THE si IK. MilDAY. OCTOBER 27, l&U.

third street to ths Whltehonse I.uneh Com- - I4NIHLAND RF.AI, BATATR FOMALB ' AND POINTS BXCI it.moNM tup REAL ESTATE MARKET any ror twenty-on- e years, as was recently i ' i nen IN I he firm of Tool. Brett A Co lm ttfen dissolved hy mutual roiisent. The country TON NEW IWM.VH 1 1 Mrm will he See the Warships 4 1 I" Tn in i interest of the continued hr ui Mr Tnel and the local by Mr. llrett. who i m GRAND CENTRAL, has joined the ne Arm of N Urighnm Mall ENGLAND llondgood t William p, at tt; Fifth avenue. FA KIVKK LINE Newport and I nil i n n wgm IX via TRIPLE 15,324 Tha a Brown Company has been kw Hlver. Lv. pier ,n. rt. OJii Magnificent Naval Pageant I t completed is. k.. mi wjjs - ftllWMrt M Ken for the l.ambden apart- 3.00 p. Iff. COMMON- Villi Hi- I'orncr of Prk Ave. sue rer laja and Sundays Sirs. - ments at (7ii and 7'.' West' Itl'th street sate aa WEALTH and PHISTII.La. Orchestra on Swell. SCREW TONS alMl tilth "street- Ills Mldtossn PilflBifiH'ejflBkr r1ca S. S. OLYMPIC on the Hudson. rssuiaw froai NORWICH MNK via New Ixm.loo. Lv. Plrr rut Through llrlan H. Iluahea Ijeaaea. is.000 SSS. OSS I,..,., 40, N. K.. ft. I'larkson S . week dai s. OOP, Mi i vhhtIcii" lltiysa NMM In Harlem Freilerick tat A Co. havstlessed for msiMSiKl particular . PlerM.E H,ft K.aMSi.. 0:80P.M. Sirs. MAINS i i K sh 'i ompany Steamer the tn the hiiildinc st "eusst. assy tsrnw. BuiM- - and NFW HAMPSHlHI' THE LARGEST AND FINEST STEAMER IN THE WORLD Weal Snventeeiith street a 1'.' lib' jU1 south nf th Sew York is for term of ! 840 ISO NEW HAVEN LINE t.v pierji. r.. n .? yean t the I West Seventeenth '"a to front foot ii roVMMKM i to have, another went? P, M . week dem only. str. mcnAitu rp Htreet t mpany, owner of the new twelve Tleketa. r at 171 Broadway. Irunsfrr BRIDGEPORT Mil an a of il deal cloned story hnimitiK adjoining. 1 he lease nni Tourist offices tad l'lers. - protect New York 9 lions A Todd for the dwi-ll- tnatle to tl light ol the larger Will Sail from December building, and It will he into Will EnoiroU th FiMt Thrlot Daily. -- rfrnonviiea HUDSON NAVIGATION CO'g usi Porttoth atrwt, ThahotiM a tore and 1 Ml loft structure he same hrok . A. M. MAJESTIC, 'i- - DOlthaaat of l'ark ers have also leaserl lor s Horumin the Oct. 28. 9i30 Oet. 28. I2i00 Noon dimer store .14 A id which and basement at West Seventeenth llotnt oelony fsr Pxplr st W- - MINNEAPOLIS, SATURDAY. SUNDAY, MONDAY, TUESDAY, Fortieth slrcpt, the street to Atlelinan A W'eilburg. rinsmmt. only 18 milts rraei Hera: VADERLAND, Oct. 28, IOiOO A. M. Oet. 28, 10i30 A. M. Id limt year. ' S. V.. Kelly A Co. have leased for the firm Vi!trV.,2nJ,n.h,th Irh "tr of pleadlit lew of I'. Si, leet Battleships la 1 N.K. Pier. 8il "01.318. Oet. WW, e Metropolitan tm f A Plsraa. Urt.nit. Hrt.ftl. itbtnad pmpei-tl- have afront-- - Safe Deposit Company the aeohlst. by Msar. hliahi. lAJU:ww Os. easterly store In Fast street tlttftt-jrtaU- the North Rtver A an. n. Leaving Plrr V II. fourteenth m .iu. inio It. :i fi'ct on l'ark avpnut and 151 fl to T. J. Collins for a term of five years, to ho Indta do Sir. C, Wi Morise ami AOTrsodsek, PlymeuthHminuanCherbeurc neuthsmpten Chsrbourcoiar touthamptsn I , 81., I P. MM 4 P. 81. PEOPLES Pter M, N. It., fool Csnsl 0 I'. 881 11 . used for a restaurant: also leased the sec an as " tl Philadelphia Oct ffiw YoMl Nov. Majeailo oel. 38, noon '.New 11 ortleth street Twelve stories Weat seth M dally l.iunday York Nov nod lot t In mi West Fourteenth street to the LINE St Louis Nov. 4. St. Paul. .. Nov. 18 Oeeaale. Nov. 4. nuon Majestic Nov ha height of the strut-tar- to lie, (leurgo ths iM.ssa New 8tr. Trojan and lie nielarr. is St. Halncout Company, also caaai 4 Walsr-n- e 81. N. H a P. M. dally 'Samr American l.lne Steamer. ADULTS, CHILDREN, v 7 To Albany Pier 50o. 25c. the firm, plans for which are parlor floor In West Fourteenth street Park nsw eaeenteilt at Albany - Hren-ne- r. "at ass day siop Transport Verb. Qweenstown for the liemoreat to Nohuller a e Atlantic New Uvsrposl B s illiamH. Whlttal. estate truet.8 CITIZENS In boih illreeilona. Raosllsal '4, R, n. prepared ly also the fourth loft In 24 to 28 Weat awlsmisg pool. Naw Yard London Direct Pisr Adriatic NOV. J. nonn Baitle Nov and Mrvtce. i. M .Nov. 8. h rttartetl some time within the Twenty-fift- h Twenty-filt- eases searte C'om- - Hlbaeapolli on Minnehahs. II Csdrlc Nov. aoon Celtic A'ov HI IMumbrr of limited. On street for the aa L HE HtaterooiiM Warm nnd A M tickets sale M Ti Mlnflrionka..Niv Mlnoewaska Nov.18 Ad the sout ti- Construction Compnnv to Srhnall eat we far aaaluslvs rortanir at Uroadnay and at Ticket Office month. loiniiiRat A To Albany SV III - I'eaSe F.lllnisii have leased for Aaron km of Iter SI. .V on Pier IB. rt. Ilarrlay St. mer of Park avenue and Yorty- Kosofsky at 24 West Twenty-thir- d Kaaalneteti ROUNDTRTP$2.50, 18 st. Tb the store earn Troy Red A. MEDITERRANEAN reet is the Terminal Huildlng, the street to' l.e Ulcus of Atlantic City, ewssrs ParisStarvia Dover Antwerv Asores, Madeira, l lhrallar. Alilert, tienos N. I. NAVIGATION