25th February 2021 Proposed Extension & Alterations of 145 Town Lane, Whittle Le Woods, PR6 8AG.

145 Town Lane, Whittle Le Woods, PR6 8AG

Prepared by MacMarshalls Rural Chartered Surveyors & Planning Consultants on behalf of Mr & Mrs Milne



1. The Application Site Page 3

2. Site History (inc. Planning History) Page 5

2. The Proposed Development Page 9

3. Planning Policy & Analysis Page 12

5. Other Material Considerations Page 14

6. Massing Page 15

7. Materials & Design Page 15

8. Access Page 15

9. Conclusion Page 15


Appendix 1 - existing site plan from 2016 consent (Ref: 20-134-E04)

Appendix 2 - old map from 1963

Appendix 3 - proposed site plan (Ref: 20-134-P01)

Appendix 4 - proposed elevations (Ref: 20-134-P02)


C222 - 1 - Mr & Mrs Milne - Planning Statement V1 - 26.02.2021 All plans in this statement are for identification purposes only and not to scale - please refer to separately submitted plans


1.1. 145 Town Lane, Whittle Le Woods, PR6 8AG (‘the site’) fronts Town Lane. Pedestrian access is directly off Town Lane to the front of the dwelling. Vehicular access is via a private vehicular road (with public footpath over) leading from Town Lane. The site is between the centres of Whittle-Le-Woods and , in the of . Site and location plans submitted ( extract in figure 1 below) show the extent of the site, edged red. Currently, the site comprises:

1.1.1. Detached L shaped dwelling;

1.1.2. Access and space for maneuvering vehicles;

1.1.3. Lawned garden;

1.1.4. Hardstanding.

Figure 1 - Existing site plan

1.2. The site sits between 147, 149a, the row of cottages, 133-137 and one of their gardens (including outbuilding). Accordingly, it is positioned between a cluster of dwellings (brownfield sites) off Town


C222 - 1 - Mr & Mrs Milne - Planning Statement V1 - 26.02.2021 All plans in this statement are for identification purposes only and not to scale - please refer to separately submitted plans

Lane. The previously developed line of existing development, incorporating dwellings, outbuildings and gardens is shown by the pink lines on the aerial extracts from google earth below (figure 2 & 3)

Figure 2 & 3 - google earth extract - 3D views of the site and the immediate surrounding developed area


C222 - 1 - Mr & Mrs Milne - Planning Statement V1 - 26.02.2021 All plans in this statement are for identification purposes only and not to scale - please refer to separately submitted plans


2.1. In 2016, full planning permission was granted for the erection of a second dwelling on the site (Ref: 15/01057/FUL). The position of the proposed house is shown on the extract plan in figure 4.

Figure 4 - proposed site layout plan for 2016 consent

2.2. The 2016 consent involved the demolition of part of the dwelling at that time. An extract of the existing site plan in 2016 is shown below in Figure 5 and a to scale plan at Appendix 1:


C222 - 1 - Mr & Mrs Milne - Planning Statement V1 - 26.02.2021 All plans in this statement are for identification purposes only and not to scale - please refer to separately submitted plans

Figure 5 - existing site plan in 2016

2.3. The buildings have since been demolished. However, the current google street view shows part of the demolished buildings. An extract is shown in figure 6 below:

Figure 6 - google street view of the site


C222 - 1 - Mr & Mrs Milne - Planning Statement V1 - 26.02.2021 All plans in this statement are for identification purposes only and not to scale - please refer to separately submitted plans

2.4. An aerial view of the site taken from also shows the demolished buildings (see figure 7 below).

Figure 7 - aerial view of the site from Chorley Council website

2.5. The continuous line of buildings massed the frontage to the site and to the north west of the building.

2.6. On further research into the site history, the most detailed OS map that could be obtained was from 1963. This is shown in the extract within figure 8 below and the full size version in Appendix 2. The buildings proposed to be demolished and a further extension on the south east corner existed at that time. It is thought that a further canopy was added to join the buildings at a later date and the building to the south east corner was demolished.


