* v v a ______of- are Dakar and the task of defense or, as it might be, of possessions Martinique. Bases at either would Another Gas “Curfew” On The Main fense against the Axis. point vastly improve his situa- Highway_ Fair have been trained tion. Enough JUtlmtitglon These men now in service has in the rudiments of war. To replace them This country seriously considered oc- The Star wishes its reader,* our cupying both. The decision seems to favor to know that views #tar with raw recruits would place military and 0D. iiflrntng disad- seizure of at least at the ions expressed in this forces at a a tragic, Martinique, start. artici. Published Daily Except Sunday terrible, perhaps are those of the Star-New» Strategically, Martinique would have great author ar! By The Wilmington vantage. vittST KeEPOMDRIW^ always The Murchison Building hold all value for us. United to the other «not harmonue At To avoid this, it was proposed to Atlantic A with its position.-The Owner and Publisher TVItRE'S Editor r B Page, branch they were bases this country is establishing it would just B«i BOY All Departments enlisted men, in whatever Telephone ON By WESTBROOK arms for an additional 18 about complete an impregnable chain. Rather WAV DOWN PEGLER 3311 serving, under STATION DIAL of the than have Admiral Darlan surrender it to the NEW YORK, Aug. months. This was die chief provision 13.-Some 0I as Second Class Matter at Wilming- T«' ROAD* my of Entered on Nazis it is that the United States legion 1 bill upon which the house voted Tuesday probable *' well-wishers in ton N C.. Postoffice Under Act of Congress ^-- two would risk being forced into the war by taking big unions, namelv tht of March 3, 1879. night. \ of L and the C. I. of the ballot shows that nearly it over. have war BY The closeness pm SUBSCRIPTION RATES CARRIER me that I am the house membership still fails to The question to be answered in advance of becoming a bit Payable Weekly or in Advance half of a nag on the subject Combina- the peril of war that confronts us. such a step is whether the risk of entering the of recognize and racke! Star News tion anti-American or Perhaps Vichy’s complete surrender to Hitler war before we are fully prepared is more Comm,,.! 20 .15 9 .30 activity in the mysterious. 1 Week ...$ $ this. perilous than having a Nazi war base so near dip! 3.90 will correct knom “ 3 Months ... 2.60 1.95 that it is that our shores. Kbo,“ce £s 5 Months 5.30 3.90 7.80 However may be, solacing That being so, if it is 1 Year .10.40 7.80 15.60 the majority vote, however small, (and it so T glad to offer some rates entitle subscriber to Sunday Issue today rem.d ?? News could not have been smaller), was on the side Border Belt Jubilant constructive of Star-News suggestions which, have reason ~ of defense and national safety. to believe will BY MAIL were cheers from the The chief of staff, General Marshall, told Border belt tobacco growers jubilant common man .! Payable Strictly in Advance working stiff. the house military committee recently that when they found a receptive and favorable Combina- First inasmuch as a new income tion we can to retain our freedom market on opening day. With prices ranging tax bill is Star News hope only by being hammered im I 1 Month .$ 75 $ .50 9 90 “doing too much.” It is time that all mem- between 25 and 28 cents they foresee com- shape, would include in the C! draft a provision 3 Month.... 2.00 1.50 2.75 bers of the house took this to heart. parative comfort at home and the discharge that all union! local as 6 Months 4.00 3.00 5.50 well as national be W of debts incurred in producing their crops. bidden 1 Year 8.00 6.00 10.00 to contribute or lend time is the of much as a This market biggest period dime of their W News rates entitle subscriber to Sunday issue Meters to Parking the year in the Border belt, as in all other any campaign fund, whether of Star-News for the of sections of the South. Christ- candidacy an individual tobacco-growing or of a ticket. (DAILY WITHOUT SUNDAY) The city council acted wisely yesterday mas doesn’t hold a candle to it, nor even Church, or religious, 1 Month .9 .50 6 Months .$3.00 when it deferred action on parking meters. organize tions are forbidden to 1.50 12 Months 6.00 grandma’s birthday. And the best thing about do this now % Months be a of There should thorough investigation They enjoy tax exemption it is that every merchant, bank, lawyer, doc- onlv (Sunday Only) the situation in cities where they are in use the proviso that thev lose it "if 20 6 Months tor, dentist, and business organization shares “substantial I Month .$ .