GIS Andstatistical Application In

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GIS Andstatistical Application In Journal of Geographic Information System, 2011, 3, 232-241 doi:10.4236/jgis.2011.33020 Published Online July 2011 ( Mapping Glacier Variations at Regional Scale through Equilibrium Line Altitude Interpolation: GIS and Statistical Application in Massif des Écrins (French Alps) Étienne Cossart UMR Prodig 8586 – CNRS, Université Paris 1 – Panthéon Sorbonne, Paris, France E-mail: [email protected] Received February 26, 2011; revised April 13, 2011; accepted April 26, 2011 Abstract Glacier variation is one of the best indicators of climate change in mountainous environment. In French Alps, many temporal data are acquired by glaciologists at glaciers scale: geometrical parameters (surface area, thickness, length and front altitude) are surveyed since the end of the 19th century. Those parameters are necessary to estimate the mass-balance of glaciers and, then, an accurate temporal signal of glacier variation. However, the time-response of the glaciers can be highly variable because of the topoclimate, and more gen- erally the local settings of the glaciers. Moreover, climatologists and hydrologists are requiring estimation of glacier variations at regional scale and not only at local scale. In this paper, we highlight that the Equilibrium Line Altitude (ELA) is a parameter prone to spatio-temporal reconstructions at regional scale. ELA can in- deed be interpolated at a region scale from local data: for instance, many geographers have reconstructed spatial trends during 1980s. Here, we try to interpolate ELA from multi-dimensionnal regression analysis: ELA is explained by many local parameters (Incoming solar radiation, topographic indexes, snow-redistribu- tion by wind, etc.). Regression model was adjusted from a spatio-temporal database of 50 glaciers, located in the Massif des Écrins. ELA was estimated for each glacier thanks to the Accumulation Area Ratio (ratio = 0.65) at two stages: LIA maximum and at present. Results first show that the multiple regression analysis is efficient to interpolate ELA through space: the adjusted r² is about 0.49 for the reconstruction during the LIA, and 0.47 at present. Moreover, the RMSE error is about 50 meters for the LIA period, 55 meters at present. Finally, a high spatial variability (standard deviation of about 150 meters) is highlighted: incoming solar ra- diation and snow redistribution by wind mostly explain the observed differences. We can also assess a rise of the ELA of about 250 meters during the 20th century. Keywords: Glaciers, Equilibrium line, Interpolation, GIS, Massif des Écrins, Alps 1. Introduction [1-5]. The main problem of such database is that sur- veyed glaciers are isolated in space, hampering any con- The current debate on the climate change has highlighted sideration at a regional scale. Geographers can indeed the importance of glaciers, as their evolution may be a ask if surveyed glacier may reveal a regional scenario or good proxy of temperatures and precipitations variation. if their evolution patterns only reflect local settings. For Moreover, glacier melting may induce significant modi- instance asynchronicity between glaciers was empha- fication on river regime and, more generally, on water sized at various scales: from a continental scale [6] to resource availability. Glacier survey has hitherto mostly local scale [7]. Firstly, within a mountainous region, it involved glaciologists, that provided precise topographic has been observed that glacier variation may be due to measurements (surface area, length, thickness variation, exposure to humid fluxes: in the Alps, well-exposed gla- etc.) to compute mass-balance. Those data were acquired ciers (eastern glaciers) are asynchronous with glaciers on very few glaciers, that were carefully investigated that are sheltered from humid fluxes (western glaciers) through time (once or many times a year); in the Alps, [8,9]. Secondly, it is known since the beginning of the those series often began at the end of the 19th century 20th century that glaciers may be characterized by dif- Copyright © 2011 SciRes. JGIS É. COSSART 233 ferent time-responses at local scale [5]; the role of topo- during the decay are indeed recognized as a main factor climate (aspect, solar radiation for instance) and topog- that makes the modelling of glacier behaviour difficult raphy (slope of glacial cirque faces, depth of glacial [13]. cirques, etc.) [10,11] has since been confirmed. ELA is the theoretical boundary between the glacial Working on glaciers variation at a regional scale re- accumulation area (upper part of the glacier where snow quires identifying a variable that allows comparison be- accumulates to gradually evolve into ice) and ice abla- tween glaciers, both in space and time. The Equilibrium tion zone (area where the downstream ice losses by Line Altitude (ELA) is here chosen, as it can be spatially melting or sublimation are dominant) [13,14]. At the end interpolated across the whole