenic change will be difficult to distinguish from to select resources or processes that meet monitor- natural process. It is also difficult to define manage- ing objectives, identify indicators with intensive ment goals for restoration, because the system does and extensive scales, choose efficient indicators that not have a recorded equilibrium state from which apply to as many high priority issues as possible, to extrapolate natural process and predict how the and repeat this process iteratively. The ultimate goal current situation should look absent European influ- is to achieve adequate representation in an effective ence. Therefore, observed trends must be interpreted scientifically defensible monitoring program using in light of inherent instability, from both natural and limited resources. anthropogenic forces. Part I. Chapter 2. Environmental Context 23

Table 2.9.1. Summary of anthropogenic threats identified in the Olympic National Park Resource Management Plan. Specific threats are grouped into general categories. Whether the park addresses the concern with management actions and whether the impacts are parkwide are also indicated (Y=yes, N=no).

GENERAL THREAT MGMT. SPECIFIC CONCERN PARKWIDE ACTION? IDENTIFIED IN RESOURCE IMPACTS? MANAGEMENT PLAN Habitat Outside of the Fragmentation outside the park Y Park Isolation of inside the N park Y Alteration of fish habitat Y Alteration of marine habitat N Climate Change Increased ultra-violet radiation Y N Effect on ocean conditions ? Pollutants From growing metro area to east Y From Asia Y N Oil and chemical spills N Effects on plants Y Potential for lake acidification N Genetic Contamination N Fish hatcheries N Water Rights N Dams N Consumptive Use Hunting N Outside Park Over-harvest of fish N N Off-shore coastal development N Mineral claims N Exotic Species Exotic animals and plants Y Y Introduced pests or diseases ? NPS Development & Park management (development) N Y Policies Fire suppression Y Visitor Impacts Trampling N Impacts to soil and vegetation N Illegal harvest N Y Interactions with wildlife ? Unknown magnitude of day use N Future visitor trends Y Consumptive Use Harvest (total amounts and species) Inside Park of intertidal & marine organisms Y Illegal harvest N N 24 A Framework for Long-term Ecological Monitoring in Olympic National Park Part I. Chapter 2. Environmental Context 25

Figure 2.11.1. Estimated times of foot travel from nearest road or trail in Olympic National Park. (map prepared by R. Hoffman, Olympic National Park). 26 A Framework for Long-term Ecological Monitoring in Olympic National Park Part I. Chapter 3. Scoping and Identifying Indicators 27

Chapter 3. Scoping and Identifying Indicators.

The scoping phase was designed to solicit a We asked each park management division (i.e., wide range of ideas on significant management resource management, resource education, resource issues, focal species, and key ecosystems and and visitor protection, maintenance, and administra- components to monitor in Olympic National Park. tion) to send at least 5 participants to the workshop; We initiated this process of identifying monitor- twenty-seven Olympic National Park staff members ing needs with the park staff because they are most attended (Appendix A). To keep groups as small familiar with its resources, and to ensure a ʻgrass- as possible and maintain an informal ʻround-tableʼ rootsʼ contribution to the planning process. How- atmosphere, we divided the participants into three ever, scoping is an iterative process, so we have work groups, each with a U.S. Geological Survey continued to solicit new perspectives on important facilitator and a resource management specialist monitoring topics by convening meetings of natural from the park to record ideas in each group, while resource specialists from adjacent landowners on also contributing to the discussion. We asked mem- the Olympic Peninsula, and from groups of experts bers of each group the two-part question, ʻWhat who have delved deeper into identifying potential resources in Olympic National Park should be mon- indicators of park integrity. A complete listing of itored and why? Within each group, the workshop scoping workshops held by U.S. Geological Survey participants answered the question, presenting one and Olympic National Park and their participants is idea at a time without discussion until everyoneʼs provided in Appendix A. ideas were exhausted. The groupʼs comprehensive 3.1 Park-staff Workshop. response was consolidated after a brief discussion aimed at identifying common and different mean- We invited all the parkʼs staff to participate in a ings of similar ideas. We then asked participants to scoping workshop to help identify the most impor- prioritize monitoring needs by rating each monitor- tant monitoring needs in Olympic National Park. ing need as high, moderate, or low, and indepen- The range of this exercise included all terrestrial dently identify their top 5 choices for monitoring. and aquatic systems within the park, excluding The entire exercise was completed in one day. coastal resources. We excluded coastal resources at The park staff identified a variety of park this time because initially we defined the scope of resources representing both focal species and poten- the monitoring program as coniferous forest eco- tial indicators of ecosystem integrity, as well as systems including aquatic subsystems within them. potential agents of change affecting those resources This definition was consistent with the 1993 Pro- (Table 3.1.1). The matrix of relationships between totype Monitoring Proposal submitted by Olympic resources and agents of change revealed a compli- National Park. The coastal resource was considered cated array of potential effects and park manage- subsequently in the Olympic National Park “vital- ment issues. The resulting scores revealed that park signs” workshop described in Section 3.3. staff attributed high importance to monitoring focal We used nominal group techniques to solicit species, including: input on long-term ecological monitoring needs in • threatened wildlife species (e.g., northern Olympic National Park in a structured and time- spotted owls, bald eagles (Haliaetus leuco- efficient manner. Nominal group technique is a way cephalus), marbled murrelets and anadromous of organizing a meeting to identify and solve prob- fish), lems, while balancing and increasing participation • flagship species such as the Roosevelt elk in the decision-making process (Delbecq et al. 1975, (Cervus elaphus) and the endemic trout inhab- www.institute.virginia.edu/services/CSA/nominal.htm). iting , 28 A Framework for Long-term Ecological Monitoring in Olympic National Park

• species associated with current park manage- Prior to the meeting we asked each group to provide ment issues (e.g., non-native mountain goats a list of on-going inventory and monitoring projects, [Oreamnos americanus], rare plants, exotic reasons the selected indicators are of interest, a brief plants and fishes), and description of indicators, and contact information. • large mammals whose proximity to park visi- We were able to compile the list and provide it at tors poses unique management issues regard- the meeting. A summary of the monitoring indica- ing both animal and human safety (e.g., bears tors and interested agencies appears in Table 3.2.1 (Ursus americanus), (Felis concolor). and can be used to determine linkages with other agencies regarding indicators eventually chosen by Park staff also attributed high importance to Olympic National Park. measuring potential indicators of ecosystem integ- We also asked other agencies to identify their rity. They identified a wide gamut of potential information needs that might be met by ecological resources to monitor as a gauge of the parkʼs overall monitoring in Olympic National Park. The com- health and integrity. These included recommenda- ments we received emphasized the benchmark role tions to monitor: of the park. The participants highlighted the points • whole ecosystems, notably the parkʼs signa- that healthy salmon populations and forested water- ture old-growth forested lowlands and riparian sheds are rare resources, available only in the park. forests, The natural variation of these resources and systems • comprehensive characteristics of those ecosys- must be described and compared with management tems, such as biodiversity and forest health, regimes outside of the park so that management and, effects can be distinguished from natural variation. • important ecosystem processes such as fluvial Also, the park was encouraged to adopt methods dynamics and biogeochemical cycling. that were identical or equivalent to methods used outside of the park to make comparison as easy as Workshop participants also identified a wide possible. Specific resources were also identified as variety of individual system components (e.g., dead high-priority subjects for monitoring: and downed wood) and biotic communities (e.g., cryptogams, forest fungi, migratory birds, amphib- • Physical properties of watersheds with third ians) as potential resources to monitor. Park staff order streams (water quality, channel prop- assigned the highest importance values to the most erties, large woody debris, mass-wasting comprehensively stated park resources and lower frequency) importance to more narrowly defined system com- • Monitor recovery of a watershed after a burn ponents. Nevertheless, the overall high importance to compare with recovery after clear-cutting of ecosystem monitoring in Olympic National Park or use other ways to provide baseline informa- supports the need for basic long-term monitoring tion for comparison with forest management studies to provide environmental benchmarks and practices identify future challenges associated with managing • Riparian areas protected areas. • Headwaters and seeps • Amphibians 3.2 Meeting of Adjacent Land-owners. • Biodiversity In April 1997 we held a workshop to learn • Special forest products (, fungi, etc.) about inventory and monitoring projects being con- • Intertidal monitoring and link the intertidal ducted by other agencies on the Olympic Peninsula, and near-shore with freshwater watersheds by and to solicit input on important monitoring projects considering sedimentation in Olympic National Park. We invited representa- • Northern spotted owls (territory occupancy, tives from Federal and State agencies with respon- fecundity) sibilities for natural resources, private timber com- • Threatened and endangered wildlife species panies, and Native-American tribes (Appendix A). • Neotropical migratory birds Part I. Chapter 3. Scoping and Identifying Indicators 29

3.3 ‘Focus-group’ Workshops. Olympic National Park staff convened a “vital- signs” workshop to produce a comprehensive list of important indicators of change in Olympic National Park including coastal resources. In addition to this general meeting, U.S. Geological Survey and Olympic National Park staffs also convened several other more specialized workshops (or participated in workshops organized by the National Park Ser- vice) to develop specific monitoring questions and identify useful indicators for monitoring forest veg- etation, forest wildlife, biogeochemistry, airborne pollutants, and ultraviolet radiation (Appendix A). The vital-signs workshop, sponsored by Olym- pic National Park, was attended by 69 scientists or resource management professionals representing several universities, government and non-govern- ment natural resource agencies (Appendix A). Participants were divided among 9 working groups corresponding to the following subject-matter cat- egories: atmospheric resources, coastal resources, aquatic habitat and biota, human use, aquatic physi- cal properties, invertebrates, paleoecology, vegeta- tion resources, and wildlife resources. Participants were asked to identify the most cogent monitoring needs, potential indicators, justifications, and asso- ciated considerations in each subject-matter area (Table 3.3.1). The complete summary of proposed monitoring indicators derived from these focused discussions is contained in Part II of this report. Each chapter con- tains background on the nature of park management concerns regarding each resource category, recom- mendations of specific indicators, justification for indicators, linkages to other topics, and conceptual models. Here, we simply provide a summary list of proposed indicators in Table 3.3.2 as a foundation for developing a more focused monitoring frame- work. During the peer-review of this report, some of the individual elements on this list were questioned, while others not on the list were proposed. We remind the reader that no list of potential indicators is ever complete, nor are the potential indicators equal in importance or usefulness. The list is a start- ing point for subsequent discussion. 30 A Framework for Long-term Ecological Monitoring in Olympic National Park

Importance to monitoring Agents of Resource Change Table 3.1.1. Matrix of relationships among park resources, their importance to monitoring, and potential agents of change in Olympic National Park, as identified by Olympic National Park staff.

Importance Agents of Resource Change 2 1 to monitoring

1 2

Park Resource Park Resource Score Importance Votes Top-five No. Deposition Atmospheric Climate Suppression Fire Loss Habitat External Harvests Disease Use/Facilities Visitor spp. Exotic/Alien Decline Fisheries removal Dam Elwha ImportanceNo. Score Top-fiveAtmospheric VotesClimate DepositionFire SuppressionExternalHarvests Habitat DiseaseLoss Visitor Use/FacilitiesExotic/AlienFisheries spp. DeclineElwha Dam removal System Drivers Climate Atmosphere Adjoining land use

TERRESTRIAL SYSTEMS Focal Species Northern spotted owl 2.9 13 x x x x Eagles 2.9 13 x x x x x Marbled murrelet 2.6 13 x x x Elk/deer 2.6 8 x x x x x x Exotic plants 2.6 6 x x x Rare plants 2.6 2 x x x Mountain goats 2.3 3 x x Cougars 2.2 2 x x x Bears 2.1 2 x x x x x x Olympic marmot 1.9 0 x

Ecosystem Integrity Old-growth forest ecosystems 2.8 7 x x x x x x x x x Forest biodiversity 2.7 4 x x x x x x x x Forest disturbance/succession 2.6 2 x x x x x Forest health 2.6 2 x x x Riparian forest dynamics 2.5 7 x x x x x x Amphibians 2.4 4 x x x Forest fungi 2.2 2 x x Part I. Chapter 3. Scoping and Identifying Indicators 31

Importance Agents of Resource Change to monitoring

1 2

Park Resource ImportanceNo. Score Top-fiveAtmospheric VotesClimate DepositionFire SuppressionExternalHarvests Habitat DiseaseLoss Visitor Use/FacilitiesExotic/AlienFisheries spp. DeclineElwha Dam removal Subalpine/alpine vegetation 2.2 2 x x x x x x Forest 2.1 2 x x x x x Migratory birds 2.1 2 x x x x Wilderness campgrounds 2.1 1 x x Bats 2.1 0 x x Cryptogams 2.0 1 x x x x x Dead and downed wood 1.8 0 x x x Small mammals 1.5 0 x x

AQUATIC SYSTEMS Focal Species Anadromous fish 2.9 13 x x x x x x x x Exotics 2.6 2 Endemic trout 2.6 0 x x x x x Rare plants (Lake. Ozette) 1.9 1 x x x Freshwater mussels 1.6 0 x x

Ecosystem Integrity Water quality 2.7 4 x x x x x Fluvial process/geomorph. 2.5 7 x x x x x Riverine habitat 2.4 1 x x x x x x x Amphibian communities 2.4 4 x x x x High mountain lakes 2.4 2 x x x x Resident native fish 2.3 3 x x x x x x x x Biogeochemical processes 2.3 1 x x x x x x x x x Wetlands 2.2 1 x x x x x x Glaciers 1.9 1 x x Riverine bird communities 1.9 0 x x x Macroinvertebrates 1.9 x x x x x x

1Average score of respondents rating the resource as low (1), moderate (2), or high (3) importance for monitoring. 2Number of Olympic National Park employees voting the resource as one of the top five priorities for monitoring in the park. 3 Geoduck Game fish Elk Diurnal raptors Deer Cavity nesters Butterflies Breeding birds Black bear Band-tailed pigeon Bald eagles Amphibians Wildlife Windthrow Wildlife trees Timber Wetlands Insects & diseases Riparian areas Restoration projects Health Forests Macroinvertebrates Salmon spawning habitat Stream channel Large woody debris Water quality & quantity Streams & Rivers 2 Table 3.2.1. A Framework for Long-term Ecological Monitoring in Olympic National Park Resourcescurrentlymonitoredbyothergovernmentagencies,tribesandprivatecompaniesontheOlympicPeninsula. X X X X Wash. Dept. of Ecology X X X X X X X Wash. Dept. Fish & Wildlife X X X X X Wash. DNR1 X X Timber, Fish & Wildlife X X X Rayonier Inc. X X X X X X X X Weyerhaeuser Inc. X X X X X X X Elwha Klallam Tribe X X X X X Hoh Tribe X Point No Point Tribe X X Suquamish Tribe X X Olympic National Forest

Olympic Coast NMS2 Part I. Chapter 3. Scoping and Identifying Indicators 33 2 1 Wash. Dept. of Ecology of Dept. Wash. Wildlife & Fish Dept. Wash. DNR Wash. Wildlife & Fish Timber, Inc. Rayonier Inc. Weyerhaeuser Tribe Klallam Elwha Tribe Hoh Tribe Point No Point Tribe Suquamish Forest National Olympic NMS Coast Olympic

Goshawk X X Gyrfalcon X Harlequin ducks X Loon X Marbled murrelet X X X Marten X Merlin X X Neotropical birds X X Non-game fish X X X X Northern harrier X Northern spotted owl X X Peregrine falcon X X Raptors X Salmon X X X X Seabirds X X Townsendʼs big-eared bat X Coastal Cetaceans X Harmful alga blooms X Juvenile rockfish X Kelp X Marine wildlife X Near-shore currents X Pinnipeds & porpoise X Sea otters X Sea urchins X Shellfish & biotoxins X Subtidal & intertidal habitats X

1Washington Department of Natural Resources 2Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary 34 A Framework for Long-term Ecological Monitoring in Olympic National Park

Table 3.3.1. Template of questions used by participants of the vital-signs workshop to identify potential monitoring indicators in Olympic National Park.

NEED: What interest, problem, concern or threat will this monitoring project address (expressed as a monitoring question)?

PROPOSED INDICATOR: What component, process, or function of the ecosystem will be monitored to address the need identified above?

JUSTIFICATION: Why is this the best indicator (e.g., sensitivity, feasibility, integrative properties, sampling or observer errors, keystone attribute, etc.)?

APPLICATION: Is long-term information about this indicator primarily useful to managers within the park, on the Olympic Peninsula, throughout the Pacific Northwest, or over a broader area (specify)? How might such information be useful to land managers?

LINKAGES: How will this monitoring project link with and benefit other known monitoring projects?

DESCRIPTION: Describe the recommended spatial and temporal scales of the proposed monitoring.

PERSONNEL AND COSTS: Identify the personnel and cost requirements of the proposed project.

LIMITATIONS: Are there potential obstacles to developing protocols to monitoring this indicator or to actual monitoring? Are protocols well known or will research be needed to develop protocols?

RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT: What research questions must be answered to develop protocols to monitor this indicator? Part I. Chapter 3. Scoping and Identifying Indicators 35

Table 3.3.2. Indicators identified in scoping meetings and agents to which they are expected to respond.

Agents of Resource Change

Ecosystem Proposed Component Indicators/Topics Air Quality Air Climate Suppression Fire Use Land External Harvests Disease Use/Facilities Visitor Species Exotic/Alien Decline Fisheries Removal Dam

Atmosphere and Weather X Climate Snow characteristics X Snow course X Ultraviolet radiation X X Ozone X X Wet/dry deposition X X Visibility X X Foliar response X Soil response X Water quality in lakes X X X X & streams Local air quality X X Human Activities Vehicle counts X Visitor surveys X Experiential resources X Illegal harvest X Legal harvest X Backcountry impacts X Facility inventory X Aerial overflights X Residence counts X Incidental Business X Permits Concession activities X 36 A Framework for Long-term Ecological Monitoring in Olympic National Park

Table 3.3.2. Indicators identified in scoping meetings and agents to which they are expected to respond. (Continued)

Agents of Resource Change

Ecosystem Proposed Component Indicators/Topics Air Quality Air Climate Suppression Fire Use Land External Harvests Disease Use/Facilities Visitor Species Exotic/Alien Decline Fisheries Removal Dam

Landscapes Disturbance X X X Snow cover X Vegetation phenology X Land-use outside X Vegetation structure X X X X X X X X and chemistry Shoreline X X Biogeochemical Small watershed X X Cycles studies Water quality X X X X Marine-derived X X nutrients Contaminants Snow chemistry X X X Persistent organic X X X pollutants in fish, lakes, sediments, lichen Terrestrial Forest composition and X X X X X X X X Vegetation structure Communities Nitrogen and carbon X X X X X X X X dynamics Demographic X X X X processes Animal use X X X Special Status Exotic spp. X X X X Plants Listed spp. X X Rare plants X X Cryptogams X X X Exotic species X X X X Part I. Chapter 3. Scoping and Identifying Indicators 37

Table 3.3.2. Indicators identified in scoping meetings and agents to which they are expected to respond. (Continued)

Agents of Resource Change

Ecosystem Proposed Component Indicators/Topics Air Quality Air Climate Suppression Fire Use Land External Harvests Disease Use/Facilities Visitor Species Exotic/Alien Decline Fisheries Removal Dam

Terrestrial Faunal Terrestrial mammals X X Communities Terrestrial birds X X X Terrestrial amphibians X X X X Terrestrial arthropods X X Terrestrial mollusks X X X X Large Mammal Elk X X X Populations Deer X X X Parasites X X Stress hormones X X X X X Understory vegetation X X X Bears X Human encounters X X Special-Status Endemic mammals X X Terrestrial Wildlife Northern spotted owl X X Populations Marbled murrelets X X X Bald eagles X X X X Mountain goats X X X X X Geological (undetermined) Resources Aquatic/Riparian Disturbance dynamics X X X X Habitats Water quality X X X X Glaciers X Stream habitat X X X X X Lake & pond habitat X Riparian vegetation X X X 38 A Framework for Long-term Ecological Monitoring in Olympic National Park

Table 3.3.2. Indicators identified in scoping meetings and agents to which they are expected to respond. (Continued)

Agents of Resource Change

Ecosystem Proposed Component Indicators/Topics Air Quality Air Climate Suppression Fire Use Land External Harvests Disease Use/Facilities Visitor Species Exotic/Alien Decline Fisheries Removal Dam

Aquatic Biota Plankton X X Macroinvertebrates X X Stream amphibians X X X X Pond/lake amphibians X X X X Fish X X X X X X Spawning salmon X X X X X X X Riverine birds X Marine-derived X X nutrients Special Status Fish Lake Ozette sockeye X X X X Populations Bull trout X X X X X Lake Cushman/Elwha X X X chinook Pygmy whitefish X X Lake Crescent trout X X X Dolly varden X X X X Brook trout X X X Atlantic salmon X X X X Olympic mudminnow X X Coastal Intertidal communities X X X X X X Environments Intertidal fish X X X X Hardshell clams X X X X X Watershed inputs X X X X Ocean conditions X Domoic acid X X X X Part I. Chapter 4. Conceptual Models 39

Chapter 4. Conceptual Models: Context for Indicators.

4.1 What is a Conceptual Model? used models in the form of tables linking agents of Modeling is the process of articulating relation- change, stresses and ecosystem responses to identify ships among ecosystem components, processes, indicators, and box and line diagrams to illustrate and environmental effects to help select monitoring how the most important elements link to the rest of indicators. Models can also be tools to communicate the system. Above all, conceptual models are tools why specific indicators were selected. Conceptual to improve communication. models are necessary because different people Just as there is no single format for a concep- can have distinct views of a system based on their tual model, there is no single model that adequately interests, background and experience. For example, describes an entire system. The effort is hampered a botanist may see vegetation in terms of individual by the impossibility of achieving both model gen- species and their adaptations, while a wildlife erality and model realism. Model generality is biologist may see vegetation in terms of nutritional needed to characterize large-scale influences and value and accessibility for , and as cover relationships among park resources; model realism or shelter for carnivores. Conceptual models help is needed to identify specific potential expressions create a common perspective, operating hypotheses, of change that could be effective monitoring indica- and experimental design. We hope to avoid the tors. Consequently, both integrative general models situation of the fabled blind men who individually and realistic specific models are needed to represent insisted they were touching a rope, a tree, and a systems having the spatial scale of national parks. snake instead of the elephant they explored in com- Models having the generality to describe the mon. It is also important to recognize that concep- entire park will include few details about individual tual models are always works in progress represent- ecosystem components and will instead provide ing state-of-the-art syntheses of understanding. As a broad vision of how those components interact. our perspective responds to new information, either They will express how large categories of biotic from the monitoring itself or from other sources, and abiotic elements and processes are linked by we must update the conceptual model to reflect new processes and material cycles to form an integrated understanding. ecological system. From this perspective we will A conceptual model should serve the needs of be able to discern which monitoring indicators will the modeler. It can take any form and be constructed allow us to build an integrated monitoring program. at any time during the process of choosing indica- Achieving the model realism necessary for tors. The monitoring literature includes examples indicator selection can be likened to moving a mag- of conceptual models in the form of tables (Noss nifying glass around the parkʼs ecological system. 1990), box and arrow diagrams (EMAP 1990), With each change of position, some elements are and graphics (Thornton et al.1994) to name a few. brought into sharp focus while others are less clear. Although models can also simply be paragraphs For example, a model of salmon populations might describing system elements and their linkages, have individual salmon species and stream charac- groups of people seem to reach common under- teristics that are important habitat factors in sharp standings more quickly with visual, rather than focus; riparian tree species might be indistinctly verbal models. Regarding timing, models of simple represented as shade index, and distant trees might systems might be constructed to aid indicator be grouped as factors affecting stream chemistry. In selection; in more complex systems, models might contrast, if the focus were red alder, salmon might be used to explain why certain indicators were be represented simply as pulses of marine-derived selected. For example, Roman and Barrett (1999) nutrients while trees would be in sharp focus. 40 A Framework for Long-term Ecological Monitoring in Olympic National Park

Effective conceptual models for indicator structures and processes that are more than the sum selection can take many forms but all have certain of their parts. Self-organization has consequences common characteristics. Their primary purpose is for the theoretical structure of ecosystems. Although to bring a specific ecological element into focus many constructs have been used to describe eco- by identifying important interactions with other system structure (e.g., information theory, network attributes. Creating a model requires specifying the theory, etc.; Jorgensen and Muller 2000b) the easi- assumptions underlying the choice of indicators, est way to visualize ecosystem structure for field- and facilitates their evaluation and acceptance. oriented biologists and land managers is probably In this chapter, we present conceptual models that of hierarchy theory (see Allen and Hoekstra describing the entire Olympic National Park and 1992). From this perspective, the components and terrestrial coniferous ecosystems. These models are processes of ecosystems may be thought of as extremely general, lacking the resolution necessary “gears” sized according to the hierarchical position to consider individual ecosystem components (e.g., of the ecological process they represent. Smaller vegetation, atmosphere). Detailed models of sys- gears (lower in hierarchy) drive the larger (higher tem components will be presented in Part II where in hierarchy) ones in a sense. For example, forest we describe each component and identify possible stand level processes aggregate to landscape level indicators. outcomes, which aggregate to regional outcomes. As the system progresses through time, the smaller 4.2 Ecosystem Dynamics . gears appear to move faster than the larger ones. Monitoring ecological systems, and especially Observations over a short period of time will docu- selecting indicators of ecosystem integrity, should ment perhaps many cycles of the smaller gears and rest on some theoretical conception of how ecosys- very little change, or maybe a linear trend in the tems work. Presently, the field of ecosystem theory larger ones. For example, at the time-scale of cell is fairly young, and it can only provide general turnover, organisms may seem static. Meanwhile, concepts and has little specific predictive ability. organisms are part of a longer-term cycle of birth Nevertheless, current ecological theory colors our and death. At some time scale, even a static system thinking about building conceptual ecosystem mod- or linear trend will become cyclical. The com- els, monitoring ecological integrity, and achieving ing and going of ice ages, for example, illustrates ecological integration of the monitoring program. an apparently static climatic regime that is in fact Theorists consider that a fundamental property cyclical. of ecosystems is that they are not in thermodynamic Another consequence of the thermodynam- equilibrium (Schneider and Kay 1994, Jorgenson ics of ecosystems is that ecosystems themselves and Muller 2000a) because they receive an external are cyclical. Holling (1986) described the process source of energy (i.e., usually solar radiation), anal- of ecosystem succession as having four stages. In ogous to a hot burner under a pot of water (Nicolis his scheme, (1) exploitation is the juvenile stage and Prigogine 1989). Just as a heated pot of water of succession when nutrients are rapidly acquired dissipates energy by boiling, ecosystems develop a until the system enters the (2) conservation or adult complexity of structures and linkages to dissipate stage. Eventually the system experiences distur- solar energy by putting it to work. As an ecosystem bance and enters the (3) creative destruction stage develops through succession, and more solar energy when organization and connections break down. is put to work, the ecosystem can exist farther away Finally the system quickly enters the (4) renewal from energetic equilibrium. stage where nutrients are released and available An important property of dissipative struc- for the cycle to repeat (Figure 4.2.1). The dynamic tures (e.g., ecosystem components and linkages) properties of stability and resilience characterize is that they tend to be self-organizing (Nicolis and early stages, while the potential for chaotic dynam- Prigogine 1989, Jorgenson and Muller 2000a). This ics is typical of older, “over-connected” stages when means that ecosystems develop feedback loops, systems have achieved their limit of thermodynamic linkages, and high interdependability that result in instability. While this process is not random, it is Part I. Chapter 4. Conceptual Models 41

Capital 4. Renewal 2. Conservation Storage -- Accessible Carbon -- k-Strategy -- Nutrients & Energy -- Climax -- Consolidation

(mineralization) (adult stage)

1. Exploitation 3. Creative -- r-Strategy Destruction -- Pioneers -- Fire --Storm -- Opportunists -- Senescence -- Pest

(juvenile stage) (disturbance incorporation)

Organization Connectedness

Figure 4.2.1. Conceptual model of ecosystem dynamics (adapted from Holling 1986).

unpredictable in detail because the building blocks the mechanism for what is observed, and the scale (e.g., propagules, organisms, stored nutrients, and one step higher will provide the context. Using the climatic conditions) existing at any time and place previous example, cells turn over in the context of depend on site history, long-term climate cycles, the the organism they comprise. A catastrophic event immediate disturbance, and chance. Consequently, involving the organism will change the context for each ecosystem is unique at some level, and spatial its cells, affecting their behavior. We have applied and temporal heterogeneity are the norm. these concepts to our model of coniferous forests Despite the imprecise understanding of ecosys- described below. tems provided by current ecological theory, we can In practical terms, it has been suggested that apply some of the ideas to conceptual modeling and ecological integrity is most secure when 1) avail- indicator selection for monitoring. General conclu- ability of biological information (i.e., genetic sions are that indicators of ecosystem status need to diversity, biodiversity), 2) availability of energy and be integrative, that is indicate linkages rather than substrates (e.g., nutrients, carbon, and water), and single elements, and they should include both struc- 3) the already existing degree of self-organization ture and function. Ecological theory also provides (or hierarchical structure) is preserved. These broad the context for evaluating the role of those indica- concepts suggest a number of more specific items tors chosen because they are focal species or man- to monitor (compiled from Odum 1985, Rapport et agement issues to also indicate ecosystem status. al. 1985, Noss 1990, Franklin et al. 1981, Schneider The level of biological organization and time frame and Kay 1994, Muller and Jorgensen 2000): of indicators are important to consider because there • Flows of energy and materials is a time scale appropriate for each. For animal pop- • Cycling of energy and materials ulations the time scale might be years or decades; • Biodiversity (e.g., total, trophic structure, for catastrophic events it might be decades or cen- r/K adapted species) turies. It is also important to realize that the scale • Respiration and transpiration one step lower in hierarchy and time will provide 42 A Framework for Long-term Ecological Monitoring in Olympic National Park

• Biomass categories of components and attributes in com- • Organization and hierarchical structure mon (Figure 4.3.2). These include flora, fauna,

geology and soils, and structure (e.g., physical, and the following general principals for selecting a demographic). We also recognize that park subsys- core set of monitoring indicators: tems are dynamic. They respond to system driv- • Select indicators from important hierarchies ers and components of these subsystems interact in the ecosystem, for example trophic struc- within a subsystem and with components of other ture, disturbances ordered by size, or levels of subsystems. The goal of monitoring is to discern organization within kingdoms of taxa (cell, critical changes to these dynamic systems. The organism, population, community, landscape, chapters in Part II describe questions and indica- region). tors for resources of the entire park, but they are not • Monitor both structure and function (pro- completely organized according to this conceptual cess) of ecosystems. Look for places where a model. Hence, we have cross-referenced this model functional component might be added to a with Part II by indicating the chapters that cover structural measurement (e.g., measure mortal- specific elements in the model. ity and recruitment in forests as well as canopy As we narrow our focus to one subsystem, structure). namely coniferous forests, and try to express our understanding of it in terms of ecosystem theory, the 4.3 Modeling Olympic National Park . necessary conceptual model becomes much more Because it is not possible to develop one com- complex. We take a three-dimensional view of the prehensive detailed conceptual model that describes terrestrial forest system at any point in its devel- all of the possible anthropogenic influences on park opment (Figure 4.3.3). The vertical axis indicates resources, system drivers, and potential expressions that the elementary parts of forests are above- and of ecological change that might be monitored, we below-ground organisms categorized into kingdoms will present models at a succession of scales. First plus soil, which have specific roles and associated we will illustrate our simplest view that the entire processes, are acted upon by drivers, and are subject park ecosystem consists of four major subsystems: to export losses. The precise elements and complex- (1) alpine and subalpine areas, (2) terrestrial for- ity depend on where the system is in the succes- ests, (3) aquatic systems including streams, rivers, sional cycle. Fundamentally, these elements interact lakes, ponds and riparian areas, and (4) the coastal through, and mediate flows of, the carbon, mineral zone (Figure 4.3.1). When Olympic National Park and hydrological cycles, and implicitly the energy was selected as a prototype park its managers were cycle. In other words, vertical flows of organic and charged with developing monitoring protocols for inorganic material and energy exist at any point on coniferous forests. Consequently, most progress has the landscape. been made on this subsystem. Meanwhile, monitor- The other two axes acknowledge that the ing for aquatic/riparian areas is under development observable features of each system component by North Cascades National Park in its role as a depend on both the level of organization and time prototype park responsible for developing moni- frame viewed by the observer. We represent time toring protocols for lake and stream ecosystems. and organizational level with discreet values, Coastal area monitoring is being developed in a although we recognize that they are continuous, separate effort in Olympic National Park. The subal- and that different ranges of each apply to different pine has been the subject of ongoing monitoring of subjects. However, we feel that specific discreet plant and animal communities in Olympic National examples will make it easier to visualize that appro- Park around the issue of non-native mountain goats, priate indicators of change vary along these axes by and will receive further attention in the future. considering specific intersections of the grid they As we increase the focus of our park view, form. For example, it might be important to monitor we recognize that each subsystem has certain key individual species if the monitoring question indi- cates interest in forest composition at annual time Part I. Chapter 4. Conceptual Models 43

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Figure 4.3.1. Conceptual model illustrating the ecologic subsystems of Olympic National Park.

