Dated , the 24.07.2018

No'4/ll/2018-RU'- "Parivartan" is a dynamic initiative towards fast tracking Government implementation of Policies in priority areas of State Government in 46 backward blocks. The motto of this is "Perform' Reform and rransform." To effectively operationarize this initiative, each of the 46 have been assigned to Administrative blocks Secretaries/SeniorIAS, Ips and iFt.S officers (Annexure-l). 1' This scheme is designed to focus on 10 essential issues. Further, the 41+1 scheme is sub-divided into specific areas' The priority areas inter alia include making credit available to weaker sections and women' development of agriculture and crop insurance, impiouement of health services, generating employment for unemployed youth, promoting cleanliness and hygiene, checking safety air pollution, road and crime control, compliance of law and order, facilitating identity related services to citizen. 2' The evaluation of effort made is captured in an objective and quantitative Evaluation Matrix (Annexure II)' officers-in charge are requiied to carefully integrate one region-based issue into the Performance scoring Algorithm, as the eleventh paramet;. The final evaluation would also include feedback from citizens through a slrrvey conducted by HGRA ( Government Reforms Authority). 3' The officers in-charge of blocks witl report and upload progress ,,parivartan,,portal (TeamHaryana'com) on by way of self-certification. The officers can shareth.]r ru...r, stories and stralegy on the portal to promote a collaborative approach

4' The field officers, including Deputy Commissioner, police Superintendent of and District and Block level officers of Deparlments, wili extend full co-operation to officers in-charge of blocks. These officers in-charge of blocks may exercise powers of Administrative Secretaries of attlne Departments in their respgctive Blocks, if felt n...r.ury to discharge their responsibilities, under intimation to the concerned Department in case of such exercise. 'fhe 5' officers in-charge of blocks will also be provided with dibcretionary finance not exceeding for Rs'5 Lakhs each, to begin with, for effective implementat ,,parivqrtan, ion of initiatives in their block. This fund can be utilized interaria for rewards, incentives and carrying out surveys. 6' Evaluation under Parivartan scheme will be carried at least out every quarter.

D.S.Dhesi Chief Secretary to Government, Haryana.

Endst. No.4/1 1/20 1 8-RU Dated Chandigarh, rhe 08.0g.201g A copy is forwarded to the Prof. Pramod Kumar, chainnan, Haryana Governance l{efbrms Authority, SCo No. 58-59,2nd Floor, sector-17C, chandigarh for information and necessary action. (*lffmffilw ' Under Secretary Administrative Reforms for Chief Secretary to Government, tlaryan-l, Endst. No.4/l 1/201 8-RU Dated Chandigarh, the 08.08.2019

A copy is forwarded to the following tluough E.mail for information and necessary action:-