$1.25 and information obtained of the attitude of part” of their activ. ities i Months.66 1 Year 2.50 in it. The stores are full of buyers, notes are consists of carrying on cities before a decision prop, the people in those aganda or otherwise Card of Thanks for at the rate of taken up at banks, checks sent to profes- trying to in' charged is reached. fluence legisaltion. In line. practice, this 25 cents per hue. Count five words to sional creditors. Money circulates as at no proviso is waived ~ But because because no na- Wilmington’s parking problem tional THE ’associated" PRESS other time. government as yet has had grows more and more serious daily, there to exclusive use of all news the temerity to to is entitled the Because the financial stability of the sec- try enforce it stories appearing in The Wilmington Star. should be no time lost in making this investi- Moreover, the income cf religious tion upon the market price of tobac- and the depends organizations consists AUGUST 194L gation gaining necessary knowledge. largely 0f THURSDAY, 14, co, there is true cause for rejoicing when gifts in small sums which are There is no reason to doubt that the not park- taxable as income. prices are at the level reached on opening ing meter is helping to solve the parking day. Largeby By Extortion problems in many American cities. Their in- But Star-News Program union income is not made use in is a case in up of gifts. It is obtained Consolidated Government creasing Virginia point. largely City-County extortion in Since Norfolk installed them in Rich- r by the guise of dues, Administration. 1937, under Council-Manager Editorial fees and assessments and mond, Bristol, Lynchburg, Fredericksburg, Comment thus Public Port Terminals. would be taxable if Congress cared Charlottesville, Culpepper, Alexandria and to ease a few little words Perfected Truck and Berry Preserving RICHARD WHITNEY into Newport News have followed suit. Clearly, if Durham Herald the new bill. I would tax all union and Facilities. Marketing Wall income at fair rates, but I would the Norfolk had been a failure Richard Whitney, topflight Street _ experiment also Seaside Highway from Wrightsville broker and socialite until his financial house provide that any contribution, these other cities would not have taken them loan or expenditure of union Beach to Bald Head Island- of cards tumbled about him in 1938, quit Sing mon- ey for up. Prison after a of 40 months. rail line into comes that political purposes should b» Extension of Limits. Sing Monday, stay City matched, dollar for dollar, with a A closer example is available. Raleigh put “I wish to leave here like everyone else,” Interpreting The War way with a lesser line running 25-Foot Cape Fear River channel, wid- northward between Beranski and special tax. in but after months of he told prison officials on the day before his parking meters, five Thus, if Wrong John in er Turning Basin, with ship lanes into brother’s limoussine swished him from prison Giligulski lakes. It was this wide- Lewis, operation they were forced out by an adverse his autocratic way, were to toss industrial sites Eastern bank south gates to the managership of a 25-cow Massa- spread lake system about Odessa along $500,000 to the campaign fund of ruling by the state supreme court. Because chusetts dairy farm. which compelled the German-Ru- Lakes Present some whether of Wilmington. manian advance from the west to political party, as a were considered worth a bill That means, of course, that he did not leave they having, gift or loan, the national Paved River Road to Southport, via “as everyone else” and he probably knew he follow an inland route toward Nik- treasury was put through the last legislature which would move in and take another Orton Plantation. wouldn’t, assuming he really wished it that olaev. Barrier To Nazi Armies $500,000 for the government. If overcame the of the court. objections Now way. The military importance of the Development of Pulp Wood Production Wrong John wants to give his own are reinstalled and it is It was the same when entered -By KIRKE L. SIMPSON- lakes in a siege defense of Odessa, they being expected Whitney pri- or lend that through methods money it, is his busi- sustained-yield through- son. He was on top of the heap, so to speak, nara-pressea nussian armies at- miles or so forms a would be very great if it is the their use will be resumed within a couple wide, 30-mile- ness, but I have a distinct feeling out Southeastern North Carolina. when the law caught up with him and rightly tempting escape from the great water hazard Nazi- Russian purpose to hold out there of weeks. When come back will long barring that he would be less generous they they or his fall from was news Nazi in the southern Ukraine to the end. They virtually forbid Unified Industrial and Resort Promo- wrongly grace for trap Rumanian tank approach along the with his own than with the hard- the of enjoy endorsement Raleigh's business millions. He enjoyed some degree of privacy are admittedly in grave peril; yet coastal piece meal encirclement of Red tional one plain. earned funds of his subjects. I Agency, supported by county- after the first few of his travel to a and for Odessa troops posted on each relatively community. This is indicated by a statement days Sing long bloody fight North of Odessa the three know positively that many of wide tax. no so as soon still be narrow strip between the lakes. executive of Sing and doubt will do again may possible. branches of the Kuyalink river Wrong John’s subjects don't want by Wesley Williams, secretary Odessa be as Lon- and as his return to outside life has been told and German that the Rus- may doomed, him to have the of Shipyards Drydocks. the Merchants Bureau. reports say each comes down into a lake-like privilege throw Raleigh retold a dozen or