Photos—Olympic National Park , Patricia Happe and Washington Department of Ecology 44 A Framework for Long-term Ecological Monitoring in Olympic National Park Part I. Chapter 4. Conceptual Models 45



SUBALPINE FOREST SUBSYSTEM Interactions Within SUBSYSTEM & Among Subsystems 4. Biogeochemical Cycles Flora Fauna 5. Contaminants 2. Human Activities 8. Terrestrial Fauna 6. Terrestrial Vegetation 9. Large Mammals 7. Special Status Plants 10. Spec. Status Terr. Fauna

SYSTEM DRIVERS 1. Atmosphere & Structure Geology & Soils Climate 3. Park & Surr. Landscape 2. Human Activities 2. Human Activities 6. Terrestrial Vegetation 3. Park & Surr. Landscape 3. Park & Surrounding 8. Terrestrial Fauna 11. Geoindicators Landscapes (Disturbance)


Flora Fauna 13. Aquatic Biota 13. Aquatic Biota Flora Fauna 14. Spec. Status Fish 15. Coastal Environ. 15. Coastal Environ.

Structure Geology & Soils Structure Geology & Soils 3. Park & Surr. Landscp. 3. Park & Surr. Landscp. 15. Coastal Environ. 3. Park & Surr. Landscp. 11. Geoindicators 15. Coastal Environ. 12. Aquat /Riparian Habitat

PAST PRESENT FUTURE TIME 16. Historical & Paleoecological Context Inventory Monitoring

Figure 4.3.2. Conceptual model illustrating the components of, and interactions among ecologic subsystems of Olympic National Park. Correspondence of subject matter with the chapters of Part II is also shown.

steps. However it may be appropriate to monitor tion at the stand or community level, and carbon forest communities or stands at the decadal scale, sequestration at the regional or global level. and to monitor changes in landscape pattern of Each monitoring question indicates the organi- composition over an even longer time step. Like- zational and temporal scales of interest and there- wise, while individual species might be important fore the appropriate variables, and suggests triggers indicators of productivity at the stand level, it might for management response. We expect that in the be appropriate to monitor leaf-area index at larger process of indicator selection, each subject-mat- spatial scales. Finally, one might monitor carbon ter focus will have pertinent questions at various dynamics using photosynthesis hourly at the leaf temporal and spatial scales. Conceptual models level, carbon allocation daily or seasonally at the and possible indicators for subject-matter areas are plant (organismal) level, annual net primary produc- presented in Part II. 46 A Framework for Long-term Ecological Monitoring in Olympic National Park


DRIVERS CONCEPTUAL MODEL OF Climate Mineral Deposition FOREST ECOSYSTEMS Atmos. Gas Conc. Human Uses

VEGETATION WILDLIFE Photosynthesis Respiration Plant Propogation C Allocation Throughfall Excretion Reproduction Mortality Structure Herbivory Respiration Reproduction Phenology Mortality Health Evapotranspiration Monitoring Indicators LITTER, SOIL & SOIL ORGANISMS (or Observable Features) Physical Processes (incl. Geology) Chemical Processes Landscape/Region Respiration Decomposition Community/Stand EXPORT Migration Runoff Population/Species Baseflow Erosion Ignition Harvest Organism Leaching


Carbon Nitrogen Water TIME

Fig. 4.3.3. Conceptual model of the terrestrial coniferous forest ecosystems showing flows of carbon, nitrogen, and water, and illustrating the dependence of time frame of observable change on the hierarchical position (i.e., level of ecological organization) of the indicator. Part I. Chapter 5. Framework for Monitoring Coniferous Forest 47

Chapter 5. Framework for Monitoring Coniferous Forest Ecosystems.

All scientists and researchers working in Olym- of the monitoring program on common study plots. pic National Park quickly encounter a common set Ideally, we would like to monitor several related of sampling issues having to do with how best to attributes of ecological systems to promote under- distribute samples spatially while considering trade- standing of interrelationships within ecological offs associated with the high costs of access. Among systems and be able to explain possible causes of others, each researcher must answer the following observed patterns of change. Unfortunately, finan- questions: cial and logistical constraints make it impossible to measure everything everywhere, so the planning • What is the targeted population to which infer- process must consider trade-offs in how best to ences will apply (i.e., population in the statisti- allocate limited financial resources to best meet the cal sense of the complete set of objects to be overall monitoring goals. studied)? Recently, Hall (1999) described the challenge • How should samples be distributed most effi- of designing a monitoring framework as a process ciently throughout the population of interest? of optimizing trade-offs among scale, scope, and • Should samples be distributed systematically statistical power of sampling. or randomly? • Is stratification a useful tool to enhance sam- • Scale, as used here, refers to “the temporal pling efficiency? and spatial dimension at which and over which phenomenon are observed” (OʼNeill and King, Left to his or her own designs, each monitor- 1998), or in our case, measured. Measurement ing scientist will develop unique solutions to these scale, consists of two parts: grain, the smallest generic questions, often to the detriment of integra- interval of space or time measured, and extent, tion goals. While defining the spatial population the total area or the length of time over which of interest is project-specific and objective-driven, observations are made (OʼNeill and King, the development of a generic sampling framework 1998). Observations made frequently in many can help immensely to facilitate the co-location of small plots have very high temporal and spatial sampling efforts where mutual interests overlap grain, respectively, whereas observations made spatially. Agreeing upon an ʻumbrellaʼ sampling infrequently or in large plots have lower tem- design is an important step in the development of an poral and spatial grain. With respect to extent, integrated monitoring program. observations made over very long periods In the following sections, we develop a general- of time and large geographic areas are often ized framework for sampling and monitoring conif- referred to as having large temporal or spatial erous forest ecosystems. We consider the generic scales. The spatial scale and temporal scales of issues of scale inherent in designing any sampling measurement are important considerations in framework. We develop a conceptual model for designing a monitoring program because they integrated sampling in the coniferous forest sub- define the extent of area to which the monitor- system, discuss general sampling principles, and ing results apply, and they greatly influence present examples for implementing the integrated costs of monitoring. sampling model in Olympic National Park. • Scope refers simply to the amount of informa- 5.1 The Economy of Scales . tion that is gathered at each sampling site. As Spatial integration of monitoring projects mentioned, having information about a variety involves co-locating multidisciplinary components of related ecological attributes promotes better 48 A Framework for Long-term Ecological Monitoring in Olympic National Park

understanding of changes. If scale refers to the or the National Science Foundationʼs Long-term extent of area to which understanding applies, ecological research network) and they are rarely scope refers to the depth of understanding replicated sufficiently to allow inference beyond the attained. study site at the local level. At the other extreme, • Statistical power refers to the ability of sample comparatively shallow studies of presence/absence measurements to reveal actual changes in or relative abundance of specific taxa typically are the population being measured. Power of conducted more extensively across broader spatial a monitoring program depends upon many scales, and are replicated more easily than are inten- variables, notably the variability in the attri- sive long-term-monitoring efforts. We identify these bute measured and the number of independent two opposite ends of the allocation-of-effort spec- measures obtained, e.g., the number of inde- trum as ʻextensive designʼ and ʻintensive design,ʼ pendent sample plots. Inadequate sampling although there are all possible gradations of ʻinter- effort would negate the value of monitoring at mediate designsʼ in between. any spatial scale or scope if it fails to detect a Economics of the scaling issue are particularly meaningful level of change (Gerrodette 1987, acute in large wilderness-area parks where high costs Hayes and Steidle 1997). of access to sampling sites greatly affects both the measurement and replication efforts possible under The most luxurious monitoring program would fixed funding constraints. In our effort to integrate include comprehensive measurements of diverse many monitoring projects of diverse scope and scale system components, sampled broadly, and repli- in Olympic National Park, and to accommodate as cated abundantly to maximize understanding, infer- many monitoring projects as possible, our conceptual ence, and detection simultaneously. framework for monitoring requires explicit consider- Alas, there are no free samples in the real ation of sampling scales and trade-offs. world, so trade-offs must be considered in choosing 5.2 Conceptual Framework for Integrated Monitoring among sampling frequency and intensity, sample in Coniferous Forests. size, and spatial scale of statistical inference during the design phase of monitoring development. The Here, we propose a generic framework for mon- point may be illustrated by representing a monitor- itoring the coniferous forest subsystem of Olympic ing program, schematically, as a cube, the volume National Park. In this conceptual framework we of which is limited by the total amount of resources recommend several ʻcoreʼ components of long-term available for monitoring, and the shape of which is monitoring in coniferous forests, spatial linkages controlled by the allocation of monitoring effort to among these program elements, and implicit trade- the three axes (Figure 5.1.1). Spatial effort, control- offs in the scope (or complexity) of each monitoring ling the height of cube, refers to the spatial extent, project and spatial scale of sampling (Figure 5.2.1). or scale, over which the sample will be distributed Although the generic model presented here identi- and to which legitimate inferences may be drawn. fies several of the key monitoring themes identified Measurement effort, controlling the width of the for the coniferous forest subsystem, final decisions cube at its base, refers to the detail and complexity on specific monitoring projects will come after the of sampling, or scope, conducted at each sample park staff reconsiders monitoring priorities for all point. Replication effort, depicting the depth of the the ecological subsystems (see Chapter 6). The cube, refers to the number of sample units pos- framework illustrates a nested sampling design with sible, given any combination of fixed resource intensive monitoring projects co-located with more levels available for monitoring and chosen spatial extensively designed monitoring projects on nested and measurement efforts. By necessity, monitor- subsets of sampling plots. Though limited to the ing projects with the greatest scope and complexity coniferous forest subsystem, key features of this are conducted at comparatively small spatial scales framework apply to monitoring aquatic, coastal, and (e.g., consider the U.S. Geological Survey/National subalpine subsystems of the park. Park Serviceʼs small watershed ecosystem studies Part I. Chapter 5. Framework for Monitoring Coniferous Forest 49

Replication ʻExtensive Effort Design

Spatial Effort

Measurement Effort

ʻIntensive Design

Figure 5.1.1. Allocation of sampling effort among axes of spatial scale, measurement effort (i.e., scope), and replication effort in ‘extensive’ and ‘intensive’ sampling designs.

At the broadest of scales possible, representing An example of such an ʻintermediate-scaleʼ moni- the ʻextensive designʼ, we envision parkwide moni- toring study might include monitoring the effects of toring of the composition and disturbance history of ungulate herbivory on forest vegetation or perhaps park landscapes and vegetation (Figure 5.2.1). Such monitoring of indices of ungulate abundance (e.g., monitoring would address the large-scale questions: pellet group surveys). Monitoring the intensity of ʻAre changes in regional stressors affecting distur- ungulate herbivory, as an example, would require bance regimes? Composition of park landscapes? additional effort in vegetation measurement that Composition of forest communities?ʼ Although may not be practically implemented on a parkwide patterns in landscapes might be examined through scale, but could realistically be implemented in a remote sensing virtually throughout the park, moni- subset of the park that encompasses the majority of toring changes in selected vegetation attributes on elk and deer winter ranges. the ground might also lend themselves to sampling Other ʻintensiveʼ monitoring projects may have at the parkwide scale (e.g., presence/absence of parkwide importance, but high sampling require- exotic plant species). Certain broad-scale studies of ments force an economy of scales. For example, animal distribution patterns, for example that of for- consider the following monitoring questions: est breeding birds, might also be linked to the most • Are long-term changes in climate or atmo- extensively distributed plot network. spheric deposition influencing key biogeochem- Many other projects may require that sampling ical cycling processes in forest ecosystems? is restricted to a smaller area of the park due to the • Are densities of key wildlife populations nature of the monitoring question asked, or perhaps changing? because sampling requirements or logistical con- straints preclude sampling at the parkwide scale. 50 A Framework for Long-term Ecological Monitoring in Olympic National Park

Although any of these questions are of park- population is the population of interest (i.e., about wide importance, the expense of instrumentation or which information is sought), whereas the sampled the frequency sampling requirements, data retrieval, population is that from which the sample is actually or maintenance schedules (for instrumentation) pre- drawn. Ideally, the sampled and target populations cludes distributing such monitoring effort represen- are identical, but sometimes the sampled population tatively throughout remote wilderness. Such studies is more restricted in spatial extent than the target must be restricted to subsets of the total sample area population due to practical or logistic consider- and subsets of potential sampling plots inscribed by ations. For example, areas where the slope is too the vegetation-plot sampling frame. The congruence steep to safely sample may be excluded from the of scale implied by many of these relatively inten- sampled population. It is important to clearly indi- sive projects suggests a high potential for integrated cate that conclusions drawn from the sample apply monitoring of a suite of indicators on intensive only to the sampled population. monitoring plots, as demonstrated by overlapping b. Probability-Based Sampling. circles in Figure 5.2.1. The next step is to design a probability-based 5.3. A Sampling Primer sampling scheme, meaning that all members of a population have a known probability of being cho- a. Identifying the Population . sen for the sample. In the past, there was a tendency For each monitoring project, the important first for biological research to be conducted on ʻrepre- step in designing the sampling scheme is to clearly sentativeʼ sites as defined by the researcher. While identify the target and sampled population to which this may satisfy the researcherʼs sense of the typical inferences from monitoring will be made. The target condition, the data can not be extrapolated reliably

Landscape Extensive Monitoring Disturbance Composition

Intermediate Scale

Vegetation Breeding Birds

Owls Elk and Deer

Biogeochemical Intensive Plant Climate and Animal

Intensive Monitoring Human Use

Figure 5.2.1. Monitoring framework showing recommended core elements of proposed monitoring in the coniferous for- est subsystem in Olympic National Park and spatial relationships among extensive and intensive monitoring designs. Part I. Chapter 5. Framework for Monitoring Coniferous Forest 51 to other than the sampled sites. Only results from a other environmental gradients). Strata boundaries probability-based sample from a specific population may change physically over time (e.g., consider the can be extrapolated beyond individual sites to the effects of forest disturbance and succession), and larger population. biologists frequently differ over what constitutes the Among the many variants of probabilistic biologically meaningful categories for stratification. sampling, simple random, cluster, and system- Based on the pros and cons of sample types and atic sampling are the most commonly used. With distributions (Tables 5.3.1 and 5.3.2), many statisti- simple random sampling, each point is randomly cians advocate distributing a systematic sample in selected independently from the whole popula- either a stratified or unequal probability distribution tion. With systematic sampling, sample points are pattern. This sample scheme ensures representative evenly spaced, often on a grid after a random start. survey coverage throughout the targeted area while Cluster sampling begins with a random or system- allowing for acquiring enough samples of common atic sample of points and at each point a cluster resources as well as an adequate sample of rare of samples is taken (e.g., subplots on a transect). ones. Our discussion of sampling methods consid- Any of these sample types (i.e., simple random, ered these as well as financial and logistical issues compact cluster, or systematic) can be distributed in formulating the following sampling recommen- probabilistically throughout the sampled popula- dations for Olympic National Park. tion using equal probability, stratified, or unequal 5.4. A Generalized Sampling Design probability sampling (Figure 5.3.1). With equal . probability sampling, all areas are equally likely We recommend the following generalized sam- to be selected. With stratified sampling, the park is pling scheme to meet the many considerations of divided into relatively homogeneous areas called monitoring in a large wilderness park with limited strata. Equal probability sampling is used within access: strata; the selection probability and sample density For each project, delineate verbally and visu- can be different for different strata. With unequal ally the sampled population to which inferences will probability sampling, the probability of selection apply. The sampled population will be delineated and sample density can vary continuously across the uniquely for each monitoring project depending park. Stratified sampling is a special case of unequal upon monitoring objectives, as well as biological probability sampling where probabilities of selec- and practical considerations. Delineations (strata) tion differ among strata. should be defined by practically unchanging geo- c. Selecting the Sample. graphic or topographic criteria (e.g., elevation and/ or slope, but not vegetation category). For safety Intuitively, most biologists and ecologists gravi- reasons, we recommend omitting slopes >35o from tate toward choosing a stratified random sample to the sampled population. It may also be practical for distribute plots among different resource categories logistical or biological reasons to limit sampling that exist on the landscape (e.g., plant communities, to specified areas of the park. For each monitoring habitat types). Stratified random sampling allows project we recommend mapping the sampled popu- researchers flexibility to allocate effort differently lation, or alternately, to shade black those areas of among resource categories, depending upon sam- the park that have been deleted from the sampled pling variation within and among strata or upon the population. abundance or rarity of resource categories. Many For many monitoring projects in Olympic biologists prefer stratified random sampling because National Park, it is necessary for practical reasons results grouped by category have a biological basis to delineate sampled populations on the basis of for interpretation. human accessibility. Many regions of the park Despite these considerations, stratified random require several days of foot travel to get to sampling sampling is not always the most flexible or efficient locations (Figure 2.11.1), and helicopters are not method of detecting spatial patterns of change (e.g., recommended due to high costs, wilderness con- change in relation to a park boundary, elevation or siderations, or impacts to threatened or endangered 52 A Framework for Long-term Ecological Monitoring in Olympic National Park

Table 5.3.1. Characteristics of simple random, cluster, and systematic sampling methods.

Pros Cons Simple • Simple and has straight-forward • The distribution of random points is Random statistical properties usually clumped

Cluster • Most useful when travel costs among • Degrees of freedom for analysis are sites are high based on the number of sites rather than the number of plots Systematic • Spreads sample evenly in space • Under-samples rare resources and over-samples common ones

Table 5.3.2. Characteristics of equal probability, stratified, and unequal probability samples.

Pros Cons Equal • Simple to implement • Can be inefficient Probability • All areas are equally important • Provides little information on less- • Emphasizes common species common species Stratified • Sample density can be increased to • More complicated than equal provide adequate samples for less- probability sampling common species • Strata must remain fixed forever, • Sample density can be increased in although one can switch to unequal more accessible areas to increase probability sampling, which will sample size allow changes Unequal • It has the advantages of stratification • More complex than stratified Probability without need to define discrete strata sampling • One can add samples without regard to • One must keep track of the selection the initial strata probabilities • Probability of selection can vary continuously

species. To permit flexibility in delineating sampled in Olympic National Park due to dense understory populations and varying sampling probabilities in vegetation and obstacles in the form of large dead relation to access costs, we recommend stratifying and downed trees, root masses, and difficult ter- the park according to the following categories of rain. Therefore, these stratification categories have accessibility and human use (Figure 5.4.1) : proven useful to help researchers allocate monitor- ing effort in relation to costs and practical consid- High Accessibility/Human Use: areas <1.5 km from erations in several inventory projects in Olympic a maintained park road National Park. While such restriction would limit Moderate Accessibility/Human Use: areas <1.5 km parkwide inference, it is encouraging to know that from a maintained hiking trail. >25% of each primary vegetation class falls within Low Accessibility/Human Use: areas >1.5 km from these two most accessible sampling zones (Figure a maintained road or hiking trail. 5.4.2). Thus, inference drawn from the two most On occasions, a tremendous effort is required accessible categories captures a significant area of to hike more than 1.5 km from maintained trails the park. Part I. Chapter 5. Framework for Monitoring Coniferous Forest 53

Sample Type Simple Random Cluster Systematic

oo o o o o Equal oo o o o o Probability o oo o o oo o o o o o oo o o oo o o o o o o

o oo Stratified o o o o o (mid stratum oo o oo o o o o Sampled more o o oo o oo o o o o Intensively) o oo o o o o oo o o o o o o oo Sample Distribution Recommended oo o o o Unequal Probability o oo oo oo (gradient of sampling o o oo oo intensity from o o o o o oo top to bottom) o oo o oooo o o o o oo ooo oo ooooo o o oo ooooo oo o oo

Figure 5.3.1. Primary sampling methods and strategies for sampling distribution.

We recommend developing a generic grid- For many monitoring projects it will be desirable based sampling frame to select sample units for to concentrate sampling efforts in the most cost- monitoring within Olympic National Park. We effective zones. As an example, consider the goal of also recommend using a 100-m grid superimposed developing a parkwide network of vegetation moni- over the entire park as the most basic sampling toring plots. Assuming the goal of such a project frame. Although this represents an immensely was parkwide inference, we recommend establish- dense grid for large-scale sampling purposes, it ing a network of plots with low survey coverage in provides enough potential sampling sites for local- the Low Accessibility stratum and greater coverage ized sampling of rarer resources. This grid can be in the High and Moderate Strata (Figure 5.4.3). sampled across different spatial scales or at different Such a scheme would allow parkwide inference sampling intensities depending upon the specified while enhancing cost effectiveness. sample population and goals. For example, remotely We recommend co-locating monitoring efforts sensed attributes could be sampled extensively, on the network of vegetation monitoring plots to ostensibly at every sampling location throughout the extent possible. Individual monitoring projects, the park. Most attributes will be measured at lower however, will require adjustments in sampling dis- intensity, either throughout the park (by selecting tribution and intensity depending upon the specific every nth sampling point systematically) or at a monitoring objectives. It will be necessary to aug- more restricted scale by limiting the sampled popu- ment the sampling intensity for monitoring projects lation to specified elevation zones, accessibility that focus on comparatively rare resources or those zones, or other definable criteria. requiring a greater sampling intensity than that pro- To increase sampling efficiency, we recom- vided by the generalized vegetation sampling frame. mend using unequal probability sampling to allocate For example, if monitoring ungulate fecal pellets effort among the defined human access/use zones. or other indices of ungulate use called for a greater 54 A Framework for Long-term Ecological Monitoring in Olympic National Park concentration of sampling points in lowland winter located within the most accessible sampling stra- ranges of Roosevelt elk than that provided by veg- tum. etation sampling, then an additional layer of points Over time, the use of a common sampling frame could be superimposed on the above sampling for all monitoring projects will create overlapping frame (Figure 5.4.4). The additional sample must samples, with each sample layer defined by proj- be with replacement, and the probability associated ect-specific objectives and clearly defined sample with the new points is determined by the intensity populations. Though points may be selected for of the second round of sampling. different purposes with different selection probabili- Alternatively, cost constraints associated with ties initially, and distributed across different spatial intensive monitoring projects will force a reduction scales, data may be analyzed for any domain of data in spatial scale relative to generic vegetation sam- at a later time, provided that common measurement pling. We recommend co-locating intensive moni- protocols are used and the sample selection prob- toring projects within a subset of points sampled abilities are known. under the more extensive designs. For example, it As demonstrated in these examples, the gener- may be desirable to sample microclimate of for- alized sampling frame promotes spatial integration est vegetation as a subset of general vegetation of sampling sites chosen for a wide variety of moni- plots. Because instrumentation associated with such toring projects. It provides flexibility for the devel- monitoring may require frequent site visits, it may opment of practical sampling plans by explicitly be advantageous to specify a restricted sample of considering accessibility in determining sampling vegetation monitoring points within the high-access probabilities for each project. Systematic samples sampling zone. Figure 5.4.5 depicts a hypothetical may be combined with other independently derived random selection of vegetation monitoring points samples to increase efficiency and interpretation and for monitoring forest climate within forest plots ensure adequate sampling of rare resources.






0% k k k r ws ub er fir uce Roc Shr w cedar Meado Douglas firn hemloc Hardwood SubalpineSitka fi spr n red cedarello ester Pacific silv Lodgepole pine W Mountain hemloc Wester Alaska y

Figure 5.4.2. Percentages of mapped vegetation types falling within the combined high and moderate zones of human access/use in Olympic National Park. Part I. Chapter 5. Framework for Monitoring Coniferous Forest 55

Figure 5.4.1. Stratification of human access/use zones for sampling in Olympic National Park. (map prepared by R. Hoffman, Olympic National Park)

Figure 5.4.3. Hypothetical systematic distribution of vegetation monitoring plots in Olympic National Park with unequal probability of selection in zones of high, moderate, and low human access/use (probability of selection decreases from highest to lowest human access/use). (map prepared by R. Hoffman, Olympic National Park) 56 A Framework for Long-term Ecological Monitoring in Olympic National Park Part I. Chapter 5. Framework for Monitoring Coniferous Forest 57

Figure 5.4.4. Hypothetical selection of sample plots for monitoring ungulate ‘sign’ on lowland winter ranges of Roosevelt elk in Olympic National Park. The hypothetical sample includes the previous selection of vegetation monitoring plots supplemented with additional randomly selected points to achieve a greater sample size. Park area excluded from the sampled population is shown in black. (map prepared by R. Hoffman, Olympic National Park)

Figure 5.4.5. Hypothetical selection of sample plots for monitoring microclimate of forest stands. The hypothetical sample is a systematic subsample of forest vegetation monitoring plots restricted to those plots within the high and moderate-access sampling zone. Park area excluded from the sampled population is shown in black. (map prepared by R. Hoffman, Olympic National Park) 58 A Framework for Long-term Ecological Monitoring in Olympic National Park Part I. Chapter 6. Next Steps 59

Chapter 6. Next Steps.