CO. X. J.; also for the Gillette estate the huildlng Phsas aaso DK PLBAIBD," and nsplea building to ba erected on Park W. A. THE I'l'HLIC Vadrrl.ind Oct. ?s Kroonland... Nov. 11 at 28 West Fortieth street to tileason. Murrwy Nov. Lapland (DSWI...NOV. 18 Oot. 81, noon l anoplr ROgRDALfl Thirty-fourt- h A Hill REDUCED RATES Zeeland Crttle 0T n Sir. north of street. It also for J, K. Van Vranken Co., as agents, warn AROUND THE SVI.VKSl'K i for book. At N. tt. W. M.1, N. Str .1 old Eye the parlor floor In a West Fortieth street Psaiencer Offlrsa, H'wsy (Tel. 810O Rsetar) Pier aa. aad t. the Manhattan and Ear to Seymour Dunn, and to Max Shapiro the lei u Sir. ISABKL ,1. LINE! WARSHIPS will malic store la the Noimandie Hotel at i: n Broad- COLONIAL HQUHbY TRIPS from Fool of way. ' vv I k propOMd structure will replace aiVi'lau w. uik st ;imi si. W. :sd st The Franklin fratt business School has BOSTON $2.50 LINE on Oct. 20 3orti a Nov. I. Cirard apartment house, which leased the entire 'lith loft in the new build- PROVIDENCE, Boat Direct 1.80 WHITE STAR 6 i'or paitlcuiart arc raorOIQI impera of the oldest ImiklinRs of its kind ing at 82 West rorty-fift- n street, to he used on and afier Satu 'Jnv. Ori. 2a. as the new quarters of the school, which is Literature aad Information eooceralot FALL RIVER, Via Boat and Rail.. 1.85 n . part of city. is the It four stories 1 40 West Forty-secon- 1 Sunday" at 5 1" P. St., from at present at street, Torrtt Dills fiardtis Werkdaya an the Matchless Mediterranean FTHNIbIIKO llOOlf8 TO I.KT. high ud covers a plot 80 feet on Fortieth stmr m CO. and W, H. Dolson A Co have Plrraa N It foot Went Hoiialoi St llerihafree. leased the store and basement In 138 to 140 die suburban land development of Oie ALL OtTSlDI. HOOMS- - KI.SKST SKKVICE. itreet ud 9.9feet on Park avenue. The Sprlr.a 84111 and OtPM sr., Ill WEBT Kaeallani srioii West Tweniv first street to S. J. Rose A Phouea 4:. . iar, firm paid KIIS.OWl for it. At the time of Sifl( OMtdatloi THE GREAT STEAMER A nionis. niunlna wa'.nr. teleph ine: eircptlonallv Frank. paier importers. f fiomti Copv krnm VVass TArV wtii ucpi house: brsaluaai. -- F.nglauder the ..'e it was reported that the plot Kenlamln has leased for the may be had from the offlee of the Company. Complete asd Ii v Holding Company to Kaplan A I'TII ST . VI'.SI- - foul I be Improved immediately with a nil 47 Went S4th St., . t'oaurpsaaad Ill Suites .'f two and tlireo Davis the fifth loft containing 10 tioo suuare alOYKTnTRnXtnill ADRIATIC Dec 2 rooits. also small rooms, eornfoi usbly furulshcd: eotnmeroiu LuHding. feet, lu 133 to 141 West Twenty-firs- t street, SVEwlr sunny, clean, warm: near liroaduay subway Alter Kivins the matter much thought for a term of years: also for the Rosrorn CITY RKAI, KRTATK. The Largest British Mediterranean Steamer A "B0AT.RA1L.I 88TH ST.. f LAST Loom with private A Todd, who are without a doulit Healty t ompanv to Edward Co. y bsih lr holhert snd hall-bo- service at reaaouanle and uttrac ; tho cleverest builders in the city. large office space In 19 to in Fast Twenty live rates, ROLAND, sixth street Providenca Direct, 1 1.50 ifedded the plot was not large enough A Bloodgood Gilbert have leased the fifth R. Ssndsy, r, .10 p. M. t ST ST., V. WI ST Largs or tha building they planned to erect, floor In A Geo. Read & Go. lallv. Isrladlr.s WHITE STAB LINE. Broadway. New York room: hot, ci'd the Terry Tench Mulldlog st 'from Pier 10, Kaat Itlvrr water: larfe plo I.. closet: telepnuar: sSBWar, to the operation wan deferre d. loiter Thirtv-flrs- t street and Madison avenue to Hi3 New Management. Improved Service. "L": tbc property adjoining at and ins Charles W. Yung A Co. for a term of veers: Clly Ticket office. 2tm Hroadway. If, Kits' Fortieth street was secured. This also part of the store in the same building, REAL E8TATE I 4TH ST., 151 1. RST I'eslrable, well furul.tlicl, added .' feet to the plot, but still the In connection with Hen'amin t.itmmla. to newly decorated pooma private batiu: icle;iioiifc-- G. Com-pan- v VO it Ar-llA- reasonable. tirni considered it too small. Yesterday's tho Henrv Hoettger Silk Finishing ftaasaa at. Bast nttri at. Cm LINK Gther tenants Include George C. transaction iucreased the street frontage Helrnerdinner A CO., Cook, F.lsasser A Co.. 7 1ST ST.. .Ol WEMT Waburaieiy H yes-teru- to largo room; UomiUke; hy 31 feet. The land purchased Max M. Schwarea A Co. and Freltag A ALBANY UVStontS: StRtfO" was bought from Allien. & men. TslephopthtOol Mi7 Frederick Keim Horace S. Ely Co. VI F. a Ml. It Like the property at 108 and 10S it is The Twenty-fift- h Construction Com-pan- v ISTM Kl WnST--Tnr- plana cave Pier id N, It foot lit Itko eoftbetHUli covered with a four story dwelling. has leased from the in Its 10th .hi P, al. IM.TMtlLTM iitK Ai.r a it, NAri.Ks rAoim: niao int.'1 roum; ii.tvll':.iu. building 143 145 West Twenty-nint- 50 West St. lo IIAWlllltO Mi ai..ii:hsi. POJ Kit. nnd The site adjoins the residence of Ernest at . Sundays mcljded. and IO. sad (.enoa. street the sixth loft of 5.0U'.' feet REAL ESTATE. CENTS Dalli lit lir.lll who been particularly niuare NT TV Flag. has active for three years to H. Goldstein and Joseph S. S.KAI SERIN AU8. VIC. ";""") S. S. CINCINNATI SID . 