Ein cyf/Our ref: Eich cyf/Your ref:ATI-17553b

Ebost/Email: [email protected]

Ffôn/Phone: 03000653920

25 July 2019

Dear Mr Hutchinson,

I am writing in response to your review request of 1 July 2019. The purpose of an Internal Review is to assess how the Environmental Information Regulation 2004 (EIR) request was handled in the first instance and to determine whether the original response given to you was correct.

Your original request was;

I shall be grateful if you will let me know what works Natural Resources for has done with Nicklaus Joint Venture Group Ltd at Machynys on water voles and when that was.

In our response to you of the 28 June 2019 we stated that in 2007 we were consulted on two planning application received by the Local Authority as follows:

• S/15971 - Residential Development Machynys Peninsula Golf Club, , , SA15 2DG.

• S/15973 - Engineering Operations to Provide Flood Attenuation Measures, Land Re- Profiling And New Wetland Habitat At Machynys Peninsula Golf Club, Llanelli, SA15 2DG

We shared with you the planning application information in the form of an attachment, but we couldn’t share with you our response to the consultation as it was no longer available as it had been destroyed under our retention schedule criteria.

In your request for review you requested; I shall be grateful if you will send me your schedule of record retention and destruction.

Our retention schedule is as follows:

Record Series Title: Flood Defence Consents Record Description: Applications, consents, consultation, refusals, deposited drawings, retain summary within database, decision documents Point of Closure: Once works are completed satisfactorily or 6 months after the time limit on the consent otherwise 3 years after the issue or refusal date Retain For 6 Years

Tŷ Cambria • 29 Heol Casnewydd • Caerdydd • CF24 0TP Cambria House • 29 Newport Road • Cardiff • CF24 0TP Croesewir gohebiaeth yn y Gymraeg a’r Saesneg Correspondence welcomed in Welsh and English

As these records were held by a previous legacy body the Environment Agency Wales and the retention criteria was 6 years, they will have been destroyed in 2013. I have attached the Environment Agency Retention Schedule Procedures for your information.

I’m sorry that you were not able to receive all the information you requested on this occasion, but you may wish to consider contacting the Local Authority to ask they still hold the information.

I am therefore content that we gave you all the available information we had available in response to your request. We now consider that we have complied with your request. However, if you are dissatisfied with our response you are entitled to pursue this matter with the Information Commissioners Office.

Yours sincerely

Tracey Gilliland Lead Specialist Advisor Information and Security

If you are still not satisfied following this, you can make an appeal to the Information Commissioner, who is the statutory regulator for Freedom of Information. The address is: Office of the Information Commissioner, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF. Tel: 0303 123 113 Fax: 01625 524 510. E-mail: [email protected]. Website: http//www.informationcommissioner.gov.uk

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