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Abraham (character) internal (unnamed) commentator xii, 7–8, 11 (act of) faith 14–20, 30–31, 41, 101, 105 referenced by other writers xxvi (act of) resignation 30–31, 101, 105 variations on xi–xiii, 8–11, 19, 104 authorial commentary xv, 19–20, 53–54 absolute, the, relation of individual to 48, 54, 61, basis of confidence xviii–xix 81–82, 86, 98, 99, 106 belief system xvi–xvii, 29–30 absurd, the, relationship with belief xvi, as ‘‘chosen one’’ 15, 16, 25 xvii–xviii, 17–18, 29–30, 31, 33–34, 39–40, ‘‘clever’’ (opposed to authentic) xvii–xviii 43–44, 49, 61, 88–89, 105 compared with ‘‘demonic’’ figure 86 Agamemnon see Euripides, Iphigenia in Aulis compared with ‘‘tragic hero’’ 51–52, 53, Agnes and the merman, legend of xxvi–xxvii, 58–59, 69, 99–104, 105 82–87 ethical justification xxvi–xxvii, 47, 48, 49, 54, variations on 83–85 55–56, 58–59, 61–62, 71–72, 99–106 Andersen, Hans Christian 82 as ‘‘father of faith’’ xxiv, 8, 15–16, 19–20, 60 ‘‘anguished ones’’ xxvii, 18 fitness for study 45–46 anxiety 23, 24–25, 45–46, 56–57, 65, 66, 88, 100 God’s promise to xii, xiii, xviii–xix, 14–16 Apuleius, Lucius 77 greatness 11, 13, 24, 25, 43, 45 Aristophanes 95 hopes for son’s safety xvi, xviii, 101 Aristotle 73, 74 (impossibility of) analogy xxiv–xxv, 49, 86, De anima 74 99–100 Poetics 73 impossibility of communication 101–102, 104 Politics 77–82 (impossibility of) understanding 11, 27, 31, 52–53, 86, 99, 105–106 Baggesen, Jens 93 loss/wavering of faith xi, 9, 19 Bible love for Isaac 25–26, 29, 62, 65 I Corinthians 71 as ‘‘monster’’ xi, 8–9 Hebrews vii moral obligations xx Luke xxv, 63–65, 71 motivations 52 Matthew 98 as (potential) murderer 24–25 New Testament 98 silence regarding plans xxvi, 18, 99–102 Old Testament Apocrypha 89, 91 ‘‘sin’’ against Isaac xi–xii, 10 see also Christianity; names of biblical figures, single speech to Isaac 102, 103–106 e.g. Abraham, Jesus, Mary testing/sufferings 16–20, 45–46, 67–68, 101 Boileau(-Despre´aux), Nicolas 48 uncertainty of outcome xvi–xvii, 29 The Book on Adler xxxi–xxxii Abraham, story of (Bible) vii–viii Borgo, Boccaccio da 33 common (mis)interpretations 44–45, 49 Borup, T. L. 42 dangers of misunderstanding 22–24, 25, 45–46 Bradley, F. H. xxviii


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Bretschneider, Carolo Gottlieb 63 ‘‘demonic’’ figures xxviii, 82–87, 88–89, 91–94 Brorson, Hans Adolf, Bishop 31 exclusion (a priori) from universal 93 Brutus, Lucius Junius 51 links with divine 85 repentance 85 Cain (biblical character) 65 Descartes, Rene´ 3–4 Carneades 4 Diderot, Denis 59 The Changelessness of God xxxii Diogenes Laertius, Lives of the Philosophers 104 ‘‘Christendom’’ xxii–xxiii, xxiv–xxv disclosure, ethical/esthetic requirement of Christian Discourses xxxii 75–76 Christianity xiii distress see anxiety biblical exegesis 63–64 doubt x–xi, 3–4, 95–98 divisions 77 drama, modern 73–74 theological outlook xxviii duty see fatherhood; God; neighbors; ‘‘tragic see also ‘‘Christendom’’; God; Jesus; hero’’: ethical obligations Protestantism church, idea of 65 earnestness 75, 107, 108 comedy / the comic 23, 74, 88–89, 97 Edward II of England 59 common people, distinguished from ‘‘knights’’ / Either/Or viii, ix, xxxi superior beings 36, 37–38, 43, 87 Eliezer see Abraham (character): silence concealment regarding plans ethical/esthetic implications 71, 74–82 Elizabeth I of England 82 role in drama 73–74 esthetics 72, 74–82, 85, 87 The Concept of Anxiety viii, ix, xxviii, xxxi esthetic hero 99 The Concept of Irony with Constant Reference to ethics Socrates xxxi and concealment/disclosure 74, 75–82, Concluding Unscientific Postscript viii, 97–98 ix, xxxi cultural component xxi–xxii consciousness, eternal defined xx as attribute of humankind 12 ethical life xxii, xxix, 47–48, 