makingitreal CORNERSTONECONNECTIONS Sabbath Monday to our liking? What should be our attitude if our OCTOBEROCTOBER17172015 n the What Do You Think? section, you were efer to this week’s Key Text. prayer is not answered to our liking? Iasked true or false questions about yourself. Rnamed her baby because it meant Most of them were about prayer. Do you think that he was something she had asked God for. that prayer has the same effect on everybody? Think about your life. What is something you ’s bad, bad boys Do you think God answers everyone’s prayers asked God for and received? Is it something to differently? God answered Hannah’s prayer and which you could give a special name? Naming gave her a child, but she also made a sacrifice her son Samuel was one way Hannah showed When God doesn’t answer our prayer the way by giving him back to God and letting him live God how thankful she was for His grace. She in which we want, He often sends blessings Scripture Story: :12-36. in the . Do you think you could give also praised God by dedicating him to work for to “cushion” us through the disappointment. Commentary: and (or Beginning of the God something you cherished so much? Explain. God all his life. Have you dedicated yourself to Think back to times when your prayer was not End), chapter 56. work for God? If so, how? answered the way you hoped for. Can you think of other events that happened around that time that might have been God’s “cushions”? PREPARING TO TEACH dents to read the story and share what they think the Try to see prayer in this perspective: if you central meaning of the passage conveys. had a friend who never gives of themselves to I. SYNOPSIS you, but expects you to give them your time, Tuesday Eli tried to serve Israel faithfully, yet his own chil- II. TARGET cornerstone connections attention, and even things, how would that he Flashlight quote leads us to think dren began to sorely affect his leadership. His sons, The students will: make you feel? It’s the same with God. We can T about how difficult it must have been for Friday Hophni and , were not only poor examples of • Discover the reality of cause and effect in par- ask Him for things, but we must also thank Him Hannah to give up her son. He was a cher- f you fervently prayed to God for something behavior but they belligerently mocked God’s law and enting and leadership. (Know) and give of ourselves to Him in return. ished gift from God, and Ellen White says that Ifor a long time, and He finally granted it to His presence. Their rebellion was a display of blatant • Sense a deep conviction for the need of a “she loved her child with all the devotion of a you but asked that you dedicate it to Him in hypocrisy and disregard for true humility. Ellen White genuine relationship with God. (Feel) Sunday mother’s heart.” Imagine giving up someone return, how would you react? What would your observed that the source of the problem was in Eli’s • Decide to become the kind of person today who n Into the Story we see why Hannah expe- you love because of your greater love for heart want—to honor God, or to cherish and parenting practices. In Patriarchs and Prophets she will one day become a godly parent or leader. Irienced intense grief. She had birthed no God. Samuel was a treasure to Hannah, yet use His gift the way you wanted to? In what children of her own, yet her husband’s other she would not “withhold him from the Giver areas in your life might this scenario apply? A summarizes Eli’s failure directly: (Respond) wife, , had birthed lots of children. of His own.” friendship? A talent? What might it look like to  “Loving peace and ease, he did not exercise cornerstone connections This wounded her and filled her with sorrow. dedicate something back to God? his authority to correct the evil habits and III. EXPLORE 12 In the Out of the Story section you were What do you think you would have done in passions of his children. Rather than contend • Reverence asked why Hannah wanted a child. It wasn’t Hannah’s position? How willing are you to with them or punish them, he would submit • Family dynamics just because Peninnah had children, although make even small sacrifices because of your to their will and give them their own way. • Self-discipline that was part of it. She wanted something love for God? Instead of regarding the education of his sons You will find material to help you explore these and to love, and although she had the Lord and as one of the most important of his responsi- other topics with your students at www.cornerstone her husband, she ached for a child, and God Texts credited to NIV are from the Holy Bible, New International Wednesday bilities, he treated the matter as of little con- granted her one. n the Punch Lines are four verses about Version. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc. sequence” (Patriarchs and Prophets, p. 575). Iprayer and one about mercy. In what way can Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide. Go to a concordance, look up the words “pray” you connect them together? Paul would take the issue a step further and chal- TEACHING and “prayer,” and find other verses about lenge parents to a more proactive style of parenting, prayers that were answered. saying, “Fathers, do not exasperate your children; I. GETTING STARTED instead, bring them up in the training and instruction What can we learn from these stories of this week’s reading* of the Lord” (Ephesians 6:4, NIV). Activity answered prayer? Patriarchs and Prophets (or Be- This lesson can be approached from the point of Refer the students to the What Do You Think? sec- Thursday ginning of the End), chapters 55 view of students who will one day become parents tion of their lesson. After they have completed it, dis- hat are some different ways that we can and 58. and adopt parenting styles that need to be guided cuss their responses. Wpray to God? Are there right and wrong *Beginning of the End is a special adaptation of Patriarchs and by God’s will and His Word. Furthermore, the story Why did you rank the items in the order you ways of asking God for something? What Prophets, created for you by the Ellen G. White Estate and Pacific of could also foster discussion chose? If you were to pick what you think is the most should be our attitude if our prayer is answered Press. Get more information about it at www.cornerstoneconnec about the impact spiritual leaders have on communi- important season of development for your relationship books#.URlhF1rBO9s. By following the weekly reading plan, you will read at least one book of the Conflict of the Ages Series ties of faith. It might be a good idea to allow the stu- with God, what stage would that be, and why? each year. 27 Illustration students, use the following in your own words to pro- Share this illustration in your own words: cess it with them. A boy sailed his toy boat out on a pond in the • As you read this story, what key facts or insights park. He imagined the waters rolling up the side of did you notice that are important to this story? his fearless ship, and the stories of danger and res- (Underline them.) cue played graphically in his mind. He became so • What part of this story challenges your view of engaged in his play that his boat floated well out of his God? Your view of spiritual leaders? reach, gradually making a journey away from shore to • Who are the main characters mentioned in this the middle of the pond. A man sitting on a park bench passage and what are some of the weaknesses noted the little boy’s predicament and volunteered, this story exposes? (Circle them.) “Would you like some help?” The young boy, nod- • What other biblical stories does this passage ding, replied, “Yes, thanks.” remind you of? Why? To the boy’s surprise, the man walked to the other • Read 1 Samuel 2:13-17. They give more insight side of the pond and began throwing rocks at the boat. into the sons of Eli. The rocks fell just short of smashing the boat and • Why do you think this story is in the Bible? sending his toy to a watery grave. The boy yelled, “Hey What basic truth does it convey about God? mister, stop throwing rocks at my boat!” He ran to the What does it say about people? other side of the pond while the man continued throw- • What do you think it means when the Bible says ing rocks at his boat. When he got to the other side he about Eli’s sons, “they have no regard for the began to implore the man to stop when he noticed that Lord”? What would this story look like today? his boat was almost back to the other side of the shore. • What lesson emerges from this story that is The man was not throwing rocks at his boat but on one particularly relevant to young people today? side of his boat, causing the ripples to slowly but surely • To what degree do you think Eli is responsible move the boat back in the right direction. for his sons’ behavior? At what point do indi- Often discipline and accountability can upset our viduals need to own their own choices? lives and rock us like a boat on the water. The experi- • What are the most effective ways you have been ence is rarely comfortable, but it is necessary to move corrected? us in the right direction. Perhaps this is relevant to Use the following as more teachable passages that more than the obvious connection to parenting. To relate to today’s story: which other areas of life can this story apply? Our 1 Peter 5:6; Genesis 4:7; Acts 9:1-10; Philippians cornerstone connections relationship with friends? Teachers? God? 1:9-11; Luke 21:31, 32.

