Moreton, and the Lavers Parish Council


Meeting: COUNCIL Date: 15th January 2018 Time: 7.30 PM

Venue: Moreton Village Hall, Moreton

PRESENT: Councillors (8): John Collins (meeting Chairman), R Padfield, D Hannis, C Foulser, A Mangan, G Cooper, A Busch, S Montgomery

Also in Attendance (1) - Adriana Jones – Clerk to the Council Members of the Public (16) Members of the Press (0)

C.575 MEETING CHAIRMAN Due to the absence of the Chairman, and without a Vice Chairman being in place, Cllr Padfield PROPOSED Cllr John Collins as Chairman for this meeting. This was SECONDED by Cllr Busch.

C.576 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE (6) Apologies for absence received from Cllrs Radbourne, Jim Collins, Schwier, Devereux, Chiverrell, and Silk.

C.577 OTHER ABSENCES (0) EFDC Cllr Richard Morgan had offered his apologies.


C.579 MINUTES Councillors noted that Cllr Cooper had submitted a number of proposed alterations to the minutes, a copy of which had been previously circulated to members. The Clerk advised she was happy to accept all the proposed changes, except for one concerning the history of the WW Parish Committee. Cllr Busch PROPOSED these changes were made, and that an updated copy was formally agreed at the next meeting. This was SECONDED by Cllr Mangan.

C.580 PARISHIONERS FORUM The Chairman welcomed members of the public present and invited any questions. One resident enquired as to the location of the defibrillator stating that it should be registered with Hospital and the ambulance service. Cllr Mangan confirmed that the defibrillator was located under the fire escape stairs at the White Hart pub, and it was already registered the emergency services. In addition, at some point it was hoped to relocate the defibrillator to the phone box in Moreton.

Another resident stated that it seemed to him that all the road works completed in the area come under the surveillance and contract of a single firm and asked if these contracts were put out to tender, and what the role of EFDC was in terms of checking and ensuring that the works are up to standard. The Parish Clerk advised that Ringway Jacobs has the Highway Maintenance Contract for County Council Highways, and that she would assume a competitive tender process was in place for such contracts. With reference to the monitoring of quality of works, this would be for Essex County Council to manage.

Another resident stated that both bridges along the side of Cripsey Brook were deteriorating, and that it was dangerous to cross. The Clerk asked if the resident could forward a picture of the bridge and details of the location to the Clerk so that this could be reported.

Another resident expressed concern that Moreton Bridge Road permanently had a road closure sign up, and that this was causing confusion for residents. The Clerk asked if the road was closed, to which the resident stated that sometimes it was and at other times it wasn’t. The Clerk agreed she would investigate this matter.

- 1 - MBL Parish Council DRAFT MINUTES Meeting: COUNCIL Date: 15th January 2018

C.581 RECORIDNG OF MEETINGS Councillors noted that over the past year, a number of queries have been raised concerning the accuracy of the minutes. To ensure such issues can be remedied swiftly in the case of a dispute, Councillors AGREED that meetings should be recorded going forward, so that if needed the correct wording / agreement could be established.

C.582 CO-OPTION OF COUNCILLOR Councillors noted there were two applicants for the position of Councillor for the Moreton Ward – Shala Montgomery and Tom Schwier. Tom was unable to attend the meeting, and as such the Clerk read out a short statement he had prepared setting out the reasons why he wanted to become a Councillor. Shala then addressed the Council setting out the reasons why she wanted to become a Councillor. Voting slips were handed out to all Councillors, the result of which meant that Shala Montgomery was duly co-opted as Councillor for the Moreton Ward by way of majority vote. Cllr Montgomery joined the meeting, and duly signed her declaration of acceptance of office.

C.583 PARISH REVISED COMMUNICATION PLAN This item had been placed on the agenda at the request of Cllr Cooper. Cllr Cooper advised that he had created a presentation on a revised communication plan for the Parish in the hope that the Parish Council would agree to a trial. Cllr Cooper presented the revised plan to those present which was based on the following headings. • The Situation - Intent and reason why - The Plan - The Trial - The Benefits