51–52 (see also individual attainment of 41 Sittlichkeit) contemporary society, critiqued by K/‘‘Johannes’’ limitations 93 dramatic/literary trends 73–74, 93, 95 and love stories 80, 85, 99 ‘‘hero’’ befitting 88 and sin/repentance 86 intellectual trends/limitations 3–6, 22, ‘‘teleological suspension’’ xxiv, xix–xx, 46, 35–36, 39, 72–73, 88, 98 47, 49, 54, 58 lack of faith 4–5, 25, 28, 31–32, 43–44, universality 46, 59–60, 71 87–88, 108 Euripides mediocrity/superficiality 55–56, 88–89 Iphigenia in Aulis 50–51, 68, 69, 76, 100–103 spiritual needs 107–108 Iphigenia in Tauris 73 see also philosophy Evans, C. Stephen xxxiv–xxxv, xxxvi The Corsair xxxi evil, forms of 47 courage expectation 13, 14–15 of faith 27–28, 41–42, 64, 105 heroic 75, 76, 85, 90–91 Fabius Maximus, Q. ‘‘Cunctator’’ 67–68 of philosophical enquirer 24–25, 27–28 faith viii, x, xiii, xxii, xxviii–xxx, 108–109 The Crisis and a Crisis in the Life of an Actress act of 42, 44 xxxii attainment 108–109 Cumberland, Richard, The Jew 93 caricatures of xvii, 30–31 Christian thinking on xxix Damocles (mythical character) 43 comparison with resignation 41–42 Danish (language), vocabulary 7, 26, 33, 46, 47, dangers xxv–xxvi 68, 70 defined xi, xxvi–xxvii, xxx Daub, Karl 43 demands of xii–xiii deception, role in (contemporary) society 107 dialectic of 30


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faith (cont.) as ‘‘love’’ xiv–xv, 28 essential nature 40–41 love of 13–14, 30, 59–60, 64, 106 frightfulness of 63, 69 man’s relationship with xxviii–xxx going further than 4–5, 31, 108–109 transcendence xxiv joy of xv, 28, 43 Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, Faust 95 lack of literary/philosophical commentary 27 greatness (human) other commentators’ treatments of 4 basis of 56–58 paradox of xxiii–xxiv, 41–42, 46, 47, 60–63, common views of 55 66, 69–71, 85, 86, 104, 105, 106 enduring quality 13–14 power of 14–20 engagement of ‘‘Johannes’’ with 27, 28 relationship with ethics xxix nature of 24, 43 resemblance to bourgeois philistinism xv–xvi, see also Abraham 32–34 Greece, Ancient x–xi, 4, 22, 47–48 ‘‘this-worldly’’ xiii, 17 drama 73 transformation of human behavior 25, 30 Green, Ronald xxxv, 46 universality xxiii Gregory of Rimini 96 as work of art 30 Grimm brothers 108 see also Abraham; absurd, the; contemporary Grundtvig, N. F. S. 98 society; courage; finitude; ‘‘knight of faith’’; movements; resignation Hagar (biblical character) 10 fanaticism viii, xxv–xxvi Hamann, Johan Georg x, 2 fate, role in Greek tragedy 73 Hannay, Alastair xxxiv, xxxvi fatherhood Hare, John xxix emotions of 25–26 hate, relationship with duty to God 63–65 obligations of 17, 23, 49–51, 62 Hebrew (language) 67 Faust, figure of xxvi, 94–97 Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich xi, xx–xxi, Fear and Trembling xxiii, xxix, 3, 5, 36, 46, 47, 98 authorship viii–x accessibility 27 biographical background vi critiqued by K/‘‘Johannes’’ xxii–xxiii, critical commentary xxvii–xxviii, xxiv–xxv, 5–6, 47–48, 60, 71–72, 98 xxxiv–xxxv problems of theory xxiv critical/popular response vi Heiberg, Johan Ludvig 5, 72 dialectical elements vii, 77–82 The Reviewer and the Beast 6 lyrical qualities vii Heraclitus 109 philosophical arguments vi, xiv–xxx hero, figure of 12–13 Preface x–xi see also contemporary society; ‘‘tragic hero’’ publication viii, xxxi heroine, figure of 91 translation problems 7, 21, 26, 46, 47 Herostratus 96 translations xxxiii, xxxvi high-mindedness 80–81, 95 use of biblical narrative vii–viii Holberg, Ludvig, Erasmus Montanus 97 Feuerbach, Ludwig 87 Homer, Iliad 12–13 finitude, relationship with faith 31, 34, 42 Hong, Howard V. / Edna H. xxxiii–xxxiv, xxxvi For Self-Examination xxxii hope xvii–xviii From the Papers of One Still Living xxxi compared with faith xvii–xviii, 30–31 Horace (Q. Horatius Flaccus) 27, 39 genius, nature of 33, 93–94 humankind see common people; consciousness, ‘‘Gloucester’’ (character) see Shakespeare, eternal; contemporary society William: Henry VI / Richard III humor 44 God Huns 96 communication with mortals xxiv–xxv demands of 29–30, 52, 64–65 immediacy, faith/sin as 60, 71–72, 86 duty to xix–xx, 59–60, 61–62, inconsistency, as characteristic of lower natures 63–65, 71 36, 37 goodness of xiii, xviii–xix ‘‘indirect communication’’ ix


