ENTRY FORM Tear here Entry fee £10 if booked before Sunday 21 April. On the day £12. Under 16s FREE — must be accompanied by an adult and be included on this form. Cheshire Fundraising Branch All walkers walk at their own risk. FOR A SPONSORSHIP FORM PLEASE HERE 1 Title Your first name Your surname Entry fee Woodland Walk Details of others walking with you: 2 at Arley 3 A three mile charity walk for 4 Hearing Dogs for Deaf People 5 6 Total entry fees Number of dogs walking with you Donation Dogs go for free! Total payment ADDRESS of walker 1 above: ………………………………………………………………... ……………………………………………………………………….. Postcode ………………. Tel. …………………………………. E-mail ……………………………………………………. Please make cheques payable to Hearing Dogs for Deaf People W and send the completed form together with your entry fee to: Mr Terry Webb, HDfDP Cheshire Fundraising Branch, Mount House, The Mount, CHESTER CH3 5UD Tel 01244 320205 E-mail
[email protected] Daphne Please tick if you would like to receive information about supporting Hearing Dogs for Deaf People by mail or email. To read our privacy policy, please visit hearingdogs.org.uk/privacy. To receive information only about the Woodland Walk at Arley, tick here. Gift Aid your donations and boost their value by 25%, at no cost to you. Sunday 28th April 2019 Tick here if you (walker 1 above) would like Hearing Dogs for Deaf People to Registration 10.00 am - walk starts 11.00 am reclaim the tax you have paid on all your donations made in the last four years and any future donations you may make.