Following the presentation, the meeting Chairman invited questions from the Council. A member of the public indicated they wanted to ask a question, however the meeting Chairman advised that the period for public questions had passed, and this section of the Meeting was for the Parish Council only. Cllr Padfield advised that the Parish Council already had an emergency plan, that everything was in hand should there be an emergency, and that she did not see why something else was needed. Cllr Cooper agreed that an emergency plan was already in place, however he felt that trying to connect it to one particular member of the Council who could oversea it would be beneficial. Cllr Padfield advised that it is the job of the Clerk to manage the Emergency Plan. Cllr Padfield stated that she was also concerned the presentation was addressed to the public gallery and not the Parish Council, and that she didn’t see any pictures in the presentation that were of anywhere else other than Moreton, emphasising that although Moreton may have its own community, the Parish also includes the Lavers and Bovinger. Cllr Cooper advised that there was a slide which showed the entire parish map that included these areas. Cllr Padfield stated that she was a Councillor for and that her responsibility includes all the issues in her patch over which the Parish Council had some influence, and that her role is to know the people in the Parish that she represents, stating she was concerned that the proposed communication plan would change the role of a Parish Councillor.

Cllr Fouler supported Cllr Padfield, stating that she had been a Councillor for more than 10 years, and that many of the proposals included in the communication plan, such as using Lane Ambassadors to direct residents to the correct authority to deal with a particular issue, were issues for which information was presently readily available to members of the public. Cllr Foulser stated that she was not opposed to giving a new resident a welcome pack, and this is in fact something that she has encouraged in her own village, however it is done as a community and not via the Parish Councillor role. Cllr Foulser said she supported joining the Neighbourhood Watch stating that the Parish Council also already supports this, however she felt that on the whole the Communication Plan was way beyond the remit of Parish Councillors and should be a community led project. Cllr Cooper stated that within the Good Councillors Guide, it says it is the remit of a Parish Councillor if that Parish Councillor chooses to get involved. Cllr Foulser stated that she already gets involved in many things, and that each Councillor will have their own limitations as what they can or cannot do. Cllr Cooper asked what it was that the Comms Plan was suggesting that Councillors couldn’t take on. Cllr Foulser replied that there was an awful lot, stating that she already gave a lot of her time to the Parish Council, and that she runs a business and simply could not take on any more. Cllr Cooper asked if 20 minutes of time per month for a six month trial would not be worth it to try and respond to parishioner who has an issue. Cllr Padfield stated that many Councillors know the residents in their patch, and if there was an issue these residents would come directly to them, and that is their role as a Parish Councillor. 2 - MBL Parish Council DRAFT MINUTES Meeting: COUNCIL Date: 15th January 2018

Cllr Busch stated that she felt that as per the previous plan, this revised plan was somewhat overkill and too complicated, however there were a few good elements in the plan which potentially could be looked at and adopted, such as the welcome pack and the distribution system, however to make this part of such a formalised system is total overkill and inappropriate. Cllr Cooper advised that he felt this was about the Parish Council’s ability to react to change and to accept responsibility, and that if this was a bad idea people would have advised him as such. Cllr Cooper stated that he was simply suggesting that the Parish Council gave the plan a 6 month trial. Cllr Busch stated that she felt this was overkill, and whilst she would support some of the ideas included, she could not support the Communication Plan itself.

Cllr Hannis stated that there were elements she found very favourable, and anything that might put her out in front of residents, such as a welcome pack, was a very good idea. Cllr Hannis also supported the use of a questionnaire being sent to the local community, stating that this may help inform the Parish Council about what parishioners want in terms of communication. Cllr Busch advised that she was unsure of the content of the proposed questionnaire, stating that the questions asked must be things over which the Parish Council has a power to act, and that 90% of the issues raised in Cllr Coopers presentation were things over which the Parish Council has no power. Cllr Cooper stated he was fully aware of the limited powers of a Parish Council, and that the questionnaire was purely a communication questionnaire to establish how residents wished to be communicated to, e.g email, etc. Cllr Busch stated that Parish Councillors should already be engaged with the community, to which Cllr Padfield advised that if there are leaflets to be distributed, Parish Councillors already do this, and if this job is taken away from Parish Councillors and passed to Lane Ambassadors, this would in fact diminish the role of Parish Councillors. Cllr Hannis advised that when she delivered leaflets recently, she did not meet one local resident.

Cllr Montgomery stated that speaking for the parishioners and looking at those who were in attendance at this meeting and how much support there clearly was for this plan, if it was so wrong it wouldn’t have the local support. Cllr Padfield queried if that was just the parishioners of Moreton, or the other areas within the Parish. Cllr Busch stated that the public presence clearly identified there are a small group of parishioners who would like better communication, however much of what is proposed in the Plan should be done by way of community effort and not the Parish Council, stating that it doesn’t need a Parish Council to do this. Cllr Cooper stated that the aspects of sound leadership are integrity, the ability to inspire through communication, and then decision making, and that the proposed Communication Plan covers all these aspects. This plan gives the Parish Council the chance to increase its influence with those organisations that are going to affect the future of the Parish.

