Landscaping and Turf Management. Instructor Guide, Volume 22, Number 2, and Student Reference, Volure 22, Number 3
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DOCUMENT RESUME ED 329 717 CE 057 177 AUTHOR Rodekohr, Sherie; Waeckerle, Debi TITLE Landscaping and Turf Management. Instructor Guide, Volume 22, Number 2, and Student Reference, Volure 22, Number 3. INSTITUTION Missouri Univ., Columbia. Instructional Materials Lab. SPONS AGENCY Missouri State Dept. of Elementary and Secondary Education, Jefferson City. Div. of Vocational and Adult Education. PUB DATE Dec 90 NOTE 795p. AVAILABLE FROM Instructional Materials Laboratory, University of Missouri, 2316 Industrial Drive, Columbia 10 65202 (order no. 10-2706-1: $37.10). PU3 TYPE Guides Classroom Use - Teaching Guides (For Teacher)(052) -- Guides - Classroom Use - Instructional Materials (For Learner) (051) EDRS PRICE MF05 1-_us Postage. PC Not Available from EDRS. DESCRIPTORS Agricultural Education; Behavioral Objectives; Competence; Competency Based Education; Floriculture; High Schools; *Landscaping; Learning Modules; Ornamental Horticulture; Pesticides; Pests; *Plant Identification; Plant Pathology; *Plant Propagation; Plants (Botany); Teaching Methods; Transparencies; *Turf Managemeilt; Vocational Educatiun IDENTIFIERS Missouri ABSTRACT This instructor guide and the corresponding student reference contain 12 units, which cover the following topics: (1) opportunities in the landscaping and turfgrass industries; (2) how plants grow;(3) plant identification; (4) hand and power tools (identification and maintenance); (5) pesticides; (6) installation and maintenance of trees and shrubs; (7) ilstallation and maintenance of bedding plants and ground covers; (8) turfgrass;(9) site pnalysis and evaluation; (10) plant identification and selection; (11) design elements; and (12) cost estimates. This material is designed to be taught to junior and senior high or vocational school students as a 1-year course. In tne instructor's guide, each lesson in a unit contains some or all of the following: objective, study questions, references, teaching outline, student test with answes, transparency masters, job sheets, and assignment sheets. Plant identification and selection tables are located in the student reference. (NLA) * ***************** * ****** ************************************** ******* Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original document. *********************************************************************** 10-2706-1 REPRODUCE If IS -PERMISSION TO MATERIAL INMICROFICHE ONLY BY U.S. DEPARTMENT OF 'MICA MON HAS BEEN GRANTED Offaa of tonal Reasatvf andknoowrnent EDUC ONAL RESOURCES INFORMAnON CENTER tERICI Landscapingand 6 SIOCument hasbeenfew ockje ety as aC awed from fne parson ot ofganuston oftivnating unor cnenosts nave been miles to .frp,ove TO 1HE EDUCATIONALRESOURCES reproductIon gusoty TuFfManagementINFORMATION CENTER(ERIC) Po.nls of +newt>,optntons mated ,n Intl dot- L.- tnenf etonot neceswity reoresont oftz,a1 OE RI pa:salonor poltcy bas 1-1 tdt c:7) .s9 ceZ g:Z Instructor Guide In cooperation with In cooperation with _ Agricuttural Education Section Agricultural Education Division of Vocational and Adul Education Department of Practical Ails Department of and Vocational-Technical Education Elementary and Secondary Education College of Fducation and College of Agriculture Jefferson City, Missouri University of Missoun-Columbia 2 BEST COPY AVAILABLE In this guide, trade names are used as examples. No endorsement is intended for products mentioned The activity which is the subjed of this report was supported in whole or in part by funds from the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, Division of Vocational and Ac4i ilt Education However, the opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect the position or policies of the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education or the Division of Vocational and Adult Education, and no official endorsement sho'.,id be inferred. Instructor Gukle LANDSCAPING AND TURF MANAGEMENT Writers: Sherie Rodekohr and Debi Waeckerie instructional Materials Laboratory University of Missouri-Columbia Consulting Editor: Richard Unhardt Agricultural Education o University of Missouri-Columbia Instructional Materials Laboratory University of Missouri-Columbia 10 London Hall Columbia, Missouri 65211 Volume 22 Number 2 Catalog Number 10-2706-I e December 1990 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Recognition is given to advisory committee members for providing their valuable time and suggestions in developing this unit. The committee consisted of Ralph Ball, Jim Bettis, Harry Bertrsnd, Stephen Bryant, Jon Ellis, Alan Hama II, Jim Lee, Richard Unhardt, Delbert Lund, Jim MacLean, Richard McConnell, David Minner, Ramona Schescke, Hubert Shuler, David Stokely, Leon Snyder, Donald Ward, and