107 EST Atlrarti. furuishJ in Em efforts to preserve the residential H. Valentine, manufacturers of shirtwaists pa; lor anU SlOOVt roon: uun'. ra hjtcd: Liberty St. 97 30th St. SAILS NOV. 1, 1 P. M. HOLLKM. OhMKOttf the block. Several months and dresses tl U. MANHATTAN LINE SAILS NOV. 4,9A.M. Igo ho and other owners planned to J. Davis has leasedTor the Stevens estate S4TH ST. HO V.'KST-Mc- e'.j furn.nho.l UirSS devr.en the Hague property at IfM to 110 to Louis Mlnsky 2 Avenue A, a Ave story JAMES J, ETCH INGHAM T CRUISES LUXE REGULAR SERVICES roomi; privsM bath; esolunvt so Itsoorhoodi uo building, on a lot 23X100, for twenty-on- e de ottit i ,;, two yv-y- SAu persuu La.- -t Vortieth street, opposite his house. ALBANY rno'nerft: uac years, with a privilege of renewal of ten Rnsnd Trip. 81 so Opod 3d Dura WALLS. Kith modern dwellings which were to he years. Real Estate Sirs Ive ft. W. Houston 8J0P M.: AGENT BROKER APPRAISER si i sold to denirable parties at cost price. Hell A Stern have leased for the Roscorn W Ulst It.. IP .81. 'In' ' stop ( olumbla WTrl ST I no WEST PtiVStS family, rent ;v.. lai 4'olambaa Ave., st Bath Hi. :' s; southbound, brautfi'iily furnShnl ; DOBIS floor; The houses were to be restricted as to Realty Company Henry Corn, president i St.iLiilon stsiioi. atconti al Itentloc and collrcilnc apeclalty. stop fl W. ISIslSt.. N. V. Tel u:S6 Sprint (".hmwjm back psrlor; iviliablc ductor. boarJ optional; use. way to huildlng Twentv-slxt- h It whs hoped in this prevent In the new at t" to in East IIUKlft INN Kl. i HI MB of Ihf 4VO. Nov. 4. 9 AM. rrfrrrtircv v street, running through to in to 14 IIOKOl 411' IIHOOKI,Y FORfOALIL 1 kim:ri the p' from passing into the hands till 10 A. Twenty-sevent- h PRKM. LINCOLN Nov. II, II. ti 3) i apartment house builders, East street the first, second i BLUECHER ion. I.tvni ST., WK.ST (Apartment brfvern but the N 8. 8. B A M. and third lofts to the Ideal Manufacturing rOR THE HOMKftRKKKR. lnrve-- t MeSRlf tSliUll from I'RF.S. 41RAKT Nov. IH, TlroadwAV anl lOvcrsldu I'rtvv- - If feti(?mrQ ictaeme fell through. In BY SEA TO MAINE trf rrultlDK Company. An Ideal home the park aecilon of itrooklvn: on Imcrlci i tta- othtr. t.Ter evtry MM Cnr!tnn a la t would wLh rrDncd h imi rau MSttrS aatna a ii. ird Crotter, has been a most N V .1 f 't'nelfelled arte Jr., Goodwin A Goodwin have leased for 30 mlnutea from I lit Hall. ceut fare. 1100 Ihr aioat burminu I'.virj iirni rpttif 'i t liymnaslunt, Kleeirlc Hatha, sbove addrcaa. buyer in the block, having 1. A DOWN, I K SAMR AS IlKNT: a perfect Trip SB VI11 consistent Cecelia Slater to the MoDermott Dairy Short Sa the Atlmiitc unst. Palm i,arden. rail at Ply to e -- finely Pli--r Naw York 20, 1912 ST.. n4 rtnluc door set ired nice the summer five houses on Company the store at the northwest corner house, tlnUhed, baiidaoinel decorated, Bsllfiin from New au. Bast nhcr. New Laing Jan. outh and t'herboura. ISeroml Cab 18 only. pleasant on a boulevard, rernum-hut'i- . nultahlf doctor, tlrntint. SMSUOtlSl OppOrtlinily -- Forty-fir- st of 130th avenue: iurroiindlnai. beautiful York, TlllBnlTS, Thursriay ami BStUMsyi at lrt 'Triil! Pari of HsslBi dlrerl. i the south ide of street and an street and Seventh for 7 lit llaniburK in Miim-- wi'irn rnor IMS anu Sonn A built of brick and alone: room., tiled bath and S P, It. fOt niU Ififormatlon apply ttf BsntOn, Itiirnna (AorOM thr in iiinrr abutting house on street. Mr. Mathilda White to Salmon the store LS. Alif. room, clvf irlrlty, telephone; rOftttOUtbht. Fortieth at the southeast corner avenue vestibule, parquet doors, hardwood trim, water, MAIM; (i aSU nJa N, V. Asdrf.i Piinti ArsMM (throutlaSjIttmjti of Inox ,1.1 ker has said little about his plans for aewer. faa. electricity, larre plana: an the line of of MHaritAn VotlpSniHOt Klu llr 1221) - and llOthstreet for the V A Z. Realty Com- the new subway, one station, GIBRALTAR, ALGIERS. NAPLES, ST.. 18k WEST Maaoii widow wWlM to i roperty, through block from eipreaa nelro, flatiM, Tara, Itridffrfonn, aud St. GEN8A this even to the broker pany to ,f Kaufman a store at Eighth of rapid hi Irt rom; hoard OpttOSMi Kcutletnaa OBlyi ISfsr m At leaHt Nil certain Increases valuailoo. Send for HARTFORD LINE Thomaa. private hotme. h le bought the houses. avenue for the s. Alexander estate to the particulars and Inspect the property once. f4. g, I XL enf at . OpttpMl iMe irlnn svt)r9rwberi CINCINNATI. Nov. I. P. poker he knows nothing of Mr. Dairy 2123 107 From New I'ler M. LaM Hlver, foot of Plk si the says MoDermott Company a store at OPPORTUNITY, box Sun office M t 13TTII 002 WEST larfjeTrotTl M dally earepi Sunday, at 5 P for oni.erilcul 80DAY8-'$35- 8. . 1IAMBIRC1. Nov. 18 ST.. Desirable ( roker'l plans. It is the opinion That Mr. raghfh avenue, nnd ror Moskowitz to Write for Unatratad folder 0" HiHjm. one or two people, reasonable. Apirt--! ,. a U" avenue, Hlver landuits . . 