
Stallions vs. Dresscode brianna monteith and kinsley thurston / reporters photo by kinsley thurston The code pol- online and in hard copy Males at South Pointe should wear. icy is stricter than the in the guidance office. have jokingly said that This year is the hot- codes at the other two This confusion stems a girl’s shoulders or test on record and schools and is ex- from the fact that Rock short or temperatures in October tremely discriminatory Hill High and North- had distracted them stay in the 80s, not to toward females. Also, western allow students from learning, but most mention the 100-degree terrible inconsistencies to wear leggings, run- of them will also tell days for fall and spring in enforcement create ning pants, and yoga you that it’s the girl sports when males are hard feelings over the pants as long as a more than the allowed to dress lightly unfairness. covers the rear end. that they find distract- as they exercise. For the 2015-2016 Reacting to the Bear- ing. Girls, on the oth- school year there were cats’ in their “In South Pointe ver- er, hand report being 59 total dress code Student sus society, I forced to keep on heavy violations, according Handbook think South practice so as not to Educator Handbook this year, Pointe is to reveal sports . data. In 2016-2017 Leonard way more Girls have much more Aug. 16-Sept. 13, there said, “We conserva- trouble being com- were 34 total dress code were not tive because fortable at school or violations recorded, the made aware it’s public performing well in the usual beginning of the that they education. heat, given an antiquat- year hot weather and [Rock Hill We are here ed dress code policy. test-the-adults spike. High] were for an edu- Although the school A recurring violation changing cation, not has already looked at is females wearing their dress a changing the dress code more than four code in show,” says and has decided against inches above the knee. regard to new assis- it, we still think the A current fashion leggings; tant princi- code should be altered, trend for males is Chub- however, pal Meredith at least to be consistent bies, shorts that rarely after see- Johnson. with the other two high meet the dress code ing the The dress schools. standard. It is unlikely changes, code was If this district really for a male to be dress the SPHS Skylayshia Myles tries to put in wanted to move into the coded for his Chubbies. admin- make her case as she is being place to 21st century, the whole Another rule that an- istrative dress coded for head out- keep the dress code should have side fourth block in Septermber. gers the females is that team de- school an overhaul to align leggings and cided not environ- better with colleges, may not be worn un- to make ment clear similar to the way tech- less the over them changes in those areas.” of any distractions and nology and curriculum reaches at least four The reason always to set students up for does. At the very least, inches above the knee. given for more conser- college and profession- someone ought to take Girls at South Pointe vative dress codes is al life, adults say. But a look at where real dis- say there is confusion that students must not our college visits show crimination is involved. over the rule, although reveal too much of their us only high schools try the code is accessible bodies. to dictate what students