THE si IK. MilDAY. OCTOBER 27, l&U. third street to ths Whltehonse I.uneh Com- - I4NIHLAND RF.AI, BATATR FOMALB ' AND POINTS BXCI it.moNM tup REAL ESTATE MARKET any ror twenty-on- e years, as was recently i ' i nen IN I he firm of Tool. Brett A Co lm ttfen dissolved hy mutual roiisent. The country TON NEW IWM.VH 1 1 Mrm will he See the Warships 4 1 I" Tn in i interest of the continued hr ui Mr Tnel and the local by Mr. llrett. who i m GRAND CENTRAL, has joined the ne Arm of N Urighnm Mall ENGLAND llondgood t William p, at tt; Fifth avenue. FA KIVKK LINE Newport and I nil i n n wgm IX via TRIPLE 15,324 Tha a Brown Company has been kw Hlver. Lv. pier ,n. rt. OJii Magnificent Naval Pageant I t completed is. k.. mi wjjs - ftllWMrt M Ken for the l.ambden apart- 3.00 p. Iff. COMMON- Villi Hi- I'orncr of Prk Ave. sue rer laja and Sundays Sirs. - ments at (7ii and 7'.' West' Itl'th street sate aa WEALTH and PHISTII.La. Orchestra on Swell. SCREW TONS alMl tilth "street- Ills Mldtossn PilflBifiH'ejflBkr r1ca S. S. OLYMPIC on the Hudson. rssuiaw froai NORWICH MNK via New Ixm.loo. Lv. Plrr rut Through llrlan H. Iluahea Ijeaaea. is.000 SSS. OSS I,..,., 40, N. K.. ft. I'larkson S . week dai s. OOP, Mi i vhhtIcii" lltiysa NMM In Harlem Freilerick tat A Co. havstlessed for msiMSiKl particular . PlerM.E H,ft K.aMSi.. 0:80P.M. Sirs. MAINS i i K sh 'i ompany Steamer the tn the hiiildinc st "eusst. assy tsrnw. BuiM- - and NFW HAMPSHlHI' THE LARGEST AND FINEST STEAMER IN THE WORLD Weal Snventeeiith street a 1'.' lib' jU1 south nf th Sew York is for term of ! 840 ISO NEW HAVEN LINE t.v pierji. r.. n .? yean t the I West Seventeenth '"a to front foot ii roVMMKM i to have, another went? P, M . week dem only. str. mcnAitu rp Htreet t mpany, owner of the new twelve Tleketa. r at 171 Broadway. Irunsfrr BRIDGEPORT Mil an a of il deal cloned story hnimitiK adjoining. 1 he lease nni Tourist offices tad l'lers. - protect New York 9 lions A Todd for the dwi-ll- tnatle to tl light ol the larger Will Sail from December building, and It will he into Will EnoiroU th FiMt Thrlot Daily. -- rfrnonviiea HUDSON NAVIGATION CO'g usi Porttoth atrwt, ThahotiM a tore and 1 Ml loft structure he same hrok PHILADELPHIA. A. M. MAJESTIC, 'i- - DOlthaaat of l'ark ers have also leaserl lor s Horumin the Oct. 28. 9i30 Oet. 28. I2i00 Noon dimer store .14 A id which and basement at West Seventeenth llotnt oelony fsr Pxplr st W- - MINNEAPOLIS, SATURDAY. SUNDAY, MONDAY, TUESDAY, Fortieth slrcpt, the street to Atlelinan A W'eilburg. rinsmmt. only 18 milts rraei Hera: VADERLAND, Oct. 28, IOiOO A. M. Oet. 28, 10i30 A. M. Id limt year. ' S. V.. Kelly A Co. have leased for the firm Vi!trV.,2nJ,n.h,th Irh "tr of pleadlit lew of I'. Si, leet Battleships la 1 N.K. Pier. 8il "01.318. Oet. WW, e Metropolitan tm f A Plsraa. Urt.nit. Hrt.ftl. itbtnad pmpei-tl- have afront-- - Safe Deposit Company the aeohlst. by Msar. hliahi. lAJU:ww Os. easterly store In Fast street tlttftt-jrtaU- the North Rtver A an. n. Leaving Plrr V II. fourteenth m .iu. inio It. :i fi'ct on l'ark avpnut and 151 fl to T. J. Collins for a term of five years, to ho Indta do Sir. C, Wi Morise ami AOTrsodsek, PlymeuthHminuanCherbeurc neuthsmpten Chsrbourcoiar touthamptsn I , 81., I P. MM 4 P. 81. PEOPLES Pter M, N. It., fool Csnsl 0 I'. 881 11 . used for a restaurant: also leased the sec an as " tl Philadelphia Oct ffiw YoMl Nov. Majeailo oel. 38, noon '.New 11 ortleth street Twelve stories Weat seth M dally l.iunday York Nov nod lot t In mi West Fourteenth street to the LINE St Louis Nov. 4. St. Paul. .. Nov. 18 Oeeaale. Nov. 4. nuon Majestic Nov ha height of the strut-tar- to lie, (leurgo ths iM.ssa New 8tr. Trojan and lie nielarr. is St. Halncout Company, also caaai 4 Walsr-n- e 81. N. H a P. M. dally 'Samr American l.lne Steamer. ADULTS, CHILDREN, v 7 To Albany Pier 50o. 25c. the firm, plans for which are parlor floor In West Fourteenth street Park nsw eaeenteilt at Albany - Hren-ne- r. "at ass day siop Transport Verb. Qweenstown for the liemoreat to Nohuller a e Atlantic New Uvsrposl B s illiamH. Whlttal. estate truet.8 CITIZENS In boih illreeilona. Raosllsal '4, R, n. prepared ly also the fourth loft In 24 to 28 Weat awlsmisg pool. Naw Yard London