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10-2-1903 The edC arville Herald, October 2, 1903 Cedarville University

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Recommended Citation Cedarville University, "The eC darville Herald, October 2, 1903" (1903). The Cedarville Herald. 311. http://digitalcommons.cedarville.edu/cedarville_herald/311

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IcOUEOE PROPERTY THREATENED. build material success and greatness, j A fertile soil, an equable temperature D. S. COLLINS {and favorable climatic conditions nre, Monday’s Cincinnati Times-Sinr /actors that enter into a combination, gives an account of a fire in a wagon that render the Ked River valley s * j Does the Right Thing by Giving factory which came near destroying Writes Interestingly of the peculiarly rich in nuriculturai pro*' property owned by Cedarviile college. Chas. lnsley $200 and Cost, Lone Star State. dilutions. (Rowing-side by side may The fire is supposed to have origuated be seen wheat,.cdUon. ecru, oats, sov-f from spontaneous combustion and for McCarty Bros. Iq compliance with a request from ghiun, Milo utilize, Kaffir corn, a] fid-! A comparatively small crowd at­ a v time tbe whole property was 43 Fast Main Ft, Springfield Ohio, the Editor of the Heralu J we will fi, potatoes, peanuts, ErisTi and Sweet}, tended the lnsley liquor trial in May­ threatened; The Times-Star has the give some of. the impressions arising potatoes and anything else you want or McFarland's coart, yet much Inter­ following'to say: Leading HATTERS AND HABERDASHERS from a recent trip into the Bunny to eat except tropical fruits ami frigid est was evinced by those who were in • "Thp factory occupied by J, H, zone productions. Domestic animate EVERYTHING NEW ' 'Vj- attendance, This is tfie first instance Southland. Our objective point Was Louis, who conducts a wagon making Vernon, Texas, comity seat, of Wil­ of every description, fowls, fidi and’ where the accused has been tried in and repairing business, together with Sole agents for Guyer’s Celebrated barger county, one of the northern game, prairie dogs, owls, jack rabbits the same village in which the offense carriage painting, etc., is known ns forming Hats, none better/ W e also carry tbb tier of counties lying just across Red and tails being very much in was committed, and. for this reason tho Codirviljfe apartment house. River from Oklahoma, The valley evidence. We he.»rd eotneh.aly say best line of medium and low-priced hats Iff tblf alone, there should have been a better It is owned by the Cedarviile colleges city. through which this stream flows has .coyotes andi'attle snakes .were rest attendance. Many people were ig­ of Cedarviile, of which Dr. David # long born tho reputation of haying dents of this section, but we saw -ntns norant of the fact that In'slcy’e trial McKinney, pastor of the Plum street Soft Hats 50c to 33:00 grentj.soil .wealth, being indeed, consid­ —in fact wCre not looking for’em, was set for Monday, which accounts church in this city is the president. W.: ered one of tbe richest in its adjacent Ed Lutz, a former Xenian and na­ Stiff Hats $i.oo to $3,00. for the scarcity of spectators. Dur­ W. H. Parks, the attorney, is the y f territory, of out - American water­ tive of Greene edunty, O., has been, agent for the building in this city. UNEQUALED BY OTHER DEALERS. ing the afternoon session many courses. . ' located in Vernon, for nineteen .years. '/iV ' '.V.XTIJUA^U £ w country residents equhl be seen in the The repository for the carriage works w Texas has also been charged with He is what is considered a pioneer, as" 4 Children's Headwear is our Specialty. court room which shows that interest fronts on Ninth street and is but one he came-west Wbfeu Vernon was but a w an unsavory reputation pertaing'to its is taken, in the local option fight by room deep In the rear of the reposi supply camp for the cowboy camps;- We will save you money on these sure, ' moral atmosphere, and is burdened people other than residents of the vil­ tory is tbe blacksmith shop attached We show tbe handsomest line of Neckwear ever brought io this with a history more Btrenuous than is at that time life in Vernon was indeed lage. to the plant. Over these rooms are a serious proposition and a little irreg­ city, prices ranging from - - 2 5 c " $ 1 . 5 0 # appreciated by the better element in Court opeued shortly after 9;Q0 a. the apartments, In the rear of this ularity freni cowboy-ideas'of demean­ W her population, that class which al­ in, and the state's witnesses were building is a four-story brick building or was.not entered into with.any great ways stands for the best interest and - ' Let us show you-our new line of Coat Shirts, in all the latest sworn; the defense having subpoenaed whieli is used exclusively for the highest we! fire of any commonwealth.' degree of assurance of continuance designs. We have exclusive patterns in Hose and Handkerchiefs, Silk none whatever. The attorneys then w'ork of the wagon making establish­ unless you first got the drop on your Within the last decade a decided and Wool Uuderwear, including ' \ 1 battled /or a Bliort time over some ment,” . ’ boy. -In case yoiir nervous system be­ change for betterment Has taken place minor legal points; thfc.defense asking comes sluggish oy corroded have Ed m the character of her make-up. For Unipn Suits,Night'Robes t for a trial by jury, and objecting to QUESTION a s t o leg ality. relate some of hi$ experiences in -this meriy its .most noteworthy feature several details in the affidavit,All. connection, and you will be relieved of were incorporated'in what was known and Fitzhugh Glovies. sr these were overruled or the objections' Jamestown is considering the advis­ that tired feeling in meter short. He as the “ wild and woolly west" com­ w not sustained .by the court, so the ability of regulating the soft drink sa­ is one of the busiest men to be found Favor us with'a Call and prised of a combination of outlaws, w ‘ first witness, J, G. McCorkell, cor­ loons, which have paid the Dow tax. anywhere; is authority upon all points you wil be convinced , cowboys, whiskey and six-shooters. poration clerk, was called. The wit­ Hou. Jesse Taylor is , Btroifgly op­ pertaining to real estate in North w . Today we find these almost, elimi­ nr ness read the records of the passing of posed to the regulation for the reason Texas. It was,told Us he might have When In The City Make Our Store Your Headquarters. \ r r an ordinance to suppress the liquor that he does not think it can be done nated and Texas fast filling with ‘ > bee'i u mi 11 inn air had he cared, to be, traffic aud also of the call for an elec­ legally. Tbe Greene County Press schools churches prohibition and the! J” ^ r ^ T p e T h e ^ e T 'lib e r a lily Springfield, Ohio. highest type of American citizenship, j giyes ^ mul. ^ h,ul !Uimy wdj.to.do tion in reference to local option. says aS follows: . Territory, once controled by cattle These records were offered as evi­ people make. 1 • ' "Cedarviile and Xenia both have kings with their ■ loose moraled, Mris, Lutz is a queenly woman with dence. ordinances**)!' that kind and in the tlnre devil, trigger pulling lepresenta* so much .ot the grace Chat becomes the Walter Iliff was next called and case of the former, very stringent tives, is being fast convert'd into the ladies of the South that it was . a de­ told the story of the, raid on Insley’s measures have been adopted. Mr. nestor’s home and settler’s paradise. light to meet and'converse with her. |AOK place, September 19, 1903. He Taylor stated that Cedarville’s ordi­ With the advent of rail roads into this to wpar. Never stated that he, in company with Offi­ nances are "not. worth the, paper fertile region begins an era of new Of course it goes without saying that one who is entertained iuTmch a home ¥ cer Kennon, Marshal. Grindle, E. S. they are printed on.” That, however life and'all along the.line of the iron must carry away an abiding assurance n. M. KAUFMAN, jACIC t a f f e t a Keyes and Harry Iliffj after meeting is a matter of opinion, as many lead­ horse invasion, the Red man stands that there is a peculiar charm in man- is Swiss taHetn, at the mayor’s office, went to Insley’s ing lawyers think' otherwise, aud that iu his' stoicism, unmoved hy tbe rush be $1;25 tt yard. place at or about 8:50 p, mM otr the the Supreme Court will uphold such of energy which sweeps over the land. | *icr niu^ demeanor within homes of evening named. He told of the find­ legislation, as the.descriptive language, ^ BLACK PEAXJ nnd appropriates the. wealth to useful-. ‘ • ’ Leading Clothier and Haberdasher! "withoutreference to per cent of in­ ness, which he disdainfully refuses to 1 he soil conditions both north and Me, double warp. ing of about twenty .persons in the 15 a yard. place, among them being one Mose toxicating qualities," conforms with recognize or develop, and the sent!- 8“u 1,1 of1Rf ? w e r are very much tlicj Jopes, who at the time of their en; the recent di‘cisiota'‘TJf','tbe 'Supreme mehtnllirbeinoaim 11^ fate Of theV8am^ W’H h w x t^ to f thispocalmriy =^ a S “Now Located at