I' Keshni Anand Arora,IAS, Additional Chief Secretary to Gofi., Haryana and Financial Commissioner, Revenue & Disaster Management and Consolidation Departments 2. Smt' Navraj Sandhu, IAS, Addl. Chief Secretary to Govt. Haryana, Cooperation Department. 3. sh. S.S.Prasad, IAS, Addl. chief secretary to Govt., Haryana,, Home, Jalis, criminal Investigation and Administration of Justice Department. 4. Sh. S.K.Gulati,IAS, Additional Chief Secretary to Government, Animal Husbandry & Dairvins Department. 5. Sh. Ram Niwas, IAS, Addl. chief secretary to Government, Haryana, Foocl, civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs Department. 6. Sh. P.K.Mahapatra,IAS, Additional Chief Secretary to Govt. Haryana, Fisheries and New and Renewable Energy Departments. l. Sh. Dhanpat Singh, IAS, Addl. Chief Secretary to Govt. Haryana, Transport Department. 8. Sh' Vijai Vardhan, IAS, Addl. Chief Secretary to Govt. Haryana, Tourism Department. 9. Sh. Sanjeev Kaushal, IAS, Additional Chief Secretary to Govt., Haryana, Excise & Taxation Department. 10' Sh. V.S.Kundu, IAS, Additional Chief Secretary to Govt.,Haryana, Science & Technology, Department. I 1. sh. P.l(.Das, IAS, Addl. chief Secretary to Govt. Haryana, power Department. 12. Sh. Alok Nigam, IAS, Additional Chief Secretary to Govt, Haryana, PW(B&R) and Archirecrure Department. 13. Sh. R'R'Jowel, IAS, Additional Chief Secretary to Govt.,Haryana, Health & Family Welfate Department.. 1A r -. Smt. Dheera Khndelwal, IAS, Additional Chief Secretary to Governmenl, Haryana School Education Department. 15. Smt. Jyoti Arora, IAS, Additional Chief Secretary to Government Haryana, Higher Education Department. 16. Sh. Devender Singh, IAS, Additional Chief to Govt. Haryana, lndustries & Commerce, Environment, Administrative Reforms and civil Aviation Deoanments. 17. Sh. T'C.Gupta, IAS, Additional Chief Secretary to Government Haryana, Skill Development & Industrial Training, Employment, Departments. 18. Sh. Amit Jha, IAS, Additional Chief Secretary to Government Haryana, Haryana Medical Education & Research Department l9' Sh. S.N.Roy, IAS, Additional Chief Secretary to Government Haryana, Forests and Wild Life Department. 20' Sh. Rajiv Arora, IAS, Additional Chief Secretary to Government, Haryana, Public Health Engineering Department. 21. Sh. T.V.S.N Parasad, Principal Secretary to Govt. Haryana, Finance and Planning Department. 22. Sh. Anil Kumar, IAS, Principal Secretary to Govt., Haryana, Welfare of Scheduled Castes and B ackward Classes Department. 23' Sh. Vivek Joshi,IAS, Principal Secretary to Govt. Haryana, Monitoring and Coordination Department 24. sh. Mahavir singh, IAS, Principal Secretary to Gor,t., Haryana, Labour Depar"tment. 25. Sh. Sudhir Rajpal,IAS, Principal Secretary to Govt., Haryana, Development and Panchayats Department. 26. Sh. Ankur Gupta, IAS, Chief Electoral Officer, Haryana and Principal Secretary to Govt., Hary ana Elections Department 27. Sh. Anurag Rastogi, IAS, Principal Secretary to Govt., Haryana,Irrigation & Water Resources Department. 28' sh' Anand Mohan Sharan, IAS, Principal Secretary, urban Local Bodies Department. 29' sh' Raja Sekhar vundru, IAS, Principal secretaiy to Govemment, Haryana, women Development Department. & chircl 30' sh' Ashok Khemka, IAS, Principal Secretary to Govt., Haryana, spons youth Department. & Affairs 31' sh' vineet Garg, IAS, Managing Director, Haryanavidyut prasaran Nigam 32. sh. Shrikant wargad, IAS, principar Secretary to Govt., Haryana, Housing Department. smt G' Anupama,IAS, ]3 commissioner, Division, He Faridabpd. 34' sh' A'K.Singh, IAS, principal Secretary to Govt.,Haryana, Mines & Georogy Departments. 35' sh' Abhilaksh Likhi, IAS, Principal Secretary to Govt., H*yunu, Agriculture Welfare Department and Farmers 36' sh' Arun Kumar Gupta,lAS, Principal Secretary to Go't., Haryana,Town & country planning and Urban Estates Department 37' sh' venkatesan umashankar, IAS, chief Executive officer, Gurugram Metropolitan Development Authority, Gurugram. tt Likhi, IAS, Managing Director, Haryana power ;A:d;[liti Generation corporation L.rd., 39' Smt' Neerja Sekhar,IAS, Principal Secretary to Government, Haryana, Social Justice Empowerment Depanment. a'd !a^^unr ,r*#)nflr/tr,-t t. Under Secretary Administrative Reforms for Chief Secretary to Governm ent,Ilaryana*

Endst. No.4/1 1/201 8-RU Dated Chandigarh, the 0g.09.201g A copy is forwarded to the following through E.mail for information and necessary action;- 1' Sh' Parminder Rai, IpS, Director Generar/State vigilance Bureau, Haryana. 2 S[ Baljit Singh Sandhu,IpS, Director General of iolice, Haryana. pal 3. Dr. Kushal Singh, IpS, Director General of prison, 4' Sh' Anant Kumar Dhul, IPS, Director General, 'uryun:,u. HaryanaHuman Rights Commission, chandiearh.

