Northville Township Fire Department 45745 W. Six Mile Rd. Northville, MI 48168 Phone: (248) 348-5807 Fax: (248) 348-5840

Email: [email protected]

November 19, 2018

Thanksgiving Safety

With right around the corner Northville Township would like to pass along a few safety tips to keep the holiday fun and safe for the whole family. Thanksgiving is a time to maximize the space in your oven and on your stovetop. Those of us responsible for preparing the turkey, , potatoes, , and other family favorites we know that we must do so with limited space, children running around and constant distractions. That being the case, Thanksgiving provides us with a great reminder to “feast with caution.” Did you know that more home fires occur on Thanksgiving Day than any other day of the year? In fact, Thanksgiving is the peak day for home cooking fires, followed by Christmas Day, Christmas Eve and the night before Thanksgiving. Don’t become a statistic; help us make this Thanksgiving safe and enjoyable by following these simple guidelines:

 Stay in the kitchen while you are cooking on the stovetop.  When baking, roasting or boiling food, make sure to set a timer and check it regularly.  Avoid wearing loose fitting clothing.  Establish a “kid free zone” of at least three feet around the stove. It only takes a second for a child to reach a pot of boiling water.  Keep all electric cords from the coffee maker, crock pot or other devices from dangling off the counter out of reach of children or pets.  Keep pot holders, oven mitts, wood utensils, food packaging and paper and plastic bags away from all cooking appliances.  Regardless of how necessary it is for candles to complete your decorating pièce de résistance, always keep them out of the reach of children.  Be careful when decorating to make sure that table runners and placemats cannot be pulled down with candles, dishes or hot liquids.  If a fire begins in the oven, turn off the oven and keep the door closed. Call 911.  If a fire begins on the stovetop, use a fire extinguisher or smother the fire with the lid from the pot. Do not try to move the hot liquid or grease while it is still on fire. Call 911.  Never use water to extinguish a grease fire.  Make sure your smoke alarms have been tested, the batteries have been replaced, and they are less than 10 years old.

For the risk takers out there who bypass the oven to fry your turkey, please understand the hazards associated. The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) discourages the use of turkey fryers that use even by those who are well-informed. However, if you are planning on using an outdoor gas-fueled turkey fryer, make sure to follow these easy precautions:

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Northville Township Fire Department

 Turkey fryers should only be used outdoors. Never use it on a wooden deck or in your garage.  Maintain fryer temperatures according to the manufacturer’s recommendation.  Many fryers can tip over easily; keep children and pets away from the area while cooking.  Don’t overfill the fryer with oil. Measure out the proper amount of oil before placing the turkey in the fryer. This can be done by filling the pot with water and then inserting the still packaged turkey in the pot. This will give you a reference point for how much oil is needed once the turkey is inserted. Remember to completely dry the turkey and the pot before filling with oil.  Make sure the turkey is completely thawed and dried off before placing it into the pot.  When using an open flame turkey fryer shut off the flame once the oil is fully heated. Once the flame is off, insert the turkey into the pot and then turn the flame back on. If the oil from the pot comes in contact with the open flame a very violent reaction will occur.

Remember to call 9-1-1 to report any type of fire before it gets out of hand. The Northville Township Fire Department wishes you and your family a safe and happy holiday season. For more information please visit us at or visit or

Additional info:

Turkey fryer video:

NFPA Cooking Safety Infographic /media/Images/Infographics/CookingSafetyInfographic2016.ashx?as=1&iar=1&la=en&hash=48A25FCD9E59171 463E51C273B42C7BE2A1A54F9

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