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Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-14734-7 - Religion and the Political Imagination Edited by Ira Katznelson and Gareth Stedman Jones Index More information Index Abdu¨lhamid II (Ottoman ruler), 104, European texts on toleration 105, 106, 107 influencing Jefferson during, 68 abortion quasi-religious roles of government Catholic Church on, 268 following, 78 in Europe after WWII, 327–8 questions of spiritual authority and, 179 European Court of Human Rights Analogy of religion (Butler), 144 rulings on, 308–9 ancient Rome. See classical world liberalisation of laws regarding, 271, 272 Anderson, Margaret Lavinia, 202 men involved in Christian organizations Anglicanism addressing, 293 autonomy and reforms sought in, 80–2 women’s autobiographies regarding, 284 disestablishment movement. See Acton, Lord, 46, 157 under nonconformist politics Adams, Jasper, 147 in 19th century Britain Adams, John, 136 as established state church in England, Adams, John Quincy, 142 298, 320 Adenauer, Conrad, 210, 324 female churchgoers, drop in, 292 affluence and secularism moralised politics, 19th century behavioural theory of, 316 demand for, 217 in the 1960s, 255, 256, 261–3, 264 national identity and, 84 Afghanistan, Taliban in, 1, 336 in the 1960s, 259, 260, 272–3 African Civilization Society, 217 political ruler’s place in governance The Age of reason (Paine), 15, 75, 86 of, 63, 79 agnosticism. See atheism/agnosticism statistics collected by, 73 Ahlener Programme (1947), Germany, women, ordination of, 292 210 Anglo-Jewish experience, 19, 46–69 Ahmed, Syed, 248 1096–1290, 47, 52–6 Aksakov, Ivan, 121 capital, Jews as sources of, 53 Aleksii (metropolitan of Leningrad), 128 Crusades, flight from depredations Alexander VI (pope), 157 of, 47, 52 Algeria expulsion during Long Parliament French-Algerian War, 257 (1290), 48, 53, 55 Ottoman empire, removal from Magna Carta, consequences of, 48, sphere of influence of, 103 53–5 Allen, Ethan, 139 representative parliament, Alliance between Church and State establishment of, 54 (Wharburton), 81 residential rights, 54, 61 Alpha Course, 293 Simon de Montfort, ascendency of, 54 America. See United States Statute of Jewry (1275) forbidding American Revolution moneylending, 55 autonomy and reforms sought by 1650s–1858, 47 Protestant churches following, Act for the Naturalisation of the Jews 79–82 (1753), 48, 57–8, 66 356 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-14734-7 - Religion and the Political Imagination Edited by Ira Katznelson and Gareth Stedman Jones Index More information Index 357 bill to extend civic membership to diffidence of modern atheists/agnostics Jews (1830), failure of, 59, 61 in, 147–9 Catholic emancipation (1829), 59 education in, 144 Cromwell and return of Jews to before mid-19th century, 140 England, 56–7, 59, 182 in mid-19th century, 140, 141 different means of understanding rates of belief in God in, 134 development of, 62–9 toleration not immediately Reform Act (1832), 61, 62 extended to, 138 residential rights, 61 Augsburg, Peace of (1555), 17, 33, 318–20 Rothschild’s entry into parliament Augustine of Hippo, 30, 52, 53 (1858), 58–62, 69 Augustus (Roman emperor) and Test Acts, 57, 66 Imperial cult, 77 Test and Corporation Act of 1828 Austria (abolishing sacramental tests for blasphemy laws in, 326 Protestant dissenters), 61, 60 Catholic political parties emerging in, characteristics of toleration for purposes 207, 208 of, 48–51 Christian Democracy in, 210 liberalism and toleration, relationship Concordat of 1855, 322 between. See liberalism and directly and indirectly subsidized toleration faiths in, 320 origins of toleration in medieval policy Old Catholics schism in, 156 towards Jews, 51–2 Ottoman empire, war with, 103 anti-clericalism revolutions of 1849-1849 and, 193 in culture wars of later 19th century, sexual minorities, rights of, 327 198–9 WWII in, 208–9 in Enlightenment writing, 76 Austria-Hungary, 15, 196, 197 revolutions of 1848–1849 and, 76 Azad, Maulana, 248 Anti-Corn Law League, 216, 218 Anti-Du¨hring (Engels), 188 Bacon, Francis, 75 anti-slavery movement in 19th century Bad Godesberg programme (1959), Britain, 216 Germany, 325 Anti-State Church Association, 218, 219 Bahadur Shah Zafar (last Mughal king), anti-Trinitarianism, 183 244 apocalyptic and growth of socialism in Baines, Edward, 215, 218, 219, 223, Britain, 181–4 224, 229 Apotheosis of Washington (Barralet), 139 Bakewell, Joan, 276, 284, 287 April movement, 193 Bali, terrorist attacks of 2005 in, 2 Ara Pacis, 77 Balkan states. See also specific states, Aristotle, 40 e.g. Croatia Armenians church-state relations in, 324 millet system in Ottoman empire Ottoman empire, independence for, 98, 