The meeting Chairman asked who would appoint, scrutinise and monitors the Lane Ambassadors, to which Cllr Cooper advised that the Communication Team would do this. The meeting Chairman then asked who would appoint the Communicating Team, to which Cllr Cooper stated it would be the Parish Council if it approved the 6 month trial, however he was happy to put himself forward as part of the team. The meeting Chairman expressed his concern that the Lane Ambassadors would be acting on behalf of the Parish Council, and what would happen if one of these individuals was, for example, a paedophile – how would this be vetted in the first instance. Cllr Busch advised that Lane Ambassadors could not act on behalf the Parish Council. Cllr Cooper stated it was about the ability of a volunteer to approach him or another Parish Councillor and say ‘I’d love to get involved because of the principal of what the Communication Plan is trying to achieve’ – to get together – to be friendly – to build trust – you cannot trust anybody in this world until you get to know them. Cllr Cooper continued, stating that the Parish Council needs to bind people with what’s coming ahead through communication, any by doing this you create trust. Lane Ambassadors would be a help to the Parish Council, and not bound by any statute, and above all, this would really put the Parish Council on the map to show that it is showing real leadership. This in turn would ensure that more weight is carried when a representative of the Parish Council contacts another organisation regarding a problem, e.g. Highways, rather than a local resident, to which Cllr Busch stated this would not be the case and that this was the role of the Clerk. Cllr Cooper advised of the issue the previous week of a large pothole along Moreton Bridge Road following a burst watermain that was resolved by him contacting Highways directly, and after speaking with number representatives, this pothole was 3 - MBL Parish Council DRAFT MINUTES Meeting: COUNCIL Date: 15th January 2018

filled within a few days. Cllr Busch stated that this was a clear example of why a Communication Plan was not needed, as individual Councillors can already do this.

Cllr Fouler raised the issue of Data Protection if the Parish Council is gathering information specific to individuals. Cllr Montgomery stated that you simply tell people why you are collecting this information, detail for what purpose, and that the information is only shared with specific documented people.

The meeting Chairman asked Cllr Cooper to clarify the revisions in this plan. Cllr Cooper stated that firstly it was for a trial period of 6 months, the number of ‘Councillor’ positions had been watered down from 12 to 8, and also a number of areas had doubled up. The meeting Chairman stated that a vote should now be taken on whether to progress with the revised communication plan as presented by Cllr Cooper for a trial period of 6 months, the results of which were as follows:

2 - For 3 – Against 2- Abstention

Cllr Mangan mentioned there were 6 Councillors not in attendance at this meeting, stating that it was an important decision and that he felt they should be involved. The Clerk advised that the meeting had a quorum. A member of the public addressed the Council stating that on the agenda it mentions that there would be a ‘presentation for open discussion’ to which the meeting Chairman advised this was for Parish Council discussion and that the period of public participation had already taken place. Another member of the public stated that this seemed unfair as members of the public were not aware of this discussion and vote at the beginning of the meeting during the public questions item. The meeting Chairman advised that this was a Parish Council meeting and not a meeting of the public, and it was the Parish Councillors responsibility to address this agenda item.

It was therefore AGREED by way of majority vote not to proceed with the revised communication plan as presented.

The Chairman congratulated Cllr Cooper on the work he had completed in creating the presentation, and that much effort and hard work must have gone into it and that Cllr Cooper should be commended for doing so.



c) PARISH COUNCILLOR REPORTS – The meeting Chairman advised that the section of pump given to him by a local resident had now been installed in the pump housing recently renovated by the Parish Council in Pedlars End.

d) NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH – The Clerk tabled a report from Neighbourhood Watch Co- ordinator.