Direct Pisr Adriatic NOV. J. nonn Baitle Nov and Mrvtce. i. M .Nov. 8. h rttartetl some time within the Twenty-fift- h Twenty-filt- eases searte C'om- - Hlbaeapolli on 2a.io Minnehahs. II Csdrlc Nov. aoon Celtic A'ov HI IMumbrr of limited. On street for the aa L HE HtaterooiiM Warm nnd A M tickets sale M Ti Mlnflrionka..Niv Mlnoewaska Nov.18 Ad the sout ti- Construction Compnnv to Srhnall eat we far aaaluslvs rortanir i.im at Uroadnay and at Ticket Office month. loiniiiRat A To Albany SV III - I'eaSe F.lllnisii have leased for Aaron km of Iter SI. .V on Pier IB. rt. Ilarrlay St. mer of Park avenue and Yorty- Kosofsky at 24 West Twenty-thir- d Kaaalneteti ROUNDTRTP$2.50, 18 st. Tb the store earn Troy Red A. MEDITERRANEAN reet is the Terminal Huildlng, the street to' l.e Ulcus of Atlantic City, ewssrs ParisStarvia Dover Antwerv Asores, Madeira, l lhrallar. Alilert, tienos N. I. NAVIGATION CO. X. J.; also for the Gillette estate the huildlng Phsas aaso DK PLBAIBD," and nsplea building to ba erected on Park W. A. THE I'l'HLIC Vadrrl.ind Oct. ?s Kroonland... Nov. 11 at 28 West Fortieth street to tileason. Murrwy Nov. Lapland (DSWI...NOV. 18 Oot. 81, noon l anoplr ROgRDALfl Thirty-fourt- h A Hill REDUCED RATES Zeeland Crttle 0T n Sir. north of street. It also for J, K. Van Vranken Co., as agents, warn AROUND THE SVI.VKSl'K i for book. At N. tt. W. M.1, N. Str .1 old Eye the parlor floor In a West Fortieth street Psaiencer Offlrsa, H'wsy (Tel. 810O Rsetar) Pier aa. aad t. the Manhattan and Ear to Seymour Dunn, and to Max Shapiro the lei u Sir. ISABKL ,1. LINE! WARSHIPS will malic store la the Noimandie Hotel at i: n Broad- COLONIAL HQUHbY TRIPS from Fool of way. ' vv I k propOMd structure will replace aiVi'lau w. uik st ;imi si. W. :sd st The Franklin fratt business School has BOSTON $2.50 LINE on Oct. 20 3orti a Nov. I. Cirard apartment house, which leased the entire 'lith loft in the new build- PROVIDENCE, Boat Direct 1.80 WHITE STAR 6 i'or paitlcuiart arc raorOIQI impera of the oldest ImiklinRs of its kind ing at 82 West rorty-fift- n street, to he used on and afier Satu 'Jnv. Ori. 2a. as the new quarters of the school, which is Literature aad Information eooceralot FALL RIVER, Via Boat and Rail.. 1.85 n . part of city. is the It four stories 1 40 West Forty-secon- 1 Sunday" at 5 1" P. St., from at present at street, Torrtt Dills fiardtis Werkdaya an the Matchless Mediterranean FTHNIbIIKO llOOlf8 TO I.KT. high ud covers a plot 80 feet on Fortieth stmr m CO. and W, H. Dolson A Co have Plrraa N It foot Went Hoiialoi St llerihafree. leased the store and basement In 138 to 140 die suburban land development of Oie ALL OtTSlDI. HOOMS- - KI.SKST SKKVICE. itreet ud 9.9feet on Park avenue. The Sprlr.a 84111 and OtPM sr., Ill WEBT Kaeallani srioii West Tweniv first street to S. J. Rose A Phouea 4:. iar, firm paid KIIS.OWl for it. At the time of Sifl( OMtdatloi THE GREAT STEAMER A nionis. niunlna wa'.nr. teleph ine: eircptlonallv Frank. paier importers. f fiomti Copv krnm VVass TArV wtii ucpi house: brsaluaai. -- F.nglauder the ..'e it was reported that the plot Kenlamln has leased for the may be had from the offlee of the Company. Complete asd Ii v Holding Company to Kaplan A I'TII ST . VI'.SI- - foul I be Improved immediately with a nil 47 Went S4th St., New York City. t'oaurpsaaad Ill Suites .'f two and tlireo Davis the fifth loft containing 10 tioo suuare alOYKTnTRnXtnill Lqi.lpni.al ADRIATIC Dec 2 rooits. also small rooms, eornfoi usbly furulshcd: eotnmeroiu LuHding. feet, lu 133 to 141 West Twenty-firs- t street, SVEwlr sunny, clean, warm: near liroaduay subway Alter Kivins the matter much thought for a term of years: also for the Rosrorn CITY RKAI, KRTATK. The Largest British Mediterranean Steamer A "B0AT.RA1L.I 88TH ST.. f LAST Loom with private A Todd, who are without a doulit Healty t ompanv to Edward Co. y bsih lr holhert snd hall-bo- service at reaaouanle and uttrac ; tho cleverest builders in the city. large office space In 19 to in Fast Twenty live rates, ROLAND, sixth street Providenca Direct, 1 1.50 Worceater.ta.do ifedded the plot was not large enough A Bloodgood Gilbert have leased the fifth R.
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