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RIORPNIMMINMEINIFYrdri: Mr- DOCUMENT RESUME ED 067 365 SP 005 832 TITLE Volunteers in Education. Regional VIII Workshop. Summary Report. INSTITUTION Des Moines Area Community Coll., Ankeny, Iowa. Project Motivate. SPONS AGENCY Office of Education (DHEW), Washington, D.C. Bureau of Educational Personnel Development. PUB DATE May 71 NOTE 114p. EDRS PRICE MF-$O.65 HC-$6.58 DESCRIPTORS *Paraprofessional School Personnel; *School Aides; *Teacher Aides; Volunteers; *Volunteer Training; *Work shops ABSTRACT OBJECTIVES: To develop workshops which would assist localities in initiating, expanding, or improving their educational volunteer program. DURATION: A 3day workshop, May 6-8,1972. AUDIENCE: Educational Volunteers from various western states. CURRICULUM; The main topic concerned volunteers in education while sub-topics included a study of the volunteer movement; assessment of the state of education in relation to volunteers; the volunteer's role in treating reading difficulties; the teacher' s function; senior citizen volunteers; federal, state, and local encouragement of volunteers; how to start programs; who needs volunteers; and the organization and administration of aide programs. TEACHING METHODS: Panels, films, speeches, discussion groups, and demonstrations. MATERIALS: Films and booklets. EVALUATION: None. MODIFICATIONS: None. (MJM) Ln ..r..) r-rNN %CO u sDEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. C.) EDUCATION & WELFARE OFFICE OF EDUCATION C=3 THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEENREPRO DUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVEDFROM THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION LU ORIG INATING IT POINTS OF VIEWOR OPIN IONS STATED DO NOTNECESSARILY REPRESENT OFFICIAL OFFICE OFEDU CATION POSITION OR POLICY "Thank God every morning when you get up that you have something that must be done whether you like it or not. Being forced to work or forced to do your best will breed in you a hundred virtues which the idle never know." Dr.Philip D. Langerman This poem by Charles Kinsley surely speaks of volunteers who play meaningful and useful roles everyday in improving the quality of education for many children. Not only do these individuals who give of their time, ability, and energy receive many rewards, but the children with whom they work are benefited in untold ways.This fact is now accepted without challenge. According to one five-year study by H.E.W., the use of teacher aides and volunteer; has reduced the amount of time that teachers spent in correcting papers by 89%, enforcing discipline by 36%, taking attendance by 76%, preparing reports by 25%, in serving children moving between classes by 61%, and monitoring lessons by 83%.This study confirms, in my opinion, the valued assistance that volunteers can and do make to our educational system and to individual children. The purpose of this three day workshop was to assist each locality in initiating, expanding, or improving their volunteer program, so these benefits may come both to your school children and to your volunteers. Pin sure you are wondering why a Community College in Des Moines, Iowa, was involved in volunteer programs and why our staff conducted the Volunteers in Education Workshop in Denver. Many of you, Iknow, asked this question when you registered; others asked it when you sent your registrations to Des Moines. To explain briefly, the Des Moines Area Conmunity College and Washington Technical Institute in Washington, D.C., have been funded by Volunteers in Education Division of the Bureau of Professional Personnel Development, U.S. Office of Education, to conduct training for educational volunteers. Washington Tech, via a project with the acronym of VOICE, is directed by Dr. IreneHyposand is responsible for conducting workshops similar to this one in the eastern half of the country. They've conducted an earlier one this spring in Cleveland, Ohio, and will sponsor one in Atlanta, Georgia, next fall. !Meanwhile the Des Moines Area Community Col lege, under Project MOTIVATE, is responsible for the same task in the western half of the country. The major reason these two colleges were charged with this responsibility, and conducted these workshops instead of someone in the local area or region is purely and simply one of money. There have not been sufficient finances available in this portion of the EPDA of the U.S. office to make this possible so with these two modest projects we are to extend our services throughout the nation. This is our second year grant. Under the first year's grant we conducted _from one-day workshops to week-long training-sessions on our community college campus and throughout the state of Iowa and the region. In addition, we were commissioned under the original grant to develop a training handbook entitled "Your Volunteer Program" which we have published and is in your packet. Mrs. Mary Swanson, your workshop director, has written