C.585 CLERKS COMMUNICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE REPORT Members NOTED the following Communications and Correspondence: • Essex County Council (ECC) and Southend-on-Sea Borough Council (SBC) have both adopted their joint prepared Waste Local Plan. ECC formally adopted the Plan on 11 July and SBC on 19 October 2017. This Plan sets out the Councils’ strategy and policies for waste development until 2032. The Plan forms part of the Development Plan in Essex and now officially replaces the Waste Local Plan adopted in 2001. • Clerk will be attending a meeting on 1st February hosted by EFDC concerning the correct protocol following the death of a senior figure. • Works to Moreton Bridge letter received from EFDC confirming works to see if weathering of the bridge could take place. 4 - MBL Parish Council DRAFT MINUTES Meeting: COUNCIL Date: 15th January 2018

• Clerk has been advised by a neighbouring Parish Council that the old Travel Lodge on the A414 near North Weald is being used by Redbridge Borough Council as a homeless person’s refuge. Cllrs Tony Boyce and Richard Morgan have been advised and asked to liaise with enforcement at EFDC as planning permission is needed for this. • An email has been received from a local resident attached to which was a cutting from the November edition of Ongar News regarding the Ongar Litter Pick. The resident expressed their upset within the email stating that even though a Parish Council and a Town Council are the same with a different name, Ongar Town Council is prepared to support a litter pick while Moreton, Bobbingworth and the Lavers Parish Council thinks it was not its 'remit'. The Clerk advised that this would be on the next agenda for further discussion and that she had contacted Ongar Town Council to establish what work was involved in organising this event. Cllr Cooper advised that one of the issues would be insurance, and that when he had organised the litter pick the insurance cost was £850.

C.586 PLAY IN THE PARK Councillors NOTED that an invitation had been received from EFDC asking if this Parish Council wished to host a Play in the Park event in the Parish. Play in the park is about playing games and having fun outdoors. Trained play workers travel to a range of locations throughout the district, taking with them an exciting array of play and sports equipment, games and even art and craft materials. Everyone is encouraged to join in the fun - children, young people, parents and carers are all welcome to come and play. The sessions are free of charge and open to boys and girls aged from 5 to 19 years. There is no need to book, just turn up and join in. Play in the Park runs in the Easter and Summer school holidays and is supported by local Parish or Town Councils. A contribution of £65 would be required for each event by the supporting Council. Councillors stated they would be happy to support these events, however the only possible sites at which an event could be held was either the Nature Reserve or perhaps Magdalen Laver Village Hall. It was AGREED the Clerk would contact EFDC and advise them that the Parish Council would support two events if they could be held at the proposed two locations. Cllr Foulser confirmed she would raise this with the Village Hall Committee to ensure permission for such an event was possible. Both events would be held in the summer.

C.587 DEATH OF PREVIOUS COUNCILLORS / CHAIRMAN Councillors NOTED the passing of John Collins (full name Walter William John), father of current Councillor James Collins, on 23rd November 2017. Mr Collins was a Councillor for over 30 years and held the post of Chairman on a number of occasions. It was AGREED the Clerk would write to Mrs Collins sending the Parish Councils condolences.

C.588 PLANNING 1. To CONSIDER any planning applications submitted to the Parish Council for comment - EPF/3426/17 3 Envilles Cottages First floor side extension. Abbess Road, ONGAR CM5 0JH NO OBJECTION EPF/3323/17 Green Oaks, Threshers Certificate of Lawful Development for existing CLD Bush, Matching, Harlow occupation of Green Oaks in non compliance with CM17 0NS agricultural occupancy condition.


EPF/2435/17 White Lodge Cottage, Proposed 2 storey dwelling in place of existing 2 storey Little Laver Road, Little cottage. Re-submission of refused application: Laver HARLOW, CM5 0JF EPF/0881/17

The Parish Council STRONGLY OBJECTS to this application. There are inconsistencies with the application, in that two Site/Location plans are included, both giving differing boundary markings. It is therefore unclear as to where the boundary of the property actually lies. The applicant also states that the 'access will remain the same as the existing situation' however it is understood locally 5 - MBL Parish Council DRAFT MINUTES Meeting: COUNCIL Date: 15th January 2018

that the access is, and has always been, via the main house, i.e. White Lodge, and that no access ever existed off the main road onto which the applicant is proposing to use as the main access. This is corroborated by the statement in the application form which asks 'Is a new or altered vehicular access proposed to or from the public highway', to which the applicant has indicated 'Yes'. In addition, the question is raised as to whether or not this property remains within the curtilage of White Lodge itself, and as such should a Listed Building application be required. Concern has also been expressed at the size of the proposed dwelling, which whilst reduced from a previous application, remains significantly larger than the dwelling already in situ.

With regard to Public Footpath 20, the applicant is proposed to place a vehicular access directly over this public footpath, which seriously compromises the ability of local people who use this footpath to enjoy the green and open space which this footpath currently benefits from. Whilst it is understood that a public footpath can be in private ownership, and possibly even be on a private access road, it is understood that the applicant owns neither the access area, nor the footpath area, and that no permission is in place with the owners for these works to take place (although it is accepted this is a civil matter).