6.1 Setting Priorities. • Identify criteria that can be used to determine how well each monitoring question meets each The scoping meetings and conceptual modeling objective. identified a large set of possibilities for monitor- • Determine a quantitative weight for each ing in Olympic National Park. To date, the Olym- objective, and criterion within objectives, pic Park staff has assigned only crude priorities to according to its importance relative to other broad topic areas (see Table 3.1.1). Since that early objectives and criteria. For example, all criteria exercise, the program has received additional input may be considered equal, or some may have resulting in an increased number of topic areas. greater importance than others. Working with Olympic National Park staff, we • Rate each monitoring question for each cri- honed the topics to specific questions within topic terion across all objectives on a scale of 1-5 areas, and then identified indicators to answer each according to how well it meets the criterion. question (see Part II for the outcome). The next • Calculate the final rating for each question by step is for the Olympic Park staff, working in close weighting the scores for each question as deter- coordination with the North Coast and Cascades mined above and sum across all criteria. Network and personnel involved with the North • Identify a cut-off point or some other crite- Cascades prototype program, to undertake a struc- rion for determining which questions will be tured and well-documented approach to prioritize included in the monitoring program and which indicators and determine which protocols are avail- will not. Those that will not be included at this able or should be developed. stage may be considered at a later time should Several structured approaches for reaching resources or priorities change. group consensus have been developed (e.g., Delphi, nominal group technique (Delbecq et al. 1975). One Many monitoring questions can be addressed promising approach to prioritization is the analytical using more than one indicator (Part II). Thus, priori- hierarchy process (Saaty 1980) as applied to ecolog- ties also need to be established for the potential ical monitoring and natural resource management indicators within each monitoring question. Indica- by Peterson, et al. (1994, 1995). The process seems tors could be chosen for each question by repeating most productively applied to monitoring questions the analytical hierarchy process within each ques- (rather than indicators), and can be summarized as tion using different objectives. Objectives for indi- having the following steps: cators may include cost, availability of protocols, desirable statistical properties, etc. Alternatively, • Identify the objectives of the monitoring chosen indicators could simply reflect the priority of program. The objectives should be based on the question. Accordingly, questions with a higher those of the national program (Chapter 1.2) but priority are appropriate for a more intensive effort may include some additional ones reflecting than those with lower priority. the local program. For example, an additional The analytical hierarchy process, or any other objective for Olympic National Park might be formal process for setting priorities, is merely a to meet the expectations of a prototype park. tool—decisions are ultimately made by, and the Peterson et al. (1995) recommend working responsibility of resource managers. A formal pro- with no more than seven objectives. cess allows decision-makers to explicitly specify assumptions and explore their consequences. In 60 A Framework for Long-term Ecological Monitoring in Olympic National Park the end, the process of setting priorities is inescap- ing. The synchronous funding and professional staff ably subjective, based on current knowledge, and capabilities at both the North Coast and Cascades the outcome must be generally intuitive to resource Network and U.S. Geological Survey blurs the sepa- managers to be acceptable. If the outcome is not rate timelines and agency responsibilities for proto- intuitive, then it is appropriate to explore the causes col ʻdevelopmentʼ and ʻimplementationʼ phases. by reassessing the weights given to the importance Specifically, synchronous funding presents a of criteria and objectives and repeating the exercise. unique opportunity for joint-funding and agency This process should be considered iterative and can collaboration in the development of monitoring be revisited as knowledge, resources, and political protocols. The North Coast and Cascades Network and environmental factors change. In the meantime, and U.S. Geological Survey have entered into a the first outcome agreeable to the group should memorandum of understanding agreeing to develop describe the general outline of the monitoring pro- monitoring protocols cooperatively whenever sub- gram and provide a worthy starting point. ject-matter expertise and staff workloads permit. In some circumstances, primarily the U.S. Geological 6.2 Agency Roles in Protocol Development Survey principal investigator will provide funding, and Implementation . supervision, and employees, whereas in other cases The protocol development and implementation National Park Service ecologists will provide the phases follow the initial design phase of long-term principal leadership. In the case of U.S. Geologi- ecological monitoring (Figure 2.5.1). Protocol cal Survey leadership, at least one person from the development involves selecting core monitoring National Park Service will have responsibility for components, developing study plans, conducting setting the direction for each protocol. Frequent research and testing monitoring protocols, develop- communication will be the key to cement effective ing data management systems, and preparing writ- collaboration between U.S. Geological Survey and ten protocols (Figure 2.5.1). The U.S. Geological the National Park Service scientists and manag- Survey is committed to help protocol park programs ers, and ensure that U.S. Geological Survey work with protocol development. The implementation in protocol development compliments park efforts. phase includes all aspects of operational monitor- Primary responsibilities will be worked out during ing, including data collection, data management the study-planning phase for each individual proto- and analysis, project reporting, and periodic review col. We recommend both agencies follow a similar of monitoring protocols. In previous prototype process—study plan, research and development, monitoring programs, the U.S. Geological Survey data management, protocol development, and peer received funding for protocol development a few review. The process must be carefully documented, years in advance of the National Park Service proto- leaving an administrative record of decisions, study type parks receiving funds for program implementa- plans, research reports and peer review. Either the tion. This funding sequence led to discrete stages of U.S. Geological Survey or the National Park Ser- protocol development, orchestrated by U.S. Geo- vice may administer the documentation and peer logical Survey scientists, followed by implementa- review process, depending upon project leader- tion of monitoring programs by the National Park ship. In preparing protocols, we recommend that Service (as in Figure 2.5.1). U.S. Geological Survey, National Park Service, or In contrast to that model, Olympic National cooperating ecologists follow recommendations of Park and the rest of the North Coast and Cascades the National Park Service Inventory and Monitoring Network received funding from the National Park Program for protocol development and data man- Serviceʼs ʻNatural Resources Challengeʼ to imple- agement (see www.nature.nps.gov/im/monitor; for rec- ment its monitoring program at the same time the ommendations on monitoring protocols see Oakley U.S. Geological Survey was funded to develop and Boudreau 2000). the protocols. Consequently, the North Coast and Cascades Network has added staff dedicated largely to the development and implementation of monitor- Part I. Chapter 6. Next Steps 61

6.3 Developing a Work Plan. Priority monitoring projects determined by Olympic National Park and the rest of the North Coast and Cascades Network are expected to require an ambitious amount of protocol development. The next step following prioritization is to begin work on a handful of the identified elements by deciding which to address first. The recommended monitoring program will be built based on programmatic objectives while the choice of starting point will take other issues into consideration as well. Specifically, each recommended monitoring indicator should be evaluated for: • Availability of protocols developed by others • Progress already made toward developing the protocol during previous pilot studies or other monitoring efforts in parks (e.g., Amphibian Research and Monitoring Initiative, previous deer and elk research) • Whether the element is being developed by another park in the network or elsewhere • Feasibility • Opportunity to build on other monitoring that is already underway by the park • Management considerations • Available financial and human resources This analysis should lead to a logical work plan because the element-specific answers to the above evaluation indicate the amount and type of needed work and what to do next. For example, the initial stage of work might focus on finishing protocols already under development, investigat- ing the feasibility of those ecologically important elements currently undergoing theoretical develop- ment, and investigating efficiencies or effective- ness of alternative protocols. Once a work plan has been established describing the initial elements, the type of work needed (e.g., complete the protocol, investigate other protocols, work on theory), and the progress desired in the first stage, protocol develop- ment can begin. 62 A Framework for Long-term Ecological Monitoring in Olympic National Park Part II. Introduction 63

Part II. Indicators of Ecological Condition in Olympic National Park.

This section describes monitoring questions cooperation with the network, must choose monitor- and potential indicators for monitoring ecological ing indicators: condition of natural resources in Olympic National Chapter 1 ..... System Drivers: Atmosphere and Park. Here, we have assembled an unranked (i.e., Climate. no priorities established), comprehensive summary Chapter 2 ..... System Drivers: Human Activities. of all monitoring questions identified thus far for Chapter 3 ..... Park and Surrounding Landscape. all the major ecosystems of Olympic National Park, Chapter 4 ..... Biogeochemical Cycles. including terrestrial, aquatic, and marine resources. Chapter 5 ..... Contaminants. Each chapter covers one subject area and includes Chapter 6 ..... Terrestrial Vegetation a justification for monitoring, monitoring questions Communities. and potential indicators, linkages with other sec- Chapter 7 ..... Special-Status Plant Species: tions, the spatial and temporal scales, and research Rare and Exotic. and development needs. Time intervals are recom- Chapter 8 ..... Terrestrial Fauna. mended in advance of power analysis and other Chapter 9 ..... Populations and Communities of estimates of variation. They should be considered Large Mammals. preliminary. The organization of material by sec- Chapter 10 ... Special-Status Terrestrial Wildlife tions reflects the content of the vital-signs work- Populations. shop, various meetings, and other topic-oriented Chapter 11.... Geoindicators. workshops (interrelationships are shown in Figure Chapter 12 ... Aquatic/Riparian Habitat. 4.3.2, Part I). Consequently, there is much overlap Chapter 13 ... Aquatic Biota. among sections (e.g., water quality is identified as Chapter 14 ... Special-Status Fish Species: an indicator in at least six chapters) and one could Threatened, Rare, Non-native, easily defend an alternate organization of the mate- and Endemic. rial. Each chapter should not be considered a poten- Chapter 15 ... Coastal Environments. tial protocol. Instead, a protocol could be written Chapter 16 ... Historical and Paleoecological for each indicator. These chapters present the raw Context for Monitoring Results. material from which Olympic National Park, in 64 A Framework for Long-term Ecological Monitoring in Olympic National Park

In the course of writing specific monitoring 3) Questions Regarding Resources About Which We questions for each subject, we encountered some Have Limited Knowledge. Some monitoring of challenges. While identifying quantitative objec- ecosystem responses might have quantitative goals tives for monitoring is a universally recognized when we know more about what is a biologically need (Elzinga et al. 1998, Noon 1991), being able significant change. In this case we frame questions to specify exactly the amount of change necessary that ask whether a change has occurred and take to detect over a given time period is not always an educated guess at what level of sampling easy. The specificity of the monitoring questions will be required, or conduct a pilot research we could write depended on the type of information project to determine variance of the indicator. As being monitored, knowledge of biologically signifi- monitoring proceeds, experience will teach us how cant changes, and some idea of natural variation. to effectively monitor each subject. These are the Consequently, we recognize three types of monitor- questions that are most in need of re-evaluation ing questions: and mid-course correction of the monitoring approach. 1) Questions with Quantitative Monitoring Goals. These are questions that express the need for The value of being able to state quantitative monitoring in terms of quantitative changes in monitoring goals for a specific indicator is that, a specific metric over a given amount of time. along with some knowledge of natural variation, The metric may be the mean of some response one can design a sampling protocol with sufficient evaluated based on its variance. replication to achieve the goal. As discussed in Part I, Chapter 5, financial limitations require monitoring a) Monitoring is often used to learn whether to be a trade-off among scope, scale, and intensity. management actions are working or are Having a quantitatively stated question can lead to a needed. In these cases, the monitoring quantitative understanding of the trade-off for each question can specify quantitative detection question. goals based on Limits of Acceptable Change With these ideas in mind, in the following sec- or other criteria. For example, one might want tions we present the comprehensive list of moni- to monitor whether some percentage of plants toring indicators identified thus far for Olympic in a revegetation project have persisted after a National Park. set amount of time. b) Some non-management monitoring questions can be asked with specific goals if there is some knowledge or intuition about what constitutes a biologically significant change. For example, one might want to detect when a rare plant population has declined below a certain percentage of its baseline size. 2) Questions Reflecting the Need to Obtain Trend Data. Especially for system drivers, such as weather and human activities, it is important to monitor trends over time without specifying a need to detect a quantitative change. These variables are out of the control of management, but will help anticipate future changes and will enable interpretation of other monitoring results. These questions will be phrased as the need to detect a trend in some variable. Part II. Chapter 1. System Drivers: Atmosphere and Climate 65

Chapter 1. System Drivers: Atmosphere and Climate.

Monitoring Need/Justification: guided by a number of Service-specific pieces of legislation. Standards for baseline knowledge and The climate of the Olympic Peninsula is driven monitoring of atmospheric resources are provided by air masses coming from the west and southwest, in NPS 75 (National Park Service, 1992). At Olym- which collect moisture while moving across the pic National Park, baseline information regarding Pacific. When intercepted by the barrier posed by atmospheric and meteorologic resources for existing the Olympic Mountains, these air masses release monitoring stations is adequate to meet Level I (i.e., most of their moisture on the windward side, leav- Phase I which is the minimum level) of these stan- ing little for the leeward side (Renner 1992). The dards. Level II standards are not met for the entire combination of the quantity of moisture stored geographic area within the park boundary. in maritime air masses and tall mountains able to Despite the relatively pristine condition of extract that water out causes the Olympics to have Olympicʼs air, studies have shown that airborne one of the steepest precipitation gradients in the pollutants affect even the mountainous core of the world. Climate drives ecological systems and in the peninsula. Industrial and urban emission sources Olympics the geographically and elevation-driven affecting the north side of the park are located in temperature and precipitation gradients make a Port Angeles. However, SO2 levels measured nearby complex pattern that is extremely difficult to inter- at the parkʼs air quality site do not violate federal or polate between the few existing weather stations state air quality standards and they are lower than (Figure 1.1 Map). The problem is compounded by those measured in Port Angeles itself. Ozone con- the predominance of low elevation weather stations, centrations increase with elevation and are moni- making high elevation climate difficult to infer. tored along an elevation gradient on the north side In addition to being moist, air masses cross- of the park. Acid precipitation has been examined ing the Pacific are relatively unimpacted by local only on the west side of the park. The average pH or continental pollution sources. Consequently, the of rainfall at the Hoh is approximately 5.2 (NADP, coastal and rainforest areas of the park have cleaner http://nadp.sws.uiuc.edu). Nitrate concentrations air than many other ecosystems in the coterminous during the year vary little at this site, but during the United States (Thomas et al. 1989). Under the Clean summer, inputs of SO4 , another acid-forming ion, Air Act (1977, www.epa.gov/oar/oaq_caa.html) are greatest. The source is partly biogenic, from Olympic National Park is designated as a Class I air oceanic planktonic algae, but long-range transport quality area. In Class I areas very little deterioration from Asia may also influence the chemical com- of air quality is allowed. Additionally, values that position of the atmosphere. Another threat to park may be affected by changes in air quality (termed air quality is increasing pollution that is emerging Air Quality Related Values; ARQVs) must also be from the rapidly growing metropolitan area from protected in Class I areas. These values in Olympic Vancouver, British Columbia to Portland, Oregon. include visibility, odor, flora, fauna, and geological, Pollutants are carried from these sources by easterly archeological, soil, and water resources. Within the winds. Finally, the consequences and magnitude National Park Service, management of resources is 66 A Framework for Long-term Ecological Monitoring in Olympic National Park

1 6 2 4 5 4 4 4 3 Climate Monitoring Sites 4 4 1 UV (1997-present) Air Quality 2 (SO2/O3/DDM) (1983-present) 3 NADP (1980-present) 4 Basic Weather (1983-, 1986-, 4 or 1998-present) 4 5 IMPROVE (2001-present) 6 Dioxin (1999-present)

Figure 1.1. Map of extant atmosphere and climate monitoring stations in Olympic National Park plus an IMPROVE site outside. (map prepared by R. Hoffman, Olympic National Park)

of increasing ultraviolet radiation penetrating the • Indicator: Meteorologic Variables. Add addi- atmosphere at northern latitudes is unknown. tional weather stations to those already existing While air pollutants do not appear to pose a and operated by various authorities. Existing significant threat to terrestrial resources in the park permanent stations include the Elwha Ranger at present (Eiler et al. 1994), there are examples of Station, Quinault Ranger Station, Port Ange- national parks that have been impacted. The park les, Hurricane Ridge, South Mountain and the houses potentially sensitive vascular plants, lichens ; a temporary station exists at Deer and , which could be early-responders Park. Additional stations are recommended to pollution if methods for monitoring them are for Mt. Anderson, Hoh Lake and the upper Sol devised. Meanwhile, climate, independent of Duc drainage, but placement should be deter- considerations of pollutants, drives all terrestrial mined in consultation with climate modelers. and aquatic systems and it must be understood in Measured variables should include air and order to interpret nearly all research and monitoring soil temperatures, radiation and energy flux, done in the park. Consequently needs exist for relative humidity, and wind speed and direc- models of weather, air pollution dispersal, and tion. Justification: These are standard climatic deposition patterns in the complex situation caused and energy variables, and they are used to by orographic influences on airflow by the Olympic predict climatic variation and resource impacts Mountains. in various ecosystem models. The additional sites will provide linkage to glacier monitor- Monitoring Questions and Indicators: ing and will give better geographic coverage at high elevations. Limitations: There will be Question: What are the status and trends of geo- challenges with maintenance, data analysis and graphic and elevational patterns of weather? locating sites having a large enough canopy opening. Spatial interpolation will be difficult. Part II. Chapter 1. System Drivers: Atmosphere and Climate 67

Conceptual Model:

Atmosphere Heat Light Moisture Temp Radiation Moisture Wind

Surface Physiology & Hydrology Light Water Trace Gases Physiological Nutrients Pollutants Response Water

Community Composition Biochemical & Structure & Hydrologic Cycles Water, Nutrients Landscape Modification Landscape Modification Anthropogenic Activities

Nutrients Erosion Detritus Trace Gases Temp & Pollutants Water Soils Trace Gases Pollutants

Figure 1.2. Conceptual model of the interactions among atmospheric and terrestrial ecosystem components (modified from Hall et al. 1989).

• Indicator : Snow Characteristics. on hydrologic resources, which affect terres- • Depth and Timing of Snow. One Snowpack trial and aquatic ecosystems. The data can Telemetry (SNOTEL) site currently operates be used to validate models of snowpack and at Hurricane Ridge, providing continuous hydrology. Limitations: As with the met sta- data on snow depth, snow water equivalent, tions, siting, maintenance and data analysis and timing of snowfall. Add three additional will be challenging. SNOTEL sites at Mt. Anderson, Blue Gla- • Snow Depth and Water Equivalent. Measure cier, and the upper . Justifica- rain and snow deposition and distribution tion: Eighty-percent of annual precipitation (depth and snow water equivalent) more falls during the winter meaning that snow widely in the park by making some snow depth and water content have critical effects course measurements on the west side of the 68 A Framework for Long-term Ecological Monitoring in Olympic National Park

peninsula. Justification: We need a bet- that meet the siting requirements for size of ter understanding of climatic variation and canopy opening. better estimates for inputs into hydrologic Question: What are the status and trends of geo- models describing distribution of water and graphic patterns of wet and dry deposition? soluble chemicals. Snow course measure- ments are relatively easy and inexpensive. • Indicator: Patterns of Wet and Dry Deposi- Limitations: Access to high elevation areas tion. Add measurements of wet deposition to on the west side is difficult. the dry deposition site in Port Angeles, and measurements of dry deposition to the wet • Park-wide Snow Cover. Use aerial photos deposition site in the Hoh. Wet deposition and/or satellite imagery to map and quantify includes dissolved ions such as nitrate, ammo- Justification snow-covered areas. : This will nium, and sulfate. Dry deposition includes contribute to understanding climate varia- other, undissolved chemical compounds. tion in time and space and will help estimate Justification: These are standard measure- inputs into hydrologic budgets. Limitation: ments used nationally by NADP. They will Cost. provide information regarding the effects of Question: Are there trends in ultraviolet radiation nitrogen and sulfur on terrestrial and aquatic interception? ecosystems by describing rain and snow chem- • Indicator: Ultraviolet Radiation. Continue to istry, and dry deposition. The new sites will monitor continuous broad spectrum UV radia- improve geographic coverage. Limitations: tion at the present site on Ediz Hook. Perhaps Finding representative sites will be difficult add less expensive monitors to other parts of due to high spatial variation and it will be the park. Justification: UV radiation is pre- difficult to extrapolate the data to large areas. dicted to change due to global climate change, Also, the accuracy and meaning of dry deposi- and may have important consequences for tion estimates is questionable. biota. UV monitoring is part of a national pro- Question: What is the geographic distribution of gram of the Environmental Protection Agency. changes in airborne particulates and impairment of Limitations: The UV monitor is expensive to visibility? maintain. • Indicator: Visibility. Add another Interagency Question: What are the geographic and elevational Monitoring of Protected Visual Environments patterns of ozone? (IMPROVE) site to the one already exist- • Indicator: Ozone Patterns. Add a continu- ing on the east side of the park. The new site ous ozone monitor permanently at Hurricane should be located on the west side of the park Ridge and two temporary analyzers on the east to capture the low-pollution condition there. side of the park and at the Hoh to supplement Justification: Adding monitoring to the west the one already operating near Port Angeles. side of the park would give better geographic Passive analyzers might be recommended, coverage. Limitations: Expense. especially at high elevation, following analysis Question: Are terrestrial resources changing, of data collected over the last 5 years. Justi- including pollution-sensitive vegetation and soils? fication: These new analyzers will describe elevational and spatial distribution of ozone. • Indicator: Foliar Diagnoses of Pollution The one at the Hoh will indicate “background” Effects. Monitor foliar diagnostic symptoms ozone levels for the Olympic Peninsula and of pollution effects (e.g., chlorosis, needle perhaps all of western Washington. Limita- retention) and effects on lichens with other tions: Analyzers require a power source but vegetation monitoring. Justification: These must also be located away from vehicle traffic. measurements will link ecological effects with Also, it is difficult to find locations in the park changes in pollutant concentrations and can be Part II. Chapter 1. System Drivers: Atmosphere and Climate 69

incorporated with other vegetation monitoring Linkages with Other Disciplines: efforts. Limitations: Minimal because little effort is needed to identify appropriate loca- • Park and Surrounding Landscape. Snow cover. tions, vegetation types and species to monitor. • Aquatic/Riparian Habitat. Lake and stream The main expense would be field time. chemistry, especially in low ANC lakes. • Biogeochemical Cycles. Lake chemistry, soil • Indicator: Soil Chemistry and Microbes. chemistry. Measure temporal variation in soil nitrogen, • Terrestrial Vegetation Communities. Foliar soil microflora and microfauna, and carbon to response to air pollution and radiation. nitrogen ratio. Justification: These measure- ments can be made in conjunction with vegeta- Research and Development Needs: tion monitoring and will describe ecosystem response to changes in air quality and precipi- • How can sampling be optimally designed to tation chemistry. Limitations: Cost of analysis. facilitate accurate interpolation of climatic Question: Is water quality changing in sensitive data, including wet and dry deposition, both lakes and streams (i.e., those that are oligotrophic or geographically and elevationally? What are have low acid neutralizing capacity [ANC])? the best statistical/quantitative techniques for doing this? • Indicator: Water Quality in Lakes and • How can lapse rates (change in temperature Streams. Measure surface water quality, with elevation) be accurately quantified? Data including pH, ANC, conductivity, and major from the Quillayute weather balloon will be anions in lakes and streams with the lowest helpful. ANC. Water bodies having low ANC are the • Perhaps short-term monitoring on elevation most sensitive to SO4 and NO3 anions because gradients would be a fruitful approach. of the H+ cations that accompany them. Lakes • What is the quantitative relationship between having low ANC will have to be identified with passive and continuous ozone data? (Project is an initial survey. Justification: These methods underway.) are used nationally in surface water surveys • What are the quantitative relationships and will indicate changes in the most sensi- between air pollutants and ecosystem effects tive systems as an early warning of ecosystem (e.g., symptomatic impacts for plants, relative effects. Limitations: If sensitive lakes are in sensitivity of different soil types to elevated the backcountry, they will be more costly to atmospheric nitrogen inputs)? access. • How many lakes in Olympic National Park are sensitive to deposition of the acid-forming Question: Is local air quality near road corridors -2 - and campgrounds changing? ions SO4 and NO3 because they are oligotro- phic or low-ANC systems? • Indicator: Local Air Quality. Temporar- ily measure air quality, especially visibility, sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide, and ozone in areas where management may have particular concerns (e.g., road corridors, campgrounds, fee kiosks, etc.). Justification: This will easily address management concerns. Limitations: No areas are currently of concern. 70 A Framework for Long-term Ecological Monitoring in Olympic National Park

Spatial and Temporal Context: Where and How Often to Monitor: This table indicates existing monitoring (E) and recommended additional monitoring (R).

Geographic Zones Elevation Zones (m) Human Use Zones Frequency 501- 1001- >1500 Proposed West East <500 1000 1500 Hi Mod Low (Interval) Indicator Meteorology E E E E(e) E(e) E(e) E R R Hourly R(w) R(e) SNOTEL R E E, R E R R Daily Snow Course R E E E E Monthly UV E E E 1⁄2 Hourly Ozone R E E(e) R(e) E R ? R(w) Dry Deposition R E E(e) E(e)R(w) Monthly R(w) Wet Deposition E R E(w) E(w) Monthly R(e) R(e) Visibility R E E, R R E Daily Foliar Effects R R R ? Annually Local Air Daily Quality

(e) indicates east side of park (drier areas) (w) indicates west side of park (wetter areas) Part II. Chapter 2. System Drivers: Human Activities 71

Chapter 2. System Drivers: Human Activities.

Monitoring Need/Justification: Inside the park, high visitor use directly affects wilderness values. Unsanctioned campsites, social As human population increases, so does visita- trails, and unacceptable trail widening have resulted tion to national parks and the consequent risks to from intense backcountry use and have caused park resources, both natural and experiential. The unacceptable vegetation loss and on-going ero- population of Washington State alone is projected to sion (Olympic National Park 1999). Changes in increase from 5.9 million in 2000 to 7.5 million by experiential values, such as solitude and quiet, 2025. Meanwhile, visits to Olympic National Park have not been measured. High numbers of visitors have increased from 100,000 in 1945 to 3 million in may require management to change the placement 1984 and 4.2 million in 2001 (park records). Thus, of facilities such as ranger stations, trail bridges, anthropogenic threats to park resources are increas- boardwalks, privies and bear-wires, all affecting ing both inside and outside the park. wilderness resources. Effects of human activity occur immediately Recognizing the need to manage visitor use outside of the park and are due largely to forest proactively to protect experiential and biologic management practices. Examples of impacts within resources, the National Park Service advocates use the park from these activities include blow-down of the Visitor Experience and Resource Protec- of park trees adjacent to clear-cut logging on the tion (VERP; National Park Service 1997) plan- boundary, slash burns escaping into the park, water ning framework by parks, similar to the Limits of pollution due to herbicide spraying, and increased Acceptable Change (LAC) framework. These are siltation of park waters (Olympic National Park dynamic processes for developing indicators and 1999). Additionally, over 85 km of roads provide standards to address visitor carrying capacity and unofficial access to the park and facilitate timber management issues for both experiential and bio- theft, poaching of wildlife and plants, and illegal logic resources. The goal is to set standards for the harvest of shellfish. Non-forest activities affecting limits of acceptable change in indicators of resource the park include such things as local industries and quality (e.g., percent bare ground, number of others transportation, fish hatcheries, increasing residen- encountered on trails) and link those indicators with tial development, ocean vessels, and mining. Other more easily measured indicators of visitor numbers anthropogenic effects are regional and global. (e.g., number of cars in the parking lots, number of Examples include regional and global habitat degra- vehicles passing fee stations). When the standards dation for migratory species, ocean fishing, par- are exceeded, management action is required. The ticulates from Asia, effects on air quality caused by standards must protect against both ecological increasing industry/vehicle traffic between Vancou- harm to biologic resources and disappointment of ver, B.C. and Portland. visitor expectations because these are both part of the National Park System mandate (U.S. Congress 1916). 72 A Framework for Long-term Ecological Monitoring in Olympic National Park

Conceptual Model: Human Population Political Global National Pressure Regional Local Expectations Alternatives

Park Other Park Users Political Pressure Visitors Native Americans Economic Demand Need for Inholders Services Poachers

Park Trampling External Activities Managers Harvesting Land-Use Industry Infrastructure Pollution Extraction Harvest Policies Transportation Park Resources Vegetation Wildlife Resource Soils Condition Land-use Practices Air Quality Consumption Solitude Visitor Pollution Experience

Figure 2.1. Conceptual model of interaction among human activities, park resources, and park management.

Monitoring Questions and Indicators: surveys are conducted should reflect primary natural resource concerns. They should also Question: Are visitor numbers and uses of the park recognize that the greatest increase in effects changing? of human use is occurring in more remote off- • Indicator: Visitor Census. Maintain the auto- trail areas rather than near trails. Justification: mated vehicle counters on all park entrances These detailed surveys of activities are needed and collect data annually. Justification:After to indicate what specific impacts may occur as initial determination of correction factors a result of visitor activities, and to refine esti- for visitors/vehicle and commercial and park mates of park visitation. This information will traffic, automated vehicle counts will give an be useful for managers in and out of the park economical and accurate picture of park visita- because it will suggest trends in recreation tion. It will also serve as an early warning sign demand and potential impacts on surround- of visitor impacts on park resources. Finally, ing recreation areas. Limitations: Designing park visitation counts can be disaggregated a sampling strategy that has inference to the according to the location of counter to give a entire visitor population is a complex task. rough idea of visitor distribution. Limitations: The initial calibration phase will be somewhat • Indicator: Visitor Distribution. Collect data costly. on visitor numbers at widely distributed sites • Indicator: Visitor Activities. Conduct social throughout the park along with conducting surveys of individual and party activities at social surveys. This would also be done at specific park locations at five-year intervals five-year intervals.Justification: This monitor- to describe types of park use. The sites where ing will indicate the spatial distribution and Part II. Chapter 2. System Drivers: Human Activities 73

intensity of visitor impacts to park resources. • Indicator: Number of Over Flights. Monitor Limitations: This sampling strategy will also the number, altitude and frequency of permit- be difficult to design, and the study could be ted flights passing over the park at 5 to 10 year costly depending on the size of the sample and intervals. Justification: Cumulative aircraft the number of locations in the park. use impacts many wilderness values of the park. Question: Are visitorsʼ desires for, expectations of, and actual experiences in Olympic National Park Question: Are the amounts of legal and illegal har- changing? vest of park vegetation increasing? • Indicator: (Under development). The Park • Indicator: Number and Size of Interceptions Service recognizes that experiential resources by Law Enforcement. Following law enforce- are in need of protection as much as biologi- ment actions will indicate the trend in illegal cal resources and has developed the VERP harvests. Justification: Records are easy to planning framework in response. The VERP obtain. Limitations: This approach does not framework uses indicators and standards for describe the total amount of illegal harvest. those indicators to define the limits of accept- able change to park resources. In the realm • Indicator: Number and Amounts of Legal of visitor use indicators, standards are fairly Harvest. To be determined. easy to define (e.g., < 20% bare ground, > 10 Question: Is the extent of impacts caused by visitor other people encountered on a particular trail), use changing? and they can be specific to different areas of the park. However, the linkage between easily • Indicator: Surveys of Backcountry Campsites measured parameters, such as vehicle num- and Trail Dimensions. Survey trail dimen- bers in parking lots and trailhead counts, and sions, maybe with the help of trail crew, on effects on park resources in relation to visitor selected trails. Survey the size and number of expectations are poorly understood. This ques- backcountry campsites, maybe with the help tion is a subject of research at Mount Rainier of backcountry rangers. Justification: These National Park where visitor densities are high groups of people are in the backcountry regu- and much sociological research has already larly, and the needed tasks are simple and need been conducted. Results from Mount Rainier no unusual equipment. Limitations: None. provide guidance for other parks throughout the Pacific Northwest. Question: Are the activities of park residents and inholders changing? Question: Is management responding to the needs of visitors by adding or moving infrastructure? • Indicator: Residences and Sewer Systems. Monitor the number of residences and number

• Indicator: Numbers of Facilities. Record the and type of water and sewer systems in the number and location of facilities according park and on inholdings. Justification:Indica - to category (e.g., hard-sided ranger stations, tion of whether these facilities are increasing, ranger tents, shelters, wilderness campsites, decreasing or staying constant will indicate etc.) and the number of miles of roads, trails, the need for concern about park resident and riprap, etc., parkwide on an annual basis. Limitations: Justification: Changes in the amount of inholder impacts. Data on inhold- infrastructure will indicate a change in man- ings may be difficult to obtain. agement activities that might impact park Question: Are the number and activities of conces- resources. Limitations: Some facilities may be sionaires, Incidental Business Permits (IBP) and created without the knowledge of park staff Special Use Permits changing? (e.g., wilderness campsites). • Indicator: Contracts and Permits. Monitor the numbers and types of contracts or 74 A Framework for Long-term Ecological Monitoring in Olympic National Park

permits granted by the park annually using • Aquatic/Riparian Habitat. Impacts of visitors park records. Justification: This is an inexpen- and management on aquatic and riparian veg- sive way to determine whether there is need etation and habitat quality. for concern about these activities. • Aquatic Biota. Fisheries. • Coastal Environments. Impacts of visitors on • Indicator: Concession activity. Monitor the coastal intertidal areas. number, type, frequency, location and people/ • System Drivers: Atmosphere and Climate. trip for concession activities. Justification: Effect of campfires on air quality near camp- This is an inexpensive way to monitor changes grounds. in concession activity and assess the need for • Terrestrial Fauna. Effects of poaching on concern. animal resources, relationship between visitor numbers and human-animal interactions. Linkages with Other Disciplines: • Park and Surrounding Landscape. Land-use • Terrestrial Vegetation Communities. Impacts changes outside of the park.

of visitors and management on vegetation and • U.S. Census. Local, regional and statewide soils. human demographic changes. Spatial and Temporal Context: Where and How Often to Monitor:

Geographic Zones Elevation Zones (m) Human Use Zones Frequency 501- 1001- Proposed Indicator West East <500 1000 1500 >1500 Hi Mod Low (Interval) Vehicle Counts X X X X X 1 yr Activity Surveys X X X X X X X X 5 yr Distribution Surveys X X X X X X X X X 5 yr Facility Inventory X X X X X X X X 1 yr Internal Aircraft Flights X X 1 yr Residences, Water & Sewer X X X 1 yr IBP Contracts & Permits X X X X X X X X X 1 yr Concession Activity X X X X X X X X X 1 yr

Research and Development Needs: • Continued work with VERP or LAC to develop • What effect is wood collection having on woody relationships among visitor numbers, limits of debris resources? acceptable change, and visitor expectations. • What is the relationship between external • Develop an accurate census method for visita- changes in demographics and changes in the tion (day and overnight use) and specify ade- nature and number of park visitors? quate equipment. • Research is needed to determine the average • Who is engaging in poaching various resources number of visitors per vehicle to adjust vehicle and what are their motivations? counter data to indicate number of visitors. The • What are the impacts of trampling on biodiver- data will also need to be corrected for commer- sity and plant processes? cial and park vehicle traffic. • Is there a need for an indicator of legal and • What is the impact of legal and illegal harvest illegal collection of plant material (e.g., mush- of park resources having on plant communi- rooms, salal, moss, beargrass)? If so, develop the ties? indicator(s). Part II. Chapter 3. Park and Surrounding Landscape 75

Chapter 3. Park and Surrounding Landscape.

