
Colorado River Facts  From its source on the slopes of the , the flows 1,450 before it empties into the Gulf of .  The river and its tributaries drain parts of , California, Colorado, , , , CColoradoolorado and , and part of Mexico.  The Colorado River Basin contains 242,000 square-miles in the (about 8% of the RRiveriver continental U.S) and 2,000 square-miles in Mexico. CCommissionommission ofof NNevadaevada




 The Colorado River supplies water to nearly 30 J. BRIN GIBSONIBSON,, CCOMMISSIONER million people. DUNCAN MCCOY,, CCOMMISSIONER  The average yearly flow of the Colorado River is PUOY PREMSRIRUT,, CCOMMISSIONER approximately 15 million acre-feet. Historically, the river has fluctuated from nearly 24 million STEVE SISOLAKISOLAK,, CCOMMISSIONER acre-feet to as little as 5 million acre-feet. 555 E. AVENUE,,  The name Colorado means “red-colored” in Span- SUITE 3100 ish, a name given to the river because of the large LAS VEGAS,, NNEVADA 89101 amount of red silt it carried. PHONE:: (702)(702) 486486--2670  The major tributaries of the Colorado River in- FAX:: (702)(702) 486486--2695 clude the San Juan, Green, Gunnison, Virgin and Gila among others. WEBSITE:: CRC..NV..GOV COLORADO RIVER COMMISSION OF NEVADA

The of the Colorado River Commission

The Colorado River Commission of Nevada of Nevada is to serve the communities of the Power (CRCN) has broad statutory authority to establish State by responsibly managing and protecting The CRCN is responsible for managing Nevada’s allo- policy for the management of Nevada’s allocation of our Colorado River water and power resources. cation of hydroelectric power generated and market- hydroelectric power and water resources from the ed by the federal government. Nevada’s allocation of Colorado River. The CRCN, a state agency, is sup- Water hydroelectric power from Hoover, Parker and Davis ported entirely by the payments of its customers. The CRCN holds and protects the rights of the State of , and the Area Integrated Project is purchased by the CRCN and delivered to industrial Objectives of the CRCN include: Nevada to its share of Colorado River water under fed- eral law. and wholesale customers in southern Nevada.  Optimize, through prudent management practices, The Commission represents the State of Nevada before CRCN’s power customers include the City of Boul- the benefits and uses of the Colorado River water federal, interstate and international discussions regarding der City, Lincoln Power District No. 1, NV resources as a cooperative effort with the U.S. Bu- the management and operations of the Colorado River, Energy, Overton Power District No. 5, Valley Electric reau of Reclamation and the other six Colorado Riv- Association, the Southern Nevada Water Authority, er Basin states. including discussions regarding the development of Lower Colorado River Basin Shortage Guidelines and Coordi- and the industries comprising the Basic Management  Work cooperatively with the Southern Nevada Wa- nated Management Strategies for the Operation of Lakes Industrial Complex near Henderson, Nevada. ter Authority (SNWA) and others to acquire addi- Powell and Mead under certain reservoir conditions. tional water supplies for Nevada. On behalf of the State of Nevada, the CRCN owns,  Design, construct, operate and manage the power In addition, the CRCN operates and maintains: actively participates in pro- delivery system to provide the power supply to wa-  17 high-voltage substations ter pumping and treatment facilities constructed by grams such as the Lower  32 miles of 230-kV overhead transmission lines the SNWA. Colorado River Multi- Species Program, the Glen  Provide efficient and reliable electric power services  4 miles of 69-kV overhead transmission lines Adaptive Manage- to Colorado River Commission customers.  11 miles of 69-kV underground transmission lines ment Program, and the

 Protect the interests of Nevada by managing electric Colorado River Basin Salin- power supplies for the CRCN’s customers and par- ity Control Forum. It provides information and addresses In addition, CRCN operates and maintains 7 substa- ticipating in a variety of forums dealing with power, environmental and economic issues related to Nevada's tions owned by the SNWA and 3 owned by the Clark renewable energy, water and environmental issues. water and power allocations of the Colorado River. County Water Reclamation District.  Be a leading participant in the Lower Colorado River Multi-Species Conservation Program in order to develop and implement projects for the conservation and recovery of endangered species within the Low- er Colorado River Basin while optimizing power generation and water resource development.