Furthermore, the applicant has provided a Tree Protection Plan, however it is understood locally that the applicant has already removed many of the hedges and trees, some of which are not on the applicants land, which calls into question the validity of the Tree Protection Plan submitted.

EPF/3300/17 Laurels, Kents Lane, Replacement bungalow and change of use of existing Magdalen Laver, ONGAR agricultural buildings to create a single family home CM16 6AX with detached annexe. NO OBJECTION EPF/3379/17 Little Mushrooms, Pedlars Extensions and use of new roof space for living End, Moreton, Ongar accommodation. Essex CM5 0LW NO OBJECTION

EPF/3420/17 The Stables, Moreton, Removal of existing dwelling and erection of Ongar, Essex, CM5 0LL replacement dwelling and garage. NO OBJECTION

2. To NOTE any planning applications which have been responded to by way of the Clerks delegated power EPF/2522/17 Walnut Barn Bushes, Single storey kitchen and utility room extension; Single Wind Hill, Magdalen storey living room extension in order to provide a home & Laver, ONGAR CM5 0DS gym . Regularisation of the existing car port conversion into habitable space . Enlargement of the first floor EPF/2582/17 bedroom windows . Installation of a new swimming LB pool and erection of a pool/garden outbuilding; and removal of existing perimeter drive and relocation of Reconsult parking within a newly formed parking court. No 6 - MBL Parish Council DRAFT MINUTES Meeting: COUNCIL Date: 15th January 2018

demolition of the existing building is proposed, however, some existing external walls are to be removed / adapted.

PLUS listed building consent application

Following a reconsultation on the proposals, the Parish Council wishes to OBJECT to these applications on the following grounds:

• Due to the previously converted Cart lodge, the proposed additional building extensions amount to around 115 sq mtrs added to the existing 230 sq mtrs which is an increase of 50%. This is deemed excessive. • If permitted, the Kitchen extension completely blocks out all light from the tiny (18” x 18”approx.) window on the southern end of the neighbouring barn. This room has only 3 (12” x 12”) windows on the eastern side for any other natural light • The Gym Room extension would greatly reduce the openness of visual aspect from the adjoining Barn, resulting in a detrimental impact on the neighbouring resident amenity. • The Pool and the pool building seem excessive in size. If permitted, the Pool room building would still be a huge at 40.88 sq mtrs, the average pumps etc required for a pool could easily be housed in a garden shed. • If permitted, the repositioning of the pool now eliminates the original driveway access to what was the Cart Lodge, conversion of which was thought to be carried out some 3 years ago to a listed building without any Planning Application being sought. • The proposed alteration of vehicular movements and parking on the site would, we believe, have a detrimental impact on the amenity of the neighbouring property. If permitted the revised parking area would mean at night headlights would shine directly into the (floor to roof line feature windows) of the neighbouring Barn both when driving in and reversing out. The additional noise of vehicle movements on all three sides of the adjoining neighbouring Barn is completely unacceptable. The proposal to erect a timber fence from the eastern boundary of the neighbouring Barn across to join the end of the Gym extension, would prevent vehicles driving up to the western rear door of Walnuts Barn but could be easily removed at any time. • There is no indication of where the main entrance door of Walnuts Barn is proposed. Originally it was sited on the eastern flank adjacent to the open Cart Lodge, then in the previous proposal sited as the western rear door. There is a door drawn at the end of the Gym extension on the southern flank and the 7 - MBL Parish Council DRAFT MINUTES Meeting: COUNCIL Date: 15th January 2018

shower room has been removed, but there is no narrative to indicate what is proposed.

Whilst retrospective planning is perfectly acceptable, works to a grade II listed buildings without the required planning permission is a criminal offence. Conversion works to the cart lodge took place some 3 years ago, and no planning permission has been sought until now. The Parish Council still OBJECTS to this revised application on the grounds that it is overdevelopment in the Green Belt and within the curtilage and setting of the host Listed Building. The proposals also causes harm and is detrimental to both of the adjoining barn conversions and are not in keeping with the original permission for these Historic Barn Conversions.

EPF/2875/17 An existing agricultural Change of use of existing agricultural barn into a four barn and land adjoining bed dwelling house Class C3 use. New car port in Meadow View, Abbess location of existing outbuilding. Road, Little Laver, Ongar, NO OBJECTION CM5 0JJ EPF/2580/17 Wynters Cottage, Proposed two storey rear extension. Single storey rear & Road, conservatory extension. Conversion of stable building EPF/2581/17L Magdalen Laver, Ongar, with rear extension to granny annexe. New cart lodge B Essex, CM5 0EW for garaging. - And - Grade II listed building consent for proposed two storey rear extension. Single storey rear conservatory extension. Conversion of stable building with rear extension to granny annexe. New cart lodge for garaging.

