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HOW IT DEVELOPED, HOW IT CAN BE ADDRESSED P46 P30 JUNE 2021 THE JESUIT REVIEW OF FAITH AND CULTURE The Crisis in Catholic Theology HOW IT DEVELOPED, HOW IT CAN BE ADDRESSED Grant Kaplan and respondents The Conversation Starts on Page 26 PLUS: Robert W. McElroy: Eve Tushnet: Prince Albert of Monaco: Do Not Weaponize the Catholics and Conversion Together We Can Save Eucharist Therapy the Earth p42 p30 p46 1 | AMERICAMAGAZINE.ORG JUNE 2021 AMERICA | PB A2105-10-SOMOS-AM-AD.pdf 1 5/10/21 3:40 PM SOMOS IS HERE FOR YOU. Get vaccinated C against COVID-19 M Protect yourself, your family, Y and your friends. CM MY CY CMY K Visit to schedule an appointment or call 1-833 SOMOSNY for more information. SOMOS is a non-profit, physician-led network of over 2,500 health care providers serving over 700,000 Medicaid beneficiaries in New York City. Launched in 2015 by its Chairman Dr. Ramon Tallaj, SOMOS is the largest and only physician-led performance provider system participating in the New York State Delivery System Reform Incentive Payment Program (DSRIP). The SOMOS network includes providers delivering culturally competent care to patients in some of New York City’s most vulnerable populations, particularly Latino, Asian, African-American and immigrant communities throughout the | 1.833.SOMOSNY Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan and Queens. AMERICAMAGAZINE.ORG JUNE 2021 AMERICA 2 | ©2021 SOMOS Healthcare Providers, Inc. dba SOMOS Community Care (SOMOS). All rights reserved. | 3 The Conversation The British government announced years we have hosted a wide range of down there near lawyers in terms of in May a new initiative aimed at authors across our platforms. In the popularity. What does take some cour- protecting free speech on university area of economics, for example, we age is defending the bishops when we campuses, a move that follows have published capitalists, communi- think they’re right. And it does take several high-profile instances of tarians, social democrats, libertarians, some courage to buck the prevailing de-platforming and cancellation of even a communist. In the area of the- establishment ethos on matters of hu- controversial speakers and opinions. ology, just this month, America pub- man sexuality or economics. And it Predictably, the political left and right lished an article by one Catholic bishop took courage for America to say, on disagree, not only about the nature who argued that pro-choice politicians the precious few occasions when it was and scope of the threat, but whether should not be admitted to Commu- true, that Donald Trump was right. it is even real. Mercifully, we are not nion—we then published an article by America should have the cour- likely to address this sort of problem a different Catholic bishop saying just age to pay less attention to the mob in the United States through national the opposite. And in between, we pub- and more attention to you. Here, Pope legislation. But that doesn’t mean that lished hundreds of your comments Francis is showing us the way. The the same social forces—polarization about this important question. pope believes in God, but he dialogues and ideological partisanship—are not America’s answers to such ques- with atheists; he believes in a commu- at work here. tions, of course, are contained in our nitarian approach to economics, but America has attempted to meet unsigned editorials. But offering you he meets with capitalists; he has spo- the challenge by publishing diverse our corporate opinion is but one, rel- ken out against “ideologies of gender,” opinions, an approach we have formal- atively small part of what we do. Our but he has known and met with trans- ized in a new editorial initiative, “The main task is to host opinions, to ex- gender people. You should hold us to Conversation.” (The conversation we pose you to a variety of individuals and a standard that requires that kind of initiate in this issue centers on the fu- groups, all within the broad spectrum courage. ture of Catholic theology.) The choice of Catholic opinion. Some people say that this edito- to showcase diverse viewpoints stems That inclusive approach is not, rial approach is nothing but an ide- not only from the fact that ideological admittedly, a widely popular choice. alist’s fantasy. But those who think partisanship is this editor in chief’s In the present polarized climate, voic- that do not know you as I have come well-known bugbear, but also that this ing contrary opinions requires cour- to know you. For nearly nine years, I has been America’s approach from age, which is sometimes described as have traveled the length and breadth the start. “True to its name and to its “speaking truth to power.” But