tade of the latest khs. in all tbe new in variety o f pry Sale price 818,50 n •kJ t M M l N G S {d / Is business history, |r of the globe. Fine J»ie*half inch to six DISSOLUTION |nd allows, in al­ io white, cream An opportunity of a lifetime to buy new, up-to-date Clothing, Gents’ Furnishings, Trunks, [option, with bands St. Gall laces Valises, Hats and Caps, etc* As has before been announced, Mr. Chenoweth, of the firm of iBersiaft trimmings; laces. We Invite . Chenoweth 8c Me Wade has retired from the firm and purchase money due him1 from the succes­ f* and trimmings* sors, M cW AD E CO., must be raised by a specified time* Profits will not be considered while I netV lafge effects, , this sale lasts. You will be able to save ait least 25 per cent on all purchases. Irabian. AH sizes ir» I#l5.00eac!u ['lay we place on YOU WILL RGT1GE A FEW QUOTATIONS OF PRICES BELOW. that aria worth ■ bibfrcn’s coats.' Boys and children’s Suits, overcoats, shirts, Underwear, Men’s New Fall Overcoats, all wool, serge lined, colors Men’s New Fall Suits, all wool, cloth fronts, padded Our line of lists and cap? comprise all the latest styles and shoulders, the $12.00 qualities, in a dozen d * A Q F» hose, collars, suspedders, waists all m irked away down in gray, Mauve and black; the $12.00 and d* A Q C shapes at 98c, $1,48, $1.98 and $2,98, Two Cases c f different colors, including: blues, blacks and q / V i j i i ) Jiricev. . $14 00 grade at any nthor store m to#n. d ) / * 0 0 heavy fleeced underwear, bought fo sell at 75c, eegfc^ycSi clays, wide wails and fancy mixed cheviots ^ v / v 100 dozen boys* regular 35c knee pants * - Boys’ unioft suits underwear, the 79c grade, our prices, pon to lie sold at a tTnlon made «t iThe$15.00 grade a t ■■ Boys* corduroy pants, 60c and’50c, grades, at C* 50 dozen of ’em - - * « nf ilmsafne way The $15.00 grade at J Compulsory safe |ia we the room In Baiting; 7c« ft Follow the Crowd and spend Your Money where you Get most for it.1 }Uotlon Batting. Ian, fjf South Limestore Street,. Springfield, Ohio. McWADE COMPANY.

