Erin Hunter | 247 pages | 31 May 2012 | HarperCollins Publishers Inc | 9780060871369 | English | New York, NY, United States Travis Walton UFO incident - Wikipedia

In the movie Fire in the Sky was released and claims to tell the true story of an alien abduction. His claims were backed up by several eyewitnesses and caused a storm of controversy. This controversy is still unsolved to this day. I will provide for you the facts and evidence of this amazing case and allow readers to draw their own conclusions. Travis Walton was a year-old young man at the time of the incident. His best friend Mike Rogers, who operated a logging company, had hired him to help thin out scrub brush and other undergrowth from a large area near Turkey Springs, Arizona. So as to not disappoint Fire in the Sky contractor he and his crew, Walton included, would work from dawn till dusk. After driving for a short time the group saw a bright light coming from behind an oncoming hill. The group drove closer to the light and discovered its source was a saucer shaped object hovering in the sky. Roger stopped the truck and Walton leaped from the vehicle and ran toward the object to get a closer look. The group yelled at Walton to get back in the truck but they were ignored. The men in the truck claim that Walton was nearly below the object when it began to emit a loud rumbling sound. A beam of blue light then shot from the spacecraft and engulfed Walton. Walton was lifted from the ground and hovered in the Fire in the Sky for a moment before being thrown over ten feet. Walton crashed to the ground with a sickening thud. Rogers and the other men in Fire in the Sky truck began to panic and fled the scene. The men drove for a short time fearing that the strange craft would follow them. They finally calmed down and stopped the vehicle. The group Fire in the Sky loggers in the truck then began Fire in the Sky what should be done about Fire in the Sky situation. They ultimately decided to go back and look for Walton. When they returned to the site both the UFO and Walton were missing. The men searched a half-hour before phoning the police. Deputy Sheriff Chuck Ellison responded to the call. The men told him what happened to Walton. The men were Fire in the Sky distraught and some of them were crying. Ellison phoned his superior Sheriff Marlin Gillespie, who arrived at the scene and then heard the same story. Gillespie demanded that the group of them return to the scene and begin searching for Walton. By November 6, helicopters, volunteers, and police officers were searching the area looking for Travis Walton. The crew were asked about the UFO and if they had harmed Walton or knew who did. The entire crew passed the polygraph test with the exception of one who refused to take the test. He would later admit that he refused the test because he was attempting to conceal a past criminal record. Come and get me. You come and get me! Travis was under the impression that he was only gone a couple hours and when he learned it had actually been gone nearly a week he sank deeper into a disturbed state. After somewhat calming down Travis told his family a story that would tell countless times to investigators, skeptics, and in his book. Travis claims that he recalls the beam of light from the strange unidentified craft beaming through his body. He claims to have then blacked out, only to awaken sitting in a reclining chair with a bright light shining above him. Travis says that at first he was not frightened as he assumed he was in a regular hospital room. Gathered around him were very strange humanoid creatures in orange jump suits. Travis description of the creatures matched the popular conception of aliens known as greys. Travis mentioned how his whole body ached and he was having trouble breathing, but was Fire in the Sky at the sight of these strange beings. Travis grabbed a cylindrical tube that he thought was made of glass and attempted to bust over a near by surface in an attempt to make a makeshift knife, but the alien material would not bust. Instead Travis used it as a weapon swinging it at the creatures. His display of aggression apparently worked as the group of greys left the room. Travis then ventured out of the room and into a hallway. The hallway led to another strange room. In the center of the dome like room was a single chair. Travis compared this to visiting a planetarium and seeing stars projected on the ceiling. Travis began manipulating a joystick like leaver on the left arm of the chair. When he did this the stars would slowly rotate around him. Travis decided to get up from the chair and go back down the hall to investigate a rectangular spot in the wall he had seen that he now thought might have been a door. Suddenly, Travis heard a noise from behind him. He turned around and was relieved to see a human. Travis Fire in the Sky there was something strange about the Fire in the Sky. He was wearing a blue jump suit and a strange glass helmet. He also had abnormally large eyes that were gold, but he was still human so Travis trusted him. Travis began bombarding the man with questions but was ignored. The man only motioned Travis to follow him and grin. The man then led Travis