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INDEX TRANSACTIONS of Tbe CONGREGATIONAL HISTORICAL INDEX to tbe TRANSACTIONS of tbe CONGREGATIONAL HISTORICAL SOCIETY VOLUMES 1-XIX (19-01-1964) KRAUS REPRINT INDEX to the TRANSACTIONS of the CONGREGATIONAL HISTORICAL SOCIETY Volumes I - XIX (1901-1964) EDITORS Vols. I-VIII (1901-1923) Rev. T.G. Crippen Vols. IX-XIl (1924-1937) Dr. Albert Peel, M.A. Vols. Xlli-XVI (1938-1951) Dr. Albert Peel, M.A. & Dr. Geoffrey F. Nuttall, M.A. Vol. XVII (1952-1955) Dr. Geoffrey F. Nuttall, M.A. & Dr. Robert S. Paul, M.A. Vol. XVID (1956-1959) Dr. Geoffrey F. Nuttall, M.A. & Rev. John H. Taylor, B.D. Vol. XIX (1960-1964) Rev. John H. Taylor, B.D. The Congregational Historical Society, C.C.E.W., Memorial Hall, FattinAdon Street, London, E.C.4. KRAUS REPRINT LTD. Vaduz 1966 Printed in Germany Lessing-Druckerei, Wiesbaden SUBJECTS OF ARTICLES Vol. & Page Abolishing of the B.C.P., 1605 viii. 128 Academies, Dissenting- see ·under locations and tutors. Early iii. 272 Extinct ••. iii. 1 in Histocy of English Education xi. 38 Old vi. 290; vii. 388 cf. Education, etc. Academical Discipline, 18th century iii. 67 Achurch Parish Register iii. 126 Adkins, Ryland ... ix. 98 Advices for Peace, 1719 vii. 213 Agreement, Heads of, 1691 viii. 38 Aguecheek, Sir Andrew x. 66 Airedale College,Dr. Fairbairn and xiii. 131 Alden, John vfi. 242 Alleine, Joseph (illus.) vi. 73 Alnwich, Old Meeting-house v. 149 Alston Moor, Church at iv. 254 America in Colonial Days .•• iv. 384 American Life, Contrib. of The Pilgrims to xiii. 4 Amsterdam, Brownists in ii. 160; v. 325 Anabaptism in Engl. 16th and 17th cents. xii. 256, 312; xiii. 22 Anabaptists, Main Body xiii. 166 Ancient Merchants' Lecture vii. 300 Andrewes, Sir Thos., Lord Mayor and Regicide\ xiii. 151 An~, Cl}. & Dissent in Reign of Q. xvi. 164 Antidote against the Contagious Air of Jndepdcy. vi. 315 Antinomian Controversy, The vi. 389 &ber, Dr. E., Obituary of •••. vi. 2 Arbitration - see Richard, H. Arianism and the Exeter Assembly vii. 34 Ashburton, Cong. in ... ,xii,.1~6, 236 AsinUB OnUBtus ... -yjji. 114 Associate Congregations, London, 1805 viii. 318 Asty, John and The Fleetwoods iii. 187 Atkinson, Dr. S.B., Obituary of iv. 206 Attaway, Mr~., 'She-preacher' i. ·58, 113 Attercliffe Academy iv. 333; vi. 136; x. 198 Austerfield, Bradford House at xiii. 122 Australia, Centenary of Cong. in xi. 79 Autobiographies at Dr. Wiltiams's Library xvi. 108 Axm_inster, Ear!y_Hist: o(Churcii~i": ... iv. 107 nii. , 117 Baker of Wattisfield, Squire Bancroft and Brownists, Writings of Richard xvii. 83 Baptists, Early HisL of, in London iii. 88 cl. Burgess, W.H., and see Bourton-on-the-Water, Wallingford, etc. Barebone, Praise-God, His Eschatology iv. 64 vii. Barking,\Cong. Church at 67 x. 105, Barnes·, Ambrose ... 190 xv. 102 Barnet, Seminary at Vi. 117 Barret, John, of Nottingham ii. 266 Barrow, Henry-Letter to Mr. Fisher ii. 292 Four Cau,ses of Separation 1 SUBJECTS OF ARTICLES Vol. & Page Selections from .