100 from, 103 Turkish nationalism affecting, 92 Bamyan Buddhas, destruction of, 1 Arya, 246 Baptists Asad, Talal, 235, 237 British 19th century politics, Atatu¨rk, Kemal, 90, 92, 109, 110 involvement in. See nonconformist atheism/agnosticism politics in 19th century Britain British atheist MP refusing to take evangelical movement in United States parliamentary oath on Bible, 302 and, 85 in the 1960s, 259, 274 in Russia, 116 nonconformists in Britain, fears of, 224 statistics collected by, 73 secularisation thesis requiring growing Barelvi, Syed Ahmed, 251 number of, 132 Barkey, Karen, 19, 90 Soviet ideology, atheism as, 124, 123 Barlow, Joseph, 140 United States Barralet, John James, 139 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-14734-7 - Religion and the Political Imagination Edited by Ira Katznelson and Gareth Stedman Jones Index More information 358 Index Barrett’s World Christian Encyclopedia, 320 Evangelical movement, rise of, 15 Bauer, Bruno, 88 Book of the new moral world (Owen), 177 Bayle, Pierre, 3, 34 Borutta, Manuel, 200 Bayly, Christopher A., 112, 243 Bossard-Borner, Heidi, 193 the Beatles, 290, 328 Bossuet, Jacques-Be´nigne, 151–4, 157, Beauvoir, Simone de, 284 164, 166, 167, 168, 169 Bebel, August, 172 Botti, Alfonso, 202 Beckwith, Lillian, 279 Bourbon restoration (1815) in France, behavioural approach to secularisation, 159–61 315–18 Boyer, John, 212 Behemoth (Hobbes), 40–1 Brabant, Duchess of, 52 Bejczy, Istvan, 51, 52 Bradlaugh, Charles, 302 Belgium Brandt, Willy, 325 Catholic political parties emerging in, Bright, John, 224, 229 207, 208 Britain. See also Northern Ireland; Christian Democracy in, 211, 212 Scotland; Wales Concordat model in, 322 abortion in, 327 culture wars of later 19th century, 196 Acts directly and indirectly subsidized Act for the Naturalisation of the Jews faiths in, 320 (1753), Britain, 48, 57–8, 66 Flemish regional autonomy, Act of Settlement of 1701, 83 demand for, 212 Act of Supremacy, 63 franchise reform in, 197 Burials Act 1880, 225 illegitimacy, discrimination in Christian Butler Education Act of inheritance rights based on, 306 1944, 229 in the 1960s, 259, 263 Civil Partnerships Act 2004, 307 non-discrimination on basis of religion Contagious Diseases Acts, 221 in, 330 Reform Act (1832), 61, 62, 197 WWII in, 208–9 Sexual Offences (Amendment) Act belief in God, 17, 134, 269, 322, 335 2000, 306 See also atheism/agnosticism Statute of Jewry (1275), 55 Ben Israel, Menasseh, 56 Test Acts, 57, 66, 136 Benedict XVI (pope), 28, 332, 334, 335 Test and Corporation Act of 1828, Bennett, Brian, 289 61, 60 Bentham, Jeremy, 81 Toleration Act of 1689, 37, 47, 57, 67 Berlin Wall, fall of, 189 blasphemy laws in, 326 Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), India, 342, Catholicism in. See under Catholicism 345, 348, 349 civil marriage not compulsory in Bible. See scripture 19th century, 73 Bidault, Georges, 213 Civil War and Commonwealth period Bin Laden, Osama, 336 apocalyptic in, 182 birth control. See contraception Behemoth (Hobbes), 40–1 Bismarck, Otto von, 15, 18, 172, 188, 196, national identity in, 83–4 199, 207 nonconformists views on, 224 BJP (Bharatiya Janata Party), India, 342, post-revolution compromise, ultimate 345, 348, 349 survival of, 15 Blackbourn, David, 193 return of Jews under Cromwell, 56–7, Blair, Cherie, 294 59, 182 Blaschke, Olaf, 257 Russian Revolution and, 14 blasphemy laws, 326 Clarendon Code, 66 Blomfield, Bishop, 81 common Protestantism of England and Blumenberg, Hans, 4 Scotland, 84 Bodin, Jean, 38 constitutional order without written Bonaparte, Napoleon constitution, 295 Concordat of 1801, 14, 179, 320–1 Declaration of Indulgence (1672), 66 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-14734-7 - Religion and the Political Imagination Edited by Ira Katznelson and Gareth Stedman Jones Index More information Index 359 disestablishment movement in. See Bu¨chner, Ludwig, 106 under nonconformist politics in Bulgaria 19th century Britain established confession in, 320, 324 education in, 329 minority religions, regulation of, 300–1 established church in. See Anglicanism Burials Act 1880 (Britain), 225 French Revolution and, 183 Burke, Edmund, 76, 77 Glorious Revolution of 1688, 57, 67, 83 Bush, George W., 336 historical prioritisation of one political/ Butler, Joseph, 144 religious group, importance of Butterfield, Herbert, 64 avoiding, 87 Buxton, Thomas Fowell, 217 in India. See colonial secularism and Byles, William, 229 Islamism in North India Jews, treatment of. See Anglo-Jewish Caddy, Peter, 291 experience Caitanya, 346 Licensing Act 1872, 222 Calixtus II (pope), 51 London, terrorist attacks of 2005 in, 2 Calvin, Jean, 31 national identity in, 44, 83–4 Calvinism the 1960s in autonomy and reforms