glaciers network. More of the ablation of the glacier (summer in the Alps, for precisely, the interpolation method applied here corre- example), it is possible to observe the accumulation area sponds to a multiple regression, realized in a raster GIS: as it corresponds to the snow cover in the glacier surface: we propose to predict the ELA from topoclimatic and ELA then coincides with the snowline. The elevation of topographic variables. Finally we aim at comparing in the ELA varies over space and time, mostly in relation space the behaviour of glaciers, and explaining the ob- with two climatic parameters: precipitation and tempera- served differences by the variations of local settings. tures. If temperatures increase, then the melting rate of This method is applied in the Massif des Écrins, where ice increases, implying an extension of the ablation zone the ELA of about 50 glaciers are known for both the of the glacier, and the increase of the ELA. If rain in- current and the Little Ice Age (LIA) periods. Finally, a creases, snow accumulation rate on the glacier also in- quantification of glaciers variations since the LIA is creases, then the accumulation zone extends and ELA proposed. gets lower. 2. Glaciers Survey 3. Study Area: Massif des Écrins Direct and precise in situ topographic measurements on Our area of investigation corresponds to the Massif des glaciers were carried out by glaciologists: high-resolu- Écrins, characterized by a rugged relief, and where the tion time series of length, thickness, surface area were highest summit is 4102 m.asl, as shown in Figure 1. As acquired on very few glaciers. All those parameters were more than 20% of the area is located at higher altitudes combined to assess the mass-balance, that quantify the than 3000 m.asl, more than 60 glaciers are still present evolution of ice volume year after year. While they are (60 during the LIA) and currently cover an area of about very precise, the results acquired from this method ham- 50 km². The current ELA is estimated at approximately per the comparison of glaciers behaviour: too few gla- 3000 m.asl [4,9], but this mean value does not reveal the ciers were surveyed. For instance, in French Alps, five high standard deviation (c. 150 m) that characterizes this glaciers were investigated since the beginning of the 20th variable (see Figure 2). This heterogeneity is due to the century in Chamonix valley, two in the Grandes-Rousses combination of two main factors. First, the Massif des area, two in Massif des Écrins [12]. The densification of Écrins is characterized by a strong asymmetry in terms of the network of investigated glaciers is thus required to precipitations. It is indeed mostly affected by westerlies, define some regional patterns of glacier evolution. This that provide wet air from Atlantic Ocean. On one hand requirement is particularly significant as glaciers sur- the western part of the Massif is well exposed to such veyed by glaciologists were often selected because of fluxes while, on the other hand, the eastern part is mostly their accessibility, and not because of their regional rep- sheltered from those wet fluxes. The ELA increases of resentativeness. about 200 meters from west to east, because of this cli- However, the definition of a regional synthesis of gla- matic parameter [15], as highlighted in Figure 1(b). cier variations is difficult for two main reasons. First, the Second, the topoclimate greatly varies because of the geometrical variations (in thickness or in surface) of a rugged relief. It can indeed create strong differences in glacier are not a stable parameter through time: glaciers incoming solar radiation between shaded mountainslopes may alternatively merge or be subdivided, due to ad- and south- faced mountainslopes. Moreover, the slope vance or shrinking. Second, geometrical parameters can- values and the curvature of mountainslopes can modify not be generalized from local to regional scale: they are the accumulation pattern of snow on glaciers: in areas spatially discrete variables which interpolation in space prone to avalanching the ELA is significantly lower (lo- does not mean anything. Equilibrium Line Altitude (ELA) cally at about 2600 m.asl) than the mean regional value is a parameter that is independent from the size of the [15,16]. The variability of the local settings in which the glacier and which variation is not impacted by subdivi- glaciers are located in the Massif des Écrins makes this sion or merging of glaciers. Subdivisions of glaciers area particularly well suited for our topic. Copyright © 2011 SciRes. JGIS 234 É. COSSART Figure 1. Study area. A: location map; B: Climatic gradient from west to east; C: Topography of the study area. Figure 2. ELA database during the LIA and at present. Left: Statistical distribution of ELA; Right: Variogram. Copyright © 2011 SciRes. JGIS É. COSSART 235 4. Methods longitude the distance from Atlantic Ocean. Those two variables thus take into account the distance from humid 4.1.
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