•• xix. 270 Bath - see Jay, W., Tuck, W. Baxter, Richard-Ambrose Barnes and x. 190 Bequest to students v. 298, 370 MSS. {at Dr. Williams 's Liby .) vi. 377 Morrice and Sylvester v. 298 New portrait of ii. 418 Notes xi. 59 and Oliver Cromwell x, 122, 167, 212, 250 Will of ••• v. 370 Works of xi. 102, 125, 189, 228 Beaminster, Monument at ii. 420 Beardsley, Wm. and Maria xiii. 68 Bedford~issionary Training College at xv. 33 Thomas: Moderate Answer (1645) xvi. 155 Bedworth Academy v. 68 Bellamy, John, Puritan Publisher viii. 110 Bells, Church, Monumental Brasses, etc. xi. 143 •Benson Free Church (Oxon.) xii. 239 Benson, Geo., Letters of Calamy to xi. 140 Bereman, W., Will of •.• vii. 93 Berkshire Notes and Queries xiv. 28 cl. Sumners, W.H. Bethnal Green Academy ~·· vi. 20 Beverley, Robt. Mackenzie Memoir ii. 326 Bicentenary of 1662 xix. 18 Bibliography - Early None ••.. i. 44, 99, 171, 252, 410; ii. 61,219, 432 of Cong. Ch. History ii. 119, 337; ix. 195 of Pilgrim Fathers, q.v. of Richard Baxter ... xi. 102, 125, 189, 228 of T.G. Crippen xi. 101 Billericay - see xv. 151. Binney, Thos. - see Newport, I.o.W. Biography, Directory of Congregational xiii. 69; xiv. 60, 65 Birmingham - Cong. in i. 330, 368; xiv. 68 Hist. and Teaching of Carrs Lane ix. 53 Bishops Stortford, S.S. Rules xii. 338 Blomfield, Bp. C.J., Letter of X, 91 Blomfield Street: Mission Ho. and Cong. Liby. xix; 206 Board - see Ccngregational Bohun, Letters From, 'to Dean of S. Pauls, 1674-6 xviii. 125 Bogue, David, xix, 194 Le'tter to William Bull, 1813 XVI. 143 Bohon Academy ••• vi. 24 Book of Sports, The vii. 273 Book Society, Chronicles of a xii. 164 Boseley, Ira - see Westminster Abbey Boston and The Great Migration ••• ... x • 147 Bosworth, Benjamin: Sitns of Apostasy (16'JJ) viii. 166 Bourton-on-the-Water, Ch. Covenant (Bapt.) ..• i. 270 Bradford, Wm., and Austerfield xiii. 122 Bradford-on-Avon, Morp.ns Hill Cong. Church xiv. 40 Brentford, John Jackson of .•. xi. 96 2 SUBJECTS OF ARTICLES Vol. & Page Bridgwater Academy ... v. 10 Briefs, Chmch xvC "i3'7 Brightman, Thos., L'Ecluse's Advertisement vi. 251 Broad Oak Academy iv. 249 Broadstairs,St. Mary's Chapel vii.- 44 Broadway Meeting-house (Somerset) rrc· 351 Bronte, Charlotte and Upper Cha. Heckmondwike i. 58 113 Brown, John, Obituary of viii. 225 Browne, Robert-and Achurch Parish Register iii. 126 Ancestors and Descendants of ..• ii. 151 Autograph, another .•• ii. 302 Booke which Sheweth· iIC ll Burial place of, i. 420 Excommunicatlon· of •.• iii. 312; v. _ 199 Heresies of xv. 51 House, Thorpe Achurch ii. 13 Kinsfolk of in Cambs. vi. 248 Later Years iii. 303 Memorial to ix, 4 New Facts concerning . _ ii. 235 New Year's Gift .i. 299; iC 12 Recovery of Lost Treatise L' 299 Retraction iii. 80 Selections from xix, 40, 97 Treatise of Reformation i. 116 Wife of ii. 158; iii. 303; viii. 82 Will of v. 199; x. 8 Brownist(s)-ln Amsterdam ii. 160; V. 325 Bmial of, at Horsleydown ii. 303 Faith and Belief Opened iv. 343 Conventicle v. 89 Humble petition of ••. v. 59 Lazy viii. 278 Pamphlets against, 1641-2 v. 83 Paternoster v. 34 Synaaogue iv. 300, 364 17'.rue Relation of a-Company vi. 214 Bruce, John - see Newport, I.o.W. Brynllywarch Academy iv. 245; vi. 136 Buckler aaainst the Feare of Death xvi. 154 Bull, Josiah · iv. 268, 312 Thomas ••• iv. 268 William ••• tv. 266, 304 Bunhill Fields - Tombs in ••• iv. 347 Plan of ••• iv. 354; vl, 141 Bunyan John-Imprisonments of ~·xv1.