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Te Awamutu Courier ISSN 1170-1099 BUYING OR SELLING? FOR ALL YOUR REAL ESTATE NEEDS contact: Chris Gadsby Rural/Lifestyle Specialist 081TC035/05 Mobile: 027 246 5800 A/hrs: 07 870 1386 Published Tuesday and Thursday THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 2005 Rosetown Realty Ltd MREINZ phone: (07) 871-7149 Circulated FREE to all households throughout Te Awamutu and surrounding districts. Extra copies 35c. BRIEFLY Hunt for red Steaming into Christmas Sigma By Dean Taylor Te Awamutu police have had Te Awamutu’s Christmas patrols in the rural sector this Spirit is steaming forward week in an attempt to curb the as we head into the second growing number of burglaries weekend of December. and thefts. Following last week’s Recently check points and successful launching of the plain patrol cars were in the community lights and deco- Parawera and Pukeatua areas rations, Christmas Lights attempting to locate an older Trail and various carol model red Mitsubishi Sigma services is the ‘biggie’ - Sat- which is suspected of being urday’s Santa Parade. involved in the recent crimes. The event, organised by Anyone with information Te Awamutu Alive’s Christ- should contact Detective Ser- mas Spirit Committee, has geant Ross Patterson of the Te attracted about 45 fl oats Awamutu Police on 872 0110. and vehicles, and is sup- ported by Sport Waikato Kids Sports, the opening of Adam into Ikon Santa’s Grotto, the Windy 50’s mobility scooter rac- top three ing and the Formula Two’s Te Awamutu College student Outhouse Derby. Adam O’Brien has safely made Te Awamutu’s main it into the top three for New street will be closed for Zealand Ikon. much of the day to cater Now with his sights set on the for the events, plus sides overall title, he will be perform- streets will then be closed ing at Lifefest 05 (Parakai), for the 1pm parade. Shops where the winner will be an- will be open throughout the nounced. day (see pages 16 and 17 Listen to Adam and vote via for event details). the website www.lifefm.co.nz Te Awamutu Lions is one Voting closes Friday. of many groups contribut- ing to the event, taking the Flag celebration opportunity to promote the An extra burst of colour club and their current ma- around town has caused a fair jor project, the restoration of the Climax locomotive bit of comment - mostly good. TRAINING SESSION: Te Awamutu Lions put the finishing touches to the scale model of Climax 1317 for the which for years sat in Te Te Awamutu Alive was given Santa Parade this Saturday. The club is currently restoring the real Climax 1317 which resided in Te Awamutu a number of banners thought Awamutu War Memorial Park. War Memorial Park for many years after it was retired from service. 342051AD to have been fl own for the 1990 The half size scale model shape at a working bee on He also built the model as a children’s playhouse to The Trust would like to Commonwealth Games held of Climax 1317 was de- Tuesday night. train from materials de- help with fundraising. use as many original parts in Auckland and decided they signed by builder Cedric Mr Taylor’s design in- signed to withstand the The real restoration as possible and asks that could be converted to fl ags and Taylor. He undertook the cludes such details as the weather so it could be uti- project is being kept ‘on anyone knowing of any used to brighten the town. basic construction and pistons, rails, funnels and lised as a promotional tool track’ by the Climax 1317 items that were on the loco Three have fl own at the found many of the ‘parts’ signage that give Climax while the restoration takes Trust which includes Lions please contact Russell Eas- Te Awamutu Events Centre which saw the train take 1317 its distinctive look. place and later auctioned Club members and others. ton (871 2717). since the opening of Scream Rosetown Festival and more were added to various fl agpoles around the town this week to add to the Christmas Spirit. Rushlee’s night They will be taken down in the By Colin Thorsen Waipa sportspeople, particularly the cy- New Year. Te Awamutu cyclist Rushlee Buchanan clists. (pictured) took out the supreme award Emma Petersen’s year just gets better Names in lights at the Waikato secondary schools’ sports and better ... she took out junior sports- Winners in the best shop awards dinner on Tuesday night. woman of the year after impressive feats as a triathlete, duathlete, cyclist and soccer window and best LJ Hooker The points race silver medallist at the residential lights display player. junior world track cycling championships She is another emerging local talent to competition will be announced in Vienna, also scooped the senior sports- at the conclusion of the Santa gain a scholarship and will attend St Pe- woman