so times. don militarists virtually concede; Negro Health Center for Southeastern sians caught in the pocket between . They stretch 20 miles or ing their money around and would Mr. Williams: but a stern and bloody still Says Thousands of Richard Whitney’s fellow citi- the and rivers are so to the fight thank to make it North Bug nqrthwest, barring east- Congress impos- Carolina, developed around the minus his and eco- could be made for it. 1 Raleigh merchants are very much in zens, position, prestige fleeing southward to the west movement about the city. sible for him to do so, inasmuch nomic have traveled the Community Hospital. favor of parking meters. We have found appurtenances, path coast, hotly pursued. Moscow is Twenty-five miles eastward is as they have no voice in the matter he is a Adequate hospital facilities for whites. them to be a very effective device to elimi- yet traveling unnoticed, except by silent as to the situation on that Lake Giligulski, reaching 30 miles Letters To The Editor themselves. handful of relatives and acquaintances. In or other few Americans know that Junior School. nate the “parking hog.’’ Before having any sector of the long or more inland, and beyond it east- Very High their and in their limited until the bill introduced in our last General as- way sphere, they battle front. ward is Lake Beranski, and even very recently, at least, the Tobacco Warehouses has WOULD ABATE A NUISANCE for Export Buyers. we conducted a to have suffered as he suffered and returned Internal Revenue didn’t even both- sembly poll ascertain Yet even a casual study of the more formidable barrier to Nazi to a harder and colder world. To the Star: Development of native grape growing the sentiments of both merchants and seacoast terrain about Odessa in- approach along the coast from the er to examine the books of union. But it is that the laws As a citizen on Grace Both are three-to-one in favor of probably unyielding east toward Odessa. living Possibly that custom of the bu- throughout Southeastern North Carolina. shoppers. dicates that Nazi mechanized forces of of nature have exacted of Richard Whitney street, near Third, on behalf reau has been blit the return of meters. face serious obstacles in complet- The next eastward is changed lately, Modern Tuberculosis Sanatorium. that to him struck as and estuary my own family and my neighbors, It might require the use of penalties deeply the investment the last time I checked up, unions experimental ing of Odessa. The Lake Bugski, the outlet of the Bug I wish to thank for edi- left more lasting wounds than the lowliest you your were exempt even from inspec- them to the attitude of three-pronged German effort de- river. It runs almost due north to develop Wilmington- can to. torial “Remedial Action’’ which THE parolee point tion. That meant, of course, that TTOP O’ MORNING scribed in Berlin despatches as Nikolaev and for a distance ians. It would seem, therefore, that such an Whatever may be Whitney’s career hence- beyond appeared in Saturday’s issue. the professional unioneer could Lord give me faith to leave it all with Thee. stabbing from the north and the of 60'miles. Beyond that Is the Wilmington is indeed fortunate experiment would be worth making, if t h e forth, whether he reclimbs steps from whence steal as much as he pleased or west to cut off Russian retreat to and the huge lake which in having a city council alert to The future is Thy gift; I would not lift he stumbled or remains way down the ladder, steal it all. The Internal Revenue general investigation is satisfactory, especial- the coast is obviously dictated by bears its name. the needs of the citizens, and de- The veil Thy love has hung ’twixt it he will be pointed out as the Stock Exchange might examine the racketeer's as there would be no cash the nature of the ground rather Berlin reports have intimated termined to eliminate not the ly outlay by the President who abused trust placed in him and only own individual return, but inas- and me. than by a strategic concept. that the only Nazi forces to reach annoyances mentioned in the peti- city while it was in progress. went to psison. He’ll be called an ex-convict much as the agents were not the Black sea coast east of Odessa tion to the council on —JOHN OXENHAM. who The gulf of Odessa is the Black presented the union accounts, they It is we for com- as long as he lives by those knew and checking customary, understand, sea basin for a'vast down the Bug river did so at July 30, but all public nuisances whether never liked him and by millions who never drainage had no way of knowing panies dealing in parking meters to install of lands in the Ochaov. That is a coastal hamelt wherever they exist, and it is also amour.: knew him as a who trifled with sweep pleateau he was reporting the entire except bigshot 45 to us them free of cost on southern Ukraine. Between the miles east of Odessa and be- gratifying that we have a of his I would Efficient Service a six months basis, with the law and got caught. graft and theiving. mouth the 30 or tween the lake mouths of the local paper cognizant of the intol- all un- 25 knows whether or of Dniester, miles Bug change that by compelling per cent of the