Football Programs* 32-40 WARREN ST
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P/77rS8U~tl~ ~o rS?:4T£ ~g, 1952 DOROTHY COLLINS, 0 The Sweetheart of Lucky Strike,,, '°' I --------------- --- "5" "'\1e Presi~enlDS ir;~~~;;----~~:__--_-:_--_-:_- ---------- i L . It.. thleUC ---- ------- --- 'fbe ,.. d Coaches ---- ----------- -----------30, 3S "'he Bea Greetings --~-- ---------;;- 1\ lS, '21, 10 1. OaY Mu ,c -- .,, ' --- Dad's I:1 H Tin1e --------- ---------2s 3'2 T oday's apiayers --b- --:.,;\ ,in ups ----~~-1'2, 16, ' _13 LUCKIES Ohio tale d Pill ur., ------------ ------------ 2.0 tale an --- --- --- ~ Ohio b player ---~;it ------------ ------------ __ 2.J Pittsburgh 011 c\1ing N. m1>ers - - ------ ------------- __ 3'\ Pittsburg playing u bers ---------- - - ----------- __ 3.\- 0hio St!le Playing un1 uad ---------~------------~--% Pitu,bur.,b football q ---------- - ------ - 39 TASTE Ohio ltlalB.ules \b1an\\ges ch;dule - ------ ~~-_41 footba \3a kel a - ----- -- - --- Ohio Stal 1toster ------------- Ohio Stat 1toster BETTER! Piltbburg 1 3 The The Presidents Athletic Directors DR. HOWARD L. BEVIS RICHARD C. LARKINS Ohio State University Ohio State University DR. RUF US H. FITZGERALD THOMAS J. HAMILTON University of Pittsburgh Un iversity of Pittsburgh 5 The Head Welcome, Coaches Dads of Ohio Statel W. W. "WOODY" HAYES Ohio State University STAN LEY D. GOTT SE GEN I DAD! Today is your day. It is the day set house in your honor. Tomorrow morning, church Haside by your sons and daughters, in coopera services will be held in the University chapels and tion with the Ohio State University, to try to show all other churches in the Un iversity d istrict. how much we appreciate all that you have done The Dad's Day committee has selected one Dad and are doing for us. to represent over 18,000 e>f you as the Dad of Dads. I would like to welcome each and every one of Tod a y's Dad of Dads is Samuel DiMichele, of you on behalf of the entire student body with an 419 S. Sixth St., Steube nvil le, Ohio. His son, An official " HELLO, DAD. " It is impossible to acknowl thony, is in his first yea r of Dentistry. He is a e dge a lifetime of appreciation in one short day, member of the Alpha Phi Delta Fra ternity and but with the hearty handclasps, ready smi les, anci was elected to P'hi Eta Sig ma , freshman scholastic excited conversation which will greet you today, honorary fraternity. He has a daughter, Lucy, we hope to show you how happy we really are who is in junior high school in Steubenville. Mr. to have you with us. and Mrs. DiMichele were born in Italy, in the town Preceding the game today, a Dad's Da y lunch of Secinaro L'aquila. Mr. DiMichele .works for the eon was held in the ballrooms of the new Ohio Wheeling Steel Corp. Union. The Dads of the players on Ohio State's To be sure, all Dads are proud of their sons and football squad were guests of the Athletic Depart daughters at Ohio State Un iversity, b ut so a re w e, ment. These Dads now are sitting on a special in our own right, grateful to you. Thank yo u, Da d! bench behind the players. They wi ll be introduced Come back! to you during ha lf-ti me ceremonies. ST A LEY D. GOTTSEG EN This evening, the Ohio Unio n will hold open Chairman, 1952 Dad's Day. LOWELL P. DAWSON University of Pittsburgh 6 7 ,1111111aaeoooo ooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo TODAY' S HALF-TIME MUSIC FOR the pleasure of all children, young and old, music is that which is traditionall \' associated with "Music at Half-time" today presents a March of the "daring and resourceful masl,ed rider of the Toys. plains", known as the Lone Ranger. Entering from the north end of the field, the Ohio No cowboy can be complete without his pony, so State University Marching Band announces the the high tepping musician oblige with Pony Boy show with the fanfare from Victor Herbert's March and a rocking horse that faces east. of the Toys. Then, while performing that delight ful march, it moves down the field in two lines. The March of Toys is concluded with The Par ade of the Wooden Soldiers as the Marching 120 The first formation is for Baby. It's a "cuddly" "parade" in a snappy drill. BERNIE SKVARKA ROBERT GRIMES FRED BRUNEY Halfback-Captain End Halfback Ohio State Players Photos by H ouse o/ Portratt3 teddy bear which fa ces we t to the tune of the Teddy The band then salutes our neighboring v1s1tors Bear1s Picnic. from the east, the Univer ity of Pittsburgh, with a Using another Victor Herbert favorite, Toyland, ·'P" inside