this book and we hope it will be meaningful and useful to you as you return to your school. Copies are available by writing to us at the address in the book or in your workshop program. Another, booklet available from Project MOTIVATE is "Tutoring Guidelines". In addition, we have developed a 15-minute film entitled, "The Art of Human Giving", and a synchronized slide presentation, "Beginning to Read", which uses a substitute alphabet to depict to the volunteer tutor how difficult it is for a child to learn to read. Information about securing the films is available by writing to us. Our staff wishes to thank Miss Grace Watson, Director of the Volunteers in Education, U.S. Office, and to her assistant, Miss Jewell Chambers, for their advice and assistance in helping us with our grant and with presenting this particular workshop. We also wish to express appreciation to Dr. Lewis Crum, Acting Regional Commissioner of Region VIII, Office of Education, and his staff for their assistance.Special thanks to Harold Zier, who so ably assisted in initiating and implementing the workshop and to all of the other volunteer chairmen who served so faithfully to make this well-planned and executed meeting a reality. Dr. Philip D. Langerman Director, Project MOTIVATE Des Moines Area Community College 4 Mrs. Mary Swanson 114Ibv qrs0.\,044, Workshop Di rector Associate Director, Project MOTIVATE 41,%lir4,1110f". Des Moines Area Community College 111" 411%Ars sql4b664411., 3 1ViE WHITE HOUSE ACCACA.17,19'71 Dean. flit. _9was pLecused -to Aeceive yowl Le-URA and ,to .Lecuzn ogi Vie Aix-A-ta-te Ae-ZonaZ con8leitence,"Vat- un-teeizA An educalion.11 aiwayA encomay.ing -to know oi pizolec-LA A UCA CIA .9nmy v-iA,UA -to voLunieen. ptogitamA, .9 have 6een inApiitecl 6y lizoAe whocute makAnymwte complete .tite LiveA o81 Acme .1eAA iwt- -tunale.The vaAl eneltyjeA and a6.411.itie4 og vd- un-teen4 og att ages cute well u,t,i Lied A*121001112 A-Lydell-LA who .seek ywidance -to Iccia.livi knowLeclge on o6,taA:uza mwte compleie comp/Lel:en- Aion oi a 4a6iect. 41-111ouyli. dze Aegi.d)temen-LA calendcut w,iJ.L not peitmi-tme -thepleaAcute o8i 6e-iv w,i 1z you on /nay 9, .9 am happy .o have -thIAoppwt- -lyru...ty -to .sent./ my yiteeLi_nyA -to -die conimence 'A paitticipanIA and my 6es .1.wiAlze4 will 6ea pitoli-ta6le and Jtewcuiding nieetin-g. S-inceite4, PROGRAM THURSDAY, MAY 6, 1971 8:00 9:30 A.M. REGISI RATION I louse of Commons COFFEE HOUR 9:30 12:00 noon GENERAL SESSION Combined Rooms Waterloo Station. Tralalgar Square. Gtiv'nors Street & Ilackney Road Presiding Dc. Cal I Bainhat t, Workshop Co Chairman Director of leacher Education, Litwin)I leitilit!. College, Denver, Colniado 9:30 A.M. CULL JIJNI(t11 I IRO I ;;CI100I NIN EH GRADE CH OIR Icy !Upon Ioster 9:45 A.M. WI IA IVOLIJNII Ilit; IN I Di ICA1 1()N MEAN I 0 HIE SCI loot f; Ullin.hard I'. rooppe, Assislant Sulrcrirl tendentDenver Public Schools, Denver. Coloonlo 10:15 A.M. Workshop Overview Dr. Philip tangential'. Director. Project MOlIVATE Des Moines Area Community College, Ankeny, Iowa 10:30 A.M. Introduction itl Filto THL ART OF HUMAN GIVING Mr;. Mary Swairam, Workshop Director Associate Director, Project MOTIVATE Des Moines Area Community College, Ankeny. Iowa 10:45 A.M. Getting lo Know You Conducted by Don Richardson Director of Professional Development, Colorado Ethical ion Association, Englemnnl, Colorado DR. RICHARD P. KOEPPE 11:00 A.M. Panel Presentation VOLUNTEERS WHO NEEDS THEM? Moderator:Dr. Carl Barnhart Panelkl!, I ogene Graham, Supervisor of Special Ldut.at ton, Denver Public Schools, Denver, Colorado Me.. George Swallow, President Colorado Congress of Parents & Teachers, Denver, Colooldn Miss Vivian Moya, Senior Student Loretto I 'eights College, Denver, Colorado Mrs. Irma Hudson, Teacher Cole Junior High School. Denver, Colorado Dr. Boy I lindffil tan. Professor of Education Metropolitan State College, Denver. Colorado Harold Tier, Office of Volunteer Service Denver Public Schools. Denver, Colorado Session Coordinated by Mr! ;. A. Raymond Jordan 5 THURSDAY, MAY 6, 1971 LUNCHEON MELTING House of Commons and House of Lords 12:15 2:00 P.M. Presiding: Dr. John Runkel, Director School Systems, U.S. Office of Education Denver, Colorado Speaker: Dr. James L. Olivero, Executive Director Southwestern Cooperative Educational Laboratory Albuquerque, New Mexico CHICKEN LIT] LE WAS RIGHT -- THE SKY IS FALLING 2 :15 4:00 P.M. CONCURRENT DISCUSSION GROUPS coordinated by Mrs. Welcome Bender and Mrs. R. A. Pampel of the Denver School Volunteer Pro- gram, Incorporated GROUP A ORGANIZATION AND ADMINISTRA- TION OF VOLUNTEER PROGRAMS Hackney Road Presiding: Mrs. Martha Seymour. Director of Volunteers .N American Red Cross, Denver. Colorado , ; I Participants: Dave Heartman. Director of Youth. DR. JAMES L. OLIVERO American Red Cross Mrs. Edith Neil, Coordinator of Volunteers, Head Start Mrs. Bette Rutledge. Chairman of Recogni- tion. American Red Cross Join Williams, Assistant Manager American Red Cross Reactors:Mrs.