C222 - 1 - Mr & Mrs Milne - Planning Statement V1 - 26.02.2021 All plans in this statement are for identification purposes only and not to scale - please refer to separately submitted plans

Figure 8 - Old map extract from 1963


C222 - 1 - Mr & Mrs Milne - Planning Statement V1 - 26.02.2021 All plans in this statement are for identification purposes only and not to scale - please refer to separately submitted plans


3.1. The application proposes to extend the existing dwelling at 145 Town Lane as shown in the extracts of the proposed plans below (figure 9 & 10) and within Appendix 3 & 4.

Figure 9 - Proposed site plan


C222 - 1 - Mr & Mrs Milne - Planning Statement V1 - 26.02.2021 All plans in this statement are for identification purposes only and not to scale - please refer to separately submitted plans

Figure 10 - Proposed elevations

3.2. The proposed extension provides incidental accommodation to the existing dwelling, providing an additional bedroom, lounge, dayroom (open from the kitchen), utility, garage and office over.

3.3. Figure 9 shows the dashed line of the demolished buildings and the footprint of the proposed extension. It illustrates that the proposed extension will not project further to the north west of the demolished buildings and it is further back on the site. Accordingly, views from the public footpath and from Town Lane are more open due to buildings not being positioned hard up to the access track like the demolished buildings were.

3.4. In addition, figure 7 above shows how dwellings 147, 149, and 149a project to the north and north east, which the proposed extensions will not go beyond. Figures 2 & 3 from google earth also illustrate how the development will be contained within the existing built up area, filling in an infill gap between existing buildings.

3.5. The volumes for the existing dwelling, including the adjoining demolished buildings and the proposed extension are shown in Table 1 below:


C222 - 1 - Mr & Mrs Milne - Planning Statement V1 - 26.02.2021 All plans in this statement are for identification purposes only and not to scale - please refer to separately submitted plans

Table 1 - Existing Dwelling, Demolished Buildings and Proposed Extension Dimensions

Existing dwelling Demolished Proposed Extension Difference between (A) Buildings (B) (C) C and the sum of A + B as a %

Volume (m3) 414.56 332.36 543.21 +27.27%

3.6. The roof height of the proposed extension will be lower than the existing house ensuring it is subordinate. The extension varies from single and two storeys, and the difference in roof heights breaks up the massing of the proposal, a vast visual improvement on the demolished buildings to the side of the dwelling. The design and materials of the extension incorporating the living accommodation is in keeping with the existing dwelling. Through the use of materials and design, it is clear the garage and office is a separate entity, albeit attached through a single storey utility. The Red Cedar cladding on the garage is a distinctive design feature, whilst being seen in other builds within the Borough. It still maintains a traditional feel to the property adding contemporary touch.


C222 - 1 - Mr & Mrs Milne - Planning Statement V1 - 26.02.2021 All plans in this statement are for identification purposes only and not to scale - please refer to separately submitted plans


4.1. As the Application Site is located within an area designated as Green Belt, the following national, regional and local policies require consideration:

4.1.1. National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) February 2019;

4.1.2. Chorley Local Plan 2012-2026 (adopted September 2012);

4.1.3. Central Adopted Core Strategy;

4.1.4. ’s Supplementary Planning Documents - Design Guide & Rural Development.

4.2. The NPPF paragraph 145 states that construction of new buildings in the Green Belt are by definition inappropriate, unless they meet one of the exemptions, including, amongst others:

4.2.1. the extension or alteration of a building provided that it does not result in disproportionate additions over and above the size of the original building;

4.2.2. the replacement of a building, provided the new building is in the same use and not materially larger than the one it replaces;

4.2.3. limited infilling or the partial or complete redevelopment of previously developed land, whether redundant or in continuing use (excluding temporary buildings), which would: ‒ not have a greater impact on the openness of the Green Belt than the existing development.

4.3. The proposal can be considered under all of the above three criteria. Due to the historic evidence presented above, it is considered the original dwelling included the demolished buildings (excluding the canopy added later on but including the section to the south east corner that has now been demolished). The proposed extension represents 27% or thereabouts additional volume. Central Lancashire’s SPD on Rural Development considers extensions within 50% to be generally considered favourably. The extension will not result in a disproportionate addition to the building to be extended, considering the massing, siting, design and layout.