4'IXt'lNATI Dee. J Croker is accumulating a plot for a busi-t- store at l.enoi RLF.CT APARTMKVT. Also Cmlaej Is 18s Oflstif, it tsi fndir... mcnt S3. building, .trouaj fir II or4, l ul-- j ttj Egypt, ttt. Tourist Department for Trips L very where. Ilrookly n Sales. AND RKSrTAlB ANT. I4ITH BTs, SSI WEST Attractive e hen again there are those who think ABOVK 14VT1I ST., HHRT SIDE. HOTELS ttrile for Booklets of All raises room; laatoiy; UltSbta two; rler view; btrak-- Mr. Croker is following in footsteps I.. Rurkhardt has sold 84 14 Twenty-secon- d fa?t; telephone. the HAMBURG-AMERICA- N 41-4- 5 elevator. CLUFF. of his lather, the Tammany chieftain, street, one of the 200 dwellings LINE. Broadway, N. Y. erected by the Realty Trust to be sold under VERSAILLES PALACE BRQApWAY, 212 tkflth rabwsjr Newly ' big it eh was a real estate operator in his the new twentv vear mortgage plan. Six 00(V (Wi: ft. 111 Si. furnished; private; all night telephone; elevat r. d.iv similar dwellings were sold last week. Det. Broadway ovnd KUpr.ilr Drive. HOTEL Apartment 1 the proposed building will be opposite loseph P, Day has sold to M. Shea, who ft 7 8 ROOMS lh M'irray Hill Hotel, which covers the has large theatrical interests in IiufTalo and I . HOOMN TO I.KT. block front on the west side of the avenue and Toronto, a large plot at Manhattan All modern Improvements, ui.eirellsd service st ifiO. all bours. reals. 8880 snd up. Irom Fortieth to Forty-fir- st street. Beaeh Estates, having a frontage of Inspection Invited. LARtlt: room, hath; private residence, fur- mid-t- . feet on ( orbin place and 144 feet on the Representative on premises. Patterson nished or unfurnished; steam, elcrtrlclty; fine ng lease on a building in the Esplanade Till" completes the sale of the Lloyd new ly 19 mi was 59 Weat 46th Street German llahl; renovated. Inquire Last lath st. district put through yesterday. ninety-eigh- North entire block of t lots on the AiwitTllKNT Seven outside rooms with two It forty-tw- o i for years at a yearly rental westerlv side of Corbin plsce Mr Shea will baths In one of the 1 arrest and finest spertmeats that will aggregate nearly 81.000.000 for erect on his plot a residence, which will in the world. The Belnord, 8lh snd fl way New York London IIIIA HIKll4 W ayart'Ktl the entire term. The location of the have sn unobstructed view of the oceen trie lights, vacuum oleaalns and rema Paris 88, en. at- - ( pn could not be learned yesterday erator Included. Rental will sublet at Every possible arrangement 5TH' AV., 40 omfortahly furnished larsr. rly tractive figure to October 1st. 1818. af. r MUH SS. KAISER WILHELM II SS. GROSSER KURFUERST amall roums, with board; rt ned And may not be known until December. Borough of Queens. way, w, surrouudlnrs rtii ITS l of rooms, with the hand- - -- references: lahle auests. The reason for this is that the building, Milton S. Klstler has sold 'o the Kevston" Tucaday, October 31- IO a. m. Thursday, November 3 IO a. ni. Company Manhattan At JOttl St. No 8M Mil Ave-- Sl rooms: ranse. A v E8T-- en rooms, which is twelve stories hih, is owned by State Deelopment of laundry, tubs, private family only, somest of furnishings. ail) ST.. Atttarthe slnjriy or According a iHircel of forty acres having a frontage of lo rent l.a. SS. KRONPRINZ WILHELM suite; home tahle; business people preferred; Ml estate. to law a trustee I.2M1 feet on the north Side of Jamaica service and cuisine equal to Isja phone. anno I give a lease for more than five Plant, 1,884 feet on Tiiesfluy, November 7 IO a. m. South road and the east RKAL I'AT.tTi: AT AUCTION. H31) ST. . 11 WLST cheerful, by i the best. Itrlfht. suanv rears at one time, but permiiou of side of Hawtrse reek road, adjoining rooms, select, homelike; excellent board; table :rt the term may be extended to land "f W and I It Van Riclen, Jamaica Full a la carte serice. Tl'RSDAY 10 a. in. LATER SAILINGS THURatAY 10 a. in. Cucsis aivoinmoilati d my length. Therefore not until the court South, subject to a mortgage of $70.s75. TRUSTEESKstste .1. W. M.SALtHer d. All the advantages of hotel KronprlRMMin Oodlte, Nov. l Hnnz Kriedrich Wilhelm, Nov. 9 B4TH ST.. 911 WKST ihetween Klversldc an.l j.- - given permission to close sf HtllM the estate 1. I W est End) TWO attractive sunny rooms, private the lease will any of details lie made Conntry Rentals. RF.ONsMOAT. NOVEMHKR It I. life, with the exclusiveness Harbarosaa i Bremen direct), Nov. 10 family; the 12 noon, Vesey Y. elevator apartment: hoard optional: public The lessee will occupy most of De Blois t F.ldridffS have rented fori At oelork II St., N. ffrntlemcn preferred; conveniences. MANX. t nited George Pea body A HKA R i a of your own home. SATURDAY 8A1I.INGS-- U a. m. the building, States Senator ri.ois. to Arrss. -- Wetttlore and others, trustees, their plaee Several large suites, with JVtM.immteofrerrflneai'pnixzKss itamu, Nov. is bkruw, nee. 9 MOTH ST., r.7 WEST The Hoffman estate has bought only ' . Newly on Parker avenue, Newport. It I . known limits Algiers established house; Parlor, Pedroom, f the three loft buildings ouilt by F bath anil toilet, suitable for family or rntneil to as the Psrktr OOttSCS to J PiSraOtt. Jr. IbrYANHEMPSTEADL, KKNKIXV. 