Ballot Set Candidates to Vie for Mayor, Aldermen in Presidential Election
White Oak winners Cannon County are announced Vs. York Institue See Photos, Page 11 See Sports, Page 13 Home of KENNY CUNNINGHAM 132rd YEAR - NO. 11 Tuesday, September 20, 2016 TWO SECTIONS - 75¢ PER November ballot set Candidates to vie for mayor, aldermen in Presidential election An interesting list of Deanna Brown and Lu candidates have qualifi ed Ann Curlee, are hoping to for the upcoming Novem- unseat an incumbent. ber 8 election. Aldermen seeking A heavy turnout is ex- re-election are Faye N. pected for the election Knox, Lois Larimer, Dot- which includes the pres- ty Duggin, Adam Melton idential race featuring and JoAnn Davis. Trump and Clinton. In the Auburntown elec- The ballot also includes tion, current Mayor Rog- candidates for Woodbury er Turney is unopposed and Auburntown munic- as are aldermen Rita Kay ipal elections as well as Davis, Denise Crowell and Tennessee General Assem- Janice Fletcher. bly District 46 and U.S. Seeking the Tennessee House District 6. General Assembly District In Woodbury, two can- 46 post are incumbent didates are seeking the Mark Pody (Republican – KEN BECK photo post of mayor. Vice Mayor Lebanon) and challenger From left, Carol Denson Williams, Judy Taylor Fuson and Ria Baker hold a copy of their new book, “Under the Charlie Harrell has quali- Amelia Hipps (Democrat Lake,” which shares rich history about the hundreds of families, mostly from DeKalb County, that lost their fi ed for the post along with – Lebanon.) farms when the Caney Fork River was dammed and Center Hill Lake was created in the late 1940s.
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