o (s,'*.h*"ffitlw Under Secretary Administrative Reforms for Chief Se cxelary to Government, Haryana,

Endst. No.4/1 t/20 1 8-RU Dated Chandigarh, the 0g.0g.2018 A copy is forwarded to the following through E.mail for information and necessary action:- l. Dr. Amarinder Kaur, IFS, PCCF, . 2. Sh. Satya Bhan, IFS, PCCF (Wildlife), panchkula. 3' Hooda, IFS, chief conservaror of Forest (cFp), *.iilllmar c-r8, van Bhawan, Sec_6, g^ rsunto,ffihf3t?lla Under Secretary Administrative Reforrns for Chief Se cretary to Government, Haryana, L_ Endst. No.4/11/2018-RU Dated Chandigarh, the 08'08'2018 A copy is forwarded to the all Administrative Secretaries to Government, Haryana for information and necessary action. (' )a_^^t-gVXlolt.' -toll Q (Santosh Kumari) - t Under Secretary Administrative Reforms for Chief Secretary to Government, Haryanqt Y/' Internal Distribution: 1. PSCM for information of Hon'ble CM 2. PS/CS for information of WCS Aqnexu,{e I Block Mapping of Block Officers

1 Parminder Rai Nalaingarh 2 I 1982 r I(eshni Anand Arora I Thanesar a_' l e83 J.. Amarinder Kaur Cuntq --. 1 1 983 4 S.M. Somashekhar -, I 984 5 Navral Sandhu 1984 6 , S.S. Prasad I 984 7 5.K. Uulatl - Pta;di 1984 B Baliit Sineh Sandhu Madlauda t-- Ram Niwis -Nitottre.i'.. 1984 t qss 10 P.K. Mahapatra 'I Gohana 1 I 985 ll unanpat Jtngh Nanar I 98s 12 Vijay Vardhan - - - 1a iit:,a I 985 IJ Anant Kumar Dhul Meham 1 985 14 Kushal Pal Srelt MustaaUuA-- I 98s l) Anil Kumar Hooda : - - Sampta I 985 la- Sanieev Kaushal r 986 ri V.S Kundu l986 l8 P.K. Dass Pundri 19- 1986 419t-Nig?.g1- " "_. . farnA 20 R.R. l 986 ' -Dnee.irrriindet:walJowel B-ahqdgr.garh a1 : 1 986 L] Indli 22 Jyoti Arora I 986 I Pqnipat 1987 23 uevender Slngh . Lgharu 1987 24 T.C. Gupta Narwana t987 )a Amit Jha IJnlwanl 1987 26 S.N. Roy -t ,, , Narnaund 1987 oz-..- Rajiv Arora * 'naiiiugarrr'- tgBT 28 T.V.S.N. Parasad ' Nuh 1987 29 Anil Kumar 1 988 30 Vivek Joshi Safidon lf I I 989 JI Manavlr Stngh Simalkha I 989 JZ Sudhir Raipal , . :" Badli I 990 33 i\eerJa Sel(har^ , Punhana 1gg0 34 Anurag Rastosi Satnali 1 990 {\ Anand Mohan Sharan CharkhiDadri 1990 36 Raja Sekhar Vundru Mahindergarh 1990 37 Ashok Khemka BawaniKhera 1991 3B Vineet Gars " Tohana tggl JY Sttltiani W'-Jisud ,,,- eeii , 1991 40 G Anupama Hathin 1gg1 41 '. A.K.5tngh ktra.moCa 1991 42 Abhilaksh Likhi : --- r:l f{!zamp_ur tggl 4? Arun Kumar Uupta U-klana tgg2 44 Venkatesan Umashankar Rania 4) sut ..- ' 1993 iii filt'i Uchana lssi 46 Ankur Gupta Ferozepur Jhirka 1gg3 Annexure II Evaluation Matrix Objective & Performance Scoring Algorithm of government is to that of fast tracking implementation The primary objective of this scheme policies in priority areas of state gouernmentin46backwardblocksandencouraging development. {MAXIMUM OF FOUR MARKS) 1. FACILITATION OF FINANCING (MAXIMUM OF ONE MARK) DRI LOANS 1. A. 0.25 Block (i) Coverage of all willing cobblers in the 0.25 {ii)Coverageofa|lpersonsofoneotherProfessionofofficer,schoice persons not covered in the above 0.2s (iii) Sanction of loans to at least 2 more categories by at-least 80% Bank Branches of Branches 0.10 (iv) Total loans at (iii) >2 <=3 times number number of Branches 0.20 (v) Total loans at (iii) >3 but <=4 times the o.25 number of Branches iui) torut loans at (iii) > 4 times the

