1890 Proceedings
JOURNAL OF PROCEEDINGS OF THE Ninth Annual Encampment OF THE COMMANDERY-IN-CHIEF, SOE STERASS / UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, HELD AT St. J05<?pl?, (1)0., fluqust 26, 27, 28, 29, 1890. INDIANAPOLIS: \VM. H. F.UKFOUl), PRINTER AND BINDER. 1890. / I Indianapolis, Indiana, September 29, 1S90. The following is a true and correct report of the proceedings of-the Ninth Annual Session of the Commaudery-in-Chief, Sons of Veterans, U. S. A., begun and holden at St. Joseph, Missouri, August 20 to 29, A. D. 1S90, ! Ciiaiu.es F. Griffin, C. A. Bookwalter, Past Com man da'- in- Ch ief. Past Adjutant-General. JOURNAL OF PROCEEDINGS OF THE NINTH ANNUAL ENCAMPMENT OF THK Sons of Veterans, U. S. A HELD IN THE CITY OF ST. JOSEPH, MISSOURI, August 26, 27, 28 and 29,1890, TUESDAY MORNING SESSION. August 26,1890. Commandery-in-Chief called to order in Board of Trade Hall, at 10:15 a. m., with Commandcr-in Chief Charles F. Griffin in the chair. Past Comrnander-in-Chief Geo. B. Abbott, of Illinois, was escorted to the ros trum by Chief of Staff John G. Winfrey. Col. Moses P. O’Brien, of Nebraska, was appointed Chief Mustering Officer pro tern., in the absence of Bro. James A. Rice, of Iowa, The Commandery-in-Chief was then opened in due form. On roll-call the following officers were found to be present: Commander-in- Chief Chas. F. Griffin, Lieutenant-General II. B. Baguley, Major-General Geo. W. Pollit, Chief of Staff John Q. Winfrey, Adjutant-General Chas.
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