Crew Iporkersback Schools Seek 4.4-Mil. Levy for Operating Bike-A
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'" /-V ••' 'V .( - -r Jt^ WEATHER __ , Mln- Ma,x. Predp. Thursday, W»y 42. ........45 .72 O.qo QUOTE ^Way, May 13 .,......,..55 '74 . coo Ja'twroay. * May 14 ....... AS V O.OO 3uhctay, May 15 ,•»,...-... 58 78' 0.00 "The wheels of success are not \fphaay;.May 16-,.- 46 75 0.00 turned by cranks." t'tt.esdfty, May 17 ...^....57 86 0.00 Wednesday/ May 18 63 87 0.4¾ tt&trft —Anonymous. Phis 4-t'ftge ONE HUNDRED-SEVENTH YEAR—No, 49 18 Pages This Week .Supplements CHELSEA, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MAY 19,-1977.- 15c per copy SUBSCRIPTION:'$6.00 PER YEAR •T A- crew Schools Seek IPorkersBack 4.4-Mil. Levy For Operating fSprne 15¾ .members of UAW Lo- was the' comment of Vincent Dor- :a;l 437 returned to work Mopdaiy, er,- 'Federal Screw Works general The ballot for the May 23 school market value, property assessed at' tci end a ttyb^week stfike at Chel- manager.- "The'contract ratified by election will ask voters in the $50,000 would have a sale price of lea's Federal Screw WbrksV after the ,Union is a rearrangement of Chelsea School District to decide $100,000. -tie members*: vote4, 88-43^ to ire-; oiir firstvcohtract.Qffer." He added on an additional 4.4 mills to op "The Board of Education was :<3pt the,modified; terms of a new that plant operations immediately erate local schools for the 1977-78 appreciative of the efforts of the frree-year ebhtfact Thursday hio#]K returned to normal when workers year. This increase will result in Chelsea Boosters in restoring ex n^: May.;l£\f he strike began M$| returned; to^'their: jobs. '.. an addition of only 3.25 mills to tra curricular activities for the Hi*"ythbti.: • •• the - workers. Walked bjf,.;, jQ^er-ajlj management at the lo a property owner's tax bill for kids this year," said Howard Ha- hjeif jobs- hva- dispute ever;-ecotik cal- Screw,rnachine p*arts man urac 1977, because an increased evalua selschwardt, Chelsea School Board : il ring $rjn. ^vas;able to weather tion of the district will permit the president. "The board is in agree •itiic".i^siie^,.:>/.^-j;'";^• v;.;: i'[..:--v .; : ment that if our schools are to tri^e' ne%V jcbjitract ^contains %a> the .Strike Without any serious re- school board to reduce its debt re jieijctissioris: among its customers. tirement millage by 1.15 mills. continue as public institutions, they bahge: iti^t|ie cost of hvihg jhdeJt must be financed with public funds llpwaricei. an added ' personal day, '' "Our customers were prepared The latter millage was levied to retire bonds sold to finance school in the future. Therefore, the board :seriiprlty ^change, inequity? #dr; for the strike, and consequently we will not accept private donations stments; and; language changes haven't lost any yet due to the construction. to maintain or restore school pro I contract terms. » \ ./.. • • <;" ...-•.';---v-situation,"-: Dorer explained Tues Examples of what Monday's proposed 4.4 mill increase will cost grams next year." *'.the hew: Contract, meets the day. The • company manufactures "The home, the church, and. the screw machine ;parts for, the auto the property owner are illustrated ajority of union demands,'' Mike by the following table. public schools," Haselschwardt auer, yice-pfesiderit of the Local motive industry, along with piston continued, the probably the great yi bargaining committee said parts for several smaller business Assessed Value Increased est source of influence in most liesday.••'"Only a few things, 'were firms. • of Property Cost r young people's lives. The addition ft^ pyu ?; .:- • .;'.. ;',. The recent strike was the first $20,000 $ 65 al millage requested will give the "We're happy with the settle- ever to hit the Federal Screw $25,000 $ 77 Chelsea/ School District the neces lent, we feel it.was a fair one;" Works plant in .Chelsea. $30,000 , $ 97 sary funds to continue its role $35,000 $114 in preparing youngsters for the $40,000 ' $130 adult world." PLAYGROUND BENEFITS: Silhouetted1 % a backdrop of North r North school playground improvejnent committee oh behalf of the $45,000 $146 Voting Monday will be in the school cl^ldren cliAihingjup a piece ^f newly installed playground •; Chelsae Jaycee Auxiliary. The check represents proceeds from the $50,000 $162 large groups instruction room at equipmerit at the elemeritary school are, from left, Bernice Pack- j sale Of space for booths during the Auxiliary's Flea and Craft Since the assessed value of prop Beach Middle school. Polls will be ard, Vivian Michaelson, Sue Walton, North school principal Robert j Market May 7. The sale was held as a community service project erty is defined as one half of its open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Benedict, Mary Loq Tudor, Berta Stein and Sandy Meyer. Mrs. to launch the local Auxiliary's *>Jaycette" Week celebration. Tudor is presenting a $100 check to Mrs. Walton, chairman of the ' "Lest We Forget" is the theme dent Lucile Barr urged. '"It was f this year's Poppy Day in Chel- made by a veteran. For some, Bike-A-Thon Sa Which will take place tomor* it is the only work they are able ? G. AlbrecKt Narrowly pw, May 20; Sponsored annually to do. '/ ; - •:.