1890 Proceedings
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JOURNAL OF PROCEEDINGS OF THE Ninth Annual Encampment OF THE COMMANDERY-IN-CHIEF, SOE STERASS / UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, HELD AT St. J05<?pl?, (1)0., fluqust 26, 27, 28, 29, 1890. INDIANAPOLIS: \VM. H. F.UKFOUl), PRINTER AND BINDER. 1890. / I Indianapolis, Indiana, September 29, 1S90. The following is a true and correct report of the proceedings of-the Ninth Annual Session of the Commaudery-in-Chief, Sons of Veterans, U. S. A., begun and holden at St. Joseph, Missouri, August 20 to 29, A. D. 1S90, ! Ciiaiu.es F. Griffin, C. A. Bookwalter, Past Com man da'- in- Ch ief. Past Adjutant-General. JOURNAL OF PROCEEDINGS OF THE NINTH ANNUAL ENCAMPMENT OF THK Sons of Veterans, U. S. A HELD IN THE CITY OF ST. JOSEPH, MISSOURI, August 26, 27, 28 and 29,1890, TUESDAY MORNING SESSION. August 26,1890. Commandery-in-Chief called to order in Board of Trade Hall, at 10:15 a. m., with Commandcr-in Chief Charles F. Griffin in the chair. Past Comrnander-in-Chief Geo. B. Abbott, of Illinois, was escorted to the ros trum by Chief of Staff John G. Winfrey. Col. Moses P. O’Brien, of Nebraska, was appointed Chief Mustering Officer pro tern., in the absence of Bro. James A. Rice, of Iowa, The Commandery-in-Chief was then opened in due form. On roll-call the following officers were found to be present: Commander-in- Chief Chas. F. Griffin, Lieutenant-General II. B. Baguley, Major-General Geo. W. Pollit, Chief of Staff John Q. Winfrey, Adjutant-General Chas. A. Bookwalter, Quartermaster-General Eustace W. Homan, Inspector-General Marvin E. Hall, Chief Mustering Officer pro tem. Moses p. O’Brien, Judge Advocate-General 0. B. Brown, Surgeon-General E. A. Bracklow, M. D., Chaplaiu-in-Chief Clay D. Herod. Thk Commander-in-Chii^ . The Adjutant-General will announce the Com mittee on Credentials. 4 JOURNAL OF PROCEEDINGS OF THE The Adjutant-General announced the Committee on Credentials, as follows: The Adjutant-General, C. A. Bookwalter; G. H. Hurlburt, of Illinois; Colonel C. S. Nation, of Kansas; Colonel Chas. J. Deckman, of Ohio, and Colonel H. S. Fuller, of Wisconsin. The Commander-in-Cihef: The Committee on Credentials will retire to con sider the matters that will come before them, and the Commandery will take a recess for thirty minutes, by which time the committee will probably be ready to report. 12 O’clock m. The Commander-in-Chief : The Commandery will come to order and hear the report of the Committee on Credentials. The Adjutant-General submitted the following report from the Committee on Credentials: To the Officers and Members of the Commandery-in-Chief, Sons of Veterans, U. S. A.: Your Committee on Credentials beg leave to report the following brothers as entitled to a scat and a vote in the Ninth Annual Encampment: COMMANDERY-TN-CIIIMF OFFICERS. Commauder-in-Chief, Charles F. Griffin, Indianapolis. Lieutenant-General, H. B. Baguley, Wheeling, West Virginia. Major-General, George W. Pollitt, Paterson, New Jersey. Chief of Staff, John G. Winfrey, Evansville, Indiana. Adjutant-General, Charles A. Bookwalter, Indianapolis. Quartermaster-General, Eustace W. Homan, Indianapolis. Inspector-General, Marvin E. Hall, Hillsdale, Michigan. Chief Mustering Officer, James A. Nice, Oskaloosa, Iowa. Judge-Advocate-Geueral. O. B. Browu, Dayton, Ohio. Surgeon-General, E. A. Bracklow, M. D., 