MAGAZINEMAGAZINE March 2004 ISSN 1366-0799 FocusFocus onon CommunicationCommunication From your editor It has been a very busy couple of months as Paul SImpson, my son Matthew and I have worked on the ‘new look’ website. Matthew has completed the design so that we can manage the site more easily independently and also so that it is easy for visitors to explore the pages. Thanks to those of you who have emailed us to say that you appreciate the changes and have found lots of new files and information to support you in your work. We now have an email address specifically for contacting us about the website -
[email protected] - as we hope to keep the calendar up to date with brief details of courses and meetings. Just email the details of date, organisation, title and venue and we will add it (for free) to the calendar. Call for articles and suggestions for inclusion in future Magazines: Planning for forthcoming Magazines includes: The Teacher of the Deaf in the 21st Century; Deafness and Dyslexia; Creativity; Deaf Education in Europe and Worldwide; British Sign Language Consortium If you have short articles and photographs that will help expand the contents table please contact me and let me know as soon as possible. This doesn’t mean that articles about other topics and activities are not sought! PLEASE share your experiences and achievements with us - many of you are isolated as peris and to share ideas is an important form of personal professional development. The Magazine is a recognised leading vehicle for doing this.