150 B'way. . v. living rooms 20x30 feet and the M Johns Park Kealtv Company on BALTIMORE, Bremen direct, Wednesdays, One class '1I rnbini pasnengors gen tlemoti; oilier double and slwirke llooilis, choica Oreeu-- J any number of bedrooms and table. ok bounded bv Washington, A5tr(.NMi I ft-- in ueeni. TO I.KT HK BIHIMWH PI RTOSKS AROUND THK VtORLiD, SHIN .171 - B Harrow and-Mort- streets. I ne baths desired. 0BNTKAL PARK WLST. corner irjlh al.i- lusSa Wuhbura Co. bsvs sold a Slnale and doubM rooms, every roont with sun; state t.ikee the building covering the eighty 1,'rOO H - shine water. A K. MCK. k trait of frontinir on! Yearly leases now bcini; OELRICHP CO., Oen'l Ar1s, Drisadwa.v, New York and runnlnr. fn at on Washington street, leased rliwblni Hay. with Iffhtosn sons offtIam OFFICES TO RENT this year from the plans to Bellas UadSf water, adii' th hoUtiutt of the made. I3TIT1I 477 MANHATTAN A Hall r.Kima. Bean ,t Co, for twenty-on- e yars at an Quoennhoro ('orporatiun. 'I h trolley from OPPENHEIM. COLLINS & GO. with board. 88: larire front also: i;erman co.kknv. t Brtaire A. Mgr iggregate rental of 875o,ooo, arid he north- QuoMsboro ovor Jsckson svsnus J. PATTERSON, 140TH ST 4M W'KST lJrtre. nrnnW NMBW s' - i ruer of Morton and Greenwich runs within two blooki of the proportr. private bnthh; rlrctrlo lluht; uncaccllPd cuisine; t trolley NinstT-osooo- d 34th Strset Wsit Piers, foot West lth and hit from itrosi ' Streeta, which has also been by one I VVRLL N It. tlfflces. I STKAMaUIP tame kupsis. taken ferry FlUShllllT SVSQUS rVRS DEaiRARLB, IOHT OPPIOBS. Sirert. c vsr within :'i N Y UNITED i era for a long period. state street. 1 .SKKVICE IStBT BT., xWi WEST Private hoUM larfn .tout thrSS qusftsri of a mil of the tra't RENTS FROM CUNARD 0 poalls Ilattcry.fD The structure at the southwest corner 1 im $450 roonirv; prlvntc belli; suitable gfiitlcmeQnr rira't VSfMf Hie IMI pi 90S of unaSVSlODSd ' es-- Al'TI'MW HKMHITV ppwcjikg! Moderate Barrow and Greenwich streets the c waterfront In QuSOlM borOUfb. M SOlO ID tins i I X PI ii S Kill TL FRUIT t take, it had not the DSttf nOOrnood ! bsl a inilltoo dollar-- . NTRV PHOPKHTf LOR IALK, ll ALL1AXCK HOI'SK. to because lOl W TOM, LONDON PARIS BERLIN VIENNA bean rented T he estate had the structure AMINO u. c Hi HO Veat 4lth si. News. 14 A in. Kami, best of soil, sloptnf south, all 1111: L1 1 4la PIIIOl'ABD COMPANY Qutel plAOf T"r quiet people; In che very ten ler option until Wednesday, and for a nutltllng ,. I f.,,1, hr....L a ..... h..,..- - t,,,i, An. New MaaBiflcenl snd Freight tre nf the city, raterlnv only to a respirctarB It I okeri as if the Government Woltet Haefsll, arehlOtat, lias filed plann well hack from Siait road: laritc shade trees an.l HlreleM Teltfrfph, Bubmtiint signAi Passenaer clnfts; tut tat t tuisistlntt "f pnrlor. ttleeplna apart-- !..tict"-- i Mall Ttisrsdave 1 loiiiiliiii; a tory on view; Qrst I'attstnl, PlnWl. QUMIIIPM Slesmers men t would ike it as on annex for the General for tlireo aarase ths lawu. grand class farm bulldlags; s't'' II 110011. Pier 18, Seal Hlver ifoot Pulton St.) and private bMhroum: also parlor ajiti aide Ol Sixt; tliinl 0o ft-- from Chatham, has eleclrlo llchts. rbloc Mt'AtntnipA. alecplns room, runnltiic water; alnirlc Si res, which occupies the block to the aoiith street nitle. shkb JAMAIC- A- PANAMA I OI.IIMII1A. ulth aft eat of Anatardain avenu for aeaoa It S, city water, iieat railroad centre. 89.000. J. T PlthsTVAPd tintl l lvrrpuol CKNNLtTINli PACIFIC I'tlHTS. iltvible rotims. tMam heateil; elevator service; Berth. M.4T, Knit sp4-- t . j'incliot at it i'n-- 1 of imi.tiou It will he a fire- TANK Chatham. j popular rateit, lal rates for pernmnent gucM-- 1 ea a .M iXnx. A. M. CENTRAL AND SOUTH AatBRICA. Cruikahank, president of the St. proof Of i frv I. it.-- , structure ifranite and terra ootta t 4, M. 17 Hatter. Ilare. Telephone lues tor. I HI'.NVII hoarrilua houne rooms to let wlili Johun renter-is- ) Of 7.', depth Xo. 33. saIII'-b- Park Realty Company, said liavinc u froiita" feet und a of owiaAJNti 8i48 tut urr. Waym u.vj. MAURETANU Addltlotial weekl from lioston. Pltlla ard In a well kept hfuie. lgw Washington Place. niotv. Nt-t- tl ii i. waiting HI feet with an exteunion. to deliihla. Haltlmure anil Hrleans. was tired of for action M on A Kusaall, filed "ioABDINi . lli)LSKlo"alicirve Not si. tl A . M. II MU.TO PLACE. lJire llajttl front Qj Government and would lease 'lint un'hitei'ta. have SUBURBAN 137 i . EUROPEAN PLAN 4. M. back room; htiktable Keatlcnien or rouplc; trt plans f"r the poatructlqa of a seven story nrlatil-orhood- In complete order, all modern con Nov H. tt LUSITANIA ice to some one else if the Federal faotory on adjacent to station, exprrss x, Her 83. 