iOanrlirBtrr Enrtting IfrraUi THUMDAT, NOVEMBER t, IfBO Check Your Chest! Everybody's Doing It! All Daughtera. of SooUa who wish to attend the dinner on Fri­ About Town day evening, November 10, at alx Tbe Westker o’clock at Mtller'a reatauranL sre Averse* D*Hy Net Press Run Fofteeat af O. S. WtatSip Saraat The Maneheatar, Choral Sootaty requested to call either 2-0871 or Fer Um Week Hading WJU bold a rehaaraal Sunday after­ 4748. They are also reminded to Oetahar SS. ISM noon at three o'clock. All mem- bring their gifts at this Uma, the HALE'S SELF SERVE Taday alaady ta partly d andy bara are urged to be present. proceeds of which will be used for wllk erradantl lalai eeol, k ^ the anhual Children’s Christmas 1 0 ,1 1 5 near idi taaigkt dandy and eaolt loweat near 48i Saturday clendy, Ruth Arline Beebe, daughter of party. and HBber of tto Aadit eanUaned aaaL Mr. and ifra. Harold Beebe of SS m u e< ObeulatloBt M anchester^A City of ViUags Charm Elra. atrMt, will be married to Tha Mary Cuaipnan group of HEALTH MARKET Gerald E. Donnelly of SO Maple ths Second Congregational church will maet tomorrow evening at 8 street, at 7:S0 Saturday evening, (EIGHTEEN PAGES) November 4, at the parsonage of o’clock with Mrs. William Whlte- Offer These Suggestions For Your VOL. LXX, NO. an Page IS) MANCHESTER, CONN„ FRIDAY. NOVEMBER S, 1950 PRICE FOUR CENTS the Second Congregational church. hiU of 32 Westminster road. 29 Rev. Leland O. Hunt will perform the ceremony. Members of the various Moth­ ers drclea who hava not already Weekend Food Shopping! Stassen GOP Mrs. Collazo Held in $ 5 0 ,0 0 0 Bail America Spurs Reynolds Deacon, of >8 Harvard made reservations for tha ban­ road, a student at Rensselaer quet and program of the combined Seize Wife of Slain ' Allies Sent Reeling Polytechnic Institute, Troy, N. Y „ drclea Wednesday evening, No- Atomic Output win be the fleet captain of the vemljcr 8. in Bt. James’s hall, are Wheelhorse As Wonderfully tender farm fresh freshman team at the Intercolle- urged to do so as soon as possi­ if Extra Speeiais! HEALTH M a r k e t “eom-land” fresh Pork Roasts continue to ^ the besi I giate sailing meet to be held this ble. To Meet Peril As Reinforced Foe buys If you want a “big roast for Sunday dinner, week-end at the IT. S. Naval Acad­ King David Lodge, No. 81, I. O. Assassin as Grand Election Nears ^turday. If you want to go easy on the budget may we emy at Annapolis. O. F., will work the aecond de­ OLD TIME FAVemiTE READY-TO-EAT gree st lU meeting tomorrow 1 LB. TIN HER8HEY suggest a meat loaf or meat balls and si^ghettl, made night at 7r30 in Odd Fellows hall. Will Hit U. S. Foreign Plans to Counter Pos­ with freshly ground PInehurst chuck .which costs only SUNLIGHT sm o k e d BONELESS I Attacks Savagely CHOCOLATE Jury Starts Probe sible Europe Inva­ 69c lb. Policy in Radio Speech BUTTER SHOULDERS HAM Answering Truman; sion With Host of Di- FEATURED AT PINEHURST . CONNECTICUT WANTED SYRUP Reds Now Only 4 7 Miles “FARM-FRESH” LARGE 20 TO 24 POUND Issue Subpoenas to 3 . Round Up 400 Takes Stump for Taft| verse Atom Weapons India Charges HALE'S From Their Capital; Puerto 'Ricans; FBI r Washington, Nov. 3—UF) — The Ib By The Associated Presa U. N. Unit Cut Off in Full and Part-Time Headquarters Ib. United atstes appears to be hast­ ROBART FARM 8 9 Pushes Round-Up Rebel Lcadcrs Harold E. Staaaen appeared to-1 Reds Aid Drift ening toward production of spe­ Northwest; Chinese Cab Drivers . FOR 2 '" 2 9 * 4-« POUNDS AVERAGE Uh "at la’’—or bake or broil. All Suspects in C on-! day to have moved into the wheel- cialized atomic weapons and spe­ Thwart U. horae position in the final Republi­ cial tactlca for use If the Russians To World War S. Marine BOBDEN’P LB. TIN CAMPBELL’S spiracy to Kill Presi-1 In Puerto Rico 1 MILLER’S FRESH NATIVE POULTRY can drive toward Tuesday’s co should attempt to invade Western Push on Changjin TURKEYS «> 5 2 - Apply dent; Guards Recover gressional elections. Europe. Chosen to rebut President Tru-1 Without making it clear wheth­ Deny JiiHtiliration for EVAPORATED PORK AND Police Seize Top Nation man’s campaign speech from St Seoul, Nov. 3.— (/P)— Allied 53 Purnell Place PLUMP Washington, Nov. 3.