4.4. Irrespective of whether the demolished buildings are considered part of the original dwelling, the proposal still falls partially within replacement and partially within extension policy. The dwelling without the outbuildings is entitled to 50% increase in volume under policy. The demolished buildings are entitled to be replaced with buildings that are not materially larger than the existing buildings. In Chorley green belt, this figure is generally 30% additional volume. If 50% is added to the current dwelling and 30% to the demolished buildings, the additional allowable volume (including the volume


C222 - 1 - Mr & Mrs Milne - Planning Statement V1 - 26.02.2021 All plans in this statement are for identification purposes only and not to scale - please refer to separately submitted plans

of the demolished buildings) would be 639m3. Only 543.21m3 is proposed, therefore the volume is still less than the allowable amount.

4.5. Thirdly, due to the reasons outlined in section 1 above, the proposal is considered to be infill of a previously developed site. The test for this policy is that the proposal should not have a greater impact on the openness of the green belt than the existing. In this assessment additional volumes are not as critical, it is a more holistic view of openness in the green belt that is important. The High Court Case - Euro Garages Limited & (1) The Secretary Of State For Communities And Local Government (2) West And Chester Council (2018) dealt with an infill development in the Green Belt over and above the ​ Council’s recommended extension percentages. The High Court considered the proposal to be infill of a previously developed site, which is the case here. It is necessary to take a step back and consider the impact on the openness of the green belt of the wider locality. This requires assessment of the cluster of dwellings surrounding the site. Would the additional extension have a greater impact on the openness of the area covered by the cluster of buildings? Due to the massing of all the buildings currently in situ, it is considered the proposal would not have a greater impact. The visual and spatial considerations need to be assessed. Visually, as most of the proposal is to the rear of the site and in line with adjoining development, the impacts are lessened than if it followed the line of the demolished buildings. When assessment is carried out for this proposal, it mirrors the conclusion in the Euro Garages (2018) case, ​ ​ irrespective of the volume calculations.

4.6. The proposed position of the extension also improves the open character of the area. Even a smaller volume sized extension all projecting to the side of the dwelling would close the site from the frontage and public footpath views resulting in a greater impact than the proposed. It is expected that a garage be located to the rear of the dwelling, as is often the case with garages erected under permitted development rights.

4.7. The extension respects minimum separation distances and is located further from the cottages adjoining the site than the 2016 dwelling was to be located. This provides a betterment from their position. Accordingly, the amenity of neighbouring properties is protected. There is also less impact due to it only being one dwelling on site, not two.

4.8. The NPPF places great emphasis on good design (Section 12). Paragraph 127 states:

‘Planning policies and decisions should ensure that developments:

a) will function well and add to the overall quality of the area, not just for the short term but over the lifetime of the development;

b) are visually attractive as a result of good architecture, layout and appropriate and effective landscaping;


C222 - 1 - Mr & Mrs Milne - Planning Statement V1 - 26.02.2021 All plans in this statement are for identification purposes only and not to scale - please refer to separately submitted plans

c) are sympathetic to local character and history, including the surrounding built environment and landscape setting, while not preventing or discouraging appropriate innovation or change (such as increased densities);

d) establish or maintain a strong sense of place, using the arrangement of streets, spaces, building types and materials to create attractive, welcoming and distinctive places to live, work and visit;

e) optimise the potential of the site to accommodate and sustain an appropriate amount and mix of development (including green and other public space) and support local facilities and transport networks; and

f) create places that are safe, inclusive and accessible and which promote health and wellbeing, with a high standard of amenity for existing and future users; and where crime and disorder, and the fear of crime, do not undermine the quality of life or community cohesion and resilience.’

4.9. The construction of the proposal mirrors the existing dwelling in design terms and provides a distinctly separate garage building (albeit attached). The space and layout represents good design.

4.10. In addition to the three green belt exemptions, there is also the permitted development fallback to consider. The house could be extended using permitted development rights and outbuildings could be constructed in the garden curtilage to the rear and side of the house. It is considered that the presence of multiple incidental buildings to the rear and side of the house would have a greater impact on the openness of the Green Belt, especially visually from the road and footpath. It would create increased massing on site. This is a genuine fallback position and is therefore a material consideration.


5.1. Highways

5.1.1. There is space for at least 4 off road car parking spaces, meeting the Council’s parking requirements.

5.1.2. The existing access drive will be utilised and the proposal will result in no net increase in vehicular movements on and off site (other than for the temporary construction period).