revenue going to the city Only Richard Whitney not erable and so south west of and the and the Beranski. It offers small unbearable situation we ions to submit to the same inspec- When one travels the roads of this his stay in prison has changed his code of Odessa, highway and 75 per cent to the company. If the city chance of direct advance west- have been facing for a year. It citi- and he not know. mouths of the Dnieper, nearly 100 any tion that is imposed on honest from the northern line of ethics, may yet has been for us or district, Duplin then their use the 75 cent al- miles east of the half a dozen ward on the coastal toward impossible any zens and business firms. approves per He has been and it is a city, plain punished, however, Odessa. friends visiting us to find a place county to the southern rim of Brunswick, and collected big or little streams flow into the ready by the operators is applied sorry society we have developed if his fate in the block to park, both sides of Uowardly Jbxemption their state with conditions Odessa gulf. Each forms what is Odessa Doomed compares present to the purchase hasn’t inclined others to avoid the same pit- the street between Third and It does seem careless, not to say price. called a “lake,” some of them This of comes to mind. For it is fklls. It is a sorrier still if the impri- system finger lakes fan- or of a spontaneously Mr. There is to lose and much society Fourth on Grace being lined solid cowardly crooked, govern- nothing possibly sonment of hasn’t stretching far inland. ning inland from the Odessa gulf from west from the Atlantic to and Whitney helped wavering —day and night—with taxi cabs, ment to exempt unions, even Fayetteville, to gain this process. Lake Obstacles forces the Germans to in- by on-lookers to retain a fading faith in and re- split up old trucks and cars to be worked inspection, to say nothing of of a dacade or so age, the name of T. J. Bfetts They fan out about Odessa like their attack into that spect for organized law and order. separate oper- on some time in the future, parked come taxes, when you consider the spread fingers of a huge, out- ations. The unit at Ochakov Betts, first as assistant highway engineer and Granting, as most do, that the high and would for a week and in some instances the existing act provides a righi More War Moves Probable road stretched hand. Each bears the have to turn northward around later as chief in the division, who has mighty seldom travel the Whitney has two weeks at a time in the same to inspect and tax if any part brought name of the river for which it is it is also true that there are fewer Lake Beranski to press westward the inures to the benefit about. traveled, spot. income this change the sea outlet. West of Odessa, toward and still Rev The massing of Japanese troops on the Thai- of the high and mighty who deserve to travel Odessa, would be In the past our only relief has of an individual. The Internal Under hi;, guidance grades have been less- are of for example, Dniestrovski lake, 10 east of Lake and two at date of last in- land border far in excess of the numbers in- that road and chances percentage un- Giligulski been when one family or the other enue, the my so other smaller . in the face ened, dangerous curves straightened out, sec- caught is greater among the not high or phoned the police about the noise quiry, just assumed dicated a few days ago coupled with the in- morality of the indignation or the The most land to the con- roads mighty. open approach to in the work shop and the objec- of scandalous evidence ondary paved, bridges built or rebuilt of the conviction. Will creasingly strained relations between the Unit- rightness Odessa is from the northwest, east tionable condition in the taxi con- trary, that no union racketeer the as needed, and best interests of Senator Wheeler take note? of as to ste- every ed States and unoccupied France, with the CORDELIA HOWARD MacDONALD please Lake Dniestroski. The main tingent at a late hour of the night would be so dishonest road section watched over and served -s York Herald Tribune I for himself, whether by resolution that the New possibility Washington government ut ball-bat carefully and expertly as a mother watches In these of critical awareness of i through by parliamen- order seizure of are days prop- Iarcen.-■ may Martinique, pretty it irians or by common | over her children. aganda in whatsoever form may appear, funds, clear indications that the war will soon ny part of the union’s is spread the death of Cordelia Howard MacDonald Even now he supervising the /ould tighten up on the erfarc straightening to new frontiers whatever the outcome of comes as a reminder of a less sophisticated fight- nent and in some positive and widening of the four put Whiteville-Wilmington in Russia. age. “Little Cordelia Howard,” and a to ■■ ing anguage compelling unions p highway and the three-laning of No. 17 ta half years of age, was the first Little Eva of is determined of whether any pan Japan apparently to extend the hundreds who have that role in ■egardless Camp Davis. played he funds inured to the benefit its sphere of influence in the Orient by what- one of the most successful pieces of The fact that this propa- an individual. district stands out as one Tom’s ever means she possesses or Hitler can de- ganda ever written“Uncle Cabin.” is of the best in the state The total union income is attributable to his Her stage career lasted all of eight years, vise, as the warning to Britain and the United around a billion dollars a : faithful and competent effort. ending when she was twelve. Her importance States not to t is worth taxing, particular-} apply more pressure across the derives from association with a dramatic pre- JC-di In this day of widening defense frontiers, year when the cr iks have Indo-China spurs the militarists of that na- sentation unique in the history of the Ameri- and the -haking down poor working ».