14 A. 34. TOI UN. M wubway exprrs. more Mr. oftlie snd Ixiildlns the block eiilences. trains rities lost much time. front on the eant hide of 1 leventh avenue mluutes from Hudson terminal molding to let Within five minute walk of Ilveenstown I lohRunril l.l.irrpoiil. IN private family of reAnemeiit. large itouttvra '. ink also said he had a deal on for between fweotl "ith and 1 weuty-aevent- h uuf'inilshe.1 reaaonable terms Apply iiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiuiiHiiRiiiHiinnii rooms near 72it ft UIPWU ; everything strictly " ali of the building. streata, it will have a frontsas of 1117 8 to owner. 7 E II A M to I P. M. Wnite House, Treasury. Stale, CAMPANIA CARMANIA t tlr Diaai OPPORTl'MTY boxt 110 Sun office. Phi il s a depth of I2S feet on Twentv-aint- 'Titian estate, it will he remem-- feet and War and Navy Departments. H. K. V. A. m. WAVERLBY PLA0R, ioi tnortftwaa. 100,1 i wentr-sevent- h ller. Il lire. is, oerntf s Building in Eigh- -' street and feet on HKAI. EMTATK K4IH 83AUC. ia ashli. Square Large, sunny room, pri- the duett It will he flteproof I'he Otis Beat Cuisine. eion street, running through to Nine-- n street. Best Service. MONTREAL QUEBEC LONDON vate baths; steam heat; exeellcnt lable; huiucllka - Klevator Company is the owner. It will FOIt SALE or lease; plot, water Iront. 400x400. nirrontirtb gs: reaaoi abja rat it reel . just east of the Stegrl Cooper cost 84OU,UO0. (ooxaui. 300x900. all pioia sre Improved; suitable Reasonable Rates. ltrgi:l..r Snlllnes of California ' r n art payment. A architects, for business. THKuUOHl: H. WAHU, 834 Waal Csinn ill' ami ia s PMsM0(iin Only Achoice of WWT KM AV.. hi ItUUtAi Attraouve r Snmmerfeld Murkier, have lairo independent travel or as prlvawj mtMiern bo UK. home looking, n il plans building six story tene- 83d at. JOHN I DEVINR, Pron labia lor the two apartment houses fled for s a member of our special train tours glH'-t- s It t ''".east corner of I.enox avenue ment house on the northest of Manhattan avenue and izvd street It street which were sold yester-- ' AFARTMKMTM TO I.KT I'l KMMIIKD He Cruises to Egypt Change MAKTKII MAI.B. v ' will liHve a frontage of feet on the Can Without IILI.C Regal Mortgage and Security Han-eocf- They avenue Lv ti feet on the street The c "baCHBUIH APARTMKTT-TWroonit''- snd mkw jEaaaf . VIA proves to be pan trade. f'pnatruotlon Company, of which bsih to sublet, fully furnished, at ft! ANSKIKLP. leave New York for Californiu WANTED Dltlr ami errand boy alsout 18 ight by .lacoh Shis and Pincui Philip Meirowltz is president, is the owner. 1 Wast 44tb at. Inquire of msnsger. on premises Atlsatle CMst years nf age. Hvln a with parent; own hand will M ' .. who gave in trade the north- I he osl hn been placed at 81 10,000. Algiera and Riviera intr. rerereaess. Address C, him 114 Sun oflloe. 's .1 of Grand and Clinton streets. tlttn Spamihake, an hlte-t- has filed plana NEW JUHatEY HKAI. BtBTATB FOB IALI Nov. 14 and Deo. 12 " - of is live for a one tory garage on the north side of Calling at .Madeira, Gibraltar, Algiers, - klTI THI4 lUMDII Mll.l.. one which stories laotn street at the Kast Hlver liWELLINUa, HOTEL DENNIS Jan. a, ia, CS, and later mo each, for the farms, lakes, tracts for saM. Villefranrhe or Genoa, Naples, - others four stories Standard oil Company will hare a J. CA11ILL. Boon N J. ATLANTIC CITY. N J, PRINTER All around compositor wishes slnt- 4HK 4K It EliWAHO ton. Tslephoae or write ami we will asnd . 101 known as and Grand I I outage of ja snd a depth of 80 feet Tha fall mi winter DBtronar nt Thti Ho't u A s atinn as workine foreniao VUilrcss Una feet and Trieste, Fiume, exandris. reprrsentarlTe who give all .suu - nd 102 Clinton street and cover will i oat 18,000 rcr inrreMinf on ftcrouni 01 ms lorBtlun. dlrrrtU' psrsonsl csd ontri- '" on auperlor loformstloa rlsslred. I ac-th- e A Co,, the orfBH from fttrloc outb. lu ap tor Itinerary Sailing hour nonn. kM.U. he property was s f Bowser architects, have filed This Day . iWrite plan for making over the two story Caurt Calendars polntmBtiU and caroful BervlcB. MANTKIL sellers from the Brumuiel atahle Supreme Court Appellate Division, fleceaa. Open ail ihe time ( m path la Nov. 0 i ranronta Jan. ': MTIATMNa at 840 Waal Seventieth street Into a garage 3 RAYMOND ft WHITCOMB CO. Supreme Court- - Special Terra Part L- - ftio-U- WALTER Ji Rr7.BY urnnta Nov. l Feb for Marmont Kdaon, at a i oat of IMKI Nov. 30 4 30 ACCOI NTANTS, tirade llelpori in Hughes "rif calendar called at 10:90 A. 14. Part 11- - Ex Ivernla aronta Feb Hlfh OJsM America." who A Mackheim, 4 fl 4 Avenue (27th I Millcs Co. llarrinon an'hiterts. havs parte matters. Part 111. Case unfinished. Mo- aronla Jan rrnanli Mar. 2 22S rmh at.) BUOKKEEI'FHS. Service lAstnryl ago had the Board of Alderman filed t'lans for building a rear extension .Noa. SAI6. A STENOfiRAPHKHsi. 80 Pine at. Tel Uii John. ntory tions. Preferred causes 3708. 8895. Clenbeim carle aertlce witboat extra rbarge. Tetetthene, ttTO Madison i site for a new park which proved and enlarging the two moving picture Ceneral calendar Noa. 9383. 13S4, 2087. 1488. (Dam NiopAvrra pemittted. I J 7 8 at aOUthweat corner Kecond 288, 327 . 3400, 2883, 171. el 6 inches wide and feet theatre the of 3289. 8288. 