II. TEACHING THE STORY Sharing Context and Background Use the following information to shed more light Bridge to the Story on the story for your students. Share it in your own Share the following in your own words: words. Eli, as Israel’s leader, chose to avoid disturb- It is important to remember when you read the ing the peace with his children. Instead of causing stories in 1 Samuel that Israel is moving from a the- waves of discipline and correction to move his boys ocracy (being directed by God through prophets and back to the right way of living, he left them to float judges) to a kingdom (guided primarily by a king). along according to their own whims. Eli’s hands-off Even with ample stories of both God’s gracious pro- approach proved disastrous, but it marks a lesson for vision and His unflinching judgment, people such as young and older about the value of discipline. Read Hophni and Phinehas still wander away from God but the following story and discover insights into God’s stay close enough to wreak havoc on God’s people. way of dealing with people and how parents should In 1 Samuel 2:12 the word the Bible uses to relate to their children. describe the two boys is , which means “worth- less,” “good for nothing,” or “wicked.” In the New Out of the Story for Teachers Testament the word morphs some and gets used as After you read the Into the Story section with your a proper name for . The sons of Eli grew to be 28 ✁ corrupt, and so the Scriptures claim that they did not know the Lord. The Hebrew word for “know” is yada, Tips for Top-notch Teaching and it conveys knowing intimately someone or some-