If' •in! fm-fo .•j.x,:,

r M rhe Gedawille Herald. J. Pi BOCKLETT MACHINE CO. AlW* ‘Combinations’'are all Right, Sometimes. $x.oo Rex' y a m ' . • FALL and XENIA, OHIO. Yea will think t.n to ), if you have one of our Karlli Hull IStiitur. Nitv • p It') KWm Main Sr '• N-st {-«;'/■ lie < L*- is;, s;, •>, * r PLUSH BUGGY ROBES AND STORM FRONTS. FRIDAY, OCTOBER % 1903 WINTER (Jet ana while they last* and ♦ O'. also ft blanket lor the horse. A J Ki, lv gii;e LIVE STOCK PERISH, i d - A - T b an«i M.n iii.i* iv' The Farmer's Handy Wagon . Okland stock farm, owned by W, Repairing a Specialty B, Bryson, was visited by a large t IS IIAYK everv kind of Huts except pn»r ones. You wi 1 find We have in stock, with solid wheels that you w our Huts always up-to-date, and -a little lower in pricy than can’t break down; just the thing {or winter feeding. fire last.S iturday evening, which de­ stroyed a barn 80.x-li feet in dimen­ vou have been paying elsewhere. Soft and J!l- llliT Fall'"Shadc-s, from , - " F C S t ? t(» S l 3 * S O X3ISAU1SKB IN • ' . We also have 'the Troy, sions, with tbo entire "contents. Fire Jackson and Coquillard was discovered about seven, o’clock •when the whole structure was a mass Special Sale on. 50 cent"1 Shirts. Second Hand Engines, Boilers and Machinery FARM WAGONS. of flames. The barn contained 40 tons’ofliay, 100 bushels of corn, 5 123 patterns to select from, with separate collars imd oufftiXo^ uiidch. in neat figures and dainty .stripes. They are actually worth bead of cattle, farnnonebinery worth ■t^AYo have iu Stock and on Hand, Imperial Wind Mills and Towers, 8550, and a cpH belong to Mr. Wil­ 75c. Our Price - ' - - * ;. ~ ; loughby. The loss is estimated $2,500 Boiler Flues, Thimbles* Ferrells, Stay Bolts, Patch with $l500p insurance. The origin Fall and Winter Underwear, 43c a Garment BUCKEYE PUMPS, 0{ the fire is unknown. . Kqtial to any 75c Underwear in the city. Many duller-1 ask Bolts, Patch Stocks and Fittings, Pulleys, Hang­ $1.00 -for no better, Our §1.00 a garment underwear is simply fine. I. X , L, Steel Works, ’etc , etc. ■ ers, Shafting, Screws, Nuts, Bolts, Iron and

Cal. and bee, at— ' ' \ TA /> l r r t T Q n r Our line dl Neckwear has no equal in the Steel, Mill Supplies and Brgiss Goods, i \ C L K V V C e l l . city, nr cti))’ bij surpassed by any §tnrc W. R. STERRETT. • in the state, AU the latest novelties are on, sale at our store.