728. 758. 807. CITY. N unnnimiiHununiHrnHimiiiiiniiiiiiiii llt'SIMEHsj - Seventy-nint- street 100S, 2881. 2720. 717. 248. ATLANTIC J. at the southeast corner of avenoe and for the 2SMI. (9S. 102S. 874. 719. jnBIAH WIIITK. SUNS COMPANY. llllMl Si hafer Brewing Company, owner, at a 12, 1188, SM, 730. 887. 3881. Par 1 Clear a and Sixty-thir- d street, Pari ivetiue i oat of 81 .Vat V - Case unfinished. Pari VI. Csas unBnlahsd. yesterday bought the fie c II Lang, an lntect, haa filed plans for Part VII - clear Cases sent from part III. to Short Sea II.-L- THE ST. CHARLES ling at 2?3 East 121th street, making over the three story hotel at the Parta IV , v., VI. sod VII. TrlslTerm. Pari aae .,nd and Third avenues. Mr. southwest comer of Third avenue and unOnlahed. Bbort rauaes-No- s. 9107, 1888, Moat eelrcl location on the orean front. Sea ater BERMUDAapeelsl 3858, 4874. 8027, 8013 . 4817 . 8111. In all hatha; orcheatra nf aololala; lllustraieU book Trips to lo this In paper box business, Twenty eighth aiieet into a cafe and light 42M. 4178. 437 Texas Vcssn Resort. Desl is the lICIi 5088. 473. Pari 111 No 1208. Cohen va. let. Open all year NKWL1N HAINEI, it he bought property for a niauufa' l oring ontalilUhment at a cost of, wtekly satllnfa. the 1750, for lienrge Khret, owner. Loin Island Hallrosd Company. Case on. No Nothing rn Mimulaiing to tired to uay lours, i ranch and also for the con- - day calendar Part IV - Case unfinished. Pari 1. The plana Died In the Borough of The as a Von Tlckela. Ho- hia women employees, many a V. --Clear Part VI. Osse unfinished Psrl ROUND Tllip nerves short ocean trip. tel.. Drive., etc.. TEN IMI1XARA ASH Ilrons comprise five Rtorv lirlclt tenement, e nnSnlahnd VIII. 4'lear. In A- Meals The Bronx, of 184 8 Part limit New and 110 for 12 MONTHS buy. rholre lot In Ihe in Harlem and on the eaat side charlotte place, No. 2407. Day Nos. 814 . 222.'. ran go from Vork direct to Of JsnnlDgS lie I quest. rslrndar i f- - onlv high claaa Hrsldetitlal lil.lrlrt of thr fa.tett trty was owned by Dearin feel north htreet, for the ..t- -. .sua, $12.50 In I . as&a, ...Q. IW. .iw. ws. vim, in., $15 w Galveston nn one of the big i arowUia clly YVcsiern snsila's (real her fl H") gii.,i Conatnictlon Companv, at a cost of 2405, 2442, 2480. 2410. 3411, 2427. 3444. 2446. 1,000 Ilcketa Toara is :nix ami was bought. Avnlrf wiaiaal8 i8i4ai I si n ir (in aad Dell. IM,u00; a sin ntory hrfi-- tenement, with :il 1372. 2284. 2185. IA - l.t Everywhere. - said, for $,7.V less than the 2312. 2318. 177. Part Clear. 'I UK MAI.MKM IttlN-- ton record holders of the Mallory Near business centre arid car llni DSSUilf Ully - store, oil the eaM lde of Washington ave-- i Part XL- Adjourned for the term IM, lM. rW '1 alue. PartA. Clear THOS. COOK SON improved with parks and orriauteiiial waists. one '.'(ill II feel north of 174th street, for the Cases sent from Part VIII to Parta IV., V., VI., Transatlantic Liner line anil enjov al! fhe comforts 4 PerYseiiy sound bivasialaol and win yield tur-,-- X. XII "OCEANA" Manoin Conatruotlon Company, nt a cost VII. IX and Part Cass unfinished BH8 348 Brosilway. ; aud proAts, rsales. k XIV-Ca- se I4.0UO Tons: Fcst l.tins. of a journev at V Iialrrd0'8 I'rltale pi 811,000: a three story lirh tenement Part XIII Case unfinished. Part Most BselQ 688 fifth Ave., N. Absolutely asfe Money refunded If you cannui l.arfest. fastest, Luxurious antl 'Ihlv l II house on the northwest corner of Moaholu unfinished luquesl No. 2719. Day rslendar coniplcte purchax). ll.Ooti.nKi capli.-i- liehliul lull STLKLT F.diu Williams 38111. 3810, 2888, 2048, 1378, 21011. in sir Hsasenf er Nteamer to moderate cost. Close connections .1 Soiitii and street, for John K Nos. 2U14. 240's. ifiiara..lei- '" IL'iiiv Duttltia III Veat Parkwav 0q 2435, 1850, 4211. 4331. lleautlftil tiooklet Itlnerari'. Tickets, etr of Normoyle, at u coat of lu.ticn. a two story 2310. 207. 16A2. 201, 2430. N. lor San Antonio, all Texas renorts DANJBtAN city AM) TOWN PHOPEHTIIS itreol. a rtvs story lanaiiiont 500. 487 8058. .987 XV. Csas unfinished. llrrmarla Atlantl. l.lne, NO irtsar, 8. :,. ' a frame lods'lng house on the east slds of 1. Part LIM1TKP. on lot loo XV I Case unfinished. Part X VII. - Case and Pacific Coast Write DIM Ulk WINNII'EO Tlia Napier avenue feet ninth of i"37t Ii street, Pan points. AUTUMN Stobarl Parian lavontli avenues lmer i unfinished. Cases sent from Part XIV. to Parta for Chase lime , at a ctikt of 14.000, and a News Special Independent lor...... ,- I...I..L' 11:,. .1.1.. ,.r XII.. XIII . XV., XVI. and XVII. OLD DOMINION LINE for travel magarine. AGWI wltti expenses ..,( ralen-ds- I Trips i I I'lie llsnry Weill ...... ,, Surrogate's Court Chamber. - Motion r IrAII.V SKKVH T0UR8 all ra ll .....!ii , 7'i7 1..., i.nrtl,...... u,.f '..iitl...... Ii is fTee Included Tn old l hu erttal tif Mary r called at 10 30 A. M. For probate Wllla of l or Old Point Comfort. Norfolk, POftomOUthi mmm lor K. I fie l.t field,in,at a coat of 1500. snrts. Atlanlli' Clly, " StiWtoll HoldiUH omi ian y street for William N colef. Natalie u airiunn. Hsrgarems ( Inner Point and Newport Newn, a. uid Wsahlnilae, Rlehni I, Lurar, C. Wllmerdlng, , Wash In ii rnint. ol, ,tret-- t thr 'Ol', Mini Weiss, Catherine Walsh, John Jr for I'eterahiirf. HTobmondi ion t MALLORY LINE Natural Ac lilnerarlrs tuiiiUusvl Auction Males. L. Zborowsky, Sarah Welch, (lertrude G Hrldar. dwelling, on I"' i i"" Yrslrrday's Margaret 1. and the entile South and meeiing Individual reutjlrements, Mary Harman, 1080 Freight f'aHctenger tLl ttOVA IMer Stalls, l 3IM K. I.lnilsley. Patta. Archer si and SteanierK AGIN Tour llnresu. details. MAItHl llS TOUHi. II lino. Al Third Avenue A M. 