thing as opposed to simply being aware. This word Reflective Questions RABBI 101 means “to perceive,” “to understand,” “to have a per- Some teachers gauge their effectiveness by sonal experience with another person.” This might be the volume of discussion that takes place in their a good opportunity to discuss the difference between class, and while discussion is good, sometimes the tendency for people to know about God rather than carefully crafted questions are better left undis- knowing Him intimately. turbed by talk. But top-notch teachers will occa- The rest of the story of Hophni and Phinehas is sionally ask questions that lead to real change if tragic but proves to amplify the way God works with the students are allowed a little time to quietly His people. In verse 27 a came to Eli and reflect. reminded the aged priest (possibly in his mid-90s) For example, a question that may not lead to about the sacred work of the priesthood. He proph- discussion but could lead to life change might be: esied: “And what happens to your two sons, Hophni “Hophni and Phinehas heard God’s voice warn and Phinehas, will be a sign to you—they will both them about the danger they were boldly headed die on the same day” (1 Samuel 2:34, NIV). What a into. Do you ever hear God’s voice calling you to sad lesson for Eli and all of Israel to learn. But why is stop or to turn around?” Or another more open- Samuel’s story mixed into the narrative of Hophni and ended reflective question might be: “If God were Phinehas? In verse 25 Eli tries to rebuke the wayward to get your attention today, what do you think He cornerstone connections young men, but the Bible says: “His sons, however, would say to you?” did not listen to their father’s rebuke.” Hophni and Phinehas were given a chance to repent and turn around, but they closed their ears to God’s call, whereas Samuel was a servant who heard God’s voice III. CLOSING clearly and responded. Perhaps this is an opportunity to ask the students, Activity “Are you listening for God’s voice, or do you resist and Close with an activity and debrief it in your own block it out?” This is a question more for reflection words. than for answering; however, it is still one that needs Ask the students individually, but anonymously, to be asked. to make a list of three qualities this story encourages

Teaching From . . . Refer your students to the other sections of their lesson.

• Other Eyes • Punch Lines Ask them how the quotes in Other Eyes convey Point out to your students the verses listed the point of the story in this lesson. in their lesson that relate to this week’s story. • Flashlight Have them read the passages and ask each one Read the Flashlight statement, pointing out to choose the verse that speaks most directly that most of the time it is from the commen- to them today. Then ask them to explain tary on this week’s story found in the book why they chose the one they did. Patriarchs and Prophets. Ask what relationship Or you might assign the passages to pairs they see between the statement and what they of students to read aloud and then discuss, in have just discussed from Out of the Story. order to choose the most relevant one to them.

29 them to hold in high regard. After everyone has had a kids; however, faithful parents try to instruct their chil- chance to make their list, post the lists on a wall or a dren in the best ways to live. Hophni and Phinehas were table where everyone can read them and ask, “Did you given the chance to stop their self-absorbed behavior notice a trend or pattern of qualities repeated? Which themselves, but they did not listen to God’s voice. ones? Why do you think this is so? Which qualities God has spoken in His Word, through His Son were unique but caused you to think differently about , and through the lives of faithful believers over the story?” the centuries. But even with many voices calling, it is still possible to close our ears to God’s call. If you are Summary curious about that voice or only a little bit interested, I Share the following thoughts in your own words: challenge you to, like Samuel, respond, saying, “I hear Eli was getting old when his boys, Hophni and You.” God does not impose Himself on us but pleads Phinehas, were getting set in their evil ways. But Eli and woos us toward Him. Maybe, as in the illustration missed opportunities to discipline his children, and used earlier in this lesson, God is throwing rocks to they simply lived their lives by their own passions and cause ripples that draw you closer to Him. I hope you desires. I suppose no parent enjoys correcting their will not resist His promptings. cornerstone connections

Remind the students about the reading plan that will take them through the inspired commentary of the Bible, the Conflict of the Ages Series. The reading that goes with this lesson is Patriarchs and Prophets (or Beginning of the End), chapter 56.

