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Download Program Content Welcome 3 Programme Overview 4 Organizer 6 General Information 7 Sections, Chair Persons, Speakers 8 Programme Tuesday, September 10 10 Wednesday, September 11 15 Thursday, September 12 19 Friday, September 13 23 Abstracts 26 Index 80 1 2 Umboldt-Universität zu Berlin Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Some conference series last for a mathematical physics, each of few issues only, some have a longer the QMath conferences offered life. It is hard to believe that the a different emphasis. For the QMath one exists for more than Berlin issue the main topics will quarter a century, starting from be spectral theory of Schrödinger a two-day meeting convened in operators, spectra of random September 1987 in the Laboratory of operators, quantum field Theoretical Physics, JINR, in Dubna. theory and relativistic quantum World changed a lot since then, mechanics, interacting many body countries have different names and systems, and numerical methods borders, but the main topic of these in mathematical physics. There conferences, mathematical methods will be twelve plenary lectures, and results in quantum physics, has invited talks in topical sessions and not ceased to attract attention. a number of contributed ones – plenty to choose from. The series visited many places, after the first meetings in Dubna it On behalf of the conference was held in Liblice, Blossin, Ascona, scientific board I want to express Prague, Taxco, Giens, Moeciu, and hope that you will enjoy the Hradec Králové. programme and discussions with Now it comes to Germany for the other participants bringing the second time, and to the very inspiration for your future work. heart of Berlin. We are grateful The QMath series has already to the Humboldt University for a tradition of an important the hospitality and to the German meeting in the intervals between mathematical-physics community for international congresses of the efforts which made this meeting mathematical physics, and as any possible. good tradition this one is certainly worth to be continued. Within the general scope, which is the state of the art and new Pavel Exner results in the «quantum part» of (on behalf of the Organising Committee) 3 Tuesday, Wednesday, September 10, 2013 September 11, 2013 9.00 8.45 Opening Ceremony Plenary Talk Laszlo Erdös Plenary Talk 9.00 10.00 Coffee Break E. Brian Davies Plenary Talk 10.00 Coffee Break 10.30 Daniel Ueltschi Plenary Talk Plenary Talk 10.30 11.30 Fritz Gesztesy Peter Stollmann Plenary Talk 11.30 Lunch Break Ari Laptev Section A/C/D 12.30 Lunch Break 1.30 Section A/B/D 2.00 1.30 2.30 2.00 3.00 2.30 3.25 Coffee Break 3.00 Section A/B 3.25 Coffee Break 4.00 Section A/B/D 4.30 4.00 5.00 4.30 5.30 5.00 Get-together in the 7.00 Restaurant 5.30 „Cum Laude“ 4 Umboldt-Universität zu Berlin Thursday, Friday, September 12, 2013 September 13, 2013 Plenary Talk Plenary Talk 9.00 9.00 Eric Cances Gueorgui Raykov 10.00 Coffee Break 10.00 Coffee Break Plenary Talk 10.30 Plenary Talk Ivan Veselic 10.30 Amandine Aftalion Plenary Talk 11.30 Plenary Talk Jiři Černý 11.30 Israel Michael Sigal 12.30 Lunch Break 12.30 Lunch Break Section A/C/E Section A/C/D/E 1.30 1.30 2.00 2.00 2.30 2.30 3.00 3.00 3.25 Coffee Break Section A/C/E 03.30 Closing 4.00 4.30 5.00 5.30 5 Programme Committee Host Volker Bach (Braunschweig) Weierstrass Institute for Applied Michael Demuth (Clausthal) Analysis and Stochastics (WIAS) Pavel Exner (Prague) Research Group “Interacting Random Wolfgang König (Berlin) Systems” Alexander Mielke (Berlin) Mohrenstr. 39 Hagen Neidhardt (Berlin) D-10117 Berlin Reinhold Schneider (Berlin) LOCAL Organising Committee CONFERENCE OFFICE Wolfgang König (Berlin, Chair) event lab. GmbH Hagen Neidhardt (Berlin) Dufourstraße 15 D-04107 Leipzig Phone: +49-(0)341-240596-75 Fax: +49-(0)341-240596-51 E-Mail: [email protected] 6 Umboldt-Universität zu Berlin CONFERENCE VENUE Universitätsgebäude am Hegelplatz Dorotheenstr. 