NEW AMENDED DESCRIPTION Proposed conversion of stable building with rear extension to granny annexe.

Following a re-consultation, The Parish Council has NO OBJECTION to the amended application. EPF/3117/17 North Wilmore Barn, Erection of extensions and outbuilding to the Curtilage & Workers Road, High Listed North Wilmore Barn. EPF/3123/17L Laver, Ongar CM5 0DZ - and B Grade II listed building consent for proposed erection of extensions and outbuilding to the Curtilage Listed North Wilmore Barn - NO OBJECTION 3. To NOTE any planning applications upon which EFDC do not normally accept comments

EPF/3195/17 The Poplars Application for approval of details reserved by DRC Faggoters Lane condition 6 'drainage details', 7 'flood risk assessment', 9 'landscaping' and 10 'tree protection' on planning ONGAR application EPF/1269/17 (Demolition of existing house CM5 0DY and pool building. Construction of new storey house with garage outbuilding).

4. To NOTE any update on, or new, enforcement actions or appeals - ENF/0023/17 - Log cabin used for residential purposes - Spring Lodge, Moreton Bridge, Moreton, Ongar, Essex, CM5 0LN - 3 - Breach Ceased JG

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- ENF/0427/17 - Possible works to LISTED BUILDING - BUSHES, Wind Hill, Magdalen Laver, Ongar, Essex, CM5 0DS - No Breach of Planning Control revealed - ENF/0490/17 - Erection of a structure (Building) onto existing garage - MALTINGS HILL COTTAGES, 2 Maltings Hill, Moreton, Ongar, Essex CM5 0JY - No Breach of Planning Control revealed - ENF/0457/17 - Erection of coach house no PP - The Coach House at Nether Hall, Church Road, Moreton, Ongar Essex, CM5 0JA - Ongoing

C.589 OPEN PARISH MEETING – 27th NOVEMBER 2017 • AGREED Christmas Tree should be smaller next year - perhaps 8-10ft. Thanks were recorded for Cllr Schwier’s support for assisting with re-erecting the tree when it partially blew down. • Christmas Carols went down very well and should be continued next year. • Suggestion that locations for Leaflet distribution to be allocated by Clerk next year

C.590 SALT BINS Members recalled it was agreed at the November meeting that salt bins should be provided in the following locations: 1. Small block of garages at the bottom of the slope in Goulds Close 2. In the phone box in the small lay-by at Bovinger Mill. 3. Bottom of the Glebe at the Church 4. Along Moreton Road by Pedlars End It was noted that the Clerk had met with a representative from EFDC concerning a possible location to site the bin at Gould Close, and the advice received was that a consultation with local residents may be needed, together with a licence agreed for which there would be an annual fee. In addition, the Chairman had established that there was in fact very little salt left (stored at Wood Farm), and it was not possible for the Clerk to arrange for further salt at this stage via the Essex County Council winter salt scheme. It was suggested that works continue to secure permission for the relevant salt bins, that the salt bin should not be placed at Gould Close but on the Village Green at Moreton, and that the Clerk should continue with work on securing suitable locations for the remaining sites.

C.591 NOTIFICATION OF EXTERNAL AUDITOR APPOINTMENTS FOR 17/18 FINANCIAL YEAR Under powers set out in Regulation 3 of the Local Audit (Smaller Authorities) Regulations 2015, Smaller Authorities Audit Appointments Ltd (SAAA) was appointed by the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government as "a person specified to appoint local auditors" and as the Sector Led Body (SLB) for smaller authorities. Smaller authorities are those whose gross annual income or expenditure is less than £6.5 million. This Parish Council opted-in to the central procurement process and as such PKFLittleJohn LLP has been appointed as auditor for this Council for the 5 year period commencing with the financial year 2017/18.

Exempt authorities There are various changes to the legislation taking effect from 2017/18, most notably the potential for authorities where the higher of income or expenditure for the year was £25,000 or less, to declare themselves as 'exempt' from a limited assurance review by an external auditor if they meet certain qualifying criteria. However, all authorities, even if they declare themselves 'exempt', will still need to fully complete and publish an annual return and must still have a named appointed auditor to deal with questions or objections from local electors about the accounts. The Clerk will continue to monitor the Parish Council accounts to establish if this Council falls into this criteria.

