The Role of Motivation Toward Main Character As Seen in Hitch Film by Andy Tennant
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THE ROLE OF MOTIVATION TOWARD MAIN CHARACTER AS SEEN IN HITCH FILM BY ANDY TENNANT THESIS Submitted to the Board of Examiners in Partial Fulfillment of Requirement for Literature Degree at English Literature Department by QORI ADE SURI NIM: AI.140259 ADAB AND HUMANITIES FACULTY STATE ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY SULTHAN THAHA SAIFUDDIN JAMBI 2018 APPROVAL LETTER OF RATIFICATION ORIGINAL THESIS STATMENT MOTTO Meaning: Vile women are for vile men, and vile men for vile women. Good women are for good men, and good men for good women; such are innocent of that which people say: For them is pardon and a bountiful provision (Q.S. An-Nuur: 26)1 Artinya: “Wanita-wanita yang keji adalah untuk laki-laki yang keji, dan laki-laki yang keji adalah buat wanita-wanita yang keji (pula), dan wanita-wanita yang baik adalah untuk laki-laki yang baik dan laki-laki yang baik adalah untuk wanita-wanita yang baik (pula).Mereka (yang dituduh) itu bersih dari apa yang dituduhkan oleh mereka (yang menuduh itu). Bagi mereka ampunan dan rezki yang mulia (surga)”. (Q.S. An-Nuur: 26) 1 Http:// DEDICATION Bismillâhirrahmânirrahỉm First of all I would say the grateful to Allah SWT Always gives me health to finish this thesis. I would like to dedicate this thesis to: My lifetime teacher-beloved Mother and Father for their endless love, supporting, and praying for me I say thank for all your patients to educate me. For My beloved sisters And Aunty who always support me. All of you are my diamond, my treasure who Allah has given to me. I do really want to make you happy and proud of me! Then to Mr. Ali Muzakir and Mr. Firdiansyah as my supervisors, for their patients as long as guided me to finish my thesis for their help and praying. And do not forget to all of my lecturers who always guide and advise me during my study in English literature department and also all of my friends in the English literature department that always inspire and share many things for approximately 4 years together through the period of education. All of you are the good example for me. I am so happy and grateful because living around the skillful and wise people as you all. At last, for all of people who have helped me in my journey writing this thesis. I would like to proclaim THANK YOU SO MUCH! ACKNOWLEDGMENT Alhamdulillahirabbil’aalamiin... All praises to Allah, the most merciful that shows me the right path; Islam and let me flow easily in accomplishing the thesis entitled The Roles of Motivation toward the Main Character as Seen in Hitch film by Andy Tennant a as a partial fulfillment of the requirement for undergraduate degree (S1) in English Literature Departement The State Islamic University Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi. Shalawat and Salam be upon our Prophet Muhammad SAW, hopefully we will get His syafa’at later at The Last Day. To accomplish this thesis, the writer had been given great deal to many people, so the writer would like to say thanks for their contribution, they are: 1. The Rector of State Islamic University, Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi, Dr. H. HadriHasan, MA. The Deputy of Rector, Prof. Dr. H. Suaidi, MA, PhD, Dr. H. Hidayat, M.Pd, and Dr. Hj. Fadilla, M.Pd, who allowed me to study in the university. 2. The Dean of Adab and Humanities Faculty, Prof. Dr. Maisah, M. Pd.I. The deputy of dean Dr. Alfian, M. Ed, Dr.H.M. Fadhil, M. Ag, and Dr. Raudhoh, M.Pd.I 3. My supervisors, Dr. Ali Muzakkir, S.Ag.,M.Ag and Firdiansyah, M.A, who guided me as long as I wrote this thesis. 4. All of the Lectures and Staffs of Adab Faculty for their contributions and assistance during studying until undergraduate in the State Islamic University Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi. 5. Again and always, my lifetime teacher-beloved mother and father, the deceased Delmasita, S.Pd, IndraUtama, and my stepfather Albert. They have supported me without dissent for the full of my life. Their love and encouragement, given without question, has enabled me to complete this work on time, for which I thank them sincerely with all my heart. 6. My beloved sisters Taffy Yola Tifani and Nurhasanah, S.Pt. 7. My kindest friend Liani Eka Wati, S.Hum, Fitri Nurcholis, S.Hum, and Dhinda Wulaningtyas, S.Hum, Dolla Yelinsa Novelacia. Thanks for your support. 8. All my teachers and all of my friends I can‟t mention wherever you are who support and pray me in happiness and sorrow. Especially for Gloria, Ady Kharisma, Jhosua, Sinta Eka Putri and Putri Andriani. 