24 10117 Berlin CONFERENCE DATES Opening hours registration desk: Tuesday, September 10, 2013 08:00 am – 06:15 pm Wednesday, September 11, 2013 08:30 am – 06:15 pm Thursday, September 12, 2013 08:30 am – 06:15 pm Friday, September 13, 2013 08:30 am – 03:45 pm COFFEE AND LUNCH BREAKS PUBLIC TRANSPORT During the coffee breaks coffee, tea and The venue can easily be reached by small snacks (dessert fruit, cake) will be public transport from Berlin main served. station. For lunch you may purchase snacks in Suburban train: the cafeteria on the ground floor and No. 5, 7, 75 stop Friedrichstraße the little restaurants around the univer- sity. REGISTRATION FEES The registration fee includes unlimited TECHNICAL FACILITIES – SPEAKER’S access to the scientific meetings, -cof PREVIEW fee breaks, proceedings as well as the Facilities will be available to present name tag and delegate bags including Powerpoint (Office 2007) and PDF pre- abstracts. sentations in all rooms. The files (CD-R or USB-Stick) should be handed to the SOCIAL PROGAMME technical support in your lecture room Conference Dinner at the Restaurant lately in the break before your talk. „Cum Laude“ Wednesday, September 11, 2013 CONFERENCE LANGUAGE Costs per Person: 40,00 EUR (includes a The official conference language is welcome drink and food from a buffet) English. Tickets are still available. 7 SECTIONS, CHAIR PERSONS & SECTION SPEAKERS A: Spectral theory of Schrödinger operators (organised by Michael Demuth, Pavel Exner and Hagen Neidhardt) Werner Kirsch Department of Mathematics and Informatics, Fernuniversität Hagen, Germany Hynek Kovarik Dipartimento di Matematica, Università degli studi di Brescia, Italy Konstantin Pankrashkin Laboratoire de mathématiques, Université Paris-Sud, France B: Spectra of random operators (organised by Wolfgang König und Simone Warzel) Marek Biskup University of California, Los Angeles, USA Hermann Schulz-Baldes Department of Mathematics, Universität Erlangen, Germany Emra Hamza Egypt C: Quantum field theory and relativistic quantum mechanics (organised by Marcel Griesemer) Jan Derezinski Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw, Poland Jérémy Faupin Institut de Mathématiques de Bordeaux, France Christian Hainzl Department of Mathematics, Universität Tübingen, Germany 8 Umboldt-Universität zu Berlin D: Interacting many body systems (organised by Volker Bach) Christian Schilling ETH Zürich, Institut für Theoretische Physik, Switzerland Walter Pedra Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, Germany Benjamin Schlein Institute for Applied Mathematics, University of Bonn, Germany E: Numerical methods in Mathematical Physics (organised by Reinhold Schneider) Virginie Ehrlacher CERMICS – École des Ponts ParisTech, France Jianfeng Lu Mathematics Department, Duke University, USA Gabriel Stoltz CERMICS – École des Ponts ParisTech, France Proceedings Proceedings will be published as a volume by World Scientific, a leading international publisher in science, technology and medicine. Participants are welcome to submit abstracts for this booklet until March 1, 2014. Please send your text as latex file to the Scientific Committee: • Professor Wolgang König: [email protected] • Professor Pavel Exner: [email protected] • Dr. Hagen Neidhardt: [email protected] You will find detailed information online. 