30 real.solid.stories


Scripture Story: 1 Samuel 2:12-36. Commentary: Patriarchs and Prophets (or Beginning of the End), chapter 56. Eli’s bad, bad boys cornerstone connections


keytexts Photo by Colleen Cahill keytexts “Eli’s“After sons she hadwere given scoundrels; him a drink, they flashlight hadshe nosaid, regard ‘I’ll drawfor the water Lord.” for your

“There is no greater curse upon households than to allow the youth to have their own (1camels Samuel too, 2:12, until NIV) they have fin-

way. When parents regard every wish of their children and indulge them in what they ished drinking’” “Start children off on the way they know is not for their good, the children soon lose all respect for their parents, all regard should(Genesis go, 24:19, and NIV).even when they for the authority of God or man, and are led captive at the will of Satan” (Patriarchs and are old they will not turn from it.” Prophets, p. 579). (Proverbs 22:6, NIV)

31 ‘. . . Therefore the Lord, the God of OUT punch lines Israel, declares: “I promised “Now, discipline always seems painful rather than pleasant at the time, but later that members of your family would OF THE it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it” what minister before me forever.” But now (Hebrews 12:11, NRSV). do you think? the Lord declares: “Far be it from STORY me! Those who honor me I will honor, “For I have chosen him, so that he will direct his children and his Rank the following authority-figure roles in order of impor- but those who despise me will be household after him to keep the way of the Lord by doing what is tance for the different stages in life: disdained. The time is coming when As you read this story, what key facts or insights did right and just, so that the Lord will bring about for what Formative years (birth to age 8) I will cut short your strength and the you notice that are especially important? he has promised him” (Genesis 18:19, NIV). ____ Teacher ____ Caregiver strength of your priestly house, so that ____ Role model ____ Friend INTO no one in it will reach old age, and “Start children off on the way they should go, and even ____ Disciplinarian you will see distress in my dwelling. when they are old they will not turn from it” (Proverbs Primary school years (ages 9 to 15) THE Although good will be done to Israel, What part of this story challenges your view of God? your view of 22:6, NIV). ____ Teacher ____ Caregiver no one in your family line will ever reach spiritual leaders? “Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, ____ Role model ____ Friend old age. Every one of you that I do not bring them up in the training and instruction of the ____ Disciplinarian STORY cut off from serving at my altar I will Lord” (Ephesians 6:4, NIV). Youth through young adult (ages 16 to 25) spare only to destroy your sight and ____ Teacher ____ Caregiver “Eli’s sons were scoundrels; sap your strength, and all your descen- Who are the main characters mentioned in this passage, and what are “Discipline your children, for in that there ____ Role model ____ Friend they had no regard for the Lord.” dants will die in the prime of life. some of their weaknesses this story exposes? is hope; do not be a willing party to their cornerstone connections ____ Disciplinarian death” (Proverbs 19:18, NIV). “Now Eli, who was very old, heard “‘“And what happens to your two sons, Why did you rank the above roles differently about everything his sons were Hophni and Phinehas, will be a sign to “Fathers, do not embitter your children, at different stages? doing to all Israel and how they you—they will both die on the same What other biblical stories does this passage remind you of? Why? or they will become discouraged” (Colos- slept with the women who served at day. I will raise up for myself a faithful sians 3:21, NIV). What do you think is the most critical stage the entrance to the tent of meeting. priest, who will do according to what for character building? is in my heart and mind. I will firmly “So he said to them, ‘Why do you establish his priestly house, and they Read 1 Samuel 2:13-17. These verses give more insight into the sons of Eli. other do such things? I hear from all the will minister before my anointed one people about these wicked deeds always. Then everyone left in your Why do you think this story is in the Bible? What basic truth does it convey of yours. No, my sons; the report I family line will come and bow down about God? What does it say about people? hear spreading among the Lord’s before him for a piece of silver and a eyes cornerstone connections people is not good. If one person loaf of bread and plead, ‘Appoint me to 14 did you 15 sins against another, God may some priestly office so I can have food “Children can stand vast know? mediate for the offender; but if to eat.’”’” What do you think it means when the Bible says about Eli’s sons that “they anyone sins against the Lord, had no regard for the Lord”? What would this story look like today? amounts of sternness. hat makes who will intercede for them?’ (1 Samuel 2:12, 22-25, 27-36, NIV) It is injustice, inequity, a parent suc- cessful? “His sons, however, did and inconsistency that kill Studies report not listen to their father’s What lesson emerges from this story that is particularly relevant to them.”—Robert Capon, U.S. Episcopal that several par- rebuke, for it was the your life now? enting qualities contribute to Lord’s will to put them priest and New Testament scholar. raising children effectively: to death.” demonstrating love, exhibiting patience, enforcing discipline, “Now a man of “There is only one way to bring up a offering understanding. (Adapted God came to child in the way he should go, and that from the Barna Research Group Eli and said Web site) to him, is to travel that way yourself.”—Abraham Lin- coln (1809-1865), 16th president of the U.S. (1861-1865).