•; rapidly growing burden of traffic can both for the excitement it tion on to further exploits. The massing of stage, created openly and defiantly for the it is gratifying to the people of this district in its and for its persistence on to early years to put in a few licks on govciu 180,000 Japanese soldiers near the Thai border boards. have an engineer of Mr. Betts’ the nent war and anyv-i.-. proved effi- Pacific projects, indicates. And, "as one star lights an- We have said that "Uncle Tom’s Cabin” If churcne with the increasing demand for roads the principle is right. military was The term Is subject to other,” Japan’s easy acquisition of French propaganda. many are legally obligated to ciency in charge of its resolves itself highways. interpretations and usually into from activity, or pay- tnty suggests that the next move will be in the like political denunciation of what one doesn’t to hear unions should be similarly bo® South, the has con- an although Nippon army or read. But Mrs. Hariet Beecher Stowe wrote and the effect of inspection On Thin Ice centrated large forces also in Manchukuo, the book from which the play was adapted taxation would be good for ■ with the definite purpose of influencing pub- the whole co available for a thrust into Siberia, by which union members and lic as her sis- The administration skated on ihin ice opinion—to “write something,” when Russia would have a two-front war on its munity. ter-in-law once “that would make this make the the house voted on the urged Of course, I would army service extension if hands, Hitler decides this is best for him. whole nation feel what an accursed thing slav- ions incorporate, but I doubt bill and won by a single vote. jha- Thus far, the United States has been able to ery is.” The work was denounced in the South that would work the miracle If this were strictly an as a "criminal perversion of the high func- seem to expect administration meas- out of the while aid to some people o--^ keep fighting giving tions of the is a cleve- ure that would not mean much of imagination”—which fairly recently I told you of the anything Britain, and it is still the hope that this na- concise description of what a reviewer or a Tom P 1 to indicate a little scheme whereby _ except shifting tide of political tion means when he dubs a : e<-- may not have to become a participant in Congressman today any ler, on a salary of $176,000 But it is not an effort And alignments. administration the conflict. But subservi- literary “pernicious propaganda.” got the stockholders of Vichy’s increasing Stowe’s book and the Rep'^;;.secur.-.- measure alone the unquestionably Mrs. Steel to him social though administration ance to the Nazis and in view of buy particularly play did much to crystallize the abhorrence rate of a mont.i backed it. It is a measure the at the $3000 affecting na- Admiral Darlan's seem to in- of that was the North in growing power, slavery sweeping life, even if he had been iired^^ tional security, and so assumes tremendous the 1850’s. dicate that we may not long remain on the early ar Is this to the discredit of Mrs. Stowe, or when sleep was impossible, importance. It e sidelines. has been Hitler’s aim to overrun the of was only of of the little girl who brought pathos the relief afforded Leading military men the nation have certain of the French colonies in order to Eva to so many audiences? “Uncle Tom’s porary—the noise being shown that to release selectees and had national establish bases from which he could most ef- Cabin” sprang from the deep emotional well- as soon as the officer at the of abolition sentiment; it was, in its the guardsmen approaching expiration of sur- spring place. fectively operate planes, submarines and of its times the above situa their terms of enlistment would leave own way, as inevitable a product In view of gaps face war craft in the Battle of the Atlantic as were the pamphlets of Tom Paine which I assure you we appreciate in the nation’s armed ranks at a time of and best promote the infiltration of the West- fired the American Revolution. Moral indig- having referred to it in your grave emergency, and that a crisis, nation or intellectual conviction will always torial of Saturday. coming ern Hemisphere in preparation for an attack appear as propaganda to those who do not ^ clTazS- suddenly upon us, would find us unequal to on the United States. Among these French share it, but that does not detract from the Wilmington. N. C Aug. 12, 1941 • \i i i ! i