9 Tuesday, September 10, 2013 Hörsaal 1.101 Room 1.102 Room 1.103 Room 1.205 8.45 Opening Ceremony Plenary Talk 9.00 E. Brian Davies 10.00 Coffee Break Plenary Talk 10.30 Fritz Gesztesy Plenary Talk 11.30 Ari Laptev 12.30 Lunch Break Section A Section B Section D 1.30 Fumihiko Nakano Hans-Christoph Kaiser Invited Speaker Konstantin Pankrashkin Francisco Hoecker- 2.00 Shuji Watanabe Escuti Tuesday 2.30 Olaf Post Henrik Ueberschär Joachim Kerner Invited Speaker Marek Biskup 3.00 Stepan Manko Tobias Weich Ioannis Anapoliatnos 3.25 Coffee Break Section A Section B Section D 4.00 Evans Harrell Franz Hanauska Invited Speaker Christian Schilling 4.30 Françoise Truc Radek Novak Christian Seifert 5.00 Evgeni Korotyaev Jaroslav Dittrich Invited Speaker Franz Achleitner Hermann Schulz- 5.30 Hiroaki Niikuni Igor Popov Baldes Alexander Mielke 10 Umboldt-Universität zu Berlin Tuesday, September 10, 2013 Hörsaal 1.101 Hörsaal 1.101 Room 1.102 Room 1.103 Room 1.205 Session: Opening 8.45 – 9.00 am 8.45 Opening Ceremony Pavel Exner (Initiator of the Qmath) Alexander Mielke (Vice Director of WIAS) Plenary Talk 9.00 E. Brian Davies Session: Plenary Talk 9.00 – 10.00 am 10.00 Coffee Break Chair: Michael Demuth 9.00 am Plenary Talk 10.30 Two non-self-adjoint spectral problems Fritz Gesztesy E. Brian Davies (London / UK) Plenary Talk 11.30 Ari Laptev Session: Plenary Talk 10.30 am – 12.30 pm 12.30 Lunch Break Chair: Michael Demuth Section A Section B Section D 10.30 am Applications of Weyl-Titchmarsh Operators Fritz Gesztesy (Columbia / USA) 1.30 Fumihiko Nakano Hans-Christoph Kaiser Invited Speaker 11.30 am Konstantin Pankrashkin Francisco Hoecker- Negative discrete spectrum of Schrödinger operators 2.00 Shuji Watanabe Escuti Ari Laptev (London / UK) Tuesday 2.30 Olaf Post Henrik Ueberschär Joachim Kerner 12.30 – 1.30 pm Lunch Break Invited Speaker Marek Biskup Session: Spectral theory of Schrödinger operators 1.30 – 3.25 pm 3.00 Stepan Manko Tobias Weich Ioannis Anapoliatnos 1.30 pm Laplacian, wave equation and related operators on equilateral metric graphs 3.25 Coffee Break Konstantin Pankrashkin (Orsay Cedex / France) 2.30 pm Section A Section B Section D Shrinking fat graphs and convergence of operators and spectra Olaf Post (Durham / UK) 4.00 Evans Harrell Franz Hanauska Invited Speaker 3.00 pm Christian Schilling Approximations of general quantum-graph vertex couplings 4.30 Françoise Truc Radek Novak Christian Seifert Stepan Manko (Decin / Czech Republic) 5.00 Evgeni Korotyaev Jaroslav Dittrich Invited Speaker Franz Achleitner Session: Spectral theory of Schrödinger operators 4.00 – 6.00 pm Hermann Schulz- 4.00 pm Baldes 5.30 Hiroaki Niikuni Igor Popov Alexander Mielke Eigenvalue distributions and the structure of graphs Evans Harrell (Atlanta / USA) 11 4.30 pm Scattering theory for graphs isomorphic to a homogeneous tree at infinity Françoise Truc (Saint-Martin-d’Hères / France) 5.00 pm Schrödinger operators on periodic discrete graphs Evgeny Korotyaev (St.
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    Annals of Mathematics, 152 (2000), 593–643 A new approach to inverse spectral theory, II. General real potentials and the connection to the spectral measure By Fritz Gesztesy and Barry Simon Abstract We continue the study of the A-amplitude associated to a half-line d2 2 ∞ Schrodinger operator, dx2 + q in L ((0,b)),R b . A is related to the Weyl- 2 a 2 (2aε) Titchmarsh m-function via m( )= 0 A()e d+O(e ) for all ε>0. We discuss ve issues here. First, we extend the theory to general q in L1((0,a)) for all a, including q’s which are limit circle at innity. Second, we prove the followingR relation between√ the A-amplitude and the spectral measure ∞ 1 : A()=2 ∞ 2 sin(2 ) d() (since the integral is divergent, this formula has to be properly interpreted). Third, we provide a Laplace trans- form representation for m without error term in the case b<∞. Fourth, we discuss m-functions associated to other boundary conditions than the Dirichlet boundary conditions associated to the principal Weyl-Titchmarsh m-function. Finally, we discuss some examples where one can compute A exactly. 1. Introduction In this paper we will consider Schrodinger operators d2 (1.1) + q dx2 in L2((0,b)) for 0 <b<∞ or b = ∞ and real-valued locally integrable q. There are essentially four distinct cases. This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. DMS-9707661. The government has certain rights in this material. 1991 Mathematics Subject Classication.
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