WW s DISTRIBUTING DEROT FOR ^ T ri'nlc'T nd \I'A 1 i C P C H ,yo*' !jave no trunk, For coughs, colds, bronchitis, i I U I l K b c l l l v l V C lllo G S * uow is the lime to select, It asthma, weak throats, weak oiie. You cun make a.deposit, on a trunk or valise and have k sit This lungs, consumption,-take away until yon are ready to have* it delivered, Trunks 82 00 and PITTSBURGH f BFECT” FENCES, Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral. upwards. ■ . . and besf BUILDINGS MAY NEVER BURN! ALL .6ALVANIZ? STfeEL WIRES. C h erry THE F O R F J 35U D , F A R M a YD HOG FENCING. P ectoral THE ONLY ELECTRICALLY WELDED FENCE. EVERY ROD GUARANTEED PERFECT. ■= Always keep a bottle of it in 1 1 j> ir , HATTER Yet, You Carry Ample Fire Insurance. the house. We have been The DURABLE1 Fence, . M ' saying this for (50 years, and, None so STRONG. so haye the doctors. I n mt “ I havo'uBiid Ayer's Cborry r.octoml In p y 27 South Limestone, All large wires. family for 40 rear#. It 18 llie beat medicine store, is noi in the -world, 1 know, for nil ttiroat and lung Highest EFFICIENCY. 1L NOltOitOSS, Waltham, Mass. lic.,SO!r.,Si.oo. ■ j.o. atbkco . giiipx*X 3 3gi^f io ltL . Q . LOWEST■ r. COST. *■ ’ 4jk —/..u • Jl and notoriet. All drnrgisrsj^^. j- Q | . Towel), Mass* -N o Wraps The Lun gs to hoia ■MWWB8MII M«nnir'IIWII)IWII»li IHM*WWI — ■ • Moisture ' ^pjp| This sto Dally action of the bowels Is neces1 oary. Aid nature with Ayer’s Pills. . and cause *^o5" a room 18x1'- SEPTEDBER SAYINGS. | Rust. ■ 1 rxiTspur.cit tr .uFixT" T'^n-cinu. (StaiuJurd Style.) five stories a —Reduced fares to Denver account// Wintry winds, will, soon bn here. Have you Enough LIFE Insurance? Then you will neeil your undeiwoar, • thus you ha\ Broothood of St, Andrew’s National [email protected]"PBQ9F. U a aan SAIfc YCU H8HEY on Fencing. • fair, square, m. Convention; will ho- in effect Octob'T. 1 Ladies’ Union Suit3 50e CALL AND CES IT. 3.to 7, inclusive. Men’s. Union Suita * * - - - * 1 00 C.M. 0 estsjn price ’ —Heinz tom a to, catsup at Gray & Children’s Union Suits, 25c to 50c spared or cm accordiug to. quality *• Special Co. ■ ______colossial agg: to John Haas, of Lincoln, Ilk, is vis Misses Union Suits, girls 10 to 14 We Offer To-Day On Sound Ear Corn, Cool at a. Agent iting Almon Bradford olid-wife. .years, - - ■...... 50c to 75« and Sweet, Delivered . at Trebeins, Clarence Northiip and wife have Fall Style Suits Now in. purchased the B. W. Nofthup place K Per Bushel, of 68 _ Of the Oldest, Largest and Best Company in the World, west of town.. Almon Bradford con-. A few suits left from Spring, good C JO L / Pounds to Bushel cl>cDL/ summatod the deal. styles, $5 to 88, worth double. r Waists, in Silk, all Prices. 'Skirts, all No Shoveling, Good Dumps. —Ralston’s Health Crisps at 10c . . Prices, $2,75 '0 $3.00. . The Mutual Life Insurance Co., of New York. is something new, at Gray & CcfB The‘" Call, Write or Telephone. ■—Anyone wishing a well drilled School Days are Here. may have the same done by calling on Your hoys and Girls must have Good Hosiery Colonial Distillery Company W, H. Strain, ' 41d ■ at Fair Prices. Nothing better than the Bluck Trebeins, Ohio. m m G I V E N A W A Y Cat and Ouix Brands' 10c to 25c a Pair, Blankets 65c to $5 a pair, comforts 81-.00 to §2,50 each at Bird s. MAKE HOME CHEERFUL. • n- t>- cv v o s » How better than with Fortiers, Table Throws, LOCAL AND PE A SHETLAND PONY —Olive oil and Campbell’s salad Silkoline Spreads, Throws. (Lace Curtains— You ought’ to sea our SI.00 a pair. ' dressing at Gray & Co, ' FARMERS HAVE GOOD PRIECS. —Now fall hats at * Valued at $xoo will be given away ion Up-to-date Time to Furnish Your Carpets, Rugs, Linoleum, Windiw Shades. , —For Red Gross \ November is, 1903, to the person who Job Printing of all kinds executed John Pierce. - in first-class style at H kuald office. Use Our Punch Tickts ' holds the lucky number. Try it for luck. Joseph Osbosn, of C A Ticket given with each 25c purchase. guest of his friends her Those holding a merchant . ticket, Furniture . ”'1 HUTGHWSOH & GlfiJlEY’S, —Found, n pair of t now void tor a large portrait, can quire at Cooper’s store 16 North Detroit St., Xenia, Ohio. through October, only, use them on That will be suitable for all classes, as —Be sure and atlen \ * CH^lS. C, WEIMER * oUr.83 photos at a rate of 81.75 for our stock is complete in every respect at Mrs. Condon on Or. -DEALER IN- the dozen. J, J. Downing. and comprises different lines of • *' —Go to John' Piero Fish, Ice, Fresh and Salt Meats, Poul­ A Love Letter pitcher pumps, pipes, try and Vegetables. Give us a trial. C h a i r s B e d s f o i i d w Attention ts called t Xenia Avenue - - Cedarville, O. ows’ public sale Oct. L Would not interest you if you’re R o c k e d M a t ( r e ^ e s looking for a guaranteed salve for Janies Alsup is able sores, burns or piles. Otto Dodd, of C o u c h c M S p r i n g i i i again otter a siege of i Ponder, Mo,, writes: “ I suffered MORPHINE Opium, Laudanum, Cocaine and all Drug Habits New crop of cams with an ugly sore for a year, but a Ocuror Tables TV a^h^t a >k ! m permanently cured, without pain or detention from business, leaving no craving tomatoes and string he box of Bueklen’s Arnica Salve cured for drugs or other stimulants, \Ve restore the nervous and physical systems to me. It’s the best salve ou earth. 25c ^i

u‘ n hUi I V a Specialty High Street, Springfield, Ohio ftiMUlirtnfi laiaritiftilin 1»aii 11 1»aii ftiMUlirtnfilaiaritiftilin Machinery Announces the Grand Formal Opening of its


3olts, Patch ;ays, Hand­ i r o n a n d G o o d s , v i

OR m •

FENCESr This Magnificent Department Store—30 stores in one—Springfield’s pride, and acknowledged one of the handsomest, best lighted :e s . and best appointed modern stores in the world, will formally open its doors to the people.of Ohio and elsewhere, r m c m o -

5RPECT. : Thursday, Friday, Saturday October 1, 2 and 3

5 * In making this announcement, we extend a cordial invitation to the'general public to attend this Grand Opening, whether interested in buying or not. - A day spent in this Great store, is not only an . education but is likewise profitable as it brings you face to face with the products of Europe, the Orient and America’s. Artists, and at prices that have brought fame and notoriety to the name of W R E N , in Ohio, making a phenominal success, equalled by few in the world, opportunities considered.