407 W. 40th street, New York. Chaplain-in-Chief, Clay D. Herod, Erie, Kansas. Elective Members Council-in-Chief, Henry Frazee, Cleveland, Ohio; J. H. Flinkley, Beverly, Massachusetts; E. T. Roe, Springfield, Illinois; W. O. Mc Dowell, Newark, New Jersey; C. D. Jones, Norton, Kansas. Honorary Life Members, A. P. Davis, W. E. W. Ross, J. A. Eldridge, J. A. Rodriego, J. A. Bangs, William IT. Pierpont, John A. Thompson, R. M. J. Reed. Past Commanders-in-Chief, Frank P. Merrill, Malden, Massachusetts; George B. Abbott, Chicago; George W. Marks, Brooklyn, New York. Past Grand Division Commanders, R. M. J. Reed, Philadelphia; Lcland J. Webb, Topeka, Kan.; Raphael Tobias, New York City; Charles S. Crysler, Inde pendence, Mo.; E. Howard Gilkey, Columbus, Ohio; W. J. Maskell, Chicago; \\. E. W. Ross, Baltimore; I. S. Bangs, Maine; Frank II. Challis, Manchester, N. II. ALABAMA AND TENNESSEE. i Colonel, Robert W. Biese, Chattanooga, Tennessee. Past Colonel, M. D. Friedman, Birmingham, Alabama. Delegate at Large, H. S. Chase, Chattanooga, Tennessee. Delegate, Valentine Gilb, Jr., Birmingham, Alabama. Alternate at Large, J. IT. Myers, Greenville, Tennessee. Alternate, W. C. Wright, New Orleans, Louisiana. COAI.MANDERY-IN-CHIEF, SONS OF VETERANS. 5 ARKANSAS. Colonel, Otis E. Gulley, Springdale. Delegate at Large, J. H. Wilkins, Paris. Delegate, W. B. Moore, Alma. CALIFORNIA. Colonel, Fred. V. Wood, Oakland. Past Colonels, L. P. Callahan, Los Angeles; C. J. Callahan, Los Angeles; Ed ward C. Robinson, Oaklaud ; E. W. Conant, San Jose. Delegate at Large. W. F. Iliard, Sacramento. Delegate, John Waterlaud, Cluco. Alternate at Large, D. J. Mattock, Los Angeles. Alternate, C. D. Robiuson, Oakland. COLORADO. Colonel, Charles H. Anderson, Denver. Past, Colonels, Frank C. McArthur, Denver; H. D. Ivendig, Denver, 17 S. Grant Ave.; Elmer T. Beltz, Laramie, Wyoming. Delegate at Large, L. W. Kennedy, 033 S. Twelfth street, Denver. Delegate, A. L. Fugard, Pueblo. Alternate at Large, J. M. lvenuedy, 033 S. Twelfth street, Denver. Alternate, E. E. McKinnon, Canon City. CONNECTICUT. Colonel, H. W. Wessells, Litchfield. Past Colonels, William H. Pierpont, New Haven; G. Brainard Smith, Hart- ford. Delegate at Large, E. J. San Souci, Hartford. Delegate, S. P. Jonas, Meriden. Alternate at Large, Geo. A. Reynolds, Meriden. Alternate, C. P. Holle, New Britain. ILLINOIS. Colonel, George B. Stadden, Springfield. Past Colonels, A. W. McFarland, Chicago; R. V. Mallory, Lincoln; George B. Abbott, Chicago; C. T. Orner, Bloomiugton. Delegate at Large, E. M. Kiurnau, Jacksonville. Delegates, E, A. Wells, Murphysboro; J. B. Lidders, Rock Islaud; James I. Lyous, Chicago; C. A. C.Garst, Le Roy; G. II. Hurlburt, Bel vide re; M. M. Piuck- ley, Bushnell. Alternate at Large, A. M. Houser, Belleville. Alternates, John Lynch, Jr., Olney; G. W. Whyte, Danville; A. L. Guilford, i Chicago; C. C. Paddleford, Tuscola; W. F. Jenkins, Chicago; H. D. Davidson, ■ Bloomington. J 6 JOURNAL OF PROCEEDINGS OF THE INDIANA. Colonel, John W. Newton, Winchester. Past Colonels, E. S. Walker, West Lebanon; George C. Harvey, Danville. Delegates, Ralph St. J. Perry, Indianapolis; H. G. Ogden, Danville; George H. Pennington, New Albany; J. G. Lelller, Muncie; William E. Males, Evansville. Delegate at Large, T. J. Jackson, Muncie. Alternate