5.1.3. The public footpath along the road is not affected by the proposal.

5.2. Drainage

5.2.1. The proposed surface water drainage will be in line with the existing dwelling.


C222 - 1 - Mr & Mrs Milne - Planning Statement V1 - 26.02.2021 All plans in this statement are for identification purposes only and not to scale - please refer to separately submitted plans

5.3. Ecology

5.3.1. It is considered that the risk to protected species and habitats is low and therefore an ecology survey has not been produced. However, a watchful brief will be undertaken during construction.

5.4. Trees

5.4.1. No trees are affected by the proposal.


6.1. The design accommodates the design brief in a sensitive and unassuming way. The variation in roof lines and siting to the rear of the site lessens the massing that could otherwise have been provided using alternative design.


7.1. As stated, the materials mirror the adjoining building, reflecting the build type of surrounding buildings in the locality.

7.2. The forms used in the proposals are contemporary.


8.1. Pedestrian and vehicular access will remain unaltered.


9.1. Section 38(b) of the Planning & Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 requires that where in making any determination under the Planning Acts, regard is to be had to the development plan, ‘the determination must be made in accordance with the plans unless material considerations dictate otherwise’.

9.2. The proposed development does comply with relevant development plan policies and is a form of sustainable development. There being no material considerations which would dictate otherwise, we conclude that planning permission should be granted.


C222 - 1 - Mr & Mrs Milne - Planning Statement V1 - 26.02.2021 All plans in this statement are for identification purposes only and not to scale - please refer to separately submitted plans

Produced & signed by: Sophie Marshall BSc (Hons) PGDipSurv MRTPI MRICS FAAV MacMarshalls Rural Chartered Surveyors & Planning Consultants Hamill House 112-116 Chorley New Road Bolton BL1 4DH

Ref: C222/1 Planning statement 145 Town Lane - V1 issued 26.02.21

This report has been prepared for the client by MacMarshalls Ltd with all reasonable skill, care and diligence, based on the information provided by the client and research undertaken as outlined in this report. This report (or any part of it) must not be reproduced without prior written approval by MacMarshalls Ltd.


C222 - 1 - Mr & Mrs Milne - Planning Statement V1 - 26.02.2021 All plans in this statement are for identification purposes only and not to scale - please refer to separately submitted plans N



existing access



extg. 100mm combined fw drain Town Lane 147


NOTE: Site boundaries and layout based on latest Ordnance Survey mapping. All boundaries to be verified by GPS Survey to ensure accuracy.

Site Layout 1:200 0m 5m 10m 20m

Scale: 1:200

CLIENT Mrs A. Milne.

PROJECT NAME 145 Town Lane, Whittle-le-Woods, PR6 8AJ.

Proposed Extensions & Alterations.

DRAWING NAME Site Plan Prior to Demolition in 2016.


213 Preston Road, Whittle-le-Woods, Chorley, Lancashire, PR6 7PS Telephone: 01257 261555 Fax: 01257 267224 Website: LMP Architectural Consultants is the trading name of Lawson Margerison Practice Ltd. Registered in and Wales. No. 5597973 © © Crown Copyright and Landmark Information Group Limited 2021 all rights reserved. This map may not be reproduced without permission. 186766464 OS Plan 1:2,500 1963 N

8.58 +


+ 8.55 8.60 + demolished buildings shown as dashed lines

+ 8.55

8.68 +

lawn 8.77 +

existing access

+9.68 9.27 +

9.54 + 133

FFL - 10.00


extg. 100mm +10.00 TBM combined fw drain Town Lane 147


NOTE: Site boundaries and layout based on latest Ordnance Survey mapping. All boundaries to be verified by GPS Survey to ensure accuracy.

Site Layout 1:200 0m 5m 10m 20m

Scale: 1:200

CLIENT Mrs A. Milne.

PROJECT NAME 145 Town Lane, Whittle-le-Woods, PR6 8AG.

Proposed Extensions & Alterations.

DRAWING NAME Proposed Site Plan.


213 Preston Road, Whittle-le-Woods, Chorley, Lancashire, PR6 7PS Telephone: 01257 261555 Fax: 01257 267224 Website: LMP Architectural Consultants is the trading name of Lawson Margerison Practice Ltd. Registered in England and Wales. No. 5597973 ©