Monitoring Need/Justification: species of concern, disturbance levels along riparian corridors, and the size and frequency of windthrow, National Park managers face several threats to fire and other disturbances (Wilkie and Finn 1996). park integrity that call for a regional or even global Remote sensing tools (aerial photographs and satel- perspective. Detecting the extent and intensity of lite imagery) tend to be expensive, but no other changes to park resources caused by large-scale means provide the large-scale perspective. problems such as acid precipitation, climate change, Landscape pattern is clearly a large-scale issue airborne pollutants or urbanization requires park best addressed by remote sensing. Additionally, management to take an expansive view of the park. some important ecosystem processes that can be This necessitates considering the park in the con- meaningfully measured over small areas, can only text of surrounding managed lands and gaining an be evaluated using remote sensing techniques to understanding of how regional and global processes understand the landscape-scale changes they affect. such as atmospheric circulation patterns affect park For example, primary productivity can be measured ecosystems. in single forest stands but it is difficult to extrapo- Natural and human-caused disturbances are late from individual plots to the entire park unless important large-scale phenomena affecting the remote sensing tools are used. Parameters such as structure and function of ecosystems, including canopy nitrogen can be measured remotely, and forest-dominated ecosystems of the Pacific North- using plot data for validation, can be used to esti- west (Spies 1997). These disturbances include fire, mate productivity on a park-wide basis (Ollinger avalanches, windstorms, mass wasting, flooding, et al. In press, Smith et al. 2002). Remote sensing beach erosion, insects and diseases, tsunamis, and promises to bridge the gap between intensive eco- forest fragmentation outside of the park. Each of logical research or monitoring and the evaluation, these has a characteristic spatial and temporal scale, understanding, and management of landscapes. and together with other environmental patterns, In addition to using repeat photography and they create a mosaic of habitats and communities imagery, other regional sources provide land- across the park. Landscape patterns have important scape-scale data. Examples include the USDA implications for many ecosystem processes such Forest Service Pest Management aerial surveys in as dispersal rates of old-growth forest dependent national forests and national parks (Dave Bridg- organisms, the invasion of exotic species, and water, [email protected]), the Intra-agency disturbance type and frequency (Pickett and White Vegetation Mapping Program (Melinda Mouer, 1985, Perry and Amaranthus 1997). Comprehensive [email protected]) and Olympic National Park protection of a park requires an understanding of data on the frequency, cause and size of fires since the status and dynamics of disturbance patterns and 1940. In addition, National Oceanic and Atmo- processes. Remote sensing is a powerful tool that, spheric Administration produces coastal change when used over time, can indicate landscape-level detection information, and Bureau of Land Manage- trends in landscape patterns, including the avail- ment provides lightning strike data throughout the ability of habitat patches, presence of corridors western U.S., including frequency maps for strikes. and connectivity with areas outside of the park for 76 A Framework for Long-term Ecological Monitoring in Olympic National Park

Conceptual Model:



Phenology Pollution Succession Storm size Mass-wasting & frequency Aggregation of Harvest EXAMPLE characteristics to landscape scale MEANS:

Exotic invasions Susceptibility Dispersal rates to future Wind speed Connectivity disturbance Cloud formation

LANDSCAPE PATTERN (SPATIAL AND TEMPORAL) e.g., Corridors among patches Patches – size, distribution Shoreline position Stream morphology Physiognomic ecotones

Figure 3.1. Conceptual model of the interactions among the forces determining landscape pattern in Olympic National Park.

Monitoring Questions and Indicators: mechanism through a combination of aerial photo interpretation and site visits. In many Question: What are the trends in the frequency, cases site visits (ground-truthing) will not be size, and distribution of disturbance events, namely necessary, effective, or feasible due to inacces- wind throw, flooding, mass-wasting, changes in sibility of sites. Many common mechanisms river channels, fire, insects and disease? of change (i.e., clear cuts, regeneration, snow Question: What are the trends in extent of snow melt, river meanders, fire, etc.) are identifi- cover and in plant phenology? able from imagery. In fact, the mechanism of Question: What are the trends in landscape-scale change is sometimes more easily discerned patterns of vegetation and land-use outside of the from the imagery or photo pairs than on the park? ground because field crews do not have the Question: What are the trends in coastal shoreline benefit of seeing two snapshots in time. Aerial position? photos should be at 1:15,840 resolution (R. • Indicator: Change Detection. Obtain satel- Hoffman, Olympic National Park, Personal lite imagery (Landsat Thematic Mapper [TM], communication) and could be taken every 10 light detection and ranging [lidar], or other years, or maybe half of the park every 5 years. airborne imagery as newer sensors become Satellite imagery may be inexpensive enough available and affordable) and subject them that change detection analyses could be done to automated image processing techniques to annually or biannually. Changes due to all of detect change. These techniques are good at the processes described in the questions above finding change, but they are not as good at could be described with this approach (Lefsky determining the type of change. Once areas et al. 2001, Lefsky et al. 2002). that have changes have been identified, we can Justification: The combination of satellite quantify the extent of change and identify the imagery and aerial photos increases the effi- Part II. Chapter 3. Park and Surrounding Landscape 77

ciency of change detection and identification able to acquire it for a discount. Extensive by using an automated procedure to narrow ground-truthing is required. the focus of the analysis. Interpreting aerial • Indicator: Vegetation Structure and Com- photos is the most accurate way to identify position. Acquire Landsat TM or Systeme remotely-sensed features but it is time con- Probatoire dʼObservation de la Terre (SPOT) suming and requires special expertise. Aerial data from which some of the above vegetation photos would also have other uses for moni- processes, composition and structure can be toring, including recording permanent plot estimated, but less directly and at a lower level locations. Limitations: Aerial photos and their of resolution. Justification: These data are interpretation are expensive, and qualified per- widely available and have great utility. Limi- sonnel are few. Timing of imagery to describe tations: Requires extensive ground-truthing, snow cover and phenology might be difficult which is expensive. to achieve. There can be problems with photo registration, distortion, and quality. Linkages with Other Disciplines: Question: What are status and trends of forest • Aquatic/Riparian Habitat. Changes in snow structure, composition and function? cover and stream morphology. • Indicator: Vegetation Chemistry. The Air- • Terrestrial Vegetation Communities. Changes borne Imaging Spectrometer (AIS) is able to in snow cover, phenology, and vegetation detect the differences in spectra emitted from structure and composition. compounds based on chemical bond structure • Geoindicators. Mass-wasting, stream channel (Ollinger et al. In press, Smith et al. 2002). morphology, and extent of wetlands if pos- Consequently it can be used to measure such sible. things as species composition, leaf lignin, • System Drivers: Atmosphere and Climate. forest productivity, decomposition rates, rates Snow cover, disturbance, land-use outside of of nutrient release and assimilation, rates of the park. nitrogen cycling, landscape transitions, and • System Drivers: Human Activities. Land-use vegetation stress across forested landscapes. outside of the park. Justification: This new technology shows • Biogoechemistry. Vegetation chemistry. promise for allowing detailed detection of • Populations and Communities of Large Mam- important, integrative forest processes. Limita- mals. Phenology. tions: The technique is still experimental and • Coastal Environments. Sea level change, expensive, although the park service may be shoreline position alterations.

Spatial and Temporal Context: Where and How Often to Monitor:

Geographic Zones Elevation Zones (m) Human Use Zones Frequency 501- 1001- Proposed Indicator West East <500 1000 1500 >1500 Hi Mod Low (Interval) Disturbance X X X X X X X X X 1-2 yrs Snow Cover X X X X X X X X X 1-2 yrs Vegetation Phenology X X X X X X X X X 1-2 yrs Land-use Outside Park X X X X X 1-2 yrs Vegetation Struct. & Chemistry X X X X X X X X X 5-10 yrs Shoreline Position X X X X 5-10 yrs 78 A Framework for Long-term Ecological Monitoring in Olympic National Park

Research and Development Needs: • How great is the ability of remotely sensed data to detect significant changes in land cover and resource condition at small spatial (e.g., 30 x 30 m) and temporal (e.g., annual) scales? • Retrospective studies using historic records, historic photos, historic aerial photos and models are needed to reconstruct past patterns of disturbance events. Geologic methods can be used to date historic mass-wasting events, and dendrochronological methods can be used to determine fire histories. • Employ change detection analyses to deter- mine size and frequency of disturbance events such as windthrow and flooding using Landsat™ images from as far back as possible (ca. 1974). • Compare spatial and temporal patterns of fire described by the aerial photos with results from retrospective fire history studies to compare recent fire behavior with historic and pre-historic behavior. • Coordinate data collection between plot-level and remotely sensed data so that smaller-scale mea- surements represent the same process detectable remotely. The details will depend on which type of remotely sensed data can be acquired. Part II. Chapter 4. Biogeochemical Cycles 79

Chapter 4. Biogeochemical Cycles.

Monitoring Need/Justification: surements give an integrated assessment of system status. For example, stream chemistry reflects not Comprehensive monitoring programs must only streambed characteristics but also includes reflect the fact that ecosystems are not static col- the runoff of water and nutrients from the entire lections of biotic units. Rather, they are functioning watershed (Likens et al. 1977, Sollins et al. 1980, entities that process nutrients among biotic and abi- Edmonds et al. 1998). Consequently, biogeochemi- otic components in biogeochemical cycles. Biogeo- cal indicators can give a comprehensive and inte- chemists see biogeochemical cycles as the foun- grated assessment of ecosystem status (Waring and dation of ecosystems, and that organisms merely Running 1998). represent “repackaging” of energy and nutrients into One important subset of the biogeochemical different stages of the cycles (stated at Biogeochem- network in Olympic National Park involves the ical Processes Workshop, see Appendix A). The transfer of nutrients from the marine environment importance of process in ecosystems is recognized to terrestrial forests by anadromous fish. When in the mandate of national parks to achieve “pres- anadromous fish return from the ocean to spawn and ervation of a total environment, as compared with die, they provide marine-derived nutrients to fresh- the protection of an individual feature or species” water ecosystems through their excretion, gametes (National Park Service 1968). and carcasses (Bilby et al. 1996). These nutrients It may be hard to convince the public that are important to the productivity of the lakes and imperceptible chemical processes are important streams in which they spawn (Larkin and Slaney indicators of ecosystem status when their more 1997). Nutrients are also transferred directly to obvious interests for protection are populations of scavengers and indirectly through the soil to veg- animal and plant species. However, biogeochemical etation. As salmon populations fluctuate, naturally cycles are the network that links all ecosystem com- and due to anthropogenic influences on habitat and ponents, biotic and abiotic (Likens et al. 1977, Sol- harvest, park resource managers are concerned lins et al. 1980). The importance of these cycles is about the impact to the forest and aquatic ecosys- more obvious if, for example, one defines a stressed tems. Fish numbers are hard to monitor directly, ecosystem as one that is experiencing a decrease in but marine derived nutrients can be detected in photosynthesis, a fundamental ecosystem process. vegetation by analyzing isotopes of nitrogen and This definition reduces the effect of many possible carbon (Ben-David et al. 1998). In this way, salmon stressors (e.g., climate change, air pollution, acid can be monitored indirectly by monitoring one of rain, disease) to an effect on one step in the carbon their ecological roles. A change in salmon popula- cycle, and thereby makes it possible to predict how tions could propagate throughout the food chain. a stressor will ramify throughout all other parts of Small reductions in the numbers of anadromous fish the system. Changes in biogeochemical cycles may might significantly degrade ecosystem processes also be more sensitive indicators than biota because and productivity, which, in turn, could contribute to they show less variation (Edmonds et al. 1998). In a “positive feedback loop” due to lessened biologi- addition to giving a clearer signal than biota, they cal productivity/oligotrophication and increasingly may also provide “early warning” of ecosystem reduced production levels. change because they may respond before biota (Perry 1994). Finally, some biogeochemical mea- 80 A Framework for Long-term Ecological Monitoring in Olympic National Park

Because biogeochemical cycles include abiotic resulting from development in and around parks, as well as biotic elements, some predicted envi- changes in precipitation, and in the amount and ronmental changes are expected to affect biogeo- timing of glacier melt water, due to climate change, chemical processes directly. These include expected will also affect biogeochemical cycling. Therefore changes in air quality and precipitation chemistry, monitoring of biogeochemical cycling is closely including toxic deposition. Changes in hydrology tied to monitoring of system drivers.

Conceptual Model: Figures 1.2 for Biogeochemical Cycles and 4.1 for Marine-Derived Nutrients

ANIMAL SCAVENGERS & PREDATORS Returning Salmonids Carcasses Anadromous Fish Gametes Excretion Marine-Derived Nutrients



Out-migrating Salmonids LAKE AND Smolts & STREAM Adults PRODUCTIVITY

Figure 4.1. Conceptual model describing the impact of marine-derived nutrients on terrestrial and aquatic environments in Olympic National Park.

Monitoring Questions and Indicators: representative of the conditions described by earlier measurements. Therefore it might be Question: Are precipitation chemistry measure- a useful research opportunity to study stream ments from the Hoh Small Watershed Project recovery, but it is not as useful to continue deviating from the nearly twenty-year norm already them for the purpose of adding to the estab- observed? lished record of water flow and quality.) • Indicator: Small Watershed Precipitation Justification:The Small Watershed Project Measurements. The Small Watershed Project has produced informative results by establish- in the Hoh River valley should continue to ing baseline conditions so that a temporary measure monthly bulk precipitation chemistry, increase in atmospheric nitrogen could be precipitation amount, dissolved organic car- detected, although the source is not known. It bon and nitrogen, and conductivity monthly. is important to have a few intensively moni- The park should consider adding continuous tored sites, like the Hoh site, so that system measurements of conductivity and tempera- dynamics can be comprehensively understood ture. (The site has recently experienced mass on a greater geographic basis. Limitations: wasting so water quality and flow are not Intensive studies are expensive to maintain. Part II. Chapter 4. Biogeochemical Cycles 81

Question: Are basic properties of water quality Question: Is the ecological role of anadromous fish changing in the park? to transport marine-derived nutrients to freshwater ecosystems changing in aquatic/riparian zones and • Indicator: Level I Water Quality. Level I lowland forests? Water Quality parameters were identified by the National Park Serviceʼs Water Resources • Indicator: Marine-Derived Nutrients. Deter- Division as the basic set of measurements mine isotopic ratios of 15C and/or 13N in to be collected service-wide. They include samples of resident trout, macroinvertebrates, alkalinity, pH, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, algae, alders, salmonberry, and cores of spruce total suspended particulates, rapid bio-assess- or fir trees. Following research, some of these ment baseline (EPA/state protocols involving may prove to be more effective indicators than macro-invertebrates and fish), temperature, others. Justification: Collecting these samples and flow. Justification: These protocols pro- is relatively simple, and many rivers are easily vide minimum baseline data for water qual- accessible by trail for their length. ity assessment and are used throughout the Limitations: The ecological importance and National Park Service. Limitations: Equip- historic levels of marine-derived nutrients are ment, maintenance, and contracted analysis not known. (if the park goes beyond Level I parameters), could be costly. Linkages with Other Disciplines: • Indicator: Extensive Measurements of Water Quality and Biogeochemistry. Datasonde units • System Drivers: Atmosphere and Climate. should be used to measure dissolved organics, meteorological data, air quality including pH, conductivity, temperature and turbidity of ozone, and wet and dry deposition. stream water at 8 replicate sites (conclusion • System Drivers: Human Activities. Changes of Biogeochemistry Workshop) in the park. In in human use and management response that addition, some units should be rotated around might affect biogeochemical cycles. the park to survey other sites temporarily in • Park and Surrounding Landscape. Nitrogen in order to establish baselines and characterize tree canopy and lignin via remote sensing eco-regions. At the 8 sites a stilling well and • Terrestrial Vegetation Communities. Stand- recorder should be used to measure stream level biogeochemical measurements (i.e., flow. Litterfall, litter chemistry, dissolved litterfall, decomposition, leaching, mineraliza- organic carbon and soil respiration should also tion). be measured. Finally, the full suite of anions • Aquatic/Riparian Habitat:. Large woody and cations should be measured twice per debris in streams, sediment loading, changes year. Justification: An intensive monitoring in glaciers site is far more useful if its results can be put • Special-status Plant Species: Rare and Exotic in the context of a spatially broader sample. Species. Trends in exotic species because they The measurements described here would may cause a shift in plant community compo- be less expensive than an intensive site and sition. would allow for scaling up from the intensive • Aquatic Biota. Changes in anadromous fish site, though with less detail. Also, these sites runs or lotic/lentic biotic communities. would meet the requirement for Level I Water • Coastal Environments. Changes in estuarine Quality monitoring if the rapid bio-assessment environment. baseline protocols were added. Limitations: Though less expensive than the Hoh intensive site, these sites would also be expensive. 82 A Framework for Long-term Ecological Monitoring in Olympic National Park

Spatial and Temporal Context: Where and How Often to Monitor:

Geographic Zones Elevation Zones (m) Human Use Zones Frequency 501- 1001- Proposed Indicator West East <500 1000 1500 >1500 Hi Mod Low (Interval) Small Watershed Project X X X As before Extensive Stream Quality-- X X X X X X X X 6 mo. Level I Marine Derived Nutrients X X X 5-10 yr.

Research and Development Needs: • Interpret GIS layers in terms of biogeochemi- cal processes. • Work with modelers of local weather patterns to determine large scale atmospheric flow pat- terns (e.g., wind). • What factors control nitrogen retention and release from forested ecosystems? • How much stress (e.g., nitrogen inputs) can be added to the system before ecosystem change/ breakdown/reorganization occurs? • What measures need to be collected synopti- cally to enable scaling from small watershed studies to the landscape scale? • What are the “trigger points” in specific bio- geochemical measurements that signal a need for management action? • What role and importance do marine-derived nutrients have in terrestrial ecosystems? • What were historic levels (pre-Columbian and mid-20th century) of marine-derived nutrients in riparian and lowland trees? • Identify the most effective indicators of marine-derived nutrients. • Determine large-scale patterns of atmospheric flow. Part II. Chapter 5. Contaminants 83

Chapter 5. Contaminants.

Monitoring Need/Justification: Consequently, the concern for air quality in the park is based on the parkʼs role as a benchmark for the Environmental contaminants originate primarily rest of the continental U.S., the potential for increas- from industrial processes and agricultural practices. ing pollutants from growing metropolitan areas in One category of contaminants is known as persis- the region, and a concern for trans-Pacific transport. tent organic pollutants (POPs), of which twelve are From the national perspective, western and covered in an international treaty to reduce their Alaskan mountainous national parks are important use. They include pesticides (e.g., DDT, chlordane, baseline and sentinel sites for a number of atmo- dieldrin, etc.) and compounds used in or produced spheric contaminant concerns. First, contaminants by industry (e.g., PCBs, dioxins, furans, etc.). Toxic are expected to accumulate in the snow packs of metals, also produced by industry, include mer- arctic and near-arctic areas, and mid-latitude moun- cury, lead, zinc, and cadmium. All of these chemi- tains due to the processes of ʻcold-condensationʼ cals are troublesome because they are toxic at low and ʻglobal distillationʼ (Biddleman 1999). Both concentrations, persist in the environment, bioac- processes involve the physical properties of the cumulate, and are semi-volatile, meaning that they atmosphere as it cools with higher elevation and easily vaporize into the atmosphere (Simonich and latitude. Snow packs are at the headwaters of river Hites 1995). In addition, there are new chemicals systems, and hence the effect of contaminants can whose behavior is not yet understood, including easily spread from them. Also, there is national brominated compounds, flame retardant coatings concern about transport of contaminants across and substitutes for CFCs. Contaminants can reside the Pacific, and western parks will give the clear- and move in the air, water and in food webs, but est signal. Finally, these compounds bioaccumulate because many large, natural-area national parks are up food chains and with age in individual animals geographically remote and centered in mountains, (Jansson, et al. 1993). Little is known quantitatively atmospheric deposition is the most important source about the effects of contaminants, and the unman- of contamination. aged ecosystems in national parks could serve as Olympic National Park experiences prevailing useful laboratories, with monitoring as one compo- winds from the southwest and west in the fall and nent. Because of these concerns, the National Park winter, and from the west and northwest in spring Serviceʼs Air Resources Division is designing a and summer. These air masses moving inland from contaminants-monitoring program for the western the Pacific Ocean are relatively unaffected by local continental U.S. and Alaska. or continental emissions. The coastal and rain forest One specific question regarding contaminants areas of the park, therefore, have been suggested nationally is also particularly important in Olympic as having among the cleanest air in North America National Park. Anadromous fish have been shown (Thomas et al. 1989). Even on the north side of the to accumulate contaminants during their residence park, which is close to industrial and urban emis- in the ocean (Ewald et al. 1998). When they return sions, air quality does not violate federal or state home to spawn and die, salmon bring important air quality standards. Nevertheless, the park has nutrients into the system, but they also may bring received long-range transport of chemicals possibly significant amounts of contaminants. from the Asian continent (Edmonds et al. 1998). 84 A Framework for Long-term Ecological Monitoring in Olympic National Park

Conceptual Model: Figure 1.2 • Contaminants in Air and Precipitation. Measure concentrations of POPs and metals Monitoring Questions: in air and precipitation at IMPROVE (visibil- ity monitoring) sites (see Part II, Chapter 1). Following a meeting held in June 2001 with Justification: Data are universally comparable subject matter experts and representatives from and a true measure of concentration. Air data western national parks, the National Park Serviceʼs are fairly easy to collect and they are good for Air Resources Division is designing an air tox- model evaluation. The source can be deter- ics monitoring scheme for the western parks. The mined from meteorology. Limitations: The monitoring questions will be regional in scope monitoring sites are expensive and require and will probably take advantage of the latitudi- power and maintenance so spatial representa- nal gradient from southern California to Alaska, tion is necessarily limited. Precipitation data and the coastal-to-inland gradient from Olympic are harder to collect and require special meth- National Park eastward to Glacier National Park. odological care. Elevation gradients within parks will also likely be exploited, as well as the relationship of individual • Contaminants in Fish. parks to synoptic air patterns. Olympic National • Resident Fish. Collect samples of resident Park falls into three of five high-priority geographic trout that are non-migratory, predatory, old, and ecosystem categories identified by the group: and preferably from oligotrophic systems. high elevation areas, areas not affected by local Trout have been selected because they occur sources of emissions, and areas that are influenced in many western parks. Samples should be by transpacific air masses. Finally, several media homogenized and analyzed for 12 POPs are under consideration for sampling that would be plus mercury and maybe some emerging appropriate for Olympic National Park: snow, air, contaminants. Justification: Trout are at the fish, freshwater lakes, sediments, and lichens. The top of the aquatic food chain so they should details of this monitoring plan are forthcoming and accumulate contaminants if they are pres- will include some subset of the indicators described ent in the ecosystem. Fish are charismatic, below (www.aqd.nps.gov/ard/aqmon/air_toxics/ economically important and are consumed index.html). by subsistence cultures. Fishermen might be able to collect some of the samples for free. Monitoring Indicators: (Monitoring questions are Limitations: Destructive sampling may not being developed on a national basis). be allowed in parks. It is difficult to know • Contaminants in Snow. Measure concen- the source of the contaminant. Analyses are trations of pesticides used currently and of expensive. ʻnew POPsʼ whose behavior and effects are • Anadromous Fish. Same as above. Justi- unknown. Justification: Snow is an effective fication: Parks with anadromous fish need scavenger of the compounds of concern, it to know what amount of contaminants the makes a major contribution to annual water fish are bringing back to the park from the balance. Samples are inexpensive, donʼt ocean. Limitations: Knowing the amount of require a power source, are easy to collect and contaminants does not indicate the effects handle, and are easy to archive. Limitations: on the system. Analyses are expensive. Snow tells only part of the contaminantsʼ story, and because it is so labile, data may be • Contaminants in Freshwater Lakes. Install difficult to interpret. Samples must be col- semi-permeable membrane devices (SPMD) lected before early-season melting events, in some representative sample of lakes to and rain-on-snow events can destroy sam- measure concentrations of contaminants ples. Finally, a large volume is required for deposited from precipitation or air. Justifica- archiving. tion: Water samples realistically describe Part II. Chapter 5. Contaminants 85

exposure for aquatic organisms and levels can Linkages with Other Disciplines: be compared with lab toxicity tests. SPMD

technology may help overcome some of the • Terrestrial Vegetation Communities. Lichens.

problems with other methods. Much water • Aquatic/Riparian Habitat.. Chemistry of fresh- chemistry work is being done by other agen- water lakes.

cies, so sample results can be integrated with • System Drivers: Atmosphere and Climate. other results. Limitations: Some lakes are Chemistry of freshwater lakes, air and precipi- difficult to access and timing may be impor- tation chemistry.

tant. Large volumes of water may be needed • Special-status Fish Species. Resident trout and to detect some compounds. Some compounds anadromous salmonids. may be unstable in water, either before or after sampling. Spatial and Temporal Context: Where and How Often to Monitor: (to be determined). • Contaminants in Sediments. Collect sedi- ment cores from lake bottoms and analyze them for POPs, mercury and emerging Research Needs: contaminants. Justification: Lake sedi- ment cores can describe spatial patterns of • Determine concentrations of toxics at which contaminants. Lake sediments are one of threshold responses or other effects (e.g., on the best indicators of environmental con- development, non-lethal effects on reproduc- tamination (Puget Sound Action Commit- tion) occur in the food web and biogeochemi- tee, 2000). Limitations: Some pollutants cal cycles. of interest do not accumulate in sediments. • Determine source of contaminants through Access to remote lakes may be difficult. mass balance or trajectory studies. Cores are expensive to process and analyze. • Determine patterns in the distribution of con- taminants in relation to air, land and water. • Contaminants in Lichens. Collect samples • Compare results from SPMDs with other col- of the same species of lichen throughout the lection technologies to evaluate effectiveness. park, and hopefully from all of the parks in • Determine effects of contaminants brought a region. Analyze the samples for metals. by returning anadromous fish on the larger Justification: Historic samples are archived. ecosystem. Lichens have been widely used already in • Determine historic levels and distribution of the Pacific Northwest and Alaska, where POPs from lake sediment cores. they are an important part of the vegetation, so there is a large database for comparison. Lichens can be collected in conjunction with other monitoring. Lichens can indicate synergistic effects of multiple pollutants and offer a potentially denser sample than can be affordably obtained with instruments (Nimis and Purvis 2002). Limitations: Con- centrations of pollutants in lichens cannot be equated with concentration or timing of exposure. Lichens are not effective accumu- lators of contaminants with low concentra- tions or for POPs. 86 A Framework for Long-term Ecological Monitoring in Olympic National Park Part II. Chapter 6. Terrestrial Vegetation Communities 87

Chapter 6. Terrestrial Vegetation Communities.