context of this country, meeting thousands of character as a Catholic review,” the counts for a lot here. The most pow- you. I trust you. I trust the education editors wrote in our first editorial in erful force in the public, ecclesial dis- most of you received from the Society 1909, “America will be cosmopolitan course isn’t the secular media or the of Jesus. I know that you are not afraid not only in contents but also in spirit.” U.S. bishops, but the elite foot soldiers of argument, not afraid of different Joseph A. O’Hare, S.J., the tenth edi- on social media and elsewhere who viewpoints; that you are suspicious of tor in chief, put it this way: “A Catho- police the boundaries of ideological dogmas not thought through to their lic journal of opinion should be rea- orthodoxy, both left and right, often consequences; that you value intelli- sonably catholic in the opinions it is with cynical, brute force. gence, diversity and charity. willing to consider. Which is not to say It doesn’t take a lot of courage, for For which I say: Thanks be to God. that catholic means indiscriminate. It example, for us to publish someone Once again, welcome to the con- does mean, however, that we will pub- who is denouncing racism. Our audi- versation. lish views contrary to our own, as long ence wholeheartedly agrees. It doesn’t as we think they deserve the attention take courage to publish an editorial of thoughtful Catholics.” criticizing the U.S. bishops—they are Matt Malone, S.J. Accordingly, over the last several not that popular to start with, ranking Twitter: @americaeditor. 2 | AMERICAMAGAZINE.ORG JUNE 2021 AMERICA | 3 THE ISSUE GIVE AND TAKE DISPATCHES FEATURES 6 12 20 YOUR TAKE CANADA’S DEVELOPMENT A CRISIS IN CATHOLIC Forum: The conviction of & PEACE SEEKS REPAIR OF THEOLOGY Derek Chauvin DAMAGED RELATIONSHIPS The uncertain future of theology in the U.S. academy 8 Calls for vaccine equity in race to Grant Kaplan OUR TAKE tamp down next Covid-19 outbreak President Biden and the politics 26 of refugee resettlement Brazil’s elderly rely on church The Conversation: Responses from outreach as Covid-19 crisis continues Ligita Ryliskyte, Ty Monroe, Carolyn 10 Weir Herman and Christopher SHORT TAKE After Biden policy shift, sisters Mooney The free market is not fast enough. race to the U.S. border to help Vaccinate the world now. asylum seekers 30 Mary Beth Powers CATHOLICS AND CONVERSION Hard hit by pandemic, Africa’s THERAPY rural priests turn to unorthodox How a controversial practice shapes fundraising what many L.G.B.T. Catholics hear from the church Eve Tushnet 4 | AMERICAMAGAZINE.ORG AP Photo/Amit Sharma AP Photo/Amit A man runs to escape the heat from multiple funeral pyres of Covid-19 victims at a crematorium in the outskirts of New Delhi, India, April 29. THE ISSUE Cover: America FAITH & REASON JESUIT SCHOOL SPOTLIGHT THE WORD 42 56 70 DO NOT WEAPONIZE THE POWER OF AN INVITATION Reflections for Sundays THE EUCHARIST Jesuit High School Tampa welcomes June 6, 13, 20 and 27 The Eucharist is being used for 22 students into the Catholic Church Jaime L. Waters political ends. This must not happen. Sean Salai Robert W. McElroy LAST TAKE 46 IDEAS IN REVIEW TOGETHER WE CAN SAVE OUR 74 58 COMMON HOME JAMES MARTIN, S.J. The environmental crisis is an MY FATHER, THE PENTAGON Daniel Berrigan: A Jesuit for the opportunity for a new beginning PAPERS AND ME long haul Albert II My father’s story has inspired other whistleblowers Robert Ellsberg POEM FAITH IN FOCUS BOOKS 63 50 Klara and the Sun; Economy Hall; RAISING MOTHERS MEN OF FAITH AND FORTITUDE Afro-Creole Poetry In French From Preeti Vangani Reckoning with my father’s final act Louisiana’s Radical Civil War-Era The 2021 Foley Award winner of love Newspapers; Lifeblood of the Parish; Frank DiFulvio The Last Brahmin; From Confrontation to Covenantal 54 Partnership With God in the delivery room Kristin Weston JUNE 2021 VOL. 224 NO. 7 WHOLE NO. 5263 YOUR TAKE Forum: The conviction of Derek Chauvin The day former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin was convicted on all charges for the killing of George Floyd, America reached out to seven prominent public intellectuals and commentators on race and the Catholic Church to invite their reactions to the verdict. Below are excerpts from their remarks. We still have more work to do to convert the United States Bryant, Breonna Taylor, Rekia Boyd, Ahmaud Arbery and of America and help it understand what proper policing so many more would be alive today. looks like—one that cares for and respects the human Shannen Dee Williams, assistant professor of history at person. How is it possible that any Catholic who says they Villanova University, Villanova, Pa.
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