— (/F) er such weapons and tactlca al- "FARM-FRESH” 12 TO 14 POUND Louis tomorrow night the Univer-1 rsady exist in preliminary form, Tibet Invaflion; So- forces Rti'ugjrlt'd in a drench­ —Federal agents moved on alists and Commu CLEAN sity of Pennsylvania President tha Air Force said in a semi-an­ ing rainstorm tonight to res­ PLUMP HEN, CONNECTICUT FRESH MILK DEANS far-flung fronts today to nip went bo Ctolumbua yesterday to| cialiflt Leader Urget nists; People Laughing nual departmental report released cue remnants of two trapped 5-6 Lb. Avg. FOWL AND any offshoots of the plot to back Senator Robert A. T aft last night that it ia "taking neces- U. N. Take Over Tibet It was his first political appear­ American regiments on the kill President Truman which At **Auack^* on Palace aary action to develop further its ROBART FARM TENDER ance there atnee he battled Taft I capability to support the ground sagging United Nations line WANTED ended in blood-spattered fail­ for Ohio delegates to the Republi­ San Juan, Puerto Rico, Nov. forces with atomic weapons." By Thr AiwociatMl Press in northwest Korea. The 2 '" 2 3 * ure for two Puerto Rican rev­ can National Convention in 1948. And the Army, In .its 'eport. Indian anger at Communist 2 '" 2 S* —(Jf)—A awaeplng police roimdup Stassen won nine of Ohio’s 83 OOP downpour hurt the Allies olutionaries Wednesday. The aald that new systems for guided China's Invasion of Tibet mounted EXPERIENCED of Natlonallata and leadera of the delegates but Governor Thomas E. | more than it did the resur­ resident continued td show missiles, recollleaa weapons "and today, while Moscow boasted that Communiat Party continued In full Dewey of New York won the pres­ the family of atomic weapons are the Red attack on tha ancient, gent North Korean Reds and their T U R K E Y S ^ 6 2 - LIBBV FRESH DRESSED no emotion at hla escape from the idential nomination. Chinrae Communiat comrades. It Ranges, Refrigerators awing today. designed or being designed for rugged land waa developing suc­ CARPENTERS guna o f two fanatics who were In urging Taft’s reelection, Stas- I use by our Army.’’ cessfully. meant potent U.N. airpower felled, one of them shot dead, at Already 400 had been taken in sen said both political parties rec­ • Sound “Brond Hints’* The Indian government—a would be curtailed. If not stopped We wiU also have some wonderfully tender 7 to 7^ For lusldfr and Outside Washers and AD the very stepe of hia official resi­ cuatody in the wake of Natlonallat ognize that "in this hour they The atomic weapons family ob­ champion of Communist China's until the weather clears. Ib. Caponettes, Farm-Fresh Connecticut Fowl for TOMATO J U IC E 2 9 * ‘ dence. attempts to aasaaatnate Governor Work— Apply st Other Appliancea BROILERS need in public •positions above all viously Includes, besides the explo­ admission to the United Nations— A combined Chinese and Korean But the guard around him was Luis Munoz Marin in San Juan and lYicaasec and Farm-Fresh Fryers and Broilers. 6 Dover Road NO. 6 CAN YOUNG TENDER CHICKENS else, men of high and unquestion- sive bombs themselves, such things published texts of notes to Peip­ Red counteratUck had sent the increaaed and FBI and Secret President Truman in Washington. abls character. Of unflinching U.N. forces reeling .back in. vir-.. Or Phone 4112 TO ROAST, FRY OR BROIL Service men moved awlftly In an Mrs. Rosn'Collazo'fa iwcorted to the Womeei't-Hoose- of - DetenUon In aa radiological equipment for pois­ ing accusing the Reda of greaMy ib.JW.IUUcoii The number of arrests wss expect­ courage, of deep sincerity, of con­ New Y’ork from federal oaurt by two secret service men after being oning areas. increasing the "drift towards gen­ tually every sector of the flaming attempt to track down any of the ed to resch 850 or 750. JARVIS REALTY CO. scientious devotion to their task, arraigned and held In $5<K000 ball, charged with eansitlring to lajure These broad hinta continued In eral war." northwest front The Reda, at PINEHURST QUALITY LAMB pair’s accomplices who might be It wss probable that abandoned and of unwavering loyalty to their | ona point. Were only 47 mllea dangerous. President ’Truman. Mi;a. Collato la the wife of Oeear tVtIlaso, one the reports of the armed forces At the same time, India’s So­ each War-time army barracks would be country.” of two men who attempted te asassalnate the president In Washing­ took on added signiflcance when north of their fallen capital ot m a . Carmen Torresola, 21- reopened to serve as temporary cialist party leader urged that the Pyong}reng. Pinchnrst 7 to,7</i Ib. Lamb Legs make a delicious »1.M Taft, he declared, is such a man. ton, Nov. 1 (AP W'lrephoto). related to tha two other recent de- United Nations at once taka over U BBY’S 0 ^ year-old wife of alain asaaaain dinner when served with Mint Jelly, brown gravy and 'ir* prisons.
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