Monitoring Need/Justification: vegetation in the northeastern Olympics has charac- teristics similar to those found in the Rocky Moun- Vegetation is the great integrator of biologi- tains. These diverse vegetation types will respond cal and physical environmental factors, and is the to environmental changes in different ways. Conse- foundation of trophic webs and animal habitat quently, patterns of vegetation change in relation to (Gates 1993) as well as having a major role in environmental gradients offer a superb opportunity geologic, geomorphologic and soil development to interpret the mechanisms driving the observed processes (Schumm 1977, Jenny 1941). Conse- changes. quently, results from monitoring vegetation and Forest structure and composition are physical associated ecological processes are an essential tool manifestations of cumulative biological and physi- for detecting changes occurring in park ecosystems. cal processes that are difficult to measure but that For example, monitoring herbivory may be a good drive changes in forest integrity. Changes in forest indirect method of determining whether composition will result when particular habitats populations or habitat use patterns have changed. respond to factors such as climate change, preclud- Also, permanent plot measurements may help ing suitability for particular species (Barnosky managers detect changes in tree mortality patterns 1984, Davis 1981). As human development restricts or invasions of exotic plant species. In addition, species migration across landscapes and regions, when vegetation is monitored in conjunction with significant loss of biodiversity is expected to result monitoring of associated wildlife groups such as when displaced species cannot access hospitable small mammals, connections between vegetation, habitats. Additionally, changes in forest structure habitat characteristics and the behavior of small and composition affect resource values such as mammal populations may be revealed. Monitoring habitat quality, biodiversity, the hydrologic cycle, of vegetation and associated ecological processes and carbon storage (Pastor and Post 1986, 1988). such as the rate of nitrogen mineralization and soil Forest health is a regional and national issue, and water chemistry are likely to provide a direct link measurements of forest structure and composition with climate and atmospheric changes (Pastor and are the most commonly used measurements for for- Post 1986, 1988). Finally, monitoring vegetation in est assessment. a statistically representative manner offers manage- Forests ecosystems are not intact unless pro- ment the opportunity to extend plot data to a larger cesses, as well as components, are at natural levels. scale such as entire watersheds and perhaps the park It is not clear whether processes or components are as a whole. Changes in vegetation means changes in more responsive to stress, but process variables tend primary productivity and habitat quality and will be to be less variable than components, and changes reflected throughout the ecosystem. may be easier to detect using processes (Carpenter Olympic National Park contains steep environ- et al. 1993). Although some of the process mea- mental gradients, due to the interaction between the surements may be relatively expensive compared mountainous topography and maritime climate. This with measurements of structure, the cost may be has resulted in a wide range of vegetation types offset by the early-warning capability. Additionally, existing in proximity to one another (Buckingham these variables will allow the system to be modeled et al. 1995). Conditions on the coastal lowlands (Dunham 1993). Models will enable prediction and give rise to the spectacular ʻtemperate coniferous extrapolation and allow us to distinguish between rainforestsʼ with massive trees whose branches are expected changes in these naturally dynamic pro- laden with epiphytes. Xerophytic vegetation such cesses and unexpected changes signaling a change as prickly pear cactus reside in the dry lowlands of in the process itself. the northeastern Olympic Peninsula. Mountainous 88 A Framework for Long-term Ecological Monitoring in Olympic National Park

Conceptual Model:

Atmospheric Climate/Weather Dry Deposition Disturbance Processes Precipitation Wet Deposition Snow/Ice Temperature Air Quality Fire Wind Pathogens Insects Fluvial dynamics Anthropogenic Influences Pollutants Introduction of Exotics Direct Impacts Soils Harvest Successional Processes Chemistry (Temporal dynamics) Organic Matter Soil Organisms Water Availability

Plant Communities Components Attributes Terrestrial and Aquatic Wildlife Trees Structure Herbivory Shrubs Composition Nutrient Cycling Plant Autecology Herbs Abundance Habitat Ferns Woody Debris (Abundance) Cryptogams Growth Rates Longevity

Figure 6.1. Conceptual model describing the factors shaping plant communities in Olympic National Park.

Monitoring Questions and Indicators: • Species composition, cover and thickness of all layers, including exotic plants. Question: Are the abundance of frequent species and parameters of forest structure changing? • Biomass distribution: living versus dead, foliage, stems, large woody debris, forest

• Indicator: Forest Structure and Composition. floor and soils. Permanent vegetation plots should be distrib- uted across elevation, soil, climatic, and suc- • Presence of exotic and/or native insects and cessional gradients. Plots should be distributed diseases. in forested, riparian, coastal, high-elevation Justification:Forest health is a national and (subalpine) and non-forested plant associa- regional issue and information from relatively tions. Specific methods should be the same as undisturbed areas such as national parks will or be capable of being summarized with those serve as a benchmark for disturbed areas. used by other regional and national permanent Changes in species distributions at tree line plot networks. Forest structure should be mea- may be indicative of climate change (Walker sured along several dimensions: 1991, Rochefort et al. 1994). These measure- • Horizontal structure: including gap size and ments and methods will be directly compara- frequency, fragmentation patterns and layer- ble with data from other agencies. Limitations: ing. All gradients may not be well covered due to financial limitations on the number of plots • Vertical structure: including canopy condition, that can be supported. snags, understory, shrubs, and herbs. Part II. Chapter 6. Terrestrial Vegetation Communities 89

Question: Are the rates of ecosystem processes permanent plots according to methods used changing? in other permanent plot networks. Measure- ments of growth and seed traps indicate • Indicator: Forest Processes. productivity. Justification: These measure- • Nitrogen and Carbon Dynamics. Indi- ments are easy and inexpensive to include cators of N and C dynamics should be with data already being collected on struc- monitored on a subset of the permanent ture. They are likely to be early-warning vegetation plot network that is relatively indicators of impending structural changes. accessible. Specifically, the following indi- Limitations: Crews must be taught to recog- cators should be monitored using available nize the cause of mortality. protocols: • Animal Use. Indicators of herbivory and • Net Primary Production. (i.e., litterfall, animal disturbance or presence (e.g., hoof tree growth using litter traps and tree marks, droppings, etc.) should be recorded cores) for all permanent vegetation plots. Methods • Soil Nutrient and Organic Matter for describing herbivory should be deter- Dynamics. (i.e., decomposition, leaching, mined in consultation with wildlife biolo- N-mineralization) gists and should focus on known palatable plant species. Justifications: Animals have Justification:Methods are available to mea- an important role in shaping the structure sure these variables at remote sites. These of vegetation and influencing other forest variables will allow the system to be mod- processes. This will be related directly to eled to enable prediction and extrapolation. monitoring of mountain goats in the subal- Limitations: Sample analyses can be expen- pine zone, and elk in lowland forests. Limi- sive. Repeated litter collection and sorting tations: Methods for evaluating herbivory is time consuming and costly. are always difficult to design because they essentially involve measuring something • Demographic Processes. Plant mortality that isnʼt there anymore. However, some and regeneration should be monitored in all indices are available.

Spatial and Temporal Context: Where and How Often to Monitor:

Geographic Zones Elevation Zones (m) Human Use Zones Frequency 501- 1001- Proposed Indicator West East <500 1000 1500 >1500 Hi Mod Low (Interval) Forest Structure & Compo- X X X X X X X X 10 yr sition N & C Dynamics X X X X X X X 5 yr Demographic Processes X X X X X X X X 10 yr Animal Use X X X X X X X X 5 yr

Linkages with Other Disciplines: • System Drivers: Atmosphere and Climate. • Populations and Communities of Large Mam- Forest processes. mals. Animal use. • Park and Surrounding Landscape. Linkage • Special-status Plant Species: Rare and Exotic. between landscape-scale and plot-scale mea- Exotic plants. surements of forest processes. 90 A Framework for Long-term Ecological Monitoring in Olympic National Park

• Biogeochemical Cycles. Forest processes. • Aquatic Habitat. Aquatic vegetation. • Coastal Environments. Marine vegetation.

Research and Development Needs: • Compare methods used by other regional and national vegetation monitoring projects to ensure that our methods are the same or can be summa- rized into the same categories. • Develop soils and vegetation maps, including age class for vegetation. • Develop models of vegetation dynamics and processes to enable extrapolation and prediction. Part II. Chapter 7. Special-Status Plant Species: Rare and Exotic 91

Chapter 7. Special-Status Plant Species: Rare and Exotic.

Monitoring Need/Justification: 1994) as needing special protection. Because we are only beginning to develop a taxonomic inventory of The exceptionally complex environment in the Olympic National Park, the list of rare cryptogams Olympics has resulted in a diverse array of plant will continue to evolve. communities and species. Factors contributing to The primary threats to rare vascular and non- this complexity include steep precipitation and ele- vascular plants in Olympic National Park are related vation gradients, complicated geology, geographic to human-caused disturbance. Indirect human- isolation, and Pleistocene glaciation (Buckingham caused effects include the introduction of exotic et al. 1995). The park is home to eight vascular ungulates (i.e. mountain goats) and increased soil plant taxa endemic to the Olympic Peninsula, more disturbance from trampling in the vicinity of rare than 50 species rare in Washington State (Wash- plant populations. Direct effects result from walking ington Natural Heritage Program (WNHP) 1997), on plants, new construction, road or trail reroutes, and at least 100 other species that are rare within and, in unusual cases, road or trail maintenance the park. Two categories of rare vascular species activities (e.g., brushing). There is also the possibil- are recognized for the purposes of monitoring: (1) ity of direct effects from fire line construction and federally or state-listed rare endemic species (i.e., helicopter landing areas. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service [USFWS] Species In addition to an abundance of rare species, of Concern and WNHP Threatened Species), and Olympic National Park is also home to more than WNHP Sensitive Species known from only one 300 species of exotic plants (Buckingham et al. location in the park, and (2) species rare in the park. 1995). Species of greatest concern are those that These are important resources for the park to pro- spread rapidly, have both vegetative and sexual tect as it tries to meet its legal mandates to maintain reproductive abilities, can invade beneath closed natural biodiversity. forest canopies in the absence of human distur- In addition to rare vascular plants, Olym- bance, and those that can readily invade “sensitive pic National Park houses many rare and several habitats” such as riparian areas. Species of par- extremely rare (i.e. two or fewer known locations) ticular concern include reed canarygrass (Phalaris non-vascular cryptogams, commonly known as arundinacea), herb Robert (Geranium robertia- mosses, liverworts and lichens (M. Hutten, Con- num), Canada thistle (Cirsium arvense), giant tract Researcher, Olympic National Park, Personal knotweed (Polygonum sachalinense), and Japanese communication). Cryptogams contribute signifi- knotweed (Polygonum cuspidatum). These species cantly to the aesthetic beauty of park forests as they are of concern mainly in the Western Hemlock Zone drape from branches and carpet the ground. They in Olympic National Park and also present problems also play important roles in ecological processes, elsewhere in the Pacific Northwest. Consequently, such as nutrient cycling, water balance, and pro- there may be opportunities to collaborate with viding nesting materials. In general, they are more other agencies that also monitor these species (e.g., sensitive to changes in air quality and precipitation USDA Forest Service, Washington Department of chemistry than many other organisms. Additionally, Natural Resources, and Clallam, Jefferson, Grays many cryptogams are listed in the Record of Deci- Harbor, and Mason Counties). sion of the Northwest Forest Plan (U.S. Department of Agriculture and U.S. Department of the Interior 92 A Framework for Long-term Ecological Monitoring in Olympic National Park

The primary concern with exotic plants is their at Lake Ozette. Finally, reed canarygrass may have effect on native plant species and communities. For compromised sockeye salmon spawning habitat on example, exotic species make up 60-80% of the the shores of Lake Ozette (Beauchamp 1995). biomass in the understory of red alder (Alnus rubra) Monitoring should also be incorporated into stands along floodplains of the Hoh River (based on any management activities that restore native plant data in Fonda 1974). Exotic plants are also known populations or remove exotics. The details will to inhibit succession of native species in abandoned depend on the objective of the specific management homestead pastures and there is the possibility that project and will not be discussed here. reed canarygrass has displaced some rare plant taxa

Conceptual Model:

Disturbance Processes Climate/Weather Snow/Ice Precipitation Fire Temperature Wind Pathogens Insects Soils Fluvial dynamics Chemistry Organic Matter Soil Organisms Anthropogenic Water Availability Influences Introduction of Exotics Human Successional Processes Disturbance (Temporal dynamics) Control

Exotic Species Rare Species Rate of Spread Growth Rates Effects of Control Abundance Terrestrial and Aquatic Both Terrestrial and Aquatic Wildlife Community Composition Plant Communities Herbivory Demography Rare Plant Abundance Nutrient Cycling Community Composition Habitat

Plant Autecology

Figure 7.1. Conceptual model of biotic and abiotic factors affecting populations of rare and exotic plant species in Olympic National Park.

Monitoring Questions and Indicators: but not currently occupied by rare species should be monitored for colonization. Low Question: Detect change in the population sizes and priority species should be monitored for 1 ranges of listed rare vascular plants (USFWS Sensi- year at 3-5-year intervals. Indicators of distur- tive, WNHP Threatened, selected WNHP Sensitive). bance such as hoof marks, droppings, torn or • Indicator: Population Size and Range of bitten leaves, human foot prints, etc. should Listed Rare Plants also be noted to help explain declines in pop- ulations. In addition, temperature, snowmelt, • Species Occurring at One or a Few Sites. and precipitation should be monitored concur- Populations of these species should be com- rently with population sampling. Justification: pletely mapped, and dimensions or cover and The indicators are comprehensive and fea- reproductive status should be recorded for sible given the small populations. The inter- individuals. High priority species should be vals reflect the time intervals at which change measured for three consecutive years at five- might be expected to be noticeable while year intervals. Sites with suitable microhabitat Part II. Chapter 7. Special-Status Plant Species: Rare and Exotic 93

accounting for annual variation. Some indica- tions of rare plants are especially endangered tion of the cause of population fluctuations and are an important part of the parkʼs biodi- would give managers a decision-making tool versity. Limitations: Some populations are in to decide if protection is necessary. If popula- remote areas and difficult to access. This list tions decline due to direct or indirect effects changes as more locations are discovered. of human activities the data give managers a place to start for designing a protection strat- Question: Detect changes in the population size of egy. Limitations: The process of monitoring selected rare non-vascular cryptogams. could put these populations at risk for damage due to trampling or altering of their substrate. • Indicator: Populations of non-vascular The characteristics of suitable habitat have not cryptogams occurring at no more than two been completely identified for all rare species. known locations in the park. These popula- Lists of rare species are changeable. tions should be visited and photographed at least every 5 years or have their size indicated • Species That Are More Widespread. These in some other way. Justification: Lone popula- species should be monitored in the same tions of rare plants are especially endangered way as small populations, but using ran- and are an important part of park biodiversity. domly selected subsamples. Limitations: Some populations are in remote areas and difficult to access. This list changes Question: Detect a change in the range and abun- as more locations are discovered. dance of species that are rare in the park. Question: What is the rate of range expansion of selected exotic species (e.g., those that are espe- • Indicator: Plant Populations in Specific cially aggressive or can spread under forest cano- ʻHot Spotsʼ of Rarity. There are far too many pies)? rare plant species (more than 100) in Olym- pic National Park to consider individually. • Indicator: Distribution of Exotic Species. However, many occur in a limited number of geographic areas. A strategy to monitor these • Reed canarygrass, giant knotweed, Canada species would be to concentrate permanent thistle, and Japanese knotweed. These species plots on one or several species in specific have many known sources from which the geographic areas. Example areas include Mink populations spread. Indication of population Lake, Griff Creek, Lake Ozette, Deer Park, expansion could be observed using survey and Royal Basin. Justification: Targeting areas transects from inside to outside of the estab- is more efficient than targeting individual lishment zones. Once thorough range maps plant species when there are more than one have been constructed, all park staff should hundred species. These places will be visited be made aware of, and report occurrences while monitoring the listed species described of these species because they may show up above. Limitations: Monitoring rare species is unexpectedly in new locations. Systematic labor intensive. surveys and measurements should be made biannually. Coordination between monitor- • Indicator: Populations of Rare Plants Occur- ing results and removal efforts should be ring in One Known Location and Not Covered made. Justification: This is the most efficient Above. Fourteen plant species are known from way to monitor especially worrisome species only one location in the park and are not found that propagate concentrically from a discrete in the areas listed above. These populations source. Limitations: The large number of spe- should be visited and photographed at least cies and locations to track. every 5 years or have their size indicated in some other way. Justification: Lone popula- 94 A Framework for Long-term Ecological Monitoring in Olympic National Park

• Herb Robert. Herb Robert spreads quickly Question: Have management activities been effec- over large distances, especially along trails. tive in eliminating or slowing invasion of exotic It could be monitored by annual mapping of species? specific sites, chosen to describe its invasion • Indicator: It is very important to know away from trails into forests, and deeper into whether management activities are effectively the park along trails. In addition, occurrence addressing the invasion of exotic plants. The of herb Robert and other exotics should be specific indicators and sample design will surveyed annually along road corridors, riv- depend on the management actions and plant ers, trails, and near horse corrals. Other park species involved and will not be addressed in divisions and crews working on other moni- detail here. toring projects such as trail crew, vegetation and wildlife monitoring crews, might be able to help with documenting backcountry sight- Linkages with Other Disciplines: ings. As above, coordination between moni- • System Drivers: Atmosphere and Climate. toring results and eradication efforts should Weather records. be made. Justification: This a potentially very • Park and Surrounding Landscape. Snow melt. damaging exotic and these measurements • Terrestrial Vegetation Communities. Species might dramatize the need for support for composition. exotic control in the park. Limitations: None.

Spatial and Temporal Context: Where and How Often to Monitor:

Geographic Elevation Zones (m) Human Use Zones Frequency Zones 501- 1001- Proposed Indicator West East <500 1000 1500 >1500 Hi Mod Low (Interval) Exotic Species Geranium robertianum X X X X X 2 yr Herb Robert Phalaris arundinacea X X X X X X X 2 yr Reed canarygrass Cirsium arvense X X X X X X X X 2 yr Canada Thistle Polygonum sachalinense X X X X 2 yr Giant knotweed P. cuspidatum X X X X 2 yr Japanese knotweed

Listed Rare and/or Endemic Taxa Austragulus australis v. X X X X 5 yr olympicus Botrychium ascendens X X X 5 yr Botrychium lunaria X X X X 5 yr Carex anthoxanthea X X X 5 yr Carex buxbaumii X X X X 5 yr Part II. Chapter 7. Special-Status Plant Species: Rare and Exotic 95

Cimicifuga elata X X X X 5 yr Cochlearia officinalis X X X X 5 yr Coptis asplenifolia X X X 5 yr Dryas drummondii X X X 5 yr Epipactis gigantea X X X X 5 yr Lobelia dortmanii X X X X X 5 yr Parnassia palustris ssp. X X X X X 5 yr neogaea Poa nervosa var. wheeleri X X X 5 yr Polemonium carneum X X 5 yr Sanguisorba menziesii X X X 5 yr

Taxa listed Rare in Park X X X X X X X X 5 yr

Non-Vascular Cryptogams Brachydontium olympicum X X X 5 yr Crumia latifolia X X X 5 yr Rhytidem rugosum X X X 5 yr Ramalina thrausta X X X 5 yr Bundophoron melanocarpum X X X 5 yr Hydrotheria venosa X X X 5 yr Karnefeltia californicum X X X 5 yr Usnea spaecelata X X X 5 yr Vulpicida tilesii X X X X 5 yr

Management Effectiveness

Research and Development Needs: • What effects are exotic species, especially herb • What are the causes of exotic species invasions? Robert, having on native plant communities and Are there underlying causes of invasion that ecosystem function? might be ameliorated? • What effects are exotic species having on food • Determine effective tools for exotic species habits of herbivores? elimination appropriate for the Pacific North- • To what extent are exotic plants distributed by west. faunal species? • What environmental conditions promote inva- • What are the potential habitats of rare species sion? and the distribution of those habitats on North Coast and Cascades Network lands? • The life history traits are not known for all of the rare species in the park. • Imperfect knowledge of the distribution of rare species will inhibit protocol development. Sur- veys are needed to enable monitoring. 96 A Framework for Long-term Ecological Monitoring in Olympic National Park Part II. Chapter 8. Terrestrial Fauna 97

Chapter 8. Terrestrial Fauna.

Monitoring Need/Justification: on park wildlife communities, forest disturbance on mammalian prey of spotted owl populations, The parkʼs staff and subject-matter experts expansion of alien wildlife species in the park, placed high importance on the need to monitor and global climate change on many taxa, notably the overall health and integrity of terrestrial eco- populations of bats and amphibians. In addition to systems, from the flagship low-elevation ancient gauging effects of potential stressors, monitoring forests to high-elevation alpine and subalpine wildlife communities in Olympic National Park meadows. Meetings with park staff and disciplinary would establish benchmarks for comparison to more experts focused on the need to monitor diversity of intensively managed coniferous forest landscapes the parkʼs fauna, overall, as well as status and trends throughout the Pacific Northwest and would help of key faunal groups, such as forest amphibians, to define management targets on both managed and terrestrial birds and mammals (including bats), and protected lands. Lastly, terrestrial fauna are desir- invertebrates (primarily arthropods and mollusks), able subjects for long-term ecological monitoring as indicators of the long-term integrity and func- because animals have widespread public appeal, tional resiliency of park systems. In this section we and changes in the parkʼs fauna are likely to garner explore potential indicators of monitoring selected a high level of public interest and generate support faunal assemblages as indicators of the long-term for corrective or remedial management actions. ecological integrity of park ecosystems. Though Our scoping meetings generated considerable also critically important to ecosystem health, we discussion over what constitutes the most important identify indicators of large mammal populations indicators of the integrity of the parkʼs fauna and (Chapter 9), threatened and endangered or endemic best methods of monitoring. Our dialogues reflected species (Chapter 10), and amphibians (Chapter 13) a recent theme debated in the literature over in subsequent sections. whether it is best to monitor status and trends in Properties of faunal assemblages and popula- population characteristics of selected species (e.g., tions may be important indicators of environmental a taxonomic approach) or whether the structure of change because animals serve a great diversity of faunal assemblages could be effectively monitored ecological functions that affect ecosystem produc- to provide a more comprehensive view of changes tivity, resilience, and sustainability (Walker 1992, in park ecosystems (e.g., Goldstein 1999, Walker Risser 1995, Marcot et al. 1998). Some particularly 1999). The resulting conceptual model portrays a important functional relationships include those tiered approach reflecting monitoring of park fauna between pollinators and rare or endemic plant spe- at several levels of ecological hierarchy and spatial cies, small mammals and spore dispersal of mycor- scale depending upon monitoring questions (Fig- rhizal fungi, predators and prey, and relationships ure 8.1). Tier 1 indicators are aimed at identifying between generalist species that respond favorably changes relative abundance and community struc- to human activities (including many exotic spe- ture indices based on relatively low intensity survey cies) and ecological specialists that commonly do efforts. Tier 2 indicators involve more intensive not (mostly native species). Monitoring wildlife monitoring and estimation of population abundance assemblages may detect the effects of both local and and demography. regional stressors on components and properties of ecosystems, including effects of developed areas 98 A Framework for Long-term Ecological Monitoring in Olympic National Park

Conceptual Model:

Drivers Taxonomic/Functional Components Attributes Top Consumers Natural (Tier 1): Habitat Disturbances Mesomammals Raptors Communities/ Guilds:

Climate Richness Change 2o Consumers Trophic/ functional Composition Small Mammals: Birds: Amphibians Atmospheric insectivores Species Deposition ovivores piscivores abundance ovivores Arthropods patterns

Habitat Loss/ Populations Fragmentation 1o Consumers Relative Birds: Abundance bud/catkin eaters Arthropods Alien/Invasive Small Mammals: Species grazers granivores granivores (Tier 2): nectivores fungivores Mollusks sap-feeders Abundance Human Demography Activity Terrestrial 1o Producers Vegetation

Figure 8.1. Trophic relationships among key faunal assemblages within coniferous forest ecosys- tems of Olympic National Park.

Monitoring Questions and Indicators: • Species Richness. Measure species richness from observed species lists or computed Tier 1: Low intensity/extensive-scale monitoring from heterogeneous species detection prob- abilities (e.g., see Boulinier et al. 1998). Question: Are there changes in the species compo- sition of key animal communities that could signal • Trophic Composition. Measure richness of changes in trophic structure, ecosystem function, or species within trophic levels for terrestrial sustainability (e.g., breeding landbirds, mammals, amphibians, mammals, and birds. arthropods, and mollusks)? • Life-history Traits. Measure numbers of species with generalist life history traits that

• Indicator: Indices of Community Composi- are adapted to exploiting ecological distur- tion. Sample presence/absence or relative bances (i.e., r-selected species) and special- abundance of terrestrial vertebrates and inver- ist species that are better adapted to exploit tebrates. These indices should be developed stable ecosystems (K-selected species). separately for each category, as sampling con- straints are likely to be quite variable. Develop • Native:Alien Richness. Measure numbers a suite of metrics that, in aggregate, describe of native and alien species of terrestrial changes in community composition, including amphibians, mammals, birds, arthropods, but not limited to: and mollusks. Part II. Chapter 8. Terrestrial Fauna 99

• Richness of Key Functional Groups. Mea- Limitations: Biases in distance-based sampling sure numbers of key functional groups pres- are poorly understood in such highly structured ent in the community. forest ecosystems. • Redundancy within Key Functional Groups. • Indicator: Distribution and Abundance Indi- Measure numbers of species representing each ces of Mammalian Species. Monitor long-term key functional group. changes in distributions and abundance indices Justification: Aggregates of easily obtained of mammals using pitfall trapping arrays linked community metrics may signal warnings with constant-effort trapping grids. Justification: of changes in community structure that Abundance indices are easily derived from lim- may influence biotic integrity (Marcot et ited effort, allowing more extensive replication al. 1998). Such coarse-grained sampling than is possible from more intensive estimation may reveal the need for more intensive models. Limitations: Interpretation of indices is population-level research on species or based on the assumption that capture probabili- species relationships. Limitations: Indices ties do not vary among capture events. of biotic integrity based on patterns of spe- • Indicator: Relative Activity of Bats. Monitor cies abundance have not been developed relative activity levels of bats in selected forest for terrestrial ecosystems. Indices based on plots using echolocation call recording devices. species composition measure loss of spe- Justification: Data may be obtained remotely at cies in stepwise manner and do not provide relatively low cost. Limitations: Most species of anticipatory warning of change. bats present in the park cannot be reliably distin- Question: Are there changes in distribution or rela- guished from recorded echolocation calls. tive abundance that could portend threats to long- term viability of selected species (signaling the need Tier 2: High Intensity Monitoring. for more intensive monitoring)? Question: Are there changes in demographic rates • Indicator: Site Occupancy Rate. The propor- and abundance of key wildlife taxa? tion of sites occupied by a species may be a

useful indicator of relative abundance of species • Indicator: Abundance and Demography of that are difficult to estimate directly (MacKenzie Breeding Birds. Establish 8-10 ha reference et al. 2002). This indicator may be useful for plots for territory mapping, nest searches, and monitoring large-scale trends in abundance of constant-effort mist netting of bird populations. selected species of arthropods, mollusks, terres- Justification: Intensive studies measure change trial amphibians, mammals, or birds. Justifica- directly and provide insights into demographic tion: Surveys may be implemented more easily causes of observed changes. Methods are suit- and less expensively than methods used for able for monitoring effects of specific stressors, abundance estimation. Limitations: Indices may for example, influences of human-developed not be sensitive to changes in abundance for rare areas on breeding bird communities. Limita- or common taxa. tions: High efforts and costs limit replication and constrain inference to small spatial scales. • Indicator: Abundance Indices of Avian Spe-

cies. Monitor long-term changes in distribution • Indicator: Abundance and Demography of and relative abundance of selected avian spe- Mammals. Abundance and demography of small cies using plot sampling and distance-based or mammals. Establish 100-150-station trapping double-observer estimation methods (Buckland grids and estimate abundance, survival, and et al. 1993, Nichols et al. 2000). Justification: births in open populations of small mammals. Abundance indices are easily derived from point Justification: Intensive studies measure change counts. Relative ease of measurement allows directly and provide insights into demographic comparatively extensive survey coverage. causes of observed changes. Limitations: High 100 A Framework for Long-term Ecological Monitoring in Olympic National Park

efforts and costs limit replication and constrain Park and Surrounding Landscape. Relationships of inference to small spatial scales vertebrate distribution to landscapes. Terrestrial Vegetation Communities. Integrate moni- Linkages with Other Disciplines: toring of vegetation and wildlife communities. Special-status Wildlife Populations. Effects of small System Drivers: Atmosphere and Climate. Effects mammals on northern spotted owls. of climate on arthropods and bats. Aquatic/Riparian Habitat. Riparian wildlife com- System Drivers: Human Activities. Effects of devel- munities. oped areas on faunal assemblages.

Spatial and Temporal Context: Where and How Often to Monitor:

Geographic Zones Elevation Zones (m) Human Use Zones Frequency 501- 1001- Proposed Indicator West East <500 1000 1500 >1500 Hi Mod Low (Interval) Tier-1 (presence/no detec- tion, site occupancy, relative abundance) Terrestrial mammals X X X X X X 1 yr Terrestrial birds X X X X X X 1 yr Terrestrial amphibians X X X X X X 1 yr Terrestrial arthropods X X X X X X 1 yr Terrestrial mollusks X X X X X X 1 yr Tier-2 (demographic studies) Terrestrial mammals X X X X X 1 yr Terrestrial birds X X X X X 1 yr Note: The spatial emphasis is placed on (but need not be restricted to) low-elevation forests, where refer- ence plots are most needed, and high elevation zones where effects of global climate change are expected to be most pronounced. Focus on high- and moderate-use zones accommodates access constraints in wil- derness.

Research and Development Needs:

• Develop methods to integrate sampling across • Examine sensitivity of integrative indices of taxonomic boundaries in a single sampling biotic integrity to gradients of resource distur- scheme. bance on the Olympic Peninsula. • Investigate properties of estimating site occu- • Examine statistical power of potential indicators pancy rates for terrestrial amphibians, small to detect resource change. mammals, and invertebrates, for potential use in • Examine reliability of distance-based and monitoring changes in spatial patterns of species double-observer methods of estimating avian distribution. bird populations in structurally complex envi- • Explore means of integrating Tier-1 indicators ronments. into indices of biotic integrity of terrestrial fau- nal associations in coniferous forests. Part II. Chapter 9. Populations and Communities of Large Mammals 101

Chapter 9. Populations and Communities of Large Mammals.

