Silesian Tastes 2009 Traditional recipes of the Ladies and Gentlemen!

The ‘Silesian Tastes’® Festival has become an integral part of the calendar of Polish culinary events. Good and diverse cuisine attracted to Pszczyna, where the 4th Festival was held, thousands of people who wanted not only to see and taste original dishes but also to learn how to prepare them. We have the pleasure of presenting the fourth mini cookery book with competition recipes. We are convinced that everyone will find something for themselves among List of recipes: the numerous different recipes. We hope that Silesian dishes will be prepared with great delight and passion, Laureates’ recipes...... str. 4 and that the highest recognition of your culinary skills will be the satisfied faces of Starters...... str. 17 your family and friends who will taste the delicacies. Soups...... str. 21

Wishing you a good time in the kitchen, Main dishes...... str. 27 we would like to invite you to the 5th ...... str. 37 ‘Silesian Tastes’® Festival to Janów near Desserts Częstochowa!

  Remove all bones from the duck, Ingredients: Rub with marinade from all sides – even at the back. Laureates’ recipes 1 marinated duck Keep it in a cool place at night, (2 tablespoons oil, And let it rest until next day when it’s bright. pepper, salt, paprika, Dice the rolls, fry the onions, and still keeping the heat marjoram, garlic) 1st PLACE IN THE CATEGORY OF AMATEURS – VILLAGE WOMEN’S CLUB KOBIERNICE Add liver and cured meat. Mix it with the rolls, meat and whisked eggs, Stuffing: And season carefully to taste. 3 rolls Stuff the duck, sew it with a thread, and to make sure it’s fine 2 onions SAUERKRAUT SOUP WITH SMOKED PORK KNUCKLE Tie it up with twine. duck giblets Stew the duck for half an hour in a saucepan on a baking tray, 30 dag cured meat 20 dag mince And brown it for one hour until it’s okay. 3 eggs Potatoes should be boiled, salt And mashed before they get cold. pepper Part will be used for white, and part for grey . Grate the potatoes and drain them carefully Dumplings: Leaving the starch (sediment) to use it fully. 1 kg boiled potatoes Knead grey dumplings for a start 1 egg And form ‘boats’ – that’s a real art! 20 dag After putting cabbage inside, 0.5 kg boiled potatoes 1 kg grated potatoes Join white with grey ones, they will be all right. 2 eggs Place them in boiling water and boil for ten minutes, more 1 tablespoon potato flour or less, And serve with pork fat. Delicious? Oh yes! Cabbage: sauerkraut I’ve been eating that for sixty years or so 20 dag smoked lard Now thanks to this recipe my children can have a go. Ingredients: 1 corned pork knuckle Pre-cook the smoked meat with herbs for 1 hour, – smoked CRESCENT ROLLS ‘HEAVENLY TASTE’ Add cabbage and continue cooking – make sure it’s sour. 3 litres water When the meat and sauerkraut are tender, bunch of mixed vegetables Season to taste to add some splendour. allspice When the freshly boiled potatoes are in bay leaf Your delicious dinner may begin. pepper grains 1 litre sauerkraut 2-3 cloves garlic 1 kg boiled potatoes STUFFED DUCK, GREY-WHITE DUMPLINGS, RED CABBAGE Mix sugar with yeast And roll them out so that they Ingredients: And pour it into flour to are nice. prepare a feast. Cut them into eight pieces, 1 kg flour Eggs, fat and cream And spread with something 1 packet butter Should be added in. delicious. 1 packet margarine Add salt, but just a bit, Form shapely crescents, 10 dag yeast To improve the taste of pastry There is nothing more pleasant. 4 tablespoons sugar and to make it complete. Spread them with egg whites 5 tablespoons cream Knead it until smooth and – that’s the last thing, 2 teaspoons baking powder 2 eggs prime, Now put into the oven and start 3 yolks And let it rest for some time. baking. 1 teaspoon salt Form five small balls of equal Eat when still warm, indeed, size, Heavenly taste guaranteed!

  2nd PLACE IN THE CATEGORY OF AMATEURS – VILLAGE WOMEN’S CLUB WISŁA WIELKA Ingredients: Slice, tenderise, season and spread the Game rolls: meat with mustard. Put rashers of bacon, 1 kg venison sliced pickled cucumbers and onion on 40 dag smoked bacon CREAM OF BROCCOLI the prepared meat. Roll everything and mustard simmer. When done, strain gravy and 6 pickled cucumbers thicken it with cream and flour. onion spices Cabbage: cream Shred, boil and strain the cabbage. Then, flour pour vinegar over it, add chopped onion Cabbage: and season to taste. Serve with fried red cabbage smoked bacon. 1 onion 25 dag smoked bacon Dumplings: 2 big wine-flavoured apples Boil and mash 1/4 potatoes, and grate salt and drain the rest. Mix the potatoes, add pepper potato flour and knead dough. Form small Dumplings: dumplings and boil them in salted water. 2 kg potatoes 2 eggs potato flour PSZCZYNA CAKE WHICH ‘GIVES A KICK’

Prepare bone and vegetable stock with Ingredients: spices, and boil and mix broccoli. Mix the bone and vegetable stock mash with the stock, thicken with cream 1 kg fresh broccoli and season to taste. Serve in bouillon dis- 200 ml cream 18% hes, decorated with parsley. spices small plain profiteroles