Jim Wine. Special recciplition is given to Carol Anderson of Osage Beach, Missouri, for illustrating this guide. Appreclatior, is expressed to Jan Bass of Springfield, Missouri, for providing editorial assistance. Recognition is given to Clark Harris for provkiing technical assistance on selected lessons. Appreciation is expressed to the following staff members of the Instructional Materials Laboratory for their efforts in producing this material: Harley Schlichting, Director; Amon Herd, Associate Director; Phyllis Miller, Assistant Director; Dan Stapleton, Assistant Direotcx; Sharon Dyer, Graphic Designer; Lori Holliday, Word Processor; Barbara Tidquist, Gradulte Technical Assistant; and Janece Seward and Wutti Leenam, Editorial Assistants. Veronica Feilner, Project Coordinator Instructional Materials Laboratory University of Missouri-Columbia Richard Unhardt, Assodate Professor Agricultural Education University of Missouri-Columbia 5 FOREWORD The development of the LANIcsagingLexaud_Mmagenieni guide is the result of suggestions by the MVATA Teaching Aids Committee. The Landscaping and Turf Management Advisory Committee suggested the topics to be discussed and reviewed the materials. This instructor guide and the corresponding student reference contain 12 units, which cover a wide range of topics including: opportunities in the landscaping and turfgrass industries; how plants grow; hand and power tools; installation and maintenance of trees, shrubs,bedding plants, and ground covers; turfgrass; site analysis and evaluation; plant identification and selection; design elements; and cost estimates. See the table of contents for a &tailed listing. This material is designed to be taught to juniors and seniors as a one-year course. Transparency masters, jobsheets, ald assignment sheets have been included where appropriate. Plant identitification and selection tables are located only in the student reference. During the summer of 1981, the Missouri State Board of Education formally adopted the conceptof "Instructional Management Systems' (1MS) as a Malty for the 1981-82 school year.The Missouri Commissioner of Education described the IMS concept as a practical way of °organizing for excellence" in education. To meet the demand for greater prod? Ictivity and accountability, Dr. Frank Drake,Director of Vocational Education, applied the elements of IMS tu form the Vocational InstructionalManagement System (VIMS). The VIMS process provides a framework to use in planning and organizing to assure excellence in Missouri's vocational education system by focusing greater attention on the management ofteaching and learning. This guide incorporates the needed component parts to aid agriculture teachers in theimplementation of VIMS. For ease of use, performance objectives and compe.dncies have been included at the beginningof the guide, as well as being incorporated within each lesson. A competency profile has beenprovided for convenient record keeping. Bob R. Stewart, Professor and Coordinator Agricultural Education University of Missouri-Columbia Terry Heiman, Director Agricultural Education Department of Elementary and Secondary Education LANDSCAPING AND TURF MANAGEMENT TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEGMENTS ii FOREWORD Iii COMPETENCY PROFILE xlv UNIT IEVALUATING OPPORTUNITIES IN THE LANDSCAPE AND TURFGRASS INDUSTRIES Lesson 1The Importance of Landscaping 1-1 Lesson 2Careers and Professional Organizations In the landscape and Turfgrass Industries 1-7 UNIT IIHOW PLANTS GROW Lesson 1Plant Growth and Development 11-1 WS 1.1:Monocot and Dicot Plant Structure Lesson 2Environmental Faciors Below Ground that Affect Plant Growth 11-11 TM 2.1: Textural Triangle TM 2.2: Nutrient Availability WS 2.1:Using the Textural Triangle WS 2.2:Solving pH Problems Lesson 3Environmental Factors Above Ground that Affect Plant Growth 11-29 is WS 3.1:Factors Above Ground that Affect Plant Growth UNIT III - IDENTIFICATION Lesson 1Identifying Characteristics of Trees and Shrubs 111-1 Lesson 2Identifying Characteristic.' of Narrow-Leaf Evergreens 111-9 Lesson 3Identifying Trees W3 3.1:Leaf Identification Lesson 4Identifying Shrubs 111-25 WS 4.1:Shrub Identification Lesson 5identifying Vines, Ground Covers, and Perennials 111-31 WS 5.1:Vine, Ground Cover, and Perennial Identification Lesson 6Identifying Characteristics of Grasses 111-37 Lesson 7Identifying Grasses 111-45 UNIT IV - TOOL IDENTIFICATION AND MAINTENANCE Lesson 1Hand Tools and Equipment 1V-1 JS 1.1: Restoration of Wooden Handles JS 1.2: Restoration of Metal Surfaces Lesson 2Power Tools 1V-11 DS 2.1: Winterization of a Lawn Mower UNIT V - PESTICIDES Lesson 1General Pesticide Information v-I Lesson 2Interpreting Pesticide Labels v-9 WS 2.1:Reading Pesticide Label Iv Lesson 3Using Pesticides Safely V-19 UNIT VIINSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE OF TREES AND SHRUBS Lesson 1Installing