Monitoring Need/Justification: that many mature male elk leave the park during the rutting season and may be susceptible to harvest (P. Native populations of large mammals, includ- Happe, Olympic National Park, Unpublished data). ing Roosevelt elk, Columbian black-tailed deer, Also, recent aerial surveys of elk on key winter black bear, and cougar, are key components of ranges suggest that fewer elk are observed near the conifer forest ecosystems of Olympic National park boundary than in recent decades (P. Happe, Park. Roosevelt elk were so important politically at th Olympic National Park, Unpublished data). the turn of the 20 century that Olympic National Much less is known about Columbian black- Park was created in large measure to protect the last tailed deer than Roosevelt elk. Over the last sev- stronghold of this unique coastal form of elk. Today, eral years, however, many debilitated deer have Roosevelt elk and the other large mammal species exhibited symptoms of excessive hair-loss and generate broad appeal with the visiting public for extreme emaciation, related to high abundance of the viewing opportunities they provide, while also both internal and external parasites (K. Jenkins, creating management concerns for human safety, U.S. Geological Survey, Unpublished data). This particularly in the case of large carnivores. Further, condition has been reported in many low-lying grazing and trampling activities of large ungulates areas in western Washington, leading to concern (i.e., deer and elk) affect structure and composi- over whether mortalities resulting from hair loss are tion of the parks renowned low-elevation temper- having a major impact on populations (Washing- ate rain forest ecosystems (Happe 1993, Schreiner ton Department Fish and Wildlife 2002:71). State et al. 1996, Woodward et al. 1994). Predators may biologists continue to investigate potential disease influence abundance of ungulates, suggesting that vectors that could be affecting the stateʼs deer herds. changes in top-level carnivores may create cascad- Recent outbreaks of hoof and mouth and mad cow ing influences on park ecosystems (McLaren and disease in Europe have heightened awareness of Peterson 1994). the potential for non-native disease vectors to affect There are several legitimate concerns over the native ungulates in U.S. national parks. future protection and welfare of the parkʼs large Populations of large mammalian carnivores are mammalian fauna (Houston et al. 1990). Many pop- poorly understood in the park, although close-range ulations of large mammals range widely across park and potentially dangerous encounters with both boundaries. Therefore, they are affected by habitat black bears and cougars appear to have increased conditions, forest management practices, and hunt- in recent years (P. Happe, Olympic National Park, ing regimes outside the park. Elk populations have Personal communication). Each year, park manag- declined by approximately 40% outside Olympic ers respond to concentrated activities of black bears National Park since 1980, due primarily to changing and cougars by closing popular destination areas to land use practices (Smith 2001), raising concerns the visiting public. Recent changes in legal har- that migratory elk leaving the park could be subject vest methods outside the park (i.e., banned use of to similar pressures. Declining opportunities for hounds and baits) could reduce harvest pressures on hunters outside the park may increase illegal hunt- native carnivores and influence interactions of large ing of elk inside the park, as well as legal and illegal carnivores with humans using the park and popula- harvests of elk leaving the park. Concerns of a tions of their ungulate prey. ʻboundaryʼ effect are heightened by recent findings 102 A Framework for Long-term Ecological Monitoring in Olympic National Park

Conceptual Model:

Human Pop n Material/Energy/Nutrients Economy Influence Regulations Land use Human Predators Process Rate Function (Harvest) )

Large Herbivores Large Carnivores Primary Producers Roosevelt Elk Black Bear

Landscapes Patch Diversity Cougar Solar Black-tailed Deer (Competition) Energy Community / Stands Landscapes Landscapes Species Comp. Distribution Distribution Stand Architecture Populations Populations Phytomass Abundance Composition Abundance Individuals Individuals Composition Browsing Pressure Physical Condition Individuals Nutrient Quality Physical Condition

(Reproduction) (Reproduction)

(Natural Mortality)

Decomposers Climate Land use Natural Disturbance

Figure 9.1. Conceptual model of vegetation/prey/predator system behavior characterizing dynamics of vegetation and mammal communities in Olympic National Park.

Monitoring Questions and Indicators: Aerial surveys are not practical in more densely forested drainages (those with less Question: Is the status of elk or deer populations hardwood bottomland forest). Limited scale changing? of study restricts inference to key watersheds. • Indicator: Abundance Indices of Elk. Con- Variation in visibility biases of aerial surveys duct replicated aerial surveys of elk in two has not been determined. west-side watersheds of Olympic National • Indicator: Abundance of Deer. Conduct Park during spring ʻgreen-upʼ when the major- replicated ground-based counts of deer dur- ity of elk are drawn to riparian deciduous ing winter from 30 km of trails in the Elwha forest types and before overstory trees have Valley. Justification: Ground-based counts of leafed out. Justification: Aerial trend counts deer have been conducted in the Elwha Val- of Roosevelt elk have been conducted in two ley for three years with high repeatability of west-side watersheds of Olympic National results (K. Jenkins, U.S. Geological Survey, Park sporadically for almost two decades. Unpublished data). Ground-surveys provide Such counts of elk have been shown to have estimates of female:male:young ratios. Limita- high repeatability in the Hoh and Queets tions: Limited scale of study restricts inference. drainage (Houston et al. 1987). Limitations: Part II. Chapter 9. Populations and Communities of Large Mammals 103

• Indicator: Abundance of Deer and Elk Pel- • Indicator: Levels of Stress Hormones in lets. Conduct surveys of deer and elk pellet Fecal Samples. Monitor concentrations of groups. Justification: Rapid and relatively common corticosteroid hormones in fecal easy survey procedures allow monitoring rela- samples. Justification: Fresh fecal pellets are tive abundance of elk and deer at large spatial easily collected. Monitoring corticosteroid scales. Extensive surveys would provide indi- hormones might be an efficient screening ces of changes in relative abundance of deer method to signal the need for more detailed and elk, changes in distribution, and would research. Limitation: Sampling variability and allow extrapolation of survey results con- relationships to nutritional stress require addi- ducted on limited areas (see above). Recent tional study. advances in survey methodology and analyti- Question: Are key plant taxa changing in abun- cal methods allow correction for visibility dance, cover, fruit abundance, or morphologic biases, to allow correction for differences stature? in visibility of elk and deer pellets, vegeta- tion effects, and observers (K. Jenkins, U.S. • Indicator: Understory Structure and Compo- Geological Survey, Unpublished data). Limita- sition. Measure cover, density, height, fruiting, tions: Pellet deposition rates and persistence or morphologic characteristics of key plant of deer and elk pellets are poorly understood taxa that are sensitive to changes in herbivory and may require additional research. (e.g., salmonberry, ladyfern, deerfern, grami- noids; Happe 1993). Measure structural form • Indicator: Composition of Elk Populations. class and browsing history of salmonberry. Conduct aerial surveys of elk group composi- Justification: Previous research indicated that tion during rutting aggregations during the certain understory plant species are sensitive fall. Justification: Such aerial surveys were indicators of and provide an early indication conducted three years in the 1980s with high of change in herbivores (Happe 1993, Sch- repeatability of results (Olympic National reiner et al. 1996). Measurement of understory Park, Unpublished data). Change in male: characteristics may be linked to more general female ratio may be an indicator of popula- monitoring of forest communities (see Part tion change due to hunting pressure on males. II, Chapter 5). Limitations: Causes of change Change in female:young ratio may be an indi- cannot be interpreted definitively without cator of change in reproductive productivity or complex research designs. high mortality of young animals. Limitations: Changes in composition ratios have ambigu- Question: Is the abundance of bears and cougar ous meaning without corresponding data on changing? population trends. • Indicator: Population Trends of Black Bears. Question: Are there changes in physical condition Count black bears observed using high- of elk that could signal population level changes in elevation meadows during summer and fall. abundance? Justification: Trends in black bears can be monitored coincidental to conducting aerial • Indicator: Abundance of Internal Parasites. mountain goat surveys during mid-sum- Collect fresh fecal samples of deer and elk mer (see Part II, Chapter 5) and monitoring during mid-winter. Count numbers of larvae, composition of elk populations during fall eggs, and oocytes of common internal para- (see above: Composition of elk populations). sites. Justification: Fresh fecal pellets are Limitations: Repeatability of bear surveys is easily collected. Parasite abundance indicates unknown. Variability associated with changing the general health status of individuals. Limi- visibility biases is not known. tation: Sampling variability and repeatability

of results unknown. 104 A Framework for Long-term Ecological Monitoring in Olympic National Park

• Indicator: Frequency of Bear and Cougar Linkages with Other Disciplines: Encounters with Humans. Maintain manda- • System Drivers: Human Activities. Elk harvest tory reporting of all bear and cougars sighted trends outside the park. Poaching violations. by park staff, and all threatening encounters • Park and Surrounding Landscape. Habitat with large carnivores reported by park visitors. composition. Justification: Cost-effective trend data. Data • Terrestrial Vegetation Communities. Influ- collection is consistent with other staff duties. ences of herbivory on forest composition and Limitations: Changes in reported sightings structure. confound changes in human use patterns with changes in density.

Spatial and Temporal Context: Where and How Often to Monitor:

Geographic Zones Elevation Zones (m) Human Use Zones Frequency 501- 1001- Proposed Indicator West East <500 1000 1500 >1500 Hi Mod Low (Interval) Abundance of elk X X X X X 5 yr Abundance of deer X X X X 1 yr Pellet group abundance X X X X X X 5 yr Composition of elk populations X X X X X 5 yr Abundance of internal parasites X X X X 1 yr Stress hormones 1 yr Understory structure and comp. X X X X 10 yr Bear trends X X X X X X 5 yr Frequency of bear and cougar X X X X X X X X X 1 yr encounters

Research and Development Needs: • Determine differential persistence and vis- Additional research that may lead to other indica- ibility bias associated with detectability of elk tors or refinements to proposed indicators: and deer pellet groups. Such understanding is • Determine visibility biases of aerial surveys of needed to compare densities of deer and elk elk. pellet groups between ungulate species and • Evaluate non-invasive (camera or DNA-based) among geographic areas of the park (research methods of estimating abundance of large-carni- is in progress). vores. • Determine sampling variability and repeat- • Determine relationships between abundance ability of counts of parasite eggs, larvae and estimates of deer and elk and fecal pellet group oocytes in feces of deer and elk (research is in indices. progress). • Determine seasonal variation in fecal stress hormones and relationship to nutritional status. • Determine variability in sightability of black bears from summer or fall aerial surveys. Part II. Chapter 10. Special-Status Terrestrial Wildlife Populations 105

Chapter 10. Special-Status Terrestrial Wildlife Populations.

Monitoring Need/Justification: invasion, and ultimately, distributions of subalpine meadow habitats. Old-growth forest obligate spe- The mountainous insular geography of the cies, occurring primarily at lower elevations, may Olympic Peninsula has promoted the evolution of be threatened by increased insularization of forests several unique taxa of terrestrial wildlife found protected within Olympic National Park, which only on the Peninsula, primarily within Olympic could disrupt natural colonization and dispersal pat- National Park (Houston et al. 1994). Loss or frag- terns, dynamics of metapopulations, and exchange mentation of late-seral coniferous forest habitats of genetic materials among population segments. throughout the Pacific Northwestern U.S. has fur- Further, loss and fragmentation of habitats outside ther insularized populations of several old-growth the parkʼs boundaries may promote expansion of dependent wildlife species and has contributed to generalist predators or competitors inside the park, the federal or state listing of some as threatened or potentially to the disadvantage of protected species. ʻspecies of concernʼ throughout their ranges. Nota- For example, recent research revealed lower nest- bly, Olympic National Park is home to at least 4 ing densities of spotted owls near the boundaries of endemic mammalian taxa (including the Olympic Olympic National Park, as well as displacement of marmot and endemic subspecies of yellow-pine spotted owls from several low-elevation nesting ter- chipmunk , Mazama pocket gopher, and Townsendʼs ritories by the more aggressive and generalist barred mole), one endemic amphibian (Olympic torrent owl (S. Gremel, Olympic National Park, Personal salamander), as well as several taxa with disjunct communication). Similarly, recent research points distributions that may also have endemic subspe- to potential effects of habitat fragmentation outside cific forms. Olympic National Park also supports the park and human developments within the park important populations of three species of terrestrial on both the distributions of generalist predators vertebrates on the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Serviceʼs and their potential effects on nesting success of the threatened species list, including the northern spot- marbled murrelet (J. Marzluff, University of Wash- ted owl, marbled murrelet, and northern bald eagle. ington, Personal communication). Because Olympic Presence of several other federally-listed species of National Park provides regionally significant popu- concern, including three bat species, three amphib- lations of both spotted owls and marbled murrelets, ian species, Pacific fisher, northern goshawk, and monitoring their long-term persistence and health is olive-sided flycatcher may also serve as indica- a high priority at both local and regional scales. tors of long-term health of terrestrial ecosystems In addition to challenges of managing this of Olympic National Park. As most of the rare and unique array of native species within the park, unique amphibian species are aquatic, monitoring other unwanted ʻalienʼ or ʻexoticʼ species threaten of those species is covered in Part II, Chapter 13 ecological values of the park and, therefore, also (Aquatic Biota). warrant a concerted monitoring effort at the popula- There are several concerns regarding the tion level. Of greatest concern, an exotic popula- long-term conservation of this unique fauna. The tion of mountain goats was established in Olympic endemic mammals, which inhabit primarily high- National Park in the early 1920s from a founding elevation subalpine communities, may be affected population of 11-12 mountain goats introduced from by long-term changes in climate that influence British Columbia and Alaska (Houston et al. 1994). patterns of snow deposition, snowmelt, rates of tree The population increased to about 1100 goats by the 106 A Framework for Long-term Ecological Monitoring in Olympic National Park mid-1980s, during which time grazing, trampling, tain goats on plant communities and high-elevation and wallowing activities appeared to threaten eco- ecosystems is needed to chronicle the extent and logical values of high-elevation plant communities magnitude of undesirable effects. This information in alpine and subalpine zones. Experimental reduc- will factor into the future debate over how best to tion programs reduced mountain goat populations manage introduced populations of mountain goats to approximately 380 mountain goats during the and preserve subalpine and alpine vegetation com- mid-1990s, but continued vigilance of population munities. status of mountain goats and influences of moun-

Conceptual Model:

Threats Special-status Terrestrial Consequences for: Wildlife Populations


American Bald Eagle


Rare American Marten Goshawk/Merlin Potential Monitoring CONTAMINANTS Attibutes Endemic Olympic Marmot GENETIC DIVERSITY Yellow pine chipmunk Mazama Pocket Gopher Townsend s Mole OCCUPANCY MARINE ECOSYSTEMS



Figure 10.1. Conceptual model of factors affecting populations of special-status wildlife species.

Monitoring Questions and Indicators: Question: Are endemic populations of Olympic changing? colonies exist back to the 1960s in selected • Indicator: Occupancy. Determine regions of the park. Changes in the number occupancy of all historically known marmot of occupied colonies may indicate large-scale colonies at approximately 5-year intervals. changes in metapopulation processes. Occu- Justification: Baseline records of marmot pancy is easily determined. Part II. Chapter 10. Special-Status Terrestrial Wildlife Populations 107

• Indicator: Colony Size, Reproductive Indi- territories occupied by single owls, breeding ces. Determine maximum numbers of adults pairs, and barred owls. Justification: Olym- and juveniles observed as an index of colony pic National Park has been monitoring 50-60 size and composition. Justification: Many known territories since at least 1995. Monitor- known colonies are quite accessible. Quick ing the occupation of known territories has index could signal changes in overall status provided important information on large-scale of individual colonies and factors influenc- patterns of nesting distributions of spotted ing productivity and recruitment. Limitations: owls and revealed barred owl expansion into Interpretation may be difficult. northern spotted owl territories. Limitation: Research is needed to determine fate and • Indicator: Genetic Diversity. Measure reproductive success of displaced pairs of genetic variability within and among colonies spotted owls. of marmots at a 5-10 year frequency, aimed at detecting long-term (decadal) change in • Indicator: Fecundity and Survival. Determine gene frequencies and heterozygosity. Justifica- the number of female young produced per ter- tion: Research underway in Olympic National ritorial female by monitoring the same known Park is investigating potential applications territories annually. Additionally, contribute to of genetic techniques for monitoring genetic Peninsula-wide estimates of survival rate by exchange among maternal colonies. Genetic banding new fledglings and adults each year techniques may provide early warning of and reporting annual sightings of each. geographic isolation in marmot colonies and Justification: Demographic studies may disruption of metapopulation processes. provide early warning of changes in popula- tion status. Olympic National Park has been Question: Is the genetic diversity of other endemic monitoring demographic performance of mammalian subspecies changing in Olympic spotted owls since 1989, producing one of the National Park? longest running population data sets in the • Indicator: Genetic Diversity. Measure park. The 1994 Presidentʼs Northwest Forest genetic variability from a sample of tissues Plan directed federal agencies to work cooper- collected from specific endemic mammalian atively in monitoring the effectiveness of for- taxa in Olympic National Park. Samples could est conservation measures that were adapted to be collected at 5-10-year frequency to detect conserve the northern spotted owl throughout change at the decadal time-scale. Justifica- its range. Olympic National Park is one of 8 tion: As with marmots, disjunct distributions demographic study areas used to study popu- of other mammalian taxa may increase risk lation demographics and rates of population of inbreeding depression, reduction in genetic change throughout the owlʼs range; it is the variability, or increased expression of deleteri- most important National Park Service contri- ous alleles. Research underway in Olympic bution to the interagency regional monitoring National Park is establishing empirical base- effort. Limitation: Demographic monitoring is lines of genetic diversity of selected endemic expensive and generally exceeds monies avail- taxa (J. Kenagy, University of Washington, able for long-term monitoring programs. It is Personal communication). important to derive outside funding to sustain this interagency monitoring effort. Question: Are population parameters of northern spotted owl deviating from long-term patterns, sig- • Indicator: Abundance. Because estimation of naling a change in population abundance? abundance is extremely expensive, we recom- mend only repeating the survey as concerns • Indicator: Territory Occupancy. Monitor a and auxiliary funding might dictate and per- sample of known territories of northern spot- mit. Justification: The population of nesting ted owls annually to determine percentages of owl pairs was estimated in Olympic National 108 A Framework for Long-term Ecological Monitoring in Olympic National Park

Park between 1992-1995 and provides a base- in the interior Olympic Peninsula. Also moni- line for future population comparison (Seaman tor reproductive success of eagles occupying et al., 1996). A repeat estimation might be territories. Justification: Olympic National justified if demographic monitoring suggests Park occurs within 2 of 11 recovery zones in grave concerns for future conservation outlook the state of Washington. Monitoring within for the species, or if there is local need for a these two recovery zones is necessary to comparative population estimate. Limitation: contribute to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Estimation is costly. recovery efforts for these two species. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and Washing- Question: Are there changes in distribution and ton Department of Fish and Wildlife currently status of marbled murrelets? share responsibilities and costs of monitor- • Indicator: Presence/no detection of Probable ing. Limitations: An insufficient number of Breeding Birds. Monitor the percentage of nesting territories has been identified in the sample stands occupied by probable breeding park interior to permit reliable monitoring of birds (recognized as birds flying below the reproductive indicators for interior-nesting canopy). Justification: The Marbled Murrelet birds. Additional surveys are needed to locate Technical Committee of the Pacific Seabird additional nest sites. Group has developed survey standards for determining presence or probable absence of Question: Are populations of introduced mountain nesting activities (Evans et al. 2000). Olympic goats or their effects on high-elevation plant com- National Park staff has inventoried presence/ munities increasing, triggering the need for more no detection in many areas of the park associ- intensive management? ated with Elwha River restoration (Hawthorn • Indicator: Relative Abundance of Moun- et al. 1996), front country campgrounds and tain Goats. Monitor relative abundance of paired undeveloped sites (Hall 2000). Limi- mountain goats, by conducting aerial counts tations: The relationship between probable in randomly selected sample units at approxi- nesting behavior and population density is not mately 3-5 year intervals. Justification: Aerial known. survey sampling methods have been designed • Indicator: Relative Abundance. Monitor rela- previously and have been used to monitor tive abundance of marbled murrelets flying trends in mountain goat populations since the up selected watersheds using high-frequency mid-1980s (Houston et al. 1986, 1991). Preci- marine radar. Justification:Radar surveys sion of estimates and sampling costs is known. may be the most reliable method of estimated Limitations: Influences of observer and envi- marbled murrelet numbers in specific water- ronmental variability on detection biases is not sheds (Burger 1997). Standard methodologies known. have been employed in many areas of British • Indicator: Distribution and Abundance of Columbia (Cooper and Hamer 2000) Limita- Rare or Endemic Plant Populations. See Part tions: Sampling variation and optimal sam- II, Chapter 7 (Special Status Plant Species: pling design are poorly understood. Rare and Exotic). Question: Are there deviations in productivity of bald eagle populations from the long-term norm that Linkages with Other Disciplines: would signal changes in population status? • System drivers: Atmosphere and climate. • Indicator: Territory Occupancy and Nest- Effects of climate change on marmots and ing Success. Determine territory occupancy habitat. of known nesting territories of bald eagles on • System drivers: Human Activities. Park devel- Olympic National Parkʼs outer coastline and opment and activities. Part II. Chapter 10. Special-Status Terrestrial Wildlife Populations 109

• Park and Surrounding Landscape. Insulariza- • Special-status Plant Species. Population-level tion, fire history, forest succession. effects of introduced mountain goats effects. • Contaminants: Persistent organic pollutants. • Terrestrial Fauna. Prey, predators, or competi- • Terrestrial Vegetation Communities. Com- tors of special-status wildlife. munity-level effects of introduced mountain goats.

Spatial and Temporal Context: Where and How Often to Monitor:

Geographic Zones Elevation Zones (m) Human Use Zones Frequency 501- 1001- Proposed Indicator West East <500 1000 1500 >1500 Hi Mod Low (Interval) Olympic Marmots. X X X X X 1 yr Endemic mammalian popn.s X X X X 10 yr Northern spotted owls X X X X X X X X 1 yr Marbled murrelets X X X X X X 1 yr Bald eagles X X X X X 1-2 yr Mountain goats X X X X X X 5 yr

Research and Development Needs: • Develop genetic markers and baseline under- standing of genetic variability and spatial pat- terns of heterogeneity in Olympic marmots and other endemic mammalian taxa (research is in progress, conducted by independent research- ers). • Optimal sampling designs need to be developed and evaluated for both presence/no detection and radar-based sampling of marbled murrelets. Spa- tial and temporal patterns of sampling variation and its relationship to monitoring costs should be evaluated further. • Visibility biases of aerial mountain goat surveys should be evaluated. • Develop methods for monitoring goshawks and Pacific marten populations. • Develop methods for monitoring changes in abundance of bat species of concern. 110 A Framework for Long-term Ecological Monitoring in Olympic National Park Part II. Chapter 11. Geoindicators 111

Chapter 11. Geoindicators.

Monitoring Need/Justification: Conceptual Model: See factors below identified in other sections. In 2000, the National Park Serviceʼs Geologic Resources Division introduced geoindicators to park resource managers as an important ecosystem Monitoring Questions and Indicators: management tool. Geoindicators are measures of Olympic National Park has identified nearly physical processes on the earthʼs surface that may a dozen geoindicators of processes that are highly undergo significant change in less than 100 years important to park ecosystems, highly likely to and may be affected by human actions. Geoindica- be impacted by humans, and have a high level of tors differ from geologic processes in that they are significance to park management. Questions and parameters that can be used to assess changes in indicators for these geoindicators will be developed rates, frequencies, trends, or magnitudes of geologic at the national level: processes. For example, glaciation is the process by which ice accumulates, flows and recedes, shap- • Frozen ground activity (especially solifluction ing the land as it does so. Glacier fluctuation is the lobes). geoindicator that tracks changes in ice mass balance • Glacier fluctuations. and position, which are important in understand- • Groundwater chemistry in the unsaturated ing and forecasting changes to mountain and river zone. ecosystems. • Lake levels (including subalpine lakes). Nearly all of the important geologic processes • Relative sea level. in Olympic National Park that might change in a • Shoreline position. 100-year time frame are related to solid or liquid • Slope failures. water, and soil. Throughout its geologic history, gla- • Soil and sediment erosion. ciers and flowing water have physically shaped the • Soil compaction. Olympic Peninsula. River levels, amount and timing • Stream flow. of flow, and the effects of erosion on river morphol- • Stream channel morphology. ogy determine the quality of aquatic habitat. Coastal • Stream sediment and load. areas are influenced by sea level and shoreline • Surface water quality. position. Steep topography, sedimentary soils, and • Ground water chemistry. heavy precipitation in some areas of the park make • Nutrient dynamics. slope failure and “stream blow-out” a frequent • Wetlands—extent, structure and hydrology. disturbance. Lakes and wetlands are also impor- Nearly all of these geoindicators have been tant sources of biodiversity that may need geologic identified under other subject matter headings monitoring. Changes in these geologic processes as important to monitor. Specific protocols for will be greatly affected by changes in precipitation monitoring these indicators may be coordinated and air temperature, both predicted to change due to nationally by the National Park Service Geological anthropogenic forces. Monitoring how these pro- Resources Division in the near future. cesses respond to climate change will indicate how habitat quality throughout the park will be affected. 112 A Framework for Long-term Ecological Monitoring in Olympic National Park

Linkages with Other Disciplines: • Aquatic/Riparian Habitat. Stream sediment load, stream channel morphology, lake levels, glacier fluctuations, water quality. • Park and Surrounding Landscape. Shoreline position, slope failures, wetlands. • Biogeochemistry. Water quality, stream flow. • Coastal Environments. Relative sea level, shoreline position.

Spatial and Temporal Context: Where and How Often to Monitor: (will be completed pending national guidance)

Research Needs: • How do observed changes in river flow rate and temperature affect stream morphology, stream chemistry, and aquatic ecosystem development? How sensitive are fish populations to those changes? • How will changes in sea level affect the amount and type of estuarine habitat and how would such changes affect fish populations that spawn in the park? • What are the effects of increased or decreased erosion on stream morphology and consequently for fish populations? • How will riparian areas respond to changes in river flow rate? Part II. Chapter 12. Aquatic/Riparian Habitat 113

Chapter 12. Aquatic/Riparian Habitat.

Monitoring Need/Justification: depend on the availability of coarse particulate organic matter accumulating behind debris dams The water resources and associated riparian and supporting invertebrate communities. Like- zones of Olympic National Park include a full array wise, lake morphology determines many important of high- and low-elevation lakes, ponds, bogs, habitat properties such as temperature gradients and mineral and freshwater springs, and glacial and light penetration in the water column and substrate non-glacial rivers and streams. In addition, one res- characteristics (Bain and Stevenson 1999). Lake ervoir and one dam reside within park boundaries. and stream characteristics are linked to terrestrial These areas, in turn, provide habitat for a diversity ecosystems because they are formed and maintained of anadromous and resident fish, amphibians, and by interactions among landscape-scale features such invertebrates. Despite the abundance and vital as topography, geology, climate, vegetation, and importance of these resources as habitat, no inte- drainage area. grated monitoring program exists. A specific exam- Riparian vegetation structure, composition and ple shows how poorly the resources are understood. dynamics also play a major role in creating suitable In one study, the acidification potential of lakes in habitat for fish and other aquatic, semi-aquatic, and Seven Lakes Basin was found to be fairly low, in riparian wildlife (Naiman et al. 1993, Gregory et al. keeping with predictions (Welch and Spyridakis 1991). Streamside vegetation is important in pre- 1984). Based on these results and geomorphologic venting sedimentation and mass failure, influencing considerations, other high-elevation lakes were also channel structure and floodplain processes, and con- predicted to have low acidification potential. Never- trolling stream temperatures (Murphy 1995). Ripar- theless, a one-season examination of several east- ian vegetation also provides significant nutrient side alpine lakes found these to have high acidifica- inputs and structural elements to the river system tion potential (Larson 1995). including plant litter and large woody debris. Large The physical, hydraulic, and chemical proper- woody debris is also linked to the coast because it ties of streams and rivers determine their suitability may wash to the ocean and contribute to the drift- as habitat for aquatic wildlife. Conditions appro- wood element of beach environments. The impor- priate for spawning are defined by water depth, tance of riparian vegetation to riparian and stream water velocity, size of substrate, and availability of habitats is recognized by the forest industry as it cover provided by overhanging vegetation, under- protects riparian buffer strips from harvest (Gregory cut banks, submerged logs and rocks, among other et al. 1987). stream characteristics (Bjornn and Reiser 1991). The major threats to water resources inside These factors are also important along with debris the park include climate change, which will affect dams in determining migration success for anadro- disturbance regimes, water temperature, spatial and mous fish. Successful incubation of embryos of fish temporal aspects of hydrology (Grimm 1993), and and amphibians depend on conditions that are con- air-borne contaminants. Outside the park, land man- ducive to development, and that allow young fish to agement practices and other human activities affect emerge from under gravel. Some of the important park waters, even though most rivers and streams factors include dissolved oxygen concentration, originate inside the main body of the park (exclud- water temperature, substrate size, channel gradi- ing the coastal strip). Contaminants from the air and ent, channel configuration, and water depth, among from herbicides used on lands managed for timber others (Bjornn and Reiser 1991). Food resources 114 A Framework for Long-term Ecological Monitoring in Olympic National Park outside of the park may pollute waters (Rashin and nutrients from salmon carcasses historically pres- Graber 1993), removal of riparian vegetation may ent (Cederholm and Peterson 1985). Contaminants, reduce the suitability of streams for migration and marine-derived nutrients, and water chemistry are spawning (Gregory 1995), and harvest of anadro- addressed elsewhere. Here we focus on the hydro- mous fish diminishes the substantial quantity of logic and physical properties of lakes and streams.

Conceptual Model: Aquatic/Riparian Habitat Characteristics

Rivers/Streams Disturbance Regime Physical Substrate Size Debris Temperature Cover

Hydraulic Land Use & Depth Gradient Management Outside Park Climate Velocity Channel Config.

Chemical Dissolved O 2 Nutrients Contaminants

Atmosphere Lakes/Ponds

Physical Substrate Temp. Gradient Aquatic/Riparian Light Penetration Wildlife Anadromous Fish Basin Characteristics Resident Fish Geology Chemical Amphibians Topography Contaminants pH Invertebrates Vegetation Birds Nutrients Drainage Area Mammals

Aquatic/Riparian Vegetation Structure Composition-including Exotics Dynamics

Figure 12.1. Conceptual model of physical, chemical, and biologic aspects of aquatic/riparian habitat and their interactions with system drivers in Olympic National Park.