9. All my friends in English Literature Department. Meeting with all of you all is the best thing I ever did. 10. In addition, all who come and go in my life because consciously and unconsciously that they always have a part throughout the research. Happiness, experience, lessons, and memory are things what they give to me also a thousand smiles during conducting this research. Thank you. This thesis is still far away from perfection, I need some critics and suggestions so that I can be better in the future. Finally, the writer hopes this thesis will give positive contributions for the reader, especially for student of English Literature Departement of Adab faculty. Jambi, June 1st 2018 The writer Qori Ade Suri AI.140259 ABSTRACT Suri, Qori Ade, 2018 : The Role of Motivation toward Main Character as Seen in Hitch film by Andy Tennant. English Literature Department Adab Faculty and Humanities State Islamic University Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi. Supervisor I : Dr. Ali Muzakkir, S. Ag,. M. Ag Supervisor II : Firdiansyah, M.A In this research, the writer analyzed the reasons, the kinds, and the roles of motivation that makes Alex Hitchens want to be date doctor in Hitch film by Andy Tennant. This research entitled “The Role of Motivation toward Main Character as Seen in Hitch film by Andy Tennant”. The writer chooses this tittle because the writer wants to know how the role of motivation toward main character as seen in Hitch film by Andy Tennant. The writer used Motivation theory by Abraham Maslow (1970) and Psychological approach to analyze and explain the data. Qualitative research and descriptive method were used to expose and analyze the data .The data in this research were the script and the film of Hitch. The result of this research, the writer found this, first there were two reasons that makes Alex Hitchens want to be date doctor as seen in Hitch film, hurt by women and Alex Hitchens experience that ever failed to establish a relationship with a woman who then made him felt traumatic and not repeat it again. Second there were two kinds of motivation that makes Alex Hitchens want to be date doctor intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation. Third, there were two roles of motivation that makes Alex Hitchens want to be date doctor, motivations makes Alex Hitchens be successful to help Albert Brennaman who was one of his client and motivation makes Alex Hitchens be brave to get new girl named Sara Males who made him falling in love. ABSTRAK Qori Ade Suri, 2018 : Peran Motivasi terhadap Karakter Utama yang terlihat pada Film Hitch Oleh Andy Tennant. Jurusan Sastra Inggris Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora Universitas Islam Negeri Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi. Supervisor I : Dr. Ali Muzakkir, S. Ag,. M. Ag Supervisor II : Firdiansyah, M.A Dalam penelitian ini, penulis menganalisis peran motivasi yang membuat Alex Hitchens ingin menjadi penasehat cinta dalam film hitch oleh Andy Tennant. Penulis menggunakan teori Motivasi oleh Abraham Maslow (1970) dan pendekatan Psikologis untuk menganalisis dan menjelaskan data. Penelitian kualitatif dan metode deskriptif telah digunakan untuk memaparkan dan menganalisa data. Data dalam penelitian ini adalah naskah dan film Hitch. Hasil dari penelitian ini, penulis telah menemukan pertama ada dua alasan yang membuat Alex Hitchens ingin menjadi penasehat Cintas eperti yang terlihat dalam film Hitch disakiti oleh perempuan dan pengalaman Alex Hitchens yang pernah gagal menjalin hubungan dengan seorang wanita yang kemudian membuatnya merasa traumatis dan tidak mengulanginya lagi. Kedua, ada dua macam motivasi yang membuat Alex Hitchens ingin menjadi penasehat cinta, motivasi intrinsic dan motivasi ekstrinsik. ketiga, ada dua peran motivasi yang membuat Alex Hitchens ingin menjadi penasehat cinta, Alex Hitchens sukses membantu Albert Brennaman yang merupakan salah satu klien dan Alex Hitchens berani untuk mendapatkan gadis baru bernama Sarah Males yang membuatnya jatu hcinta. TABLE OF CONTENT PAGE OF TITLE ................................................................................................ i APPROVAL ........................................................................................................ ii STATEMENT OF THE AUTHENTICITY ....................................................... iii MOTTO .............................................................................................................. iv DEDICATION .................................................................................................... v ACKNOWLEDGMENT ..................................................................................... vi ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................ viii ABSTRAK .......................................................................................................... ix TABLE OF CONTENT ...................................................................................... x Chapter I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Problem..........................................................