This store represents the modest beginning of the house 20 years ago in building, which will.be found in poinCof style, quality and magnitude to ex­ of the attractions the many departments of the store presents in one day, we a room lSxlOQ.feet, or 1,800 square feet to the present magnificent-structure, cel anything of its kind hitherto ever seen in uuy one store of Ohio, 'Every­ have decided to hold a three days’ opening, Thursday, Friday and Saturday five stories and basement 100x150 feet, or 90,000 square feet of floor space one visiting Wren’s stores have the assurance of fair "and ^respectful; treat­ of this Week, October 1, 2, 8. Thisstor.e will be open, each night, but no OBEY on Fencing. thus you have it, where.a thorough knowledge of business, properly applied, ment. Everything is represented for just wliat it is'and one price for all. goods will be sold after 5:30 on Thursday and Friday nights. To add pleas­ fair, square, legitimate methods, accompanied by due regard for public inter­ The child,; the parent, the unlettered, enjoy like protection at Wren’s, hence ure as well' as interest to the magnificence of this .event, the cadet .band will D ARVILLE 0 ests in piicc malting are always sure winners. .No expense or labor has been the phenominal growth of the house,-, which today does the largest and most be in attendance the. three nights of the opening.1 The doors will be open spared or considered in the selection of the immense stocks, making up the successful business in the world for a city even.many time larger than Spring- promptly at 8 o’clock on Thursday and Friday nights Saturday night open colossial aggregation of merchandise tilling the six floors of this immense field. As it would be utterly impossible to get a comprehensive, knowledge as usual,' ■:.■■■■ ■.. . ;■■■ u ■■■ ■■. Corn, Cool cbeins, ‘