Ingredients: 4 eggs Whisk 4 eggs with 8 tablespoons of sugar 8 tablespoons sugar and vanilla sugar, and mix with 2 packets 2 packets butter of butter. Blend the butter cream with mixed dried fruit and nuts crumbled sponge and mixed dried fruit (20 dag raisins, 20 dag and nuts soaked in spirit. Form a ‘hill’ and almonds, 20 dag nuts) decorate it with whipped cream and fruit. 250 ml spirit Serve with a small coffee. 500 ml whipping cream sponge   3rd PLACE IN THE CATEGORY OF AMATEURS – VILLAGE WOMEN’S CLUB OWSISZCZE Ingredients: Season the duck with salt and pepper (also inside), stuff it 1 duck with chopped vegetables and place in a film sleeve (special 15 dag parsley root sleeve for roasting meat). Roast in a preheated oven for - MADE NOODLES 10 dag celery about 1.5 hours. CHICKEN BROTH WITH HOME 10 dag onion 15 dag apple When ready, pour off gravy from the sleeve into a pot pepper and bring to boiling. In a separate dish mix 300 ml water, 1 salt tablespoon of flour, 1 tablespoon of sour cream and pour the mixture into the boiling gravy. Simmer for 2 minutes, Red cabbage: stirring all the time. 1 kg red cabbage 10 dag smoked pork fat 1 onion 2 apples Shred the cabbage and put in a pot on melted fat 1 tablespoon sugar pork. Add finely chopped onion, apples and the rest 0.5 tablespoon salt of flavour ingredients. Simmer for one hour until 1 tablespoon vinegar tender. Finally, season with salt and pepper. pinch of pepper allspice clove caraway White cabbage: 1 kg white cabbage 1 onion Shred the cabbage and boil in salted water 2 apples for about 10 min. Drain with a colander and 2 carrots cool down. Put the cabbage into a bowl and salt add grated apples and carrots and finely sugar Ingredients: chopped onion. Mix all the ingredients, vinegar Boil the chicken and vegetables until tender sprinkle with oil and season to taste. pepper 70 dag chicken for about one hour, season with salt and oil to taste 3 l water pepper. Strain the broth and boil again, 15 dag carrot adding a teaspoon of soup seasoning and 10 dag parsley root finely chopped boiled vegetables. Add 10 dag celery WITH ONION FILLING 1 onion noodles to the boiling broth. When the CROQUETTES 1 clove garlic broth boils, take it off the heat for 15 min 1 teaspoon soup seasoning until the noodles soften. 15 dag noodles

Ingredients: 4 onions VEGETABLE-STUFFED ROAST DUCK 2 tablespoons breadcrumbs WITH GRAVY, DUMPLINGS, RED AND WHITE CABBAGE 2 tablespoons butter 4 tablespoons grated cheese pepper salt Slice the onions and fry them in butter until transparent. Add breadcrumbs, grated cheese and fry until cheese melts. Season with salt and pepper.

Prepare pancakes in a traditional way. When ready, spread Pancakes: them with a tablespoon of filling and fold in squares. Coat 1 glass milk the croquettes with a beaten egg and breadcrumbs. Fry 1 glass water on both sides until golden brown on a heated frying pan 1 egg with oil. 1 tablespoon oil 1.5 glasses flour   CRISPY FRIED COOKIES SOUR LIGHTS

Ingredients: Ingredients: 1 kg pork lights 10 dag onion 2 eggs mixed vegetables for 0.25 l cream stock 0.5 l milk 1 tablespoon wheat flour 0.5 kg flour bay leaf 0.5 glass sugar allspice 1 packet vanilla sugar pepper juice from 1 lemon sugar pinch of salt salt 2 teaspoons of baking powder vinegar 0.5 l cooking oil 1 tablespoon lard

Pour boiling water over mixed vegetables and bring to boiling. Add salt, Mix all the ingredients and pour with a tablespoon on hot oil. Fry pepper, bay leaf, allspice and lights. Boil for about 1 hour. In the meantime, until golden brown, flipping from time to time. Wait until cool and make roux of lard, flour, onion, and stock. Cut the boiled lights into thin sprinkle icing sugar over the cookies. strips. Mix everything and season to taste with vinegar, sugar and pepper. Serve with bread.


Ingredients: 6 corned pork knuckles Ingredients: 30 dag sauerkraut 10 dag porcini mushrooms 20 dag herring fillets 10 dag onion 2 eggs bay leaf 10 dag pickled cucumbers allspice 8 dag onion pepper salt soup seasoning pepper salt mustard

Blanch sauerkraut, add mushrooms fried with onion and season. Chop finely the herrings, eggs, onion and pickled cucumbers (without Remove the bone from the pork knuckle, form a ‘pocket’ and fill peel), season with mustard and pepper. Mix all the ingredients carefully. it with the sauerkraut. Tie everything with a piece of string or put Serve with wholemeal or toast bread. into butcher’s net. Boil with spices for about 1.5 hours.

10 11 SILESIAN VEGETABLE SALAD Prepare caramel (sugar and water) on a frying pan. Add stemmed gooseberry and fry for about 1 min. Baste with honey liqueur. Decorate and serve hot.



Boil potatoes in jackets, add caraway. Ingredients: Chop smoked bacon and onion into small cubes and fry. Cut the boiled 50 dag potatoes potatoes, pickled cucumbers (without 20 dag pickled cucumbers 10 dag onion peel) into cubes. Mix and add fried 10 dag smoked bacon bacon with onion, season to taste with salt spices and chopped parsley. This type pepper of Silesian salad can also be made with vinegar herring, sour apple and boiled carrot. caraway Pork knuckle should be served with parsley leaves vegetable salad without herring.