(MAXIMUM OF ONE MARK) B. MUDRA (i)Sanctionofatleast3ShishuloanseachbyatIeast50%Branches0.25 (ii)SanctionofatIeast2KishoreIoanseachbyatleast60%Branches0.25 (iii)SanctionofatIeastlTarunLoaneachbyatleastT0%Branches0.50

(MAXIMUM OF ONE MARK) UP C. START 0.25 website (i) Registration of the first case on DIPP website 0.25 Registration of the second case on DIPP i'if 0.50 (iii) Initial funding of one case


Bank 0'25 least two SC loans each by > 50% branches (i) At 0'25 At least one women loan each by >50% Bank branches of Bank Branches 0'50 (ii) Total loan sanctions > twice the number

(MAXIMUM OF FIVE MARK5) 2. DOUBLING FARMERS INCOME A.|NCREAS|NGAREAUNDERM|CRo.|RR|GAT|oNFRoM15THFEB2018LEVEL(MAXIMUM OF ONE MARK) 0.25 50 to 200 acres (i) By 0.50 (ii) By 201to 500 acres o.75 (iii) By 501to 800 acres 1.00 (iv) BY more than 1000 acres B. PMFBY KHARIF PREMIUM DEPOSIT BY NON LOANEE FARMERS (MAXIMUM OF ONE MARK)

0.25 (i) By 20 to 50 farmers 0.50 (ii) By 51to 100 farmers a.7s (iii) eV 101to 200 farmers 1.00 (iv) ey more than 250 farmers

ACTIVITY c. PROMOTION OF BEEKEEPI NG/FISHERIES/MUSHROOM/ANY ALLI ED (MAXTMUM OF ONE MARK) 0.2s (i) Adoption by 10-50 new farmers 0.50 (ii) Adoption by 51-100 new farmers 0.75 (iii) Adoption by 101-150 new farmers 1.00 (iv) Adoption of more than 150 new farmers

(FPOS} (MAXIMUM OF ONE MARK) CREATTON OF FARMER PRODUCERS ORGANISATIONS 0.25 ti) Registration of 5 new FPos 0.50 (ii) Registration of 10 new FPOs 0.75 (iii) Registration of 15 new FPOs 1.00 (iv) Registration of 20+ new FPOs

(MAXIMUM OF ONE MARK) E. PROMOTION OF CROPPING OF THE LEGUMINOUS DHENCHA 0.25 (i) lncrease in seed demand and take off by 10to25% 0.50 (ii) Increase in seed demand and take off by 26 to 40 % o.75 (iii) Increase in seed demand and take off by 40 to 50% 1.00 (iv) Increase in seed demand and take off bp 50%

(MAXIMUM OF FOUR IMRROVED DELIVERY OF HEALTH SERVICES: 1.. MARKS) (MAXIMUM OF ONE A. PRESENCE OF THE STAFF AND BIOMETRIC ATTENDANCE MARK) 0.25 (i) Installation of BMA Devices in all PHCs, CHCs and Civil Hospitals 0.50 (ii) Making these Devices fully functional 0.75 (iii) Ensuring monitoring of attendance, seeking of explanations And taking of corrective action

(iv) Ensuring that the system works (Self certification and public announcement) 1.00

B. UNIVERSAL IM MU NIZATION 0.25 (i) Coverage of 25% of the non-immunized population 0.50 (ii) Coverage of 50% of the non-immunized population 0.75 (iii) Coverag e of 7 5% of the non-i mmunized population

{iv) Coverage of 100% of the non-immunized population 1.00 (FRU) (MAXIMUM OF ONE F|RST REFERRAL UNlrs c. TMPROVEMENT IN THE ALLOTTED MARK) o.25 FRU fully functional (i) Making the 0.25 for Emergency services in the FRU (ii) Adding Infrastructure 0.25 Emergency services functional (iii) Makine 0.25 on functioning of the FRU (iv) Completing third party evaluation

