TREASURY WARRANT. Hector, Earl of Norbury
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4678 George Thomas John, Marquess of West- Lodge Redmond, Viscount Frankfort De meath. Montmorency. Ulick John', Marquess of Clanricarde. Thomas, Baron Trimlestown. Bertram Arthur, Earl of Waterford. Edward, Baron Dunsany. Edmond, Earl of Cork and Orrery. Cadwallader Davis, Baron Blayney. Arthur James, Earl of Fingall. George Percy, Baron Carbery. • Frederick .John William, Earl of Cay an. Henry, Baron Farnham. Henry, Earl of Kerry and Shelbourne. Constantine Henry, Baron Mulgrave. John Stuart, Earl of Darnley. Godfrey, Baron Macdonald. George, Earl of Egmont. William, Baron Kensington. John George, Earl of Bessborough. Henry, Baron Rokeby. Richard, Earl of Shannon. Mathew Fitzmaurice, Baron Muskerry. John George Danvers, Earl of Lanesborough. John Cavendish, Baron Kilmaine. James, Earl of Fife. Edward, Baron, Clon curry. Philip Yorke, Earl of Arran. Robert, Baron Clonbrock. James Thomas, Earl of Courtown. Henry Manners, Baron Waterpark. Joseph, Earl of Milltown. Samuel, Baron Bridport. Francis William, Earl of Charlemont. Beaumont, Baron Hotham. John, Earl of Mexborough. Richard, Baron Cremorne. Thomas, Earl of Howth. Charles John, Baron Teignmouth. Charles William, Earl of Sefton. Edward, Baron Crofton. Robert, Earl of Roden. Charles, Baron Ffrench. Ernest, Earl of Lisburne. Anthony, Baron Henley. Richard Plantaganet, Earl Nugent. Frederick, Baron Dufferin and Claneboye. Benjamin O'Neale, Earl of Aldborough. John, Baron Henniker. Stephen, Earl of Mount-Cashel. Thomas Townsend Meredith, Baron Ventry. Edward Michael, Earl of Longford. Henry, Baron Dunalley. Henry John Reuben, Earl of Portarlington. Granville George, Baron Radstock. Robert, Earl of Mayo. Frederick Mason Trench, Baron Ashtown. William Richard, Earl Annesley. Alan Legge, Baron Gardner. William, Earl of Enniskillen. Eyre, Baron Clarina. John, Earl of Erne. Richard, Baron Castlemaine. Otway O'Connor, Earl of Desart. Charles, Baron Garvagh. William Forward, Earl of Wicklow. Ulysses, Baron Downes. John Henry, Earl of Clonmel. John Douglas, Baron Bloomfield. George Charles, Earl of Lucan. Henry, Baron Fitz Gerald and Vesey. James, Earl of Bandon. James, Baron Talbot of Malahide. Richard John, Earl of Donoughmore. Robert Shapland, Baron Carew. William Henry Tennison, Earl of Limerick. Dominick, Baron Oranmore and Browne. William Thomas, Earl of Clancarty. Denis St. George, Baron Dunsandle and William, Earl of Rosse. Clanconal. Welbore Ellis, Earl of Normanton. Thomas, Baron Clermont. Charles, Earl of Charleville. For Richard, Earl of Bantry. C. Fitzsimon, Richard, Earl of Glengall. Clerk of the Crown and Hanaper. George Augustus Frederick, Earl of Sheffield. C. 0' Connell Fitzsimon, Francis Jack, Earl of Kilmorey. Deputy. Edwin Richard, Earl of Dunraven. William, Earl of Listowel. TREASURY WARRANT. Hector, Earl of Norbury. WHEREAS an Act was passed in the fourth Thomas, Earl of Ranfurly. year of Her present Majesty, intituled " An Act Jenico, Viscount Gormanstovm. for the regulation of the duties of postage." Henry Edmund, Viscount Mountgarret. And whereas another Act was passed in the George Child, Viscount Grandison. eleventh year of the reign of Her present Majesty, Henry Charles, Viscount Dillon. intituled " An Act for giving further facilities for John, Viscount Lumley. the transmission of letters by post, and for the Thomas Heron, Viscount Ranelagh. regulating the duties of postage thereon, and for James, Viscount Strabane. other purposes relating to the Post Office." Richard Pigot, Viscount Molesworth. And whereas another Act was passed in the Richard Walter, Viscount Chetwynd. eighteenth year of the reign of Her present Charles, Viscount Midleton. Majesty, intituled "An Act to amend the laws Gustavus Frederick, Viscount Boyne. relating to the stamp duties on newspapers, and William Keppel, Viscount Barrington, to provide for the transmission by post of printed George Edward Arundell, Viscount Galway. periodical publications." Henry Walker, Viscount Ashbrook. And whereas it is expedient to make provision Hervey, Viscount Mount-Morres. for regulating the transmission by the post of the Arthur, Viscount Dungannon. newspapers hereinafter mentioned. Thomas Anthony, Viscount Southwell. Now we, the Commissioners of Her Majesty's James, Viscount Lifford. Treasury (in exercise of the powers reserved to Edward, Viscount Bangor. us in and by the several before-mentioned Acts, Hayes, Viscount Doneraile. or either of them, and of all other powers enabling Henry, Viscount Clifden. us in this behalf), do by this Warrant under the John James/ Viscount Harberfcon. hands of two us the said Commissioners by the Cornwallis, Viscount'Ha warden. authority of the Statute in that case made and Charles Stanley, Viscount Monck. provided, order, direct, and consent, that the several Barry John, Viscount Avonmore. printed newspapers, mentioned in the schedule to Cornelius, Viscount Lisnjore,. • • this Warrant annexed, shall and