of the year award. Parade on Saturday back at the ter’s School in Cambridge next year. Events Centre, along with the She was last year’s junior sportswoman Te Awamutu College cycling coach Errol winners of the Santa Parade of the year. Newlands of the Waikato Cycling Academy fl oats competitions. Buchanan has been accepted by the UCI took out administrator of the year. See double page spread (cycling’s world body) on a scholarship to Team of the year went to the Hamilton inside today for programme etc train at the UCI Centre in Aigle, Swit- BHS boys’ rowing eight of which Te Pahu’s for Saturday’s Santa Parade in zerland next year, before the world junior Carl Finlay and Te Awamutu’s Jono Arm- Te Awamutu. championships in Belgium. strong were members. It was a successful night allround for Their crew won the Maadi Cup. Super Liquor Phone 871 4009 TE AWAMUTU John’s Offer concludes close OPEN 7 DAYS Light up your Christmas of trade 11/12/05 John’s Super Deal is Cash and Carry Only – Payment of John’s Super Deal must be while stocks last PICK OF THE WEEK by cash, Eftpos or cheque, otherwise charge price applies. TRADE NOT SUPPLIED. with the tree wise Menz Seagrams SStteeiinnllaaggeerr AAssttii 24 Stubs Gin 2 1 litre RRiiccccaarrddoonnnnaa FOR $$ ..0000 $$ ..0000 $$ ..9999 15 ALEXANDRA STREET, TE AWAMUTU PHONE 871 6307 32 eeaa 342TC019/05 340TC007-05 32 5522 1133 Wananga trapped by tradition By Grant Johnston employing Dr Wetere’s family always evident here, because ees or contractors of TWOA The Auditor General’s members - including $47 mil- of the lack of competitive se- to have a personal or fam- Report into Te Wananga O lion paid to companies owned lection in some cases.” ily connection to other TWOA Aotearoa released this week by Dr Wetere’s daughter Similar statements are personnel. This is so at senior reveals business practices Susan Cullen for education made in relation to Aranui and junior levels, including Invites you to.... inappropriate for a public programmes and property. (2003) Ltd, a company owned cases where relatives have di- A Festival of Christmas entity. In relation to work con- by Dr Wetere’s brother Ara, rect reporting relationships. Decorations In the Auditor General’s tracted to Power Chill Ltd (a which in 2003 and 2004 car- The practice is not limited to company whose sole director ried out landscaping, grounds Rongo Wetere’s whanau. to be held in.... opinion many of these prac- tices occurred because TWOA was Wananga chief executive maintenance, drainage, tar- “In our view, the prolif- St Johns Church Hall went from being a small Rongo Wetere’s son Kingi, sealing, and fencing work at eration of related individuals George St, Te Awamutu private company to a large which did air conditioning several TWOA sites (often working at TWOA suggests 10th -23rd December public entity without chang- work for the organisation utilising sub contractors), to that TWOA has not always and its subsidiary MO1 Ltd) a value of $1.8 million. OPEN DAILY 10am-4pm ing the way it managed its complied with its statutory the Auditor-General’s Report The Report states: dealings. requirements. states: “To give work of this value “We identifi ed 17 close rela- Sales of handcrafted gifts, This meant issues such as “The inconsistency of to a company owned and run tives of Rongo Wetere who table centres, wreaths, tree employing staff, awarding TWOA’s practices was disap- by Rongo Wetere’s brother, in have – or have had – employ- decorations and much more contracts and buying and pointing, as was the frequent the manner in which it was ment or contracting connec- leasing property were done lack of a competitive approach done, was an unacceptable tions with TWOA. Call in for morning or afternoon informally, often involved tea - groups catered for. 342TC008/05 to ensure that the successful practice for a public entity.” “In general, the individuals Lunches by booking whanau (relatives), had lit- contractor (whether or not it Once again, there was no have been suitably qualifi ed Ph 871 9494 or 871 2935 tle or no documentation and was Power Chill NZ Limited) suggestion of corruption, only for the jobs TWOA appointed transparency and sometimes them to. However, the meth- lacked contestability. ... the business dealing lacked the ods of selection are unclear These dealings occurred and have varied widely.” prior to this year and the documentation, transparency and The Report examined the Wananga has subsequently purchase and development of LOWEST PRICES moved to put in place suitable contestability required ... the Glenview Tavern in 2003, policies and procedures. which had a total cost of $14.4 But it remains to be seen represented good value for that the business dealing million, for a library.
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