(MAXIMUM OF ONE MARK) FOR EVERY DELIVERY D. ENSURING 4 BASIC SERVICES for each of the three (i) Display of Standard protocols 0'10 a' Plotting of PartograPh 0'10 of 3rd Stage of labour (AMTSL) b.. Active Management 0'10 for Pre-Eclampsia c. Magsulf Administration 0'10 to Skin Contact of Baby with Mother d' Skin 0'20 public observance and making a declaration (ii) Ensuring O'20 of the 3 services (iii) Completion of Third Party Evaluation (iv)Persona||yCarryingoutonePatientSatisfactionExitInterviewwithamother 0'10 Govt' facility discharged after delivery at any (v)eersona|lyCarryingoutonePatientSatisfactionExitlnterviewwithamother 0'10 Govt' facility discharged after delivery at a different

(MAXIMUM OF FOUR MARKS) SWACHH BHARAT ONE MARK) MAHAGRAM (MAXIMUM OF srRAY CAfiLE FREETOWN OR A. there is gaps and declaring one city or (i) Covering all relevant 'if 0'25 stray cattle free no city in the Block' one Mahagram att with..,ilhrrcn castl Stray Cattle Reporting System (ii) tnitiating a Public 0.25 reward for true reports tiii)PublicDedicationafteratleastamonthofnotruereportirig0.50

(MAXIMUM oF ONE MARK) WASTE CoLLEcTIoN (SSWCSs) B. SECONDARY SOLID 0'25 existing SSWCs (i) Geo-tagging and Enclosing of all with 0'25 of new sites to ensure compliance norms (ii) Earmarking 0'25 of all new sites (iii) Enclosing 0'25 (iv) Enforcing the ban on polythene (MAXIMUM OF ONE MARK) C. PUBLICTOILETS 0.40 (i) Geo-tagging of all existing public toilets 0.15 (ii) Establishment of 2 new public toilets 0.15 (iii) Establishment of 3 to 5 new public toilets 0.15 (iv) rstablishment of 6 to 9 new public toilets 0.15 (v) estaOtishment of l'0 or more new public toilets

(MAXIMUM OF ONE MARK) D. GREEN PARKS 0.10 (i) Selection of at least one public park park(s) 0.20 (ii) Establishment of 2 new public toilets in the selected 0.10 (iii) initalling 1 open gym in the selected park(s) 0.10 (iv) lnstalling 2nd oPen gYm 0.15 (v) Installing 1 gazebo in the selected park(s) 0.15 (vi) tnstalling 2nd gazebo in the selected park(s) etc' 0.20 (vii) Establishing children's playground area with slides

(MAXIMUM OF ONE MARK) 5. CONGE5TION FREE BAZAARS 0.0s (i) Selection of at least one major congested Bazaar 0.1s (ii) Creation of proper parking spaces 0.20 (iii) Removal of encroachments 0.20 (iv) ldentification of hawkers and allocation of vendor spaces 0.20 (v) t-EO Street lighting 0.20 (vi) Coverage of entire area by CCTV

(MAXIMUM OF FOUR MARKS) 6. YOUTH ENGAGEMENT al A.CREAT|oNoFENGAGEMENToPPoRTUN|TIESUNDERSAKSHAM(MAX|MUMoFoNE MARK) 0.25 (i) looo-2000 man hours created 0.50 (ii) 2100-3000 man hours created 0.75 (iii) 3100 -4000 man hours created 1.00 (iv) 4100'5000 man hours created

(MAXIMUM OF ONE MARK) B. PLACEM ENT AND CONSEQUENT DE-REGTSTRATION 0.25 (i) up to 10 Persons 0.50 (ii) L1-20 Persons 0.75 (iii) 2L-30 Persons 1.00 {iv} Above 30 Persons

(MAXIMUM OF ONE MARK) c. ACNVATION OF YOUTH CLUBS 0.2s (i) Construction of at-least one new vyayamshala 0.25 operationalization of at-least 5 vyayamshalas (ii) Complete 0.25 of the villages (iii) of youth clubs in at least 60% Activation 0.25 with these youth clubs (iv) at-least one major Block Level activity