GOOSEBERRY IN CARAMEL WITH HONEY Ingredients: 0.5 kg gooseberry sugar icing sugar Ingredients: Cut stemmed fruit up, pour over with a water 10 dag fruit litre of water and set aside. Simmer the 2 dag cream smoked bacon. If you use dried fruit, wash Miodula: 1 dag flour it carefully and soak one day before. On the following day, boil it in the same water Mix 1 glass of spirit, 3 dag smoked bacon 1 glass of water and 1 glass 1 potato in which it was soaked. Mix the cream of honey. sugar to taste with flour, pour into the fruit and bring salt to boiling. Season to taste with sugar, salt and cinnamon. Serve hot with mashed potatoes. It is a Silesian Christmas dish. The liqueur should mature for at least 3 weeks.


Ingredients: 3 dag flour 2 eggs 150 ml kefir 1 dag sugar Ingredients: 0.5 dag vanilla sugar 0.5 dag baking powder 1 small duck (approx. 1 kg) 10 dag apples 35 dag apples (sourish) 5 dag butter 20 dag potatoes 5 dag flour Add eggs and wheat flour to kefir, and mix until smooth. Add sugar, egg (1 yolk) vanilla sugar and baking powder. Leave the mixture for about 10 min 25 dag white cabbage and fry. Serve with apple mousse. 5 dag onion 7 dag smoked bacon salt Apple mousse: sugar Cut apples into quarters and stew in a pot with a little water. pepper Add a teaspoon of butter and fry until water evaporates. vinegar to taste

3rd PLACE IN THE CATEGORY OF PROFESSIONALS – RESTAURANT ‘FRYKÓWKA’ Duck with apples: PSZCZYNA Rinse the duck, dry and rub with salt and marjoram one hour before roasting. Peel and cut apples into quarters, remove seed pods, put inside SOUR SOUP IN A LOAF OF BREAD WITH MUSHROOMS the duck and sew up. Melt butter in a small pan, put the duck inside and pour over with butter on top. Simmer, pouring over with gravy. When Ingredients: done, place the duck on a serving dish and pour over with gravy. 20 dag smoked bones 5 carrots Dark dumplings: 5 parsley roots Boil half of the potatoes in jackets, peel and mash. Grate the other half – strain 1 medium celery the water with a clean cloth and set aside. If there is sediment at the bottom, 50 dag plain pork sausage pour off the water carefully and add the sediment to the mass and mix the 30 dag boletes boiled potatoes with the grated ones. Then, add flour, knead until smooth and 20 dag rye flour for leavening form round dumplings. Boil in salted water for about 7 min. bay leaf allspice White dumplings: marjoram Peel and boil the potatoes. When still hot, mash them twice, cool down salt and add potato flour and yolks. Add salt to the dough and knead well. pepper Then, form flat dumplings and boil them in salted water for about 5 min. soup seasoning Serves 10 Stewed cabbage: Wash the cabbage and shred finely. Boil it for a short time in a small amount of salted water. Pour off 2/3 of the water. Peel the onion and chop finely. Chop the peeled apples into cubes. Add the apples and onion to the cabbage, season with salt, vinegar and sugar. Chop the Make a traditional soup of stock of smoked bones, vegetables (carrot, bacon (or pork fat) into cubes, melt until golden brown and add to the parsley, celery), sausage and mushrooms. Add rye flour leavening, thanks cabbage. Cover the pot and put into a preheated oven for 15-20 min. to which you will get a silky consistency and a slightly sour flavour. Serve in a characteristic ‘hollow’ loaf of bread.

14 15 Ingredients: ADAM’S RIB SERVED WITH BAKED POTATOES, Starters 2 kg pork ribs, strips FRIED CABBAGE AND MUSHROOMS Marinade: 4400 ml oil HERRING SALAD – FISH VEGETABLE SALAD 5 dag pork marinade 20 dag honey bay leaf Ingredients: allspice garlic 4 boiled jacket potatoes nutmeg tray of Matjas herring 3 pickled cucumbers Horseradish dip: 1 apple 20 dag Toska cheese 2 onions 5 dag horseradish 1 glass boiled red or white beans pepper to taste 0.25 glass oil salt salt pepper Serves 3

Marinate pork ribs in honey, spices and mustard about two days before. Cut potatoes, onions and cucumbers into cubes, herring into strips and When marinated, roast the ribs for about 1.5 hours until tender. Stir-fry apples into matchsticks. Mix the ingredients with beans, season with salt cabbage (rinsed sauerkraut cooked with bay leaf, allspice and caraway) and and pepper, pour over with oil and mix carefully. Put in the fridge for 1 thicken it with roux made of butter and wheat flour. Finally, add forest hour. The salad can also be made with capers, pickled mushrooms or mushrooms and fry everything once again. red pepper cut into cubes. Serve the ribs with jacket potatoes, cut into quarters and deep-fried (150 Village Women’s Club Dąbrowa Górnicza – Tucznawa dag per one serving), and horseradish dip. SPINACH AND SALMON ROLL APPLE PIE ‘JUST LIKE MOM’S’ Ingredients: SERVED WITH CLOVE SAUCE Shortcrust pastry: 1 kg wheat flour 1.5 packets butter 25 dag icing sugar 4 eggs 2 teaspoons baking powder 1 packet vanilla sugar Mass: 2 kg fried apples Honey and clove sauce: 1 l whipping cream 30 dag wildflower honey 8-10 cloves Whisk eggs, add defrosted spinach, salt, pepper, Ingredients: cheese and mix everything. Pour the mixture in a 4 eggs baking tin lined with paper and bake for about 10 45 dag frozen spinach Prepare dough from flour, butter, eggs, baking powder and vanilla sugar. Cool the dough minutes in a preheated oven (200°C). When ready, 5 dag grated cheese in a fridge for about half an hour. When cool, divide it into two, roll up and put on a spread the spinach pastry thinly with cream cheese, salt greased baking tin, sprinkled with breadcrumbs. Spread the mass of fried apples and put slices of salmon and sprinkle with lemon juice. pepper cover with the other part of the rolled up dough. Bake at 180 °C for about 60 min. To Form a roll and put in the fridge. 20 dag cream cheese prepare the sauce, mix all the ingredients and simmer until they thicken. Before serving, 20 dag smoked salmon sprinkle the apple pie with icing sugar and pour over with the sauce. Village Women’s Club Tworków 2 tablespoons lemon juice