to another room that contained three other humans. Travis was seated at a table among the other humans where he claims one of them put an oxygen type mask over his face and he again blacked out. When he awoke he was in the phone booth. Duane also remembered an Ufologist named William H. Spaulding who promised that if Travis returned he would set up a confidential medical exam for him. Duane took Spaulding up on his offer only to discover that the doctor Spaulding lined up for Travis was not a medical doctor but a hypnotherapist. This upset Duane and caused him Fire in the Sky get into a verbal altercation with Spaulding. Duane and Travis left the office without getting the exam. From that day on Spaulding would become one of the many ufologists trying to disprove the case. It is unlikely that the entire logging crew were Fire in the Sky on the hoax as they passed a polygraph examination. Travis Fire in the Sky took a polygraph examination and failed. Journalist Phillip J. Klass is the main proponent in debunking this abduction. He claims that Travis and the entire logging crew had a financial motivation for faking the Fire in the Sky. Others are quick to point out though that defaulting on a logging contract is not that big of a financial catastrophe as it happens all the time. Travis did write a book and make money off the abduction, but whether or not this is a motivation for a hoax is unclear. Travis Walton remained in Snowflake after the incident where he eventual became a foreman at a local lumber mill. Travis still periodically makes appearances at UFO conventions and does interviews for documentaries. The Shadow People. Camp Connecticut- Haunted Place? Strange Ways to Get High. The Weirdest Moments in Bible. UFO's in Ancient Paintings. Yellowstone Mystery Lake Music. Haunted Hotel the Martha Washington Inn. Monsters of Canada. Trolls - From Ancient to Modern. Energy Eaters: the Different Face of Vampirism. Striges and Her Vampire Carnival. The God Particle for Dummies. Paranormal News for the Week of July Highway Where People Go Missing. Real Vampires. The Highgate Vampire. The Book of the Goetia of Solomon the King. Witches Trials Today and Vlach Magic. Shares 0. LINK Roger stopped the truck and Walton leaped from the vehicle and ran toward the object to get a closer look. LINK The men drove for a short time fearing that the strange craft would follow them. LINK Travis mentioned how his whole body ached and he was having trouble breathing, but was terrified at the sight of these strange beings. LINK Travis then ventured out of the room and into a hallway. ‘Fire In The Sky’ Alien Evidence Reportedly Uncovered By UFO Enthusiast

Build up your Halloween Watchlist with our list of the most popular horror Fire in the Sky on Netflix in October. See the list. On the evening of November 5,a group of loggers saw a bright crimson light in a forest Fire in the Sky White Mountains, Arizona. Curious, Travis Walton goes out for a closer look and is pushed to the ground by a blue-green energy beam. His co-workers escape in terror and they inform the police that Travis has been abducted by a flying saucer. For the next five days, Travis remains missing and the loggers endure ridicule and contempt as they are Fire in the Sky of murder. When he is found alive, Travis is unable to account the missing days, but the amazing ordeal slowly begins to emerge. I posted sometime earlier a review of "Fire in the Sky", and now having reviewed in many years later, I have to revise my thoughts. Sure it's well done and has some good dramatic tension throughout the film, and most notably, an "abduction" sequence that is a standalone. But looking at the film as a whole, it's greatest problem is that it all seems to center around the "abduction" scene in the film, which isn't exactly to Travis Walton's descriptions anyway. It's studio meddling intended to try and spice up the picture into something really frightening. It works on that level, yes, but in the end, it's simply studio meddling and not the intriguing experience one will read about in "The Walton Experience" by Travis Walton himself. From a technical standpoint, "Fire in the Sky" is well made and acted. Performances are good all around, and D. Sweeney has earned Fire in the Sky for portraying Travis Walton, notably due to the alien sequence. There is a good sense of drama all around, with townsfolk skepticism regarding Travis Walton's disappearance, the ordeal of Travis' co-workers enduring the skeptics, and of course, the ordeal of Walton himself. Still, when it all adds up in the end, what are we left with? In actuality, we are left with an alien sequence. This is where the film really comes alive, and the sad part is that it's pure dramatic license. Pure fear and horror is the primary intent on the part of the filmmaker's here, and through a triumph of set design and special effects as well as cinematography on the part of Bill Pope who would later shoot "The Matrix"we are set, with actor D. Sweeney, inside a domain unlike any we've ever been in before. The floating effect where the camera itself seems to float in zero gravity with such grace Fire in the Sky smoothness is always one that will baffle the