Regionals Second Lap Won by the Right with 7 Regions out of 13

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Regionals Second Lap Won by the Right with 7 Regions out of 13 Beat: Politics REGIONALS SECOND LAP WON BY THE RIGHT WITH 7 REGIONS OUT OF 13 LREM & RN WON NO REGION Paris, Washington DC, 27.06.2021, 21:18 Time USPA NEWS - The French regional and departmental elections (13 regions, and 101 departments) held last Sunday 30 June, showed the same disinterest from the voters who did not dare going to choose their presidents of regions, with a very low rate of 58% abstention rate. This has made a difference, and led the LREM (French Presidential Majority) and RN (Extreme Right chaired by Marine Le Pen) to getting no regions for neither party. This high abstention rate was a project for the two traditional left parties (Alliance of Socialist, Communist, EELV Green Ecologists, LFI Extreme Left), on one side which won 5 regions and the Right Republican (Party LR Les Républicains) , with 7 other regions. In fact, the real winner of these regional elections 2021, in France, of these regional elections 2021, is the disinterest of the voters, because there is more than 58.4% of abstention from regional elections higher than the rate of 2015 at 49 %. This abstention rate is very high, although lower than those of the 1st round which was 68%, and in particular, for young people, because 8 young people out of 10, affects all socio-professional categories combined and whatever the place. geographical. The French regional and departmental elections (13 regions, and 101 departments) held last Sunday 30 June, showed the same disinterest from the voters who did not dare going to choose their presidents of regions, with a very low rate of 58% abstention rate. This has made a difference, and led the LREM (French Presidential Majority) and RN (Extreme Right chaired by Marine Le Pen) to getting no regions for neither party.------------------------------------------------------------------------ This high abstention rate was a project for the two traditional left parties (Alliance of Socialist, Communist, EELV Green Ecologists, LFI (La France Insoumise, Party of Jean Luc Melenchon, Extreme Left), on one side which won 5 regions and the Right Republican (Party LR Les Républicains) , with 7 other regions. In fact, the real winner of these regional elections 2021, in France, of these regional elections 2021, is the disinterest of the voters, because there is more than 58.4% of abstention from regional elections higher than the rate of 2015 at 49 %. This abstention rate is very high, although lower than those of the 1st round which was 68%, and in particular, for young people, because 8 young people out of 10, affects all socio-professional categories combined and whatever the place. geographical. LREM (Party of the presidential majority, of Emmanuel Macron and the RN, party of Marine Le Pen of which 73% of its voters were absent from ye ballots …. The second winner is the party of the right of the Republicans, (LR) winning six regions, versus five regions for the left which has allied with the extreme left and environmentalists, Region Hait of France: Xavier Bertrand (52.3%), Laurent Wauquiez (55.1%) in the Rhone Alpes region, Valerie Pecresse in the Ile de France region (45.9%), Renaud Muselier in the PACA region, (57.3%), while the RN, (extreme right party of Marine Le Pen) obtains in the 1st round a single region (PACA) lost in the 2nd round in favor of the Republicans (President Renaud Muselier, reelected, thanks to an alliance with the Ecologists). The extreme left represented by LFI, La France Insoumise, chaired by Jean Luc Melenchon, for its part, made a minimal score, and joined forces with socialists and environmentalists in Ile de France, (Region of Paris and Suburbs) for stand up against the National Rally (Candidate Jordan Bardella from RN, who made 11%) but also against the leading candidate, from the Right, Valerie Pecresse, who did, (45.92%), in Ile de France (Paris and suburbs). The latter, believes that this Alliance .... of "Front Populaire," because it should not include LFI (La France Insoumise party of Jean Luc Melenchon), which is an extreme party. "When there is unemployment, all the miseries candidates for the regional elections, have all lost and the LREM candidates, are eliminated and it is the RN (Party of Right Extreme of Marine Le Pen), which takes advantage of unemployment and the problems of the French, to progress ..." “If the French are better, France is better and that will reduce the abstention », Xavier Bertrand, declared, the winner of the right in the Hauts de France region, and also declared himself in anticipation, the 2022 presidential candidate. He was one of the three leading candidates of the Right with a score of 52.3%, alongside Laurent Wauquiez, (55.1%) in Auvergne Rhone Alpes, and Valerie Pecresse, (45.9%) and Renaud Muselier with 57.3% (who benefited from alliance votes with the ecologists having made 18% in the 1st round). Herve Morin, Center Right, with a score of 44.3%.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- On the left side, the big winners, socialists Carole Delga in Occitanie, with a score of 57.8%, Alain Rousset 39.5%, President of the New Aquitaine region, Francois Bonneau in the Center Val de Loire region with 39.1% , Loig Chesnais-Girard, reelected with 29.8% in Brittany, Marie Guite Dufay with 42.2% in Bourgogne Franche Comte, Jean Rottner in the Grand Est with 40.3% thanks to an alliance, with Communists, as well as Christelle Morancais in the Pays de la Loire region, with a score of 46.4% with the same alliance.What all these candidates have in common is that they were all re-elected to the presidency of their region. WHAT ALL THE CANDIDATES HAVE ON COMMONS IS THAT THEY HAVE BEEN RE ELECTED TO THE PRESIDENCY OF THEIR REGION---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- On the side of RN, extreme right party, the only candidate who had a chance to win the PACA region in the 1st round, (won in the 1st round), was Thierry Mariani who was beaten with 42.7% by Renaud Muselier, 57, 3% who allied with environmentalists.The presidential majority LREM Party, led by Emmanuel Macron, did not win any region either. As for Corsica, it was nationalist Gilles Simeoni who won and re-elected with 40.6% of the vote. 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