· 23 and Marsom, T. •... 'i. 79, 185 Burder, George ••• xix, 195 Burton-on-Trent, Hist. Cong. in iii. 81 Bury St. Edmunds-Church Covenants at ii. 332 Cong. Martyrs at ii. 73; xv. 64 Bury Street Ch., London iii. 117; iv. 92; vi. 333 Bushell Family, of Frodsham vi. 379 Button, Henry; Academy of iii. 285 3 SUBJECTS OF ARTICLES Vol. & Page Calamy, Edmund-as Biographer vi. 233 Two letters of •.. xi. 140 Visit to Scotland in 1717 xix. 253 Caley, Abraham ..• vi. 351 Calvin, John - see Vautrollier xii. 197 Cambridge - A Forgotten Meeting-house at iv. 223 Earlier Hist. of Emmanuel Ch.... iv. 183; ix. 50 Cambridgeshire - Kinsfolk of Browne in vi. 248 See Fen Country. Canterbury, Church Book of. .. .. vii. 181, 263 Canting Names ••. iii. 78, 141, 210 (cl. iv. 64; vi, 218) Cape Town, Romance of Colonial Ch. at xi. 55 Carlisle, Annetwell Street Church vii. 329 Carnarvonshire, None. in ii. 262 Cartwright, Thos., Unique copy of work of? •.. xiv. 143 Cave, South - see Yorkshire. Cavendish Church, Suffolk •.. xv. 7, 73 Century, John White's, 1643 vi. 57 Certificate for Dissenters' Worship, 1725 xii. 240 Certificate for Dissenters' Worship, 1807 xv. 47 Chandler, Francis, Diary of. .• vii. 373 Channel Islands - Puritanism in •.• i. 406 Puritans and Presbyterians in ... iii. 110 Chapel Building - under the Stuarts iii. 69 in West Riding .•. iii. 293 Charmouth, Manse at ... v. 192 Charterhouse Notes xi. 37 Chatteris Family, Dr. Watts and the x. 88 Chidley - Katherine - i. 113 Autograph of ii. 335 Counsel to Presbyterians iv. 324 Samuel ii. 334 Philanthropist and Iconoclast v. 92 Chips for Future Historians xiv. 189 Christchurch, John Warner of vii. 280 Christian Witness, The, 1844 xi. 156 Church - and Dissent. in Reign of Queen Anne xvi. 164 Early Cong. - Conception of xiv. 197 Statistics, 1603 ..• vi. 54 Member's Statement, 18th. cent. xiv. 94 of England - Account of, 1612 iii. 203 Divisions of the C. of E. v. 90 and State (1662) xix. Suppl. 1962, 15 Churches, Extinct, information needed on ii. 377; vii. 266 City Temple, Whence? xviii. 130 Clapt.on Park Chapel ..• x. 160, 234, 267 Classes, The Congregational, 1621-35 v. 291 Clavering Cong. Chron. of Book Soc. .. xii. 164 Clergies Address, Paraphase on, 1688 xix. 247 Clerical Subsidy, 1661. .. vii. 16 Clerkenwell Academy ... v. 155; vi. 20 Clyfton, Richard, New Fact concerning v. 325 Cokayn, George ... xii. 225 4 SUBJECTS OF ARTICLES Vol. & Page Coggeshall, Cong. in •.. v. 40 Colchester - Hist. Helen's Lane Church vii. 254" Ministers of Lion Walk xiii. 54 Colonies - see Brown, John, America, Australia, Cape Town, etc. Colyton Academy... v. 23, 157 Common Prayer, Abolition of Book of •.. viii. 128 Commonwealth - Congregational Incumbents xiv. 155 Play Acting during .•. xii. 212 Presbyterianism xv. 163; xvi. 39 Conmunion Plate - Ancient ..• iii. 25, 116, 153; x. 50 Flavel Cup (illus) .•• iii. 152 Pilgrim Fathers' (illus) iii. 154 1640-1660 xi. 143 South Petherton (illus) iii. 26 Taunton(illus) .•. iii. 116 Congregational - Biography, Directory of xiii. 69; xiv. 60 Board, London..
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