Ingredients: 12 lettuce leaves 12 tablespoons mayonnaise 45 dag ewe’s cheese 12 dag hazelnuts 25 dag tinned ham 2 tomatoes Ingredients: Cook stock of seasoned vegetables cut slantwise. dill Cut fish, put it into the boiling stock, add salt and boil 1 kg freshwater fish until tender. Soak gelatin in cold water. When soaked, 20 dag vegetables (carrot, parsley, onion) dissolve in the fish stock. Bring to boiling. Put the Mix mayonnaise with ewe’s cheese, add chopped nuts, sliced ham and bay leaf cooked fish on a serving dish or in a bowl, decorate chopped dill. Spread the mixture on lettuce leaves and roll up. Pour salt with cooked vegetables and pour over with the cooled over with mayonnaise on top and sprinkle with dill. Put on a serving pepper stock. When set, serve with lemon or vinegar. dish and decorate with tomatoes. sugar 1.5 dag gelatin Village Women’s Club Udórz Wojciech Korfanty Group of Schools No. 2, Jastrzębie Zdrój

CARP ROLL WITH POTATO SALAD Ingredients: KOHLRABI STUFFED WITH MEAT 4 carp fillets 5 eggs parsley leaves salt Ingredients: pepper mixed vegetables (1 carrot, 12 kohlrabi bulbs 1 parsley, 1 celery) 35 dag mince 4 potatoes 3 dag stale roll 4 pickled cucumbers egg green peas 3 tomatoes or tinned sliced mayonnaise tomatoes lettuce 1 garlic parsley flour lard butter cream spices to taste greens Put two fish fillets through the mincer, add one egg, salt, pepper, two hard-boiled eggs cut into cubes and chopped parsley. Mix everything carefully. Tenderise the rest of the fillets, spread with stuffing and wrap up in foil. Bake in the oven for about 1 hour at 160°C. Peel kohlrabi bulbs and hollow them out. Mix mince with a soaked roll, an egg and greens, and season to taste. Stuff the bulbs with the meat, put them Potato salad: in a saucepan and add fat. Add Boil mixed vegetables, potatoes and eggs, and cut them into a bit of water to the hollowed out bulbs and stew until tender. Make roux cubes. Add green peas, diced pickled cucumbers, mayonnaise and and add it to the sauce when the kohlrabi is tender (after about 30 min). mix everything. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Serve nicely Add finely chopped, peeled tomatoes to the sauce and bring to boiling. decorated. Serve the kohlrabi with potatoes.

Group of Vocational Schools, Racibórz Wojciech Korfanty Group of Schools No. 2, Jastrzębie Zdrój


FOREST MUSHROOM SOUP WITH NOODLES Ingredients: 60 dag forest mushrooms 25 dag poultry for stock 25 dag beef for stock 15 dag vegetables: celery, carrot, parsley thick noodles pepper salt Maggi seasoning sauce 6 -10 allspice grains 4 bay leaves 15 dag cream 3 teaspoons wheat flour 3 -4 litres water

Prepare poultry and beef stock with vegetables, add mushrooms and season to taste. When ready, add noodles. Thicken the soup with wheat flour and add cream.

Family Team, Czarków Ingredients: 15 dag meat of crayfish tails or whole crayfish WHEY OR BUTTERMILK BEETROOT SOUP 15 dag smoked fish fillets (trout, WITH HOME-MADE BREAD pikeperch, catfish) Cook crayfish in boiling water 1 portion mixed vegetables until red. Cut fish fillets into big 1 onion pieces. Shell the crayfish and layer 5 dag butter with chopped lettuce. 20 dag lettuce mix 1 bunch dill Sauces: 1 bunch chives Chop finely dill and chives, 100 ml sour cream 12% mix separately with cream and 100 ml natural yoghurt 6 cocktail tomatoes yoghurt. Season the sauces with salt salt, sugar and pepper, or lemon pepper juice. Serve the crayfish and fish on a lettuce mix, pour over with a bit of dill sauce, and decorate with Ingredients: tomatoes, chive sauce and small Pour 1 litre of water into a pot, add diced potatoes and cooked crayfish. 1 litre water sliced beetroot, and salt to taste. When cooked, grate 6 medium potatoes the beetroot coarsely and put again into the pot with Oskar Lange Group of Economic 0.5 litre buttermilk the potatoes. When ready, add 0.5 litre of buttermilk Schools, Wodzisław Śląski 3 tablespoons cream (whey) well mixed with 3 large tablespoons of cream. 1 big red beetroot Set the soup aside for at least 15 minutes, then serve. pinch of salt to taste Zawiercie Group


Ingredients: 0.5 smoked pig’s head 0.5 kg sauerkraut 1 carrot 1 parsley spices thick cream

Ingredients: Cook stock of a pig’s head and vegetables in a big pot for about 2 hours. Make stock of meat, mixed vegetables, 50 dag meat for stock – mixed Take out the head and the vegetables, and add chopped sauerkraut. Cook salt and pepper. Mince liver with onion (beef, pork, poultry) for 20 minutes and season to taste. Dice the head meat and add to the and garlic, add breadcrumbs and spices 20 dag mixed vegetables soup. The cabbage soup can be served with a tablespoon of thick cream. to taste. With a teaspoon, put small liver salt dumplings in the strained, boiling stock. pepper Imko Wisełka Group, Wisła 20 dag poultry liver Village Women’s Club Tworków 1 onion 2 cloves garlic 1 tablespoon breadcrumbs salt VEGETABLE SOUP SERVED COLD WITH NEW POTATOES pepper CHEESE SOUP