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individual language ethical justification 54–56 divine (speaking in tongues) 101 ethical obligations 60–63 as social activity xxvi in the particular 46–48, 54–55, 71–72, 85, 86, Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm 38 98, 106 Lennon, John viii relationship with universal 46–49, 54–55, Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim 59, 77, 82 61–62, 65–67, 71, 85 The Lily in the Field and the Bird of interesting, category of 72 the Air xxxii inwardness 60, 77 Lippitt, John xxxiv irony 44, 94–95, 98, 104–105 Long(in)us, Pastoralia 90 Isaac, response to Abraham’s actions xii, 10–11 love see also Abraham role in human greatness 13–14 stories of (as illustrative examples) 34–40, Jackel (puppet character) 69–70 42–43, 77–82 Jacob (biblical character) 13, 17 see also fatherhood; God Jephthah (biblical character) 50–51, 76 Lowrie, Walter xxxiv, xxxvi Jeremiah (biblical character) 14 Lutheran Church, K’s attacks on xxxii Jesus xxv, 58 encounter with rich man 23, 41–42 Mackey, Louis xxxv ‘‘Johannes de Silentio’’ viii, ix–x, 6 madness see genius comparison with Abraham 28–29, 101, 105 Maila´th, Johann Grafen 38 ethical outlook xx, 25 Martensen, H. L. xxiii, 3 lack of faith xiii, xxviii–xxix, 26–28, 42, Mary (mother of Jesus) xxiv–xxv, 57 44, 108 McKinnon, Alastair xxxiii (lack of) literary aspirations 79 mediation (Vermittlung), in Hegelian system philosophical understanding 5–6, 27 35, 36 understanding of human problems xiv–xv, inapplicability to Abraham story 52–53, 58, 27, 86–87 61–62 Judas (biblical character) 56 Midas (mythical character) 22 Judge for Yourself! xxxii Middle Ages 85–86, 87 Miltiades 22 Kant, Immanuel xx–xxi, xxii, xxix, 46, 59 miracle (of faith) 30, 34, 39–40, 58–59, 105 Kierkegaard, Søren Møller, Poul Martin 87 biography vi, xxxi–xxxii monastic life 87–88 comments on F&T vi Mooney, Edward xxxiv critical/biographical commentary xxxiv moral obligation xx editions of works xxxiii see also ethics ethical outlook xx, xxii Moses (biblical character) 16 religious outlook xxii–xxiii, xxix–xxx movements see also ‘‘Johannes de silentio’’; pseudonyms; of faith xv, 26, 28, 29, 31–32, 40–41, 44, 69, titles of works 87, 101–102 King, Martin Luther viii of infinity xv, 29, 34, 35–36, 37–39, 40, 61, 68, ‘‘knight of faith,’’ figure of xiv, xv–xvi, 87, 95, 101–102 xvii–xviii, xxv–xxvi, 32–34, 61, Mullen, John Douglas xxxiv 62–63, 100 Mu¨nchhausen, Karl Friedrich Hieronymus compared with tragic hero 51–52, 58–59, 65, von, Baron 96 66, 68–69 counterfeit 63, 69–70, 105 naı¨vete´, distinguished from faith 40 relationship with individual/universal neighbors, duty to 59–60 66–71 Nielsen, Rasmus 5 response to ‘‘princess’’ scenario Noah, story of (Bible) 19 39–40, 43 ‘‘knight of infinite resignation,’’ figure of obligations see fatherhood; God; moral xiv–xv, 31–32, 35–39, 42–43 obligation; neighbors; ‘‘tragic hero’’