32 ‘. . . Therefore the Lord, the God of OUT punch lines Israel, declares: “I promised “Now, discipline always seems painful rather than pleasant at the time, but later that members of your family would OF THE it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it” what minister before me forever.” But now (Hebrews 12:11, NRSV). do you think? the Lord declares: “Far be it from STORY me! Those who honor me I will honor, “For I have chosen him, so that he will direct his children and his Rank the following authority-figure roles in order of impor- but those who despise me will be household after him to keep the way of the Lord by doing what is tance for the different stages in life: disdained. The time is coming when As you read this story, what key facts or insights did right and just, so that the Lord will bring about for Abraham what Formative years (birth to age 8) I will cut short your strength and the you notice that are especially important? he has promised him” (Genesis 18:19, NIV). ____ Teacher ____ Caregiver strength of your priestly house, so that ____ Role model ____ Friend INTO no one in it will reach old age, and “Start children off on the way they should go, and even ____ Disciplinarian you will see distress in my dwelling. when they are old they will not turn from it” (Proverbs Primary school years (ages 9 to 15) THE Although good will be done to Israel, What part of this story challenges your view of God? your view of 22:6, NIV). ____ Teacher ____ Caregiver no one in your family line will ever reach spiritual leaders? “Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, ____ Role model ____ Friend old age. Every one of you that I do not bring them up in the training and instruction of the ____ Disciplinarian STORY cut off from serving at my altar I will Lord” (Ephesians 6:4, NIV). Youth through young adult (ages 16 to 25) spare only to destroy your sight and ____ Teacher ____ Caregiver “Eli’s sons were scoundrels; sap your strength, and all your descen- Who are the main characters mentioned in this passage, and what are “Discipline your children, for in that there ____ Role model ____ Friend they had no regard for the Lord.” dants will die in the prime of life. some of their weaknesses this story exposes? is hope; do not be a willing party to their cornerstone connections ____ Disciplinarian death” (Proverbs 19:18, NIV). “Now Eli, who was very old, heard “‘“And what happens to your two sons, Why did you rank the above roles differently about everything his sons were Hophni and Phinehas, will be a sign to “Fathers, do not embitter your children, at different stages? doing to all Israel and how they you—they will both die on the same What other biblical stories does this passage remind you of? Why? or they will become discouraged” (Colos- slept with the women who served at day. I will raise up for myself a faithful sians 3:21, NIV). What do you think is the most critical stage the entrance to the tent of meeting. priest, who will do according to what for character building? is in my heart and mind. I will firmly “So he said to them, ‘Why do you establish his priestly house, and they Read 1 Samuel 2:13-17. These verses give more insight into the sons of Eli. other do such things? I hear from all the will minister before my anointed one people about these wicked deeds always. Then everyone left in your Why do you think this story is in the Bible? What basic truth does it convey of yours. No, my sons; the report I family line will come and bow down about God? What does it say about people? hear spreading among the Lord’s before him for a piece of silver and a eyes cornerstone connections people is not good. If one person loaf of bread and plead, ‘Appoint me to 14 did you 15 sins against another, God may some priestly office so I can have food “Children can stand vast know? mediate for the offender; but if to eat.’”’” What do you think it means when the Bible says about Eli’s sons that “they anyone sins against the Lord, had no regard for the Lord”? What would this story look like today? amounts of sternness. hat makes who will intercede for them?’ (1 Samuel 2:12, 22-25, 27-36, NIV) It is injustice, inequity, a parent suc- cessful? “His sons, however, did and inconsistency that kill Studies report not listen to their father’s What lesson emerges from this story that is particularly relevant to them.”—Robert Capon, U.S. Episcopal that several par- rebuke, for it was the your life now? enting qualities contribute to Lord’s will to put them priest and New Testament scholar. raising children effectively: to death.” demonstrating love, exhibiting patience, enforcing discipline, “Now a man of “There is only one way to bring up a offering understanding. (Adapted God came to child in the way he should go, and that from the Barna Research Group Eli and said Web site) to him, is to travel that way yourself.”—Abraham Lin- coln (1809-1865), 16th president of the U.S. (1861-1865).