'I No. 2841. will of Owen Moore St , every WfCH rial Term. ti, S. IL. foot of North Jan , New York, V. 311th N. Y. 'Hy Duff Hi own pat. 10 80 A It No. 2886. will Char-lutt- e M Hroacla st.. i.i The k Com. ' ar josirn t (iallaghrr. at of day at 3 V. l 3S. N. II . New York and Properly st mo .old lor the r'ashioii Heali) ll, tlrast. south side. fret east of A. Van lien lleuvel, three raaes, si 2:11 P M. V. L. WOODHOWi TrtfllC Manager. ler Lou BALE Road House, on l) 8f R. City - Special Term opens 10 lA'c.irlii'su-- t llanoL on New naien lisllroad! plot, irnue a. 25x100. ttiulimsbrlttftl Court Court st MM De wt-s- t - -- I S. S. "Arsblc' pay in first clsas whiskey street, !!8Q fee. of Am- Ii"lan et ai. vs. Cooperative Construc- A M Motions. Trial Term. Part Clear Msatilflcrnl 1 liiisin." - et - Caae unOnlahed. leaves Psli. . rates asou up. CLARK'S liiiught fur III 41c balance on mortgage. In- tion Company of Wllllamshrldge al Part II Clear. Part III 71 eniie, AM. 3HI7, Incluillng shore entirsinn: quire on pri-'- dai L due on luilgmrnt, lit, 041 1ft: sublect to us calendar Noa. 4104. 3VII. LINE-- " RIVIERA IIKKT W l.nlirs Iihs sold 424M, si. FABRE USTRO-AMERICA- N enctianllng Stop over prlv s street, tases. 4c a7(S Ailjourned lo November 3 I.V-- 958719. saw. 16X5 4267. 42rM, 4344. 49M, LINE dais. ORIENT Mi'UCIIWls and iiiHiiiiiivctiiri-r- nnaaccd; nveeno n Hedford a UTsU, 4254, 4107, 4010. 117. 610, 111, lieges, final llosnit Ihe world ,'.l on i tiianLgs a. iikssian. 43. 302. AZllllKM LlBlllIN NAl'I.LS NICK MA ItSl. I.I.I. S A es Mi niiini'V aui 'in' accounl.-- receivable: coin with store, on lo M HAM, 3707 , 2683 . 8721,3788. i MEIIIIEKKANKAN AIIRIATIC Tour this aeastia lea Jan. nsmeni comer of 197. 943v 37104. Mall Mtcumrrs sulUn wbly. aiitroi ir a fa. OSPCI discounted. PRIVATE HANKERS. between Houston nnd Washington avsailli southeast 9826. 9A8I, 1206, 2013 Luully Nos IZ.IM. HANK C CLAllh, CRUISE tncrciiil 3914. rases hi'dillcil SperlslM Inter Yoyaaea U A f p ,1 Iti.-- 'C - 17xBS lOx Irregular, vacani: -- Vlllefranrlieasn Bsiwren New Vol U.lillJKS, ITALY. ORKECK Bldg New York i els. issth strsat, MO, a)6. 108,801, wa Part IV Shortrauees No. Times I. Mead vs. Pali-fa- Building Com- Ask for "Portugal." "Italy" or "Hlvlera" Houkleis AUSTHIA. KHAN if JOtfKF f. (naw), - II. 9552. 8643. 3408. 8188. 8450. 9600. 9618. 8240. 17 33.000 proilt K Ma K Ii Lelch of on 134.141 83; 3557. JAS. W, LI.WKLL CO.. a. A.. Htale St.. N. Y, UAH I HA WA8HINUTON, 0 Salllua schedule PARTNER with for tiniest and pany ei al due lodgment. .1672 9441. 3570. 8671. 804, Sftow iu- 110 liny, has sold M4s anil 850 to the 14 Bar- 350. 36. Psrl in print, fun jahedaii sppiicsiion. Plral claaa, III sIN I '.. Pl.tUsON l ,S. iit.ii. husineaa, new in ts""".,! uinitoi sutiiect taxes, 6c. MIS: to V. Case unfinished. Hart VI. Clear. Psrl VII. ItU III NHl DE LArltOLE, '.'jlJ 7ih av. lietween 137th and U8th clay ompany Wi Loft). 826.400 -- I7ii up. In n HiKikliiva Hultnaila. Levant. Orient, scenclei - street ideorie unfinished Part VIII. Clear. Csae Ko.nd Trip on plot Csae seat aBBUIini llo 8 iuiiia, Japan I I I 1 M j tort- llaia. Minim. IIT JAMKS i. roiirANT. III to Parta L. IL, V.. VL. VII. snd 88BI88HWWSI No Slearare no M lllrlaas util I'lil.ia. Itll M II III HIM MSN wiua from Pari AV CO.. liem-ra- l 1 Hoffman Itrsst, aai west side. 180 feel VIII. 1st i las sccommodsllous uy tne i rausaiiar.un PHELPN HIIOM. Aarttls tl n HI l. MH lllllk Ml Hir i, m 17 llaiterv Place, N. V, 1IHIM.44 IHI II St 111 . If IS I souih of 187 Ui sliset, iftsioil, tory Liner clu I" nis ItllAI. UISI Ileal state otes. lo tali Ml NI SH Ill- AMI.KII lolin lia'.is. . Vs. John THE RO t Al. HAH. LAM PACKET III AM I.INI. IN l.llolis Hoy with for church; a dwellinil. Jt Appeals f - - I'. VI WAN I'D voices A us brok- - t on IMI3 02; Court of Calendar. 12 State St Titos. Cook A Son. Urgadway. 'n MM I IIA-- 4S hours iron New ork. I'sis- NAI.AIII IN PK4N4 E: 11444 '.II " .ii'ii- associated ook el al., due judgment. 1 At I ft II; salarN and training. HuiiiM.lsl'ka ( 88. Appeals VM am Hal A. B, OL LKitlll UliL 1.0.. KIAI.M I Itlll II. Altllltl.NS II. N.. III), to i h i Noyea ciinpuny subject lo taxes. Ac 81.842.44; to the Aj.sany, Oct. Court of calendar and Klfili Ave Madison .We siesuiers. I'ltl uRlce. ", r 407, 41A. 417 176. -- Uro.dway WIIUIINTOI K. HI., MKW boa 1.0 Sun I linn at 188 West Thirly- - plaintiff 82.058 for Nos. aud Ur Any Hleainshlp Tlt kel Aaent anus. M fwL Alls YOllls.