Ingredients: 1.5 l fresh buttermilk 1 glass thick cream 0.25 kg cottage cheese (well dripped) finely chopped chives bunch of dill bunch of grated radish 1 fresh small cucumber finely chopped lettuce (several leaves) salt and pepper 1 kg new potatoes onion melted pork fat for the potatoes Ingredients: Simmer meat with leek and add spices. When cooked, crumble the meat and Cut cottage cheese into cubes and put on plates. Mix buttermilk with cream 25 dag mince the leak, and slowly add whipping cream, and whisk to combine the ingredients. Add chopped radish, chives, dill, 3 leeks (approx. 40 dag) processed cheese and stock cube to 10 dag whipping cream taste. The soup should have a creamy lettuce, cucumber and spices. Serve directly after preparation in bowls with 10 dag cream processed cheese potatoes seasoned with pork scratchings from melted fat, fried with onion stock cube consistency. It can be served with toast or potatoes. spices (salt, pepper, turmeric, soup or choux pastry balls. seasoning) District Council of Village Women’s Club in Kłobuck Active Women of Nędza Commune

22 23 PIGEONS IN STOCK HIGHLAND NETTLE SOUP Ingredients: 4 young pigeons 1 carrot 1 small celery 1 leek 1 cauliflower 1 parsley root salt natural pepper Ingredients: soup seasoning (1 teaspoon) allspice 50 dag nettles 1 glass flour 1 tablespoon butter 2 eggs 1 tablespoon flour 2 cloves garlic

Prepare stock of young pigeons with vegetables (carrot, celery, parsley, leek). Season to taste. At the end of cooking, add cauliflower to the stock. The stock Wash nettles and put them into a small amount of boiling salted can be served with noodles of flour and eggs.. water. Bring to boiling. Strain the nettles and chop finely with a knife. In a separate saucepan, make bright roux of flour and butter, Association for Restoration and Development of the Village of Stanowice add the boiled nettles and pour over with the water in which they boiled. Season with salt and garlic.



Ingredients: stock of pork bones Ingredients: with mixed vegetables Cook meat with mixed vegetables until tender. Stra- kohlrabi 1 kg smoked ribs in the soup, chop finely carrot and parsley leaves, poultry liver 1.5 – 2 l water roux of wheat flour bunch of mixed vegetables and add soup seasoning and pepper. The soup can be served with black dumplings. and lard soup seasoning pepper 3 allspice seeds Black dumplings: salt Black dumplings: Boil 4 potatoes and grate 1 raw potato with a grater. 5 big potatoes Mash the boiled potatoes and divide into 4 parts. potato flour Remove one part from the rest and replace with (1/4 of potato volume) flour – the amount of flour should be the same as Make stock of pork bones and add diced kohlrabi. Separate leaves from the amount of removed potatoes. Add the grated stalks and blanch separately. Cut them into strips and add to the boiling raw potato. If the dough is too dry, you may add some stock. Do the same with diced liver. Finally, prepare dark roux of wheat hot water. Knead the dough and form small round flour and lard, and add to the stock. Serve the soup with fresh shredded dumplings. Boil until tender in boiling salted water. parsley leaves.

Folk Band ‘Familjo’, Skrzyszów Restaurant ‘Kuchnia i Wino’, Pszczyna


Ingredients: Ingredients: ‘HUBERCIKI’ DUMPLINGS WITH SAUCE 2 l stock 2 tablespoons 1 kg boiled potatoes caraway 1 glass wheat flour 2 tablespoons butter 1 egg Dumplings: Sauce ingredients: 4 tablespoons flour 60 dag meat 1 egg 1 onion salt salt water 1 teaspoon flour Brown caraway in butter, add it to stock, bring to boiling and strain. soup seasoning Prepare small dumplings of flour, egg and salt, and add them to the soup. Mix boiled potatoes with flour, add 1 egg and knead dough. To avoid sticky hands, you Wojciech Korfanty Group of Schools No. 2, Jastrzębie Zdrój can grease them with 3 drops of oil. Knead the dough until shiny. When ready, cut into 4 parts and form small balls – ‘Huberciki’ – with a diameter of 1-1.5 cm. Pour 2 l of water into a pot and add salt. Simmer ‘Huberciki’ for 7 minutes. BEER SOUP Sauce ingredients: WITH CHOUX PASTRY SWAN AND CHEESE Add salt to meat and chopped onion, fry until golden and baste with water to cover the meat. Cook until tender. Make roux of 10 ml water and 1 tablespoon flour – mix well until smooth. Add to the meat and bring to boiling. Season with soup seasoning.

Serve ‘Huberciki’ with sauce and sauerkraut or red cabbage salad.