C.592 NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN CONSULTATION As reported at the Open Parish Meeting in November, a revised version of the Neighbourhood Plan underwent a further regulation 14 consultation starting 27th November ending on 8th January 2018. All statutory stakeholders had been notified, and notices placed on the notice boards and the Parish Council Website. It became apparent that a number of stakeholders had not received their hard copy letters over the Christmas period, so emails were also sent to stakeholders. As at 15th January, there had been no responses via the website, 1 response from Natural stating they had no specific comments on this draft neighbourhood plan, and an extension agreed of two weeks for both EFDC and ECC. The Clerk advised that once the additional two weeks extension was up, the responses would be considered and if necessary, alterations made to the Draft Neighbourhood Plan prior to formal submission to EFDC.

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C.593 BUDGET / PRECEPT 2018/2019 Councillors considered the budget, and subsequently the precept, for 2018/2019. This was completed on a 'live' basis during the meeting. Councillors NOTED that District Council will be phasing out the Parish Support Grant over the next two years. The grant award for 2018/2019 will be £258, which is £258 less that the £516 received for 2017/2018, and will be £0 for 2019/2020.

Councillors considered the suggestion of a contribution of approximately £2,500 towards the NEPP scheme of yellow lines near Gould Close. Cllr Foulser said you could not justify doing this for one particular location when there are 10 square miles of Parish and this may well be needed at other areas also. Cllr Mangan stated that he disagreed with the whole principal of having to pay £2,500 just to bump the scheme up the hierarchy, stating it seemed almost like bribery, and that even if this amount was paid there was no guarantee that the scheme would get the go ahead. There was no proposal to move forward with this suggestion.

Following discussion, it was PROPOSED by Cllr Busch that there should be a 2% increase in the precept, bringing the 2018/2019 precept request to £14,771. This was SECONDED by Cllr Cooper. There being no other proposal, it was RESOLVED to AGREE the precept for 2018/2019 at £14,771. The budget figures were AGREED as follows:

EXPENDITURE BUDGET 2018/2019 £ Clerks salary 5,900 Clerks Office Expenses 520 E.A.L.C (inc NALC) Subscription 370 Insurance 350 Hire of Hall 250 Audit Fee 200 Postage & Stationery 50 Photocopying 150 Car Mileage 150 Miscellaneous Expenses 500 Election Expenses 100 Bobbingworth Clock Maintenance 150 Christmas Tree /Open parish event 350 Donation - Moreton PCC 600 Donation - Bobbingworth PCC 600 Donation Lavers PCC 1,800 Donation - RCCE 65 Donation - CPRE 36 Information Commissioner Fee 35 Village Hall Maintenance 1,000 Asset Maintenance 500 Miscellaneous 200 Bank Charges 72 Total 13,948 INCOME

Budget 2018/2019 Precept 14,771 Bank Interest 30 Other Income 258 Total 15,059

C.594 EFDC LOCAL PLAN REGULATION 19 CONSULTATION Councillors NOTED that on 14th December 2017, EFDC agreed the content of the submission version of the Local Plan that will guide development in the District to the year 2033. As such, the Local Plan was now undergoing its Regulation 19 consultation giving all Stakeholders an opportunity to make representation on the plan. As mentioned during the Clerks email of 1st January to all Councillors, the Local Plan consultation documents total over 600 pages, and a link to the electronic versions of the documents was provided for members information. The Clerk 10 - MBL Parish Council DRAFT MINUTES Meeting: COUNCIL Date: 15th January 2018

provided a summary of the Local Plan documents for members information and tabled a copy of the only housing allocating within the Parish which was the formal recognition and identification of Lakeview as a travelling showpoeple site in Moreton, and also the intensification of that site. The definition of a Yard for a travelling showpeople site was ‘the area required to accommodate a number of travelling showpeople households, and the storage of equipment in accordance with the report of site selection a yard is estimated at 0.13ha’. Councillors also noted the Plan talked about the impact of HGVs on the local road network, stating these were important issues that needed to be addressed and wherever possible the District Council will continue to pursue these matters with their partners. The Clerk advised that the requirement for a proposal for housing as part of the Rural Exception Policy (small scale affordable housing schemes in smaller settlements) to be supported by the Parish Council has been removed. There are 20 existing rural employment sites in the district, of which 3 are in the Parish. The only reference to infrastructure specifically within the Parish was the possible expansion of one or more of the primary schools within the Ongar Forecast planning group, which includes Moreton.

