AMANDA DALOLA Assistant Professor of French & Linguistics, University of South Carolina Dalola@Mailbox.Sc.Edu Phone: 607.624.6620
AMANDA DALOLA Assistant Professor of French & Linguistics, University of South Carolina Phone: 607.624.6620 EDUCATION Ph.D. French Linguistics, University of Texas at Austin, 2014 Dissertation: “Un drôle de bruit_hhh: A sociophonetic examination of the production and perception of final vowel devoicing among L1 and L2 speakers of French.” Director: Dr. Barbara E. Bullock M.A. French Linguistics, Pennsylvania State University, 2006 B.A. Linguistics, English, cum laude, Cornell University, 2004 Study Abroad La Sorbonne, Jussieu (Paris VII), 2003 ACADEMIC APPOINTMENTS Assistant Professor, Department of Languages, Literatures & Cultures; 2014-present Linguistics Program, University of South Carolina Graduate Assistant Instructor, Department of French & Italian, 2010-2014 University of Texas at Austin Assistant Instructor to Lyon Study Abroad Program, Department of 2011, 2012 French & Italian, University of Texas at Austin Instructor of English, Département d’études anglaises et nord- 2006-2008 américaines, Université de Strasbourg Graduate Teaching Assistant, Department of French & Francophone 2004-2006, 2008-2009 Studies, Pennsylvania State University RESEARCH AREAS PRIMARY: Phonetics, Phonology, Sociophonetics, Technology & Social Media in the L2 Classroom OTHER: Sociolinguistics, History of the Romance Languages, French Gastronomy, Tweetmining PUBLISHED RESEARCH & SCHOLARSHIP REFEREED JOURNAL PUBLICATIONS & BOOK CHAPTERS 1. Dalola, Amanda and Keiko Bridwell. (in press). The Shape of [u]: Mapping COG differences in Phrase-Final Vowel Devoicing in L1 & L2 speakers of French. To be published in Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, August 2019. 2. Song, Jiyeon and Amanda Dalola. (in press). Vowel Demergers in North Korean Refugees. To be published in Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, August 2019.
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