Zawiercie Group


Ingredients: Heat up beer, add crumbled wholemeal bread, salt and 1 l lager sugar – do not boil. Add a bit of the beer to the cream 10 dag wholemeal bread and mix . Add the mixture to the beer. Prepare choux 200 ml sour cream 18% Ingredients: pastry and form swan necks (in the shape of a question sugar o Grate potatoes and onion with a grater. Add eggs, mark) and trunks, bake at 190 C until brown, dry and salt 1 kg potatoes stuff the trunks with cheese mixture (grated cheese pepper flour and season to taste. Bake in a preheated tin. Cut 15 dag flour mixed with butter and herbs), and attach swan heads. choux pastry swans pork, stir-fry and stew for about 40 minutes, adding 2 eggs Serve on plates or in bowls with choux pastry balls and a (wheat flour – 110 g, garlic and pepper to taste. Serve the crispy cakes with 1 onion cheese-stuffed swan, decorated with herbs. margarine – 50 g, pork. Spices: salt, pepper, eggs – 4, marjoram, garlic, water – 120 ml, salt) Oskar Lange Group of Economic Schools, Wodzisław Śląski Imko Wisełka Group, Wisła pepper 5 dag cheese 20 dag pork (3rd class) 2 dag butter 26 27 BEEF ROULADE TRADITIONAL KŁOBUCK ‘PRAŻUCHY’ Ingredients: WITH FRIED NEW CABBAGE beef (preferably rump cut) several dried mushrooms 2 onions 3 pickled cucumbers slice of rye bread several slices of smoked bacon 3 tablespoons Maggi Seasoning Sauce grainy mustard flour salt pepper

Slice meat, tenderise and add salt. Cut onions into eights, mushrooms into strips, cucumbers lengthwise, and cut a slice of bread into as many parts as there are slices of beef. Stir-fry the onions, cucumbers and bread in oil. Spread the slices of meat with mustard on one side. Put a rasher of bacon, pieces of cucumber, onion, bread and mushrooms on top. Roll everything up in a tight roulade, tie with cotton thread, coat in flour and fry in butter. When almost ready, place the beef roulades in a dish, pour over with the prepared mushroom stock (if it is not enough, add some water). Stew in a thick-bottomed pot. The beef roulades can be served with groats or dumplings and red cabbage.

Village Women’s Club Dąbrowa Górnicza – Tucznawa

Ingredients: POULTRY ROLL-UPS 1 kg potatoes pork fat for roux 1 glass wheat flour spices 0.5 glass potato flour dill Ingredients: head of new cabbage wheat flour for roux 1 onion lemon juice or 2 tablespoons wine 3 poultry fillets (chicken or turkey) piece of pork fat, smoked bacon vinegar cheese (as many slices as there are and sausage for pork scratchings tenderised slices of meat) red pepper chives cooking oil Peel potatoes and pour over with water to cover them, add salt and boil 1 egg until tender. Add wheat flour and simmer for about 10 minutes, adding spices optionally potato flour at the end. Take the pot off the heat and mash breadcrumbs the potatoes until smooth. In the meantime, melt pork fat with bacon and sausage. Fry the onion until golden brown. Pour boiling water over shredded new cabbage and boil for about 10 min. When blanched, strain Cut poultry fillets, tenderise slightly with a meat mallet and season to taste with the cabbage, pour over with bouillon, add fried onion, season to taste and salt, pepper and herbal seasoning. In the middle of every slice of meat put a slice of boil until tender. Add juice squeezed from a lemon or 2 tablespoons of cheese, a strip of red pepper and chives, and roll up. Coat every roulade in beaten wine vinegar. Melt pork fat, add wheat flour and brown. Add the roux to egg and then in breadcrumbs. the cabbage at the end of boiling and stir well. When off the heat, add finely Fry the coated roll-ups in a preheated frying pan on both sides until golden chopped dill. Put shapely ‘prażuchy’ on a warm plate with a spoon dipped in brown. When done, put the roll-ups in a casserole and roast in a preheated oven the prepared fat, pour over with fat and serve with cabbage. ‘Prażuchy’ also at approx. 180oC for 15 minutes. tastes great with sour milk or buttermilk.

District Council of Village Women’s Club, Kłobuck District Council of Village Women’s Club, Kłobuck

28 29 CHICKEN CUTLETS Ingredients: WITH POTATOES AND MIXED VEGETABLE SALAD 80 dag boneless beef Put meat in marinade of water, vinegar, peeled and grated 10 dag lard vegetables and spices. Leave in a cold place for 12 hours. 1 tablespoon wheat flour Then, heat up lard in a saucepan and use it for browning the meat taken out from the marinade. Stew the meat with the Marinade: vegetables from the marinade, basting from time to time 1 carrot with water. When quite tender, take the meat out and 1 parsley slice slantwise, without cutting through. Put the stuffing of 1 onion blanched grated onion, breadcrumbs, butter and spices in 1 small celery (1/4 root) the cuts. The onion for the stuffing may also be fried in fat. water vinegar to taste Put the stuffed meat carefully in a roasting tin, add gravy allspice and roast until tender, then take out and leave in a warm bay leaf place. Thicken the sauce with a little mixture of flour and water. Cut every other slice of the hot meat so that there Stuffing: is stuffing between the slices. Serve hot with potatoes or 3 onions dumplings, placing the meat on the sauce. 2 tablespoons butter 3 tablespoons breadcrumbs Village Women’s Club Udórz Ingredients: pepper salt to taste 3 chicken breasts 15 dag mushrooms Cut meat, mushrooms and onion. Add 2 tablespoon potato flour grated cheese and oil, mix and put in the 0.5 glass oil fridge for 3 hours. Beat egg whites and 1 onion SILESIAN RABBIT 3 eggs add to the meat shortly before frying. Put 20 dag coarsely grated the mixture with a spoon in hot oil and cheese fry until golden brown. salt pepper Mixed vegetable salad:

Shred cabbage, season with salt and add the rest 0.25 head white cabbage of vegetables. Set aside for 1 hour and squeeze 1 onion out salty water. Mix with the prepared marinade 1 yellow pepper (water, vinegar, sugar). Serve the cutlets and salad 0.5 red pepper with boiled potatoes. 1 cucumber 1 tablespoon salt Village Women’s Club Tworków 3 tablespoons vinegar Ingredients: 3 tablespoons sugar 2 tablespoons water 1.5 kg rabbit (carcass) 12 dag onion 40 dag potatoes 20 dag pork fat HUSSAR ROAST BEEF 12 dag cream ZWITH FRIED POTATOES, RED AND FRIED CABBAGE ground paprika salt pepper to taste

Portion out the rabbit. Chop finely peeled potatoes, onion and pork fat, and layer in a saucepan with the rabbit. Season with salt, pepper and ground paprika. Simmer, basting with cream or stock.