(MAXIMUM OF ONE MARK) SCHOOLS AND COMMUNIW D. LINKING SPORTS WITH 0'20 of BMA Devices in all stadia (i) Installation 0'20 (ii) Makine these Devices fully functional of attendance' seeking of explanations (iii) Ensuring monitoring 0.20 And taking of corrective action games tn basic equipment for at-least 5 (iv) Availability of o.20 each stadium visits by nearby school students {v) Creating a system of regular at least (All of class 6 onwards to visit to Stadium Students 0.20 once a week)

{MAXIMUM OF THREE MARKS) REDUCTION IN AIR POLLUTION 7. (MAXIMUM OF ONE MARK) A. STOPPING STUBBLE BURNING 1.00 burning (i) 0-5 Cases of stubble 0.75 of stubble burning (ii) 10-20 cases 0.50 stubble burning (iii) 21-30 cases of o.25 (iv) 3L-a9 cases of stubble burning

(MAXIMUM OF ONE MARK} B. MONITORING AIR QUALITY 0.25 of Air quality monitors . (i) Installation 0.2s of air quality on the district website (ii) Daily updating 0.25 daily air pollution levels digital display at vantage site of (iii) erominent 0.25 device in all eligible units (iv) lnstallation of Air Pollution control

(MAXIMUM OF ONE MARK) OF LEAVES & GARBAGE c. ELIMINATION OF BURNING 0'10 such burning under sectio n I44 ofCRPC banning (i) lssue order 0'10 this FIR registered u/s 188 IPC on count (ii) For every 0'10 employees removed on this score (iii) For every outsourced/Contractual (iv)Foreverysuspensioncoupledwithinitiationofdiscip|inaryagainstregu|ar 0'10 emPloYees on this score (v)ForEverypublicparkcoveredbyfunctionalin-situcompostingof'*""*Tlio

(MAXIMUM OF FOUR MARKS) 8. ISSUE OF CERTIFICATE A. CASTE CERTIFICATE OF oNE MARK) {MAXIMUM OF GOw & Pw SCHOOLS 0'25 1. TO SCSTUDENTS class Xlt in >907o schools 0'25 (i) To all students of class Xl in >90% schools o'25 (ii) To all students of class X in >90% schools 0'25 To all students of tiii) schools Class lX in >90% (iv) fo all students of

PRlvArt tt"?,ll|,MuM oF Gow AND oNE MARK) z. ro Bc tA) sruDENrs oF 0.25 0.25 (i) r",11::,1"::: :l ;ffi: 0.25 To.all students oT,cla5>:":':ll' il# (ii) :',:':;;"; schoocrhools class X in >90% 0.25 To all students of (iii) schools Class lX in >90% (iv) To all students of

oF Gow AND PRlvArEff,Hftt"t ro Bc(B) sruDENrs oNE MARK) 3. 0.25 Xll in >90% schools 0.25 all students of class (i) To schools class Xl in >90% 0.25 To all students of (ii) schools class X in >90% 0.25 To all students of (iii) schools Class lX in >90% (iv) To all students of

pRrvArE scHooLs l. ?3Hff1::':ilF^ND ^*"'"lH:l'*uM oF oNE MARK) 0.25 Govt' schools of class Xlt in >90% 0.25 ' To >50% students . (i) Pvt' schools of class Xll in >90% 0.50 (ii) To tSOZ" stuOents in all colleges of witling students (iii) To >50% students

(MAXIMUM oF SIxMARKS) cY 2017 sERVlcEs COMPLAINTS oF POLICE RELATED -r I 5P zND REGISTERREGIS 9. 5P INCLUDING|DING A. NUMBERO; U*O,,OO''D L.00 (i) Zero O'75 (ii) l'-Lo o'so o'2s (iii) 1-1-20 (iv)21-30 o'10 (v) ar-+o

b'ARRESToFMosTWANTED/PRoCLA|MEDoFFENDER5/BA|LJUMPERS(MAXIMUMoF o'25 oNE MARK) person arrested' ^r^r tit io' most wanted 0'10 """'v offender arrested (ii) for every proclaimed 0'05 arrested (iii) For every bailiumper NUMBERoFcAsEs|NwH|cHF|NALREPoRTNoTsUBM|fiED|NTHEPRESCR|BED (MA*IMUM oF oNE MARK) TIME PERI'D

