66th ANNUAL MEETING Lyndon State College Lyndon, VT September 15, 2016


Directors: Keith Ballek, Rep. Lynn Batchelor, Sen. Joe Benning, Russ Blake, Paul Brouha, James Brown, Reginald Bunnell, Joel Cope, William Davies, Jeanne Desrochers, Laura Dolgin, Larry Donna, Conrad Doyon, Scott Dunn, Kirwin Flanders, Kim Fried, Robert Guyer, Bruce Hobaugh, Rep. Paul Lefebvre, Peter Lyon, Rep. , Rep. Marcia Martel, Paul Monette, Rep. Connie Quimby, Tom Robinson, Sen. John Rodgers, Fred Saar, Grant Spates, Sen. Bobby Starr, Rep. , Larry Thompson, Rep. , Mark Whitworth

Guests: Andy Barter, James Biernat, David Blow, Carol Brown, Debbie Bucknam, Scott Campbell, Tricia Coates, Barbara Davies, Kathy Devereaux, Teresa Diette, Cheryl Ducharme, Christine Frost, Karen Gammell, Jennifer Gundy, Megan Guyer, Ross Hart, Lisa Henderson, Adam Kane, Joe Kasprzak, Heidi Krantz, Jeffrey Lewis, Bret Long, Danielle Marcotte, Jenny Nelson, Tina Norton, Ann Nygard, Mike Pappalardo, Douglas Pilotte, Tom Porter, Cindy Robillard, Timothy Ross, Anna Rubin, Patricia Sears, Jeb Spaulding, Anita Starr, Jennifer Stromsten, Carol Viens, Melissa Whitcomb

Employees: Judy Butson, Karen Geraghty, Lorna Higgs, Alison Low, Shannon Moreau, David Snedeker

The 66th Annual Meeting was called to order at 6:00 PM.

David Snedeker, NVDA Executive Director, welcomed all present; recognized dignitaries, legislators, board members, and staff; and, turned the meeting over to NVDA President Fred Saar.

Minutes A motion by Conrad Doyon, seconded by Joel Cope, to accept the minutes of September 17, 2015 Annual Meeting as mailed, carried unanimously.

Appointment of ballot clerks President Saar appointed Conrad Doyon and Judy Butson as clerks to count the election ballots.

President Saar recessed the meeting at 6:05 PM.

Public Hearing President Saar opened the Public Hearing to confirm the planning efforts of Barnet, Brighton, Brownington, Canaan, Charleston, Concord, Coventry, Craftsbury, Derby, Glover, Granby, Greensboro, Guildhall, Hardwick, Holland, Kirby, Lowell, Lyndon, Morgan, Newark, Newport City, Newport Town, Norton, Peacham, Ryegate, Sutton, Troy, Unified Towns & Gores, Waterford, Westfield, Westmore and Wheelock.

A motion by Paul Brouha, seconded by Sen. Bobby Starr, to confirm the planning efforts of Barnet, Brighton, Brownington, Canaan, Charleston, Concord, Coventry, Craftsbury, Derby, Glover, Granby, Greensboro, Guildhall, Hardwick, Holland, Kirby, Lowell, Lyndon, Morgan, Newark, Newport City, Newport Town, Norton, Peacham, Ryegate, Sutton, Troy, Unified Towns & Gores, Waterford, Westfield, Westmore and Wheelock, carried unanimously.

Public Hearing closed and President Saar reconvened the board meeting at 6:15 PM.

David Snedeker introduced guest speakers Jeff Lewis and Jennifer Stromsten of the Vermont Futures Project. Mr. Lewis gave a slide show presentation on the Vermont Futures Project which is a data-driven initiative to secure Vermont’s economic future and to provide opportunities for Vermonters. Mr. Lewis responded to comments and questions, and thanked NVDA for the opportunity to speak.

Election Results Judy Butson announced the results of the election of officers as follows:

President Joel Cope, Brighton Vice President, Caledonia County Fred Saar, Waterford Vice President, Essex County Reginald Bunnell, Granby Vice President, Orleans County Paul Monette, Newport City Secretary/Treasurer Tom Robinson, At-Large

A motion for ratification of the election results by Conrad Doyon, seconded by Mark Whitworth, carried unanimously.

A motion by Conrad Doyon, seconded by Mark Whitworth, to adjourn the meeting, carried unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 7:40 PM.