The Regulation 19 consultation addresses the ‘Test of Soundness’, namely that the plan is positively prepared, justified, effective, and consistent with national policy. The Parish Council is only able to respond to this consultation addressing these four tests. The Clerk advised that if the Plan was found unsound, the housing allocation for the District would be agreed using a specific formula, which means they would effectively be doubled. Councillors AGREED they had no grounds on which to find the plan unsound, and would respond as such, however reference should be made to ensuring conditions are imposed to ensure a safe distance between caravans at the Lakeview site.

C.595 HIGHWAYS • Large Pothole fixed in Moreton (Cllr Cooper) • Fire Damaged on Moreton Road towards Fyfield reported 23rd November 2017 • Large water filled Pothole outside Ivy Cottage, Magdalen Laver reported and chased.

C.596 REQUEST FROM ESSEX AND HERTS AIR AMBULANCE It was NOTED that Essex and Herts Air Ambulance were looking for ways to raise money to keep the service going and were working with East London Textiles Ltd to turn donations of clothing into cash to fund this service. This was completed by working with people and businesses in placing a clothing donation bank somewhere in the Parish so that members of the public can donate their unwanted clothing and shoes. It was noted that the Parish Council doesn’t own any land, however this may be something the Nags Head may wish to consider.

C.597 ESSEX RURAL CRIME STRATEGY , the Police and Crime Commissioner, the Essex Rural Partnership and other partners launched a rural crime strategy on 16 November 2017. The Strategy sets out a Vision and Aims, and explains that the focus of Essex police will include: - Reassure rural communities - Deter crime - Gather and share intelligence - Bring to justice those who commit crimes in rural areas - Offer advice and support and develop crime prevention plans - Develop the Farm and Rural Watch network - Host rural crime awareness events - Work with key partners and the community. It also sets out how residents and communities can help to address and reduce rural crime. A copy of the booklet regarding this strategy was given to Parish Councillors. It was also AGREED that a copy would be placed on the Parish Councils website and sent to the editors of the Parish Magazines.

C.598 PARISH GREAT WAR COMMITTEE Following a number of concerns raised at previous meetings regarding the exact nature of the Parish Great War Committee, it was AGREED an appropriate way forward to ensure clarity for all parties was as follows: • Recognition by the Parish Council Cllr Chiverrell, Cllr Cooper and Cllr Devereux have established the Great Parish War Committee to organise Commemorative events. 11 - MBL Parish Council DRAFT MINUTES Meeting: COUNCIL Date: 15th January 2018

• Recognition by the Parish Council that the Great Parish War Committee is not a formal Committee of the Parish Council, and as such the Committee is not subject to the same restrictions, etc. as a formal committee of the Parish Council. • That the Great Parish War Committee approaches the Parish Council formally prior to any event with an estimate of the expected costs for which funding is sought, so that these costs can be formally approved by the Parish Council. • That the Parish Council will financially support the commemorative events, past and present, subject to prior agreement by the Parish Council of any financial cost expected in running these events. • That the Great Parish War Committee advertises on any posters or promotional material that the event will be financially supported by the Parish Council (subject to such a prior agreement being reached). • That the Great Parish War Committee provides the Parish Council with details of any costs incurred to date for which no reimbursement has been received so far for formal approval.

C.599 FINANCIAL MATTERS a) Councillors APPROVED the following payments and NOTED the current status in terms of income and expenditure and account balances.

Payment To For Amount Number BACS Information Data Protection Registration £35.00 Commissioners Office BACS Adriana Jones Clerk Salary December 2017 £773.34 and January 2018 BACS HMRC Clerk PAYE payments £193.20 December 2017 and January 2018 Chq Mr T Howland Electricity contribution ref £60.00 Christmas Tree BACS Floralux Supply of Christmas Tree £192.00 (£32 VAT) BACS A Jones Expenses reimbursement for £87.70 Open Parish Event

Bank Balances as at 31st December 2017 Unity Current Account £ 1,479.19 Unity Deposit Account £ 32,714.14 Barclays Current Account £0 Barclays Deposit Account £0

C.600 DATE OF NEXT MEETINGS • 12th March - Parish Council • 14th May - Annual meeting of the Parish Council • 9th July - Parish Council at Magdalen Laver Village Hall • 10th September - Parish Council • 12th November - Parish Council • 26th November - Open Parish Meeting and Christmas Tree lighting

Meeting Closed Signed: ......

Date: ......

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