-. the . America" Legion Auxi li- ; : "We took a senior boy to Ypsi- $ fV PQjPP^ pay is a0 time for lanti State Hospital a few weeks feaie^b0rjngj:-all.>AmeHcan'--'- waagr o to help with a bingo party pterahs with the purchase of; a for about M men' and' women vet Nets 4,000 for : |mp|erted flower. ••/; ^,^^-. \I erans^'; s)ie;eoritinued; r "It iwas iHehad-.been^ taping -., J^v^l^iai^fpclajtiaiidit '.•/• it dm ojurtej%/e^ n -..••"-•. '.*u» |helse> Wllla^^ President •; /0*0 fi m* #io^rc'^as^ve?y ^|lad' ^#¢- ^l^fc«^ S^^^>%Nr# ; ^flubbed' a Jine, ju^t \as the^rfr- IoW has brought official sahc- weht. I wish more young people:; wafting passengiafs -who wei'e* ,'jpct ?ps .aboiit to be wrapped bn ip--) t^e day long observance, could visit • these' Veterans, espec-'•. slashed to pieces by the whining up," according to his. yVife, vQiri- p heeding t^he proclamation with tally veterans .not much older blades of an idling helicopter rty. It-took about 10 minutes to I poppy donation, area residents than high school students." flipped over, on the roof correct the error which -made the lili be contributing to a benefit "I wonder if veterans some top heliport of the 59-story Pan insurance man late in leaving for Braving a searing sun and Four bikers in the lead for the prid for veterans still hospitalized times feel that because they are American building in New York the heliport. : [om the effects of military ser- near 80-degree temperatures, 105 most amount of money pledged out of sight,' they are out of Monday. Albrecht was in ah elevator in riders pedaled their way up and per mile this year are Robert/P. mind," Mrs. Barr said, add ing, Having completed his business- the Pan American building, rid down the hills of a 25-mile course Stofer, $16.20 per mile for a total I ^Please" wear your poppy, don't "To prevent such a misconception, dealings in New York, Albrecht ing past the 57th floor when he at Chelsea's Chrysler Proving of $405; Richard Jones, $11.15 per it it out - of sight," Chelsea wear, your poppy \with pride—not was scheduled to ride the wait heard an explosion and the eleva Grounds Sunday in the second an mile for a total of $278.75; Mrs. [merican Legion Auxiliary Presi out of sight." ing helicopter to a nearby airport tor came to a halt. His first im nual Cancer Bike-a-thon, sponsored Richard Jones, $9.92 per mile for on a leg of his' return trip. home. pression was that the elevator by the American Cancer Society. a total of $248; and William E. Five persons were killed in the had failed and . was about t o Standouts among the biking en Clarke, $8.40 per mile for a total accident, including a woman who plunge 57 stories. thusiasts Were a Senior Citizen of $210. was hit by falling debris a However, in a matter of sec still recovering from a brain tu "A total community effort was block away from the skyscraper onds, the doors burst open and mor operation three weeks ago involved with the largest turnout that straddles Grand Central Ter Albrecht found himself being who rode his five-speed the entire coming from the elementary and minal in mid-town Manhattan; rushed down a stairway to the length of the course; two women junior high schools," said Mrs. Along with the three passengers, ground floor by rescue workers. who each rode a large-size tricycle Robert Stofer, an organizer of the a fourth man on the roof died of ."It's merely a coincidence h e loaned to them by the Chelsea event. injuries. ' wasn't up there," Mrs. Albrecht United Methodist Retirement Home, "These youngsters must be com Beach Middle school's 7th and The 90-voice middle school choir Albrecht was at Equity Insur: said Wednesday. "He- missed and a rider on a 21-year-old bicycle fh grade chpir.wjUjoin With the will continue the program with mended for their strong efforts. ance Co., in New York to tape a being there by only 10 minutes, with balloon tires which the rider We hope their sponsors will realize ^elsea: H(g|i.'scHboi choir in the such, favorites as Simon and Gar- closed-circuit television program to which was quite an experience THE CROWNING MOMENT in the 1977 music season for the pumped furiously over the north reseritatiQr3t;6f a Pops Concert,' fuhkers ?'Sounds^ of Silence," and be used as an instructional aid what a truly remarkable job they : for him." She added that several two Chelsea High students pictured above, came recently when 10 miles of the course.