5 3 C

gif “-V >mpany

Mrs, W. H. Blair, .of Loveland, 10 tons of hay in barn; 50 shocks of ^ LOCAl! AND PERSONAL. ij Was the guest of her mother, Mrs. corn; some wood and Turner, also a Satterfield, for several day& last week. few pieces' of household furniture. . Miss ’ Ella Couser returned to Terms made known on day of sale. We are now^ showing —Now fall hats at Mrs. Condon’s. Springfield last Saturday after a five ^ PUBLIC SALE! f 1 A. G. Matthews .’ —For Red Cross whtd mills see weeks’ Visit with Sidney Smith and family. . S. X.'Baker,'Auct. «u. John Pierce. '. R. F, Iterr, Glerk. Public sales: October 6‘, George Fifth Annual Sale Joseph' Osbosn, of Cincinnati is the' . LIST OP LETTERS, guest of his friends here. Haines; Oct. 9, J. H. Drake; Oct, 13, . •$ . A. G; Matthews; Oct, 20, W. H. List of letters remaining uncalled .Winter 55 Head of Fancy iture —Found, a pair of eye glasses, in­ Barber, . for in tho-Cedarville postoffice for the quire at Cooper’s store. ’ SMITH—ERVIN, month ending Oct. 2, 1903. —Be sure and attend the opening List No. 40. • isses, as POLHItD CRUM RO0S at Mrs. Condon on Oct. 9 and 10. The marriage of Miss Jean Blanch Alexander, Mrs. Bessie respect —•Go to John1 Pierce for lift and Ervin to Air. Oscar Smith took place Freeman, Luther Our reputation for pitcher pumps pipes, etc last evening at the bride’s home on T. N. Tarbox , P. M. keeping TH E BEST Will be sold on the farm two Xenia avenue. The cermony was per­ Attention is called to A. G. Math­ goods, at medi jm pri­ miles E a st of Cedarville, » a d « ews’ public sale Oct. 13.’ formed by the bride’s pastor, Rev. W. •WARNING! BEWARE! J, Sanderson, the ring ceremony be­ ces, is well known £o James Alsup is tthle to he around On Inst .Saturday bight at 1 o’clock Greene County, Ohio. ing used, The ushers were: Misses our many customers ng tin after a siege of typhoid fever. Junta Pollock and Fern Ervin and chicken thieves entered the roost at 'SI New crop of canned -corn, peas, Messrs. RobertLouis and LouisSmilh. the home of Mrs. A. G. .Miller, They in and about Cedar- tomatoes and string beans at Cooper’s. Miss Mary Ervin was maid of honor, were frightened away by a member of ville. If you have nev­ M a u d ? * the family If they return blood j Clayton McMillan arrived home while Helen Oglesbee and Gladys Triday, October 0, io o j, Wiklman were ribbon hearers. Aftei hounds will he sent on their trail fori er worn any of our ;ll«v S*»(fllld8 Wednesday evening from his western the ceremony a four course supper they are known. This is a warning for j shoes, it’s tim e you trip. was served, them to stay away and avoid future Commencing at 12 o’clock, m., —Millinery opening at Mrs. Con­ The bride and groom were driven trouble, . ’ rX should. N ot how don’s on Friday and Saturday, Octo­ to Springfield where they left for an cheap, but how good sharp, the following, hogs: ber 9 and 10. extended eastern trip. They will be has always been our Consisting of 40 gilts and 15 boars, itsl W. R. Bterrelt left Thursday at home after Nov. 15 at Richmond XflaCe, Birmingham, Aia., where the motto. amifactttviuu;o it,ortiing for Fargo, Dakota, where he Store representing the following sires: will visit his sistt r. . groom is employed. The newly wed­ tis to quote ded couple are bein'; congratulated This season we show more nice goods and a Miss OlaM McMillan leaves the Ideal Sunshine H, Ohio Sunshine, by hosts of friends. Character. wider range of prices than ever before. Our liret of the week for Philadelphia Among the out of town guests Buckeye Perfection, O. H. Sunshine, where she will attend school. were, Mr. and Mrs A, Y, Reid, of Specialties are men’s and women’s shoes at Rev, Waiter’ Condon, accompanied Cincinnati; E, A, Louis and family, The Best I Know* and out of such by bis mother, arrived home Tuesday of Sabina; Mr, and Mrs. E. O. Din- I , Drug Stores have charac­ $3.00 and $3.50, -in all leathers and all toes. from Milwaukee, Wis,, where Mr. wtddie, of Springfield; Cliircuce Hol­ ter the samn ns men, Judge dams as Lady I Know, Queen Fos­ LAF Condon underwent an operation for lingsworth, of Richmond; Arthur (ippomiici'tB, them by drqps, deportment We Keep the Best Children’s Shoes Made. ter VI, Fraser’s Delight, Select ^ufnitnre Dealer. Brown, Monmouth, 111,; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sherman of Emm, who takes Robert Elder, Mr. ami Mrs, Howard nnd achievement. If well Maid, Chief’s Daughter, All Fancy, A1 Gaunt’s place as fireman at the Smith, Will Smith and Miss Edith di/CSHfcd, much is revealed. If paper mill, has moved inm his proper* Smith, Selina. - Happy ,Chiefness, Chief Bess II, tyjjust \ftcalcd.by Jos A.dibnugh, who no ill ia 11 of them, more FRAZER’S SHOE STORE, ]4GE Bflp! moved into the Kwry properly on PUBLIC SALE tft indicated. If u large meas­ Prima and Bradford’s Queen. ,South Main street. r ;VILLE, OHIO. ure of luireess Is theirs, most East Main street, Xenia, Ohio. Communion service? will be'held in The undersigned will offer at public the tJ P. church Sabbath, Rev. O. II. is told. ‘ , ; Middleton, of Ehlerfon, Pm, conduct'. 8!<^e» ou the Jas, L, Raney, farm This Store looks well, stands 1 ■** big the services, Preaching at &30J miles west of 6 ednrville find & miles Cash or bankable note for 90 days with fi per cent interest. well and has prospered.*— * of Merchants and 1* = p .»»., standard time. Young Peo east of, Xenia, near the Columbus What it seems to he it "is, SoJicifCil. (tollwBo*, pies’ meeting at 5:30, Preaching pike, Tuesday, October 13, 1903, at PUBLIC SALE, calves and 2 steer calves; 28 feeding & and remitted* Friday and Saturday afternoons. Wo try to win trade by de­ J. M. DRAKE, JOHN H. PINNEV. 12:30 o’clock, standard time, the fob hogs, 5 rows aftd pigs, and one year­ serving it; we hold trade by ling Poland China boar; farming im­ Col. O. II. Ootrcll, Taylorsville, Til., nnd Col, I). P, Me* k A fts J 5 ,"r J J t '■ l i t “Lt i w;,7b;m never giving a1 customer, the . „ Cracktn, Paxton, 111., Auctioneers, J. H. Andrew, ...... 3 head of horses, consisting of one plements: 1 two-horse wagon; 1 Su­ Tucr-day, when C* II. Grouse took! slightest reason for leaving, On Tuesday, Oct. (>, 1 will offer at ■ Cedarville, 0 M Clerk, ehaVgeof tim rmmUtorc thafhos been ’ good lead horse, one colt, two years perior grain drill: 1 Evans corn plant­ Wo ask your trade be­ my residence, three miles northeast nf RAIN OR SHINE SALE UNDER COVER. Now v * * ftn<1 operated under the name of G, W. icdd; 1 black driving mare, t year old; er; Milwaukee mower; hay fake; two (1 at 1»» Mb/****• IJJj cause w^ know we ran make so,?t convenient w&y * : f rmtso ter nearly twenty-five^ years, | # }iead of cattle, consisting, of one Jer- Cedarville, the following properly; • breaking plows, 1 disc and X Evans you sebure in your drug buy* day of sale; J Short Bis head ofrimrses, Consisting of harrow; 4 sets of work harness; feed >' Jit All. iug; can protect your inter­ - Hurtt heiftf. com-. 2 gfiod brood mares, 8 years old; 1 grinder; 1 cable-stay fence machine; 1 f est? in every way. W. M. HARBtSON, ’s Restaurant ...... steps dow gelding 13 years old; 2 two year old Buckeye spray pump and many other ] h m Real Euinter *¥,‘ : tho business Is left to his sou, G. H. spring calves; 34 head of hogs, eon roadsters and 1 yearling draft colt; l» articles.m. Terms: lc,n.K -Ten X™ months „ credit Jiniwmd Engineer, Jlcm- m Jhteral 'Security. , and Dining Rooms (house, O. W, Grouse thinks lm has slating of 3 aoWA with pigs; 29 feeding JOHN WBST & C'\, 2ycnf*old steers; 11 yearling steer; 2 will* hem given on notes with approved {)er M, E, Church, and Currie hr, n in the business long enough tos hognj ‘ one ‘ thoroughbred Gliesitcr registered Polled Durham cown; 1 securitytty on sums over $0. - ^ No.. 94, G, A, R, take, a much needed rest. Success is Corner High and limestone Hrwrt White boar; 21 head of sheep, ton* thoroughined Khort Horn1 and 4 grade George T), Haines. predicted in every respect for the new ISAAC WfSTERMAN, Manager, Hitth Pm** Blmrt item ei)W?L2 tlmroughbred bull I t E. Corray, Auct, Ohio, Hprlttgfield, Ohio, .miti., v;«o e.c«» proprietor. slsting of 24 young breeding ewes: m! ,T WlMwaftt LA*n1*qJ