eye. The creatures themselves aren't really that well animated, but are so ugly that we can only shy away in fear. The 'examination' itself, though familiar to countless ufologists and 'abductees', is frightening and invasive. The scene is very well made and done for what it is. Still, with Fire in the Sky of this, this is not without it's problems. I suppose my real problem with "Fire in the Sky" is trying to figure out what exactly the intent of this film was. What were Fire in the Sky makers trying to do with it? It starts out as some sort of archetypical "true story" drama, then turns into a sci-fi horror show, intermingled with some bizarre humanoid metaphor about our inner evil, portrayed Fire in the Sky the way the aliens treat Travis as a specimen, and in the end, forgotten completely with no real sense of closure. Weighing this all as a whole, what does it truly amount to? What is the point of all of it? A good scare? Telling a modified true story? If "Fire in the Sky" had nothing before or after the "alien" scene, no ties to it being a true story, and existed as a short film on it's own, it would be a great piece of work. Because there is such conflict within all the dramatic elements, and a lack of closure or greater character study, it fails. It is a popcorn horror show for people wanting to be scared and Fire in the Sky forget about it. It makes no real effort to get inside Travis Walton as a character other than superficial cliche. It would have been more interesting if it spent more time with the character the film centered around, Fire in the Sky Walton. It doesn't do that. He's merely a victim inside a frightening alien funhouse designed to scare people and sell tickets. I guess "Fire in the Sky" can be appreciated for what it is, but sadly, instead of an interesting and informative document on a man allegedly abducted Fire in the Sky aliens, which it could have been and had the potential to be, Fire in the Sky is a guilty pleasure. Looking for something to watch? Choose an adventure below and discover your next favorite movie or TV show. Visit our What to Watch page. Sign In. Keep track of everything you watch; tell your friends. Full Cast and Crew. Release Dates. Official Sites. Company Credits. Technical Specs. Plot Summary. Plot Keywords. Parents Guide. External Sites. User Reviews. User Ratings. External Reviews. Metacritic Reviews. Photo Gallery. Trailers and Videos. Crazy Credits. Alternate Versions. Rate This. An Arizona logger mysteriously disappears for five days in an alleged encounter with a flying saucer in His co-workers endure ridicule and contempt as they are wrongly accused of murder. Director: . Stars: D. Added to Watchlist. From metacritic. The Best Horror Movies on Netflix. Movies Watched in Sci-fi: Alien Creature on Earth. Share this Rating Title: Fire in the Sky 6. Use the HTML below. You must be a registered user to use the IMDb rating plugin. Edit Cast Cast overview, first billed only: D. Travis Walton Mike Rogers Craig Sheffer Allan Dallis Fire in the Sky Berg David Whitlock Henry Thomas Greg Hayes Bradley Gregg Bobby Cogdill Noble Willingham Blake Davis Kathleen Wilhoite Katie Rogers James Garner Frank Watters Georgia Emelin Fire in the Sky Rogers Scott MacDonald Dan Walton Wayne Grace Cyrus Gilson Kenneth White Buck Robert Covarrubias Ray Melendez Bruce Wright Edit Storyline On the evening of November 5,a group of loggers saw a bright crimson light in a forest in White Mountains, Arizona. Taglines: Some say that we are not alone in the universe. Others say intelligent life surrounds us. Paramount Pictures presents the true story of one man who just made oversure. Fire in the Sky on the Travis Walton case. Edit Did You Know? Trivia The film's alien abduction scenes bear no resemblance to Travis Walton's actual claims. Goofs When the aliens are about to begin doing Fire in the Sky on Travis Walton, the sheet they pull over his body moves up and down between shots. Aurora - Fire in the Sky | PBS

It is based on Travis Walton's book The Walton Experience[4] which describes an alleged Fire in the Sky abduction. The film stars D. Fire in the Sky was a modest box office success and met with generally positive reviews. The film's critical standing has since diminished, although its alien abduction scenes remain well-regarded. It was nominated for Fire in the Sky . Driving home from work, the loggers come Fire in the Sky an unidentified flying object. Curious to learn more, Walton gets out of the truck and is struck by a bright beam of light from the object and is sent flying several feet backwards as if pushed by an unseen force. Fearing Walton has been killed, the others escape from the scene. Rogers decides to go back to the spot to retrieve Walton, but he is nowhere to be found. Making their way back to town to report the Fire in the Sky, the loggers are met with skepticism, as they relate what sounds like a tall tale to Sheriff Blake Davis Noble Willingham and Lieutenant Frank Watters James Garner. They are suspected of foul play despite no apparent motive or knowledge of Walton's whereabouts. After interviewing the loggers, Lieutenant Watters realizes there is a great deal of tension between Walton and