Active Women of Nędza Commune

30 31 STUFFED DUCK, Soak a bread roll in milk, add butter, chopped parsley Ingredients: CABBAGE WITH MUSHROOMS (SAUERKRAUT) leaves and mushrooms. Season with salt and pepper. Spread the mixture on a schnitzel, roll up and tie venison schnitzel with thread or twine. Put the meat roll in a dish and 1 bread roll 1 onion baste with bouillon. When the bouillon starts boiling, milk reduce the heat. Shortly before finishing the cooking, 20 dag boletes add sliced mushrooms and cranberry marmalade. 1 tablespoon butter Stew the meat roll for about 25 min. 3 tablespoons olive oil parsley leaves cranberry marmalade Semolina dumplings: bouillon Mix butter with eggs until thick and fluffy. Season new carrot with salt and nutmeg. Add semolina and leave for 10 semolina min to swell. Put the mixture in boiling salted water. eggs Boil new carrot in a saucepan and, right at the end, butter blanch in a frying pan.

Ingredients: Beskid Culinary Club Stuffed duck: 1 duck Stuffed duck: 2.5 dag raisins Draw the duck, rub with salt, pepper and marjoram marjoram. Stuff with raisins. Put in the frid- SILESIAN STUFFED CABBAGE IN TOMATO SAUCE salt ge for 2 hours. Roast until golden brown. pepper Sauerkraut with mushrooms: Sauerkraut with mushrooms: 1.5 kg sauerkraut Boil sauerkraut with mushrooms. Fry 0.5 kg mushrooms smoked bacon, mix with onion and garlic. 5 dag smoked bacon Add the boiled sauerkraut, seasoned with 1 onion salt, pepper and sugar. clove of garlic salt Beetroot: pepper Grate coarsely boiled beetroot and mix sugar to taste with other ingredients. Beetroot: 1 kg beetroot Association for Restoration and Development of 1 tablespoon butter the Village of Stanowice salt sugar (1 teaspoon, to taste) lemon juice HUNTER’S MEAT ROLL Ingredients: fresh new cabbage Peel cabbage leaves and scald separately. Boil rice WITH SEMOLINA DUMPLINGS ACCOMPANIED BY NEW CARROT plain rice until fluffy. Mince fresh pork neck finely. Cut onion pork neck into four, fry in butter, mince and add to the meat onion together with the boiled rice. eggs Add eggs and season with salt and pepper to taste. butter Mix everything and wrap the stuffing in the scalded tomato concentrate cabbage leaves. Put the stuffed cabbage in a frying poultry bouillon pan and stew in butter. After about 30 minutes, pepper and salt pour off the sauce into a saucepan, add the prepared bouillon and season everything to taste. Add tomato concentrate to the sauce and bring to boiling. Pour the sauce over the stuffed cabbage and simmer for 10 minutes.

Restaurant ‘Kuchnia i Wino’, Pszczyna

32 33 PORK LOIN STUFFED Pork loin: WITH SMOKED BACON WITH BOLETE SAUCE, DUMPLINGS Stuff marinated pork loin with smoked meat and fry in oil. Bolete sauce: Stir-fry STUFFED WITH BLACK PUDDING AND RED CABBAGE 10 dag finely chopped onion and sliced boletes in butter, add cream and simmer to reduce. Season to taste. Serve the pork sirloin with 3 dumplings, cabbage and bolete sauce.

Restaurant ‘Piwnica Rycerska’, Kęty


Ingredients: Leg: 6 goose legs, approx. 25 dag/leg 1.5 goose fat salt pepper garlic marjoram olive oil Salad: 2 celeries 200 ml sweet cream 6 dag raisins Ingredients: 60 ml Pszczyna Honey and Spice Liqueur 1.5 kg pork loin Sugar 30 dag smoked meat 60 dag boletes Potatoes: Dumplings: 35 dag onion Fry black pudding with 20 dag onion and 6 medium potatoes 1 l cream 15 dag goose fat season to taste. Mix flour, eggs, butter 4 eggs and warm water, knead dough and roll it salt 1.3 kg wheat flour thyme out. Cut out round pieces with a glass, put 10 dag butter some stuffing on top and press together the 1.5 kg black pudding Sauce: edges. Cook in boiling water. 1 kg red cabbage 0.7 l wine 15 dag smoked bacon 0.5 kg plums sugar 10 dag butter vinegar 300 ml honey salt pepper

Cabbage: Shred cabbage, boil until tender and sour with vinegar to taste. Add fried bacon and Marinate goose legs in garlic and marjoram, and stew in their own fat. Serve with 15 dag of onion to the drained cabbage, celery salad with mayonnaise and Pszczyna Honey and Spice Liqueur, and potatoes blend and season to taste. fried in goose fat and baked in the oven with herbs and garlic. Prepare sauce by stewing plums in semi-dry wine, thickened with butter.