^ | | L l amr* *

B*r&rMmB0 Pm* N im *3 -Underwear, - flcCAUL PATTfitm * - .ff- &£tigs Medfe Sticks, r , ' . T £ * F » 2 S tn k c f 2RCH1 • Q. . • BLACK & ANTHONY, Cotton and All-Wool Blankets, ' IttC'-w 'TbgtecgZ? P&iy-izf ? r rzti,- ‘ Limestone street, Springfield,. Ohio. .• . |. jsg nli Jkxis a vVearw „ Ayy^J. ’ - =?* ;d tr. 3 %stMe€ %Iciettkkfs}~ hz&its €sicfirfi3SV , h sS S M Moms?* GET A FREE PATTERN. FOSTER' GUARANTEED KID GLOVES,

- ■' ® . . ■ . ' A Store Full of New Fall The big fall shipments have been coming in for the past three; weeks and the counters and shelves are piled full of everything worth' having in New Fall Dry Goods Quality is the spirit of this store. Quality, nrs-- Quality last. Quality all the time. Where quality is, satisfaction is, and that is the place to spend your moneys ex" penses are the smallest, our profits are the closest, our styles and qualities are the best and most dependable, and our prices are the lowest. Satisfaction guaranteed at this store or your money promptly refunded. ______'

$3,919 Worth of Handsome la ce Curtains. Dress Goods Department. Cotton Goods. Our Hosiery Can’t Be Beat. W e 'have the Best' Black Hose lor boys and; Black Mohair at 25c, 39c, 59c, 75c and $1.00 ■ New ffanelelts and Gatings as cheap as a n y 2

Materials are excellent, Styles are in harmony with the latest modes, Tailoring is careful and thorough. The ensemble of the stock is pleasing, and if you examine each garment youTl be more fayorafoly impressed. jiem Veils, Iiaees, Rid Gloves, Ribboos, Leather Goods potions of every description. When you come to Springfield next time try us Make our store your headquarters. You are always welcome, and we will take care of your packages until you are ready to start home, or as long as you may wish us to. . Si