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Oehlenschla¨ger, Adam resignation xiv–xv, 42 Aladdin 21 act of 35, 41–42 Axel and Valborg 80 essential characteristics 38 Dina 72 relationship with faith xv, 29, 39, 40 Olsen, Regina vi, xxxi see also Abraham; ‘‘knight of infinite Olufsen, Christian, The Golden Snuffbox resignation’’ (Gulddaasen) 70 reward, relationship with desert On My Work as an Author xxxii material 21 Orpheus (mythical character) 21–22 spiritual 21–22 outcome, actions judged by 55–56, 58 ‘‘Richard III’’ (character) see Shakespeare, Outka, Gene xxxv William: Henry VI / Richard III outwardness see inwardness Rosenkranz, Karl 43 Ovid (P. Ovidius Naso) 14, 22, 40 Rousseau, Jean-Jacques 60 Owen, Wilfred, ‘‘The Parable of the Old Man and the Young’’ xxvi sacrifice distinguished from murder 24–25 paganism 48, 52, 88 relationship with ethics/tragedy xxi–xxii, 50 paradox see anxiety; faith Sarah (bride of Tobias) see Tobias Parmenides 109 Sarah (wife of Abraham), barrenness of 15–16 passion, role in human behavior 35, 87, 97, see also Abraham 107–108 Schelling, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von xxxi Payne, Robert xxxiii–xxxiv, xxxvi Schiller, Johann Christoph Friedrich von 89 Pegasus (mythical character) 44 Schlegel, Friedrich 72 Perkins, Robert xxxiv, xxxvi sectarianism 69–70 Perrault, Charles 92 self-contradiction see inconsistency Philosophical Fragments viii, xxxi self-deception see deception philosophy 27, 60–61, 86 selfhood, discovery of xxviii–xxx pity 91–92 Seneca, L. Annaeus 94 Plato 103 Sermon on the Mount 98 Apology 103 Shakespeare, William 54 Cratylus 109 Henry VI / Richard III xxvi–xxvii, xxviii, Phaedo 35, 104 92–93, 100 Phaedrus 20 The Sickness Unto Death xxxii Symposium 22 silence, esthetic/moral requirement of 75–76, Plutarch 22 77, 81–82, 94, 98 poets, role in society 12–13, 58, 80 see also Abraham The Point of View for My Work as an Author sin xxvii–xxix, 86 xxii, xxxii Sittlichkeit (Hegelian concept) xxiii, xxv, xxvi, Practice in Christianity xxxii xxix, 47 Prefaces viii, xxxi defined xxi, xxviii Protestantism xxix limitations xxviii pseudonyms (used by K) viii–x Socrates ix, 35, 61, 72, 88, 103, 104 as distinct personalities viii–x as tragic hero 103 K’s comments on xxx Sodom and Gomorrah, story of 18 see also ‘‘Johannes de silentio’’ Sophocles, Oedipus Rex 73 Pythagoras 54, 88, 104 Søren Kierkegaard’s Journals and Papers (ed./trans. Hong and Hong) xxxiii, 60 Quinn, Philip xxxv sorrow, role in human experience 14–15, 30, 59 spirit recognition 73–74 heroic 102–103 religious fundamentalism vii–viii power of 95–96 (see also faith) renunciation, role in faith/resignation 41–42 world of 21–22, 38–39, 87, 95 repentance see ‘‘demonic’’; figures; ethics Stages on Life’s Way viii, xxxi Repetition viii, xxxi State, idea of xxi, 54–55, 65


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Stewart, Jon 3 and concealment/disclosure 76, 80–82, 85 struggle, role in human achievement 13 contemporary reputation 105–106 System (Hegelian) see Hegel ethical obligations 68 last words 102–104 Tamerlane (Amir Timur) 96 see also ‘‘knight of faith’’ Tarquinius Superbus (Tarquin the Proud) ii truthfulness see earnestness temptation, relationship with faith 49, 52–53, Two Ages: a Literary Review xxxi–xxxii 61–62, 68, 69, 98, 101 Two Discourses at the Communion on Fridays xxxii Tennemann, Wilhelm Gottlieb 54, 109 Two Ethical-Religious Essays xxxii Themistocles 22 theology, relationship with philosophy 27 universal, the see under individual see also Christianity; church; Protestantism Upbuilding Discourses viii, xxxi–xxxii Thorpe, Thomas 54 Three Discourses at the Communion on Fridays Voltaire (Franc¸ois-Marie Arouet) 95 xxxii Three Discourses on Imagined Occasions xxxi Walsh, Sylvia xiv Tieck, Ludwig 92 Watkin, Julia xxxiv Tobias (biblical character), story of 89–92, What Christ Judges of Official 93–94 Christianity xxxii (proposed) literary interpretations 90–91 wisdom, worldly, contrasted with faith xvii, tragedy / the tragic 23–24, 73 xviii, xxiii–xxiv, 31, 88 ‘‘tragic hero,’’ figure of xxi, xxvii, 28–29, 51, 58, wish, relationship with duty 68 68–70, 90–91, 99–101 Works of Love xxxii


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