Restaurant ‘Stara Piekarnia’, Pszczyna

34 35 SADDLE OF VENISON ON BOLETE SAUCE, BLACK DUMPLINGS Desserts WITH FAT AND STEWED APPLES WITH BLACKBERRIES Ingredients: CIESZYN POPPY-SEED DESSERT 0.5 kg poppy seeds 3 l milk 0.5 glass sugar 35 dag natural honey mixed dried fruit and nuts (packet): raisins, figs, dates, walnuts, almonds 0.5 portion almond oil or several drops of almond essence 2 packets biscuits

Grind poppy seeds as finely as possible, chop dried fruit and nuts (raisins can be soaked the night before). Boil 1 litre of milk. Add the ground poppy seeds and simmer until boiling. Add sugar and honey to taste. Simmer, stirring all the time, and add the dried fruit and nuts. Finally, add 0.5 portion of oil or a few drops of essence. Mix everything. Boil 1 litre of milk in a separate dish and put biscuits in for about 3 seconds (turning Ingredients: over). Layer the poppy-seed mixture with the biscuits in a decorative Marinate the saddle for 12 hours (other venison bowl, pouring milk over every layer. When ready, serve the poppy-seed parts for 1-2 days). Lard with bacon, season with 80 dag venison sirloin dessert cold. It tastes best with dried-plum compote. herbs, fry in clarified butter on each side, baste marinade (carrot, onion, with red wine and stew for a short time. parsley, celery, allspice, Imko Wisełka Group, Wisła Prepare black dumplings of boiled potatoes, bay leaf, pepper, juniper, several grated raw potatoes, potato flour (1/4 of dry red wine, olive oil) potato volume) and eggs. Form dumplings with a 10 dag smoked bacon 10 dag cowberry hole in the middle and boil them in a large amount 2 dag honey of boiling salted water. 10 dag clarified butter SILESIAN CAKE WITH SPRINKLES Peel apples, remove seed pods and cut into halves. 1 egg Fry in butter, baste with wine, add blackberries 20 dag potato flour and stew for a short time. Season with sugar and 1 kg potatoes cinnamon to taste. 6 apples 10 dag blackberry Sauce: 1 onion Melt honey in a frying pan, add cowberries and 50 ml honey liqueur 100 ml white wine baste everything with honey liqueur. Press half oil Ingredients: of the sauce through a sieve and bring to boiling sugar again. Season with colourful pepper and salt, and cinnamon 1 kg flour mix with whole cowberries. thyme 20 dag sugar Put the sirloin on the cowberry sauce with a garlic 25 dag butter portion of stewed apples and black dumplings soup seasoning 10 dag yeast poured over with meat fat (in traditional Silesian salt Sieve flour. Prepare leavening of milk and yeast, and pour it into 0.25 l milk cuisine the sauce is poured over the dumplings and pepper the sieved flour. 5 eggs not the meat, yet this is court cuisine so the meat allspice Beat eggs with sugar. Melt butter. When the leavening doubles salt juniper in volume, add the eggs with sugar and knead, adding the melted is placed on the sauce, and the dumplings must Sprinkles: be poured over with fat so that they are not too rosemary butter. Knead the pastry until it is not sticky and add salt. Separately, knead all the ingredients for sprinkles. Put the pastry 60 dag flour dry and can be easily swallowed). Decorate with 40 dag butter blackberries, cowberries and herbs. in a baking tin and cover with sprinkles. Bake until golden brown. 40 dag sugar 1 yolk Oskar Lange Group of Economic Schools, Wodzisław Śląski Association for Restoration and Development of the Village of 1 vanilla sugar Stanowice

36 37 PEAR CAKE Ingredients: WITH BISON GRASS VODKA 150 ml Bison Grass Vodka 15 dag almonds 10 dag nuts 7.5 dag coconut 20 dag dates 10 dag butter 60 dag sponge 0.5 l cream 2 tablespoons sugar 3 big pears Pickle for pears: 1 l water 15 dag sugar 1 cinnamon stick 3 anise stars rind of 1 lemon rind of 1 orange

Knead crumbled sponge with butter and mixed dried fruit and nuts (nuts, coconut, raisins) and moisten with the Bison Grass Vodka. Serve on a plate with whipped cream and pear with anise aroma, in the form of a ‘hill’ decorated with lemon balm.

Restaurant ‘Stara Piekarnia’, Pszczyna


Addresses of restautants that cooks were competing for the title “Expert of Silesian Tastes 2009”:

Restaurant U Przewoźnika”, Al. Piłsudskiego 14, Tychy “

Restaurant Frykówka”, Rynek 3, Pszczyna Ingredients: “ Mix eggs with sugar. Add the remaining ingredients and mix well. Put the pastry in 15 dag pork scratchings Restaurant Stara Piekarnia”, Rynek 20, Pszczyna the fridge for 1 hour. Form biscuits with the 30 dag wheat flour “ use of a mincer with a special cutter. You can 12 dag icing sugar 1 packet vanilla sugar Restaurant Kuchnia i Wino”, ul. Zdrojowa 4, Pszczyna also roll out the pastry and cut out biscuits “ with cutters. Bake in a preheated oven until 0.5 packet baking powder golden brown. 2 yolks 1 egg Restaurant Piwnica Rycerska”, Rynek 8, Kęty pinch of salt “ Folk Band ‘Familjo’, Skrzyszów 1/8 l sour milk or yoghurt

38 39 The publication was created with financial support of the Marshall Office of the Silesian Voivodship

Concept and edition: Silesian Tourist Organisation ul. Mickiewicza 29, 40-085 Katowice tel. 032 207 207 1, fax 032 207 207 2, Pictures and texts: Archive of the Silesian Tourist Organisation

Translations: LinguaCity Katowice,

Designed and printed by: Libro,

Edition I, 2009

ISBN 978-83-62001-16-3