—For pure spices, vinegar and' mayor McFarland . gave a very unsatisfactory ami elusive ] | LOCAL AND PERSONAL , Sj No Counterfeits Here. pickles go to Cooper. ' | ____ answer. He claimed that lie bod.( only entered Insley’s place to procure 1 The reunion of the 34lb O. I-j Lottie and contents; Keyes furnishing a cork-screw with which to extract | Perfect style iu footwear is not a will be held at the 0. 8. & 8. O Home j transportation for Kenrion to Colum- the stopper from .the liotlle. It was j atni- - . Xenia,'Y October 22. There are'n l*n j)li8t aljeturn.. * j FIN E SU ITS matter of accident; it is the result easily seen that Mr, Jones strained l ODly three members of this regiment} Officer Kennon then testified. Mr. r*-*~ of careful and painstaking rnaking;- the truth on several occasion# nod con leK who live in this vicinity, Messrs. i Kenmo was the first to enter the ...... ,, the sum of little improvements. oeeft ■ They are flying South, again. . L B . Winter, Alex. Kyle and J. M, iyoom on the night of.' the raid. rHe.i8T ^ t l y contradicted himself r Tarbox. | corroberated the previous testimonyi.aona AT LESS THAN MAKERS’ PRICE. Wanted:—'Lard and potatoes at —A range or base burner that will! at5<1 in Edition told of the delivery of j Lee Sbroadea and Burt McFarland,! Bird’s. save your money can be found in the j'the good# to the state chemist, on | both .draymen, were called to the M m Daisy Hill k viritpig her "The Dutch Sock” combination, AW m ake* See the display at Kerr the 21. He was then stond fehroades testified to mother* & Histing# Bros. cused and Otto. 8, Marksworth, state) hauling freight for Insky. The be sure and see 1 [ freight was marked '“ hardware” when —Pjcklea, sweet, sour and mixed at chemist, was called, them . Men’s and boys’ f‘Duck” coats, cor­ Cooper's. $2.90 Mr. Marksworth told of his receipt [ received, mid “ empty” when re- duroy pants, leggings; etc.; at Bird’s. of the liquid and of its immediate |turned,according,^to his teslimony* Miss Mary Bratton k home from ‘ ♦The ICE KING/’ combination, Bay McFarland who has been mak­ annt/sis. He reported it conLainingiHfi fidd of examining r of the hot* Chicago for a few weeks. snag over, got them all beat a city block ing,_n .a ...... tonr ...... of the ...... fail s with Watt...... and5,15 per cent alcohol, by volumn, j des end finding it to be from L» —Fruit cans and stone jars with $1.90 Faust, has returned home and Mon land 4.08 per cent by weight. H e} Hester, Columbus. McFarland or without covers at Cooper’s, Ladies’ stylish box ^ . ■ A day resumed his studies at the college, had the bottle in Ids possession and j t°ld of finding the same on the bot- caff, the very thing J C f l For Bale:—A two story house on _ , , , ,, I handed it over to the court. The j Iks. for had weather - Don t purchase« Mow uuulvauIto.UiJ ta| E. 8. Ke,c» *ns here recoiled. -He Miller street. Inquire of Mrs. W, have seen our display at Kerr &; [Ohio/’ blown into it. He said he knewbeing freight agent is in position to M* Mitchell. Hastings Bros. Rubbers!! Rubbers!!! • j of the firm and their location in. Co-} know of the slnpments. His tes\F Mies Pansy Ford left Wednesday W. D. Nisbet and family .left'lumbus, also of their brewing beer.; mony showed no less than fifteen’' for Chicago where she has accepted a The line is complete in infants’, Monday for Hhelhyville, Ind., where-The bottle was then offered as e-vi-’ barrels arriving to Insley each week, position in an office with her uncle. they will visit Mrs, Nisbet’s parents Idenee. ' I the same being billed as hardware but childrens', youth’s, ladies’ and. Bargains irt ladies* . ready-made before returning to their homo inj Marshal Grindle then took the sent from the L, Hester company of men's croquet, storm, Alaskas and dress skirts, uri all wool skirts Irr blue Chicago, island. His testimony wft# the same Columbus, and returned to the same arctics. Qur price is ten per cent and black- at $1.98 at Bird's. j —Just received some Ralston’s 08 ihat previously given ns was people. • Mrs, J, It, Thompson, of Zanes-j lower than the lowest. Breakfast Food, Health Oafs, Hom­ Harry Biffs, who followed him. AHAfter a recess of about five minutes vlUe, who has been. visiting Mrs, iny Grits and Pancake Flour. Any the witnesses examined so far over- 3 Woodrow Warner took thj stand but Claud Phillips, returned home Tues one is a find breakfast dish, at Grtiy heard tnslcy’s remark to Jones. 5 knew nothing of any consequence. day, McCORKELL’S and Co’s. tf The following wit nesses, except-^ His testimony concluded the state*# ing those who were recalled, and Me- (feide of the case and ns the defense ■ —Oreswe!! arid Baker, breeders of Popular Priced Store, Wanted!—Girl to do general house­ Farland and , Shrofldes, were in the had none to offer, the attorneys gave W e B o u g h t pure bred Berkshire hogs, lmve a few work, Call or address Mrs. T, C, place at the time of the raid. their arguments, choice maic pig# for sale, Cedrtrviilc, Davis. The sample of one of the: best New York Suit M u,ufai tumi I, M. Deck, fDude) then testified. Neither attorney reviewed the tes­ Ohio. ■ ASM bought them at a price that.we can sell them for less than New pah cake flour «t Bird’s. Hi# testimony developed nothing new. timony, but both did a littlo sparing Bringing your produce,' we pay. 20c manufacturers’ price. Every suit is-perfect and the -tylcs stfj —For Sate : A farm of 82 acres, Louis Hencily of Dayton, was here Court then adjourned until or,e over a few minordelails, Immediate a lb for butter; 20c per doz. /or eggs; absolutely correct. No two alike. Price are from 812 00ftp.- good improvement#, plenty of fruit, the first of the week, o'clock, *44’ ....1 05c a bushel for potatoes, 10c a lb for iy after the defender's lawyer con- long payment#, Inquire of J, P. Court was resumed at 1:00 p, in. < eluded, Mayor McFarland pronounced --Sofnetl hg flue lire Heinz’s bulk lard, at Bird's, W alking Skirts Williamson, preserves at Gray 6c Co, Cliarle# Beamer, Samuel McGinnis; -{the accused guilty. ^Attorney Arm Mr#. Lida Torrence Brewer, of Mr, and Mrs, ■ Will Torrence, of Frank Jones and William Jones took strong immediately gave notice of an Exceptional value# in best styles and cloth#at $4.00, $5.00, $5.5$j —Acorn heating skives, ranges, for Xenia, and Mr#/J, R Thompson, of South Charleston, who have been in the stand in the order named. They appeal for d new trial. and up. Cheaper skirts in good material# at $2,00 and $2 50. J hard or soft coal ft Kerr & Hastings Zanesville, with a few others Spent the west'for several month# returnel told the same story as already related, Mayor McFarland, after reuliug Bros.. - . . . -.’■■■ last Friday at the home of X T, home this week. regarding the raid, hut none remem­ See. 181.1 of the Beal law, arose nud Ready-to-wear Hats Dick Boyles, of Day fori, was eifi Phillips, bered of seeing any of the wet goods •^Fot A . secondhand plain wheat saids .“ And I , do assess n fine of $1.09 buys a very stylish Street Hat at our house in all cok>n,| vitiating among li’fl I’rknth here last soil; especially the bottle taken From —Mittens and gloves, shirts, jackets 8200 and costs/’ Court then ad­ drill tall at ‘Kerr '& Hasting Bros, ] week. Mosts Jones. fully, afi good as usually sold At $1.50, Trimmed Hal# in thetw-j D, M, Dallas, d id f . and overalls at Cooper’s, journed. The deeission caused no ex reel new style# At dry goods prices. Children’s School Hat# „ , ■ t ; „ —Heinz's strawberry, cherry, black Mosc Jones was then ended. Ho cifement whatever, as it wna ea# by If rank Mills and sister, Mrs, Rems-j rnfl|,{! mow to town. He will hold ft public a dork night he could not say whether JOBE BROS. & CO-i the friend was a while or black man, qualified ns administrator of the es­ her# and you get the best at Bird’#, ,#a!e Tuesday, October 20. -Hi# s.ik Men's corduroy suits, splendidly ■ i , bill will be pot oiTf^ (Iif; first of the! made and gmtrtfnteed to wear At time# he flatly refused "to answer tate of the late Thomas WJ-bretcher, Subscribe for the IT* raid, . Price fim question# propounded by the i mok fa tty propt-Hy for sal,.. , ^ ,q Bird’#, IvOiiptif F. Kt-JtR. state’s attorney, Milo Huodgrass, or fkpiember 10, 100J1. , 42d XENIA, OHIO.

At - ^ ■ ■ - y*' - W- " - * -