1.00 on 25tr' May 2018 ff number pending is less than TYo as (i) 0.75 May 2018 (ii) lf number pending is less than 5 % as on 25tn 0.50 on 25tr' May 2018 (iii) lf number pending is less than L0o/o as 0.25 on 25tr' May 2018 (iv) tf number pending is less than 15 % as

d.NUMBERoFRAPEANDMURDERCASES(ADDEDToGETHER)oFcY2017WHEREF|NAL (MAXIMUM OF ONE MARK) N,OT FILED REPORT 1.00 (i) Zero 0.75 (ii) 1 0.50 (iii) 2 0.2s (iv)3 0.10 (v) +


1.00 (i) Zero 0.75 (ii) 1 0.50 (iii) 2 0.25 (iv) 3 0.1"0 (v) +


1.00 (i) Zero Pendency as on 25,r. May 2018 0.75 (ii) 0-2 Cases Pending 0.50 (iii)3-5 Cases Pending o.25 (iv) s-a Cases Pending 0.10 (v) 9-10 Cases Pending (MAxrMuM R'AD MARK) 10. R'AD AND coNDucr iilliT$ffi$tf-' 'RDER on Sec 304 A a. REDUCING ACCIDENT -:-- -^-irlont-nrone stretch based (i)tdentificationofatleastonemajoraccident.proIl€5Ltctvlt FlRs and Public consultation' or of a 10 Km is available' Selection ln case no such stretch district road Stretch of NHISH/Major in Consultation with * Plan of Action Prepared 0.25 (,,) Publication of a the Departments for making public and all Stakeholder Free selected stretch Accident identified/ 0.25 points including civilworKs (iii) Completion of all action as accident free in of the stretch 0.05 (iv) Formal public Oeclaration Representatives' presence of local Elected the 0.10 days 304 A for the next 30 (v) No occurrence u/s 0,10 days 304 Afor another 30 (vi) No occurrence u/s

OF ONE MARK) CHECK ON EVE TEASING(MAXIMUM b. EFFECTIVE or the DvsP/:::i:ljll:?'.o,,"r"'o'to or cerr pho:: (i) pubric dispray 'l'i:;;;' station' rn arl thant'"nd the local police of trre mliila spots with public more eve teasing prone 0'10 (ii) ldentification of 5 or consultation (iii)preparatiJ"."opublicationofspotwiseplanformakingthemeveteasinEfree,u o'05 t lree . r --^1t., declared.lorlarc s as eve teasing (iv) For every spot formally " (v)organizingCounselling/.*.,"n"*,essionsin>50%ofColleges/Sr.Sec.Schools',0

(MAXIMuM oF ONE MARK) ROAD SAFETY COMMITTEE OF DISTRICT v'nln !v c. ENSURING MEETINGS (i) For the month of February 0'20 (ii) For the month of March 0'20 (iii) For the month of APril 0'20 (iv) for the month of MaY 0'10 one of these meetings (v) lf you personally attend 0'10 two or more of these meetings (vi) lf you personally attend

(MAXIMUM OF ONE DRIVING JUMPING & DRUNKEN d. CHECKING RED LIGHT 0.L0 MARK} red lights (i) ldentification of all existing 0.10 points functional (ii) Making allthe existing 0.10 where red lights are required (iii) ldentification of new points points are installed/functional - (iv) Making sure these new 0.L0 0-20 System on each of these (v) Installing Public Address 0.L0 meters before 30L April' 201-8 Purchase of at least 2 ALCO (vi) before 31'r' March 2018 Non-stop body cameras ' Purchase of at least 2 (vii) 0.10 0.20 (viii)Certificationthatal|challansbylocaIPSfroml,tAprilonwardswere videograPhed

: :'AND BEF'RE 31sr MAR.H CHOICE (TO BE MADE 11. NlrlATlvE oF OFFICERS 'PL'ADED(MAXIMUM ()F FouR MARKS) FAILING lliHlcH NO scoRE) officer and uploaded by subparasto be done by the Detailing in at least four which no score' 30tr, April 2018 failing