C M Y K PRSRT-STD BASEBALL: Teams compete Postal Customer U.S. Postage Clermont, FL Paid at Crack of the Bat spring 34711 Clermont, FL break tournament Permit #280 SEE PAGE B4 REMEMBER WHEN | B1 FRIDAY, MARCH 29, 2013 www.southlakepress.com 50¢ NEWSSTAND GROVELAND TAVARES Mosquito season starts soon for area GREG JONES | Staff Writer Scott, an entomologist
[email protected] with the Lake County April showers bring Mosquito and Aquatic May flowers — and mos- Plant Management quitoes. Division. He has been Three days from now is battling the disease-car- rying and bothersome the start of Florida’s tradi- 1 tional rainy period. It also arthropods here for 2 ⁄2 signals the start of the decades. mosquito season that “The biggest change continues through I’ve seen is when I came here 25 years ago, there December. was less than 100,000 This will be the busiest time of the year for Craig SEE SEASON | A2 ROXANNE BROWN / DAILY COMMERCIAL The Health Occupation Students of America Club at South Lake High School is collecting crutches to send to Africa to help people walk. Health occupation students collect ‘Crutches 4 Africa’ ROXANNE BROWN | Staff Writer Maybe that is why when Hebert
[email protected] It was hard to even imagine heard an interview on the radio HEIDINES PEREZ / DAILY COMMERCIAL about a national organization called Craig Scott, an entomologist with Lake County, shows a ost of the members of the that something as simple as mosquito trap in Tavares. Health Occupation Students crutches could make such a Crutches 4 Africa, it struck a chord M of America, or HOSA Club, at with him.