33 makingitreal

______Sabbath careless about their calling. Perhaps you have ______he ranking activity in the What Do You friends or relatives who have steadily built a wall ______TThink? section of this week’s lesson chal- between their heart and God’s Spirit. Pray for an ______lenges you to think about how parents impact awakening in their heart to see the destructive ______children throughout the different stages of patterns in their life and respond to God’s urging Of the five qualities you have listed above, growth. After you complete the activity, reflect to experience a genuine walk with Christ. which do you think will be the most difficult on the well-known passage in Proverbs 22:6 challenge and why? (NIV) which states: “Start children off on the Tuesday way they should go, and even when they are ead the Flashlight quote for this week and old they will not turn from it.” What are some Rreflect on the truth contained in such a examples of ideal training? pointed warning to parents. Think of a moment when your parent(s) held you accountable or refused something you wanted that upon later reflection you realized was a probably a good Invite someone you respect to help you develop thing for them to do. Do you know some- this quality in your character. one—not your parent—who models a fair and thoughtful approach to disciplining their Friday What are some ways that your parents fulfilled children? What specific behaviors do you want eflect on the impact that spiritual leaders some of these roles in your upbringing? How to adopt when you have children? Rhad on Israel’s morale and effectiveness did that training impact your life? as God’s chosen people. Who are some spiri- tual leaders in your life that have made a pos- Sunday itive difference in your relationship with God? ead the passage in Into the Story and What specific stories or events have shaped Ranswer the questions listed in the Out of your perception of them as godly leaders? the Story of this week’s lesson. What do you think should be highlighted: Eli’s breakdown in parenting or his sons’ (Hophni and Phinehas) Wednesday hypocrisy and the impact it had on Israel? What ead the Punch Lines listed in this week’s cornerstone connections other story in Scripture does this story bring to Rlesson and choose the verse that seems to 16 mind? What do you think is the message God speak to you most today. Why did you choose has for you in this story? that verse? Which verse seems to capture the message of this week’s story of Eli and his Texts credited to NIV are from the Holy Bible, New International sons, Hophni and Phinehas? Maybe this week Version. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc. you will encounter someone who, like Hophni Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide. and Phinehas, has no regard for the Lord. What will be your response to such a person? You might encounter a parent who feels regret about their parenting choices. How could you Monday be a source of encouragement to them? irst Samuel 2:12 is one of this week’s Key FTexts, introducing a brief summary of the whole story: “Eli’s sons were wicked men; they had no regard for the Lord.” It is clear from this week’s reading* Patriarchs and Prophets that the problem with Patriarchs and Prophets (or Be- Eli’s sons was a gradual and continual rebellion ginning of the End), chapter 56. that went unchecked and eventually spun out *Beginning of the End is a special adaptation of Patriarchs and of control. Hophni and Phinehas served as reli- Thursday Prophets, created for you by the Ellen G. White Estate and Pacific Press. Get more information about it at www.cornerstoneconnec gious leaders but were openly belligerent and ake a list of five qualities you want to Mhave as a parent. books#.URlhF1rBO9s. By following the weekly reading plan, you will read at least one book of the Conflict of the Ages Series each year. 34