a pennant as it plays the Pitt Panther to move out of one formation into another, the band Song. outlines a toy "choo-choo" train. This faces west Returning to the east sidelines to the Bucke·ye and the music becomes Chattanooga Choo Choo. Battle Cry, the " Diamond Ohio" is formed. The Vvatch fo r the smoke coming out of the smoke stack! band "freezes" while the Dad's Day fe tivities are "Return with us now to those thrilling days of held and the Dad of Dads is introduced. At the yesteryear" as the band portrays the equipment close of this ceremony, Professor Jack 0. Evans, which no well-dressed young man of eight is with the 1952 acting director of the band, conducts the out, that is, sombrero, mask and "six- hooter". The entire as emblage in the Alma Mater, Carmen Ohio. TONY CURCILLO RICHARD ANDERSON MARTS BEEKLEY 10 0000 00000 00 000000 00 2o oooo oo ooooo oooooo oooooooo oooooo ooooooooo ooo oo oooo ooooooo a Fullback End Halfback 8 9 CARMEN OHIO PITTSBURGH OFFENSE Words by Fred A. Cornell, '06 (Spanish Chant) LE LT LG C RG RT RE Ohl come let's sing O hio's praise, And songs to Alma Mater raise, 87 Adams 63 Gatz 66 Deluca 53 Gembarosky 62 Romantino 70 Kraemer 89 Deitrick While our hearts rebounding thrill, With joy which death alone 98 Palatella 76 Priatko 75 Kline 74 Smalara 73 Schmitt McQuaide can still. 88 Dillon 86 Summer's heat or Winter's cold, The seasons pass, the years will roll; Time and change will surely show How firm thy friendship Ohio. QB These jolly days of priceless worth, By far the gladdest days of 16 Mattioli earth, 18 Soon will pass and we not know How dearly we love Ohio. Neft We should strive to keep thy name Of fair repute and spotless LHB RHB fame; 26 Jacobs 28 Reynolds So, in college halls we' ll grow To love thee better Ohio. Tho' age may dim our mem'ry's store, We'll think of happy days 37 Hoffman 12 Ford of yore, FB True to friend and frank to foe, As sturdy sons of Ohio. If on seas of care we roll, ' Neath blackened sky, o'er barren shoal, 45 Epps Tho'ts of thee bid darkness go, Dar Alma Mater Ohio. 40 Chess PITTSBU RG H DEFENSE LE LT G RT RS: 85 Zombek 78 Cessor 98 Pa latella 70 Kraemer 80 Boxeic 89 Deitrick 98 Palatella 66 Deluca 73 Schmitt 81 Kennedy LLB M LB RLB 42 Blanda 65 Sc hmidt 21 Ferguson 84 Glagola 62 Romantino 63 Gatz LHB RHB 24 Rice 11 Wrabley 28 Reynolds 22 McCabe s 12 Ford 24 Rice OH IO STATE OFFENSE LE LT LG c RG RT RE 80 Grimes 77 Swartz 62 Tai<acs 51 Krisher 62 Reichenbach 74 Guthrie 83 Dugger 88 Hague 74 Guthrie 66 Roberts 55 Thornton 66 Roberts 73 Jacoby 85 Joslin QB Lecki 20 Borton 22 Leggett COAL COMPANY, Inc LH B RHB 12 Br uney 40 Cassady COLUMB U S , OHI O 42 Goodsell 45 Watkins FB 36 Hlay 25 Curcillo * OHIO STATE DEFENSE LE LT G RT RE 9 1 Manyak 76 Denker 73 Jaco by 79 Vavroch 82 Anderson E. ELFORD 9C' Thomas 70 Schiller 63 Re ichenbach 70 Shiller 90 Thomas POCAHONTAS NEW RI VER LL B M LB RLB & SON, INC. 66 Roberts 46 Bond 25 Cu rcillo WEST VIRGINIA and KENTUCKY 14 Doyle 50 Ruehl 46 Bond LHB RHB 12 Bruney 48 Beekley Contractors 40 Ca ssady 12 Bruney s CO A L 47 Rosso COLUMBUS, OHIO 42 Goodse ll 11 10 PITTSBURGH COACHING STAFF Bill ADAMS BOB BALLOCK FRANCIS BARON End Center Guard Pittsburgh Players Front row, left to right- Steve Petro, Walter Cummins, Ernie Hefferle, Bob Friedlund. Back row-John Michelsen, Edgar Jones, Lowell Dawson, head coach; Bob Timmons. PAUL BLANDA JOE BOZEK JOE CAPP Fullback End Fullback Specialize in Good Health by s op ping at Those D iry Specialists I SA LY s IC E CREAM! DAIRY PRODUCTS! LUNCH ES! When YOU Buy Ice Cream Buy The BEST! 400 Stores in Ohio, Dairy Specialists Pennsylvania, West Virginia 34 Dairy Stores in Columbus BILL CESSAR PAUL CHE SS MERLE DelUCA Ta ckle Fullback Guard 12 13 and AFTER the game JOHNNY FLESCH'S Enjoy the best in MEADOWBROOK Ice Cream, too . at home !inn or at your Finest Food and Mixed Drinks CHICKEN • FILET MIGNON favorite CHOICE STEAKS fountain! DELICIOUS CHOPS SEA FOODS Dinner Served Until Midnight Open Until I A.M. Daily 2:30 A.M. Saturdays 4785 E. Broad at Hamilton Rd. 15 Minutes from Broad and High DOuglas 1228 • DOuglaa 0224 HOW ARD CASSADY DOUG GOODSELL GEORGE JACOBY Halfback Halfback Tackle Reservati.ons /or Parties, Banquets, Weddings Private Party Ropms Avai,lable Ohio State Players Phot os by H 011.3e of Portr ait, JOHN MANYAK WILLIAM VAVROCH JOHN HLAY End Tackle Fullback ~~ PI N PO I N T ED '' Any player can throw the ball but to hit the target every time talces a great deal of training and experi ence.