at Large, George Behler, Garrett City. Alternates, Harry O. Rhodes, North Manchester; J. F. Stickel, Union City; F. A. Withers, Rising Sun; David W. Wood, Anderson; Frank II. Martin, Leb anon. IOWA. Colonel, John H. Pickett, Oskaloosa. Past Colonels, James D. Rowen, Des Moines; Fred W. White, Waterloo. Delegate at Large, R. Shaw Van, Denison. Delegates, Leon Rizer, Fort Madison; Al. Sorter, Iowa City. Alternate at Large, Sam. Armstrong, Washington. Alternates, George Van Houten, Lenox; E. D. Wolfe, Dubuque. KANSAS. Colonel, C. D. Jones, Norton. ! Past Colonels, Arnold C. Dolde, McPherson; Leland J. Webb, Topeka; Clay D. Herod, Erie; C. S. Nation, Fredonia. Delegate at Large, T. J. Anderson, Topeka. Delegates, J. H. Fisher, Chanule; E. F. Parks, Washington; W. Y. Morgan, Strong City. Alternate at Large, J. E. Henning, Salina. Alternates, E. S. Anderson, Salina; J. V. Stewart, Spearvilie, Charles Web ster, McPherson. KENTUCKY. Colonel, A. R. Dyche, London. Past Colonels, Will K. West, Newport; N. M. Pell, Louisville; George H. Capito, Louisville. Delegate at Large, Chas. F. Weaver, Louisville, U. S. Marshal s office. Delegate, James Van Pelt, Newport. Alternate at Large, E. G. Daly, Louisville. Alternate, Ed. R. Sprague, Covington. ! MAINE. i Past^olonels,^Fr ank^P?Merrifl/Malden, Mass.; A. S. Libby, Portland; C. H. Rice, Bangor; John C. Blake, Auburn; Thomas G. Libby, Vinal Haven; Edward K. Gould, Rockland; Waldo H. Perry, Portland; Chas. b. Hutchins, Bangor. Delegate at Large, H. L. Wright, Auburn. Delegate, R. L. Whitcomb, Portland. Alternate at Large, C. F. Mountfort, Brunswick. 1 Alternate, A. W. Rhoades, Rockland. COMMANDERY-IN-CHIEF, SONS OF VETERANS. 7 MARYLAND. Colonel, S. E. Thomason, Washington, D. C., 1G00 Q Street, N. W. Past Colonels, George W. Collier, Baltimore, 1107 N. Bond Street; Miles W. Boss, Baltimore; E. R. Campbell, Washington, D. C., 1525 T Street, N. W.; Sher man J. Brown, Washington. Delegate at Large, John R'. Neely, Washington, D. C., (War Department). Delegate, D. E Barras, Frederick City. Alternate at Large, U. W. Hall, Washington, D. C., (Pension Office). Alternate, R. W. Wilson, Baltimore, 12 W. Fayette Street. MASSACHUSETTS. Colonel, W. A. Stevens, Malden. Past Colonels, J. J. Me Andrew, Lynn; J. B. Maccabe, East Boston; C. F. Sar gent, Lawrence; F. J. Bradford, Lowell; H. A. Crossman, Springfield; J. H. Hink- ley, Beverly; N. C. Upharn, Fitchburg; D. B. Purbeck, Salem. Delegate at Large, Willard Howland, Chelsea. Delegates, Fred M. Page, Salem; William R. Davis, Somerville; A. W. Batch- elder, Salem; D. F. Goulding, Somerville. Alternate at Large, C. D. Rooney, Winchester. Alternates, IT. A. Lyons, Mt. Adams; G. A. ITeuderson] Hiugham; IT. D. Sisson, Pittsfield; A. A. Upton, Orange. MICHIGAN. Colonel, F. D. Eddy, Lowell. Past Colonels, B. M. Fellows, Bronson; Marvin E. ITall, Hillsdale; Frank M. Williams, Grand Rapids. Delegate at Large, Frank M. Gier, Pittsford. Delegates, W. A. Morse, Grand Rapids; George E. Cogshall, Grand Rapids; W. S. Red field, Jackson. Alternate at Large, N. G. Cooper, Sturgis. Alternates, G. C. Cooper, Lansing; M. W. Bullock, Ashley; C. F. Stout, Evart. MINNESOTA. Colonel, E. D. Morris, Red Wing. Past Colonels, E. M. VanCleve, Minneapolis; E. IT. Milhara, St. Paul; F. W. Rowlson, St. Paul; A. S. Morgan, Duluth. Delegate at Large, A.