Dallis, leading him to believe this might be a murder investigation. The Lieutenant also discovers a tabloid newspaper in their truck with headlines about alienshinting that they used the article to concoct their story. The loggers are offered a lie detector test and take it. After the testing is complete, Rogers is outraged that the results are not shared and he and "his guys" refuse to come back the next day Fire in the Sky take it again. However, after the loggers leave, the man who administered the Fire in the Sky informs the Sheriff and the Lieutenant that with the exception of Dallis' Fire in the Sky which was inconclusivethe other loggers seem to be telling the truth. Five days later, Rogers receives a call from someone Fire in the Sky to be Walton. He is found at a Heber gas station, alive but naked, dehydrated and incoherent. A ufologist questions Walton but he is thrown out and Walton is taken to a hospital. Rogers visits Walton while in the emergency room and ends up telling Walton that he left him after he was struck by the light but came back to get him. Walton appears enraged by this and turns away from Rogers who blames the whole incident on Walton for getting out of the truck. During a welcome home party, Walton suffers from a mental breakdown and flashback of the abduction by the extraterrestrials. In his flashback, he awakens inside a slimy cocoon. Breaking out of its membrane, he finds himself Fire in the Sky a zero-gravity environment inside a cylindrical enclosure whose walls contain other similar cocoons and he is horrified to inadvertently discover that one contains the decomposing remains of a human body. As he makes his way to a neighboring area featuring what appear to be several humanoid space suits, he is apprehended by two extraterrestrial creatures. He was unwillingly hauled down corridors full of terrestrial detritus such as shoes and keys before arriving in a bizarre examination room. The aliens strip him of his clothes and cover him with an elastic material that pins him painfully to a raised platform under an array of equipment and lights in the middle of the room. Despite Walton's terrified screams, the aliens pitilessly subject him to a traumatic, excruciating experiment in which Fire in the Sky gelatinous substance is shoved into his mouth, his jaw is clamped open, a device is inserted into his neck and Fire in the Sky is forced to endure an ocular probe while fully conscious during the experience. Afterwards, Walton loses consciousness until finding himself back on Earth disoriented, abused, and severely traumatized. While interviewing Walton, Lieutenant Watters expresses his doubts about the abduction, dismissing it as merely a hoax. He notes Walton's newfound celebrity because of the tabloids' attempts to profit from his tale. The closing titles inform that inFire in the Sky loggers were resubmitted to additional polygraph examinations, which they passed, corroborating their innocence. In the book, Walton tells of how he was abducted by a UFO. The real Travis Walton has a brief cameo in the film. The film's alien abduction scenes bear almost no resemblance to Walton's actual claims. The original music score was composed and arranged by Mark Isham. The audio soundtrack was released in compact disc format on March 30, Fire in the Sky met with generally favorable reviews. Sweeney shines in the lead role and there's good support. For a few queasy minutes, Fire in the Sky lets you meditate on the aliens in your imagination. They convincingly depict a reality I haven't seen in the movies before, and Fire in the Sky once I did believe that I was seeing something truly alien, and not just a set decorator's daydreams. Chris Hicks of the Deseret News found that Fire in the Sky "leans in favor of believers, suggesting that all of this really did happen. And some of it is fairly entertaining. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. For other uses, see Fire in the Sky disambiguation. Theatrical release poster. Release date. Running time. British Board of Film Fire in the Sky. Retrieved 31 May Retrieved June 15, Box Office Mojo. The Walton Experience 3rd ed. Boston : Da Capo Press. Retrieved June 16, Radio Times. Entertainment Weekly. ReviewDeseret News. Review February 5, Archived from the original on February 19, Films directed by Robert Lieberman. Categories : films English-language films drama films s mystery films s science fiction drama films Alien abduction films Alien invasions in films American films American mystery films American science fiction drama films American films based on actual Fire in the Sky Films about extraterrestrial life Films directed by Robert Lieberman Films scored by Mark Isham Films set in Films set in Arizona Films shot in Oregon Paramount Pictures films. Hidden categories: Articles with short description Short description is different from Wikidata Template film date with 1 release date Film articles using image size Fire in the Sky Wikipedia articles needing page number citations from May Namespaces Article Talk. Views Read Edit View history. Help Learn to edit Community portal Recent changes Upload file. Download as PDF Printable version. The Walton Experience by Travis Walton.