
Chapter 4: Structure and Function

Cytoskeleton • The is a network of fibers that organizes structures and activities in the cell.  (the largest) Intermediate fibers  (the smallest) Think tube vs filaments – tubes are always larger

Provide shape and support for the cell


1 Other functions of the cytoskeleton • Provide movement if the has or cilia

• Intracellular movement Transports , and other cell components along “rails”.

Nucleus • Only present in eukaryotic cells • Location of the organism’s genome DNA •  that surrounds the nucleus

Semipermeable  does not allow DNA out, but messenger RNA does leave the nucleus.

Nucleolus • Darkly stained regions within the nucleus

assembly takes place in this .

2 • Ribosomes  factories

Synthesizes most proteins. • Two types Free ribosomes Found in all cells

Ribosomes attached to the (ER)

Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) • Rough endoplasmic reticulum Place where most ribosomes attach

Protein synthesis & transportation

• Smooth endoplasmic reticulum  production, including . In cells, it detoxify drugs and Also in liver cells, it breaks down

Golgi apparatus • The warehouse of the cell Stores, sorts, and transports proteins and other within the cell

Directs transportation of proteins and other molecules to the outside of the cell.

Also synthesizes and pectin ()

3 • Made by the

• Highly acidic environments Due to digestive .

• Digest waste particles & malfunctioning organelles.


• Food Transport food from to other parts of the cell.

This process is known as .


4 Contractile vacuoles

• Freshwater need these vacuoles to pump excess water out of the cell. Otherwise the cell continues to expand until it explodes.


Central vacuoles • Found in cells • Storage organelle Water May store proteins and Provides turgor, giving plants strength

Wilted plants have little turgor due to lack of water

Plant turgor

Plant needs water to fill Normal plant central vacuoles.

5 Mitochondria & • Mitochondria are the batteries of the cell. Produces a lot of ATP, the currency of most metabolic functions.

• Chloroplasts Found only in plants and some protists

Site of .

Chapter 5: Membrane Structure and Function

Plasma Membrane: Thin barrier separating inside of cell () from outside environment

Function: 1) Isolate cell’s contents from outside environment

2) Regulate exchange of substances between inside and outside of cell

3) Communicate with other cells

Note : also exist within cells forming various compartments where different biochemical processes occur

6 The of Cellular Membranes:

Phospholipid Bilayer: Double layer of

• Hydrophilic ends form outer border • Hydrophobic tails form inner layer

• Lipid tails of phospholipids are unsaturated (C = C)

Cell Membrane Proteins: 1) Transport Proteins: • Regulate movement of hydrophilic molecules through membrane A) Channel Proteins (form pores; e.g., Na + channels) B) Carrier Proteins (binding sites; e.g., transporter)

2) Receptor Proteins: • Trigger cell activity when from outside environment binds to protein 3) Recognition Proteins: • Allow cells to recognize / attach to one another • : Proteins with attached groups

7 How are Substances Transported Across Membranes? Answer: Concentration Gradients

Concentration = Number of molecules in a given unit of volume (e.g., grams / liter; moles / liter)

Gradient = Difference between two regions of space such that molecules move from one region to the other

Diffusion: Movement of molecules from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration

• Greater the concentration gradient, the faster occurs • Diffusion will continue until gradient eliminated (dynamic equilibrium) • Diffusion cannot move molecules rapidly over long distances

Types of Movement Across Membranes (Table 4.1): 1) • Requires no energy • Substances move down concentration gradients A) Simple Diffusion • Small molecules pass directly through the

bilayer (e.g., CO 2, H 2O, O 2)

Rate depends on: 1) Molecule size 2) Concentration gradient 3) Lipid solubility

(Figure 4.3a)

8 Types of Movement Across Membranes: 1) Passive Transport • Requires no energy • Substances move down concentration gradients B) • Molecules need assistance of channel proteins or carrier proteins (e.g. ions, amino , sugars)

Channel Proteins (Figure 4.3b)

Carrier Proteins (Figure 4.3c)

Channel and Carrier proteins

Types of Movement Across Membranes: 1) Passive Transport A) Simple Diffusion • Requires no energy B) Facilitated Diffusion • Substances move down concentration gradients C) • Movement of water from an area of high [water] to area of low [water] across semi-permeable membrane


9 Osmosis:


In which direction will there be a net osmotic movement of water?  out of the cell  into the cell  neither

Permeable 0.02 M glucose 0.05 M glucose only to water 0.01 M

In which direction will there be a net osmotic movement of water?  out of the cell  into the cell  neither

Permeable 0.02 M glucose 0.05 M glucose only to water 0.03 M sucrose

10 Osmosis and Living Cells:

Isotonic : • Outside of cell has same [solute] as inside of cell

Iso = same.

Isotonic = Same solute concentration inside and outside of the cell.

(no net water movement)

Osmosis and Living Cells:

Isotonic Solution: • Outside of cell has same [solute] as inside of cell

Hypertonic Solution: • Outside of cell has higher [solute] than inside of cell

• Hyper = higher

(net water movement out of cell)

Osmosis and Living Cells: Isotonic Solution: • Outside of cell has same [solute] as inside of cell Hypertonic Solution: • Outside of cell has higher [solute] than inside of cell Hypotonic Solution: • Inside of cell has higher [solute] than outside of cell

Hypo = lower is relative to the inside of the cell

(net water movement into cell)

11 Water balance in cells without walls Solution is:

hypotonic isotonic hypertonic

lyse normal shrivel

Water balance in cells with walls

hypotonic isotonic hypertonic

turgid flaccid shriveled

Types of Movement Across Membranes: 1) Passive Transport 2) (aka pumps) • Requires energy (ATP) • Substances move against concentration gradients

12 (Figure 4.7) Types of Movement Across Membranes: 1) Passive Transport 2) Active Transport 3) • Movement of large particles into cells (vesicle formation) 1) (“cell drinking”) • Uptake of fluid droplets 2) Receptor-mediated Endocytosis • Uptake of specific molecules via coated pits 3) Phagocytosis (“cell eating”) • Uptake of large particles (e.g. )

Types of Movement Across Membranes: 1) Passive Transport 2) Active Transport 3) Endocytosis 4) • Movement of large particles out of cells (e.g., )

(Figure 4.9)


13 How are Cell Surfaces Specialized? Answer: Junctions allow cells to connect and communicate 1) Connection Junctions: A) : Hold cells together via protein filaments

(Figure 4.10a)

How are Cell Surfaces Specialized? Answer: Junctions allow cells to connect and communicate 1) Connection Junctions: B) Tight Junctions: Protein “seals” prevent leakage (cell →cell)

(Figure 4.10b)

How are Cell Surfaces Specialized? Answer: Junctions allow cells to connect and communicate

2) Communication Junctions: A) Gap Junctions: Protein channels allowing for signals to pass between cells (animals)

(Figure 4.11a)

14 How are Cell Surfaces Specialized? Answer: Junctions allow cells to connect and communicate 2) Communication Junctions: A) Plasmodesmata: Cytoplasmic bridges allowing for signals to pass between cells (plants)

(Figure 4.11b)

How are Cell Surfaces Specialized? Answer: Cell walls offer support and protection Cell Walls: • Found in bacteria, plants, fungi, & some protists • Composed of carbohydrates (e.g. cellulose, chitin) , proteins, or inorganic molecules (e.g. silica) • Produced by the cell it protects/supports

Exam on Thursday! • Bring scantrons and 2 pencils in case one breaks

• Covers Chapters 1 – 5.

• Will be multiple choice, short answer, and 1 or 2 essay questions.

• Study Chapter 3 particularly carefully, it’s the biggest chapter!