Monitoring Questions and Indicators: especially cottonwoods, should also be moni- tored. Justification: Both riparian vegetation Question: Describe changes in features providing and disturbances such as mass-wasting events inputs to river systems (i.e., disturbances and ripar- provide inputs and structural elements to river ian vegetation types). systems. Changes in the frequency and dis- • Indicator: Size and Distribution of Distur- tribution of these features could have serious bance and Vegetation. Analyze repeat aerial consequences for rivers. Aerial photos and photographs and Landsat imagery at 5-year Landsat images will be important for moni- intervals for distribution and frequency of toring all types of disturbance throughout the all types of disturbance along a subsample park. Limitations: Remote sensing is expen- of the river systems. Changes in the amount sive and expertise to analyze aerial photos is and distribution of riparian vegetation types, rare. Ground-truthing current aerial photos is expensive and unrealistic for historic ones. Part II. Chapter 12. Aquatic/Riparian Habitat 115

Question: Is water quality changing in selected Question: Describe changes in glacier size. lakes and streams? • Indicator: Glacier terminus position and • Indicator: Water Quality. mass balance. Insure that monitoring of Blue • Rivers with ongoing monitoring. Add physi- Glacier continues. Staff members of the Uni- cal and chemical water quality parameters to versity of Washington are currently monitor- rivers with ongoing hydrologic monitoring (i.e., ing with some help from the park timing and amount of flow) by other agencies; in maintaining a camera. Adding monitoring especially, add chemical measurements to rivers to Anderson or Eel glacier would be desirable, in the U.S. Geological Survey network (Hoh, but of lower priority. A protocol for moni- Dungeness, Skokomish rivers). Physical and toring mass balance using arrays of stakes chemical parameters for rivers should include: is being developed by Jon Reidel at North quantity, sediment, temperature, dissolved oxy- Cascades National Park. Justification: There gen, pH, nutrients, turbidity, conductivity, and is a very long record of the terminus position pollutants. The Clean Water Act Total Maximum already (>100 years). Blue is a sentinel gla- Daily Load (TMDL) protocol (Butler and Snou- cier in a larger glacier monitoring network. waert 2002) should be followed for temperature Many rivers in Olympic are glacier fed so that and sediment. Justification: These additional changes in amount and timing of glacier melt measurements would give a more complete will affect their properties. Limitations: None. picture of sites where there is already a long- Question: Are parameters describing physical term record and regular visits for maintenance. habitat-related characteristics of lakes and streams Limitations: Expense. changing? • Rivers and lakes without existing monitoring. Indicator: Physical characteristics of streams and • Coastal creeks and the Ozette River should lakes. be monitored for the parameters listed • Streams. In addition to the chemical and above. flow measurements described above, streams • Lake Ozette should be monitored for sedi- should be monitored for large woody debris, ments using lake-bed cores. channel morphology, habitat units (e.g., ponds and riffles), substrate, and structures (e.g., • Lake Crescent should be monitored for boulders and submerged woody debris). The hydrocarbons and inholder activities at first protocols should incorporate those developed fall rains. by Timber Fish and Wildlife (TFW, Schuett- Hames et al. 1994) and Reed Glesne at North • High-elevation lakes should be monitored Cascades National Park. Justification: Physi- for level, sediment, ions, dissolved organic cal features of streams besides water quality nitrogen and carbon, pH, nutrients, tem- are important descriptors of aquatic habitat. perature profile, conductivity, phyto-and Using TFW protocols will help the park serve zooplankton, pollutants, turbidity, and light as a benchmark for managed lands. Limita- penetration (Dissolved organic carbon tions: Extent depends on funding. might be a surrogate).

• Lakes and Ponds. In addition to the param- • Expanding measurements to other sites eters described above, lakes should be moni- would also be desirable but of lower prior- tored for large woody debris, littoral habitat/ ity. vegetation, substrate, morphology/bathymetry Justification: These are sites with specific and structure. Protocols should complement management concerns that also include those of TFW for streams and incorporate a range of resource types. Limitations: protocols under development by Gary Larson Expense. of U.S. Geological Survey. 116 A Framework for Long-term Ecological Monitoring in Olympic National Park

Justification: Changes in these parameters co-located with stream habitat monitoring. Justifi- indicate a change in habitat quality for lake cation: Riparian vegetation contributes important and pond dwellers. Limitations: Expense. components to stream systems as well as modifying microclimate and stream temperature. Following the Question: Are abundance of frequent plant species protocols used by others will widen the use of our and vegetation structure changing? data. Limitations: Expense. Indicator: Structure and composition of ripar- ian vegetation. The structure and composition of Linkages with Other Disciplines: riparian vegetation should be monitored similarly to forest vegetation (see Part II, Chapter 6) with • Park and Surrounding Landscape. Snow cover the additional need to indicate distance from river. and duration, disturbance. Snags, tree allometry, and mortality are espe- • Geoindicators: Glaciers, lake morphology, cially important. Protocols should be based on the channel morphology. protocols under development by Dean Berg and • System Drivers: Atmosphere and Climate. the Regional Riparian Forest Permanent Sample Meteorologic stations, snow course. Plot System (Reeves et al. 2001, www.reo.gov/ • Biogeochemistry. Water quality. monitoring/watershed). Vegetation plots should be

Spatial and Temporal Context: Where and How Often to Monitor:

Geographic Zones Elevation Zones (m) Human Use Zones Frequency 501- 1001- Proposed Indicator West East <500 1000 1500 >1500 Hi Mod Low (Interval) Disturbance & Riparian Veg. X X X X X X X X X 5-10 yr Wat. Qual. – Rivers with moni- X X X X X X 1 yr toring Wat. Qual. – Coastal creeks X X X X 1 yr Wat. Qual. – Lake Ozette X X X 1 yr Wat. Qual. – Lake Crescent X X X 1 yr Wat. Qual. – High Lakes X X X X X X 1 yr Glaciers X X X 1 yr Habitat - Stream X X X X X X 1-2 yr Habitat – Lakes & Ponds X X X X X X 5 yr Ripar. Vegetation – Plot Level X X X X X X 10 yr

Research Needs: • Complete a thorough inventory of glaciers, geo- • Hydrologic models are needed to extrapolate logic features, lakes, ponds, rivers and streams point measurements to larger areas. by stream classes, avalanche paths, wetlands, • Determine what amount of change is biologi- riparian vegetation, and shoreline position. cally significant in terms of impacting fauna. • Repeat survey of the western lake survey sites. • Pilot efforts to develop parameters and spatial relationships to determine if there are surrogates. Part II. Chapter 13. Aquatic Biota 117

Chapter 13. Aquatic Biota.

1 Prepared with assistance from J. Meyer .

Monitoring Need/Justification: Aquatic faunal communities of Olympic National Park face a number of threats. Migratory The rivers, streams, lakes, and ponds of Olym- salmon, trout, and char are especially vulnerable pic National Park support diverse assemblages of because they migrate to coastal and ocean areas plankton, macroinvertebrates, amphibians, and outside the park for large portions of their life cycle. finfish. These faunal communities make signifi- Consequently, they are subject to the full spectrum cant contributions to the productivity and stability of resource exploitation and habitat degradation of both aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems of the that has driven many Pacific salmon stocks to low park. The diversity of macroinvertebrates found in or critical levels of abundance. One of the principal freshwater ecosystems, for example, contribute to threats to anadromous salmonids is the high rate of a number of critical ecological functions related to harvest during their marine and estuarine migra- processing organic material, such as leaf litter, con- tion, which affects the size of annual salmon runs suming autochthonous inputs (i.e., periphyton) and returning to the park (Emmett and Schiewe 1997, distributing nutrients through diverse trophic path- Francis 1997). Degradation of water quality and ways (Cummins 1974). Further, the parkʼs anadro- aquatic habitat is most acute in the parkʼs coastal mous fish are widespread and, because all Pacific strip and lands that extend into developed areas, salmon die after spawning, their gametes and car- where intensive logging and habitat degradation casses provide a pulse of nutrients that fuel aquatic upstream has reduced both the quality and quan- systems and provide food for over 130 species of tity of downstream spawning habitats in the park aquatic and terrestrial wildlife species including (Bottom 1995). A third threat faced by the parkʼs several species of birds and mammals (Cederholm anadromous fish resources are artificial enhance- et al. 2001). Positive benefits of salmon-derived ment programs, including hatcheries, which operate nutrients include increases in invertebrate, phyto- around the Olympic Peninsula supplementing native plankton, and periphyton production, invertebrate fish runs with introduced stocks, and potentially diversity, and fish growth rates (Cederholm et al. compromising the genetic integrity of native stocks 1989). (Bottom 1995). Olympic National Parkʼs fresh waters are also Changes in system drivers, discussed in other home to 7 species of pond-breeding and 4 species chapters of this report, including changes in atmo- of stream- or seep-breeding amphibians, including sphere, human use and associated contaminants, the Olympic torrent salamander that is found only also threaten the integrity of biotic assemblages on the Olympic Peninsula (Good and Wake 1992). in Olympic National Park waters. For example, Collectively, amphibian communities are important depletion of the earthʼs ozone layer has caused consumers of zooplankton and macroinvertebrates, levels of ultraviolet radiation-B (UVB) to increase while also providing food for fish, birds, and other in northern latitudes over the past 20 years (World amphibians. A primary goal of the National Park Meterological Organization 1998). Some studies Serviceʼs mission is to preserve the biological integ- have shown that eggs of amphibians protected from rity in the composition and function of these com- UVB have greater hatching success than those not plex aquatic systems. protected, suggesting that increases in UVB could 1 Olympic National Park. negatively impact amphibian communities at broad 118 A Framework for Long-term Ecological Monitoring in Olympic National Park ecological scales (Blaustein et al. 1994, but see and spawning grounds of the threatened Lake Palen et al. 2002). Many contaminants may also Ozette sockeye salmon stock (Beauchamp 1995). affect quality of park waters, affecting the integ- Lastly, introduction of non-native fishes to rity of plankton, macroinvertebrate, and amphib- many park waters constitutes a profound perturba- ian communities, and potentially accumulating in tion to structure and composition of biotic com- higher trophic levels. Recently, increased atmo- munities, primarily those of high-elevation lakes in spheric nitrogen inputs at West Twin Creek (and which brook trout are now abundant. Past research presumably elsewhere in the park) were associated has shown negative relationships of introduced trout with a dramatic drop in stream pH (from 7.0 to as on abundance and diversity of amphibians breeding low as 4.5; Edmonds et al. 1998). It is known that in high mountain ponds and lakes, as well changes pH decreases of this magnitude can have a profound in the abundance and community structure of plank- effect on aquatic communities (U.S. Environmental ton and macroinvertebrate communities (Markle Protection Agency 1986). On a more local scale, 1992). nutrient inputs to Lake Crescent from human shore- These and several other resource concerns line developments (including septic systems, out- have led park staff, working with many disciplinary houses, and sedimentation) may accelerate eutro- experts, to highlight the need to monitor biodiver- phication of this deep, oligotrophic lake, potentially sity of park aquatic fauna and status of key groups, influencing plankton and algal communities and such as planktonic communities, aquatic inverte- spawning beds of endemic trout residing in Lake brates, amphibians, fish, interdependent terrestrial Crescent. Similarly, sedimentation associated with species, and marine-derived nutrients as indicators local developments in the Lake Ozette basin plus of long-term integrity and functional resiliency. invasion of exotic plants may be influencing nutri- Population-level monitoring of selected ʻspecial- ent budgets and trophic structure within Lake Ozette statusʼ aquatic species is elaborated in the following chapter.

Conceptual Model: Aquatic Trophic System Threats

Phytoplankton Zooplankton CONTAMINANTS Autochthonous & Directly & indirectly allochthonous through water quality inputs

Aquatic Invertebrates NON-NATIVE FISH

Amphibians UVB

Fish (live, carcasses, OVERHARVEST gametes)


Terrestrial Species Birds


Figure 13.1. Conceptual model for the aquatic trophic system and impacts caused by human activities. Part II. Chapter 13. Aquatic Biota 119

Monitoring Questions and Indicators: reaches to get abundance index. Justifica- tion: U.S. Geological Survey has completed Question: Are there changes in the species compo- an inventory of stream-breeding invertebrates sition and structure of phytoplankton and zooplank- in Olympic National Park and has provided ton communities of park lakes that could signal sampling recommendations for designing a changes in trophic structure, ecosystem function, or monitoring program. Limitations: Cost. sustainability? • Indicator: Presence/no detection of pond-

• Indicator: Composition and structure. breeding amphibians. Record presence/no Specific indicators and metrics to be identified detection of pond and seep-breeding amphib- and developed by U.S. Geological Survey/ ian species. Justification: U.S. Department of North Cascades Lakes and Rivers Prototype Interior Amphibian Research and Monitoring Monitoring Program. Initiative is currently conducting presence/no Question: Are there changes in the species compo- detection surveys of amphibians breeding sition and structure of macroinvertebrate communi- in Olympic National Park lakes and ponds. ties of park rivers and streams? Protocols are developed and linked with monitoring of core water quality variables and

• Indicator: Abundance. Specific indicators disease screening of amphibians. Limitations: and metrics to be identified and developed to Presence/no detection may provide relatively be consistent with U.S. Environmental Protec- insensitive indicator of subtle changes, but tion Agencyʼs rapid bioassessment of macro- estimation of population abundance is beyond invertebrates. Justification: The National Park scope of this project. Serviceʼs Water Resources Division proposes rapid assessment of macroinvertebrates as part • Indicator: Species diversity. Use abundance of a core suite of monitoring variables. indices and presence/no detection surveys (above) to measure changes in species rich-

• Indicator: Composition and structure. Indica- ness, evenness, and other metrics indicating tors and metrics to be identified and developed changes in the overall structure of amphibian by U.S. Geological Survey/North Cascades communities. Lakes and Rivers Prototype Monitoring Program. Justification: Changes in the com- Question: Are fish communities changing in struc- position and structure of macroinvertebrates ture or populations declining due to changes in can signal fundamental changes in ecosys- freshwater habitat? tem processes and ecological functions in • Indicator: Abundance of fish. (focusing here freshwater ecosystems. Such monitoring can on those species that require an extended be integrated with existing U.S. Geological period of rearing in freshwater, including coho Survey monitoring of macroinvertebrates in and cutthroat trout). Assess annual abundance the Elwha watershed (National Air and Water through electrofishing and snorkel surveys Quality Assessment Program). Limitations: in randomly selected stream reaches. Where Taxonomic analysis of macroinvertebrates is feasible, construct smolt traps to provide notoriously tedious and potentially costly. more reliable estimates of annual abundance, Question: Are there changes in aquatic amphibian including coho smolts produced from selected communities that could signal impacts associated tributaries or river systems. Justification: with UVB, introduced fish, disease, contaminants, Coho salmon require an extended period of or climate change. rearing in freshwater and their annual abun- dance is more closely linked to freshwater

• Indicator: Abundance of stream-breeding and terrestrial habitat (e.g. water quality and amphibians. Count amphibians present in quantity, pool/riffle ratios, woody debris belt-transects placed across sampled stream loading) than other salmon species. Method- 120 A Framework for Long-term Ecological Monitoring in Olympic National Park

ologies suitable for surveying freshwater fish invertebrates, and juvenile fish. Justification: in stream systems, including coho, are being Marine-derived nutrients are important con- developed in conjunction with North Cascades tributors to the productivity of aquatic and National Park as part of the Lakes and Rivers terrestrial ecosystems. Prior studies suggest Prototype Monitoring Program. Limitations: they directly influence rates of growth of High-gradient streams and large main-stem juvenile fish, which translates into high rates river channels are not easily sampled. Sam- of survival to maturity. Limitations: Quantita- pling biases may differ according to gradient, tive relationships between salmon and nutrient habitat complexity, conductivity, and other inputs to stream and lake systems is lacking sampling difficulties. for the Olympic Peninsula but could become an important factor in future salmon manage- • Indicator: Abundance of spawning salmon. ment. Conduct redd (nest) surveys in stream reaches where spawning by adult salmonids is pos- • Indicator: Abundance of riverine birds. sible. Justification: This is currently the best Count numbers of individual birds, broods, means of assessing annual abundance of large and fledglings per brood (as appropriate) for numbers of salmonid stocks, especially those common mergansers, red breasted mergansers, that do not spend large amounts of time rear- harlequin ducks, dippers, and kingfishers. ing in freshwater systems such as chinook, Justification:Each of these species has been pink, and chum salmon. These activities need identified as having a strong, consistent rela- to be coordinated with state and tribal manag- tionship or recurrent relationship with salmon ers who conduct these types of surveys in the in Oregon and Washington (Cederholm et al. park. Limitations: None. 2001). The ecology of these species may be benefited by salmon through nutrients pro- • Indicator: Spawning escapement. As fund- vided in the form of gametes, fry, or carcasses, ing allows, install weirs in small and moder- or indirectly from increased productivity of ate-sized representative streams to provide other food species. It may be particularly more reliable estimates of annual spawning interesting to monitor effects of salmon resto- escapement. Justification: Trapping estimates ration in the Elwha watershed following dam are much more reliable than other methods of removals. Limitations: Changes in commu- assessing spawning escapement and should nity structure of consumers may be a lagging, be done over a brood cycle and in conjunction rather than leading, indicator of changes in with redd surveys and used as a correction fac- lotic ecosystems. tor for years when no surveys are conducted. Limitations: Cost. Linkages with Other Disciplines: • Indicator: Genetic composition of native stocks. Monitor potential introgression of • System Drivers: Atmosphere and Climate. hatchery strains into genome of native stocks. UVB that may influence amphibian popula- Indicators to be developed further. tions. Climate change that may influence aquatic biota. Question: Are there manifest ecosystem-level effects associated with changes in salmon abun- • System Drivers: Human Activities. Changes dance? in human development along lake shores, changes in fishing pressure. • Indicator: Marine-Derived Nutrients. (See also Part II, Chapter 4 - Biogeochemical • Park and Surrounding Landscape. Changes in Cycles). In conjunction with fish abundance logging patterns and landscape composition surveys, monitor marine-derived nutrients upstream from park rivers and lake water- in aquatic and riparian vegetation, aquatic sheds. Part II. Chapter 13. Aquatic Biota 121

• Biogeochemical Cycles. Changes in water • Special-status Terrestrial Wildlife. Bald eagle quality parameters that influence all biotic populations are strongly dependent on sal- communities. Changes in wet and dry deposi- monids, particularly those nesting along park tion. rivers. • Contaminants. Changes in contaminants that • Aquatic/Riparian Habitat. All measures of influence biota and may accumulate in higher aquatic/riparian habitat directly affect aquatic trophic levels. biota. • Geoindicators. Changes in shoreline, mass • Special-status Fish Species. Threatened or wasting, erosion, stream flow, channel mor- endemic species of fish depend upon salmon- phology that all influence aquatic habitats. based nutrient budgets, plankton, and mac- roinvertebrates. Exotic trout may influence amphibian communities of lakes and ponds.

Spatial and Temporal Context: Where and How Often to Monitor:

Geographic Zones Elevation Zones (m) Human Use Zones Frequency 501- 1001- Proposed Indicator West East <500 1000 1500 >1500 Hi Mod Low (Interval) Plankton Communities X X X X X X 1 yr Macroinvertebrates X X X X X X X X 1 yr Stream Amphibians X X X X X X X X 1 yr Pond/Lake Amphibians X X X X X X X X 1 yr Fish X X X X X X X X (?) 1 yr Spawning Salmon X X X X X X 1 yr Riverine Birds X X X X X X 1 yr Marine-Derived Nutrients X X X X X X 5-10 yr

Research and Development Needs: in the same and other species in future brood years? • Examine reliability of currently available stream sampling techniques (snorkeling and electrofish- • How do stream channel characteristics (amount ing) to detect the occurrence of native freshwa- of large woody debris, deep pools, side chan- ter rearing fish species and assess their relative nels, and unaltered natural stream banks) influ- abundance. ence the deposition and retention of salmon carcasses for utilization by terrestrial and aquatic

• Explore sampling techniques suitable for assess- fauna as well as nutrient recycling? ing species composition and relative abundance of fish in larger main-stem river systems where • Study population processes, fresh water habitats, sampling techniques are very limited and/or breeding behavior and reproductive ecology to costs are high. understand what constitutes minimal popula- tions size. • What is the relationship between salmon spawn- ing escapement (e.g. carcasses) and productivity • Explore effects of current management regimes of aquatic systems, especially abundance of fish on salmon resources. 122 A Framework for Long-term Ecological Monitoring in Olympic National Park Part II. Chapter 14. Special-Status Fish Species 123

Chapter 14. Special-Status Fish Species: Threatened, Rare, Non-native, and Endemic.

1 Prepared with assistance from S. Brenkman .

Monitoring Need/Justification: Sound and coastal Washington. Substantial declines in distribution and abundance of bull trout through- Olympic National Park contains some of the out their range have been attributed to habitat last remaining undisturbed, contiguous habitat degradation (Fraley and Shepard 1989), overfish- throughout the range of several west-coast fish ing (Ratliff and Howell 1992), dams and irrigation species. Olympic National Park supports at least projects (Rieman and McIntyre 1993), and displace- 29 native species and is the only national park in ment by non-native brook trout (Salvelinus fonti- the lower 48 states that contains substantial num- nalis; Markle 1992). Finally, Puget Sound Chinook bers of native anadromous salmonids, some of salmon were listed in March 1999, including Chi- which are listed as threatened under the Endan- nook salmon that inhabit the Elwha River Basin, gered Species Act. Some special-status species may Dungeness River Basin, and North Fork Skokomish serve as important “seeds” or genetic reservoirs to River. Based on life history and genetic attributes, recolonize nearby extirpated populations in adja- Elwha Chinook appear to be transitional between cent watersheds. In addition, all salmon species populations from the Puget Sound and the Wash- contribute nutrients and organic matter to aquatic ington Coast. Lake Cushman Chinook are unique habitats, providing an important nutrient subsidy to because the population is one of the last remain- freshwater and terrestrial ecosystems, and influenc- ing Chinook populations adapted to a freshwater ing stream productivity at all trophic levels. Conse- life history. Factors for decline of Chinook include quently, fish populations in Olympic National Park changes in flow regime, hydroelectric development, are an integral part of the biological integrity of high water temperatures, and loss of large woody aquatic ecosystems, and are of major ecological and debris. economic importance and of public interest. Olympic National Park is home to other rare or Three species of fish have been listed as threat- unique species. Pygmy whitefish (Prosopium coul- ened under the Endangered Species Act. Lake teri) are remnants from the last ice age. In North Ozette sockeye were listed in March 1999 because America they are distributed across the northern tier they are genetically distinct from all other sockeye of the United States, throughout western Canada populations in the Pacific Northwest (Gustafson et and north into southeast Alaska. Pygmy whitefish al. 1997), and they are among the last remaining are also found in one lake in Russia. Washington wild sockeye in Washington State. Other unique State is at the extreme southern edge of their native attributes of Lake Ozette sockeye include early range in North America (Washington Department river-entry timing, relatively large adult body size, of Fish and Wildlife 2001), and they have been and large average smolt size (Gustafson et al. 1997). observed in Lake Crescent. Historically, pygmy Lake Ozette once supported a harvestable run of whitefish resided in at least 15 lakes in Washington. sockeye salmon until overexploitation and degra- Now they inhabit only nine and are likely to become dation of spawning habitats caused a significant endangered or threatened in a significant portion decline (Beauchamp 1995). Extirpation of these of their remaining range. Beardslee and crescentii fish would impact ecosystem processes within the trout are locally adapted trout species that inhabit coastal portion of the Park. In November 1999, bull Lake Crescent in Olympic National Park. These fish trout were listed as a threatened species in Puget once supported popular fisheries in the lake until 1 Olympic National Park. catch-and-release regulations were implemented 124 A Framework for Long-term Ecological Monitoring in Olympic National Park recently. The Quinault River in Olympic National trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) and related competi- Park is at the extreme southern edge of the range of tion with native species. Atlantic salmon are com- Dolly Varden (Salvelinus malma) in North America. mercially raised in marine net pens in Washington In the lower 48 states, this species is only found on State and British Columbia. Annual escapes of the Olympic Peninsula, in the upper Sol Duc and salmon from pens in British Columbia are esti- Quinault Rivers, and in Puget Sound. Additionally, mated to be approximately 60,000 fish. Catastrophic Pacific Lampetra( tridentata) and river (L. ayresi) events resulted in the escape of 107,000; 369,000; lampreys are considered federal species of concern and 115,000 Atlantic salmon in 1996, 1997, and by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 1999, respectively, in Washington State (Amos and One important endemic species is the Olympic Appleby 1999). Atlantic salmon have been observed mudminnow (Novumbra hubbsi), which is one of in the lower Elwha River and Quillayute River on five species worldwide in the family Umbridae and the Olympic Peninsula. The presence of Atlantic is the only member of the Novumbra. Three salmon is of particular regional interest because other species are found in North America and one in of the recent listing of many salmon populations Eastern Europe. Olympic mudminnows are found in Washington as endangered or threatened under only in Washington State and no other members the Endangered Species Act. Potential impacts of of the family Umbridae are found in Washington escaped Atlantic salmon include competition, preda- (Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife tion, disease transfer, hybridization, and coloniza- 2001). The current distribution of the Olympic mud- tion (Amos and Appleby 1999). minnow includes the southern and western lowlands Non-native brook trout were introduced into of the Olympic Peninsula including Lake Ozette numerous high mountain lakes in Olympic National and the lower Queets River. Olympic mudminnows Park. Hybridization between brook trout and bull are listed as Sensitive by Washington State. trout is a recognized problem, particularly in iso- At present, there is a paucity of information lated streams. The distribution of brook trout in related to rare species in Olympic National Park. streams remains unknown although individuals Throughout the years, there has been inadequate have been observed in small streams in the park. monitoring of the distribution and abundance of fish Persistence of small isolated populations of native species. The primary goals related to monitoring spe- char may be seriously threatened by the presence of cial status species are to: 1) prevent the loss of native non-native brook trout (Markle 1992). Brook trout fish species categorized as special status, 2) preserve likely have a reproductive advantage over bull trout the genetic integrity of federally listed populations of because they mature at an earlier age. salmonids, and 3) reduce the likelihood of displace- An understanding of reference conditions ment of native species by non-native species. Mean- for special-status fish species will be essential to while, the monitoring program must consider that the the establishment of appropriate management and list of special status fish is likely to change. conservation strategies in Olympic National Park. There are several potential threats to the persis- Additionally, knowledge of reference conditions in tence of threatened, rare, and endemic fish popula- Olympic National Park will be useful in understand- tions in Olympic National Park. Substantial declines ing patterns observed in more degraded systems. in distribution and abundance of native fish species We designated four categories of special-species can result from overharvest associated with recre- status in decreasing order of priority for monitoring: ational, commercial, and treaty fisheries; displacement threatened, rare, non-native, and endemic. of native fish species by non-native species; habitat degradation associated with logging and hydroelectric development; hatchery supplementation programs; and possibly global climate change. Potentially significant threats to native fish species in Olympic National Park may be the inva- sion of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and brook Part II. Chapter 14. Special-Status Fish Species 125

Conceptual Model:

Threats Special Fish Species Consequences for:


Anadromous HABITAT DEGRADATION Elwha Chinook Logging & Hydroelectric Lake Ozette Sockeye Development Bull Trout


UNIQUE OVER HARVEST Recreational, Tribal, Rare Commercial Dolly Varden Pygmy Whitefish


Endemic NON-NATIVE SPECIES Beardslee Trout Atlantic Salmon, Brook Crescenti Trout Trout Olympic Mudminnow


Figure 14.1. Conceptual model of threats to special-status fish species and the consequences of extinction.

Monitoring Questions and Indicators: • Fish Pathogens: Determine the extent of fish pathogens in juvenile sockeye. Question: Are there changes in population param- eters for species listed as threatened? • Hatchery Supplementation: Obtain data on number, timing, and location of released • Indicator: Abundance, genetic diversity, sockeye in Lake Ozette Basin. health and competition with hatchery fish for Justification: These indicators of population Lake Ozette Sockeye salmon. status will describe changes that might be • Relative Abundance: Monitor the relative caused by known threats. Limitations: Cost. abundance of adult sockeye at the weir near • Indicator: Population and habitat measure- the Lake Ozette outlet. Coordinate efforts ments for bull trout. with the Makah Tribe. • Relative Abundance. Conduct annual • Genetic Diversity: Conduct genetic sam- monitoring of abundance of adult bull trout pling and analysis to ensure persistence in North Fork . Annual of wild strain of Lake Ozette sockeye on monitoring of this population has occurred decadal basis. To detect gene flow from during most years since 1973. Conduct hatchery to wild fish, collect genetic sam- annual redd surveys of bull trout in selected ples from every tributary once every five reaches of South Fork Hoh, Queets, or Hoh years. River. 126 A Framework for Long-term Ecological Monitoring in Olympic National Park

• Genetic Diversity. Collect non-lethal fin Question: What is the extent of invasion of the samples from bull trout in selected rivers non-native fish species, brook trout, and Atlantic every 10 years to detect changes in genetic salmon? make-up within and among populations. • Indicator: Distribution. Determine the distri- • Population Structure. Collect scales to bution of Atlantic salmon and brook trout in determine population structure of bull Olympic National Park. Focus should be on trout in selected rivers. Scales can indicate streams with immediate threats (e.g., upper genetic structure, age composition and life Sol Duc where Dolly Varden and brook trout history composition of populations. may co-occur, Atlantic salmon observed in Elwha River). Justification: Distribution of Justification:These indicators will describe these species in the park is the best indicator population status in relation to known of their threat to park resources. Limitations: threats. Limitations: Cost of analysis. Cost. • Indicator: Abundance of Lake Cushman/ Indicator: Elwha Chinook salmon. Determine relative • Extent of Hybridization with abundance of adult Chinook in North Fork Native Char. Conduct genetic monitoring Skokomish River annually (may be accom- of char populations in streams where brook Justification: plished when sampling for bull trout). Deter- trout overlap with native char. mine relative abundance of Elwha Chinook Hybridization is a potentially significant Limita- and classify as to hatchery or wild in origin. impact of brook trout on native char. tions: Justification:These indicators will describe Expense of sample analyses. population status in relation to known threats. Question: Are there changes in population parame- Limitations: None. ters for endemic species in Olympic National Park? Question: Are there changes in population param- • Indicator: Distribution and Abundance of eters for rare species in Olympic National Park? Olympic Mudminnow. Obtain data from • Indicator: Existence of Pygmy Whitefish in Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife Lake Crescent. Determine presence vs. non- on annual trends in distribution and abundance detection of pygmy whitefish in Lake Cres- of mudminnows in Olympic National Park. cent at 5-10 year intervals. Justification: A Select a certain number of sites to revisit on Justification: minimum amount of information is needed to one- to five-year cycles. Verify- determine whether the pygmy whitefish popu- ing data collected by another agency is an lation still exists. Limitations: None. efficient way to monitor mudminnows. Limitations: None. • Indicator: Abundance of Lake Crescent Trout. Determine abundance of Lake Cres- Linkages with Other Disciplines: cent trout species using redd counts in Barnes Creek, lake outlet, and upper Lyre River. Jus- • Aquatic/Riparian Habitat: Status of habitat qual- tification: Abundance is easy to estimate with ity in areas where these species are present. this species. Limitations: Cost. • Aquatic Biota: Status of food resources in areas where these species occur. • Indicator: Existence of Dolly Varden in Known Sites. Conduct presence vs. non-detec- tion surveys in upper Sol Duc River and upper Quinault River every 5 to 10 years. Justifica- tion: A minimum amount of information is needed to determine whether the Dolly Varden populations still exist. Limitations: Cost. Part II. Chapter 14. Special-Status Fish Species 127

Spatial and Temporal Context: Where and How Often to Monitor:

Geographic Zones Elevation Zones (m) Human Use Zones Frequency 501- 1001- Proposed Indicator West East <500 1000 1500 >1500 Hi Mod Low (Interval) Lake Ozette Sockeye X X X X 1 yr Bull Trout X X X X 1 yr Lk. Cushman/Elwha Chinook X X X X 1 yr Pygmy White Fish X X X X 5-10 yr Lake Crescent Trout X X X X 1 yr Dolly Varden X X X 5-10 yr Brook Trout X X X X X X 1 yr Atlantic Salmon X X X X X 1 yr Olympic Mudminnow X X X X 1-5 yr

Research Needs: • In what ways are non-native fish species influ- encing native fish species? • What are the genetics, habitat requirements, den- sity, life history, ecology, and population limiting factors for special-status species? • Determine statistical power of bull trout moni- toring in the North Fork Skokomish River to evaluate sampling sufficiency. • Determine sampling requirements for Dolly Varden and pygmy whitefish. • Address the potential decline of amphibians as a result of brook trout plantings in high mountain lakes. • Identify general spawning locations in coastal river basins. • Determine extent of life-history diversity in coastal rivers (e.g. anadromous, fluvial, resident, and adfluvial morphs). • Evaluate otolith methodology. Describe and evaluate life-history variation among years and fish populations. 128 A Framework for Long-term Ecological Monitoring in Olympic National Park Part II. Chapter 15. Coastal Environment 129

Chapter 15. Coastal Environment. (Prepared by S. Fradkin, Olympic National Park).