may be 4679 mitted by the post between any part of the several hereunto annexed, contained, shall affect or alter, places mentioned and set forth in tlie said schedule or be deemed or construed to affect or alter any to this Warrant annexed, in conformity with, and British rates of postage, made chargeable or pay- under and subject to, the several orders, regulations, able upon any newspapers sent by the post, under conditions, and restrictions hereinafter mentioned or by virtue of the said Treasury Warrants, and contained, and that the rates of postage for bearing date the 22nd day of February, 18i8, and the transmission thereof, in lieu of any rates of 13th day of October, 1852, or either of them, or postage now payable by law on such newspapers, to render any newspapers thereby authorised to shall and may be those which are mentioned and be sent by the post free of British postage liable set forth against the said places respectively in the to British postage, notwithstanding the same shall said schedule, according as the said rates of pass through the Isthmus of Panama. postage shall be mentioned or set forth against the And we do further order and direct that the said places respectively in the said schedule: term " by the post" used in this Warrant, or in 1. Every such newspaper shall be sent without the schedule hereunto annexed, shall include the a cover, or in a cover open at the sides. conveyance by any British, foreign, or colonial 2. There shall be no word or communication packet-boat, and also by private ship ; and that printed on any such newspaper after the pub- the term " British newspapers," shall mean news- lication thereof, or upon any cover thereof, papers printed and published in the United King- nor any writing or marks upon any such dom, whether they bear a newspaper stamp or not, newspaper, or upon any cover thereof, and that the several other terms and expressions other than and except the name and address used in this Warrant, or in the schedule hereunto of the person to whom the same is sent. But annexed, shall be construed to have the like . the name or title of such newspaper, and the meaning in all respects as they would have had if name and address of the publisher, news- inserted in the said Act passed in the fourth year vender, or agent by whom the. same is sent, of the reign of Her present Majesty hereinbefore may be printed on the cover thereof. recited. 3. There shall be no paper or thing enclosjd in And we do further order and direct, that it shall or with any such newspaper. be lawful for the Commissioners for the time 4. Every such newspaper shall be put into the being of Her Majesty's Treasury, by Warrant post-office at such hours in the day, and under their hands duly made, at any time here- under all such regulations, as the Postmaster- after, to alter, repeal, or revoke any' of the rates General may appoint, including therein the of postage hereby fixed, or any of the orders, payment of postage when put into the post- regulations,' conditions, and restrictions hereby office, if the Postmaster-General shall so made, and to make and establish any new or other require. rates, orders, regulations, conditions, and restric- - And we do further order, direct, and consent, tions in lieu thereof, and from time to time appoint that every printed supplement or additional sheet at what time the rates which may be payable are to any newspaper shall, for the purpose of charging to be paid. the postage under this Warrant, be deemed a dis- tinct newspaper, unless sent in the same cover, or THE SCHEDULE TO WHICH THE FOREGOING together with the newspaper to which it is a sup- WARRANT REFERS. plement or addition. British Rates of Postage chargeable on Newspapers And we do further order, direct, and consent, transmitted by the Post under the foregoing that every British newspaper which shall be herer Treasury Warrant. after sent by the post to places out of the United • Kingdom, shall be posted in the United Kingdom On British Newspapers. within fifteen days next after the day on which the same shall be published, the day of publica- From the United Kingdom \ tion to be determined by the date of such pub- to any British Colony or > One penny each. lication. Foreign Port, via Panama ) And we do further order, direct, and consent, that Her Majesty's Postmaster-General shall and may charge all or any newspapers sent by the On Colonial Newspapers. post otherwise than in conformity with the terms, conditions, and regulations established by or under Between one British Colony " the authority of this present Warrant, with such and another British Colo- rates or rate of postage, not exceeding in amount ny, via Panama, or from such rates or rate as would be chargeable upon a British Colony to a Y One penny each. the same as letters or a letter, as to him shall Foreign Port, via Panama, seem fit. without in any such case And we do further order and direct, that on passing through the Uni- any newspaper transmitted by the post under the ted Kingdom .