Monitoring Need/Justification: resources, creating the opportunity for important collaborations that can expand the scope of moni- The 65-mile coastal strip of Olympic National toring beyond what the park can support by itself. Park contains both upland terrestrial and marine Olympic National Park staff place a high impor- intertidal habitats. This section focuses primarily tance on the need to monitor the ecological integ- upon the intertidal marine environment, while needs rity of the intertidal communities. This approach of the coastal terrestrial area are considered else- was favored over one that focused on monitoring where in the monitoring plan. specific ʻfocalʼ species, an approach followed by The Pacific Coast intertidal zone hosts a diverse several monitoring programs in other areas of North array of habitats, from sandy beaches, to boulder America (e.g., Channel Islands National Park, Davis fields, to rocky platforms. Each of these habitats 1989) that have a simpler community structure or supports diverse assemblages of macroalgae, inver- harvested species of particular importance (e.g., tebrates, and fish. Seasonal upwelling from Febru- abalone). In April 2002, the park sponsored a work- ary to July brings nutrient-rich cold water from shop to review the intertidal community monitoring the ocean bottom to the surface, providing food program. The workshop included a comprehensive for many animals. This extraordinary habitat and group of marine-oriented National Park Service, resource diversity, along with the remote nature of OCNMS, and Washington Department of Fish and the Olympic coast, make it a unique ecosystem that Wildlife staffs, and academic subject matter experts does not exist elsewhere in the coastal United States from southern California to Alaska. The recommen- (Ricketts et al. 1985). dations from the workshop agreed with the current The Olympic coast intertidal zone is not a community level monitoring approach. The primary closed system, either ecologically or jurisdiction- focus of the major Park monitoring components ally. Because of this, consideration of linkages is to track long-term temporal changes (>decadal between the intertidal and subtidal/nearshore zones time scale) in the structure and function of intertidal is necessary for adequate treatment of intertidal assemblages across a broad geographical coverage monitoring needs. Ecologically there are substan- (Tier 1). Emphasis is currently being placed upon tial physical and biological linkages between these methods to improve the spatial inference capacity of zones that are critical in determining zonal com- the program. Intensive studies of population dynam- munity structure. From a jurisdictional perspective, ics or functional relationships among species are the Parkʼs intertidal zone is within the boundaries considered a secondary priority (Tier 2). The major of the Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary threats to intertidal health come from harvest, non- (OCNMS), the usual and accustomed use areas of consumptive human use (e.g. trampling), spills of the Makah, Quileute, Hoh, and Quinault tribes, and toxic chemicals, and global climate change. the offshore island is man- aged by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Each of these entities monitor some aspect of marine 130 A Framework for Long-term Ecological Monitoring in Olympic National Park

Conceptual Model: Intertidal Ecosystem Change

Terrestrial runoff Terrestrial runoff Oil spills Bilge discharge Clam harvest Natural global Boat discharge Shoreline Combustion Boat hulls Fish harvest processes modification POPs/PAHs Human waste Unclassified Industrial Groundwater Discharge disposal species harvest pollutants Agents pumping Debris Trampling of Stream sediment Noise Tribal harvest Change Stream temp. Desalination

Nutrient Hydrologic Toxic Exotic Harvest Aquaculture Climate Multiple Enrichment Manipulation Contamination Species Change Stressors

Algal production Salinity Mortality Species diversity Species diversity Species diversity Turbidity Toxic level Species diversity Pred./Competition Pred./Competition Sea level Pred./Competition Habitat distribution Pred./Competition Habitat distribution Energy flow Coastal erosion Ecosystem Plankton Water quality Habitat distribution Water quality Salinity Responses Neckton/Benthos Pathogens Water quality Pathogens Precipitation Water quality Turbidity Pathogens Environ. fluctuation Pathogens Turbidity Pathogens

Emergent Impacts Human Health Costs Socio-economic Costs Climate System Changes

Figure 15.1. Conceptual model of the coastal ecosystem.

Monitoring Questions and Indicators: Question: Is intertidal community composition oil and toxin spills). Because they are at the changing over time? bottom of the food chain, changes in these indicators will have consequences throughout Tier 1: the system. • Indicator: Intertidal Invertebrate and Macroalgae Community Composition. Tier 2: Sample abundance/percent cover of intertidal • Indicator: Intertidal Fish. Establish a set of species. Justification: Different habitat types permanent tidepools and track changes in (i.e., sandy beaches, cobble fields, rocky intertidal fish species composition over time. platforms) support distinct communities com- Justification: Relatively little is known about posed of complex suites of invertebrates and the temporal dynamics of intertidal fish com- macroalgae. They are expected to respond to munities. Community and species population changes in consumptive use, climate change, structure may serve as a useful indicator of ocean conditions and catastrophic events (e.g., environmental change. Part II. Chapter 15. Coastal Environment 131

• Indicator: Hardshell clams. Establish tran- Justification: Most intertidal invertebrates and sects in appropriate clam habitat and track macroalgae have complex life-histories where changes in community compositions, spe- different life-stages utilize both nearshore cies abundance, size frequency, and growth waters and intertidal benthic habitats. Changes rates. Justification: Hardshell clams provide in ocean conditions can therefore have pro- valuable ecological services such as nutrient found impacts on the recruitment of intertidal cycling and particle filtration, in addition to organisms, in addition to directly affecting being important organisms for recreational intertidal organisms by altering physical con- harvest. The standard invertebrate and mac- ditions and/or resource levels. roalgal-community monitoring program is not Question: Are levels of toxins changing in coastal adequate to monitor hardshell clams, requiring waters? a separate monitoring program. • Indicator: Domoic Acid. While the park Question: Are physical and chemical features of does not currently monitor domoic acid, the intertidal environment changing? the Quileute tribe, Washington Department • Indicator: Watershed Inputs. A coastal water Fish and Wildlife, and Washington Depart- quality monitoring program is currently being ment of Health have monitoring programs developed in collaboration with National Park to determine domoic acid levels in water Service-Water Resources Division as part and in bivalve tissue. Justification: Domoic of a comprehensive Olympic National Park acid is a naturally occurring toxic second- water quality monitoring program. Justifica- ary metabolite produced by certain strains of tion: Inputs of sediments and warm water the marine diatom Pseudonitczhia. Domoic from coastal streams influenced by local land acid causes mortality in fish, and can bioac- management practices (e.g., Quileute jetty cumulate in bivalves, presenting a substantial construction and maintenance) have the poten- human health risk. Its occurrence in nearshore tial to markedly alter intertidal and nearshore waters has increased dramatically over the environments. past decade, presumably due to changed ocean conditions. • Indicator: Ocean Conditions. Aside from assessing changes in intertidal community composition and the monitoring of intertidal Linkages with Other Disciplines: water temperature as part of the broader • Terrestrial Vegetation Communities. Terres- Olympic National Park water quality monitor- trial vegetation composition and structure. ing program, monitoring of ocean conditions • Aquatic/Riparian Habitat. Stream hydrology entails collaboration with the OCNMS, the and sediment load. University of Washington, the Partnership for • Biogeochemistry. Stream water quality. the Interdisciplinary Study of Coastal Oceans • Park and Surrounding Landscape. Shoreline (PISCO, a consortium of academic institu- position. tions funded by the David and Lucile Packard • Off-shore Monitoring. Juvenile fish life his- Foundation), and coastal tribes. The OCNMS tory requirements. and PISCO have embarked on a program to study ocean condition (temperature, salin- ity, currents, chlorophyll) using an array of moorings along the Olympic coast. The park is currently collaborating with the OCNMS and University of Washington to monitor the temporal dynamics of dead seabird beach- ings, an indirect indicator of ocean conditions. 132 A Framework for Long-term Ecological Monitoring in Olympic National Park

Spatial and Temporal Context: Where & How Often to Monitor: Currently the park monitors intertidal communities in three general habitat types (sandy beaches, cobble beaches, and rocky platforms) that span the 65-mile coastline.

Proposed Indicator Tidal Elevation Human use Zones Frequency V. High High Mid Low Near-shore V. High High Mid Low Tier 1 Intertidal X X X X X X annual community composition Tier 2 Intertidal X X X X X X ? Fish Hardshell X X X X X X ? clams Watershed X ? inputs Ocean X conditions annual Domoic acid X annual

Research and Development Needs:

• Determine population trends of key non- • Determine contingency monitoring plans for classified intertidal species (i.e. barnacles, response to oil spills as augmentation to existing seastars, etc.). monitoring plans. • Determine effects of visitor trampling on inter- • Develop methods to improve spatial inference tidal communities. of the current intertidal community monitoring • Determine population trends of hard-shell clams program. and mussels. • What are current background toxin levels? • Determine status and susceptibility of the intertidal zone for invasion by exotic species (OCNMS collaboration). • Create sociological/political/bureaucratic habitat inventory to lay groundwork for multi-agency cooperative habitat protection. • Determine linkages between indicators. • Determine trends and effects of sediment trans- port in the intertidal/subtidal zone. • Determine patterns of long-shore and cross- shore water movement. Part II. Chapter 16. Historical and Paleoecological Context 133

Chapter 16. Historical and Paleoecological Context for Monitoring Results.

Ecosystems follow a cyclical developmental that are much longer than our lifetimes or even path involving organization, destruction by a dis- historic records. For example, the observations of turbance, and regeneration, with each ecosystem climate warming since the industrial revolution rebuilding from the remains of what came before must be interpreted in the context of the longer- it (Holling 1986). For example, the amount of soil term trend in warming since the end of the Little Ice organic matter and other soil properties reflect Age (Gates 1993). Without a long-term context for previous vegetation and the type of disturbance that our monitoring observations, we may misinterpret destroyed it. The biota that can potentially re-estab- changes we observe. There are a variety of data sets lish are determined by propagules left in the soil or that might be useful in providing the environmen- that can be produced by surrounding areas, or are tal and human context for monitoring at Olympic within migration range. Consequently, the structure National Park (Table 5.17.1). While adding to or and function of any ecosystem reflects its history, summarizing these data are not strictly monitoring including the effects of humans. In addition, many activities, the information they provide would be of the environmental forces influencing ecosystem useful to the monitoring program. development are also cyclical, and on time scales

Time Frame Type of Data Information Past 100 yr Photographic Record Conditions existing at specific time and place; vegetation coverage and character Past 150 yr Written Record- diaries, Conditions existing at specific time and place; helps complete picture of scientific notes, park and park cultural landscapes and human-environment interactions forest records 150-250 BP Ethnographic Record Pre-European population dispersal, flora and faunal use, fire use, Past 2K yr Dendrochronology possibly Climate change, fine-grained climate change last 1,000 years, fire history, Remote Sensing and Trace cultural history of bark stripping Element Analysis Past 12K yr Archeological Record Human dispersal, prehistoric faunal populations, plant and animal use Past 12K yr Soils including paleosoils Characteristics of past environments, changes in plant communities, and relic soil properties encroachment of forest on anthropogenic prairies, changes in treelines and subalpine settings Past 18K yr Quaternary Geology, esp. Aids understanding of the development of park landforms; Pleistocene glacial and tectonic; sea glaciations determine beginning of Olympic NP vegetation, soil level changes, tsunami development and human populations; describes major climatic cycles events, Cascade volcano and events tephra Past 30K yr Palynology Quaternary plant communities, climate and ecosystem change, fire history, logging or other community altering events from fluctuations in sediment deposition > 30K yr Bedrock Geology Knowledge of substrate that terrestrial and climatic processes operate on to produce soils, landforms, and biotic resources; address river bank and slope stability, location of rare and endemic plants, potential extractive areas for prehistoric populations.

Table 5.17. Data sets that could provide context for monitoring results on a variety of time scales. 134 A Framework for Long-term Ecological Monitoring in Olympic National Park

For each type of data there are three areas of concern, 1) what specific studies or information are needed for long-term ecological monitoring, 2) are any of these data being lost to neglect, been over- looked, and is there a strategy for collecting, analyz- ing and archiving any data that comes available, and 3) do we have a strategy to expand our analysis of these data? These questions can be answered at two levels: 1) by providing an overview and assessment of these data sets, and 2) by identifying the need for specific research and protection strategies in each data category. These needs should be addressed as funding and time are available. Literature Cited 135

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Appendix A. List of Workshops and Participants for Developing a Prototype Long-term Ecological Monitoring Program in Olympic National Park.

Olympic National Park Staff Scoping Workshop, Mike Kalahar— 27 February 1997, Port Angeles WA. Olympic National Park, Mainenance. Francis Kocis— Objectives: To introduce park staff to the long- Olympic National Park, District Ranger. term ecological monitoring program and planning Bruce Moorhead— process. To solicit input from park staff on the most Olympic National Park, Wildlife Biologist . important monitoring topics. (retired) David Morris— Facilitating: Kurt Jenkins, Andrea Woodward, D. Olympic National Park, Superintendent. Erran Seaman, Ed Schreiner. Bill Rhode— Participating: Olympic National Park and USGS Olympic National Park, District Ranger. Olympic Field Station Staffs. Roger Rudolph— Olympic National Park, Assistant Superintendent. John Aho— Curt Sauer— Olympic National Park, Management Assistant. Olympic National Park, Chief Ranger. Matt Albright— Susan Schultz— Olympic National Park, Horticulturist. Olympic National Park, Historian. Marie Birnbaum— Ruth Scott— Olympic National Park, Wilderness. Olympic National Park, Natural Resource Janis Burger— Specialist. Olympic National Park, Resource Educator. D. Erran Seaman— Keith Flanery— USGS-FRESC-Olympic Field Station, Research Olympic National Park, Ranger. Ecologist. Matt Graves— Michael Smithson— Olympic National Park, Resource Educator. Olympic National Park, Chief of Resource Mike Gurling— Education. Olympic National Park, Resource Educator. Don Tinkham— Richard Hanson— Olympic National Park, Maintenance. Olympic National Park, Trails Foreman. Ron Whattnem— Patti Happe— Olympic National Park, Ranger. Olympic National Park, Supervisory Wildlife Jacilee Wray— Biologist. Olympic National Park, Anthropologist. Cat Hawkins Hoffman— John Wullschleger— Olympic National Park, Chief of Natural Resource Olympic National Park, Coastal Ecologist Management. Doug Houston— Olympic Peninsula Long-term Ecological Moni- USGS-FRESC-Olympic Field Station, Research toring Workshop, 10 April 1997, Olympic Natu- Biologist. ral Resources Center, Forks WA. Martha Hutchinson— Objectives: To exchange information among agen- Olympic National Park, Ranger. Steve Joel— cies on inventory and monitoring activities on the Olympic National Park, Ranger and Dispatcher. Olympic Peninsula. To identify high priority or use- Dan Johnson— ful monitoring projects in Olympic National Park. Olympic National Park, Resource Educator. Facilitating: Andrea Woodward. 146 A Framework for Long-term Ecological Monitoring in Olympic National Park

Participating: Scientists and resource managers Participating: Olympic National Park and USGS from land-management agencies on the Olympic Olympic Field Station staffs and invited monitoring Peninsula. scientists: Ed Bowlby— John Bart— Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary. USGS-FRESC-Snake River Field Station. John Calhoun— Ted Case— Olympic Natural Resources Center. University of California, San Diego. Bob Davies— Gary Davis— —. Channel Islands National Park. Richard Fredrickson— John Emlen— Washington Department Fish and Wildlife. USGS-Western Fisheries Research Center. Cat Hawkins Hoffman— Dan Fagre— Olympic National Park. USGS-Glacier National Park. Ward Hoffman— Paul Geissler— Olympic National Forest. USGS. Larry Jones— David Graber— U.S.D.A. Forest Service. Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks. Cathy Lear— Patti Happe— Hoh Tribe. Olympic National Park. Mike McHenry— Kim Hastings Lower Elwha Tribe. University of Montana. Loyal Mehrhoff— Roger Hoffman— U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Olympic National Park. Dave Schuett-Hames— Doug Houston— Northwest Indian Fisheries Commission. USGS-FRESC-Olympic Field Station. Kate Sullivan— Cat Hawkins-Hoffman— Weyerheauser Company. Olympic National Park. Tom Terry— John Meyer— Weyerheauser Company. Olympic National Park. Dan Varland— L. Scott Mills— Rayonier. University of Montana. George Wilhere— James Nichols— Washington Department Natural Resources. USGS-Patuxent Wildlife Research Center. Brian Winter— David Peterson— Olympic National Park. USGS-FRESC-Cascadia Field Station. James Quinn— Indicator Selection for Ecological Monitoring: In University of California, Davis. Theory and Practice, 6-9 May 1997, Best West- Rusty Rodriguez— ern Olympic Lodge, Port Angeles WA. USGS-Western Fisheries Research Center. Objectives: To explore ecological advances in the Ed Schreiner— process of selecting ecological indicators using the USGS-FRESC-Olympic Field Station. D. Erran Seaman— long-term ecological monitoring program in ONP USGS-FRESC-Olympic Field Station. as a case example for discussion. To examine the Peter Stine— theoretical and scientific basis for selecting ecologi- USGS-California Science Center. cal indicators and determine how to set priorities for David Tallmon— indicator selection. University of Montana. Facilitating: Barry Noon (U.S.D.A. Forest Service- Hart Welsh— U.S.D.A. Forest Service-Redwood Sciences Lab. Redwoods Sciences Lab) and Kurt Jenkins. B. Ken Williams— U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Appendix A. Workshops and Participants 147

Brian Winter— Participating: Olympic National Park and USGS- Olympic National Park. FRESC-Olympic Field Station staffs and invited Andrea Woodward— wildlife research scientists: USGS-FRESC-Olympic Field Station. R. Gerald Wright— Don Major— Idaho Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research USGS-FRESC. Unit. Keith Aubrey— U.S.D.A. Forest Service. Coniferous Forest Monitoring Focus Group Bruce Bury— Meeting, 28 August 1997 USGS-FRESC. Western Fisheries Research Center, Seattle WA. Patti Happe— Olympic National Park. Objectives: To (1) review research and monitoring Cat Hawkins Hoffman— objectives, (2) explore general approaches to study Olympic National Park. design relative to monitoring objectives and park John Marzluff— management needs, and (3) discuss sampling meth- University of Washington. ods for vertebrate monitoring. L. Scott Mills— University of Montana. . Facilitating: Andrea Woodward Martin Raphael— Participating: Olympic National Park and USGS U.S.D.A. Forest Service. Olympic Field Station staffs and invited forest sci- D. Erran Seaman— entists: USGS-FRESC-Olympic Field Station. Ed Schreiner— Joe Ammirati— USGS-FRESC-Olympic Field Station. University of Washington. Steve West— Jan Henderson— University of Washington. U.S.D.A. Forest Service. Andrea Woodward— Kurt Jenkins USGS-FRESC-Olympic Field Station. USGS-FRESC-Olympic Field Station. Dave Peter— Olympic National Park Vital Signs Workshop, U.S.D.A. Forest Service. 26-28 January 1999, Red Lion Hotel, Port Charlie Halpern— Angeles WA. University of Washington. Objectives: To identify vital signs for monitoring Cat Hawkins Hoffman— the health of all ecosystem components in Olympic Olympic National Park. National Park. To review results of indicator selec- Dave Shaw— tion from previous focus group workshops (wildlife Wind River Canopy Crane Research Facility. and terrestrial forest vegetation). Ed Schreiner— USGS-FRESC-Olympic Field Station. Facilitating: Gary Davis, Channel Islands National Park, Cat Hawkins Hoffman, Olympic National Terrestrial Wildlife (Coniferous Forests) Focus Park. Group Meeting, 19 December 1997 Olympic National Forest District Office, Participating: Olympic National Park and USGS Quilcene WA. Olympic Field Station staffs and invited resource specialists: Objectives: To (1) review research and monitoring objectives, (2) explore general approaches to study Steve Acker— design relative to monitoring objectives and park U.S. D.A. Forest Service. management needs, and (3) discuss sampling meth- Mike Adams— ods for vertebrate monitoring. USGS-FRESC. Jim Agee— Facilitating: Kurt Jenkins . University of Washington. 148 A Framework for Long-term Ecological Monitoring in Olympic National Park

Matt Albright— Matt Hagemann— Olympic National Park. National Park Service. Bill Baccus— Charlie Halpern— Olympic National Park. University of Washington. Kathy Beirne— Patti Happe— Olympic National Park. Olympic National Park. Bob Bilby— Pat Heglund— National Marine Fisheries Service. University of Idaho. Ed Bowlby— Jan Henderson— Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary. U.S.D.A. Forest Service. Sam Brenkman— Cat Hawkins-Hoffman— Olympic National Park. Olympic National Park. Dave Conca— Roger Hoffman— Olympic National Park. Olympic National Park. Howard Conway— Bill Hogsett— University of Washington. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Paul Crawford— Doug Houston— Olympic National Park. USGS-Olympic Field Station . Patte Danisiewicz— Gay Hunter— Olympic National Park. Olympic National Park. Dave DeSante— Kurt Jenkins— Institute of Bird Populations. USGS-Olympic Field Station. Megan Dethier— Darryll Johnson— University of Washington. USGS-Cascadia Field Station. Bob Edmonds Bob Kuntz— University of Washington. North Cascades National Park. Dan Fagre— Jim Marra— USGS-Northern Rocky Mountains Science Center. University of Washington. Steve Fancy— Bob McKane— National Park Service. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Bruce Freet— John Meyer— North Cascades National Park. Olympic National Park. George Galasso— Bob Mierendorf— Olympic Coast National marine Sanctuary. North Cascades National Park. Jack Galloway— Rich Olson— Olympic National Park. Olympic National Park. Bob Gara— Mark OʼNeill— University of Washington. Olympic National Park. Paul Geissler— Dave Peter— USGS. U.S.D.A. Forest Service. Paul Gleeson— Dave Peterson— Olympic National Park. USGS-Cascadia Field Station. Reed Glesne— Reg Reisenbichler— North Cascades National Park. USGS-Western Fisheries Research Center. Rich Gregory— John Riedel— National Park Service. North Cascades National Park. Bob Gresswell— Gina Rochefort— USGS-FRESC. North Cascades National Park. Mike Gurling— Roger Sanquist— Olympic National Park. U.S.D.A. Forest Service. Appendix A. Workshops and Participants 149

Curt Sauer— Steve Acker— Olympic National Park. NPS, Pacific West Region . Carl Schoch— Bob Black— Oregon State University. USGS-Water Resources Division. Ruth Scott— Tamara Blett— Olympic National Park. NPS, Air Resources Division. Ed Schreiner— Dave Busch— USGS-Olympic Field Station. USGS-FRESC. Erran Seaman— Don Campbell— USGS-FRESC-Olympic Field Station. USGS-Water Resources Division. Richard Siddeway Marsha Davis— Washington Department of Ecology. NPS, Columbia-Cascades System Support Office. Michael Smithson— Bob Edmonds— Olympic National Park. University of Washington. Ed Starkey— Annie Esperanza— USGS-FRESC. Sequoia-Kings Canyon National Park. Bob Stottlemeyer— Dan Fagre— USGS-Midcontinent Ecosystem Science Center. USGS-Glacier National Park. Jim Tilmant— Mark Flora— National Park Service. NPS, Water Resources Division. Kathy Tonnessen— Jerry Franklin— National Park Service. University of Washington. Jim Warner— Bill Hogsett— Olympic Air Pollution Control Authority. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Beth Willhite— Roy Irwin— U.S.D.A. Forest Service. NPS, Water Resources Division. Brian Winter— Darryll Johnson— Olympic National Park. USGS-Cascadia Field Station. Andrea Woodward— Peter Kiffney— USGS-FRESC-Olympic Field Station. National Marine Fisheries Service. John Wullschleger— Dixon Landers— Olympic National Park. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

Ken Mabery— Biogeochemical Processes: Parameters for Long- NPS, Regional Ecosystem Office. term Monitoring Programs of Pacific Northwest Tonnie Maniero— National Parks, 16-17 January 2001, Seattle WA. NPS, Air Resources Division. Objectives: To review biogeochemical research and Stephanie McAfee— monitoring in Pacific Northwestern National Parks. University of Washington. Jon Riedel— To identify the most critical information needs to North Cascades National Park. inform about anticipated environmental changes in Gina Rochefort— the Pacific Northwest. To assess adequacy of exist- North Cascades National Park. ing monitoring programs. To identify additional Roger Rudolph— parameters for long-term monitoring. Olympic National Park. Facilitating: Kathy Tonnessen , National Park Barbara Samora— Mount Rainier National Park. Service-Rocky Mountains Cooperative Ecosystem Ed Schreiner— Studies Unit, and Cat Hawkins Hoffman, Olympic USGS-Olympic Field Station. National Park. Kathie Weathers— Institute of Ecosystem Studies. Participating: USGS Scientists, National Park Ser- Andrea Woodward— vice, invited biogeochemical specialists. USGS-Olympic Field Station. 150 A Framework for Long-term Ecological Monitoring in Olympic National Park

Statististics of Sampling for Long-term Ecologi- Ultraviolet Radiation Monitoring, 16-17 cal Monitoring in Olympic National Park, 2-3 July 2001, Red Lion Hotel, Port Angeles WA April 2001, Red Lion Hotel, Port Angeles WA. (workshop organized and supported by Olympic National Park). Objectives: To identify useful tools to determine an adequate sampling effort. To examine strengths and Objectives: To discuss latest findings regarding weaknesses of potential sampling frames for moni- unltraviolet radiation and effects of ultraviolet toring in Olympic National Park. To recommend radiation on plants, animals and people. To identify practical means of integrating monitoring across options for how to monitor ultraviolet radiation in spatial scales. national parks. Facilitating: Kurt Jenkins and Andrea Woodward. Facilitating: Cat Hawkins Hoffman, Olympic National Park and Betsy Weatherhead, National Participating: Staffs of USGS-Olympic Field Sta- Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. tion and Olympic National Park. Invited monitoring specialists and biometricians. Participating: USGS and NPS resource manag- ers and scientists, invited specialists, and resource Steve Acker— NPS, Pacific West Region. education and interpretation staffs. Jean-Yves Pip Courbois— Dave Busch— University of Washington. USGS-Regional Ecosystem Office. Steven Fradkin— Sarah Ehlen— Olympic National Park. North Cascades National Park. Oz Garton— Gregg Fauth— University of Idaho. Fort Vancouver National Historic Site. Paul Geissler— Bill Gleason— USGS. San Juan Islands National Historic Park. Patti Happe— Roger Hoffman— Olympic National Park. Olympic National Park Roger Hoffman— Les Inafuku— Olympic National Park. Kaloko-Honokohau National Historic Park. Gail Irvine— Ken Mabery— USGS-Alaska Biological Science Center. NPS-Regional Ecosystem Office. Lyman McDonald— Maureen McGee-Ballinger— Western Ecosystems, Inc. Mount Rainier National Park. Eric Rexstad— Paula Ogden— University of Alaska. North Cascades. Susan Roberts— Steve Ralph— USGS-Olympic Field Station. North Coast and Cascades Network Coordinator. Regina Rochefort— Ruth Rhodes— North Cascades National Park. North Cascades National Park. Ed Schreiner— Barbara Samora— USGS-Olympic Field Station. Mount Rainier National Park. Michael Smithson— National Park Service Air Toxics Workshop, 26- Olympic National Park. 27 June 2001, Seattle WA (workshop organized Kathy Steichen— and supported by the National Park Serviceʼs Olympic National Park. Scott Stonum— Air Resources Division). Fort Clatsop National Historic Park. For workshop participants and summary report see Betsy Weatherhead— www.aqd.nps.gov\ard\aqmon\air_toxics\index.html. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Andrea Woodward— USGS-Olympic Field Station..